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package com.sun.org.apache.bcel.internal.generic;

import com.sun.org.apache.bcel.internal.Constants;
import com.sun.org.apache.bcel.internal.classfile.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;

Template class for building up a field. The only extraordinary thing one can do is to add a constant value attribute to a field (which must of course be compatible with to the declared type).
Author: M. Dahm
See Also:
/** * Template class for building up a field. The only extraordinary thing * one can do is to add a constant value attribute to a field (which must of * course be compatible with to the declared type). * * @author <A HREF="mailto:markus.dahm@berlin.de">M. Dahm</A> * @see Field */
public class FieldGen extends FieldGenOrMethodGen { private Object value = null;
Declare a field. If it is static (isStatic() == true) and has a basic type like int or String it may have an initial value associated with it as defined by setInitValue().
  • access_flags – access qualifiers
  • type – field type
  • name – field name
  • cp – constant pool
/** * Declare a field. If it is static (isStatic() == true) and has a * basic type like int or String it may have an initial value * associated with it as defined by setInitValue(). * * @param access_flags access qualifiers * @param type field type * @param name field name * @param cp constant pool */
public FieldGen(int access_flags, Type type, String name, ConstantPoolGen cp) { setAccessFlags(access_flags); setType(type); setName(name); setConstantPool(cp); }
Instantiate from existing field.
  • field – Field object
  • cp – constant pool (must contain the same entries as the field's constant pool)
/** * Instantiate from existing field. * * @param field Field object * @param cp constant pool (must contain the same entries as the field's constant pool) */
public FieldGen(Field field, ConstantPoolGen cp) { this(field.getAccessFlags(), Type.getType(field.getSignature()), field.getName(), cp); Attribute[] attrs = field.getAttributes(); for(int i=0; i < attrs.length; i++) { if(attrs[i] instanceof ConstantValue) setValue(((ConstantValue)attrs[i]).getConstantValueIndex()); else addAttribute(attrs[i]); } } private void setValue(int index) { ConstantPool cp = this.cp.getConstantPool(); Constant c = cp.getConstant(index); value = ((ConstantObject)c).getConstantValue(cp); }
Set (optional) initial value of field, otherwise it will be set to null/0/false by the JVM automatically.
/** * Set (optional) initial value of field, otherwise it will be set to null/0/false * by the JVM automatically. */
public void setInitValue(String str) { checkType(new ObjectType("java.lang.String")); if(str != null) value = str; } public void setInitValue(long l) { checkType(Type.LONG); if(l != 0L) value = new Long(l); } public void setInitValue(int i) { checkType(Type.INT); if(i != 0) value = new Integer(i); } public void setInitValue(short s) { checkType(Type.SHORT); if(s != 0) value = new Integer(s); } public void setInitValue(char c) { checkType(Type.CHAR); if(c != 0) value = new Integer(c); } public void setInitValue(byte b) { checkType(Type.BYTE); if(b != 0) value = new Integer(b); } public void setInitValue(boolean b) { checkType(Type.BOOLEAN); if(b) value = new Integer(1); } public void setInitValue(float f) { checkType(Type.FLOAT); if(f != 0.0) value = new Float(f); } public void setInitValue(double d) { checkType(Type.DOUBLE); if(d != 0.0) value = new Double(d); }
Remove any initial value.
/** Remove any initial value. */
public void cancelInitValue() { value = null; } private void checkType(Type atype) { if(type == null) throw new ClassGenException("You haven't defined the type of the field yet"); if(!isFinal()) throw new ClassGenException("Only final fields may have an initial value!"); if(!type.equals(atype)) throw new ClassGenException("Types are not compatible: " + type + " vs. " + atype); }
Get field object after having set up all necessary values.
/** * Get field object after having set up all necessary values. */
public Field getField() { String signature = getSignature(); int name_index = cp.addUtf8(name); int signature_index = cp.addUtf8(signature); if(value != null) { checkType(type); int index = addConstant(); addAttribute(new ConstantValue(cp.addUtf8("ConstantValue"), 2, index, cp.getConstantPool())); } return new Field(access_flags, name_index, signature_index, getAttributes(), cp.getConstantPool()); } private int addConstant() { switch(type.getType()) { case Constants.T_INT: case Constants.T_CHAR: case Constants.T_BYTE: case Constants.T_BOOLEAN: case Constants.T_SHORT: return cp.addInteger(((Integer)value).intValue()); case Constants.T_FLOAT: return cp.addFloat(((Float)value).floatValue()); case Constants.T_DOUBLE: return cp.addDouble(((Double)value).doubleValue()); case Constants.T_LONG: return cp.addLong(((Long)value).longValue()); case Constants.T_REFERENCE: return cp.addString(((String)value)); default: throw new RuntimeException("Oops: Unhandled : " + type.getType()); } } public String getSignature() { return type.getSignature(); } private ArrayList observers;
Add observer for this object.
/** Add observer for this object. */
public void addObserver(FieldObserver o) { if(observers == null) observers = new ArrayList(); observers.add(o); }
Remove observer for this object.
/** Remove observer for this object. */
public void removeObserver(FieldObserver o) { if(observers != null) observers.remove(o); }
Call notify() method on all observers. This method is not called automatically whenever the state has changed, but has to be called by the user after he has finished editing the object.
/** Call notify() method on all observers. This method is not called * automatically whenever the state has changed, but has to be * called by the user after he has finished editing the object. */
public void update() { if(observers != null) for(Iterator e = observers.iterator(); e.hasNext(); ) ((FieldObserver)e.next()).notify(this); } public String getInitValue() { if(value != null) { return value.toString(); } else return null; }
Return string representation close to declaration format, `public static final short MAX = 100', e.g..
Returns:String representation of field
/** * Return string representation close to declaration format, * `public static final short MAX = 100', e.g.. * * @return String representation of field */
public final String toString() { String name, signature, access; // Short cuts to constant pool access = Utility.accessToString(access_flags); access = access.equals("")? "" : (access + " "); signature = type.toString(); name = getName(); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(access + signature + " " + name); String value = getInitValue(); if(value != null) buf.append(" = " + value); return buf.toString(); }
Returns:deep copy of this field
/** @return deep copy of this field */
public FieldGen copy(ConstantPoolGen cp) { FieldGen fg = (FieldGen)clone(); fg.setConstantPool(cp); return fg; } }