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 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
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package sun.security.ssl;

import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.security.*;
import java.io.IOException;
import javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException;
import javax.crypto.SecretKey;
import javax.crypto.KeyAgreement;
import javax.crypto.interfaces.DHPublicKey;
import javax.crypto.spec.*;
import java.util.EnumSet;

import sun.security.util.KeyUtil;

This class implements the Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm. D-H means combining your private key with your partners public key to generate a number. The peer does the same with its private key and our public key. Through the magic of Diffie-Hellman we both come up with the same number. This number is secret (discounting MITM attacks) and hence called the shared secret. It has the same length as the modulus, e.g. 512 or 1024 bit. Man-in-the-middle attacks are typically countered by an independent authentication step using certificates (RSA, DSA, etc.). The thing to note is that the shared secret is constant for two partners with constant private keys. This is often not what we want, which is why it is generally a good idea to create a new private key for each session. Generating a private key involves one modular exponentiation assuming suitable D-H parameters are available. General usage of this class (TLS DHE case): . if we are server, call DHCrypt(keyLength,random). This generates an ephemeral keypair of the request length. . if we are client, call DHCrypt(modulus, base, random). This generates an ephemeral keypair using the parameters specified by the server. . send parameters and public value to remote peer . receive peers ephemeral public key . call getAgreedSecret() to calculate the shared secret In TLS the server chooses the parameter values itself, the client must use those sent to it by the server. The use of ephemeral keys as described above also achieves what is called "forward secrecy". This means that even if the authentication keys are broken at a later date, the shared secret remains secure. The session is compromised only if the authentication keys are already broken at the time the key exchange takes place and an active MITM attack is used. This is in contrast to straightforward encrypting RSA key exchanges.
Author:David Brownell
/** * This class implements the Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm. * D-H means combining your private key with your partners public key to * generate a number. The peer does the same with its private key and our * public key. Through the magic of Diffie-Hellman we both come up with the * same number. This number is secret (discounting MITM attacks) and hence * called the shared secret. It has the same length as the modulus, e.g. 512 * or 1024 bit. Man-in-the-middle attacks are typically countered by an * independent authentication step using certificates (RSA, DSA, etc.). * * The thing to note is that the shared secret is constant for two partners * with constant private keys. This is often not what we want, which is why * it is generally a good idea to create a new private key for each session. * Generating a private key involves one modular exponentiation assuming * suitable D-H parameters are available. * * General usage of this class (TLS DHE case): * . if we are server, call DHCrypt(keyLength,random). This generates * an ephemeral keypair of the request length. * . if we are client, call DHCrypt(modulus, base, random). This * generates an ephemeral keypair using the parameters specified by * the server. * . send parameters and public value to remote peer * . receive peers ephemeral public key * . call getAgreedSecret() to calculate the shared secret * * In TLS the server chooses the parameter values itself, the client must use * those sent to it by the server. * * The use of ephemeral keys as described above also achieves what is called * "forward secrecy". This means that even if the authentication keys are * broken at a later date, the shared secret remains secure. The session is * compromised only if the authentication keys are already broken at the * time the key exchange takes place and an active MITM attack is used. * This is in contrast to straightforward encrypting RSA key exchanges. * * @author David Brownell */
final class DHCrypt { // group parameters (prime modulus and generator) private BigInteger modulus; // P (aka N) private BigInteger base; // G (aka alpha) // our private key (including private component x) private PrivateKey privateKey; // public component of our key, X = (g ^ x) mod p private BigInteger publicValue; // X (aka y) // the times to recove from failure if public key validation private static int MAX_FAILOVER_TIMES = 2;
Generate a Diffie-Hellman keypair of the specified size.
/** * Generate a Diffie-Hellman keypair of the specified size. */
DHCrypt(int keyLength, SecureRandom random) { this(keyLength, ParametersHolder.definedParams.get(keyLength), random); }
Generate a Diffie-Hellman keypair using the specified parameters.
  • modulus – the Diffie-Hellman modulus P
  • base – the Diffie-Hellman base G
/** * Generate a Diffie-Hellman keypair using the specified parameters. * * @param modulus the Diffie-Hellman modulus P * @param base the Diffie-Hellman base G */
DHCrypt(BigInteger modulus, BigInteger base, SecureRandom random) { this(modulus.bitLength(), new DHParameterSpec(modulus, base), random); }
Generate a Diffie-Hellman keypair using the specified size and parameters.
/** * Generate a Diffie-Hellman keypair using the specified size and * parameters. */
private DHCrypt(int keyLength, DHParameterSpec params, SecureRandom random) { try { KeyPairGenerator kpg = JsseJce.getKeyPairGenerator("DiffieHellman"); if (params != null) { kpg.initialize(params, random); } else { kpg.initialize(keyLength, random); } DHPublicKeySpec spec = generateDHPublicKeySpec(kpg); if (spec == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not generate DH keypair"); } publicValue = spec.getY(); modulus = spec.getP(); base = spec.getG(); } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not generate DH keypair", e); } } static DHPublicKeySpec getDHPublicKeySpec(PublicKey key) { if (key instanceof DHPublicKey) { DHPublicKey dhKey = (DHPublicKey)key; DHParameterSpec params = dhKey.getParams(); return new DHPublicKeySpec(dhKey.getY(), params.getP(), params.getG()); } try { KeyFactory factory = JsseJce.getKeyFactory("DiffieHellman"); return factory.getKeySpec(key, DHPublicKeySpec.class); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
Returns the Diffie-Hellman modulus.
/** Returns the Diffie-Hellman modulus. */
BigInteger getModulus() { return modulus; }
Returns the Diffie-Hellman base (generator).
/** Returns the Diffie-Hellman base (generator). */
BigInteger getBase() { return base; }
Gets the public key of this end of the key exchange.
/** * Gets the public key of this end of the key exchange. */
BigInteger getPublicKey() { return publicValue; }
Get the secret data that has been agreed on through Diffie-Hellman key agreement protocol. Note that in the two party protocol, if the peer keys are already known, no other data needs to be sent in order to agree on a secret. That is, a secured message may be sent without any mandatory round-trip overheads.

It is illegal to call this member function if the private key has not been set (or generated).

  • peerPublicKey – the peer's public key.
  • keyIsValidated – whether the peerPublicKey has beed validated
Returns:the secret, which is an unsigned big-endian integer the same size as the Diffie-Hellman modulus.
/** * Get the secret data that has been agreed on through Diffie-Hellman * key agreement protocol. Note that in the two party protocol, if * the peer keys are already known, no other data needs to be sent in * order to agree on a secret. That is, a secured message may be * sent without any mandatory round-trip overheads. * * <P>It is illegal to call this member function if the private key * has not been set (or generated). * * @param peerPublicKey the peer's public key. * @param keyIsValidated whether the {@code peerPublicKey} has beed * validated * @return the secret, which is an unsigned big-endian integer * the same size as the Diffie-Hellman modulus. */
SecretKey getAgreedSecret(BigInteger peerPublicValue, boolean keyIsValidated) throws SSLHandshakeException { try { KeyFactory kf = JsseJce.getKeyFactory("DiffieHellman"); DHPublicKeySpec spec = new DHPublicKeySpec(peerPublicValue, modulus, base); PublicKey publicKey = kf.generatePublic(spec); KeyAgreement ka = JsseJce.getKeyAgreement("DiffieHellman"); // validate the Diffie-Hellman public key if (!keyIsValidated && !KeyUtil.isOracleJCEProvider(ka.getProvider().getName())) { try { KeyUtil.validate(spec); } catch (InvalidKeyException ike) { // prefer handshake_failure alert to internal_error alert throw new SSLHandshakeException(ike.getMessage()); } } ka.init(privateKey); ka.doPhase(publicKey, true); return ka.generateSecret("TlsPremasterSecret"); } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) { throw (SSLHandshakeException) new SSLHandshakeException( "Could not generate secret").initCause(e); } } // Check constraints of the specified DH public key. void checkConstraints(AlgorithmConstraints constraints, BigInteger peerPublicValue) throws SSLHandshakeException { try { KeyFactory kf = JsseJce.getKeyFactory("DiffieHellman"); DHPublicKeySpec spec = new DHPublicKeySpec(peerPublicValue, modulus, base); DHPublicKey publicKey = (DHPublicKey)kf.generatePublic(spec); // check constraints of DHPublicKey if (!constraints.permits( EnumSet.of(CryptoPrimitive.KEY_AGREEMENT), publicKey)) { throw new SSLHandshakeException( "DHPublicKey does not comply to algorithm constraints"); } } catch (GeneralSecurityException gse) { throw (SSLHandshakeException) new SSLHandshakeException( "Could not generate DHPublicKey").initCause(gse); } } // Generate and validate DHPublicKeySpec private DHPublicKeySpec generateDHPublicKeySpec(KeyPairGenerator kpg) throws GeneralSecurityException { boolean doExtraValiadtion = (!KeyUtil.isOracleJCEProvider(kpg.getProvider().getName())); for (int i = 0; i <= MAX_FAILOVER_TIMES; i++) { KeyPair kp = kpg.generateKeyPair(); privateKey = kp.getPrivate(); DHPublicKeySpec spec = getDHPublicKeySpec(kp.getPublic()); // validate the Diffie-Hellman public key if (doExtraValiadtion) { try { KeyUtil.validate(spec); } catch (InvalidKeyException ivke) { if (i == MAX_FAILOVER_TIMES) { throw ivke; } // otherwise, ignore the exception and try the next one continue; } } return spec; } return null; } // lazy initialization holder class idiom for static default parameters // // See Effective Java Second Edition: Item 71. private static class ParametersHolder { private final static boolean debugIsOn = (Debug.getInstance("ssl") != null) && Debug.isOn("sslctx"); // // Default DH ephemeral parameters // private static final BigInteger g2 = BigInteger.valueOf(2); private static final BigInteger p512 = new BigInteger( // generated "D87780E15FF50B4ABBE89870188B049406B5BEA98AB23A02" + "41D88EA75B7755E669C08093D3F0CA7FC3A5A25CF067DCB9" + "A43DD89D1D90921C6328884461E0B6D3", 16); private static final BigInteger p768 = new BigInteger( // RFC 2409 "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC90FDAA22168C234C4C6628B80DC1CD1" + "29024E088A67CC74020BBEA63B139B22514A08798E3404DD" + "EF9519B3CD3A431B302B0A6DF25F14374FE1356D6D51C245" + "E485B576625E7EC6F44C42E9A63A3620FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", 16); private static final BigInteger p1024 = new BigInteger( // RFC 2409 "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC90FDAA22168C234C4C6628B80DC1CD1" + "29024E088A67CC74020BBEA63B139B22514A08798E3404DD" + "EF9519B3CD3A431B302B0A6DF25F14374FE1356D6D51C245" + "E485B576625E7EC6F44C42E9A637ED6B0BFF5CB6F406B7ED" + "EE386BFB5A899FA5AE9F24117C4B1FE649286651ECE65381" + "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", 16); private static final BigInteger p1536 = new BigInteger( // RFC 3526 "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC90FDAA22168C234C4C6628B80DC1CD1" + "29024E088A67CC74020BBEA63B139B22514A08798E3404DD" + "EF9519B3CD3A431B302B0A6DF25F14374FE1356D6D51C245" + "E485B576625E7EC6F44C42E9A637ED6B0BFF5CB6F406B7ED" + "EE386BFB5A899FA5AE9F24117C4B1FE649286651ECE45B3D" + "C2007CB8A163BF0598DA48361C55D39A69163FA8FD24CF5F" + "83655D23DCA3AD961C62F356208552BB9ED529077096966D" + "670C354E4ABC9804F1746C08CA237327FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", 16); private static final BigInteger p2048 = new BigInteger( // TLS FFDHE "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFADF85458A2BB4A9AAFDC5620273D3CF1" + "D8B9C583CE2D3695A9E13641146433FBCC939DCE249B3EF9" + "7D2FE363630C75D8F681B202AEC4617AD3DF1ED5D5FD6561" + "2433F51F5F066ED0856365553DED1AF3B557135E7F57C935" + "984F0C70E0E68B77E2A689DAF3EFE8721DF158A136ADE735" + "30ACCA4F483A797ABC0AB182B324FB61D108A94BB2C8E3FB" + "B96ADAB760D7F4681D4F42A3DE394DF4AE56EDE76372BB19" + "0B07A7C8EE0A6D709E02FCE1CDF7E2ECC03404CD28342F61" + "9172FE9CE98583FF8E4F1232EEF28183C3FE3B1B4C6FAD73" + "3BB5FCBC2EC22005C58EF1837D1683B2C6F34A26C1B2EFFA" + "886B423861285C97FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", 16); private static final BigInteger p3072 = new BigInteger( // TLS FFDHE "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFADF85458A2BB4A9AAFDC5620273D3CF1" + "D8B9C583CE2D3695A9E13641146433FBCC939DCE249B3EF9" + "7D2FE363630C75D8F681B202AEC4617AD3DF1ED5D5FD6561" + "2433F51F5F066ED0856365553DED1AF3B557135E7F57C935" + "984F0C70E0E68B77E2A689DAF3EFE8721DF158A136ADE735" + "30ACCA4F483A797ABC0AB182B324FB61D108A94BB2C8E3FB" + "B96ADAB760D7F4681D4F42A3DE394DF4AE56EDE76372BB19" + "0B07A7C8EE0A6D709E02FCE1CDF7E2ECC03404CD28342F61" + "9172FE9CE98583FF8E4F1232EEF28183C3FE3B1B4C6FAD73" + "3BB5FCBC2EC22005C58EF1837D1683B2C6F34A26C1B2EFFA" + "886B4238611FCFDCDE355B3B6519035BBC34F4DEF99C0238" + "61B46FC9D6E6C9077AD91D2691F7F7EE598CB0FAC186D91C" + "AEFE130985139270B4130C93BC437944F4FD4452E2D74DD3" + "64F2E21E71F54BFF5CAE82AB9C9DF69EE86D2BC522363A0D" + "ABC521979B0DEADA1DBF9A42D5C4484E0ABCD06BFA53DDEF" + "3C1B20EE3FD59D7C25E41D2B66C62E37FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", 16); private static final BigInteger p4096 = new BigInteger( // TLS FFDHE "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFADF85458A2BB4A9AAFDC5620273D3CF1" + "D8B9C583CE2D3695A9E13641146433FBCC939DCE249B3EF9" + "7D2FE363630C75D8F681B202AEC4617AD3DF1ED5D5FD6561" + "2433F51F5F066ED0856365553DED1AF3B557135E7F57C935" + "984F0C70E0E68B77E2A689DAF3EFE8721DF158A136ADE735" + "30ACCA4F483A797ABC0AB182B324FB61D108A94BB2C8E3FB" + "B96ADAB760D7F4681D4F42A3DE394DF4AE56EDE76372BB19" + "0B07A7C8EE0A6D709E02FCE1CDF7E2ECC03404CD28342F61" + "9172FE9CE98583FF8E4F1232EEF28183C3FE3B1B4C6FAD73" + "3BB5FCBC2EC22005C58EF1837D1683B2C6F34A26C1B2EFFA" + "886B4238611FCFDCDE355B3B6519035BBC34F4DEF99C0238" + "61B46FC9D6E6C9077AD91D2691F7F7EE598CB0FAC186D91C" + "AEFE130985139270B4130C93BC437944F4FD4452E2D74DD3" + "64F2E21E71F54BFF5CAE82AB9C9DF69EE86D2BC522363A0D" + "ABC521979B0DEADA1DBF9A42D5C4484E0ABCD06BFA53DDEF" + "3C1B20EE3FD59D7C25E41D2B669E1EF16E6F52C3164DF4FB" + "7930E9E4E58857B6AC7D5F42D69F6D187763CF1D55034004" + "87F55BA57E31CC7A7135C886EFB4318AED6A1E012D9E6832" + "A907600A918130C46DC778F971AD0038092999A333CB8B7A" + "1A1DB93D7140003C2A4ECEA9F98D0ACC0A8291CDCEC97DCF" + "8EC9B55A7F88A46B4DB5A851F44182E1C68A007E5E655F6A" + "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", 16); private static final BigInteger p6144 = new BigInteger( // TLS FFDHE "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFADF85458A2BB4A9AAFDC5620273D3CF1" + "D8B9C583CE2D3695A9E13641146433FBCC939DCE249B3EF9" + "7D2FE363630C75D8F681B202AEC4617AD3DF1ED5D5FD6561" + "2433F51F5F066ED0856365553DED1AF3B557135E7F57C935" + "984F0C70E0E68B77E2A689DAF3EFE8721DF158A136ADE735" + "30ACCA4F483A797ABC0AB182B324FB61D108A94BB2C8E3FB" + "B96ADAB760D7F4681D4F42A3DE394DF4AE56EDE76372BB19" + "0B07A7C8EE0A6D709E02FCE1CDF7E2ECC03404CD28342F61" + "9172FE9CE98583FF8E4F1232EEF28183C3FE3B1B4C6FAD73" + "3BB5FCBC2EC22005C58EF1837D1683B2C6F34A26C1B2EFFA" + "886B4238611FCFDCDE355B3B6519035BBC34F4DEF99C0238" + "61B46FC9D6E6C9077AD91D2691F7F7EE598CB0FAC186D91C" + "AEFE130985139270B4130C93BC437944F4FD4452E2D74DD3" + "64F2E21E71F54BFF5CAE82AB9C9DF69EE86D2BC522363A0D" + "ABC521979B0DEADA1DBF9A42D5C4484E0ABCD06BFA53DDEF" + "3C1B20EE3FD59D7C25E41D2B669E1EF16E6F52C3164DF4FB" + "7930E9E4E58857B6AC7D5F42D69F6D187763CF1D55034004" + "87F55BA57E31CC7A7135C886EFB4318AED6A1E012D9E6832" + "A907600A918130C46DC778F971AD0038092999A333CB8B7A" + "1A1DB93D7140003C2A4ECEA9F98D0ACC0A8291CDCEC97DCF" + "8EC9B55A7F88A46B4DB5A851F44182E1C68A007E5E0DD902" + "0BFD64B645036C7A4E677D2C38532A3A23BA4442CAF53EA6" + "3BB454329B7624C8917BDD64B1C0FD4CB38E8C334C701C3A" + "CDAD0657FCCFEC719B1F5C3E4E46041F388147FB4CFDB477" + "A52471F7A9A96910B855322EDB6340D8A00EF092350511E3" + "0ABEC1FFF9E3A26E7FB29F8C183023C3587E38DA0077D9B4" + "763E4E4B94B2BBC194C6651E77CAF992EEAAC0232A281BF6" + "B3A739C1226116820AE8DB5847A67CBEF9C9091B462D538C" + "D72B03746AE77F5E62292C311562A846505DC82DB854338A" + "E49F5235C95B91178CCF2DD5CACEF403EC9D1810C6272B04" + "5B3B71F9DC6B80D63FDD4A8E9ADB1E6962A69526D43161C1" + "A41D570D7938DAD4A40E329CD0E40E65FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", 16); private static final BigInteger p8192 = new BigInteger( // TLS FFDHE "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFADF85458A2BB4A9AAFDC5620273D3CF1" + "D8B9C583CE2D3695A9E13641146433FBCC939DCE249B3EF9" + "7D2FE363630C75D8F681B202AEC4617AD3DF1ED5D5FD6561" + "2433F51F5F066ED0856365553DED1AF3B557135E7F57C935" + "984F0C70E0E68B77E2A689DAF3EFE8721DF158A136ADE735" + "30ACCA4F483A797ABC0AB182B324FB61D108A94BB2C8E3FB" + "B96ADAB760D7F4681D4F42A3DE394DF4AE56EDE76372BB19" + "0B07A7C8EE0A6D709E02FCE1CDF7E2ECC03404CD28342F61" + "9172FE9CE98583FF8E4F1232EEF28183C3FE3B1B4C6FAD73" + "3BB5FCBC2EC22005C58EF1837D1683B2C6F34A26C1B2EFFA" + "886B4238611FCFDCDE355B3B6519035BBC34F4DEF99C0238" + "61B46FC9D6E6C9077AD91D2691F7F7EE598CB0FAC186D91C" + "AEFE130985139270B4130C93BC437944F4FD4452E2D74DD3" + "64F2E21E71F54BFF5CAE82AB9C9DF69EE86D2BC522363A0D" + "ABC521979B0DEADA1DBF9A42D5C4484E0ABCD06BFA53DDEF" + "3C1B20EE3FD59D7C25E41D2B669E1EF16E6F52C3164DF4FB" + "7930E9E4E58857B6AC7D5F42D69F6D187763CF1D55034004" + "87F55BA57E31CC7A7135C886EFB4318AED6A1E012D9E6832" + "A907600A918130C46DC778F971AD0038092999A333CB8B7A" + "1A1DB93D7140003C2A4ECEA9F98D0ACC0A8291CDCEC97DCF" + "8EC9B55A7F88A46B4DB5A851F44182E1C68A007E5E0DD902" + "0BFD64B645036C7A4E677D2C38532A3A23BA4442CAF53EA6" + "3BB454329B7624C8917BDD64B1C0FD4CB38E8C334C701C3A" + "CDAD0657FCCFEC719B1F5C3E4E46041F388147FB4CFDB477" + "A52471F7A9A96910B855322EDB6340D8A00EF092350511E3" + "0ABEC1FFF9E3A26E7FB29F8C183023C3587E38DA0077D9B4" + "763E4E4B94B2BBC194C6651E77CAF992EEAAC0232A281BF6" + "B3A739C1226116820AE8DB5847A67CBEF9C9091B462D538C" + "D72B03746AE77F5E62292C311562A846505DC82DB854338A" + "E49F5235C95B91178CCF2DD5CACEF403EC9D1810C6272B04" + "5B3B71F9DC6B80D63FDD4A8E9ADB1E6962A69526D43161C1" + "A41D570D7938DAD4A40E329CCFF46AAA36AD004CF600C838" + "1E425A31D951AE64FDB23FCEC9509D43687FEB69EDD1CC5E" + "0B8CC3BDF64B10EF86B63142A3AB8829555B2F747C932665" + "CB2C0F1CC01BD70229388839D2AF05E454504AC78B758282" + "2846C0BA35C35F5C59160CC046FD8251541FC68C9C86B022" + "BB7099876A460E7451A8A93109703FEE1C217E6C3826E52C" + "51AA691E0E423CFC99E9E31650C1217B624816CDAD9A95F9" + "D5B8019488D9C0A0A1FE3075A577E23183F81D4A3F2FA457" + "1EFC8CE0BA8A4FE8B6855DFE72B0A66EDED2FBABFBE58A30" + "FAFABE1C5D71A87E2F741EF8C1FE86FEA6BBFDE530677F0D" + "97D11D49F7A8443D0822E506A9F4614E011E2A94838FF88C" + "D68C8BB7C5C6424CFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", 16); private static final BigInteger[] supportedPrimes = { p512, p768, p1024, p1536, p2048, p3072, p4096, p6144, p8192}; // a measure of the uncertainty that prime modulus p is not a prime // // see BigInteger.isProbablePrime(int certainty) private final static int PRIME_CERTAINTY = 120; // the known security property, jdk.tls.server.defaultDHEParameters private final static String PROPERTY_NAME = "jdk.tls.server.defaultDHEParameters"; private static final Pattern spacesPattern = Pattern.compile("\\s+"); private final static Pattern syntaxPattern = Pattern.compile( "(\\{[0-9A-Fa-f]+,[0-9A-Fa-f]+\\})" + "(,\\{[0-9A-Fa-f]+,[0-9A-Fa-f]+\\})*"); private static final Pattern paramsPattern = Pattern.compile( "\\{([0-9A-Fa-f]+),([0-9A-Fa-f]+)\\}"); // cache of predefined default DH ephemeral parameters private final static Map<Integer,DHParameterSpec> definedParams; static { String property = AccessController.doPrivileged( new PrivilegedAction<String>() { public String run() { return Security.getProperty(PROPERTY_NAME); } }); if (property != null && !property.isEmpty()) { // remove double quote marks from beginning/end of the property if (property.length() >= 2 && property.charAt(0) == '"' && property.charAt(property.length() - 1) == '"') { property = property.substring(1, property.length() - 1); } property = property.trim(); } if (property != null && !property.isEmpty()) { Matcher spacesMatcher = spacesPattern.matcher(property); property = spacesMatcher.replaceAll(""); if (debugIsOn) { System.out.println("The Security Property " + PROPERTY_NAME + ": " + property); } } Map<Integer,DHParameterSpec> defaultParams = new HashMap<>(); if (property != null && !property.isEmpty()) { Matcher syntaxMatcher = syntaxPattern.matcher(property); if (syntaxMatcher.matches()) { Matcher paramsFinder = paramsPattern.matcher(property); while(paramsFinder.find()) { String primeModulus = paramsFinder.group(1); BigInteger p = new BigInteger(primeModulus, 16); if (!p.isProbablePrime(PRIME_CERTAINTY)) { if (debugIsOn) { System.out.println( "Prime modulus p in Security Property, " + PROPERTY_NAME + ", is not a prime: " + primeModulus); } continue; } String baseGenerator = paramsFinder.group(2); BigInteger g = new BigInteger(baseGenerator, 16); DHParameterSpec spec = new DHParameterSpec(p, g); int primeLen = p.bitLength(); defaultParams.put(primeLen, spec); } } else if (debugIsOn) { System.out.println("Invalid Security Property, " + PROPERTY_NAME + ", definition"); } } for (BigInteger p : supportedPrimes) { int primeLen = p.bitLength(); DHParameterSpec value = defaultParams.get(primeLen); if (value == null) { defaultParams.put(primeLen, new DHParameterSpec(p, g2)); } } definedParams = Collections.<Integer,DHParameterSpec>unmodifiableMap( defaultParams); } } }