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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
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 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl;

import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.msg.XMLMessageFormatter;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.util.AugmentationsImpl;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.util.XMLAttributesIteratorImpl;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.util.XMLChar;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.util.XMLStringBuffer;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.util.XMLSymbols;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.QName;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.XMLAttributes;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.XMLDocumentHandler;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.XMLResourceIdentifier;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.XMLString;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.XNIException;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.parser.XMLComponent;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.parser.XMLComponentManager;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.parser.XMLConfigurationException;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.parser.XMLDocumentScanner;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.parser.XMLInputSource;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.Augmentations;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.utils.SecuritySupport;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.utils.XMLSecurityManager;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.utils.XMLSecurityManager.Limit;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.utils.XMLSecurityPropertyManager;
import com.sun.xml.internal.stream.XMLBufferListener;
import com.sun.xml.internal.stream.XMLEntityStorage;
import com.sun.xml.internal.stream.dtd.DTDGrammarUtil;
import java.io.EOFException;
import java.io.IOException;
import javax.xml.XMLConstants;
import javax.xml.stream.XMLInputFactory;
import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamConstants;
import javax.xml.stream.events.XMLEvent;
import jdk.xml.internal.JdkXmlUtils;

This class is responsible for scanning the structure and content of document fragments. This class has been modified as per the new design which is more suited to efficiently build pull parser. Lot of improvements have been done and the code has been added to support stax functionality/features.
Author:Neeraj Bajaj SUN Microsystems, K.Venugopal SUN Microsystems, Glenn Marcy, IBM, Andy Clark, IBM, Arnaud Le Hors, IBM, Eric Ye, IBM, Sunitha Reddy, SUN Microsystems
/** * * This class is responsible for scanning the structure and content * of document fragments. * * This class has been modified as per the new design which is more suited to * efficiently build pull parser. Lot of improvements have been done and * the code has been added to support stax functionality/features. * * @author Neeraj Bajaj SUN Microsystems * @author K.Venugopal SUN Microsystems * @author Glenn Marcy, IBM * @author Andy Clark, IBM * @author Arnaud Le Hors, IBM * @author Eric Ye, IBM * @author Sunitha Reddy, SUN Microsystems * */
public class XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl extends XMLScanner implements XMLDocumentScanner, XMLComponent, XMLEntityHandler, XMLBufferListener { // // Constants // protected int fElementAttributeLimit, fXMLNameLimit;
External subset resolver.
/** External subset resolver. **/
protected ExternalSubsetResolver fExternalSubsetResolver; // scanner states //XXX this should be divided into more states.
Scanner state: start of markup.
/** Scanner state: start of markup. */
protected static final int SCANNER_STATE_START_OF_MARKUP = 21;
Scanner state: content.
/** Scanner state: content. */
protected static final int SCANNER_STATE_CONTENT = 22;
Scanner state: processing instruction.
/** Scanner state: processing instruction. */
protected static final int SCANNER_STATE_PI = 23;
Scanner state: DOCTYPE.
/** Scanner state: DOCTYPE. */
protected static final int SCANNER_STATE_DOCTYPE = 24;
Scanner state: XML Declaration
/** Scanner state: XML Declaration */
protected static final int SCANNER_STATE_XML_DECL = 25;
Scanner state: root element.
/** Scanner state: root element. */
protected static final int SCANNER_STATE_ROOT_ELEMENT = 26;
Scanner state: comment.
/** Scanner state: comment. */
protected static final int SCANNER_STATE_COMMENT = 27;
Scanner state: reference.
/** Scanner state: reference. */
protected static final int SCANNER_STATE_REFERENCE = 28; // <book type="hard"> reading attribute name 'type' protected static final int SCANNER_STATE_ATTRIBUTE = 29; // <book type="hard"> //reading attribute value. protected static final int SCANNER_STATE_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE = 30; /** Scanner state: trailing misc. USED BY DOCUMENT_SCANNER_IMPL*/ //protected static final int SCANNER_STATE_TRAILING_MISC = 32;
Scanner state: end of input.
/** Scanner state: end of input. */
protected static final int SCANNER_STATE_END_OF_INPUT = 33;
Scanner state: terminated.
/** Scanner state: terminated. */
protected static final int SCANNER_STATE_TERMINATED = 34;
Scanner state: CDATA section.
/** Scanner state: CDATA section. */
protected static final int SCANNER_STATE_CDATA = 35;
Scanner state: Text declaration.
/** Scanner state: Text declaration. */
protected static final int SCANNER_STATE_TEXT_DECL = 36;
Scanner state: Text declaration.
/** Scanner state: Text declaration. */
protected static final int SCANNER_STATE_CHARACTER_DATA = 37; //<book type="hard">foo</book> protected static final int SCANNER_STATE_START_ELEMENT_TAG = 38; //<book type="hard">foo</book> reading </book> protected static final int SCANNER_STATE_END_ELEMENT_TAG = 39; protected static final int SCANNER_STATE_CHAR_REFERENCE = 40; protected static final int SCANNER_STATE_BUILT_IN_REFS = 41; // feature identifiers
Feature identifier: notify built-in refereces.
/** Feature identifier: notify built-in refereces. */
Property identifier: entity resolver.
/** Property identifier: entity resolver. */
protected static final String ENTITY_RESOLVER = Constants.XERCES_PROPERTY_PREFIX + Constants.ENTITY_RESOLVER_PROPERTY;
Feature identifier: standard uri conformant
/** Feature identifier: standard uri conformant */
Property identifier: Security property manager.
/** Property identifier: Security property manager. */
access external dtd: file protocol For DOM/SAX, the secure feature is set to true by default
/** access external dtd: file protocol * For DOM/SAX, the secure feature is set to true by default */
final static String EXTERNAL_ACCESS_DEFAULT = Constants.EXTERNAL_ACCESS_DEFAULT; // recognized features and properties
Recognized features.
/** Recognized features. */
Feature defaults.
/** Feature defaults. */
private static final Boolean[] FEATURE_DEFAULTS = { Boolean.TRUE, null, Boolean.FALSE, Boolean.FALSE, Boolean.TRUE, JdkXmlUtils.USE_CATALOG_DEFAULT };
Recognized properties.
/** Recognized properties. */
Property defaults.
/** Property defaults. */
private static final Object[] PROPERTY_DEFAULTS = { null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, JdkXmlUtils.CDATA_CHUNK_SIZE_DEFAULT }; private static final char [] CDATA = {'[','C','D','A','T','A','['}; static final char [] XMLDECL = {'<','?','x','m','l'}; // private static final char [] endTag = {'<','/'}; // debugging
Debug scanner state.
/** Debug scanner state. */
private static final boolean DEBUG_SCANNER_STATE = false;
Debug driver.
/** Debug driver. */
private static final boolean DEBUG_DISPATCHER = false;
Debug content driver scanning.
/** Debug content driver scanning. */
protected static final boolean DEBUG_START_END_ELEMENT = false;
Debug driver next
/** Debug driver next */
protected static final boolean DEBUG = false; // // Data // // protected data
Document handler.
/** Document handler. */
protected XMLDocumentHandler fDocumentHandler; protected int fScannerLastState ;
Entity Storage
/** Entity Storage */
protected XMLEntityStorage fEntityStore;
Entity stack.
/** Entity stack. */
protected int[] fEntityStack = new int[4];
Markup depth.
/** Markup depth. */
protected int fMarkupDepth; //is the element empty protected boolean fEmptyElement ; //track if we are reading attributes, this is usefule while //there is a callback protected boolean fReadingAttributes = false;
Scanner state.
/** Scanner state. */
protected int fScannerState;
SubScanner state: inside scanContent method.
/** SubScanner state: inside scanContent method. */
protected boolean fInScanContent = false; protected boolean fLastSectionWasCData = false; protected boolean fCDataStart = false; protected boolean fInCData = false; protected boolean fCDataEnd = false; protected boolean fLastSectionWasEntityReference = false; protected boolean fLastSectionWasCharacterData = false;
has external dtd
/** has external dtd */
protected boolean fHasExternalDTD;
/** Standalone. */
protected boolean fStandaloneSet; protected boolean fStandalone; protected String fVersion; // element information
Current element.
/** Current element. */
protected QName fCurrentElement;
Element stack.
/** Element stack. */
protected ElementStack fElementStack = new ElementStack(); protected ElementStack2 fElementStack2 = new ElementStack2(); // other info
Document system identifier. REVISIT: So what's this used for? - NG protected String fDocumentSystemId;
/** Document system identifier. * REVISIT: So what's this used for? - NG * protected String fDocumentSystemId; ******/
protected String fPITarget ; //xxx do we need to create an extra XMLString object... look for using fTempString for collecting all the data values protected XMLString fPIData = new XMLString(); // features
Notify built-in references.
/** Notify built-in references. */
protected boolean fNotifyBuiltInRefs = false; //STAX related properties //defaultValues. protected boolean fSupportDTD = true; protected boolean fReplaceEntityReferences = true; protected boolean fSupportExternalEntities = false; protected boolean fReportCdataEvent = false ; protected boolean fIsCoalesce = false ; protected String fDeclaredEncoding = null;
Xerces Feature: Disallow doctype declaration.
/** Xerces Feature: Disallow doctype declaration. */
protected boolean fDisallowDoctype = false;
CDATA chunk size limit
/** * CDATA chunk size limit */
private int fChunkSize;
comma-delimited list of protocols that are allowed for the purpose of accessing external dtd or entity references
/** * comma-delimited list of protocols that are allowed for the purpose * of accessing external dtd or entity references */
protected String fAccessExternalDTD = EXTERNAL_ACCESS_DEFAULT;
standard uri conformant (strict uri). http://apache.org/xml/features/standard-uri-conformant
/** * standard uri conformant (strict uri). * http://apache.org/xml/features/standard-uri-conformant */
protected boolean fStrictURI; // drivers
Active driver.
/** Active driver. */
protected Driver fDriver;
Content driver.
/** Content driver. */
protected Driver fContentDriver = createContentDriver(); // temporary variables
Element QName.
/** Element QName. */
protected QName fElementQName = new QName();
Attribute QName.
/** Attribute QName. */
protected QName fAttributeQName = new QName();
CHANGED: Using XMLAttributesIteratorImpl instead of XMLAttributesImpl. This class implements Iterator interface so we can directly give Attributes in the form of iterator.
/** * CHANGED: Using XMLAttributesIteratorImpl instead of XMLAttributesImpl. This class * implements Iterator interface so we can directly give Attributes in the form of * iterator. */
protected XMLAttributesIteratorImpl fAttributes = new XMLAttributesIteratorImpl();
/** String. */
protected XMLString fTempString = new XMLString();
/** String. */
protected XMLString fTempString2 = new XMLString();
Array of 3 strings.
/** Array of 3 strings. */
private final String[] fStrings = new String[3];
Making the buffer accessible to derived class -- String buffer.
/** Making the buffer accessible to derived class -- String buffer. */
protected XMLStringBuffer fStringBuffer = new XMLStringBuffer();
Making the buffer accessible to derived class -- String buffer.
/** Making the buffer accessible to derived class -- String buffer. */
protected XMLStringBuffer fStringBuffer2 = new XMLStringBuffer(); /** stores character data. */
Making the buffer accessible to derived class -- stores PI data
/** Making the buffer accessible to derived class -- stores PI data */
protected XMLStringBuffer fContentBuffer = new XMLStringBuffer();
Single character array.
/** Single character array. */
private final char[] fSingleChar = new char[1]; private String fCurrentEntityName = null; // New members protected boolean fScanToEnd = false; protected DTDGrammarUtil dtdGrammarUtil= null; protected boolean fAddDefaultAttr = false; protected boolean foundBuiltInRefs = false;
Built-in reference character event
/** Built-in reference character event */
protected boolean builtInRefCharacterHandled = false; //skip element algorithm static final short MAX_DEPTH_LIMIT = 5 ; static final short ELEMENT_ARRAY_LENGTH = 200 ; static final short MAX_POINTER_AT_A_DEPTH = 4 ; static final boolean DEBUG_SKIP_ALGORITHM = false; //create a elemnet array of length equal to ELEMENT_ARRAY_LENGTH String [] fElementArray = new String[ELEMENT_ARRAY_LENGTH] ; //pointer location where last element was skipped short fLastPointerLocation = 0 ; short fElementPointer = 0 ; //2D array to store pointer info short [] [] fPointerInfo = new short[MAX_DEPTH_LIMIT] [MAX_POINTER_AT_A_DEPTH] ; protected String fElementRawname ; protected boolean fShouldSkip = false; protected boolean fAdd = false ; protected boolean fSkip = false;
Reusable Augmentations.
/** Reusable Augmentations. */
private Augmentations fTempAugmentations = null; // // Constructors //
Default constructor.
/** Default constructor. */
public XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl() { } // <init>() // // XMLDocumentScanner methods //
Sets the input source.
  • inputSource – The input source.
/** * Sets the input source. * * @param inputSource The input source. * * @throws IOException Thrown on i/o error. */
public void setInputSource(XMLInputSource inputSource) throws IOException { fEntityManager.setEntityHandler(this); fEntityManager.startEntity(false, "$fragment$", inputSource, false, true); // fDocumentSystemId = fEntityManager.expandSystemId(inputSource.getSystemId()); } // setInputSource(XMLInputSource)
Scans a document.
  • complete – True if the scanner should scan the document completely, pushing all events to the registered document handler. A value of false indicates that that the scanner should only scan the next portion of the document and return. A scanner instance is permitted to completely scan a document if it does not support this "pull" scanning model.
Returns:True if there is more to scan, false otherwise.
/** * Scans a document. * * @param complete True if the scanner should scan the document * completely, pushing all events to the registered * document handler. A value of false indicates that * that the scanner should only scan the next portion * of the document and return. A scanner instance is * permitted to completely scan a document if it does * not support this "pull" scanning model. * * @return True if there is more to scan, false otherwise. */
public boolean scanDocument(boolean complete) throws IOException, XNIException { // keep dispatching "events" fEntityManager.setEntityHandler(this); //System.out.println(" get Document Handler in NSDocumentHandler " + fDocumentHandler ); int event = next(); do { switch (event) { case XMLStreamConstants.START_DOCUMENT : //fDocumentHandler.startDocument(fEntityManager.getEntityScanner(),fEntityManager.getEntityScanner().getVersion(),fNamespaceContext,null);// not able to get break; case XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT : //System.out.println(" in scann element"); //fDocumentHandler.startElement(getElementQName(),fAttributes,null); break; case XMLStreamConstants.CHARACTERS : fEntityScanner.checkNodeCount(fEntityScanner.fCurrentEntity); fDocumentHandler.characters(getCharacterData(),null); break; case XMLStreamConstants.SPACE: //check if getCharacterData() is the right function to retrieve ignorableWhitespace information. //System.out.println("in the space"); //fDocumentHandler.ignorableWhitespace(getCharacterData(), null); break; case XMLStreamConstants.ENTITY_REFERENCE : fEntityScanner.checkNodeCount(fEntityScanner.fCurrentEntity); //entity reference callback are given in startEntity break; case XMLStreamConstants.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION : fEntityScanner.checkNodeCount(fEntityScanner.fCurrentEntity); fDocumentHandler.processingInstruction(getPITarget(),getPIData(),null); break; case XMLStreamConstants.COMMENT : fEntityScanner.checkNodeCount(fEntityScanner.fCurrentEntity); fDocumentHandler.comment(getCharacterData(),null); break; case XMLStreamConstants.DTD : //all DTD related callbacks are handled in DTDScanner. //1. Stax doesn't define DTD states as it does for XML Document. //therefore we don't need to take care of anything here. So Just break; break; case XMLStreamConstants.CDATA: fEntityScanner.checkNodeCount(fEntityScanner.fCurrentEntity); if (fCDataStart) { fDocumentHandler.startCDATA(null); fCDataStart = false; fInCData = true; } fDocumentHandler.characters(getCharacterData(),null); if (fCDataEnd) { fDocumentHandler.endCDATA(null); fCDataEnd = false; } break; case XMLStreamConstants.NOTATION_DECLARATION : break; case XMLStreamConstants.ENTITY_DECLARATION : break; case XMLStreamConstants.NAMESPACE : break; case XMLStreamConstants.ATTRIBUTE : break; case XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT : //do not give callback here. //this callback is given in scanEndElement function. //fDocumentHandler.endElement(getElementQName(),null); break; default : // Errors should have already been handled by the Scanner return false; } //System.out.println("here in before calling next"); event = next(); //System.out.println("here in after calling next"); } while (event!=XMLStreamConstants.END_DOCUMENT && complete); if(event == XMLStreamConstants.END_DOCUMENT) { fDocumentHandler.endDocument(null); return false; } return true; } // scanDocument(boolean):boolean public com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.QName getElementQName(){ if(fScannerLastState == XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT){ fElementQName.setValues(fElementStack.getLastPoppedElement()); } return fElementQName ; }
return the next state on the input
/** return the next state on the input * @return int */
public int next() throws IOException, XNIException { return fDriver.next(); } // // XMLComponent methods //
Resets the component. The component can query the component manager about any features and properties that affect the operation of the component.
  • componentManager – The component manager.
  • SAXException – Thrown by component on initialization error. For example, if a feature or property is required for the operation of the component, the component manager may throw a SAXNotRecognizedException or a SAXNotSupportedException.
/** * Resets the component. The component can query the component manager * about any features and properties that affect the operation of the * component. * * @param componentManager The component manager. * * @throws SAXException Thrown by component on initialization error. * For example, if a feature or property is * required for the operation of the component, the * component manager may throw a * SAXNotRecognizedException or a * SAXNotSupportedException. */
public void reset(XMLComponentManager componentManager) throws XMLConfigurationException { super.reset(componentManager); // other settings // fDocumentSystemId = null; // sax features //fAttributes.setNamespaces(fNamespaces); // xerces features fReportCdataEvent = componentManager.getFeature(Constants.STAX_REPORT_CDATA_EVENT, true); fSecurityManager = (XMLSecurityManager)componentManager.getProperty(Constants.SECURITY_MANAGER, null); fNotifyBuiltInRefs = componentManager.getFeature(NOTIFY_BUILTIN_REFS, false); Object resolver = componentManager.getProperty(ENTITY_RESOLVER, null); fExternalSubsetResolver = (resolver instanceof ExternalSubsetResolver) ? (ExternalSubsetResolver) resolver : null; //attribute fReadingAttributes = false; //xxx: external entities are supported in Xerces // it would be good to define feature for this case fSupportExternalEntities = true; fReplaceEntityReferences = true; fIsCoalesce = false; // setup Driver setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_CONTENT); setDriver(fContentDriver); // JAXP 1.5 features and properties XMLSecurityPropertyManager spm = (XMLSecurityPropertyManager) componentManager.getProperty(XML_SECURITY_PROPERTY_MANAGER, null); fAccessExternalDTD = spm.getValue(XMLSecurityPropertyManager.Property.ACCESS_EXTERNAL_DTD); fStrictURI = componentManager.getFeature(STANDARD_URI_CONFORMANT, false); fChunkSize = JdkXmlUtils.getValue(componentManager.getProperty(JdkXmlUtils.CDATA_CHUNK_SIZE), JdkXmlUtils.CDATA_CHUNK_SIZE_DEFAULT); resetCommon(); //fEntityManager.test(); } // reset(XMLComponentManager) public void reset(PropertyManager propertyManager){ super.reset(propertyManager); // other settings // fDocumentSystemId = null; fNamespaces = ((Boolean)propertyManager.getProperty(XMLInputFactory.IS_NAMESPACE_AWARE)); fNotifyBuiltInRefs = false ; //fElementStack2.clear(); //fReplaceEntityReferences = true; //fSupportExternalEntities = true; Boolean bo = (Boolean)propertyManager.getProperty(XMLInputFactory.IS_REPLACING_ENTITY_REFERENCES); fReplaceEntityReferences = bo; bo = (Boolean)propertyManager.getProperty(XMLInputFactory.IS_SUPPORTING_EXTERNAL_ENTITIES); fSupportExternalEntities = bo; Boolean cdata = (Boolean)propertyManager.getProperty( Constants.ZEPHYR_PROPERTY_PREFIX + Constants.STAX_REPORT_CDATA_EVENT) ; if(cdata != null) fReportCdataEvent = cdata ; Boolean coalesce = (Boolean)propertyManager.getProperty(XMLInputFactory.IS_COALESCING) ; if(coalesce != null) fIsCoalesce = coalesce; fReportCdataEvent = fIsCoalesce ? false : (fReportCdataEvent && true) ; //if fIsCoalesce is set to true, set the value of fReplaceEntityReferences to true, //if fIsCoalesce is set to false, take the value of fReplaceEntityReferences as set by application fReplaceEntityReferences = fIsCoalesce ? true : fReplaceEntityReferences; // setup Driver //we dont need to do this -- nb. //setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_CONTENT); //setDriver(fContentDriver); //fEntityManager.test(); // JAXP 1.5 features and properties XMLSecurityPropertyManager spm = (XMLSecurityPropertyManager) propertyManager.getProperty(XML_SECURITY_PROPERTY_MANAGER); fAccessExternalDTD = spm.getValue(XMLSecurityPropertyManager.Property.ACCESS_EXTERNAL_DTD); fSecurityManager = (XMLSecurityManager)propertyManager.getProperty(Constants.SECURITY_MANAGER); fChunkSize = JdkXmlUtils.getValue(propertyManager.getProperty(JdkXmlUtils.CDATA_CHUNK_SIZE), JdkXmlUtils.CDATA_CHUNK_SIZE_DEFAULT); resetCommon(); } // reset(XMLComponentManager) void resetCommon() { // initialize vars fMarkupDepth = 0; fCurrentElement = null; fElementStack.clear(); fHasExternalDTD = false; fStandaloneSet = false; fStandalone = false; fInScanContent = false; //skipping algorithm fShouldSkip = false; fAdd = false; fSkip = false; fEntityStore = fEntityManager.getEntityStore(); dtdGrammarUtil = null; if (fSecurityManager != null) { fElementAttributeLimit = fSecurityManager.getLimit(XMLSecurityManager.Limit.ELEMENT_ATTRIBUTE_LIMIT); fXMLNameLimit = fSecurityManager.getLimit(XMLSecurityManager.Limit.MAX_NAME_LIMIT); } else { fElementAttributeLimit = 0; fXMLNameLimit = XMLSecurityManager.Limit.MAX_NAME_LIMIT.defaultValue(); } fLimitAnalyzer = fEntityManager.fLimitAnalyzer; }
Returns a list of feature identifiers that are recognized by this component. This method may return null if no features are recognized by this component.
/** * Returns a list of feature identifiers that are recognized by * this component. This method may return null if no features * are recognized by this component. */
public String[] getRecognizedFeatures() { return RECOGNIZED_FEATURES.clone(); } // getRecognizedFeatures():String[]
Sets the state of a feature. This method is called by the component manager any time after reset when a feature changes state.

Note: Components should silently ignore features that do not affect the operation of the component.

  • featureId – The feature identifier.
  • state – The state of the feature.
  • SAXNotRecognizedException – The component should not throw this exception.
  • SAXNotSupportedException – The component should not throw this exception.
/** * Sets the state of a feature. This method is called by the component * manager any time after reset when a feature changes state. * <p> * <strong>Note:</strong> Components should silently ignore features * that do not affect the operation of the component. * * @param featureId The feature identifier. * @param state The state of the feature. * * @throws SAXNotRecognizedException The component should not throw * this exception. * @throws SAXNotSupportedException The component should not throw * this exception. */
public void setFeature(String featureId, boolean state) throws XMLConfigurationException { super.setFeature(featureId, state); // Xerces properties if (featureId.startsWith(Constants.XERCES_FEATURE_PREFIX)) { String feature = featureId.substring(Constants.XERCES_FEATURE_PREFIX.length()); if (feature.equals(Constants.NOTIFY_BUILTIN_REFS_FEATURE)) { fNotifyBuiltInRefs = state; } } } // setFeature(String,boolean)
Returns a list of property identifiers that are recognized by this component. This method may return null if no properties are recognized by this component.
/** * Returns a list of property identifiers that are recognized by * this component. This method may return null if no properties * are recognized by this component. */
public String[] getRecognizedProperties() { return RECOGNIZED_PROPERTIES.clone(); } // getRecognizedProperties():String[]
Sets the value of a property. This method is called by the component manager any time after reset when a property changes value.

Note: Components should silently ignore properties that do not affect the operation of the component.

  • propertyId – The property identifier.
  • value – The value of the property.
  • SAXNotRecognizedException – The component should not throw this exception.
  • SAXNotSupportedException – The component should not throw this exception.
/** * Sets the value of a property. This method is called by the component * manager any time after reset when a property changes value. * <p> * <strong>Note:</strong> Components should silently ignore properties * that do not affect the operation of the component. * * @param propertyId The property identifier. * @param value The value of the property. * * @throws SAXNotRecognizedException The component should not throw * this exception. * @throws SAXNotSupportedException The component should not throw * this exception. */
public void setProperty(String propertyId, Object value) throws XMLConfigurationException { super.setProperty(propertyId, value); // Xerces properties if (propertyId.startsWith(Constants.XERCES_PROPERTY_PREFIX)) { final int suffixLength = propertyId.length() - Constants.XERCES_PROPERTY_PREFIX.length(); if (suffixLength == Constants.ENTITY_MANAGER_PROPERTY.length() && propertyId.endsWith(Constants.ENTITY_MANAGER_PROPERTY)) { fEntityManager = (XMLEntityManager)value; return; } if (suffixLength == Constants.ENTITY_RESOLVER_PROPERTY.length() && propertyId.endsWith(Constants.ENTITY_RESOLVER_PROPERTY)) { fExternalSubsetResolver = (value instanceof ExternalSubsetResolver) ? (ExternalSubsetResolver) value : null; return; } } // Xerces properties if (propertyId.startsWith(Constants.XERCES_PROPERTY_PREFIX)) { String property = propertyId.substring(Constants.XERCES_PROPERTY_PREFIX.length()); if (property.equals(Constants.ENTITY_MANAGER_PROPERTY)) { fEntityManager = (XMLEntityManager)value; } return; } //JAXP 1.5 properties if (propertyId.equals(XML_SECURITY_PROPERTY_MANAGER)) { XMLSecurityPropertyManager spm = (XMLSecurityPropertyManager)value; fAccessExternalDTD = spm.getValue(XMLSecurityPropertyManager.Property.ACCESS_EXTERNAL_DTD); } } // setProperty(String,Object)
Returns the default state for a feature, or null if this component does not want to report a default value for this feature.
  • featureId – The feature identifier.
Since:Xerces 2.2.0
/** * Returns the default state for a feature, or null if this * component does not want to report a default value for this * feature. * * @param featureId The feature identifier. * * @since Xerces 2.2.0 */
public Boolean getFeatureDefault(String featureId) { for (int i = 0; i < RECOGNIZED_FEATURES.length; i++) { if (RECOGNIZED_FEATURES[i].equals(featureId)) { return FEATURE_DEFAULTS[i]; } } return null; } // getFeatureDefault(String):Boolean
Returns the default state for a property, or null if this component does not want to report a default value for this property.
  • propertyId – The property identifier.
Since:Xerces 2.2.0
/** * Returns the default state for a property, or null if this * component does not want to report a default value for this * property. * * @param propertyId The property identifier. * * @since Xerces 2.2.0 */
public Object getPropertyDefault(String propertyId) { for (int i = 0; i < RECOGNIZED_PROPERTIES.length; i++) { if (RECOGNIZED_PROPERTIES[i].equals(propertyId)) { return PROPERTY_DEFAULTS[i]; } } return null; } // getPropertyDefault(String):Object // // XMLDocumentSource methods //
  • documentHandler –
/** * setDocumentHandler * * @param documentHandler */
public void setDocumentHandler(XMLDocumentHandler documentHandler) { fDocumentHandler = documentHandler; //System.out.println(" In Set DOCUMENT HANDLER" + fDocumentHandler + " scanner =" + this); } // setDocumentHandler(XMLDocumentHandler)
Returns the document handler
/** Returns the document handler */
public XMLDocumentHandler getDocumentHandler(){ return fDocumentHandler; } // // XMLEntityHandler methods //
This method notifies of the start of an entity. The DTD has the pseudo-name of "[dtd]" parameter entity names start with '%'; and general entities are just specified by their name.
  • name – The name of the entity.
  • identifier – The resource identifier.
  • encoding – The auto-detected IANA encoding name of the entity stream. This value will be null in those situations where the entity encoding is not auto-detected (e.g. internal entities or a document entity that is parsed from a java.io.Reader).
  • augs – Additional information that may include infoset augmentations
/** * This method notifies of the start of an entity. The DTD has the * pseudo-name of "[dtd]" parameter entity names start with '%'; and * general entities are just specified by their name. * * @param name The name of the entity. * @param identifier The resource identifier. * @param encoding The auto-detected IANA encoding name of the entity * stream. This value will be null in those situations * where the entity encoding is not auto-detected (e.g. * internal entities or a document entity that is * parsed from a java.io.Reader). * @param augs Additional information that may include infoset augmentations * * @throws XNIException Thrown by handler to signal an error. */
public void startEntity(String name, XMLResourceIdentifier identifier, String encoding, Augmentations augs) throws XNIException { // keep track of this entity before fEntityDepth is increased if (fEntityDepth == fEntityStack.length) { int[] entityarray = new int[fEntityStack.length * 2]; System.arraycopy(fEntityStack, 0, entityarray, 0, fEntityStack.length); fEntityStack = entityarray; } fEntityStack[fEntityDepth] = fMarkupDepth; super.startEntity(name, identifier, encoding, augs); // WFC: entity declared in external subset in standalone doc if(fStandalone && fEntityStore.isEntityDeclInExternalSubset(name)) { reportFatalError("MSG_REFERENCE_TO_EXTERNALLY_DECLARED_ENTITY_WHEN_STANDALONE", new Object[]{name}); } /** we are not calling the handlers yet.. */ // call handler if (fDocumentHandler != null && !fScanningAttribute) { if (!name.equals("[xml]")) { fDocumentHandler.startGeneralEntity(name, identifier, encoding, augs); } } } // startEntity(String,XMLResourceIdentifier,String)
This method notifies the end of an entity. The DTD has the pseudo-name of "[dtd]" parameter entity names start with '%'; and general entities are just specified by their name.
  • name – The name of the entity.
  • augs – Additional information that may include infoset augmentations
/** * This method notifies the end of an entity. The DTD has the pseudo-name * of "[dtd]" parameter entity names start with '%'; and general entities * are just specified by their name. * * @param name The name of the entity. * @param augs Additional information that may include infoset augmentations * * @throws XNIException Thrown by handler to signal an error. */
public void endEntity(String name, Augmentations augs) throws IOException, XNIException { /** * // flush possible pending output buffer - see scanContent * if (fInScanContent && fStringBuffer.length != 0 * && fDocumentHandler != null) { * fDocumentHandler.characters(fStringBuffer, null); * fStringBuffer.length = 0; // make sure we know it's been flushed * } */ super.endEntity(name, augs); // make sure markup is properly balanced if (fMarkupDepth != fEntityStack[fEntityDepth]) { reportFatalError("MarkupEntityMismatch", null); } /**/ // call handler if (fDocumentHandler != null && !fScanningAttribute) { if (!name.equals("[xml]")) { fDocumentHandler.endGeneralEntity(name, augs); } } } // endEntity(String) // // Protected methods // // Driver factory methods
Creates a content Driver.
/** Creates a content Driver. */
protected Driver createContentDriver() { return new FragmentContentDriver(); } // createContentDriver():Driver // scanning methods
Scans an XML or text declaration.

[23] XMLDecl ::= '<?xml' VersionInfo EncodingDecl? SDDecl? S? '?>'
[24] VersionInfo ::= S 'version' Eq (' VersionNum ' | " VersionNum ")
[80] EncodingDecl ::= S 'encoding' Eq ('"' EncName '"' |  "'" EncName "'" )
[81] EncName ::= [A-Za-z] ([A-Za-z0-9._] | '-')*
[32] SDDecl ::= S 'standalone' Eq (("'" ('yes' | 'no') "'")
                | ('"' ('yes' | 'no') '"'))
[77] TextDecl ::= '<?xml' VersionInfo? EncodingDecl S? '?>'
  • scanningTextDecl – True if a text declaration is to be scanned instead of an XML declaration.
/** * Scans an XML or text declaration. * <p> * <pre> * [23] XMLDecl ::= '&lt;?xml' VersionInfo EncodingDecl? SDDecl? S? '?>' * [24] VersionInfo ::= S 'version' Eq (' VersionNum ' | " VersionNum ") * [80] EncodingDecl ::= S 'encoding' Eq ('"' EncName '"' | "'" EncName "'" ) * [81] EncName ::= [A-Za-z] ([A-Za-z0-9._] | '-')* * [32] SDDecl ::= S 'standalone' Eq (("'" ('yes' | 'no') "'") * | ('"' ('yes' | 'no') '"')) * * [77] TextDecl ::= '&lt;?xml' VersionInfo? EncodingDecl S? '?>' * </pre> * * @param scanningTextDecl True if a text declaration is to * be scanned instead of an XML * declaration. */
protected void scanXMLDeclOrTextDecl(boolean scanningTextDecl) throws IOException, XNIException { // scan decl super.scanXMLDeclOrTextDecl(scanningTextDecl, fStrings); fMarkupDepth--; // pseudo-attribute values String version = fStrings[0]; String encoding = fStrings[1]; String standalone = fStrings[2]; fDeclaredEncoding = encoding; // set standalone fStandaloneSet = standalone != null; fStandalone = fStandaloneSet && standalone.equals("yes"); ///xxx see where its used.. this is not used anywhere. //it may be useful for entity to store this information //but this information is only related with Document Entity. fEntityManager.setStandalone(fStandalone); // call handler if (fDocumentHandler != null) { if (scanningTextDecl) { fDocumentHandler.textDecl(version, encoding, null); } else { fDocumentHandler.xmlDecl(version, encoding, standalone, null); } } if(version != null){ fEntityScanner.setVersion(version); fEntityScanner.setXMLVersion(version); } // set encoding on reader, only if encoding was not specified by the application explicitly if (encoding != null && !fEntityScanner.getCurrentEntity().isEncodingExternallySpecified()) { fEntityScanner.setEncoding(encoding); } } // scanXMLDeclOrTextDecl(boolean) public String getPITarget(){ return fPITarget ; } public XMLStringBuffer getPIData(){ return fContentBuffer ; } //XXX: why not this function behave as per the state of the parser? public XMLString getCharacterData(){ if(fUsebuffer){ return fContentBuffer ; }else{ return fTempString; } }
Scans a processing data. This is needed to handle the situation where a document starts with a processing instruction whose target name starts with "xml". (e.g. xmlfoo)
  • target – The PI target
  • data – The XMLStringBuffer to fill in with the data
/** * Scans a processing data. This is needed to handle the situation * where a document starts with a processing instruction whose * target name <em>starts with</em> "xml". (e.g. xmlfoo) * * @param target The PI target * @param data The XMLStringBuffer to fill in with the data */
protected void scanPIData(String target, XMLStringBuffer data) throws IOException, XNIException { super.scanPIData(target, data); //set the PI target and values fPITarget = target ; fMarkupDepth--; } // scanPIData(String)
Scans a comment.

[15] Comment ::= '<!--' ((Char - '-') | ('-' (Char - '-')))* '-->'

Note: Called after scanning past '<!--'

/** * Scans a comment. * <p> * <pre> * [15] Comment ::= '&lt!--' ((Char - '-') | ('-' (Char - '-')))* '-->' * </pre> * <p> * <strong>Note:</strong> Called after scanning past '&lt;!--' */
protected void scanComment() throws IOException, XNIException { fContentBuffer.clear(); scanComment(fContentBuffer); //getTextCharacters can also be called for reading comments fUsebuffer = true; fMarkupDepth--; } // scanComment() //xxx value returned by this function may not remain valid if another event is scanned. public String getComment(){ return fContentBuffer.toString(); } void addElement(String rawname){ if(fElementPointer < ELEMENT_ARRAY_LENGTH){ //storing element raw name in a linear list of array fElementArray[fElementPointer] = rawname ; //storing elemnetPointer for particular element depth if(DEBUG_SKIP_ALGORITHM){ StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer() ; sb.append(" Storing element information ") ; sb.append(" fElementPointer = " + fElementPointer) ; sb.append(" fElementRawname = " + fElementQName.rawname) ; sb.append(" fElementStack.fDepth = " + fElementStack.fDepth); System.out.println(sb.toString()) ; } //store pointer information only when element depth is less MAX_DEPTH_LIMIT if(fElementStack.fDepth < MAX_DEPTH_LIMIT){ short column = storePointerForADepth(fElementPointer); if(column > 0){ short pointer = getElementPointer((short)fElementStack.fDepth, (short)(column - 1) ); //identity comparison shouldn't take much time and we can rely on this //since its guaranteed to have same object id for same string. if(rawname == fElementArray[pointer]){ fShouldSkip = true ; fLastPointerLocation = pointer ; //reset the things and return. resetPointer((short)fElementStack.fDepth , column) ; fElementArray[fElementPointer] = null ; return ; }else{ fShouldSkip = false ; } } } fElementPointer++ ; } } void resetPointer(short depth, short column){ fPointerInfo[depth] [column] = (short)0; } //returns column information at which pointer was stored. short storePointerForADepth(short elementPointer){ short depth = (short) fElementStack.fDepth ; //Stores element pointer locations at particular depth , only 4 pointer locations //are stored at particular depth for now. for(short i = 0 ; i < MAX_POINTER_AT_A_DEPTH ; i++){ if(canStore(depth, i)){ fPointerInfo[depth][i] = elementPointer ; if(DEBUG_SKIP_ALGORITHM){ StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer() ; sb.append(" Pointer information ") ; sb.append(" fElementPointer = " + fElementPointer) ; sb.append(" fElementStack.fDepth = " + fElementStack.fDepth); sb.append(" column = " + i ) ; System.out.println(sb.toString()) ; } return i; } //else //pointer was not stored because we reached the limit } return -1 ; } boolean canStore(short depth, short column){ //colum = 0 , means first element at particular depth //column = 1, means second element at particular depth // calle should make sure that it doesn't call for value outside allowed co-ordinates return fPointerInfo[depth][column] == 0 ? true : false ; } short getElementPointer(short depth, short column){ //colum = 0 , means first element at particular depth //column = 1, means second element at particular depth // calle should make sure that it doesn't call for value outside allowed co-ordinates return fPointerInfo[depth][column] ; } //this function assumes that string passed is not null and skips //the following string from the buffer this makes sure boolean skipFromTheBuffer(String rawname) throws IOException{ if(fEntityScanner.skipString(rawname)){ char c = (char)fEntityScanner.peekChar() ; //If the start element was completely skipped we should encounter either ' '(space), //or '/' (in case of empty element) or '>' if( c == ' ' || c == '/' || c == '>'){ fElementRawname = rawname ; return true ; } else{ return false; } } else return false ; } boolean skipQElement(String rawname) throws IOException{ final int c = fEntityScanner.getChar(rawname.length()); //if this character is still valid element name -- this means string can't match if(XMLChar.isName(c)){ return false; }else{ return fEntityScanner.skipString(rawname); } } protected boolean skipElement() throws IOException { if(!fShouldSkip) return false ; if(fLastPointerLocation != 0){ //Look at the next element stored in the array list.. we might just get a match. String rawname = fElementArray[fLastPointerLocation + 1] ; if(rawname != null && skipFromTheBuffer(rawname)){ fLastPointerLocation++ ; if(DEBUG_SKIP_ALGORITHM){ System.out.println("Element " + fElementRawname + " was SKIPPED at pointer location = " + fLastPointerLocation); } return true ; } else{ //reset it back to zero... we haven't got the correct subset yet. fLastPointerLocation = 0 ; } } //xxx: we can put some logic here as from what column it should start looking //for now we always start at 0 //fallback to tolerant algorithm, it would look for differnt element stored at different //depth and get us the pointer location. return fShouldSkip && skipElement((short)0); } //start of the column at which it should try searching boolean skipElement(short column) throws IOException { short depth = (short)fElementStack.fDepth ; if(depth > MAX_DEPTH_LIMIT){ return fShouldSkip = false ; } for(short i = column ; i < MAX_POINTER_AT_A_DEPTH ; i++){ short pointer = getElementPointer(depth , i ) ; if(pointer == 0){ return fShouldSkip = false ; } if(fElementArray[pointer] != null && skipFromTheBuffer(fElementArray[pointer])){ if(DEBUG_SKIP_ALGORITHM){ System.out.println(); System.out.println("Element " + fElementRawname + " was SKIPPED at depth = " + fElementStack.fDepth + " column = " + column ); System.out.println(); } fLastPointerLocation = pointer ; return fShouldSkip = true ; } } return fShouldSkip = false ; }
Scans a start element. This method will handle the binding of namespace information and notifying the handler of the start of the element.

[44] EmptyElemTag ::= '<' Name (S Attribute)* S? '/>'
[40] STag ::= '<' Name (S Attribute)* S? '>'

Note: This method assumes that the leading '<' character has been consumed.

Note: This method uses the fElementQName and fAttributes variables. The contents of these variables will be destroyed. The caller should copy important information out of these variables before calling this method. NB: Content in fAttributes is valid only till the state of the parser is XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT

Returns:True if element is empty. (i.e. It matches production [44].
/** * Scans a start element. This method will handle the binding of * namespace information and notifying the handler of the start * of the element. * <p> * <pre> * [44] EmptyElemTag ::= '&lt;' Name (S Attribute)* S? '/>' * [40] STag ::= '&lt;' Name (S Attribute)* S? '>' * </pre> * <p> * <strong>Note:</strong> This method assumes that the leading * '&lt;' character has been consumed. * <p> * <strong>Note:</strong> This method uses the fElementQName and * fAttributes variables. The contents of these variables will be * destroyed. The caller should copy important information out of * these variables before calling this method. * NB: Content in fAttributes is valid only till the state of the parser is XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT * * @return True if element is empty. (i.e. It matches * production [44]. */
// fElementQName will have the details of element just read.. // fAttributes will have the details of all the attributes. protected boolean scanStartElement() throws IOException, XNIException { if (DEBUG_START_END_ELEMENT) System.out.println( this.getClass().toString() + ">>> scanStartElement()"); //when skipping is true and no more elements should be added if(fSkip && !fAdd){ //get the stored element -- if everything goes right this should match the //token in the buffer QName name = fElementStack.getNext(); if(DEBUG_SKIP_ALGORITHM){ System.out.println("Trying to skip String = " + name.rawname); } //Be conservative -- if skipping fails -- stop. fSkip = fEntityScanner.skipString(name.rawname); if(fSkip){ if(DEBUG_SKIP_ALGORITHM){ System.out.println("Element SUCESSFULLY skipped = " + name.rawname); } fElementStack.push(); fElementQName = name; }else{ //if skipping fails reposition the stack or fallback to normal way of processing fElementStack.reposition(); if(DEBUG_SKIP_ALGORITHM){ System.out.println("Element was NOT skipped, REPOSITIONING stack" ); } } } //we are still at the stage of adding elements //the elements were not matched or //fSkip is not set to true if(!fSkip || fAdd){ //get the next element from the stack fElementQName = fElementStack.nextElement(); // name if (fNamespaces) { fEntityScanner.scanQName(fElementQName, NameType.ELEMENTSTART); } else { String name = fEntityScanner.scanName(NameType.ELEMENTSTART); fElementQName.setValues(null, name, name, null); } if(DEBUG)System.out.println("Element scanned in start element is " + fElementQName.toString()); if(DEBUG_SKIP_ALGORITHM){ if(fAdd){ System.out.println("Elements are being ADDED -- elemet added is = " + fElementQName.rawname + " at count = " + fElementStack.fCount); } } } //when the elements are being added , we need to check if we are set for skipping the elements if(fAdd){ //this sets the value of fAdd variable fElementStack.matchElement(fElementQName); } //xxx: We dont need another pointer, fCurrentElement, we can use fElementQName fCurrentElement = fElementQName; String rawname = fElementQName.rawname; fEmptyElement = false; fAttributes.removeAllAttributes(); checkDepth(rawname); if(!seekCloseOfStartTag()){ fReadingAttributes = true; fAttributeCacheUsedCount =0; fStringBufferIndex =0; fAddDefaultAttr = true; do { scanAttribute(fAttributes); if (fSecurityManager != null && !fSecurityManager.isNoLimit(fElementAttributeLimit) && fAttributes.getLength() > fElementAttributeLimit){ fErrorReporter.reportError(XMLMessageFormatter.XML_DOMAIN, "ElementAttributeLimit", new Object[]{rawname, fElementAttributeLimit }, XMLErrorReporter.SEVERITY_FATAL_ERROR ); } } while (!seekCloseOfStartTag()); fReadingAttributes=false; } if (fEmptyElement) { //decrease the markup depth.. fMarkupDepth--; // check that this element was opened in the same entity if (fMarkupDepth < fEntityStack[fEntityDepth - 1]) { reportFatalError("ElementEntityMismatch", new Object[]{fCurrentElement.rawname}); } // call handler if (fDocumentHandler != null) { fDocumentHandler.emptyElement(fElementQName, fAttributes, null); } //We should not be popping out the context here in endELement becaause the namespace context is still //valid when parser is at the endElement state. //if (fNamespaces) { // fNamespaceContext.popContext(); //} //pop the element off the stack.. fElementStack.popElement(); } else { if(dtdGrammarUtil != null) dtdGrammarUtil.startElement(fElementQName, fAttributes); if(fDocumentHandler != null){ //complete element and attributes are traversed in this function so we can send a callback //here. //<strong>we shouldn't be sending callback in scanDocument()</strong> fDocumentHandler.startElement(fElementQName, fAttributes, null); } } if (DEBUG_START_END_ELEMENT) System.out.println(this.getClass().toString() + "<<< scanStartElement(): "+fEmptyElement); return fEmptyElement; } // scanStartElement():boolean
Looks for the close of start tag, i.e. if it finds '>' or '/>' Characters are consumed.
/** * Looks for the close of start tag, i.e. if it finds '>' or '/>' * Characters are consumed. */
protected boolean seekCloseOfStartTag() throws IOException, XNIException { // spaces boolean sawSpace = fEntityScanner.skipSpaces(); // end tag? final int c = fEntityScanner.peekChar(); if (c == '>') { fEntityScanner.scanChar(null); return true; } else if (c == '/') { fEntityScanner.scanChar(null); if (!fEntityScanner.skipChar('>', NameType.ELEMENTEND)) { reportFatalError("ElementUnterminated", new Object[]{fElementQName.rawname}); } fEmptyElement = true; return true; } else if (!isValidNameStartChar(c) || !sawSpace) { // Second chance. Check if this character is a high // surrogate of a valid name start character. if (!isValidNameStartHighSurrogate(c) || !sawSpace) { reportFatalError("ElementUnterminated", new Object[]{fElementQName.rawname}); } } return false; } public boolean hasAttributes(){ return fAttributes.getLength() > 0; }
return the attribute iterator implementation
/** return the attribute iterator implementation */
public XMLAttributesIteratorImpl getAttributeIterator(){ if(dtdGrammarUtil != null && fAddDefaultAttr){ dtdGrammarUtil.addDTDDefaultAttrs(fElementQName,fAttributes); fAddDefaultAttr = false; } return fAttributes; }
return if standalone is set
/** return if standalone is set */
public boolean standaloneSet(){ return fStandaloneSet; }
return if the doucment is standalone
/** return if the doucment is standalone */
public boolean isStandAlone(){ return fStandalone ; }
Scans an attribute name value pair.

[41] Attribute ::= Name Eq AttValue

Note: This method assumes that the next character on the stream is the first character of the attribute name.

Note: This method uses the fAttributeQName and fQName variables. The contents of these variables will be destroyed.

  • attributes – The attributes list for the scanned attribute.
/** * Scans an attribute name value pair. * <p> * <pre> * [41] Attribute ::= Name Eq AttValue * </pre> * <p> * <strong>Note:</strong> This method assumes that the next * character on the stream is the first character of the attribute * name. * <p> * <strong>Note:</strong> This method uses the fAttributeQName and * fQName variables. The contents of these variables will be * destroyed. * * @param attributes The attributes list for the scanned attribute. */
protected void scanAttribute(XMLAttributes attributes) throws IOException, XNIException { if (DEBUG_START_END_ELEMENT) System.out.println(this.getClass().toString() +">>> scanAttribute()"); // name if (fNamespaces) { fEntityScanner.scanQName(fAttributeQName, NameType.ATTRIBUTENAME); } else { String name = fEntityScanner.scanName(NameType.ATTRIBUTENAME); fAttributeQName.setValues(null, name, name, null); } // equals fEntityScanner.skipSpaces(); if (!fEntityScanner.skipChar('=', NameType.ATTRIBUTE)) { reportFatalError("EqRequiredInAttribute", new Object[] {fCurrentElement.rawname, fAttributeQName.rawname}); } fEntityScanner.skipSpaces(); int attIndex = 0 ; //REVISIT: one more case needs to be included: external PE and standalone is no boolean isVC = fHasExternalDTD && !fStandalone; //fTempString would store attribute value ///fTempString2 would store attribute non-normalized value //this function doesn't use 'attIndex'. We are adding the attribute later //after we have figured out that current attribute is not namespace declaration //since scanAttributeValue doesn't use attIndex parameter therefore we //can safely add the attribute later.. XMLString tmpStr = getString(); scanAttributeValue(tmpStr, fTempString2, fAttributeQName.rawname, attributes, attIndex, isVC, fCurrentElement.rawname, false); // content int oldLen = attributes.getLength(); //if the attribute name already exists.. new value is replaced with old value attIndex = attributes.addAttribute(fAttributeQName, XMLSymbols.fCDATASymbol, null); // WFC: Unique Att Spec //attributes count will be same if the current attribute name already exists for this element name. //this means there are two duplicate attributes. if (oldLen == attributes.getLength()) { reportFatalError("AttributeNotUnique", new Object[]{fCurrentElement.rawname, fAttributeQName.rawname}); } //tmpString contains attribute value //we are passing null as the attribute value attributes.setValue(attIndex, null, tmpStr); ///xxx: nonNormalizedValue is not being set as it is not required by SAX & DOM //attributes.setNonNormalizedValue(oldLen, fTempString2.toString()); attributes.setSpecified(attIndex, true); if (DEBUG_START_END_ELEMENT) System.out.println(this.getClass().toString() +"<<< scanAttribute()"); } // scanAttribute(XMLAttributes)
Scans element content.
Returns:Returns the next character on the stream.
/** * Scans element content. * * @return Returns the next character on the stream. */
//CHANGED: //EARLIER: scanContent() //NOW: scanContent(XMLStringBuffer) //It makes things easy if this functions takes XMLStringBuffer as parameter.. //this function appends the data to the buffer. protected int scanContent(XMLStringBuffer content) throws IOException, XNIException { //set the fTempString length to 0 before passing it on to scanContent //scanContent sets the correct co-ordinates as per the content read fTempString.length = 0; int c = fEntityScanner.scanContent(fTempString); content.append(fTempString); fTempString.length = 0; if (c == '\r') { // happens when there is the character reference &#13; //xxx: We know the next chracter.. we should just skip it and add ']' directlry fEntityScanner.scanChar(null); content.append((char)c); c = -1; } else if (c == ']') { //fStringBuffer.clear(); //xxx: We know the next chracter.. we should just skip it and add ']' directlry content.append((char)fEntityScanner.scanChar(null)); // remember where we are in case we get an endEntity before we // could flush the buffer out - this happens when we're parsing an // entity which ends with a ] fInScanContent = true; // // We work on a single character basis to handle cases such as: // ']]]>' which we might otherwise miss. // if (fEntityScanner.skipChar(']', null)) { content.append(']'); while (fEntityScanner.skipChar(']', null)) { content.append(']'); } if (fEntityScanner.skipChar('>', null)) { reportFatalError("CDEndInContent", null); } } fInScanContent = false; c = -1; } if (fDocumentHandler != null && content.length > 0) { //fDocumentHandler.characters(content, null); } return c; } // scanContent():int
Scans a CDATA section.

Note: This method uses the fTempString and fStringBuffer variables.

  • complete – True if the CDATA section is to be scanned completely.
Returns:True if CDATA is completely scanned.
/** * Scans a CDATA section. * <p> * <strong>Note:</strong> This method uses the fTempString and * fStringBuffer variables. * * @param complete True if the CDATA section is to be scanned * completely. * * @return True if CDATA is completely scanned. */
//CHANGED: protected boolean scanCDATASection(XMLStringBuffer contentBuffer, boolean complete) throws IOException, XNIException { // call handler if (fDocumentHandler != null) { //fDocumentHandler.startCDATA(null); } while (true) { //scanData will fill the contentBuffer if (!fEntityScanner.scanData("]]>", contentBuffer, fChunkSize)) { fInCData = false; fCDataEnd = true; fMarkupDepth--; break ; } else { int c = fEntityScanner.peekChar(); if (c != -1 && isInvalidLiteral(c)) { if (XMLChar.isHighSurrogate(c)) { //contentBuffer.clear(); //scan surrogates if any.... scanSurrogates(contentBuffer); } else { reportFatalError("InvalidCharInCDSect", new Object[]{Integer.toString(c,16)}); fEntityScanner.scanChar(null); } } else { //CData partially returned due to the size limit break; } //by this time we have also read surrogate contents if any... if (fDocumentHandler != null) { //fDocumentHandler.characters(contentBuffer, null); } } } return true; } // scanCDATASection(XMLStringBuffer, boolean):boolean
Scans an end element.

[42] ETag ::= '</' Name S? '>'

Note: This method uses the fElementQName variable. The contents of this variable will be destroyed. The caller should copy the needed information out of this variable before calling this method.

Returns:The element depth.
/** * Scans an end element. * <p> * <pre> * [42] ETag ::= '&lt;/' Name S? '>' * </pre> * <p> * <strong>Note:</strong> This method uses the fElementQName variable. * The contents of this variable will be destroyed. The caller should * copy the needed information out of this variable before calling * this method. * * @return The element depth. */
protected int scanEndElement() throws IOException, XNIException { if (DEBUG_START_END_ELEMENT) System.out.println(this.getClass().toString() +">>> scanEndElement()"); // pop context QName endElementName = fElementStack.popElement(); String rawname = endElementName.rawname; if(DEBUG)System.out.println("endElementName = " + endElementName.toString()); // Take advantage of the fact that next string _should_ be "fElementQName.rawName", //In scanners most of the time is consumed on checks done for XML characters, we can // optimize on it and avoid the checks done for endElement, //we will also avoid symbol table lookup - neeraj.bajaj@sun.com // this should work both for namespace processing true or false... //REVISIT: if the string is not the same as expected.. we need to do better error handling.. //We can skip this for now... In any case if the string doesn't match -- document is not well formed. if (!fEntityScanner.skipString(endElementName.rawname)) { reportFatalError("ETagRequired", new Object[]{rawname}); } // end fEntityScanner.skipSpaces(); if (!fEntityScanner.skipChar('>', NameType.ELEMENTEND)) { reportFatalError("ETagUnterminated", new Object[]{rawname}); } fMarkupDepth--; //we have increased the depth for two markup "<" characters fMarkupDepth--; // check that this element was opened in the same entity if (fMarkupDepth < fEntityStack[fEntityDepth - 1]) { reportFatalError("ElementEntityMismatch", new Object[]{rawname}); } //We should not be popping out the context here in endELement becaause the namespace context is still //valid when parser is at the endElement state. //if (fNamespaces) { // fNamespaceContext.popContext(); //} // call handler if (fDocumentHandler != null ) { //end element is scanned in this function so we can send a callback //here. //<strong>we shouldn't be sending callback in scanDocument()</strong> fDocumentHandler.endElement(endElementName, null); } if(dtdGrammarUtil != null) dtdGrammarUtil.endElement(endElementName); return fMarkupDepth; } // scanEndElement():int
Scans a character reference.

[66] CharRef ::= '&#' [0-9]+ ';' | '&#x' [0-9a-fA-F]+ ';'
/** * Scans a character reference. * <p> * <pre> * [66] CharRef ::= '&#' [0-9]+ ';' | '&#x' [0-9a-fA-F]+ ';' * </pre> */
protected void scanCharReference() throws IOException, XNIException { fStringBuffer2.clear(); int ch = scanCharReferenceValue(fStringBuffer2, null); fMarkupDepth--; if (ch != -1) { // call handler if (fDocumentHandler != null) { if (fNotifyCharRefs) { fDocumentHandler.startGeneralEntity(fCharRefLiteral, null, null, null); } Augmentations augs = null; if (fValidation && ch <= 0x20) { if (fTempAugmentations != null) { fTempAugmentations.removeAllItems(); } else { fTempAugmentations = new AugmentationsImpl(); } augs = fTempAugmentations; augs.putItem(Constants.CHAR_REF_PROBABLE_WS, Boolean.TRUE); } //xxx: How do we deal with this - how to return charReferenceValues //now this is being commented because this is taken care in scanDocument() //fDocumentHandler.characters(fStringBuffer2, null); if (fNotifyCharRefs) { fDocumentHandler.endGeneralEntity(fCharRefLiteral, null); } } } } // scanCharReference()
Scans an entity reference.
Returns:returns true if the new entity is started. If it was built-in entity 'false' is returned.
/** * Scans an entity reference. * * @return returns true if the new entity is started. If it was built-in entity * 'false' is returned. * @throws IOException Thrown if i/o error occurs. * @throws XNIException Thrown if handler throws exception upon * notification. */
protected void scanEntityReference(XMLStringBuffer content) throws IOException, XNIException { String name = fEntityScanner.scanName(NameType.REFERENCE); if (name == null) { reportFatalError("NameRequiredInReference", null); return; } if (!fEntityScanner.skipChar(';', NameType.REFERENCE)) { reportFatalError("SemicolonRequiredInReference", new Object []{name}); } if (fEntityStore.isUnparsedEntity(name)) { reportFatalError("ReferenceToUnparsedEntity", new Object[]{name}); } fMarkupDepth--; fCurrentEntityName = name; // handle built-in entities if (name == fAmpSymbol) { handleCharacter('&', fAmpSymbol, content); fScannerState = SCANNER_STATE_BUILT_IN_REFS; return ; } else if (name == fLtSymbol) { handleCharacter('<', fLtSymbol, content); fScannerState = SCANNER_STATE_BUILT_IN_REFS; return ; } else if (name == fGtSymbol) { handleCharacter('>', fGtSymbol, content); fScannerState = SCANNER_STATE_BUILT_IN_REFS; return ; } else if (name == fQuotSymbol) { handleCharacter('"', fQuotSymbol, content); fScannerState = SCANNER_STATE_BUILT_IN_REFS; return ; } else if (name == fAposSymbol) { handleCharacter('\'', fAposSymbol, content); fScannerState = SCANNER_STATE_BUILT_IN_REFS; return ; } //1. if the entity is external and support to external entities is not required // 2. or entities should not be replaced //3. or if it is built in entity reference. boolean isEE = fEntityStore.isExternalEntity(name); if((isEE && !fSupportExternalEntities) || (!isEE && !fReplaceEntityReferences) || foundBuiltInRefs){ fScannerState = SCANNER_STATE_REFERENCE; return ; } // start general entity if (!fEntityStore.isDeclaredEntity(name)) { //SUPPORT_DTD=false && ReplaceEntityReferences should throw exception if (!fSupportDTD && fReplaceEntityReferences) { reportFatalError("EntityNotDeclared", new Object[]{name}); return; } //REVISIT: one more case needs to be included: external PE and standalone is no if ( fHasExternalDTD && !fStandalone) { if (fValidation) fErrorReporter.reportError(fEntityScanner, XMLMessageFormatter.XML_DOMAIN,"EntityNotDeclared", new Object[]{name}, XMLErrorReporter.SEVERITY_ERROR); } else reportFatalError("EntityNotDeclared", new Object[]{name}); } //we are starting the entity even if the entity was not declared //if that was the case it its taken care in XMLEntityManager.startEntity() //we immediately call the endEntity. Application gets to know if there was //any entity that was not declared. fEntityManager.startEntity(true, name, false); //set the scaner state to content.. parser will automatically revive itself at any point of time. //setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_CONTENT); //return true ; } // scanEntityReference() // utility methods
Check if the depth exceeds the maxElementDepth limit
  • elementName – name of the current element
/** * Check if the depth exceeds the maxElementDepth limit * @param elementName name of the current element */
void checkDepth(String elementName) { fLimitAnalyzer.addValue(Limit.MAX_ELEMENT_DEPTH_LIMIT, elementName, fElementStack.fDepth); if (fSecurityManager.isOverLimit(Limit.MAX_ELEMENT_DEPTH_LIMIT,fLimitAnalyzer)) { fSecurityManager.debugPrint(fLimitAnalyzer); reportFatalError("MaxElementDepthLimit", new Object[]{elementName, fLimitAnalyzer.getTotalValue(Limit.MAX_ELEMENT_DEPTH_LIMIT), fSecurityManager.getLimit(Limit.MAX_ELEMENT_DEPTH_LIMIT), "maxElementDepth"}); } }
Calls document handler with a single character resulting from built-in entity resolution.
  • c –
  • entity – built-in name
  • XMLStringBuffer – append the character to buffer we really dont need to call this function -- this function is only required when we integrate with rest of Xerces2. SO maintaining the current behavior and still calling this function to hanlde built-in entity reference.
/** * Calls document handler with a single character resulting from * built-in entity resolution. * * @param c * @param entity built-in name * @param XMLStringBuffer append the character to buffer * * we really dont need to call this function -- this function is only required when * we integrate with rest of Xerces2. SO maintaining the current behavior and still * calling this function to hanlde built-in entity reference. * */
private void handleCharacter(char c, String entity, XMLStringBuffer content) throws XNIException { foundBuiltInRefs = true; checkEntityLimit(false, fEntityScanner.fCurrentEntity.name, 1); content.append(c); if (fDocumentHandler != null) { fSingleChar[0] = c; if (fNotifyBuiltInRefs) { fDocumentHandler.startGeneralEntity(entity, null, null, null); } fTempString.setValues(fSingleChar, 0, 1); if(!fIsCoalesce){ fDocumentHandler.characters(fTempString, null); builtInRefCharacterHandled = true; } if (fNotifyBuiltInRefs) { fDocumentHandler.endGeneralEntity(entity, null); } } } // handleCharacter(char) // helper methods
Sets the scanner state.
  • state – The new scanner state.
/** * Sets the scanner state. * * @param state The new scanner state. */
protected final void setScannerState(int state) { fScannerState = state; if (DEBUG_SCANNER_STATE) { System.out.print("### setScannerState: "); //System.out.print(fScannerState); System.out.print(getScannerStateName(state)); System.out.println(); } } // setScannerState(int)
Sets the Driver.
  • Driver – The new Driver.
/** * Sets the Driver. * * @param Driver The new Driver. */
protected final void setDriver(Driver driver) { fDriver = driver; if (DEBUG_DISPATCHER) { System.out.print("%%% setDriver: "); System.out.print(getDriverName(driver)); System.out.println(); } } // // Private methods //
Returns the scanner state name.
/** Returns the scanner state name. */
Returns the driver name.
/** Returns the driver name. */
public String getDriverName(Driver driver) { if (DEBUG_DISPATCHER) { if (driver != null) { String name = driver.getClass().getName(); int index = name.lastIndexOf('.'); if (index != -1) { name = name.substring(index + 1); index = name.lastIndexOf('$'); if (index != -1) { name = name.substring(index + 1); } } return name; } } return "null"; } // getDriverName():String
Check the protocol used in the systemId against allowed protocols
  • systemId – the Id of the URI
  • allowedProtocols – a list of allowed protocols separated by comma
Returns:the name of the protocol if rejected, null otherwise
/** * Check the protocol used in the systemId against allowed protocols * * @param systemId the Id of the URI * @param allowedProtocols a list of allowed protocols separated by comma * @return the name of the protocol if rejected, null otherwise */
String checkAccess(String systemId, String allowedProtocols) throws IOException { String baseSystemId = fEntityScanner.getBaseSystemId(); String expandedSystemId = XMLEntityManager.expandSystemId(systemId, baseSystemId, fStrictURI); return SecuritySupport.checkAccess(expandedSystemId, allowedProtocols, Constants.ACCESS_EXTERNAL_ALL); } // // Classes //
Author:Neeraj Bajaj, Sun Microsystems.
/** * @author Neeraj Bajaj, Sun Microsystems. */
protected static final class Element { // // Data //
/** Symbol. */
public QName qname; //raw name stored as characters public char[] fRawname;
The next Element entry.
/** The next Element entry. */
public Element next; // // Constructors //
Constructs a new Element from the given QName and next Element reference.
/** * Constructs a new Element from the given QName and next Element * reference. */
public Element(QName qname, Element next) { this.qname.setValues(qname); this.fRawname = qname.rawname.toCharArray(); this.next = next; } } // class Element
Element stack.
Author:Neeraj Bajaj, Sun Microsystems.
/** * Element stack. * * @author Neeraj Bajaj, Sun Microsystems. */
protected class ElementStack2 { // // Data //
The stack data.
/** The stack data. */
protected QName [] fQName = new QName[20]; //Element depth protected int fDepth; //total number of elements protected int fCount; //current position protected int fPosition; //Mark refers to the position protected int fMark; protected int fLastDepth ; // // Constructors //
Default constructor.
/** Default constructor. */
public ElementStack2() { for (int i = 0; i < fQName.length; i++) { fQName[i] = new QName(); } fMark = fPosition = 1; } // <init>() public void resize(){ /** * int length = fElements.length; * Element [] temp = new Element[length * 2]; * System.arraycopy(fElements, 0, temp, 0, length); * fElements = temp; */ //resize QNames int oldLength = fQName.length; QName [] tmp = new QName[oldLength * 2]; System.arraycopy(fQName, 0, tmp, 0, oldLength); fQName = tmp; for (int i = oldLength; i < fQName.length; i++) { fQName[i] = new QName(); } } // // Public methods //
Check if the element scanned during the start element matches the stored element.
Returns:true if the match suceeds.
/** Check if the element scanned during the start element *matches the stored element. * *@return true if the match suceeds. */
public boolean matchElement(QName element) { //last depth is the depth when last elemnt was pushed //if last depth is greater than current depth if(DEBUG_SKIP_ALGORITHM){ System.out.println("fLastDepth = " + fLastDepth); System.out.println("fDepth = " + fDepth); } boolean match = false; if(fLastDepth > fDepth && fDepth <= 2){ if(DEBUG_SKIP_ALGORITHM){ System.out.println("Checking if the elements match " + element.rawname + " , " + fQName[fDepth].rawname); } if(element.rawname == fQName[fDepth].rawname){ fAdd = false; //mark this position //decrease the depth by 1 as arrays are 0 based fMark = fDepth - 1; //we found the match and from next element skipping will start, add 1 fPosition = fMark + 1 ; match = true; //Once we get match decrease the count -- this was increased by nextElement() --fCount; if(DEBUG_SKIP_ALGORITHM){ System.out.println("fAdd FALSE -- NOW ELEMENT SHOULD NOT BE ADDED"); System.out.println("fMark = " + fMark); System.out.println("fPosition = " + fPosition); System.out.println("fDepth = " + fDepth); System.out.println("fCount = " + fCount); } }else{ fAdd = true; if(DEBUG_SKIP_ALGORITHM)System.out.println("fAdd is " + fAdd); } } //store the last depth fLastDepth = fDepth++; return match; } // pushElement(QName):QName
This function doesn't increase depth. The function in this function is broken down into two functions for efficiency. <@see>matchElement. This function just returns the pointer to the object and its values are set.
Returns:QName reference to the next element in the list
/** * This function doesn't increase depth. The function in this function is *broken down into two functions for efficiency. <@see>matchElement</see>. * This function just returns the pointer to the object and its values are set. * *@return QName reference to the next element in the list */
public QName nextElement() { //if number of elements becomes equal to the length of array -- stop the skipping if (fCount == fQName.length) { fShouldSkip = false; fAdd = false; if(DEBUG_SKIP_ALGORITHM)System.out.println("SKIPPING STOPPED, fShouldSkip = " + fShouldSkip); //xxx: this is not correct, we are returning the last element //this wont make any difference since flag has been set to 'false' return fQName[--fCount]; } if(DEBUG_SKIP_ALGORITHM){ System.out.println("fCount = " + fCount); } return fQName[fCount++]; }
Note that this function is considerably different than nextElement() This function just returns the previously stored elements
/** Note that this function is considerably different than nextElement() * This function just returns the previously stored elements */
public QName getNext(){ //when position reaches number of elements in the list.. //set the position back to mark, making it a circular linked list. if(fPosition == fCount){ fPosition = fMark; } return fQName[fPosition++]; }
returns the current depth
/** returns the current depth */
public int popElement(){ return fDepth--; }
Clears the stack without throwing away existing QName objects.
/** Clears the stack without throwing away existing QName objects. */
public void clear() { fLastDepth = 0; fDepth = 0; fCount = 0 ; fPosition = fMark = 1; } // clear() } // class ElementStack
Element stack. This stack operates without synchronization, error checking, and it re-uses objects instead of throwing popped items away.
Author:Andy Clark, IBM
/** * Element stack. This stack operates without synchronization, error * checking, and it re-uses objects instead of throwing popped items * away. * * @author Andy Clark, IBM */
protected class ElementStack { // // Data //
The stack data.
/** The stack data. */
protected QName[] fElements; protected int [] fInt = new int[20]; //Element depth protected int fDepth; //total number of elements protected int fCount; //current position protected int fPosition; //Mark refers to the position protected int fMark; protected int fLastDepth ; // // Constructors //
Default constructor.
/** Default constructor. */
public ElementStack() { fElements = new QName[20]; for (int i = 0; i < fElements.length; i++) { fElements[i] = new QName(); } } // <init>() // // Public methods //
Pushes an element on the stack.

Note: The QName values are copied into the stack. In other words, the caller does not orphan the element to the stack. Also, the QName object returned is not orphaned to the caller. It should be considered read-only.

  • element – The element to push onto the stack.
Returns:Returns the actual QName object that stores the
/** * Pushes an element on the stack. * <p> * <strong>Note:</strong> The QName values are copied into the * stack. In other words, the caller does <em>not</em> orphan * the element to the stack. Also, the QName object returned * is <em>not</em> orphaned to the caller. It should be * considered read-only. * * @param element The element to push onto the stack. * * @return Returns the actual QName object that stores the */
//XXX: THIS FUNCTION IS NOT USED public QName pushElement(QName element) { if (fDepth == fElements.length) { QName[] array = new QName[fElements.length * 2]; System.arraycopy(fElements, 0, array, 0, fDepth); fElements = array; for (int i = fDepth; i < fElements.length; i++) { fElements[i] = new QName(); } } fElements[fDepth].setValues(element); return fElements[fDepth++]; } // pushElement(QName):QName
Note that this function is considerably different than nextElement() This function just returns the previously stored elements
/** Note that this function is considerably different than nextElement() * This function just returns the previously stored elements */
public QName getNext(){ //when position reaches number of elements in the list.. //set the position back to mark, making it a circular linked list. if(fPosition == fCount){ fPosition = fMark; } //store the position of last opened tag at particular depth //fInt[++fDepth] = fPosition; if(DEBUG_SKIP_ALGORITHM){ System.out.println("Element at fPosition = " + fPosition + " is " + fElements[fPosition].rawname); } //return fElements[fPosition++]; return fElements[fPosition]; }
This function should be called only when element was skipped sucessfully. 1. Increase the depth - because element was sucessfully skipped. 2. Store the position of the element token in array "last opened tag" at depth. 3. increase the position counter so as to point to the next element in the array
/** This function should be called only when element was skipped sucessfully. * 1. Increase the depth - because element was sucessfully skipped. *2. Store the position of the element token in array "last opened tag" at depth. *3. increase the position counter so as to point to the next element in the array */
public void push(){ fInt[++fDepth] = fPosition++; }
Check if the element scanned during the start element matches the stored element.
Returns:true if the match suceeds.
/** Check if the element scanned during the start element *matches the stored element. * *@return true if the match suceeds. */
public boolean matchElement(QName element) { //last depth is the depth when last elemnt was pushed //if last depth is greater than current depth //if(DEBUG_SKIP_ALGORITHM){ // System.out.println("Check if the element " + element.rawname + " matches"); // System.out.println("fLastDepth = " + fLastDepth); // System.out.println("fDepth = " + fDepth); //} boolean match = false; if(fLastDepth > fDepth && fDepth <= 3){ if(DEBUG_SKIP_ALGORITHM){ System.out.println("----------ENTERED THE LOOP WHERE WE CHECK FOR MATCHING OF ELMENT-----"); System.out.println("Depth = " + fDepth + " Checking if INCOMING element " + element.rawname + " match STORED ELEMENT " + fElements[fDepth - 1].rawname); } if(element.rawname == fElements[fDepth - 1].rawname){ fAdd = false; //mark this position //decrease the depth by 1 as arrays are 0 based fMark = fDepth - 1; //we found the match fPosition = fMark; match = true; //Once we get match decrease the count -- this was increased by nextElement() --fCount; if(DEBUG_SKIP_ALGORITHM){ System.out.println("NOW ELEMENT SHOULD NOT BE ADDED, fAdd is set to false"); System.out.println("fMark = " + fMark); System.out.println("fPosition = " + fPosition); System.out.println("fDepth = " + fDepth); System.out.println("fCount = " + fCount); System.out.println("---------MATCH SUCEEDED-----------------"); System.out.println(""); } }else{ fAdd = true; if(DEBUG_SKIP_ALGORITHM)System.out.println("fAdd is " + fAdd); } } //store the position for the current depth //when we are adding the elements, when skipping //starts even then this should be tracked ie. when //calling getNext() if(match){ //from next element skipping will start, add 1 fInt[fDepth] = fPosition++; } else{ if(DEBUG_SKIP_ALGORITHM){ System.out.println("At depth = " + fDepth + "array position is = " + (fCount - 1)); } //sicne fInt[fDepth] contains pointer to the element array which are 0 based. fInt[fDepth] = fCount - 1; } //if number of elements becomes equal to the length of array -- stop the skipping //xxx: should we do "fCount == fInt.length" if (fCount == fElements.length) { fSkip = false; fAdd = false; //reposition the stack -- it seems to be too complex document and there is no symmerty in structure reposition(); if(DEBUG_SKIP_ALGORITHM){ System.out.println("ALL THE ELMENTS IN ARRAY HAVE BEEN FILLED"); System.out.println("REPOSITIONING THE STACK"); System.out.println("-----------SKIPPING STOPPED----------"); System.out.println(""); } return false; } if(DEBUG_SKIP_ALGORITHM){ if(match){ System.out.println("Storing fPosition = " + fInt[fDepth] + " at fDepth = " + fDepth); }else{ System.out.println("Storing fCount = " + fInt[fDepth] + " at fDepth = " + fDepth); } } //store the last depth fLastDepth = fDepth; return match; } // matchElement(QName):QName
Returns the next element on the stack.
Returns:Returns the actual QName object. Callee should use this object to store the details of next element encountered.
/** * Returns the next element on the stack. * * @return Returns the actual QName object. Callee should * use this object to store the details of next element encountered. */
public QName nextElement() { if(fSkip){ fDepth++; //boundary checks are done in matchElement() return fElements[fCount++]; } else if (fDepth == fElements.length) { QName[] array = new QName[fElements.length * 2]; System.arraycopy(fElements, 0, array, 0, fDepth); fElements = array; for (int i = fDepth; i < fElements.length; i++) { fElements[i] = new QName(); } } return fElements[fDepth++]; } // pushElement(QName):QName
Pops an element off of the stack by setting the values of the specified QName.

Note: The object returned is not orphaned to the caller. Therefore, the caller should consider the object to be read-only.

/** * Pops an element off of the stack by setting the values of * the specified QName. * <p> * <strong>Note:</strong> The object returned is <em>not</em> * orphaned to the caller. Therefore, the caller should consider * the object to be read-only. */
public QName popElement() { //return the same object that was pushed -- this would avoid //setting the values for every end element. //STRONG: this object is read only -- this object reference shouldn't be stored. if(fSkip || fAdd ){ if(DEBUG_SKIP_ALGORITHM){ System.out.println("POPPING Element, at position " + fInt[fDepth] + " element at that count is = " + fElements[fInt[fDepth]].rawname); System.out.println(""); } return fElements[fInt[fDepth--]]; } else{ if(DEBUG_SKIP_ALGORITHM){ System.out.println("Retrieveing element at depth = " + fDepth + " is " + fElements[fDepth].rawname ); } return fElements[--fDepth] ; } //element.setValues(fElements[--fDepth]); } // popElement(QName)
Reposition the stack. fInt [] contains all the opened tags at particular depth. Transfer all the opened tags starting from depth '2' to the current depth and reposition them as per the depth.
/** Reposition the stack. fInt [] contains all the opened tags at particular depth. * Transfer all the opened tags starting from depth '2' to the current depth and reposition them *as per the depth. */
public void reposition(){ for( int i = 2 ; i <= fDepth ; i++){ fElements[i-1] = fElements[fInt[i]]; } if(DEBUG_SKIP_ALGORITHM){ for( int i = 0 ; i < fDepth ; i++){ System.out.println("fElements[" + i + "]" + " = " + fElements[i].rawname); } } }
Clears the stack without throwing away existing QName objects.
/** Clears the stack without throwing away existing QName objects. */
public void clear() { fDepth = 0; fLastDepth = 0; fCount = 0 ; fPosition = fMark = 1; } // clear()
This function is as a result of optimization done for endElement -- we dont need to set the value for every end element encouterd. For Well formedness checks we can have the same QName object that was pushed. the values will be set only if application need to know about the endElement -- neeraj.bajaj@sun.com
/** * This function is as a result of optimization done for endElement -- * we dont need to set the value for every end element encouterd. * For Well formedness checks we can have the same QName object that was pushed. * the values will be set only if application need to know about the endElement * -- neeraj.bajaj@sun.com */
public QName getLastPoppedElement(){ return fElements[fDepth]; } } // class ElementStack
Drives the parser to the next state/event on the input. Parser is guaranteed to stop at the next state/event. Internally XML document is divided into several states. Each state represents a sections of XML document. When this functions returns normally, it has read the section of XML document and returns the state corresponding to section of document which has been read. For optimizations, a particular driver can read ahead of the section of document (state returned) just read and can maintain a different internal state.
Author:Neeraj Bajaj, Sun Microsystems
/** * Drives the parser to the next state/event on the input. Parser is guaranteed * to stop at the next state/event. * * Internally XML document is divided into several states. Each state represents * a sections of XML document. When this functions returns normally, it has read * the section of XML document and returns the state corresponding to section of * document which has been read. For optimizations, a particular driver * can read ahead of the section of document (state returned) just read and * can maintain a different internal state. * * * @author Neeraj Bajaj, Sun Microsystems */
protected interface Driver {
Drives the parser to the next state/event on the input. Parser is guaranteed to stop at the next state/event. Internally XML document is divided into several states. Each state represents a sections of XML document. When this functions returns normally, it has read the section of XML document and returns the state corresponding to section of document which has been read. For optimizations, a particular driver can read ahead of the section of document (state returned) just read and can maintain a different internal state.
Returns:state representing the section of document just read.
/** * Drives the parser to the next state/event on the input. Parser is guaranteed * to stop at the next state/event. * * Internally XML document is divided into several states. Each state represents * a sections of XML document. When this functions returns normally, it has read * the section of XML document and returns the state corresponding to section of * document which has been read. For optimizations, a particular driver * can read ahead of the section of document (state returned) just read and * can maintain a different internal state. * * @return state representing the section of document just read. * * @throws IOException Thrown on i/o error. * @throws XNIException Thrown on parse error. */
public int next() throws IOException, XNIException; } // interface Driver
Driver to handle content scanning. This driver is capable of reading the fragment of XML document. When it has finished reading fragment of XML documents, it can pass the job of reading to another driver. This class has been modified as per the new design which is more suited to efficiently build pull parser. Lot of performance improvements have been done and the code has been added to support stax functionality/features.
Author:Neeraj Bajaj, Sun Microsystems, Andy Clark, IBM, Eric Ye, IBM
/** * Driver to handle content scanning. This driver is capable of reading * the fragment of XML document. When it has finished reading fragment * of XML documents, it can pass the job of reading to another driver. * * This class has been modified as per the new design which is more suited to * efficiently build pull parser. Lot of performance improvements have been done and * the code has been added to support stax functionality/features. * * @author Neeraj Bajaj, Sun Microsystems * * * @author Andy Clark, IBM * @author Eric Ye, IBM */
protected class FragmentContentDriver implements Driver { // // Driver methods //
decides the appropriate state of the parser
/** * decides the appropriate state of the parser */
private void startOfMarkup() throws IOException { fMarkupDepth++; final int ch = fEntityScanner.peekChar(); if (isValidNameStartChar(ch) || isValidNameStartHighSurrogate(ch)) { setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_START_ELEMENT_TAG); } else { switch(ch){ case '?' :{ setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_PI); fEntityScanner.skipChar(ch, null); break; } case '!' :{ fEntityScanner.skipChar(ch, null); if (fEntityScanner.skipChar('-', null)) { if (!fEntityScanner.skipChar('-', NameType.COMMENT)) { reportFatalError("InvalidCommentStart", null); } setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_COMMENT); } else if (fEntityScanner.skipString(CDATA)) { fCDataStart = true; setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_CDATA ); } else if (!scanForDoctypeHook()) { reportFatalError("MarkupNotRecognizedInContent", null); } break; } case '/' :{ setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_END_ELEMENT_TAG); fEntityScanner.skipChar(ch, NameType.ELEMENTEND); break; } default :{ reportFatalError("MarkupNotRecognizedInContent", null); } } } }//startOfMarkup private void startOfContent() throws IOException { if (fEntityScanner.skipChar('<', null)) { setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_START_OF_MARKUP); } else if (fEntityScanner.skipChar('&', NameType.REFERENCE)) { setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_REFERENCE) ; //XMLEvent.ENTITY_REFERENCE ); //SCANNER_STATE_REFERENCE } else { //element content is there.. setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_CHARACTER_DATA); } }//startOfContent
SCANNER_STATE_CONTENT and SCANNER_STATE_START_OF_MARKUP are two super states of the parser. At any point of time when in doubt over the current state of the parser, the state should be set to SCANNER_STATE_CONTENT. Parser will automatically revive itself and will set state of the parser to one of its sub state. sub states are defined in the parser on the basis of different XML component like SCANNER_STATE_ENTITY_REFERENCE , SCANNER_STATE_START_ELEMENT, SCANNER_STATE_CDATA etc.. These sub states help the parser to have fine control over the parsing. These are the different milepost, parser stops at each sub state (milepost). Based on this state it is decided if paresr needs to stop at next milepost ??
/** * * SCANNER_STATE_CONTENT and SCANNER_STATE_START_OF_MARKUP are two super states of the parser. * At any point of time when in doubt over the current state of the parser, the state should be * set to SCANNER_STATE_CONTENT. Parser will automatically revive itself and will set state of * the parser to one of its sub state. * sub states are defined in the parser on the basis of different XML component like * SCANNER_STATE_ENTITY_REFERENCE , SCANNER_STATE_START_ELEMENT, SCANNER_STATE_CDATA etc.. * These sub states help the parser to have fine control over the parsing. These are the * different milepost, parser stops at each sub state (milepost). Based on this state it is * decided if paresr needs to stop at next milepost ?? * */
public void decideSubState() throws IOException { while( fScannerState == SCANNER_STATE_CONTENT || fScannerState == SCANNER_STATE_START_OF_MARKUP){ switch (fScannerState) { case SCANNER_STATE_CONTENT: { startOfContent() ; break; } case SCANNER_STATE_START_OF_MARKUP: { startOfMarkup() ; break; } } } }//decideSubState
Drives the parser to the next state/event on the input. Parser is guaranteed to stop at the next state/event. Internally XML document is divided into several states. Each state represents a sections of XML document. When this functions returns normally, it has read the section of XML document and returns the state corresponding to section of document which has been read. For optimizations, a particular driver can read ahead of the section of document (state returned) just read and can maintain a different internal state. State returned corresponds to Stax states.
Returns:state representing the section of document just read.
/** * Drives the parser to the next state/event on the input. Parser is guaranteed * to stop at the next state/event. Internally XML document * is divided into several states. Each state represents a sections of XML * document. When this functions returns normally, it has read the section * of XML document and returns the state corresponding to section of * document which has been read. For optimizations, a particular driver * can read ahead of the section of document (state returned) just read and * can maintain a different internal state. * * State returned corresponds to Stax states. * * @return state representing the section of document just read. * * @throws IOException Thrown on i/o error. * @throws XNIException Thrown on parse error. */
public int next() throws IOException, XNIException { while (true) { try { //decide the actual sub state of the scanner.For more information refer to the javadoc of //decideSubState. if (fScannerState == SCANNER_STATE_CONTENT) { final int ch = fEntityScanner.peekChar(); if (ch == '<') { fEntityScanner.scanChar(null); setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_START_OF_MARKUP); } else if (ch == '&') { fEntityScanner.scanChar(NameType.REFERENCE); setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_REFERENCE) ; } else { //element content is there.. setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_CHARACTER_DATA); } } if (fScannerState == SCANNER_STATE_START_OF_MARKUP) { startOfMarkup(); } //decideSubState() ; //do some special handling if isCoalesce is set to true. if (fIsCoalesce) { fUsebuffer = true ; //if the last section was character data if (fLastSectionWasCharacterData) { //if we dont encounter any CDATA or ENTITY REFERENCE and //current state is also not SCANNER_STATE_CHARACTER_DATA //return the last scanned charactrer data. if ((fScannerState != SCANNER_STATE_CDATA) && (fScannerState != SCANNER_STATE_REFERENCE) && (fScannerState != SCANNER_STATE_CHARACTER_DATA)) { fLastSectionWasCharacterData = false; return XMLEvent.CHARACTERS; } }//if last section was CDATA or ENTITY REFERENCE //xxx: there might be another entity reference or CDATA after this //<foo>blah blah &amp;&lt;<![CDATA[[aa]]>blah blah</foo> else if ((fLastSectionWasCData || fLastSectionWasEntityReference)) { //and current state is not SCANNER_STATE_CHARACTER_DATA //or SCANNER_STATE_CDATA or SCANNER_STATE_REFERENCE //this means there is nothing more to be coalesced. //return the CHARACTERS event. if ((fScannerState != SCANNER_STATE_CDATA) && (fScannerState != SCANNER_STATE_REFERENCE) && (fScannerState != SCANNER_STATE_CHARACTER_DATA)){ fLastSectionWasCData = false; fLastSectionWasEntityReference = false; return XMLEvent.CHARACTERS; } } } switch(fScannerState){ case XMLEvent.START_DOCUMENT : return XMLEvent.START_DOCUMENT; case SCANNER_STATE_START_ELEMENT_TAG :{ //returns true if the element is empty fEmptyElement = scanStartElement() ; //if the element is empty the next event is "end element" if(fEmptyElement){ setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_END_ELEMENT_TAG); }else{ //set the next possible state setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_CONTENT); } return XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT ; } case SCANNER_STATE_CHARACTER_DATA: { //if last section was either entity reference or cdata or //character data we should be using buffer fUsebuffer = fLastSectionWasEntityReference || fLastSectionWasCData || fLastSectionWasCharacterData ; //When coalesce is set to true and last state was REFERENCE or //CDATA or CHARACTER_DATA, buffer should not be cleared. if( fIsCoalesce && (fLastSectionWasEntityReference || fLastSectionWasCData || fLastSectionWasCharacterData) ){ fLastSectionWasEntityReference = false; fLastSectionWasCData = false; fLastSectionWasCharacterData = true ; fUsebuffer = true; }else{ //clear the buffer fContentBuffer.clear(); } //set the fTempString length to 0 before passing it on to scanContent //scanContent sets the correct co-ordinates as per the content read fTempString.length = 0; int c = fEntityScanner.scanContent(fTempString); if(fEntityScanner.skipChar('<', null)){ //check if we have reached end of element if(fEntityScanner.skipChar('/', NameType.ELEMENTEND)){ //increase the mark up depth fMarkupDepth++; fLastSectionWasCharacterData = false; setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_END_ELEMENT_TAG); //check if its start of new element }else if(XMLChar.isNameStart(fEntityScanner.peekChar())){ fMarkupDepth++; fLastSectionWasCharacterData = false; setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_START_ELEMENT_TAG); }else{ setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_START_OF_MARKUP); //there can be cdata ahead if coalesce is true we should call again if(fIsCoalesce){ fLastSectionWasCharacterData = true; bufferContent(); continue; } } //in case last section was either entity reference or //cdata or character data -- we should be using buffer if(fUsebuffer){ bufferContent(); } if(dtdGrammarUtil!= null && dtdGrammarUtil.isIgnorableWhiteSpace(fContentBuffer)){ if(DEBUG)System.out.println("Return SPACE EVENT"); return XMLEvent.SPACE; }else return XMLEvent.CHARACTERS; } else{ bufferContent(); } if (c == '\r') { if(DEBUG){ System.out.println("'\r' character found"); } // happens when there is the character reference &#13; //xxx: We know the next chracter.. we should just skip it and add ']' directlry fEntityScanner.scanChar(null); fUsebuffer = true; fContentBuffer.append((char)c); c = -1 ; } else if (c == ']') { //fStringBuffer.clear(); //xxx: We know the next chracter.. we should just skip it and add ']' directlry fUsebuffer = true; fContentBuffer.append((char)fEntityScanner.scanChar(null)); // remember where we are in case we get an endEntity before we // could flush the buffer out - this happens when we're parsing an // entity which ends with a ] fInScanContent = true; // We work on a single character basis to handle cases such as: // ']]]>' which we might otherwise miss. // if (fEntityScanner.skipChar(']', null)) { fContentBuffer.append(']'); while (fEntityScanner.skipChar(']', null)) { fContentBuffer.append(']'); } if (fEntityScanner.skipChar('>', null)) { reportFatalError("CDEndInContent", null); } } c = -1 ; fInScanContent = false; } do{ //xxx: we should be using only one buffer.. // we need not to grow the buffer only when isCoalesce() is not true; if (c == '<') { fEntityScanner.scanChar(null); setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_START_OF_MARKUP); break; }//xxx what should be the behavior if entity reference is present in the content ? else if (c == '&') { fEntityScanner.scanChar(NameType.REFERENCE); setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_REFERENCE); break; }///xxx since this part is also characters, it should be merged... else if (c != -1 && isInvalidLiteral(c)) { if (XMLChar.isHighSurrogate(c)) { // special case: surrogates scanSurrogates(fContentBuffer) ; setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_CONTENT); } else { reportFatalError("InvalidCharInContent", new Object[] { Integer.toString(c, 16)}); fEntityScanner.scanChar(null); } break; } //xxx: scanContent also gives character callback. c = scanContent(fContentBuffer) ; //we should not be iterating again if fIsCoalesce is not set to true if(!fIsCoalesce){ setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_CONTENT); break; } }while(true); //if (fDocumentHandler != null) { // fDocumentHandler.characters(fContentBuffer, null); //} if(DEBUG)System.out.println("USING THE BUFFER, STRING START=" + fContentBuffer.toString() +"=END"); //if fIsCoalesce is true there might be more data so call fDriver.next() if(fIsCoalesce){ fLastSectionWasCharacterData = true ; continue; }else{ if(dtdGrammarUtil!= null && dtdGrammarUtil.isIgnorableWhiteSpace(fContentBuffer)){ if(DEBUG)System.out.println("Return SPACE EVENT"); return XMLEvent.SPACE; } else return XMLEvent.CHARACTERS ; } } case SCANNER_STATE_END_ELEMENT_TAG :{ if(fEmptyElement){ //set it back to false. fEmptyElement = false; setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_CONTENT); //check the case when there is comment after single element document //<foo/> and some comment after this return (fMarkupDepth == 0 && elementDepthIsZeroHook() ) ? XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT : XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT ; } else if(scanEndElement() == 0) { //It is last element of the document if (elementDepthIsZeroHook()) { //if element depth is zero , it indicates the end of the document //the state shouldn't be set, because it is set by elementDepthIsZeroHook() function //xxx understand this point once again.. return XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT ; } } setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_CONTENT); return XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT ; } case SCANNER_STATE_COMMENT: { //SCANNER_STATE_COMMENT: scanComment(); setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_CONTENT); return XMLEvent.COMMENT; //break; } case SCANNER_STATE_PI:{ //SCANNER_STATE_PI: { //clear the buffer first fContentBuffer.clear() ; //xxx: which buffer should be passed. Ideally we shouldn't have //more than two buffers -- //xxx: where should we add the switch for buffering. scanPI(fContentBuffer); setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_CONTENT); return XMLEvent.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION; //break; } case SCANNER_STATE_CDATA :{ //SCANNER_STATE_CDATA: { //xxx: What if CDATA is the first event //<foo><![CDATA[hello<><>]]>append</foo> //we should not clear the buffer only when the last state was //either SCANNER_STATE_REFERENCE or //SCANNER_STATE_CHARACTER_DATA or SCANNER_STATE_REFERENCE if(fIsCoalesce && ( fLastSectionWasEntityReference || fLastSectionWasCData || fLastSectionWasCharacterData)){ fLastSectionWasCData = true ; fLastSectionWasEntityReference = false; fLastSectionWasCharacterData = false; }//if we dont need to coalesce clear the buffer else{ fContentBuffer.clear(); } fUsebuffer = true; //CDATA section is read up to the chunk size limit scanCDATASection(fContentBuffer , true); setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_CONTENT); //1. if fIsCoalesce is set to true we set the variable fLastSectionWasCData to true //and just call fDispatche.next(). Since we have set the scanner state to //SCANNER_STATE_CONTENT (super state) parser will automatically recover and //behave appropriately. When isCoalesce is set to true we dont need to reportCDATA event //2. Check if application has set for reporting CDATA event //3. if the application has neither set the fIsCoalesce to true nor fReportCdataEvent //return the cdata event as characters. if (fIsCoalesce) { fLastSectionWasCData = true ; //there might be more data to coalesce. continue; } else if(fReportCdataEvent) { if (!fCDataEnd) { setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_CDATA); } return XMLEvent.CDATA; } else { return XMLEvent.CHARACTERS; } } case SCANNER_STATE_REFERENCE :{ fMarkupDepth++; foundBuiltInRefs = false; //we should not clear the buffer only when the last state was //either CDATA or //SCANNER_STATE_CHARACTER_DATA or SCANNER_STATE_REFERENCE if(fIsCoalesce && ( fLastSectionWasEntityReference || fLastSectionWasCData || fLastSectionWasCharacterData)){ //fLastSectionWasEntityReference or fLastSectionWasCData are only //used when fIsCoalesce is set to true. fLastSectionWasEntityReference = true ; fLastSectionWasCData = false; fLastSectionWasCharacterData = false; }//if we dont need to coalesce clear the buffer else{ fContentBuffer.clear(); } fUsebuffer = true ; //take care of character reference if (fEntityScanner.skipChar('#', NameType.REFERENCE)) { scanCharReferenceValue(fContentBuffer, null); fMarkupDepth--; if(!fIsCoalesce){ setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_CONTENT); return XMLEvent.CHARACTERS; } } else { // this function also starts new entity scanEntityReference(fContentBuffer); //if there was built-in entity reference & coalesce is not true //return CHARACTERS if(fScannerState == SCANNER_STATE_BUILT_IN_REFS && !fIsCoalesce){ setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_CONTENT); if (builtInRefCharacterHandled) { builtInRefCharacterHandled = false; return XMLEvent.ENTITY_REFERENCE; } else { return XMLEvent.CHARACTERS; } } //if there was a text declaration, call next() it will be taken care. if(fScannerState == SCANNER_STATE_TEXT_DECL){ fLastSectionWasEntityReference = true ; continue; } if(fScannerState == SCANNER_STATE_REFERENCE){ setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_CONTENT); if (fReplaceEntityReferences && fEntityStore.isDeclaredEntity(fCurrentEntityName)) { // Skip the entity reference, we don't care continue; } return XMLEvent.ENTITY_REFERENCE; } } //Wether it was character reference, entity reference or built-in entity //set the next possible state to SCANNER_STATE_CONTENT setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_CONTENT); fLastSectionWasEntityReference = true ; continue; } case SCANNER_STATE_TEXT_DECL: { // scan text decl if (fEntityScanner.skipString("<?xml")) { fMarkupDepth++; // NOTE: special case where entity starts with a PI // whose name starts with "xml" (e.g. "xmlfoo") if (isValidNameChar(fEntityScanner.peekChar())) { fStringBuffer.clear(); fStringBuffer.append("xml"); if (fNamespaces) { while (isValidNCName(fEntityScanner.peekChar())) { fStringBuffer.append((char)fEntityScanner.scanChar(null)); } } else { while (isValidNameChar(fEntityScanner.peekChar())) { fStringBuffer.append((char)fEntityScanner.scanChar(null)); } } String target = fSymbolTable.addSymbol(fStringBuffer.ch, fStringBuffer.offset, fStringBuffer.length); fContentBuffer.clear(); scanPIData(target, fContentBuffer); } // standard text declaration else { //xxx: this function gives callback scanXMLDeclOrTextDecl(true); } } // now that we've straightened out the readers, we can read in chunks: fEntityManager.fCurrentEntity.mayReadChunks = true; setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_CONTENT); //xxx: we don't return any state, so how do we get to know about TEXT declarations. //it seems we have to careful when to allow function issue a callback //and when to allow adapter issue a callback. continue; } case SCANNER_STATE_ROOT_ELEMENT: { if (scanRootElementHook()) { fEmptyElement = true; //rest would be taken care by fTrailingMiscDriver set by scanRootElementHook return XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT; } setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_CONTENT); return XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT ; } case SCANNER_STATE_CHAR_REFERENCE : { fContentBuffer.clear(); scanCharReferenceValue(fContentBuffer, null); fMarkupDepth--; setScannerState(SCANNER_STATE_CONTENT); return XMLEvent.CHARACTERS; } default: throw new XNIException("Scanner State " + fScannerState + " not Recognized "); }//switch } // premature end of file catch (EOFException e) { endOfFileHook(e); return -1; } } //while loop }//next // // Protected methods // // hooks // NOTE: These hook methods are added so that the full document // scanner can share the majority of code with this class.
Scan for DOCTYPE hook. This method is a hook for subclasses to add code to handle scanning for a the "DOCTYPE" string after the string "
Returns:True if the "DOCTYPE" was scanned; false if "DOCTYPE" was not scanned.
/** * Scan for DOCTYPE hook. This method is a hook for subclasses * to add code to handle scanning for a the "DOCTYPE" string * after the string "<!" has been scanned. * * @return True if the "DOCTYPE" was scanned; false if "DOCTYPE" * was not scanned. */
protected boolean scanForDoctypeHook() throws IOException, XNIException { return false; } // scanForDoctypeHook():boolean
Element depth iz zero. This methos is a hook for subclasses to add code to handle when the element depth hits zero. When scanning a document fragment, an element depth of zero is normal. However, when scanning a full XML document, the scanner must handle the trailing miscellanous section of the document after the end of the document's root element.
Returns:True if the caller should stop and return true which allows the scanner to switch to a new scanning driver. A return value of false indicates that the content driver should continue as normal.
/** * Element depth iz zero. This methos is a hook for subclasses * to add code to handle when the element depth hits zero. When * scanning a document fragment, an element depth of zero is * normal. However, when scanning a full XML document, the * scanner must handle the trailing miscellanous section of * the document after the end of the document's root element. * * @return True if the caller should stop and return true which * allows the scanner to switch to a new scanning * driver. A return value of false indicates that * the content driver should continue as normal. */
protected boolean elementDepthIsZeroHook() throws IOException, XNIException { return false; } // elementDepthIsZeroHook():boolean
Scan for root element hook. This method is a hook for subclasses to add code that handles scanning for the root element. When scanning a document fragment, there is no "root" element. However, when scanning a full XML document, the scanner must handle the root element specially.
Returns:True if the caller should stop and return true which allows the scanner to switch to a new scanning driver. A return value of false indicates that the content driver should continue as normal.
/** * Scan for root element hook. This method is a hook for * subclasses to add code that handles scanning for the root * element. When scanning a document fragment, there is no * "root" element. However, when scanning a full XML document, * the scanner must handle the root element specially. * * @return True if the caller should stop and return true which * allows the scanner to switch to a new scanning * driver. A return value of false indicates that * the content driver should continue as normal. */
protected boolean scanRootElementHook() throws IOException, XNIException { return false; } // scanRootElementHook():boolean
End of file hook. This method is a hook for subclasses to add code that handles the end of file. The end of file in a document fragment is OK if the markup depth is zero. However, when scanning a full XML document, an end of file is always premature.
/** * End of file hook. This method is a hook for subclasses to * add code that handles the end of file. The end of file in * a document fragment is OK if the markup depth is zero. * However, when scanning a full XML document, an end of file * is always premature. */
protected void endOfFileHook(EOFException e) throws IOException, XNIException { // NOTE: An end of file is only only an error if we were // in the middle of scanning some markup. -Ac if (fMarkupDepth != 0) { reportFatalError("PrematureEOF", null); } } // endOfFileHook() } // class FragmentContentDriver static void pr(String str) { System.out.println(str) ; } protected boolean fUsebuffer ;
this function gets an XMLString (which is used to store the attribute value) from the special pool maintained for attributes. fAttributeCacheUsedCount tracks the number of attributes that has been consumed from the pool. if all the attributes has been consumed, it adds a new XMLString inthe pool and returns the same XMLString.
Returns:XMLString XMLString used to store an attribute value.
/** this function gets an XMLString (which is used to store the attribute value) from the special pool * maintained for attributes. * fAttributeCacheUsedCount tracks the number of attributes that has been consumed from the pool. * if all the attributes has been consumed, it adds a new XMLString inthe pool and returns the same * XMLString. * * @return XMLString XMLString used to store an attribute value. */
protected XMLString getString(){ if(fAttributeCacheUsedCount < initialCacheCount || fAttributeCacheUsedCount < attributeValueCache.size()){ return attributeValueCache.get(fAttributeCacheUsedCount++); } else{ XMLString str = new XMLString(); fAttributeCacheUsedCount++; attributeValueCache.add(str); return str; } }
Implements XMLBufferListener interface.
/** * Implements XMLBufferListener interface. */
public void refresh(){ refresh(0); }
receives callbacks from XMLEntityReader when buffer is being changed.
  • refreshPosition –
/** * receives callbacks from {@link XMLEntityReader } when buffer * is being changed. * @param refreshPosition */
public void refresh(int refreshPosition){ //If you are reading attributes and you got a callback //cache available attributes. if(fReadingAttributes){ fAttributes.refresh(); } if(fScannerState == SCANNER_STATE_CHARACTER_DATA){ bufferContent(); } }
Since 'TempString' shares the buffer (a char array) with the CurrentEntity, when the cursor position reaches the end, that is, before the buffer is being loaded with new data, the content in the TempString needs to be copied into the ContentBuffer.
/** * Since 'TempString' shares the buffer (a char array) with the CurrentEntity, * when the cursor position reaches the end, that is, before the buffer is * being loaded with new data, the content in the TempString needs to be * copied into the ContentBuffer. */
private void bufferContent() { fContentBuffer.append(fTempString); //clear the XMLString so that data can't be added again. fTempString.length = 0; fUsebuffer = true; } } // class XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl