 * Copyright (c) 2009, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl ;

import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.io.ASCIIReader;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.io.UCSReader;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.io.UTF8Reader;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.msg.XMLMessageFormatter;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.validation.ValidationManager;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.util.*;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.util.URI;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.utils.SecuritySupport;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.utils.XMLLimitAnalyzer;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.utils.XMLSecurityManager;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.utils.XMLSecurityPropertyManager;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.Augmentations;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.XMLResourceIdentifier;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.XNIException;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.parser.*;
import com.sun.xml.internal.stream.Entity;
import com.sun.xml.internal.stream.StaxEntityResolverWrapper;
import com.sun.xml.internal.stream.StaxXMLInputSource;
import com.sun.xml.internal.stream.XMLEntityStorage;
import java.io.*;
import java.net.HttpURLConnection;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLConnection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import javax.xml.XMLConstants;
import javax.xml.catalog.CatalogException;
import javax.xml.catalog.CatalogFeatures;
import javax.xml.catalog.CatalogFeatures.Feature;
import javax.xml.catalog.CatalogManager;
import javax.xml.catalog.CatalogResolver;
import javax.xml.stream.XMLInputFactory;
import javax.xml.transform.Source;
import jdk.xml.internal.JdkXmlUtils;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;

Will keep track of current entity. The entity manager handles the registration of general and parameter entities; resolves entities; and starts entities. The entity manager is a central component in a standard parser configuration and this class works directly with the entity scanner to manage the underlying xni.

This component requires the following features and properties from the component manager that uses it:

  • http://xml.org/sax/features/validation
  • http://xml.org/sax/features/external-general-entities
  • http://xml.org/sax/features/external-parameter-entities
  • http://apache.org/xml/features/allow-java-encodings
  • http://apache.org/xml/properties/internal/symbol-table
  • http://apache.org/xml/properties/internal/error-reporter
  • http://apache.org/xml/properties/internal/entity-resolver
Author:Andy Clark, IBM, Arnaud Le Hors, IBM, K.Venugopal SUN Microsystems, Neeraj Bajaj SUN Microsystems, Sunitha Reddy SUN Microsystems
/** * Will keep track of current entity. * * The entity manager handles the registration of general and parameter * entities; resolves entities; and starts entities. The entity manager * is a central component in a standard parser configuration and this * class works directly with the entity scanner to manage the underlying * xni. * <p> * This component requires the following features and properties from the * component manager that uses it: * <ul> * <li>http://xml.org/sax/features/validation</li> * <li>http://xml.org/sax/features/external-general-entities</li> * <li>http://xml.org/sax/features/external-parameter-entities</li> * <li>http://apache.org/xml/features/allow-java-encodings</li> * <li>http://apache.org/xml/properties/internal/symbol-table</li> * <li>http://apache.org/xml/properties/internal/error-reporter</li> * <li>http://apache.org/xml/properties/internal/entity-resolver</li> * </ul> * * * @author Andy Clark, IBM * @author Arnaud Le Hors, IBM * @author K.Venugopal SUN Microsystems * @author Neeraj Bajaj SUN Microsystems * @author Sunitha Reddy SUN Microsystems */
public class XMLEntityManager implements XMLComponent, XMLEntityResolver { // // Constants //
Default buffer size (2048).
/** Default buffer size (2048). */
public static final int DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 8192;
Default buffer size before we've finished with the XMLDecl:
/** Default buffer size before we've finished with the XMLDecl: */
public static final int DEFAULT_XMLDECL_BUFFER_SIZE = 64;
Default internal entity buffer size (1024).
/** Default internal entity buffer size (1024). */
public static final int DEFAULT_INTERNAL_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024; // feature identifiers
Feature identifier: validation.
/** Feature identifier: validation. */
protected static final String VALIDATION = Constants.SAX_FEATURE_PREFIX + Constants.VALIDATION_FEATURE;
standard uri conformant (strict uri). http://apache.org/xml/features/standard-uri-conformant
/** * standard uri conformant (strict uri). * http://apache.org/xml/features/standard-uri-conformant */
protected boolean fStrictURI;
Feature identifier: external general entities.
/** Feature identifier: external general entities. */
Feature identifier: external parameter entities.
/** Feature identifier: external parameter entities. */
Feature identifier: allow Java encodings.
/** Feature identifier: allow Java encodings. */
Feature identifier: warn on duplicate EntityDef
/** Feature identifier: warn on duplicate EntityDef */
Feature identifier: load external DTD.
/** Feature identifier: load external DTD. */
protected static final String LOAD_EXTERNAL_DTD = Constants.XERCES_FEATURE_PREFIX + Constants.LOAD_EXTERNAL_DTD_FEATURE; // property identifiers
Property identifier: symbol table.
/** Property identifier: symbol table. */
protected static final String SYMBOL_TABLE = Constants.XERCES_PROPERTY_PREFIX + Constants.SYMBOL_TABLE_PROPERTY;
Property identifier: error reporter.
/** Property identifier: error reporter. */
protected static final String ERROR_REPORTER = Constants.XERCES_PROPERTY_PREFIX + Constants.ERROR_REPORTER_PROPERTY;
Feature identifier: standard uri conformant
/** Feature identifier: standard uri conformant */
Property identifier: entity resolver.
/** Property identifier: entity resolver. */
protected static final String ENTITY_RESOLVER = Constants.XERCES_PROPERTY_PREFIX + Constants.ENTITY_RESOLVER_PROPERTY; protected static final String STAX_ENTITY_RESOLVER = Constants.XERCES_PROPERTY_PREFIX + Constants.STAX_ENTITY_RESOLVER_PROPERTY; // property identifier: ValidationManager protected static final String VALIDATION_MANAGER = Constants.XERCES_PROPERTY_PREFIX + Constants.VALIDATION_MANAGER_PROPERTY;
property identifier: buffer size.
/** property identifier: buffer size. */
protected static final String BUFFER_SIZE = Constants.XERCES_PROPERTY_PREFIX + Constants.BUFFER_SIZE_PROPERTY;
property identifier: security manager.
/** property identifier: security manager. */
protected static final String SECURITY_MANAGER = Constants.XERCES_PROPERTY_PREFIX + Constants.SECURITY_MANAGER_PROPERTY; protected static final String PARSER_SETTINGS = Constants.XERCES_FEATURE_PREFIX + Constants.PARSER_SETTINGS;
Property identifier: Security property manager.
/** Property identifier: Security property manager. */
access external dtd: file protocol
/** access external dtd: file protocol */
static final String EXTERNAL_ACCESS_DEFAULT = Constants.EXTERNAL_ACCESS_DEFAULT; // recognized features and properties
Recognized features.
/** Recognized features. */
Feature defaults.
/** Feature defaults. */
private static final Boolean[] FEATURE_DEFAULTS = { null, Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.FALSE, Boolean.FALSE, JdkXmlUtils.USE_CATALOG_DEFAULT };
Recognized properties.
/** Recognized properties. */
Property defaults.
/** Property defaults. */
private static final Object[] PROPERTY_DEFAULTS = { null, null, null, null, DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, null, null, null, null, null, null, JdkXmlUtils.CDATA_CHUNK_SIZE_DEFAULT }; private static final String XMLEntity = "[xml]".intern(); private static final String DTDEntity = "[dtd]".intern(); // debugging
Debug printing of buffer. This debugging flag works best when you resize the DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE down to something reasonable like 64 characters.
/** * Debug printing of buffer. This debugging flag works best when you * resize the DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE down to something reasonable like * 64 characters. */
private static final boolean DEBUG_BUFFER = false;
warn on duplicate Entity declaration. http://apache.org/xml/features/warn-on-duplicate-entitydef
/** warn on duplicate Entity declaration. * http://apache.org/xml/features/warn-on-duplicate-entitydef */
protected boolean fWarnDuplicateEntityDef;
Debug some basic entities.
/** Debug some basic entities. */
private static final boolean DEBUG_ENTITIES = false;
Debug switching readers for encodings.
/** Debug switching readers for encodings. */
private static final boolean DEBUG_ENCODINGS = false; // should be diplayed trace resolving messages private static final boolean DEBUG_RESOLVER = false ; // // Data // // features
Validation. This feature identifier is: http://xml.org/sax/features/validation
/** * Validation. This feature identifier is: * http://xml.org/sax/features/validation */
protected boolean fValidation;
External general entities. This feature identifier is: http://xml.org/sax/features/external-general-entities
/** * External general entities. This feature identifier is: * http://xml.org/sax/features/external-general-entities */
protected boolean fExternalGeneralEntities;
External parameter entities. This feature identifier is: http://xml.org/sax/features/external-parameter-entities
/** * External parameter entities. This feature identifier is: * http://xml.org/sax/features/external-parameter-entities */
protected boolean fExternalParameterEntities;
Allow Java encoding names. This feature identifier is: http://apache.org/xml/features/allow-java-encodings
/** * Allow Java encoding names. This feature identifier is: * http://apache.org/xml/features/allow-java-encodings */
protected boolean fAllowJavaEncodings = true ;
Load external DTD.
/** Load external DTD. */
protected boolean fLoadExternalDTD = true; // properties
Symbol table. This property identifier is: http://apache.org/xml/properties/internal/symbol-table
/** * Symbol table. This property identifier is: * http://apache.org/xml/properties/internal/symbol-table */
protected SymbolTable fSymbolTable;
Error reporter. This property identifier is: http://apache.org/xml/properties/internal/error-reporter
/** * Error reporter. This property identifier is: * http://apache.org/xml/properties/internal/error-reporter */
protected XMLErrorReporter fErrorReporter;
Entity resolver. This property identifier is: http://apache.org/xml/properties/internal/entity-resolver
/** * Entity resolver. This property identifier is: * http://apache.org/xml/properties/internal/entity-resolver */
protected XMLEntityResolver fEntityResolver;
Stax Entity Resolver. This property identifier is XMLInputFactory.ENTITY_RESOLVER
/** Stax Entity Resolver. This property identifier is XMLInputFactory.ENTITY_RESOLVER */
protected StaxEntityResolverWrapper fStaxEntityResolver;
Property Manager. This is used from Stax
/** Property Manager. This is used from Stax */
protected PropertyManager fPropertyManager ;
StAX properties
/** StAX properties */
boolean fSupportDTD = true; boolean fReplaceEntityReferences = true; boolean fSupportExternalEntities = true;
used to restrict external access
/** used to restrict external access */
protected String fAccessExternalDTD = EXTERNAL_ACCESS_DEFAULT; // settings
Validation manager. This property identifier is: http://apache.org/xml/properties/internal/validation-manager
/** * Validation manager. This property identifier is: * http://apache.org/xml/properties/internal/validation-manager */
protected ValidationManager fValidationManager; // settings
Buffer size. We get this value from a property. The default size is used if the input buffer size property is not specified. REVISIT: do we need a property for internal entity buffer size?
/** * Buffer size. We get this value from a property. The default size * is used if the input buffer size property is not specified. * REVISIT: do we need a property for internal entity buffer size? */
protected int fBufferSize = DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE;
Security Manager
/** Security Manager */
protected XMLSecurityManager fSecurityManager = null; protected XMLLimitAnalyzer fLimitAnalyzer = null; protected int entityExpansionIndex;
True if the document entity is standalone. This should really only be set by the document source (e.g. XMLDocumentScanner).
/** * True if the document entity is standalone. This should really * only be set by the document source (e.g. XMLDocumentScanner). */
protected boolean fStandalone; // are the entities being parsed in the external subset? // NOTE: this *is not* the same as whether they're external entities! protected boolean fInExternalSubset = false; // handlers
Entity handler.
/** Entity handler. */
protected XMLEntityHandler fEntityHandler;
Current entity scanner
/** Current entity scanner */
protected XMLEntityScanner fEntityScanner ;
XML 1.0 entity scanner.
/** XML 1.0 entity scanner. */
protected XMLEntityScanner fXML10EntityScanner;
XML 1.1 entity scanner.
/** XML 1.1 entity scanner. */
protected XMLEntityScanner fXML11EntityScanner;
count of entities expanded:
/** count of entities expanded: */
protected int fEntityExpansionCount = 0; // entities
/** Entities. */
protected Map<String, Entity> fEntities = new HashMap<>();
Entity stack.
/** Entity stack. */
protected Stack<Entity> fEntityStack = new Stack<>();
Current entity.
/** Current entity. */
protected Entity.ScannedEntity fCurrentEntity = null;
identify if the InputSource is created by a resolver
/** identify if the InputSource is created by a resolver */
boolean fISCreatedByResolver = false; // shared context protected XMLEntityStorage fEntityStorage ; protected final Object [] defaultEncoding = new Object[]{"UTF-8", null}; // temp vars
Resource identifer.
/** Resource identifer. */
private final XMLResourceIdentifierImpl fResourceIdentifier = new XMLResourceIdentifierImpl();
Augmentations for entities.
/** Augmentations for entities. */
private final Augmentations fEntityAugs = new AugmentationsImpl();
Pool of character buffers.
/** Pool of character buffers. */
private CharacterBufferPool fBufferPool = new CharacterBufferPool(fBufferSize, DEFAULT_INTERNAL_BUFFER_SIZE);
indicate whether Catalog should be used for resolving external resources
/** indicate whether Catalog should be used for resolving external resources */
private boolean fUseCatalog = true; CatalogFeatures fCatalogFeatures; CatalogResolver fCatalogResolver; private String fCatalogFile; private String fDefer; private String fPrefer; private String fResolve; // // Constructors //
If this constructor is used to create the object, reset() should be invoked on this object
/** * If this constructor is used to create the object, reset() should be invoked on this object */
public XMLEntityManager() { //for entity managers not created by parsers fSecurityManager = new XMLSecurityManager(true); fEntityStorage = new XMLEntityStorage(this) ; setScannerVersion(Constants.XML_VERSION_1_0); } // <init>()
Default constructor.
/** Default constructor. */
public XMLEntityManager(PropertyManager propertyManager) { fPropertyManager = propertyManager ; //pass a reference to current entity being scanned //fEntityStorage = new XMLEntityStorage(fCurrentEntity) ; fEntityStorage = new XMLEntityStorage(this) ; fEntityScanner = new XMLEntityScanner(propertyManager, this) ; reset(propertyManager); } // <init>()
Adds an internal entity declaration.

Note: This method ignores subsequent entity declarations.

Note: The name should be a unique symbol. The SymbolTable can be used for this purpose.

  • name – The name of the entity.
  • text – The text of the entity.
See Also:
/** * Adds an internal entity declaration. * <p> * <strong>Note:</strong> This method ignores subsequent entity * declarations. * <p> * <strong>Note:</strong> The name should be a unique symbol. The * SymbolTable can be used for this purpose. * * @param name The name of the entity. * @param text The text of the entity. * * @see SymbolTable */
public void addInternalEntity(String name, String text) { if (!fEntities.containsKey(name)) { Entity entity = new Entity.InternalEntity(name, text, fInExternalSubset); fEntities.put(name, entity); } else{ if(fWarnDuplicateEntityDef){ fErrorReporter.reportError(XMLMessageFormatter.XML_DOMAIN, "MSG_DUPLICATE_ENTITY_DEFINITION", new Object[]{ name }, XMLErrorReporter.SEVERITY_WARNING ); } } } // addInternalEntity(String,String)
Adds an external entity declaration.

Note: This method ignores subsequent entity declarations.

Note: The name should be a unique symbol. The SymbolTable can be used for this purpose.

  • name – The name of the entity.
  • publicId – The public identifier of the entity.
  • literalSystemId – The system identifier of the entity.
  • baseSystemId – The base system identifier of the entity. This is the system identifier of the entity where the entity being added and is used to expand the system identifier when the system identifier is a relative URI. When null the system identifier of the first external entity on the stack is used instead.
See Also:
/** * Adds an external entity declaration. * <p> * <strong>Note:</strong> This method ignores subsequent entity * declarations. * <p> * <strong>Note:</strong> The name should be a unique symbol. The * SymbolTable can be used for this purpose. * * @param name The name of the entity. * @param publicId The public identifier of the entity. * @param literalSystemId The system identifier of the entity. * @param baseSystemId The base system identifier of the entity. * This is the system identifier of the entity * where <em>the entity being added</em> and * is used to expand the system identifier when * the system identifier is a relative URI. * When null the system identifier of the first * external entity on the stack is used instead. * * @see SymbolTable */
public void addExternalEntity(String name, String publicId, String literalSystemId, String baseSystemId) throws IOException { if (!fEntities.containsKey(name)) { if (baseSystemId == null) { // search for the first external entity on the stack int size = fEntityStack.size(); if (size == 0 && fCurrentEntity != null && fCurrentEntity.entityLocation != null) { baseSystemId = fCurrentEntity.entityLocation.getExpandedSystemId(); } for (int i = size - 1; i >= 0 ; i--) { Entity.ScannedEntity externalEntity = (Entity.ScannedEntity)fEntityStack.elementAt(i); if (externalEntity.entityLocation != null && externalEntity.entityLocation.getExpandedSystemId() != null) { baseSystemId = externalEntity.entityLocation.getExpandedSystemId(); break; } } } Entity entity = new Entity.ExternalEntity(name, new XMLEntityDescriptionImpl(name, publicId, literalSystemId, baseSystemId, expandSystemId(literalSystemId, baseSystemId, false)), null, fInExternalSubset); fEntities.put(name, entity); } else{ if(fWarnDuplicateEntityDef){ fErrorReporter.reportError(XMLMessageFormatter.XML_DOMAIN, "MSG_DUPLICATE_ENTITY_DEFINITION", new Object[]{ name }, XMLErrorReporter.SEVERITY_WARNING ); } } } // addExternalEntity(String,String,String,String)
Adds an unparsed entity declaration.

Note: This method ignores subsequent entity declarations.

Note: The name should be a unique symbol. The SymbolTable can be used for this purpose.

  • name – The name of the entity.
  • publicId – The public identifier of the entity.
  • systemId – The system identifier of the entity.
  • notation – The name of the notation.
See Also:
/** * Adds an unparsed entity declaration. * <p> * <strong>Note:</strong> This method ignores subsequent entity * declarations. * <p> * <strong>Note:</strong> The name should be a unique symbol. The * SymbolTable can be used for this purpose. * * @param name The name of the entity. * @param publicId The public identifier of the entity. * @param systemId The system identifier of the entity. * @param notation The name of the notation. * * @see SymbolTable */
public void addUnparsedEntity(String name, String publicId, String systemId, String baseSystemId, String notation) { if (!fEntities.containsKey(name)) { Entity.ExternalEntity entity = new Entity.ExternalEntity(name, new XMLEntityDescriptionImpl(name, publicId, systemId, baseSystemId, null), notation, fInExternalSubset); fEntities.put(name, entity); } else{ if(fWarnDuplicateEntityDef){ fErrorReporter.reportError(XMLMessageFormatter.XML_DOMAIN, "MSG_DUPLICATE_ENTITY_DEFINITION", new Object[]{ name }, XMLErrorReporter.SEVERITY_WARNING ); } } } // addUnparsedEntity(String,String,String,String)
get the entity storage object from entity manager
/** get the entity storage object from entity manager */
public XMLEntityStorage getEntityStore(){ return fEntityStorage ; }
return the entity responsible for reading the entity
/** return the entity responsible for reading the entity */
public XMLEntityScanner getEntityScanner(){ if(fEntityScanner == null) { // default to 1.0 if(fXML10EntityScanner == null) { fXML10EntityScanner = new XMLEntityScanner(); } fXML10EntityScanner.reset(fSymbolTable, this, fErrorReporter); fEntityScanner = fXML10EntityScanner; } return fEntityScanner; } public void setScannerVersion(short version) { if(version == Constants.XML_VERSION_1_0) { if(fXML10EntityScanner == null) { fXML10EntityScanner = new XMLEntityScanner(); } fXML10EntityScanner.reset(fSymbolTable, this, fErrorReporter); fEntityScanner = fXML10EntityScanner; fEntityScanner.setCurrentEntity(fCurrentEntity); } else { if(fXML11EntityScanner == null) { fXML11EntityScanner = new XML11EntityScanner(); } fXML11EntityScanner.reset(fSymbolTable, this, fErrorReporter); fEntityScanner = fXML11EntityScanner; fEntityScanner.setCurrentEntity(fCurrentEntity); } }
This method uses the passed-in XMLInputSource to make fCurrentEntity usable for reading.
  • reference – flag to indicate whether the entity is an Entity Reference.
  • name – name of the entity (XML is it's the document entity)
  • xmlInputSource – the input source, with sufficient information to begin scanning characters.
  • literal – True if this entity is started within a literal value.
  • isExternal – whether this entity should be treated as an internal or external entity.
  • IOException – if anything can't be read XNIException If any parser-specific goes wrong.
Returns:the encoding of the new entity or null if a character stream was employed
/** * This method uses the passed-in XMLInputSource to make * fCurrentEntity usable for reading. * * @param reference flag to indicate whether the entity is an Entity Reference. * @param name name of the entity (XML is it's the document entity) * @param xmlInputSource the input source, with sufficient information * to begin scanning characters. * @param literal True if this entity is started within a * literal value. * @param isExternal whether this entity should be treated as an internal or external entity. * @throws IOException if anything can't be read * XNIException If any parser-specific goes wrong. * @return the encoding of the new entity or null if a character stream was employed */
public String setupCurrentEntity(boolean reference, String name, XMLInputSource xmlInputSource, boolean literal, boolean isExternal) throws IOException, XNIException { // get information final String publicId = xmlInputSource.getPublicId(); String literalSystemId = xmlInputSource.getSystemId(); String baseSystemId = xmlInputSource.getBaseSystemId(); String encoding = xmlInputSource.getEncoding(); final boolean encodingExternallySpecified = (encoding != null); Boolean isBigEndian = null; // create reader InputStream stream = null; Reader reader = xmlInputSource.getCharacterStream(); // First chance checking strict URI String expandedSystemId = expandSystemId(literalSystemId, baseSystemId, fStrictURI); if (baseSystemId == null) { baseSystemId = expandedSystemId; } if (reader == null) { stream = xmlInputSource.getByteStream(); if (stream == null) { URL location = new URL(expandedSystemId); URLConnection connect = location.openConnection(); if (!(connect instanceof HttpURLConnection)) { stream = connect.getInputStream(); } else { boolean followRedirects = true; // setup URLConnection if we have an HTTPInputSource if (xmlInputSource instanceof HTTPInputSource) { final HttpURLConnection urlConnection = (HttpURLConnection) connect; final HTTPInputSource httpInputSource = (HTTPInputSource) xmlInputSource; // set request properties Iterator<Map.Entry<String, String>> propIter = httpInputSource.getHTTPRequestProperties(); while (propIter.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<String, String> entry = propIter.next(); urlConnection.setRequestProperty(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } // set preference for redirection followRedirects = httpInputSource.getFollowHTTPRedirects(); if (!followRedirects) { urlConnection.setInstanceFollowRedirects(followRedirects); } } stream = connect.getInputStream(); // REVISIT: If the URLConnection has external encoding // information, we should be reading it here. It's located // in the charset parameter of Content-Type. -- mrglavas if (followRedirects) { String redirect = connect.getURL().toString(); // E43: Check if the URL was redirected, and then // update literal and expanded system IDs if needed. if (!redirect.equals(expandedSystemId)) { literalSystemId = redirect; expandedSystemId = redirect; } } } } // wrap this stream in RewindableInputStream stream = new RewindableInputStream(stream); // perform auto-detect of encoding if necessary if (encoding == null) { // read first four bytes and determine encoding final byte[] b4 = new byte[4]; int count = 0; for (; count<4; count++ ) { b4[count] = (byte)stream.read(); } if (count == 4) { Object [] encodingDesc = getEncodingName(b4, count); encoding = (String)(encodingDesc[0]); isBigEndian = (Boolean)(encodingDesc[1]); stream.reset(); // Special case UTF-8 files with BOM created by Microsoft // tools. It's more efficient to consume the BOM than make // the reader perform extra checks. -Ac if (count > 2 && encoding.equals("UTF-8")) { int b0 = b4[0] & 0xFF; int b1 = b4[1] & 0xFF; int b2 = b4[2] & 0xFF; if (b0 == 0xEF && b1 == 0xBB && b2 == 0xBF) { // ignore first three bytes... stream.skip(3); } } reader = createReader(stream, encoding, isBigEndian); } else { reader = createReader(stream, encoding, isBigEndian); } } // use specified encoding else { encoding = encoding.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH); // If encoding is UTF-8, consume BOM if one is present. if (encoding.equals("UTF-8")) { final int[] b3 = new int[3]; int count = 0; for (; count < 3; ++count) { b3[count] = stream.read(); if (b3[count] == -1) break; } if (count == 3) { if (b3[0] != 0xEF || b3[1] != 0xBB || b3[2] != 0xBF) { // First three bytes are not BOM, so reset. stream.reset(); } } else { stream.reset(); } } // If encoding is UTF-16, we still need to read the first four bytes // in order to discover the byte order. else if (encoding.equals("UTF-16")) { final int[] b4 = new int[4]; int count = 0; for (; count < 4; ++count) { b4[count] = stream.read(); if (b4[count] == -1) break; } stream.reset(); String utf16Encoding = "UTF-16"; if (count >= 2) { final int b0 = b4[0]; final int b1 = b4[1]; if (b0 == 0xFE && b1 == 0xFF) { // UTF-16, big-endian utf16Encoding = "UTF-16BE"; isBigEndian = Boolean.TRUE; } else if (b0 == 0xFF && b1 == 0xFE) { // UTF-16, little-endian utf16Encoding = "UTF-16LE"; isBigEndian = Boolean.FALSE; } else if (count == 4) { final int b2 = b4[2]; final int b3 = b4[3]; if (b0 == 0x00 && b1 == 0x3C && b2 == 0x00 && b3 == 0x3F) { // UTF-16, big-endian, no BOM utf16Encoding = "UTF-16BE"; isBigEndian = Boolean.TRUE; } if (b0 == 0x3C && b1 == 0x00 && b2 == 0x3F && b3 == 0x00) { // UTF-16, little-endian, no BOM utf16Encoding = "UTF-16LE"; isBigEndian = Boolean.FALSE; } } } reader = createReader(stream, utf16Encoding, isBigEndian); } // If encoding is UCS-4, we still need to read the first four bytes // in order to discover the byte order. else if (encoding.equals("ISO-10646-UCS-4")) { final int[] b4 = new int[4]; int count = 0; for (; count < 4; ++count) { b4[count] = stream.read(); if (b4[count] == -1) break; } stream.reset(); // Ignore unusual octet order for now. if (count == 4) { // UCS-4, big endian (1234) if (b4[0] == 0x00 && b4[1] == 0x00 && b4[2] == 0x00 && b4[3] == 0x3C) { isBigEndian = Boolean.TRUE; } // UCS-4, little endian (1234) else if (b4[0] == 0x3C && b4[1] == 0x00 && b4[2] == 0x00 && b4[3] == 0x00) { isBigEndian = Boolean.FALSE; } } } // If encoding is UCS-2, we still need to read the first four bytes // in order to discover the byte order. else if (encoding.equals("ISO-10646-UCS-2")) { final int[] b4 = new int[4]; int count = 0; for (; count < 4; ++count) { b4[count] = stream.read(); if (b4[count] == -1) break; } stream.reset(); if (count == 4) { // UCS-2, big endian if (b4[0] == 0x00 && b4[1] == 0x3C && b4[2] == 0x00 && b4[3] == 0x3F) { isBigEndian = Boolean.TRUE; } // UCS-2, little endian else if (b4[0] == 0x3C && b4[1] == 0x00 && b4[2] == 0x3F && b4[3] == 0x00) { isBigEndian = Boolean.FALSE; } } } reader = createReader(stream, encoding, isBigEndian); } // read one character at a time so we don't jump too far // ahead, converting characters from the byte stream in // the wrong encoding if (DEBUG_ENCODINGS) { System.out.println("$$$ no longer wrapping reader in OneCharReader"); } //reader = new OneCharReader(reader); } // We've seen a new Reader. // Push it on the stack so we can close it later. //fOwnReaders.add(reader); // push entity on stack if (fCurrentEntity != null) { fEntityStack.push(fCurrentEntity); } // create entity /* if encoding is specified externally, 'encoding' information present * in the prolog of the XML document is not considered. Hence, prolog can * be read in Chunks of data instead of byte by byte. */ fCurrentEntity = new Entity.ScannedEntity(reference, name, new XMLResourceIdentifierImpl(publicId, literalSystemId, baseSystemId, expandedSystemId), stream, reader, encoding, literal, encodingExternallySpecified, isExternal); fCurrentEntity.setEncodingExternallySpecified(encodingExternallySpecified); fEntityScanner.setCurrentEntity(fCurrentEntity); fResourceIdentifier.setValues(publicId, literalSystemId, baseSystemId, expandedSystemId); if (fLimitAnalyzer != null) { fLimitAnalyzer.startEntity(name); } return encoding; } //setupCurrentEntity(String, XMLInputSource, boolean, boolean): String
Checks whether an entity given by name is external.
  • entityName – The name of the entity to check.
Returns:True if the entity is external, false otherwise (including when the entity is not declared).
/** * Checks whether an entity given by name is external. * * @param entityName The name of the entity to check. * @return True if the entity is external, false otherwise * (including when the entity is not declared). */
public boolean isExternalEntity(String entityName) { Entity entity = fEntities.get(entityName); if (entity == null) { return false; } return entity.isExternal(); }
Checks whether the declaration of an entity given by name is // in the external subset.
  • entityName – The name of the entity to check.
Returns:True if the entity was declared in the external subset, false otherwise (including when the entity is not declared).
/** * Checks whether the declaration of an entity given by name is * // in the external subset. * * @param entityName The name of the entity to check. * @return True if the entity was declared in the external subset, false otherwise * (including when the entity is not declared). */
public boolean isEntityDeclInExternalSubset(String entityName) { Entity entity = fEntities.get(entityName); if (entity == null) { return false; } return entity.isEntityDeclInExternalSubset(); } // // Public methods //
Sets whether the document entity is standalone.
  • standalone – True if document entity is standalone.
/** * Sets whether the document entity is standalone. * * @param standalone True if document entity is standalone. */
public void setStandalone(boolean standalone) { fStandalone = standalone; } // setStandalone(boolean)
Returns true if the document entity is standalone.
/** Returns true if the document entity is standalone. */
public boolean isStandalone() { return fStandalone; } //isStandalone():boolean public boolean isDeclaredEntity(String entityName) { Entity entity = fEntities.get(entityName); return entity != null; } public boolean isUnparsedEntity(String entityName) { Entity entity = fEntities.get(entityName); if (entity == null) { return false; } return entity.isUnparsed(); } // this simply returns the fResourceIdentifier object; // this should only be used with caution by callers that // carefully manage the entity manager's behaviour, so that // this doesn't returning meaningless or misleading data. // @return a reference to the current fResourceIdentifier object public XMLResourceIdentifier getCurrentResourceIdentifier() { return fResourceIdentifier; }
Sets the entity handler. When an entity starts and ends, the entity handler is notified of the change.
  • entityHandler – The new entity handler.
/** * Sets the entity handler. When an entity starts and ends, the * entity handler is notified of the change. * * @param entityHandler The new entity handler. */
public void setEntityHandler(com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.XMLEntityHandler entityHandler) { fEntityHandler = entityHandler; } // setEntityHandler(XMLEntityHandler) //this function returns StaxXMLInputSource public StaxXMLInputSource resolveEntityAsPerStax(XMLResourceIdentifier resourceIdentifier) throws java.io.IOException{ if(resourceIdentifier == null ) return null; String publicId = resourceIdentifier.getPublicId(); String literalSystemId = resourceIdentifier.getLiteralSystemId(); String baseSystemId = resourceIdentifier.getBaseSystemId(); String expandedSystemId = resourceIdentifier.getExpandedSystemId(); // if no base systemId given, assume that it's relative // to the systemId of the current scanned entity // Sometimes the system id is not (properly) expanded. // We need to expand the system id if: // a. the expanded one was null; or // b. the base system id was null, but becomes non-null from the current entity. boolean needExpand = (expandedSystemId == null); // REVISIT: why would the baseSystemId ever be null? if we // didn't have to make this check we wouldn't have to reuse the // fXMLResourceIdentifier object... if (baseSystemId == null && fCurrentEntity != null && fCurrentEntity.entityLocation != null) { baseSystemId = fCurrentEntity.entityLocation.getExpandedSystemId(); if (baseSystemId != null) needExpand = true; } if (needExpand) expandedSystemId = expandSystemId(literalSystemId, baseSystemId,false); // give the entity resolver a chance StaxXMLInputSource staxInputSource = null; XMLInputSource xmlInputSource = null; XMLResourceIdentifierImpl ri = null; if (resourceIdentifier instanceof XMLResourceIdentifierImpl) { ri = (XMLResourceIdentifierImpl)resourceIdentifier; } else { fResourceIdentifier.clear(); ri = fResourceIdentifier; } ri.setValues(publicId, literalSystemId, baseSystemId, expandedSystemId); if(DEBUG_RESOLVER){ System.out.println("BEFORE Calling resolveEntity") ; } fISCreatedByResolver = false; //either of Stax or Xerces would be null if(fStaxEntityResolver != null){ staxInputSource = fStaxEntityResolver.resolveEntity(ri); if(staxInputSource != null) { fISCreatedByResolver = true; } } if(fEntityResolver != null){ xmlInputSource = fEntityResolver.resolveEntity(ri); if(xmlInputSource != null) { fISCreatedByResolver = true; } } if(xmlInputSource != null){ //wrap this XMLInputSource to StaxInputSource staxInputSource = new StaxXMLInputSource(xmlInputSource, fISCreatedByResolver); } if (staxInputSource == null && fUseCatalog) { if (fCatalogFeatures == null) { fCatalogFeatures = JdkXmlUtils.getCatalogFeatures(fDefer, fCatalogFile, fPrefer, fResolve); } fCatalogFile = fCatalogFeatures.get(Feature.FILES); if (fCatalogFile != null) { try { if (fCatalogResolver == null) { fCatalogResolver = CatalogManager.catalogResolver(fCatalogFeatures); } InputSource is = fCatalogResolver.resolveEntity(publicId, literalSystemId); if (is != null && !is.isEmpty()) { staxInputSource = new StaxXMLInputSource(new XMLInputSource(is, true), true); } } catch (CatalogException e) { fErrorReporter.reportError(XMLMessageFormatter.XML_DOMAIN,"CatalogException", new Object[]{SecuritySupport.sanitizePath(fCatalogFile)}, XMLErrorReporter.SEVERITY_FATAL_ERROR, e ); } } } // do default resolution //this works for both stax & Xerces, if staxInputSource is null, //it means parser need to revert to default resolution if (staxInputSource == null) { // REVISIT: when systemId is null, I think we should return null. // is this the right solution? -SG //if (systemId != null) staxInputSource = new StaxXMLInputSource( new XMLInputSource(publicId, literalSystemId, baseSystemId, true), false); }else if(staxInputSource.hasXMLStreamOrXMLEventReader()){ //Waiting for the clarification from EG. - nb } if (DEBUG_RESOLVER) { System.err.println("XMLEntityManager.resolveEntity(" + publicId + ")"); System.err.println(" = " + xmlInputSource); } return staxInputSource; }
Resolves the specified public and system identifiers. This method first attempts to resolve the entity based on the EntityResolver registered by the application. If no entity resolver is registered or if the registered entity handler is unable to resolve the entity, then default entity resolution will occur.
  • publicId – The public identifier of the entity.
  • systemId – The system identifier of the entity.
  • baseSystemId – The base system identifier of the entity. This is the system identifier of the current entity and is used to expand the system identifier when the system identifier is a relative URI.
Returns:Returns an input source that wraps the resolved entity. This method will never return null.
/** * Resolves the specified public and system identifiers. This * method first attempts to resolve the entity based on the * EntityResolver registered by the application. If no entity * resolver is registered or if the registered entity handler * is unable to resolve the entity, then default entity * resolution will occur. * * @param publicId The public identifier of the entity. * @param systemId The system identifier of the entity. * @param baseSystemId The base system identifier of the entity. * This is the system identifier of the current * entity and is used to expand the system * identifier when the system identifier is a * relative URI. * * @return Returns an input source that wraps the resolved entity. * This method will never return null. * * @throws IOException Thrown on i/o error. * @throws XNIException Thrown by entity resolver to signal an error. */
public XMLInputSource resolveEntity(XMLResourceIdentifier resourceIdentifier) throws IOException, XNIException { if(resourceIdentifier == null ) return null; String publicId = resourceIdentifier.getPublicId(); String literalSystemId = resourceIdentifier.getLiteralSystemId(); String baseSystemId = resourceIdentifier.getBaseSystemId(); String expandedSystemId = resourceIdentifier.getExpandedSystemId(); // if no base systemId given, assume that it's relative // to the systemId of the current scanned entity // Sometimes the system id is not (properly) expanded. // We need to expand the system id if: // a. the expanded one was null; or // b. the base system id was null, but becomes non-null from the current entity. boolean needExpand = (expandedSystemId == null); // REVISIT: why would the baseSystemId ever be null? if we // didn't have to make this check we wouldn't have to reuse the // fXMLResourceIdentifier object... if (baseSystemId == null && fCurrentEntity != null && fCurrentEntity.entityLocation != null) { baseSystemId = fCurrentEntity.entityLocation.getExpandedSystemId(); if (baseSystemId != null) needExpand = true; } if (needExpand) expandedSystemId = expandSystemId(literalSystemId, baseSystemId,false); // give the entity resolver a chance XMLInputSource xmlInputSource = null; if (fEntityResolver != null) { resourceIdentifier.setBaseSystemId(baseSystemId); resourceIdentifier.setExpandedSystemId(expandedSystemId); xmlInputSource = fEntityResolver.resolveEntity(resourceIdentifier); } if (xmlInputSource == null && fUseCatalog) { if (fCatalogFeatures == null) { fCatalogFeatures = JdkXmlUtils.getCatalogFeatures(fDefer, fCatalogFile, fPrefer, fResolve); } fCatalogFile = fCatalogFeatures.get(Feature.FILES); if (fCatalogFile != null) { /* since the method can be called from various processors, both EntityResolver and URIResolver are used to attempt to find a match */ InputSource is = null; try { if (fCatalogResolver == null) { fCatalogResolver = CatalogManager.catalogResolver(fCatalogFeatures); } String pid = (publicId != null? publicId : resourceIdentifier.getNamespace()); if (pid != null || literalSystemId != null) { is = fCatalogResolver.resolveEntity(pid, literalSystemId); } } catch (CatalogException e) {} if (is != null && !is.isEmpty()) { xmlInputSource = new XMLInputSource(is, true); } else if (literalSystemId != null) { if (fCatalogResolver == null) { fCatalogResolver = CatalogManager.catalogResolver(fCatalogFeatures); } Source source = null; try { source = fCatalogResolver.resolve(literalSystemId, baseSystemId); } catch (CatalogException e) { throw new XNIException(e); } if (source != null && !source.isEmpty()) { xmlInputSource = new XMLInputSource(publicId, source.getSystemId(), baseSystemId, true); } } } } // do default resolution // REVISIT: what's the correct behavior if the user provided an entity // resolver (fEntityResolver != null), but resolveEntity doesn't return // an input source (xmlInputSource == null)? // do we do default resolution, or do we just return null? -SG if (xmlInputSource == null) { // REVISIT: when systemId is null, I think we should return null. // is this the right solution? -SG //if (systemId != null) xmlInputSource = new XMLInputSource(publicId, literalSystemId, baseSystemId, false); } if (DEBUG_RESOLVER) { System.err.println("XMLEntityManager.resolveEntity(" + publicId + ")"); System.err.println(" = " + xmlInputSource); } return xmlInputSource; } // resolveEntity(XMLResourceIdentifier):XMLInputSource
Starts a named entity.
  • isGE – flag to indicate whether the entity is a General Entity
  • entityName – The name of the entity to start.
  • literal – True if this entity is started within a literal value.
/** * Starts a named entity. * * @param isGE flag to indicate whether the entity is a General Entity * @param entityName The name of the entity to start. * @param literal True if this entity is started within a literal * value. * * @throws IOException Thrown on i/o error. * @throws XNIException Thrown by entity handler to signal an error. */
public void startEntity(boolean isGE, String entityName, boolean literal) throws IOException, XNIException { // was entity declared? Entity entity = fEntityStorage.getEntity(entityName); if (entity == null) { if (fEntityHandler != null) { String encoding = null; fResourceIdentifier.clear(); fEntityAugs.removeAllItems(); fEntityAugs.putItem(Constants.ENTITY_SKIPPED, Boolean.TRUE); fEntityHandler.startEntity(entityName, fResourceIdentifier, encoding, fEntityAugs); fEntityAugs.removeAllItems(); fEntityAugs.putItem(Constants.ENTITY_SKIPPED, Boolean.TRUE); fEntityHandler.endEntity(entityName, fEntityAugs); } return; } // should we skip external entities? boolean external = entity.isExternal(); Entity.ExternalEntity externalEntity = null; String extLitSysId = null, extBaseSysId = null, expandedSystemId = null; if (external) { externalEntity = (Entity.ExternalEntity)entity; extLitSysId = (externalEntity.entityLocation != null ? externalEntity.entityLocation.getLiteralSystemId() : null); extBaseSysId = (externalEntity.entityLocation != null ? externalEntity.entityLocation.getBaseSystemId() : null); expandedSystemId = expandSystemId(extLitSysId, extBaseSysId); boolean unparsed = entity.isUnparsed(); boolean parameter = entityName.startsWith("%"); boolean general = !parameter; if (unparsed || (general && !fExternalGeneralEntities) || (parameter && !fExternalParameterEntities) || !fSupportDTD || !fSupportExternalEntities) { if (fEntityHandler != null) { fResourceIdentifier.clear(); final String encoding = null; fResourceIdentifier.setValues( (externalEntity.entityLocation != null ? externalEntity.entityLocation.getPublicId() : null), extLitSysId, extBaseSysId, expandedSystemId); fEntityAugs.removeAllItems(); fEntityAugs.putItem(Constants.ENTITY_SKIPPED, Boolean.TRUE); fEntityHandler.startEntity(entityName, fResourceIdentifier, encoding, fEntityAugs); fEntityAugs.removeAllItems(); fEntityAugs.putItem(Constants.ENTITY_SKIPPED, Boolean.TRUE); fEntityHandler.endEntity(entityName, fEntityAugs); } return; } } // is entity recursive? int size = fEntityStack.size(); for (int i = size; i >= 0; i--) { Entity activeEntity = i == size ? fCurrentEntity : fEntityStack.elementAt(i); if (activeEntity.name == entityName) { String path = entityName; for (int j = i + 1; j < size; j++) { activeEntity = fEntityStack.elementAt(j); path = path + " -> " + activeEntity.name; } path = path + " -> " + fCurrentEntity.name; path = path + " -> " + entityName; fErrorReporter.reportError(this.getEntityScanner(),XMLMessageFormatter.XML_DOMAIN, "RecursiveReference", new Object[] { entityName, path }, XMLErrorReporter.SEVERITY_FATAL_ERROR); if (fEntityHandler != null) { fResourceIdentifier.clear(); final String encoding = null; if (external) { fResourceIdentifier.setValues( (externalEntity.entityLocation != null ? externalEntity.entityLocation.getPublicId() : null), extLitSysId, extBaseSysId, expandedSystemId); } fEntityAugs.removeAllItems(); fEntityAugs.putItem(Constants.ENTITY_SKIPPED, Boolean.TRUE); fEntityHandler.startEntity(entityName, fResourceIdentifier, encoding, fEntityAugs); fEntityAugs.removeAllItems(); fEntityAugs.putItem(Constants.ENTITY_SKIPPED, Boolean.TRUE); fEntityHandler.endEntity(entityName, fEntityAugs); } return; } } // resolve external entity StaxXMLInputSource staxInputSource = null; XMLInputSource xmlInputSource = null ; if (external) { staxInputSource = resolveEntityAsPerStax(externalEntity.entityLocation); /** xxx: Waiting from the EG * //simply return if there was entity resolver registered and application * //returns either XMLStreamReader or XMLEventReader. * if(staxInputSource.hasXMLStreamOrXMLEventReader()) return ; */ xmlInputSource = staxInputSource.getXMLInputSource() ; if (!fISCreatedByResolver) { //let the not-LoadExternalDTD or not-SupportDTD process to handle the situation if (fLoadExternalDTD) { String accessError = SecuritySupport.checkAccess(expandedSystemId, fAccessExternalDTD, Constants.ACCESS_EXTERNAL_ALL); if (accessError != null) { fErrorReporter.reportError(this.getEntityScanner(),XMLMessageFormatter.XML_DOMAIN, "AccessExternalEntity", new Object[] { SecuritySupport.sanitizePath(expandedSystemId), accessError }, XMLErrorReporter.SEVERITY_FATAL_ERROR); } } } } // wrap internal entity else { Entity.InternalEntity internalEntity = (Entity.InternalEntity)entity; Reader reader = new StringReader(internalEntity.text); xmlInputSource = new XMLInputSource(null, null, null, reader, null); } // start the entity startEntity(isGE, entityName, xmlInputSource, literal, external); } // startEntity(String,boolean)
Starts the document entity. The document entity has the "[xml]" pseudo-name.
  • xmlInputSource – The input source of the document entity.
/** * Starts the document entity. The document entity has the "[xml]" * pseudo-name. * * @param xmlInputSource The input source of the document entity. * * @throws IOException Thrown on i/o error. * @throws XNIException Thrown by entity handler to signal an error. */
public void startDocumentEntity(XMLInputSource xmlInputSource) throws IOException, XNIException { startEntity(false, XMLEntity, xmlInputSource, false, true); } // startDocumentEntity(XMLInputSource) //xxx these methods are not required.
Starts the DTD entity. The DTD entity has the "[dtd]" pseudo-name.
  • xmlInputSource – The input source of the DTD entity.
/** * Starts the DTD entity. The DTD entity has the "[dtd]" * pseudo-name. * * @param xmlInputSource The input source of the DTD entity. * * @throws IOException Thrown on i/o error. * @throws XNIException Thrown by entity handler to signal an error. */
public void startDTDEntity(XMLInputSource xmlInputSource) throws IOException, XNIException { startEntity(false, DTDEntity, xmlInputSource, false, true); } // startDTDEntity(XMLInputSource) // indicate start of external subset so that // location of entity decls can be tracked public void startExternalSubset() { fInExternalSubset = true; } public void endExternalSubset() { fInExternalSubset = false; }
Starts an entity.

This method can be used to insert an application defined XML entity stream into the parsing stream.

  • isGE – flag to indicate whether the entity is a General Entity
  • name – The name of the entity.
  • xmlInputSource – The input source of the entity.
  • literal – True if this entity is started within a literal value.
  • isExternal – whether this entity should be treated as an internal or external entity.
/** * Starts an entity. * <p> * This method can be used to insert an application defined XML * entity stream into the parsing stream. * * @param isGE flag to indicate whether the entity is a General Entity * @param name The name of the entity. * @param xmlInputSource The input source of the entity. * @param literal True if this entity is started within a * literal value. * @param isExternal whether this entity should be treated as an internal or external entity. * * @throws IOException Thrown on i/o error. * @throws XNIException Thrown by entity handler to signal an error. */
public void startEntity(boolean isGE, String name, XMLInputSource xmlInputSource, boolean literal, boolean isExternal) throws IOException, XNIException { String encoding = setupCurrentEntity(isGE, name, xmlInputSource, literal, isExternal); //when entity expansion limit is set by the Application, we need to //check for the entity expansion limit set by the parser, if number of entity //expansions exceeds the entity expansion limit, parser will throw fatal error. // Note that this represents the nesting level of open entities. fEntityExpansionCount++; if(fLimitAnalyzer != null) { fLimitAnalyzer.addValue(entityExpansionIndex, name, 1); } if( fSecurityManager != null && fSecurityManager.isOverLimit(entityExpansionIndex, fLimitAnalyzer)){ fSecurityManager.debugPrint(fLimitAnalyzer); fErrorReporter.reportError(XMLMessageFormatter.XML_DOMAIN,"EntityExpansionLimit", new Object[]{fSecurityManager.getLimitValueByIndex(entityExpansionIndex)}, XMLErrorReporter.SEVERITY_FATAL_ERROR ); // is there anything better to do than reset the counter? // at least one can envision debugging applications where this might // be useful... fEntityExpansionCount = 0; } // call handler if (fEntityHandler != null) { fEntityHandler.startEntity(name, fResourceIdentifier, encoding, null); } } // startEntity(String,XMLInputSource)
Return the current entity being scanned. Current entity is SET using startEntity function.
/** * Return the current entity being scanned. Current entity is SET using startEntity function. * @return Entity.ScannedEntity */
public Entity.ScannedEntity getCurrentEntity(){ return fCurrentEntity ; }
Return the top level entity handled by this manager, or null if no entity was added.
/** * Return the top level entity handled by this manager, or null * if no entity was added. */
public Entity.ScannedEntity getTopLevelEntity() { return (Entity.ScannedEntity) (fEntityStack.empty() ? null : fEntityStack.elementAt(0)); }
Close all opened InputStreams and Readers opened by this parser.
/** * Close all opened InputStreams and Readers opened by this parser. */
public void closeReaders() { /** this call actually does nothing, readers are closed in the endEntity method * through the current entity. * The change seems to have happened during the jdk6 development with the * addition of StAX **/ } public void endEntity() throws IOException, XNIException { // call handler if (DEBUG_BUFFER) { System.out.print("(endEntity: "); print(); System.out.println(); } //pop the entity from the stack Entity.ScannedEntity entity = fEntityStack.size() > 0 ? (Entity.ScannedEntity)fEntityStack.pop() : null ; /** need to close the reader first since the program can end * prematurely (e.g. fEntityHandler.endEntity may throw exception) * leaving the reader open */ //close the reader if(fCurrentEntity != null){ //close the reader try{ if (fLimitAnalyzer != null) { fLimitAnalyzer.endEntity(XMLSecurityManager.Limit.GENERAL_ENTITY_SIZE_LIMIT, fCurrentEntity.name); if (fCurrentEntity.name.equals("[xml]")) { fSecurityManager.debugPrint(fLimitAnalyzer); } } fCurrentEntity.close(); }catch(IOException ex){ throw new XNIException(ex); } } if (fEntityHandler != null) { //so this is the last opened entity, signal it to current fEntityHandler using Augmentation if(entity == null){ fEntityAugs.removeAllItems(); fEntityAugs.putItem(Constants.LAST_ENTITY, Boolean.TRUE); fEntityHandler.endEntity(fCurrentEntity.name, fEntityAugs); fEntityAugs.removeAllItems(); }else{ fEntityHandler.endEntity(fCurrentEntity.name, null); } } //check if it is a document entity boolean documentEntity = fCurrentEntity.name == XMLEntity; //set popped entity as current entity fCurrentEntity = entity; fEntityScanner.setCurrentEntity(fCurrentEntity); //check if there are any entity left in the stack -- if there are //no entries EOF has been reached. // throw exception when it is the last entity but it is not a document entity if(fCurrentEntity == null & !documentEntity){ throw new EOFException() ; } if (DEBUG_BUFFER) { System.out.print(")endEntity: "); print(); System.out.println(); } } // endEntity() // // XMLComponent methods // public void reset(PropertyManager propertyManager){ // xerces properties fSymbolTable = (SymbolTable)propertyManager.getProperty(Constants.XERCES_PROPERTY_PREFIX + Constants.SYMBOL_TABLE_PROPERTY); fErrorReporter = (XMLErrorReporter)propertyManager.getProperty(Constants.XERCES_PROPERTY_PREFIX + Constants.ERROR_REPORTER_PROPERTY); try { fStaxEntityResolver = (StaxEntityResolverWrapper)propertyManager.getProperty(STAX_ENTITY_RESOLVER); } catch (XMLConfigurationException e) { fStaxEntityResolver = null; } fSupportDTD = ((Boolean)propertyManager.getProperty(XMLInputFactory.SUPPORT_DTD)); fReplaceEntityReferences = ((Boolean)propertyManager.getProperty(XMLInputFactory.IS_REPLACING_ENTITY_REFERENCES)); fSupportExternalEntities = ((Boolean)propertyManager.getProperty(XMLInputFactory.IS_SUPPORTING_EXTERNAL_ENTITIES)); // Zephyr feature ignore-external-dtd is the opposite of Xerces' load-external-dtd fLoadExternalDTD = !((Boolean)propertyManager.getProperty(Constants.ZEPHYR_PROPERTY_PREFIX + Constants.IGNORE_EXTERNAL_DTD)); //Use Catalog fUseCatalog = (Boolean)propertyManager.getProperty(XMLConstants.USE_CATALOG); fCatalogFile = (String)propertyManager.getProperty(JdkXmlUtils.CATALOG_FILES); fDefer = (String)propertyManager.getProperty(JdkXmlUtils.CATALOG_DEFER); fPrefer = (String)propertyManager.getProperty(JdkXmlUtils.CATALOG_PREFER); fResolve = (String)propertyManager.getProperty(JdkXmlUtils.CATALOG_RESOLVE); // JAXP 1.5 feature XMLSecurityPropertyManager spm = (XMLSecurityPropertyManager) propertyManager.getProperty(XML_SECURITY_PROPERTY_MANAGER); fAccessExternalDTD = spm.getValue(XMLSecurityPropertyManager.Property.ACCESS_EXTERNAL_DTD); fSecurityManager = (XMLSecurityManager)propertyManager.getProperty(SECURITY_MANAGER); fLimitAnalyzer = new XMLLimitAnalyzer(); //reset fEntityStorage fEntityStorage.reset(propertyManager); //reset XMLEntityReaderImpl fEntityScanner.reset(propertyManager); // initialize state //fStandalone = false; fEntities.clear(); fEntityStack.removeAllElements(); fCurrentEntity = null; fValidation = false; fExternalGeneralEntities = true; fExternalParameterEntities = true; fAllowJavaEncodings = true ; }
Resets the component. The component can query the component manager about any features and properties that affect the operation of the component.
  • componentManager – The component manager.
  • SAXException – Thrown by component on initialization error. For example, if a feature or property is required for the operation of the component, the component manager may throw a SAXNotRecognizedException or a SAXNotSupportedException.
/** * Resets the component. The component can query the component manager * about any features and properties that affect the operation of the * component. * * @param componentManager The component manager. * * @throws SAXException Thrown by component on initialization error. * For example, if a feature or property is * required for the operation of the component, the * component manager may throw a * SAXNotRecognizedException or a * SAXNotSupportedException. */
public void reset(XMLComponentManager componentManager) throws XMLConfigurationException { boolean parser_settings = componentManager.getFeature(PARSER_SETTINGS, true); if (!parser_settings) { // parser settings have not been changed reset(); if(fEntityScanner != null){ fEntityScanner.reset(componentManager); } if(fEntityStorage != null){ fEntityStorage.reset(componentManager); } return; } // sax features fValidation = componentManager.getFeature(VALIDATION, false); fExternalGeneralEntities = componentManager.getFeature(EXTERNAL_GENERAL_ENTITIES, true); fExternalParameterEntities = componentManager.getFeature(EXTERNAL_PARAMETER_ENTITIES, true); // xerces features fAllowJavaEncodings = componentManager.getFeature(ALLOW_JAVA_ENCODINGS, false); fWarnDuplicateEntityDef = componentManager.getFeature(WARN_ON_DUPLICATE_ENTITYDEF, false); fStrictURI = componentManager.getFeature(STANDARD_URI_CONFORMANT, false); fLoadExternalDTD = componentManager.getFeature(LOAD_EXTERNAL_DTD, true); // xerces properties fSymbolTable = (SymbolTable)componentManager.getProperty(SYMBOL_TABLE); fErrorReporter = (XMLErrorReporter)componentManager.getProperty(ERROR_REPORTER); fEntityResolver = (XMLEntityResolver)componentManager.getProperty(ENTITY_RESOLVER, null); fStaxEntityResolver = (StaxEntityResolverWrapper)componentManager.getProperty(STAX_ENTITY_RESOLVER, null); fValidationManager = (ValidationManager)componentManager.getProperty(VALIDATION_MANAGER, null); fSecurityManager = (XMLSecurityManager)componentManager.getProperty(SECURITY_MANAGER, null); entityExpansionIndex = fSecurityManager.getIndex(Constants.JDK_ENTITY_EXPANSION_LIMIT); //StAX Property fSupportDTD = true; fReplaceEntityReferences = true; fSupportExternalEntities = true; // JAXP 1.5 feature XMLSecurityPropertyManager spm = (XMLSecurityPropertyManager) componentManager.getProperty(XML_SECURITY_PROPERTY_MANAGER, null); if (spm == null) { spm = new XMLSecurityPropertyManager(); } fAccessExternalDTD = spm.getValue(XMLSecurityPropertyManager.Property.ACCESS_EXTERNAL_DTD); //Use Catalog fUseCatalog = componentManager.getFeature(XMLConstants.USE_CATALOG, true); fCatalogFile = (String)componentManager.getProperty(JdkXmlUtils.CATALOG_FILES); fDefer = (String)componentManager.getProperty(JdkXmlUtils.CATALOG_DEFER); fPrefer = (String)componentManager.getProperty(JdkXmlUtils.CATALOG_PREFER); fResolve = (String)componentManager.getProperty(JdkXmlUtils.CATALOG_RESOLVE); //reset general state reset(); fEntityScanner.reset(componentManager); fEntityStorage.reset(componentManager); } // reset(XMLComponentManager) // reset general state. Should not be called other than by // a class acting as a component manager but not // implementing that interface for whatever reason. public void reset() { fLimitAnalyzer = new XMLLimitAnalyzer(); // initialize state fStandalone = false; fEntities.clear(); fEntityStack.removeAllElements(); fEntityExpansionCount = 0; fCurrentEntity = null; // reset scanner if(fXML10EntityScanner != null){ fXML10EntityScanner.reset(fSymbolTable, this, fErrorReporter); } if(fXML11EntityScanner != null) { fXML11EntityScanner.reset(fSymbolTable, this, fErrorReporter); } // DEBUG if (DEBUG_ENTITIES) { addInternalEntity("text", "Hello, World."); addInternalEntity("empty-element", "<foo/>"); addInternalEntity("balanced-element", "<foo></foo>"); addInternalEntity("balanced-element-with-text", "<foo>Hello, World</foo>"); addInternalEntity("balanced-element-with-entity", "<foo>&text;</foo>"); addInternalEntity("unbalanced-entity", "<foo>"); addInternalEntity("recursive-entity", "<foo>&recursive-entity2;</foo>"); addInternalEntity("recursive-entity2", "<bar>&recursive-entity3;</bar>"); addInternalEntity("recursive-entity3", "<baz>&recursive-entity;</baz>"); try { addExternalEntity("external-text", null, "external-text.ent", "test/external-text.xml"); addExternalEntity("external-balanced-element", null, "external-balanced-element.ent", "test/external-balanced-element.xml"); addExternalEntity("one", null, "ent/one.ent", "test/external-entity.xml"); addExternalEntity("two", null, "ent/two.ent", "test/ent/one.xml"); } catch (IOException ex) { // should never happen } } fEntityHandler = null; // reset scanner //if(fEntityScanner!=null) // fEntityScanner.reset(fSymbolTable, this,fErrorReporter); }
Returns a list of feature identifiers that are recognized by this component. This method may return null if no features are recognized by this component.
/** * Returns a list of feature identifiers that are recognized by * this component. This method may return null if no features * are recognized by this component. */
public String[] getRecognizedFeatures() { return RECOGNIZED_FEATURES.clone(); } // getRecognizedFeatures():String[]
Sets the state of a feature. This method is called by the component manager any time after reset when a feature changes state.

Note: Components should silently ignore features that do not affect the operation of the component.

  • featureId – The feature identifier.
  • state – The state of the feature.
  • SAXNotRecognizedException – The component should not throw this exception.
  • SAXNotSupportedException – The component should not throw this exception.
/** * Sets the state of a feature. This method is called by the component * manager any time after reset when a feature changes state. * <p> * <strong>Note:</strong> Components should silently ignore features * that do not affect the operation of the component. * * @param featureId The feature identifier. * @param state The state of the feature. * * @throws SAXNotRecognizedException The component should not throw * this exception. * @throws SAXNotSupportedException The component should not throw * this exception. */
public void setFeature(String featureId, boolean state) throws XMLConfigurationException { // xerces features if (featureId.startsWith(Constants.XERCES_FEATURE_PREFIX)) { final int suffixLength = featureId.length() - Constants.XERCES_FEATURE_PREFIX.length(); if (suffixLength == Constants.ALLOW_JAVA_ENCODINGS_FEATURE.length() && featureId.endsWith(Constants.ALLOW_JAVA_ENCODINGS_FEATURE)) { fAllowJavaEncodings = state; } if (suffixLength == Constants.LOAD_EXTERNAL_DTD_FEATURE.length() && featureId.endsWith(Constants.LOAD_EXTERNAL_DTD_FEATURE)) { fLoadExternalDTD = state; return; } } else if (featureId.equals(XMLConstants.USE_CATALOG)) { fUseCatalog = state; } } // setFeature(String,boolean)
Sets the value of a property. This method is called by the component manager any time after reset when a property changes value.

Note: Components should silently ignore properties that do not affect the operation of the component.

  • propertyId – The property identifier.
  • value – The value of the property.
  • SAXNotRecognizedException – The component should not throw this exception.
  • SAXNotSupportedException – The component should not throw this exception.
/** * Sets the value of a property. This method is called by the component * manager any time after reset when a property changes value. * <p> * <strong>Note:</strong> Components should silently ignore properties * that do not affect the operation of the component. * * @param propertyId The property identifier. * @param value The value of the property. * * @throws SAXNotRecognizedException The component should not throw * this exception. * @throws SAXNotSupportedException The component should not throw * this exception. */
public void setProperty(String propertyId, Object value){ // Xerces properties if (propertyId.startsWith(Constants.XERCES_PROPERTY_PREFIX)) { final int suffixLength = propertyId.length() - Constants.XERCES_PROPERTY_PREFIX.length(); if (suffixLength == Constants.SYMBOL_TABLE_PROPERTY.length() && propertyId.endsWith(Constants.SYMBOL_TABLE_PROPERTY)) { fSymbolTable = (SymbolTable)value; return; } if (suffixLength == Constants.ERROR_REPORTER_PROPERTY.length() && propertyId.endsWith(Constants.ERROR_REPORTER_PROPERTY)) { fErrorReporter = (XMLErrorReporter)value; return; } if (suffixLength == Constants.ENTITY_RESOLVER_PROPERTY.length() && propertyId.endsWith(Constants.ENTITY_RESOLVER_PROPERTY)) { fEntityResolver = (XMLEntityResolver)value; return; } if (suffixLength == Constants.BUFFER_SIZE_PROPERTY.length() && propertyId.endsWith(Constants.BUFFER_SIZE_PROPERTY)) { Integer bufferSize = (Integer)value; if (bufferSize != null && bufferSize.intValue() > DEFAULT_XMLDECL_BUFFER_SIZE) { fBufferSize = bufferSize.intValue(); fEntityScanner.setBufferSize(fBufferSize); fBufferPool.setExternalBufferSize(fBufferSize); } } if (suffixLength == Constants.SECURITY_MANAGER_PROPERTY.length() && propertyId.endsWith(Constants.SECURITY_MANAGER_PROPERTY)) { fSecurityManager = (XMLSecurityManager)value; } } //JAXP 1.5 properties if (propertyId.equals(XML_SECURITY_PROPERTY_MANAGER)) { XMLSecurityPropertyManager spm = (XMLSecurityPropertyManager)value; fAccessExternalDTD = spm.getValue(XMLSecurityPropertyManager.Property.ACCESS_EXTERNAL_DTD); return; } //Catalog properties if (propertyId.equals(JdkXmlUtils.CATALOG_FILES)) { fCatalogFile = (String)value; } else if (propertyId.equals(JdkXmlUtils.CATALOG_DEFER)) { fDefer = (String)value; } else if (propertyId.equals(JdkXmlUtils.CATALOG_PREFER)) { fPrefer = (String)value; } else if (propertyId.equals(JdkXmlUtils.CATALOG_RESOLVE)) { fResolve = (String)value; } } public void setLimitAnalyzer(XMLLimitAnalyzer fLimitAnalyzer) { this.fLimitAnalyzer = fLimitAnalyzer; }
Returns a list of property identifiers that are recognized by this component. This method may return null if no properties are recognized by this component.
/** * Returns a list of property identifiers that are recognized by * this component. This method may return null if no properties * are recognized by this component. */
public String[] getRecognizedProperties() { return RECOGNIZED_PROPERTIES.clone(); } // getRecognizedProperties():String[]
Returns the default state for a feature, or null if this component does not want to report a default value for this feature.
  • featureId – The feature identifier.
Since:Xerces 2.2.0
/** * Returns the default state for a feature, or null if this * component does not want to report a default value for this * feature. * * @param featureId The feature identifier. * * @since Xerces 2.2.0 */
public Boolean getFeatureDefault(String featureId) { for (int i = 0; i < RECOGNIZED_FEATURES.length; i++) { if (RECOGNIZED_FEATURES[i].equals(featureId)) { return FEATURE_DEFAULTS[i]; } } return null; } // getFeatureDefault(String):Boolean
Returns the default state for a property, or null if this component does not want to report a default value for this property.
  • propertyId – The property identifier.
Since:Xerces 2.2.0
/** * Returns the default state for a property, or null if this * component does not want to report a default value for this * property. * * @param propertyId The property identifier. * * @since Xerces 2.2.0 */
public Object getPropertyDefault(String propertyId) { for (int i = 0; i < RECOGNIZED_PROPERTIES.length; i++) { if (RECOGNIZED_PROPERTIES[i].equals(propertyId)) { return PROPERTY_DEFAULTS[i]; } } return null; } // getPropertyDefault(String):Object // // Public static methods //
Expands a system id and returns the system id as a URI, if it can be expanded. A return value of null means that the identifier is already expanded. An exception thrown indicates a failure to expand the id.
  • systemId – The systemId to be expanded.
Returns:Returns the URI string representing the expanded system identifier. A null value indicates that the given system identifier is already expanded.
/** * Expands a system id and returns the system id as a URI, if * it can be expanded. A return value of null means that the * identifier is already expanded. An exception thrown * indicates a failure to expand the id. * * @param systemId The systemId to be expanded. * * @return Returns the URI string representing the expanded system * identifier. A null value indicates that the given * system identifier is already expanded. * */
public static String expandSystemId(String systemId) { return expandSystemId(systemId, null); } // expandSystemId(String):String // // Public static methods // // current value of the "user.dir" property private static String gUserDir; // cached URI object for the current value of the escaped "user.dir" property stored as a URI private static URI gUserDirURI; // which ASCII characters need to be escaped private static boolean gNeedEscaping[] = new boolean[128]; // the first hex character if a character needs to be escaped private static char gAfterEscaping1[] = new char[128]; // the second hex character if a character needs to be escaped private static char gAfterEscaping2[] = new char[128]; private static char[] gHexChs = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'}; // initialize the above 3 arrays static { for (int i = 0; i <= 0x1f; i++) { gNeedEscaping[i] = true; gAfterEscaping1[i] = gHexChs[i >> 4]; gAfterEscaping2[i] = gHexChs[i & 0xf]; } gNeedEscaping[0x7f] = true; gAfterEscaping1[0x7f] = '7'; gAfterEscaping2[0x7f] = 'F'; char[] escChs = {' ', '<', '>', '#', '%', '"', '{', '}', '|', '\\', '^', '~', '[', ']', '`'}; int len = escChs.length; char ch; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { ch = escChs[i]; gNeedEscaping[ch] = true; gAfterEscaping1[ch] = gHexChs[ch >> 4]; gAfterEscaping2[ch] = gHexChs[ch & 0xf]; } } // To escape the "user.dir" system property, by using %HH to represent // special ASCII characters: 0x00~0x1F, 0x7F, ' ', '<', '>', '#', '%' // and '"'. It's a static method, so needs to be synchronized. // this method looks heavy, but since the system property isn't expected // to change often, so in most cases, we only need to return the URI // that was escaped before. // According to the URI spec, non-ASCII characters (whose value >= 128) // need to be escaped too. // REVISIT: don't know how to escape non-ASCII characters, especially // which encoding to use. Leave them for now. private static synchronized URI getUserDir() throws URI.MalformedURIException { // get the user.dir property String userDir = ""; try { userDir = SecuritySupport.getSystemProperty("user.dir"); } catch (SecurityException se) { } // return empty string if property value is empty string. if (userDir.length() == 0) return new URI("file", "", "", null, null); // compute the new escaped value if the new property value doesn't // match the previous one if (gUserDirURI != null && userDir.equals(gUserDir)) { return gUserDirURI; } // record the new value as the global property value gUserDir = userDir; char separator = java.io.File.separatorChar; userDir = userDir.replace(separator, '/'); int len = userDir.length(), ch; StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(len*3); // change C:/blah to /C:/blah if (len >= 2 && userDir.charAt(1) == ':') { ch = Character.toUpperCase(userDir.charAt(0)); if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') { buffer.append('/'); } } // for each character in the path int i = 0; for (; i < len; i++) { ch = userDir.charAt(i); // if it's not an ASCII character, break here, and use UTF-8 encoding if (ch >= 128) break; if (gNeedEscaping[ch]) { buffer.append('%'); buffer.append(gAfterEscaping1[ch]); buffer.append(gAfterEscaping2[ch]); // record the fact that it's escaped } else { buffer.append((char)ch); } } // we saw some non-ascii character if (i < len) { // get UTF-8 bytes for the remaining sub-string byte[] bytes = null; byte b; try { bytes = userDir.substring(i).getBytes("UTF-8"); } catch (java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // should never happen return new URI("file", "", userDir, null, null); } len = bytes.length; // for each byte for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { b = bytes[i]; // for non-ascii character: make it positive, then escape if (b < 0) { ch = b + 256; buffer.append('%'); buffer.append(gHexChs[ch >> 4]); buffer.append(gHexChs[ch & 0xf]); } else if (gNeedEscaping[b]) { buffer.append('%'); buffer.append(gAfterEscaping1[b]); buffer.append(gAfterEscaping2[b]); } else { buffer.append((char)b); } } } // change blah/blah to blah/blah/ if (!userDir.endsWith("/")) buffer.append('/'); gUserDirURI = new URI("file", "", buffer.toString(), null, null); return gUserDirURI; } public static OutputStream createOutputStream(String uri) throws IOException { // URI was specified. Handle relative URIs. final String expanded = XMLEntityManager.expandSystemId(uri, null, true); final URL url = new URL(expanded != null ? expanded : uri); OutputStream out = null; String protocol = url.getProtocol(); String host = url.getHost(); // Use FileOutputStream if this URI is for a local file. if (protocol.equals("file") && (host == null || host.length() == 0 || host.equals("localhost"))) { File file = new File(getPathWithoutEscapes(url.getPath())); if (!file.exists()) { File parent = file.getParentFile(); if (parent != null && !parent.exists()) { parent.mkdirs(); } } out = new FileOutputStream(file); } // Try to write to some other kind of URI. Some protocols // won't support this, though HTTP should work. else { URLConnection urlCon = url.openConnection(); urlCon.setDoInput(false); urlCon.setDoOutput(true); urlCon.setUseCaches(false); // Enable tunneling. if (urlCon instanceof HttpURLConnection) { // The DOM L3 REC says if we are writing to an HTTP URI // it is to be done with an HTTP PUT. HttpURLConnection httpCon = (HttpURLConnection) urlCon; httpCon.setRequestMethod("PUT"); } out = urlCon.getOutputStream(); } return out; } private static String getPathWithoutEscapes(String origPath) { if (origPath != null && origPath.length() != 0 && origPath.indexOf('%') != -1) { // Locate the escape characters StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(origPath, "%"); StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(origPath.length()); int size = tokenizer.countTokens(); result.append(tokenizer.nextToken()); for(int i = 1; i < size; ++i) { String token = tokenizer.nextToken(); // Decode the 2 digit hexadecimal number following % in '%nn' result.append((char)Integer.valueOf(token.substring(0, 2), 16).intValue()); result.append(token.substring(2)); } return result.toString(); } return origPath; }
Absolutizes a URI using the current value of the "user.dir" property as the base URI. If the URI is already absolute, this is a no-op.
  • uri – the URI to absolutize
/** * Absolutizes a URI using the current value * of the "user.dir" property as the base URI. If * the URI is already absolute, this is a no-op. * * @param uri the URI to absolutize */
public static void absolutizeAgainstUserDir(URI uri) throws URI.MalformedURIException { uri.absolutize(getUserDir()); }
Expands a system id and returns the system id as a URI, if it can be expanded. A return value of null means that the identifier is already expanded. An exception thrown indicates a failure to expand the id.
  • systemId – The systemId to be expanded.
Returns:Returns the URI string representing the expanded system identifier. A null value indicates that the given system identifier is already expanded.
/** * Expands a system id and returns the system id as a URI, if * it can be expanded. A return value of null means that the * identifier is already expanded. An exception thrown * indicates a failure to expand the id. * * @param systemId The systemId to be expanded. * * @return Returns the URI string representing the expanded system * identifier. A null value indicates that the given * system identifier is already expanded. * */
public static String expandSystemId(String systemId, String baseSystemId) { // check for bad parameters id if (systemId == null || systemId.length() == 0) { return systemId; } // if id already expanded, return try { URI uri = new URI(systemId); if (uri != null) { return systemId; } } catch (URI.MalformedURIException e) { // continue on... } // normalize id String id = fixURI(systemId); // normalize base URI base = null; URI uri = null; try { if (baseSystemId == null || baseSystemId.length() == 0 || baseSystemId.equals(systemId)) { String dir = getUserDir().toString(); base = new URI("file", "", dir, null, null); } else { try { base = new URI(fixURI(baseSystemId)); } catch (URI.MalformedURIException e) { if (baseSystemId.indexOf(':') != -1) { // for xml schemas we might have baseURI with // a specified drive base = new URI("file", "", fixURI(baseSystemId), null, null); } else { String dir = getUserDir().toString(); dir = dir + fixURI(baseSystemId); base = new URI("file", "", dir, null, null); } } } // expand id uri = new URI(base, id); } catch (Exception e) { // let it go through } if (uri == null) { return systemId; } return uri.toString(); } // expandSystemId(String,String):String
Expands a system id and returns the system id as a URI, if it can be expanded. A return value of null means that the identifier is already expanded. An exception thrown indicates a failure to expand the id.
  • systemId – The systemId to be expanded.
Returns:Returns the URI string representing the expanded system identifier. A null value indicates that the given system identifier is already expanded.
/** * Expands a system id and returns the system id as a URI, if * it can be expanded. A return value of null means that the * identifier is already expanded. An exception thrown * indicates a failure to expand the id. * * @param systemId The systemId to be expanded. * * @return Returns the URI string representing the expanded system * identifier. A null value indicates that the given * system identifier is already expanded. * */
public static String expandSystemId(String systemId, String baseSystemId, boolean strict) throws URI.MalformedURIException { // check if there is a system id before // trying to expand it. if (systemId == null) { return null; } // system id has to be a valid URI if (strict) { try { // if it's already an absolute one, return it new URI(systemId); return systemId; } catch (URI.MalformedURIException ex) { } URI base = null; // if there isn't a base uri, use the working directory if (baseSystemId == null || baseSystemId.length() == 0) { base = new URI("file", "", getUserDir().toString(), null, null); } // otherwise, use the base uri else { try { base = new URI(baseSystemId); } catch (URI.MalformedURIException e) { // assume "base" is also a relative uri String dir = getUserDir().toString(); dir = dir + baseSystemId; base = new URI("file", "", dir, null, null); } } // absolutize the system id using the base URI uri = new URI(base, systemId); // return the string rep of the new uri (an absolute one) return uri.toString(); // if any exception is thrown, it'll get thrown to the caller. } // Assume the URIs are well-formed. If it turns out they're not, try fixing them up. try { return expandSystemIdStrictOff(systemId, baseSystemId); } catch (URI.MalformedURIException e) { /** Xerces URI rejects unicode, try java.net.URI * this is not ideal solution, but it covers known cases which either * Xerces URI or java.net.URI can handle alone * will file bug against java.net.URI */ try { return expandSystemIdStrictOff1(systemId, baseSystemId); } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { // continue on... } } // check for bad parameters id if (systemId.length() == 0) { return systemId; } // normalize id String id = fixURI(systemId); // normalize base URI base = null; URI uri = null; try { if (baseSystemId == null || baseSystemId.length() == 0 || baseSystemId.equals(systemId)) { base = getUserDir(); } else { try { base = new URI(fixURI(baseSystemId).trim()); } catch (URI.MalformedURIException e) { if (baseSystemId.indexOf(':') != -1) { // for xml schemas we might have baseURI with // a specified drive base = new URI("file", "", fixURI(baseSystemId).trim(), null, null); } else { base = new URI(getUserDir(), fixURI(baseSystemId)); } } } // expand id uri = new URI(base, id.trim()); } catch (Exception e) { // let it go through } if (uri == null) { return systemId; } return uri.toString(); } // expandSystemId(String,String,boolean):String
Helper method for expandSystemId(String,String,boolean):String
/** * Helper method for expandSystemId(String,String,boolean):String */
private static String expandSystemIdStrictOn(String systemId, String baseSystemId) throws URI.MalformedURIException { URI systemURI = new URI(systemId, true); // If it's already an absolute one, return it if (systemURI.isAbsoluteURI()) { return systemId; } // If there isn't a base URI, use the working directory URI baseURI = null; if (baseSystemId == null || baseSystemId.length() == 0) { baseURI = getUserDir(); } else { baseURI = new URI(baseSystemId, true); if (!baseURI.isAbsoluteURI()) { // assume "base" is also a relative uri baseURI.absolutize(getUserDir()); } } // absolutize the system identifier using the base URI systemURI.absolutize(baseURI); // return the string rep of the new uri (an absolute one) return systemURI.toString(); // if any exception is thrown, it'll get thrown to the caller. } // expandSystemIdStrictOn(String,String):String
Helper method for expandSystemId(String,String,boolean):String
/** * Helper method for expandSystemId(String,String,boolean):String */
private static String expandSystemIdStrictOff(String systemId, String baseSystemId) throws URI.MalformedURIException { URI systemURI = new URI(systemId, true); // If it's already an absolute one, return it if (systemURI.isAbsoluteURI()) { if (systemURI.getScheme().length() > 1) { return systemId; } /** * If the scheme's length is only one character, * it's likely that this was intended as a file * path. Fixing this up in expandSystemId to * maintain backwards compatibility. */ throw new URI.MalformedURIException(); } // If there isn't a base URI, use the working directory URI baseURI = null; if (baseSystemId == null || baseSystemId.length() == 0) { baseURI = getUserDir(); } else { baseURI = new URI(baseSystemId, true); if (!baseURI.isAbsoluteURI()) { // assume "base" is also a relative uri baseURI.absolutize(getUserDir()); } } // absolutize the system identifier using the base URI systemURI.absolutize(baseURI); // return the string rep of the new uri (an absolute one) return systemURI.toString(); // if any exception is thrown, it'll get thrown to the caller. } // expandSystemIdStrictOff(String,String):String private static String expandSystemIdStrictOff1(String systemId, String baseSystemId) throws URISyntaxException, URI.MalformedURIException { java.net.URI systemURI = new java.net.URI(systemId); // If it's already an absolute one, return it if (systemURI.isAbsolute()) { if (systemURI.getScheme().length() > 1) { return systemId; } /** * If the scheme's length is only one character, * it's likely that this was intended as a file * path. Fixing this up in expandSystemId to * maintain backwards compatibility. */ throw new URISyntaxException(systemId, "the scheme's length is only one character"); } // If there isn't a base URI, use the working directory URI baseURI = null; if (baseSystemId == null || baseSystemId.length() == 0) { baseURI = getUserDir(); } else { baseURI = new URI(baseSystemId, true); if (!baseURI.isAbsoluteURI()) { // assume "base" is also a relative uri baseURI.absolutize(getUserDir()); } } // absolutize the system identifier using the base URI // systemURI.absolutize(baseURI); systemURI = (new java.net.URI(baseURI.toString())).resolve(systemURI); // return the string rep of the new uri (an absolute one) return systemURI.toString(); // if any exception is thrown, it'll get thrown to the caller. } // expandSystemIdStrictOff(String,String):String // // Protected methods //
Returns the IANA encoding name that is auto-detected from the bytes specified, with the endian-ness of that encoding where appropriate.
  • b4 – The first four bytes of the input.
  • count – The number of bytes actually read.
Returns:a 2-element array: the first element, an IANA-encoding string, the second element a Boolean which is true iff the document is big endian, false if it's little-endian, and null if the distinction isn't relevant.
/** * Returns the IANA encoding name that is auto-detected from * the bytes specified, with the endian-ness of that encoding where appropriate. * * @param b4 The first four bytes of the input. * @param count The number of bytes actually read. * @return a 2-element array: the first element, an IANA-encoding string, * the second element a Boolean which is true iff the document is big endian, false * if it's little-endian, and null if the distinction isn't relevant. */
protected Object[] getEncodingName(byte[] b4, int count) { if (count < 2) { return defaultEncoding; } // UTF-16, with BOM int b0 = b4[0] & 0xFF; int b1 = b4[1] & 0xFF; if (b0 == 0xFE && b1 == 0xFF) { // UTF-16, big-endian return new Object [] {"UTF-16BE", new Boolean(true)}; } if (b0 == 0xFF && b1 == 0xFE) { // UTF-16, little-endian return new Object [] {"UTF-16LE", new Boolean(false)}; } // default to UTF-8 if we don't have enough bytes to make a // good determination of the encoding if (count < 3) { return defaultEncoding; } // UTF-8 with a BOM int b2 = b4[2] & 0xFF; if (b0 == 0xEF && b1 == 0xBB && b2 == 0xBF) { return defaultEncoding; } // default to UTF-8 if we don't have enough bytes to make a // good determination of the encoding if (count < 4) { return defaultEncoding; } // other encodings int b3 = b4[3] & 0xFF; if (b0 == 0x00 && b1 == 0x00 && b2 == 0x00 && b3 == 0x3C) { // UCS-4, big endian (1234) return new Object [] {"ISO-10646-UCS-4", new Boolean(true)}; } if (b0 == 0x3C && b1 == 0x00 && b2 == 0x00 && b3 == 0x00) { // UCS-4, little endian (4321) return new Object [] {"ISO-10646-UCS-4", new Boolean(false)}; } if (b0 == 0x00 && b1 == 0x00 && b2 == 0x3C && b3 == 0x00) { // UCS-4, unusual octet order (2143) // REVISIT: What should this be? return new Object [] {"ISO-10646-UCS-4", null}; } if (b0 == 0x00 && b1 == 0x3C && b2 == 0x00 && b3 == 0x00) { // UCS-4, unusual octect order (3412) // REVISIT: What should this be? return new Object [] {"ISO-10646-UCS-4", null}; } if (b0 == 0x00 && b1 == 0x3C && b2 == 0x00 && b3 == 0x3F) { // UTF-16, big-endian, no BOM // (or could turn out to be UCS-2... // REVISIT: What should this be? return new Object [] {"UTF-16BE", new Boolean(true)}; } if (b0 == 0x3C && b1 == 0x00 && b2 == 0x3F && b3 == 0x00) { // UTF-16, little-endian, no BOM // (or could turn out to be UCS-2... return new Object [] {"UTF-16LE", new Boolean(false)}; } if (b0 == 0x4C && b1 == 0x6F && b2 == 0xA7 && b3 == 0x94) { // EBCDIC // a la xerces1, return CP037 instead of EBCDIC here return new Object [] {"CP037", null}; } return defaultEncoding; } // getEncodingName(byte[],int):Object[]
Creates a reader capable of reading the given input stream in the specified encoding.
  • inputStream – The input stream.
  • encoding – The encoding name that the input stream is encoded using. If the user has specified that Java encoding names are allowed, then the encoding name may be a Java encoding name; otherwise, it is an ianaEncoding name.
  • isBigEndian – For encodings (like uCS-4), whose names cannot specify a byte order, this tells whether the order is bigEndian. null menas unknown or not relevant.
Returns:Returns a reader.
/** * Creates a reader capable of reading the given input stream in * the specified encoding. * * @param inputStream The input stream. * @param encoding The encoding name that the input stream is * encoded using. If the user has specified that * Java encoding names are allowed, then the * encoding name may be a Java encoding name; * otherwise, it is an ianaEncoding name. * @param isBigEndian For encodings (like uCS-4), whose names cannot * specify a byte order, this tells whether the order is bigEndian. null menas * unknown or not relevant. * * @return Returns a reader. */
protected Reader createReader(InputStream inputStream, String encoding, Boolean isBigEndian) throws IOException { // normalize encoding name if (encoding == null) { encoding = "UTF-8"; } // try to use an optimized reader String ENCODING = encoding.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH); if (ENCODING.equals("UTF-8")) { if (DEBUG_ENCODINGS) { System.out.println("$$$ creating UTF8Reader"); } return new UTF8Reader(inputStream, fBufferSize, fErrorReporter.getMessageFormatter(XMLMessageFormatter.XML_DOMAIN), fErrorReporter.getLocale() ); } if (ENCODING.equals("US-ASCII")) { if (DEBUG_ENCODINGS) { System.out.println("$$$ creating ASCIIReader"); } return new ASCIIReader(inputStream, fBufferSize, fErrorReporter.getMessageFormatter(XMLMessageFormatter.XML_DOMAIN), fErrorReporter.getLocale()); } if(ENCODING.equals("ISO-10646-UCS-4")) { if(isBigEndian != null) { boolean isBE = isBigEndian.booleanValue(); if(isBE) { return new UCSReader(inputStream, UCSReader.UCS4BE); } else { return new UCSReader(inputStream, UCSReader.UCS4LE); } } else { fErrorReporter.reportError(this.getEntityScanner(),XMLMessageFormatter.XML_DOMAIN, "EncodingByteOrderUnsupported", new Object[] { encoding }, XMLErrorReporter.SEVERITY_FATAL_ERROR); } } if(ENCODING.equals("ISO-10646-UCS-2")) { if(isBigEndian != null) { // sould never happen with this encoding... boolean isBE = isBigEndian.booleanValue(); if(isBE) { return new UCSReader(inputStream, UCSReader.UCS2BE); } else { return new UCSReader(inputStream, UCSReader.UCS2LE); } } else { fErrorReporter.reportError(this.getEntityScanner(),XMLMessageFormatter.XML_DOMAIN, "EncodingByteOrderUnsupported", new Object[] { encoding }, XMLErrorReporter.SEVERITY_FATAL_ERROR); } } // check for valid name boolean validIANA = XMLChar.isValidIANAEncoding(encoding); boolean validJava = XMLChar.isValidJavaEncoding(encoding); if (!validIANA || (fAllowJavaEncodings && !validJava)) { fErrorReporter.reportError(this.getEntityScanner(),XMLMessageFormatter.XML_DOMAIN, "EncodingDeclInvalid", new Object[] { encoding }, XMLErrorReporter.SEVERITY_FATAL_ERROR); // NOTE: AndyH suggested that, on failure, we use ISO Latin 1 // because every byte is a valid ISO Latin 1 character. // It may not translate correctly but if we failed on // the encoding anyway, then we're expecting the content // of the document to be bad. This will just prevent an // invalid UTF-8 sequence to be detected. This is only // important when continue-after-fatal-error is turned // on. -Ac encoding = "ISO-8859-1"; } // try to use a Java reader String javaEncoding = EncodingMap.getIANA2JavaMapping(ENCODING); if (javaEncoding == null) { if(fAllowJavaEncodings) { javaEncoding = encoding; } else { fErrorReporter.reportError(this.getEntityScanner(),XMLMessageFormatter.XML_DOMAIN, "EncodingDeclInvalid", new Object[] { encoding }, XMLErrorReporter.SEVERITY_FATAL_ERROR); // see comment above. javaEncoding = "ISO8859_1"; } } if (DEBUG_ENCODINGS) { System.out.print("$$$ creating Java InputStreamReader: encoding="+javaEncoding); if (javaEncoding == encoding) { System.out.print(" (IANA encoding)"); } System.out.println(); } return new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(inputStream, javaEncoding)); } // createReader(InputStream,String, Boolean): Reader
Return the public identifier for the current document event.

The return value is the public identifier of the document entity or of the external parsed entity in which the markup triggering the event appears.

Returns:A string containing the public identifier, or null if none is available.
/** * Return the public identifier for the current document event. * <p> * The return value is the public identifier of the document * entity or of the external parsed entity in which the markup * triggering the event appears. * * @return A string containing the public identifier, or * null if none is available. */
public String getPublicId() { return (fCurrentEntity != null && fCurrentEntity.entityLocation != null) ? fCurrentEntity.entityLocation.getPublicId() : null; } // getPublicId():String
Return the expanded system identifier for the current document event.

The return value is the expanded system identifier of the document entity or of the external parsed entity in which the markup triggering the event appears.

If the system identifier is a URL, the parser must resolve it fully before passing it to the application.

Returns:A string containing the expanded system identifier, or null if none is available.
/** * Return the expanded system identifier for the current document event. * <p> * The return value is the expanded system identifier of the document * entity or of the external parsed entity in which the markup * triggering the event appears. * <p> * If the system identifier is a URL, the parser must resolve it * fully before passing it to the application. * * @return A string containing the expanded system identifier, or null * if none is available. */
public String getExpandedSystemId() { if (fCurrentEntity != null) { if (fCurrentEntity.entityLocation != null && fCurrentEntity.entityLocation.getExpandedSystemId() != null ) { return fCurrentEntity.entityLocation.getExpandedSystemId(); } else { // search for the first external entity on the stack int size = fEntityStack.size(); for (int i = size - 1; i >= 0 ; i--) { Entity.ScannedEntity externalEntity = (Entity.ScannedEntity)fEntityStack.elementAt(i); if (externalEntity.entityLocation != null && externalEntity.entityLocation.getExpandedSystemId() != null) { return externalEntity.entityLocation.getExpandedSystemId(); } } } } return null; } // getExpandedSystemId():String
Return the literal system identifier for the current document event.

The return value is the literal system identifier of the document entity or of the external parsed entity in which the markup triggering the event appears.

Returns:A string containing the literal system identifier, or null if none is available.
/** * Return the literal system identifier for the current document event. * <p> * The return value is the literal system identifier of the document * entity or of the external parsed entity in which the markup * triggering the event appears. * <p> * @return A string containing the literal system identifier, or null * if none is available. */
public String getLiteralSystemId() { if (fCurrentEntity != null) { if (fCurrentEntity.entityLocation != null && fCurrentEntity.entityLocation.getLiteralSystemId() != null ) { return fCurrentEntity.entityLocation.getLiteralSystemId(); } else { // search for the first external entity on the stack int size = fEntityStack.size(); for (int i = size - 1; i >= 0 ; i--) { Entity.ScannedEntity externalEntity = (Entity.ScannedEntity)fEntityStack.elementAt(i); if (externalEntity.entityLocation != null && externalEntity.entityLocation.getLiteralSystemId() != null) { return externalEntity.entityLocation.getLiteralSystemId(); } } } } return null; } // getLiteralSystemId():String
Return the line number where the current document event ends.

Warning: The return value from the method is intended only as an approximation for the sake of error reporting; it is not intended to provide sufficient information to edit the character content of the original XML document.

The return value is an approximation of the line number in the document entity or external parsed entity where the markup triggering the event appears.

If possible, the SAX driver should provide the line position of the first character after the text associated with the document event. The first line in the document is line 1.

Returns:The line number, or -1 if none is available.
/** * Return the line number where the current document event ends. * <p> * <strong>Warning:</strong> The return value from the method * is intended only as an approximation for the sake of error * reporting; it is not intended to provide sufficient information * to edit the character content of the original XML document. * <p> * The return value is an approximation of the line number * in the document entity or external parsed entity where the * markup triggering the event appears. * <p> * If possible, the SAX driver should provide the line position * of the first character after the text associated with the document * event. The first line in the document is line 1. * * @return The line number, or -1 if none is available. */
public int getLineNumber() { if (fCurrentEntity != null) { if (fCurrentEntity.isExternal()) { return fCurrentEntity.lineNumber; } else { // search for the first external entity on the stack int size = fEntityStack.size(); for (int i=size-1; i>0 ; i--) { Entity.ScannedEntity firstExternalEntity = (Entity.ScannedEntity)fEntityStack.elementAt(i); if (firstExternalEntity.isExternal()) { return firstExternalEntity.lineNumber; } } } } return -1; } // getLineNumber():int
Return the column number where the current document event ends.

Warning: The return value from the method is intended only as an approximation for the sake of error reporting; it is not intended to provide sufficient information to edit the character content of the original XML document.

The return value is an approximation of the column number in the document entity or external parsed entity where the markup triggering the event appears.

If possible, the SAX driver should provide the line position of the first character after the text associated with the document event.

If possible, the SAX driver should provide the line position of the first character after the text associated with the document event. The first column in each line is column 1.

Returns:The column number, or -1 if none is available.
/** * Return the column number where the current document event ends. * <p> * <strong>Warning:</strong> The return value from the method * is intended only as an approximation for the sake of error * reporting; it is not intended to provide sufficient information * to edit the character content of the original XML document. * <p> * The return value is an approximation of the column number * in the document entity or external parsed entity where the * markup triggering the event appears. * <p> * If possible, the SAX driver should provide the line position * of the first character after the text associated with the document * event. * <p> * If possible, the SAX driver should provide the line position * of the first character after the text associated with the document * event. The first column in each line is column 1. * * @return The column number, or -1 if none is available. */
public int getColumnNumber() { if (fCurrentEntity != null) { if (fCurrentEntity.isExternal()) { return fCurrentEntity.columnNumber; } else { // search for the first external entity on the stack int size = fEntityStack.size(); for (int i=size-1; i>0 ; i--) { Entity.ScannedEntity firstExternalEntity = (Entity.ScannedEntity)fEntityStack.elementAt(i); if (firstExternalEntity.isExternal()) { return firstExternalEntity.columnNumber; } } } } return -1; } // getColumnNumber():int // // Protected static methods //
Fixes a platform dependent filename to standard URI form.
  • str – The string to fix.
Returns:Returns the fixed URI string.
/** * Fixes a platform dependent filename to standard URI form. * * @param str The string to fix. * * @return Returns the fixed URI string. */
protected static String fixURI(String str) { // handle platform dependent strings str = str.replace(java.io.File.separatorChar, '/'); // Windows fix if (str.length() >= 2) { char ch1 = str.charAt(1); // change "C:blah" to "/C:blah" if (ch1 == ':') { char ch0 = Character.toUpperCase(str.charAt(0)); if (ch0 >= 'A' && ch0 <= 'Z') { str = "/" + str; } } // change "//blah" to "file://blah" else if (ch1 == '/' && str.charAt(0) == '/') { str = "file:" + str; } } // replace spaces in file names with %20. // Original comment from JDK5: the following algorithm might not be // very performant, but people who want to use invalid URI's have to // pay the price. int pos = str.indexOf(' '); if (pos >= 0) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(str.length()); // put characters before ' ' into the string builder for (int i = 0; i < pos; i++) sb.append(str.charAt(i)); // and %20 for the space sb.append("%20"); // for the remamining part, also convert ' ' to "%20". for (int i = pos+1; i < str.length(); i++) { if (str.charAt(i) == ' ') sb.append("%20"); else sb.append(str.charAt(i)); } str = sb.toString(); } // done return str; } // fixURI(String):String // // Package visible methods //
Prints the contents of the buffer.
/** Prints the contents of the buffer. */
final void print() { if (DEBUG_BUFFER) { if (fCurrentEntity != null) { System.out.print('['); System.out.print(fCurrentEntity.count); System.out.print(' '); System.out.print(fCurrentEntity.position); if (fCurrentEntity.count > 0) { System.out.print(" \""); for (int i = 0; i < fCurrentEntity.count; i++) { if (i == fCurrentEntity.position) { System.out.print('^'); } char c = fCurrentEntity.ch[i]; switch (c) { case '\n': { System.out.print("\\n"); break; } case '\r': { System.out.print("\\r"); break; } case '\t': { System.out.print("\\t"); break; } case '\\': { System.out.print("\\\\"); break; } default: { System.out.print(c); } } } if (fCurrentEntity.position == fCurrentEntity.count) { System.out.print('^'); } System.out.print('"'); } System.out.print(']'); System.out.print(" @ "); System.out.print(fCurrentEntity.lineNumber); System.out.print(','); System.out.print(fCurrentEntity.columnNumber); } else { System.out.print("*NO CURRENT ENTITY*"); } } } // print()
Buffer used in entity manager to reuse character arrays instead of creating new ones every time.
Author:Ankit Pasricha, IBM
/** * Buffer used in entity manager to reuse character arrays instead * of creating new ones every time. * * @xerces.internal * * @author Ankit Pasricha, IBM */
private static class CharacterBuffer {
character buffer
/** character buffer */
private char[] ch;
whether the buffer is for an external or internal scanned entity
/** whether the buffer is for an external or internal scanned entity */
private boolean isExternal; public CharacterBuffer(boolean isExternal, int size) { this.isExternal = isExternal; ch = new char[size]; } }
Stores a number of character buffers and provides it to the entity manager to use when an entity is seen.
Author:Ankit Pasricha, IBM
/** * Stores a number of character buffers and provides it to the entity * manager to use when an entity is seen. * * @xerces.internal * * @author Ankit Pasricha, IBM */
private static class CharacterBufferPool { private static final int DEFAULT_POOL_SIZE = 3; private CharacterBuffer[] fInternalBufferPool; private CharacterBuffer[] fExternalBufferPool; private int fExternalBufferSize; private int fInternalBufferSize; private int poolSize; private int fInternalTop; private int fExternalTop; public CharacterBufferPool(int externalBufferSize, int internalBufferSize) { this(DEFAULT_POOL_SIZE, externalBufferSize, internalBufferSize); } public CharacterBufferPool(int poolSize, int externalBufferSize, int internalBufferSize) { fExternalBufferSize = externalBufferSize; fInternalBufferSize = internalBufferSize; this.poolSize = poolSize; init(); }
Initializes buffer pool.
/** Initializes buffer pool. **/
private void init() { fInternalBufferPool = new CharacterBuffer[poolSize]; fExternalBufferPool = new CharacterBuffer[poolSize]; fInternalTop = -1; fExternalTop = -1; }
Retrieves buffer from pool.
/** Retrieves buffer from pool. **/
public CharacterBuffer getBuffer(boolean external) { if (external) { if (fExternalTop > -1) { return fExternalBufferPool[fExternalTop--]; } else { return new CharacterBuffer(true, fExternalBufferSize); } } else { if (fInternalTop > -1) { return fInternalBufferPool[fInternalTop--]; } else { return new CharacterBuffer(false, fInternalBufferSize); } } }
Returns buffer to pool.
/** Returns buffer to pool. **/
public void returnToPool(CharacterBuffer buffer) { if (buffer.isExternal) { if (fExternalTop < fExternalBufferPool.length - 1) { fExternalBufferPool[++fExternalTop] = buffer; } } else if (fInternalTop < fInternalBufferPool.length - 1) { fInternalBufferPool[++fInternalTop] = buffer; } }
Sets the size of external buffers and dumps the old pool.
/** Sets the size of external buffers and dumps the old pool. **/
public void setExternalBufferSize(int bufferSize) { fExternalBufferSize = bufferSize; fExternalBufferPool = new CharacterBuffer[poolSize]; fExternalTop = -1; } }
This class wraps the byte inputstreams we're presented with. We need it because java.io.InputStreams don't provide functionality to reread processed bytes, and they have a habit of reading more than one character when you call their read() methods. This means that, once we discover the true (declared) encoding of a document, we can neither backtrack to read the whole doc again nor start reading where we are with a new reader. This class allows rewinding an inputStream by allowing a mark to be set, and the stream reset to that position. The class assumes that it needs to read one character per invocation when it's read() method is inovked, but uses the underlying InputStream's read(char[], offset length) method--it won't buffer data read this way!
Author:Neil Graham, IBM, Glenn Marcy, IBM
/** * This class wraps the byte inputstreams we're presented with. * We need it because java.io.InputStreams don't provide * functionality to reread processed bytes, and they have a habit * of reading more than one character when you call their read() * methods. This means that, once we discover the true (declared) * encoding of a document, we can neither backtrack to read the * whole doc again nor start reading where we are with a new * reader. * * This class allows rewinding an inputStream by allowing a mark * to be set, and the stream reset to that position. <strong>The * class assumes that it needs to read one character per * invocation when it's read() method is inovked, but uses the * underlying InputStream's read(char[], offset length) method--it * won't buffer data read this way!</strong> * * @xerces.internal * * @author Neil Graham, IBM * @author Glenn Marcy, IBM */
protected final class RewindableInputStream extends InputStream { private InputStream fInputStream; private byte[] fData; private int fStartOffset; private int fEndOffset; private int fOffset; private int fLength; private int fMark; public RewindableInputStream(InputStream is) { fData = new byte[DEFAULT_XMLDECL_BUFFER_SIZE]; fInputStream = is; fStartOffset = 0; fEndOffset = -1; fOffset = 0; fLength = 0; fMark = 0; } public void setStartOffset(int offset) { fStartOffset = offset; } public void rewind() { fOffset = fStartOffset; } public int read() throws IOException { int b = 0; if (fOffset < fLength) { return fData[fOffset++] & 0xff; } if (fOffset == fEndOffset) { return -1; } if (fOffset == fData.length) { byte[] newData = new byte[fOffset << 1]; System.arraycopy(fData, 0, newData, 0, fOffset); fData = newData; } b = fInputStream.read(); if (b == -1) { fEndOffset = fOffset; return -1; } fData[fLength++] = (byte)b; fOffset++; return b & 0xff; } public int read(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { int bytesLeft = fLength - fOffset; if (bytesLeft == 0) { if (fOffset == fEndOffset) { return -1; } /** * //System.out.println("fCurrentEntitty = " + fCurrentEntity ); * //System.out.println("fInputStream = " + fInputStream ); * // better get some more for the voracious reader... */ if(fCurrentEntity.mayReadChunks || !fCurrentEntity.xmlDeclChunkRead) { if (!fCurrentEntity.xmlDeclChunkRead) { fCurrentEntity.xmlDeclChunkRead = true; len = Entity.ScannedEntity.DEFAULT_XMLDECL_BUFFER_SIZE; } return fInputStream.read(b, off, len); } int returnedVal = read(); if(returnedVal == -1) { fEndOffset = fOffset; return -1; } b[off] = (byte)returnedVal; return 1; } if (len < bytesLeft) { if (len <= 0) { return 0; } } else { len = bytesLeft; } if (b != null) { System.arraycopy(fData, fOffset, b, off, len); } fOffset += len; return len; } public long skip(long n) throws IOException { int bytesLeft; if (n <= 0) { return 0; } bytesLeft = fLength - fOffset; if (bytesLeft == 0) { if (fOffset == fEndOffset) { return 0; } return fInputStream.skip(n); } if (n <= bytesLeft) { fOffset += n; return n; } fOffset += bytesLeft; if (fOffset == fEndOffset) { return bytesLeft; } n -= bytesLeft; /* * In a manner of speaking, when this class isn't permitting more * than one byte at a time to be read, it is "blocking". The * available() method should indicate how much can be read without * blocking, so while we're in this mode, it should only indicate * that bytes in its buffer are available; otherwise, the result of * available() on the underlying InputStream is appropriate. */ return fInputStream.skip(n) + bytesLeft; } public int available() throws IOException { int bytesLeft = fLength - fOffset; if (bytesLeft == 0) { if (fOffset == fEndOffset) { return -1; } return fCurrentEntity.mayReadChunks ? fInputStream.available() : 0; } return bytesLeft; } public void mark(int howMuch) { fMark = fOffset; } public void reset() { fOffset = fMark; //test(); } public boolean markSupported() { return true; } public void close() throws IOException { if (fInputStream != null) { fInputStream.close(); fInputStream = null; } } } // end of RewindableInputStream class public void test(){ //System.out.println("TESTING: Added familytree to entityManager"); //Usecase1 fEntityStorage.addExternalEntity("entityUsecase1",null, "/space/home/stax/sun/6thJan2004/zephyr/data/test.txt", "/space/home/stax/sun/6thJan2004/zephyr/data/entity.xml"); //Usecase2 fEntityStorage.addInternalEntity("entityUsecase2","<Test>value</Test>"); fEntityStorage.addInternalEntity("entityUsecase3","value3"); fEntityStorage.addInternalEntity("text", "Hello World."); fEntityStorage.addInternalEntity("empty-element", "<foo/>"); fEntityStorage.addInternalEntity("balanced-element", "<foo></foo>"); fEntityStorage.addInternalEntity("balanced-element-with-text", "<foo>Hello, World</foo>"); fEntityStorage.addInternalEntity("balanced-element-with-entity", "<foo>&text;</foo>"); fEntityStorage.addInternalEntity("unbalanced-entity", "<foo>"); fEntityStorage.addInternalEntity("recursive-entity", "<foo>&recursive-entity2;</foo>"); fEntityStorage.addInternalEntity("recursive-entity2", "<bar>&recursive-entity3;</bar>"); fEntityStorage.addInternalEntity("recursive-entity3", "<baz>&recursive-entity;</baz>"); fEntityStorage.addInternalEntity("ch","&#x00A9;"); fEntityStorage.addInternalEntity("ch1","&#84;"); fEntityStorage.addInternalEntity("% ch2","param"); } } // class XMLEntityManager