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package sun.font;

import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.Shape;
import java.awt.font.FontRenderContext;
import java.awt.font.LineMetrics;
import java.awt.font.GraphicAttribute;
import java.awt.font.GlyphJustificationInfo;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.geom.GeneralPath;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.text.Bidi;
import java.util.Map;

public final class GraphicComponent implements TextLineComponent,
                                               Decoration.Label {

    public static final float GRAPHIC_LEADING = 2;

    private GraphicAttribute graphic;
    private int graphicCount;
    private int[] charsLtoV;  // possibly null
    private byte[] levels; // possibly null

    // evaluated in computeVisualBounds
    private Rectangle2D visualBounds = null;

    // used everywhere so we'll cache it
    private float graphicAdvance;

    private AffineTransform baseTx;

    private CoreMetrics cm;
    private Decoration decorator;

Create a new GraphicComponent. start and limit are indices into charLtoV and levels. charsLtoV and levels may be adopted.
/** * Create a new GraphicComponent. start and limit are indices * into charLtoV and levels. charsLtoV and levels may be adopted. */
public GraphicComponent(GraphicAttribute graphic, Decoration decorator, int[] charsLtoV, byte[] levels, int start, int limit, AffineTransform baseTx) { if (limit <= start) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("0 or negative length in GraphicComponent"); } this.graphic = graphic; this.graphicAdvance = graphic.getAdvance(); this.decorator = decorator; this.cm = createCoreMetrics(graphic); this.baseTx = baseTx; initLocalOrdering(charsLtoV, levels, start, limit); } private GraphicComponent(GraphicComponent parent, int start, int limit, int dir) { this.graphic = parent.graphic; this.graphicAdvance = parent.graphicAdvance; this.decorator = parent.decorator; this.cm = parent.cm; this.baseTx = parent.baseTx; int[] charsLtoV = null; byte[] levels = null; if (dir == UNCHANGED) { charsLtoV = parent.charsLtoV; levels = parent.levels; } else if (dir == LEFT_TO_RIGHT || dir == RIGHT_TO_LEFT) { limit -= start; start = 0; if (dir == RIGHT_TO_LEFT) { charsLtoV = new int[limit]; levels = new byte[limit]; for (int i=0; i < limit; i++) { charsLtoV[i] = limit-i-1; levels[i] = (byte) 1; } } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid direction flag"); } initLocalOrdering(charsLtoV, levels, start, limit); }
Initialize graphicCount, also charsLtoV and levels arrays.
/** * Initialize graphicCount, also charsLtoV and levels arrays. */
private void initLocalOrdering(int[] charsLtoV, byte[] levels, int start, int limit) { this.graphicCount = limit - start; // todo: should be codepoints? if (charsLtoV == null || charsLtoV.length == graphicCount) { this.charsLtoV = charsLtoV; } else { this.charsLtoV = BidiUtils.createNormalizedMap(charsLtoV, levels, start, limit); } if (levels == null || levels.length == graphicCount) { this.levels = levels; } else { this.levels = new byte[graphicCount]; System.arraycopy(levels, start, this.levels, 0, graphicCount); } } public boolean isSimple() { return false; } public Rectangle getPixelBounds(FontRenderContext frc, float x, float y) { throw new InternalError("do not call if isSimple returns false"); } public Rectangle2D handleGetVisualBounds() { Rectangle2D bounds = graphic.getBounds(); float width = (float) bounds.getWidth() + graphicAdvance * (graphicCount-1); return new Rectangle2D.Float((float) bounds.getX(), (float) bounds.getY(), width, (float) bounds.getHeight()); } public CoreMetrics getCoreMetrics() { return cm; } public static CoreMetrics createCoreMetrics(GraphicAttribute graphic) { return new CoreMetrics(graphic.getAscent(), graphic.getDescent(), GRAPHIC_LEADING, graphic.getAscent() + graphic.getDescent() + GRAPHIC_LEADING, graphic.getAlignment(), new float[] { 0, -graphic.getAscent() / 2, -graphic.getAscent() }, -graphic.getAscent() / 2, graphic.getAscent() / 12, graphic.getDescent() / 3, graphic.getAscent() / 12, 0, // ss offset 0); // italic angle -- need api for this } public float getItalicAngle() { return 0; } public Rectangle2D getVisualBounds() { if (visualBounds == null) { visualBounds = decorator.getVisualBounds(this); } Rectangle2D.Float bounds = new Rectangle2D.Float(); bounds.setRect(visualBounds); return bounds; } public Shape handleGetOutline(float x, float y) { double[] matrix = { 1, 0, 0, 1, x, y }; if (graphicCount == 1) { AffineTransform tx = new AffineTransform(matrix); return graphic.getOutline(tx); } GeneralPath gp = new GeneralPath(); for (int i = 0; i < graphicCount; ++i) { AffineTransform tx = new AffineTransform(matrix); gp.append(graphic.getOutline(tx), false); matrix[4] += graphicAdvance; } return gp; } public AffineTransform getBaselineTransform() { return baseTx; } public Shape getOutline(float x, float y) { return decorator.getOutline(this, x, y); } public void handleDraw(Graphics2D g2d, float x, float y) { for (int i=0; i < graphicCount; i++) { graphic.draw(g2d, x, y); x += graphicAdvance; } } public void draw(Graphics2D g2d, float x, float y) { decorator.drawTextAndDecorations(this, g2d, x, y); } public Rectangle2D getCharVisualBounds(int index) { return decorator.getCharVisualBounds(this, index); } public int getNumCharacters() { return graphicCount; } public float getCharX(int index) { int visIndex = charsLtoV==null? index : charsLtoV[index]; return graphicAdvance * visIndex; } public float getCharY(int index) { return 0; } public float getCharAdvance(int index) { return graphicAdvance; } public boolean caretAtOffsetIsValid(int index) { return true; } public Rectangle2D handleGetCharVisualBounds(int index) { Rectangle2D bounds = graphic.getBounds(); // don't modify their rectangle, just in case they don't copy Rectangle2D.Float charBounds = new Rectangle2D.Float(); charBounds.setRect(bounds); charBounds.x += graphicAdvance * index; return charBounds; } // measures characters in context, in logical order public int getLineBreakIndex(int start, float width) { int index = (int) (width / graphicAdvance); if (index > graphicCount - start) { index = graphicCount - start; } return index; } // measures characters in context, in logical order public float getAdvanceBetween(int start, int limit) { return graphicAdvance * (limit - start); } public Rectangle2D getLogicalBounds() { float left = 0; float top = -cm.ascent; float width = graphicAdvance * graphicCount; float height = cm.descent - top; return new Rectangle2D.Float(left, top, width, height); } public float getAdvance() { return graphicAdvance * graphicCount; } public Rectangle2D getItalicBounds() { return getLogicalBounds(); } public TextLineComponent getSubset(int start, int limit, int dir) { if (start < 0 || limit > graphicCount || start >= limit) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid range. start=" +start+"; limit="+limit); } if (start == 0 && limit == graphicCount && dir == UNCHANGED) { return this; } return new GraphicComponent(this, start, limit, dir); } public String toString() { return "[graphic=" + graphic + ":count=" + getNumCharacters() + "]"; }
Return the number of justification records this uses.
/** * Return the number of justification records this uses. */
public int getNumJustificationInfos() { return 0; }
Return GlyphJustificationInfo objects for the characters between charStart and charLimit, starting at offset infoStart. Infos will be in visual order. All positions between infoStart and getNumJustificationInfos will be set. If a position corresponds to a character outside the provided range, it is set to null.
/** * Return GlyphJustificationInfo objects for the characters between * charStart and charLimit, starting at offset infoStart. Infos * will be in visual order. All positions between infoStart and * getNumJustificationInfos will be set. If a position corresponds * to a character outside the provided range, it is set to null. */
public void getJustificationInfos(GlyphJustificationInfo[] infos, int infoStart, int charStart, int charLimit) { }
Apply deltas to the data in this component, starting at offset deltaStart, and return the new component. There are two floats for each justification info, for a total of 2 * getNumJustificationInfos. The first delta is the left adjustment, the second is the right adjustment.

If flags[0] is true on entry, rejustification is allowed. If the new component requires rejustification (ligatures were formed or split), flags[0] will be set on exit.

/** * Apply deltas to the data in this component, starting at offset * deltaStart, and return the new component. There are two floats * for each justification info, for a total of 2 * getNumJustificationInfos. * The first delta is the left adjustment, the second is the right * adjustment. * <p> * If flags[0] is true on entry, rejustification is allowed. If * the new component requires rejustification (ligatures were * formed or split), flags[0] will be set on exit. */
public TextLineComponent applyJustificationDeltas(float[] deltas, int deltaStart, boolean[] flags) { return this; } }