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package com.sun.xml.internal.txw2;

import com.sun.xml.internal.txw2.annotation.XmlAttribute;
import com.sun.xml.internal.txw2.annotation.XmlElement;
import com.sun.xml.internal.txw2.annotation.XmlNamespace;
import com.sun.xml.internal.txw2.annotation.XmlValue;
import com.sun.xml.internal.txw2.annotation.XmlCDATA;

import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;

Dynamically implements TypedXmlWriter interfaces.
Author:Kohsuke Kawaguchi
/** * Dynamically implements {@link TypedXmlWriter} interfaces. * * @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi */
final class ContainerElement implements InvocationHandler, TypedXmlWriter { final Document document;
Initially, point to the start tag token, but once we know we are done with the start tag, we will reset it to null so that the token sequence can be GC-ed.
/** * Initially, point to the start tag token, but * once we know we are done with the start tag, we will reset it to null * so that the token sequence can be GC-ed. */
StartTag startTag; final EndTag endTag = new EndTag();
Namespace URI of this element.
/** * Namespace URI of this element. */
private final String nsUri;
When this element can accept more child content, this value is non-null and holds the last child Content. If this element is committed, this parameter is null.
/** * When this element can accept more child content, this value * is non-null and holds the last child {@link Content}. * * If this element is committed, this parameter is null. */
private Content tail;
Uncommitted ContainerElements form a doubly-linked list, so that the parent can close them recursively.
/** * Uncommitted {@link ContainerElement}s form a doubly-linked list, * so that the parent can close them recursively. */
private ContainerElement prevOpen; private ContainerElement nextOpen; private final ContainerElement parent; private ContainerElement lastOpenChild;
Set to true if the start eleent is blocked.
/** * Set to true if the start eleent is blocked. */
private boolean blocked; public ContainerElement(Document document,ContainerElement parent,String nsUri, String localName) { this.parent = parent; this.document = document; this.nsUri = nsUri; this.startTag = new StartTag(this,nsUri,localName); tail = startTag; if(isRoot()) document.setFirstContent(startTag); } private boolean isRoot() { return parent==null; } private boolean isCommitted() { return tail==null; } public Document getDocument() { return document; } boolean isBlocked() { return blocked && !isCommitted(); } public void block() { blocked = true; } public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable { if(method.getDeclaringClass()==TypedXmlWriter.class || method.getDeclaringClass()==Object.class) { // forward to myself try { return method.invoke(this,args); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw e.getTargetException(); } } XmlAttribute xa = method.getAnnotation(XmlAttribute.class); XmlValue xv = method.getAnnotation(XmlValue.class); XmlElement xe = method.getAnnotation(XmlElement.class); if(xa!=null) { if(xv!=null || xe!=null) throw new IllegalAnnotationException(method.toString()); addAttribute(xa,method,args); return proxy; // allow method chaining } if(xv!=null) { if(xe!=null) throw new IllegalAnnotationException(method.toString()); _pcdata(args); return proxy; // allow method chaining } return addElement(xe,method,args); }
Writes an attribute.
/** * Writes an attribute. */
private void addAttribute(XmlAttribute xa, Method method, Object[] args) { assert xa!=null; checkStartTag(); String localName = xa.value(); if(xa.value().length()==0) localName = method.getName(); _attribute(xa.ns(),localName,args); } private void checkStartTag() { if(startTag==null) throw new IllegalStateException("start tag has already been written"); }
Writes a new element.
/** * Writes a new element. */
private Object addElement(XmlElement e, Method method, Object[] args) { Class<?> rt = method.getReturnType(); // the last precedence: default name String nsUri = "##default"; String localName = method.getName(); if(e!=null) { // then the annotation on this method if(e.value().length()!=0) localName = e.value(); nsUri = e.ns(); } if(nsUri.equals("##default")) { // look for the annotation on the declaring class Class<?> c = method.getDeclaringClass(); XmlElement ce = c.getAnnotation(XmlElement.class); if(ce!=null) { nsUri = ce.ns(); } if(nsUri.equals("##default")) // then default to the XmlNamespace nsUri = getNamespace(c.getPackage()); } if(rt==Void.TYPE) { // leaf element with just a value boolean isCDATA = method.getAnnotation(XmlCDATA.class)!=null; StartTag st = new StartTag(document,nsUri,localName); addChild(st); for( Object arg : args ) { Text text; if(isCDATA) text = new Cdata(document,st,arg); else text = new Pcdata(document,st,arg); addChild(text); } addChild(new EndTag()); return null; } if(TypedXmlWriter.class.isAssignableFrom(rt)) { // sub writer return _element(nsUri,localName,(Class)rt); } throw new IllegalSignatureException("Illegal return type: "+rt); }
Decides the namespace URI of the given package.
/** * Decides the namespace URI of the given package. */
private String getNamespace(Package pkg) { if(pkg==null) return ""; String nsUri; XmlNamespace ns = pkg.getAnnotation(XmlNamespace.class); if(ns!=null) nsUri = ns.value(); else nsUri = ""; return nsUri; }
Appends this child object to the tail.
/** * Appends this child object to the tail. */
private void addChild(Content child) { tail.setNext(document,child); tail = child; } public void commit() { commit(true); } public void commit(boolean includingAllPredecessors) { _commit(includingAllPredecessors); document.flush(); } private void _commit(boolean includingAllPredecessors) { if(isCommitted()) return; addChild(endTag); if(isRoot()) addChild(new EndDocument()); tail = null; // _commit predecessors if so told if(includingAllPredecessors) { for( ContainerElement e=this; e!=null; e=e.parent ) { while(e.prevOpen!=null) { e.prevOpen._commit(false); // e.prevOpen should change as a result of committing it. } } } // _commit all children recursively while(lastOpenChild!=null) lastOpenChild._commit(false); // remove this node from the link if(parent!=null) { if(parent.lastOpenChild==this) { assert nextOpen==null : "this must be the last one"; parent.lastOpenChild = prevOpen; } else { assert nextOpen.prevOpen==this; nextOpen.prevOpen = this.prevOpen; } if(prevOpen!=null) { assert prevOpen.nextOpen==this; prevOpen.nextOpen = this.nextOpen; } } this.nextOpen = null; this.prevOpen = null; } public void _attribute(String localName, Object value) { _attribute("",localName,value); } public void _attribute(String nsUri, String localName, Object value) { checkStartTag(); startTag.addAttribute(nsUri,localName,value); } public void _attribute(QName attributeName, Object value) { _attribute(attributeName.getNamespaceURI(),attributeName.getLocalPart(),value); } public void _namespace(String uri) { _namespace(uri,false); } public void _namespace(String uri, String prefix) { if(prefix==null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); checkStartTag(); startTag.addNamespaceDecl(uri,prefix,false); } public void _namespace(String uri, boolean requirePrefix) { checkStartTag(); startTag.addNamespaceDecl(uri,null,requirePrefix); } public void _pcdata(Object value) { // we need to allow this method even when startTag has already been completed. // checkStartTag(); addChild(new Pcdata(document,startTag,value)); } public void _cdata(Object value) { addChild(new Cdata(document,startTag,value)); } public void _comment(Object value) throws UnsupportedOperationException { addChild(new Comment(document,startTag,value)); } public <T extends TypedXmlWriter> T _element(String localName, Class<T> contentModel) { return _element(nsUri,localName,contentModel); } public <T extends TypedXmlWriter> T _element(QName tagName, Class<T> contentModel) { return _element(tagName.getNamespaceURI(),tagName.getLocalPart(),contentModel); } public <T extends TypedXmlWriter> T _element(Class<T> contentModel) { return _element(TXW.getTagName(contentModel),contentModel); } public <T extends TypedXmlWriter> T _cast(Class<T> facadeType) { return facadeType.cast(Proxy.newProxyInstance(facadeType.getClassLoader(),new Class[]{facadeType},this)); } public <T extends TypedXmlWriter> T _element(String nsUri, String localName, Class<T> contentModel) { ContainerElement child = new ContainerElement(document,this,nsUri,localName); addChild(child.startTag); tail = child.endTag; // update uncommitted link list if(lastOpenChild!=null) { assert lastOpenChild.parent==this; assert child.prevOpen==null; assert child.nextOpen==null; child.prevOpen = lastOpenChild; assert lastOpenChild.nextOpen==null; lastOpenChild.nextOpen = child; } this.lastOpenChild = child; return child._cast(contentModel); } }