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package javax.swing.text.html;

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.beans.*;
import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import javax.swing.text.*;
import javax.accessibility.*;
import java.text.BreakIterator;

 * The AccessibleHTML class provide information about the contents
 * of a HTML document to assistive technologies.
 * @author  Lynn Monsanto
class AccessibleHTML implements Accessible {

The editor.
/** * The editor. */
private JEditorPane editor;
Current model.
/** * Current model. */
private Document model;
DocumentListener installed on the current model.
/** * DocumentListener installed on the current model. */
private DocumentListener docListener;
PropertyChangeListener installed on the editor
/** * PropertyChangeListener installed on the editor */
private PropertyChangeListener propChangeListener;
The root ElementInfo for the document
/** * The root ElementInfo for the document */
private ElementInfo rootElementInfo; /* * The root accessible context for the document */ private RootHTMLAccessibleContext rootHTMLAccessibleContext; public AccessibleHTML(JEditorPane pane) { editor = pane; propChangeListener = new PropertyChangeHandler(); setDocument(editor.getDocument()); docListener = new DocumentHandler(); }
Sets the document.
/** * Sets the document. */
private void setDocument(Document document) { if (model != null) { model.removeDocumentListener(docListener); } if (editor != null) { editor.removePropertyChangeListener(propChangeListener); } this.model = document; if (model != null) { if (rootElementInfo != null) { rootElementInfo.invalidate(false); } buildInfo(); model.addDocumentListener(docListener); } else { rootElementInfo = null; } if (editor != null) { editor.addPropertyChangeListener(propChangeListener); } }
Returns the Document currently presenting information for.
/** * Returns the Document currently presenting information for. */
private Document getDocument() { return model; }
Returns the JEditorPane providing information for.
/** * Returns the JEditorPane providing information for. */
private JEditorPane getTextComponent() { return editor; }
Returns the ElementInfo representing the root Element.
/** * Returns the ElementInfo representing the root Element. */
private ElementInfo getRootInfo() { return rootElementInfo; }
Returns the root View associated with the current text component.
/** * Returns the root <code>View</code> associated with the current text * component. */
private View getRootView() { return getTextComponent().getUI().getRootView(getTextComponent()); }
Returns the bounds the root View will be rendered in.
/** * Returns the bounds the root View will be rendered in. */
private Rectangle getRootEditorRect() { Rectangle alloc = getTextComponent().getBounds(); if ((alloc.width > 0) && (alloc.height > 0)) { alloc.x = alloc.y = 0; Insets insets = editor.getInsets(); alloc.x += insets.left; alloc.y += insets.top; alloc.width -= insets.left + insets.right; alloc.height -= insets.top + insets.bottom; return alloc; } return null; }
If possible acquires a lock on the Document. If a lock has been obtained a key will be retured that should be passed to unlock.
/** * If possible acquires a lock on the Document. If a lock has been * obtained a key will be retured that should be passed to * <code>unlock</code>. */
private Object lock() { Document document = getDocument(); if (document instanceof AbstractDocument) { ((AbstractDocument)document).readLock(); return document; } return null; }
Releases a lock previously obtained via lock.
/** * Releases a lock previously obtained via <code>lock</code>. */
private void unlock(Object key) { if (key != null) { ((AbstractDocument)key).readUnlock(); } }
Rebuilds the information from the current info.
/** * Rebuilds the information from the current info. */
private void buildInfo() { Object lock = lock(); try { Document doc = getDocument(); Element root = doc.getDefaultRootElement(); rootElementInfo = new ElementInfo(root); rootElementInfo.validate(); } finally { unlock(lock); } } /* * Create an ElementInfo subclass based on the passed in Element. */ ElementInfo createElementInfo(Element e, ElementInfo parent) { AttributeSet attrs = e.getAttributes(); if (attrs != null) { Object name = attrs.getAttribute(StyleConstants.NameAttribute); if (name == HTML.Tag.IMG) { return new IconElementInfo(e, parent); } else if (name == HTML.Tag.CONTENT || name == HTML.Tag.CAPTION) { return new TextElementInfo(e, parent); } else if (name == HTML.Tag.TABLE) { return new TableElementInfo(e, parent); } } return null; }
Returns the root AccessibleContext for the document
/** * Returns the root AccessibleContext for the document */
public AccessibleContext getAccessibleContext() { if (rootHTMLAccessibleContext == null) { rootHTMLAccessibleContext = new RootHTMLAccessibleContext(rootElementInfo); } return rootHTMLAccessibleContext; } /* * The roow AccessibleContext for the document */ private class RootHTMLAccessibleContext extends HTMLAccessibleContext { public RootHTMLAccessibleContext(ElementInfo elementInfo) { super(elementInfo); }
Gets the accessibleName property of this object. The accessibleName property of an object is a localized String that designates the purpose of the object. For example, the accessibleName property of a label or button might be the text of the label or button itself. In the case of an object that doesn't display its name, the accessibleName should still be set. For example, in the case of a text field used to enter the name of a city, the accessibleName for the en_US locale could be 'city.'
See Also:
Returns:the localized name of the object; null if this object does not have a name
/** * Gets the accessibleName property of this object. The accessibleName * property of an object is a localized String that designates the purpose * of the object. For example, the accessibleName property of a label * or button might be the text of the label or button itself. In the * case of an object that doesn't display its name, the accessibleName * should still be set. For example, in the case of a text field used * to enter the name of a city, the accessibleName for the en_US locale * could be 'city.' * * @return the localized name of the object; null if this * object does not have a name * * @see #setAccessibleName */
public String getAccessibleName() { if (model != null) { return (String)model.getProperty(Document.TitleProperty); } else { return null; } }
Gets the accessibleDescription property of this object. If this property isn't set, returns the content type of this JEditorPane instead (e.g. "plain/text", "html/text").
See Also:
Returns:the localized description of the object; null if this object does not have a description
/** * Gets the accessibleDescription property of this object. If this * property isn't set, returns the content type of this * <code>JEditorPane</code> instead (e.g. "plain/text", "html/text"). * * @return the localized description of the object; <code>null</code> * if this object does not have a description * * @see #setAccessibleName */
public String getAccessibleDescription() { return editor.getContentType(); }
Gets the role of this object. The role of the object is the generic purpose or use of the class of this object. For example, the role of a push button is AccessibleRole.PUSH_BUTTON. The roles in AccessibleRole are provided so component developers can pick from a set of predefined roles. This enables assistive technologies to provide a consistent interface to various tweaked subclasses of components (e.g., use AccessibleRole.PUSH_BUTTON for all components that act like a push button) as well as distinguish between subclasses that behave differently (e.g., AccessibleRole.CHECK_BOX for check boxes and AccessibleRole.RADIO_BUTTON for radio buttons).

Note that the AccessibleRole class is also extensible, so custom component developers can define their own AccessibleRole's if the set of predefined roles is inadequate.

See Also:
Returns:an instance of AccessibleRole describing the role of the object
/** * Gets the role of this object. The role of the object is the generic * purpose or use of the class of this object. For example, the role * of a push button is AccessibleRole.PUSH_BUTTON. The roles in * AccessibleRole are provided so component developers can pick from * a set of predefined roles. This enables assistive technologies to * provide a consistent interface to various tweaked subclasses of * components (e.g., use AccessibleRole.PUSH_BUTTON for all components * that act like a push button) as well as distinguish between subclasses * that behave differently (e.g., AccessibleRole.CHECK_BOX for check boxes * and AccessibleRole.RADIO_BUTTON for radio buttons). * <p>Note that the AccessibleRole class is also extensible, so * custom component developers can define their own AccessibleRole's * if the set of predefined roles is inadequate. * * @return an instance of AccessibleRole describing the role of the object * @see AccessibleRole */
public AccessibleRole getAccessibleRole() { return AccessibleRole.TEXT; } } /* * Base AccessibleContext class for HTML elements */ protected abstract class HTMLAccessibleContext extends AccessibleContext implements Accessible, AccessibleComponent { protected ElementInfo elementInfo; public HTMLAccessibleContext(ElementInfo elementInfo) { this.elementInfo = elementInfo; } // begin AccessibleContext implementation ... public AccessibleContext getAccessibleContext() { return this; }
Gets the state set of this object.
See Also:
Returns:an instance of AccessibleStateSet describing the states of the object
/** * Gets the state set of this object. * * @return an instance of AccessibleStateSet describing the states * of the object * @see AccessibleStateSet */
public AccessibleStateSet getAccessibleStateSet() { AccessibleStateSet states = new AccessibleStateSet(); Component comp = getTextComponent(); if (comp.isEnabled()) { states.add(AccessibleState.ENABLED); } if (comp instanceof JTextComponent && ((JTextComponent)comp).isEditable()) { states.add(AccessibleState.EDITABLE); states.add(AccessibleState.FOCUSABLE); } if (comp.isVisible()) { states.add(AccessibleState.VISIBLE); } if (comp.isShowing()) { states.add(AccessibleState.SHOWING); } return states; }
Gets the 0-based index of this object in its accessible parent.
See Also:
Returns:the 0-based index of this object in its parent; -1 if this object does not have an accessible parent.
/** * Gets the 0-based index of this object in its accessible parent. * * @return the 0-based index of this object in its parent; -1 if this * object does not have an accessible parent. * * @see #getAccessibleParent * @see #getAccessibleChildrenCount * @see #getAccessibleChild */
public int getAccessibleIndexInParent() { return elementInfo.getIndexInParent(); }
Returns the number of accessible children of the object.
Returns:the number of accessible children of the object.
/** * Returns the number of accessible children of the object. * * @return the number of accessible children of the object. */
public int getAccessibleChildrenCount() { return elementInfo.getChildCount(); }
Returns the specified Accessible child of the object. The Accessible children of an Accessible object are zero-based, so the first child of an Accessible child is at index 0, the second child is at index 1, and so on.
  • i – zero-based index of child
See Also:
Returns:the Accessible child of the object
/** * Returns the specified Accessible child of the object. The Accessible * children of an Accessible object are zero-based, so the first child * of an Accessible child is at index 0, the second child is at index 1, * and so on. * * @param i zero-based index of child * @return the Accessible child of the object * @see #getAccessibleChildrenCount */
public Accessible getAccessibleChild(int i) { ElementInfo childInfo = elementInfo.getChild(i); if (childInfo != null && childInfo instanceof Accessible) { return (Accessible)childInfo; } else { return null; } }
Gets the locale of the component. If the component does not have a locale, then the locale of its parent is returned.
  • IllegalComponentStateException – If the Component does not have its own locale and has not yet been added to a containment hierarchy such that the locale can be determined from the containing parent.
Returns:this component's locale. If this component does not have a locale, the locale of its parent is returned.
/** * Gets the locale of the component. If the component does not have a * locale, then the locale of its parent is returned. * * @return this component's locale. If this component does not have * a locale, the locale of its parent is returned. * * @exception IllegalComponentStateException * If the Component does not have its own locale and has not yet been * added to a containment hierarchy such that the locale can be * determined from the containing parent. */
public Locale getLocale() throws IllegalComponentStateException { return editor.getLocale(); } // ... end AccessibleContext implementation // begin AccessibleComponent implementation ... public AccessibleComponent getAccessibleComponent() { return this; }
Gets the background color of this object.
See Also:
Returns:the background color, if supported, of the object; otherwise, null
/** * Gets the background color of this object. * * @return the background color, if supported, of the object; * otherwise, null * @see #setBackground */
public Color getBackground() { return getTextComponent().getBackground(); }
Sets the background color of this object.
  • c – the new Color for the background
See Also:
/** * Sets the background color of this object. * * @param c the new Color for the background * @see #setBackground */
public void setBackground(Color c) { getTextComponent().setBackground(c); }
Gets the foreground color of this object.
See Also:
Returns:the foreground color, if supported, of the object; otherwise, null
/** * Gets the foreground color of this object. * * @return the foreground color, if supported, of the object; * otherwise, null * @see #setForeground */
public Color getForeground() { return getTextComponent().getForeground(); }
Sets the foreground color of this object.
  • c – the new Color for the foreground
See Also:
/** * Sets the foreground color of this object. * * @param c the new Color for the foreground * @see #getForeground */
public void setForeground(Color c) { getTextComponent().setForeground(c); }
Gets the Cursor of this object.
See Also:
Returns:the Cursor, if supported, of the object; otherwise, null
/** * Gets the Cursor of this object. * * @return the Cursor, if supported, of the object; otherwise, null * @see #setCursor */
public Cursor getCursor() { return getTextComponent().getCursor(); }
Sets the Cursor of this object.
  • cursor – the new Cursor for the object
See Also:
/** * Sets the Cursor of this object. * * @param cursor the new Cursor for the object * @see #getCursor */
public void setCursor(Cursor cursor) { getTextComponent().setCursor(cursor); }
Gets the Font of this object.
See Also:
Returns:the Font,if supported, for the object; otherwise, null
/** * Gets the Font of this object. * * @return the Font,if supported, for the object; otherwise, null * @see #setFont */
public Font getFont() { return getTextComponent().getFont(); }
Sets the Font of this object.
  • f – the new Font for the object
See Also:
/** * Sets the Font of this object. * * @param f the new Font for the object * @see #getFont */
public void setFont(Font f) { getTextComponent().setFont(f); }
Gets the FontMetrics of this object.
  • f – the Font
See Also:
Returns:the FontMetrics, if supported, the object; otherwise, null
/** * Gets the FontMetrics of this object. * * @param f the Font * @return the FontMetrics, if supported, the object; otherwise, null * @see #getFont */
public FontMetrics getFontMetrics(Font f) { return getTextComponent().getFontMetrics(f); }
Determines if the object is enabled. Objects that are enabled will also have the AccessibleState.ENABLED state set in their AccessibleStateSets.
See Also:
Returns:true if object is enabled; otherwise, false
/** * Determines if the object is enabled. Objects that are enabled * will also have the AccessibleState.ENABLED state set in their * AccessibleStateSets. * * @return true if object is enabled; otherwise, false * @see #setEnabled * @see AccessibleContext#getAccessibleStateSet * @see AccessibleState#ENABLED * @see AccessibleStateSet */
public boolean isEnabled() { return getTextComponent().isEnabled(); }
Sets the enabled state of the object.
  • b – if true, enables this object; otherwise, disables it
See Also:
/** * Sets the enabled state of the object. * * @param b if true, enables this object; otherwise, disables it * @see #isEnabled */
public void setEnabled(boolean b) { getTextComponent().setEnabled(b); }
Determines if the object is visible. Note: this means that the object intends to be visible; however, it may not be showing on the screen because one of the objects that this object is contained by is currently not visible. To determine if an object is showing on the screen, use isShowing().

Objects that are visible will also have the AccessibleState.VISIBLE state set in their AccessibleStateSets.

See Also:
Returns:true if object is visible; otherwise, false
/** * Determines if the object is visible. Note: this means that the * object intends to be visible; however, it may not be * showing on the screen because one of the objects that this object * is contained by is currently not visible. To determine if an object * is showing on the screen, use isShowing(). * <p>Objects that are visible will also have the * AccessibleState.VISIBLE state set in their AccessibleStateSets. * * @return true if object is visible; otherwise, false * @see #setVisible * @see AccessibleContext#getAccessibleStateSet * @see AccessibleState#VISIBLE * @see AccessibleStateSet */
public boolean isVisible() { return getTextComponent().isVisible(); }
Sets the visible state of the object.
  • b – if true, shows this object; otherwise, hides it
See Also:
/** * Sets the visible state of the object. * * @param b if true, shows this object; otherwise, hides it * @see #isVisible */
public void setVisible(boolean b) { getTextComponent().setVisible(b); }
Determines if the object is showing. This is determined by checking the visibility of the object and its ancestors. Note: this will return true even if the object is obscured by another (for example, it is underneath a menu that was pulled down).
Returns:true if object is showing; otherwise, false
/** * Determines if the object is showing. This is determined by checking * the visibility of the object and its ancestors. * Note: this * will return true even if the object is obscured by another (for * example, it is underneath a menu that was pulled down). * * @return true if object is showing; otherwise, false */
public boolean isShowing() { return getTextComponent().isShowing(); }
Checks whether the specified point is within this object's bounds, where the point's x and y coordinates are defined to be relative to the coordinate system of the object.
  • p – the Point relative to the coordinate system of the object
See Also:
Returns:true if object contains Point; otherwise false
/** * Checks whether the specified point is within this object's bounds, * where the point's x and y coordinates are defined to be relative * to the coordinate system of the object. * * @param p the Point relative to the coordinate system of the object * @return true if object contains Point; otherwise false * @see #getBounds */
public boolean contains(Point p) { Rectangle r = getBounds(); if (r != null) { return r.contains(p.x, p.y); } else { return false; } }
Returns the location of the object on the screen.
See Also:
Returns:the location of the object on screen; null if this object is not on the screen
/** * Returns the location of the object on the screen. * * @return the location of the object on screen; null if this object * is not on the screen * @see #getBounds * @see #getLocation */
public Point getLocationOnScreen() { Point editorLocation = getTextComponent().getLocationOnScreen(); Rectangle r = getBounds(); if (r != null) { return new Point(editorLocation.x + r.x, editorLocation.y + r.y); } else { return null; } }
Gets the location of the object relative to the parent in the form of a point specifying the object's top-left corner in the screen's coordinate space.
See Also:
Returns:An instance of Point representing the top-left corner of the object's bounds in the coordinate space of the screen; null if this object or its parent are not on the screen
/** * Gets the location of the object relative to the parent in the form * of a point specifying the object's top-left corner in the screen's * coordinate space. * * @return An instance of Point representing the top-left corner of the * object's bounds in the coordinate space of the screen; null if * this object or its parent are not on the screen * @see #getBounds * @see #getLocationOnScreen */
public Point getLocation() { Rectangle r = getBounds(); if (r != null) { return new Point(r.x, r.y); } else { return null; } }
Sets the location of the object relative to the parent.
  • p – the new position for the top-left corner
See Also:
/** * Sets the location of the object relative to the parent. * @param p the new position for the top-left corner * @see #getLocation */
public void setLocation(Point p) { }
Gets the bounds of this object in the form of a Rectangle object. The bounds specify this object's width, height, and location relative to its parent.
See Also:
Returns:A rectangle indicating this component's bounds; null if this object is not on the screen.
/** * Gets the bounds of this object in the form of a Rectangle object. * The bounds specify this object's width, height, and location * relative to its parent. * * @return A rectangle indicating this component's bounds; null if * this object is not on the screen. * @see #contains */
public Rectangle getBounds() { return elementInfo.getBounds(); }
Sets the bounds of this object in the form of a Rectangle object. The bounds specify this object's width, height, and location relative to its parent.
  • r – rectangle indicating this component's bounds
See Also:
/** * Sets the bounds of this object in the form of a Rectangle object. * The bounds specify this object's width, height, and location * relative to its parent. * * @param r rectangle indicating this component's bounds * @see #getBounds */
public void setBounds(Rectangle r) { }
Returns the size of this object in the form of a Dimension object. The height field of the Dimension object contains this object's height, and the width field of the Dimension object contains this object's width.
See Also:
Returns:A Dimension object that indicates the size of this component; null if this object is not on the screen
/** * Returns the size of this object in the form of a Dimension object. * The height field of the Dimension object contains this object's * height, and the width field of the Dimension object contains this * object's width. * * @return A Dimension object that indicates the size of this component; * null if this object is not on the screen * @see #setSize */
public Dimension getSize() { Rectangle r = getBounds(); if (r != null) { return new Dimension(r.width, r.height); } else { return null; } }
Resizes this object so that it has width and height.
  • d – The dimension specifying the new size of the object.
See Also:
/** * Resizes this object so that it has width and height. * * @param d The dimension specifying the new size of the object. * @see #getSize */
public void setSize(Dimension d) { Component comp = getTextComponent(); comp.setSize(d); }
Returns the Accessible child, if one exists, contained at the local coordinate Point.
  • p – The point relative to the coordinate system of this object.
Returns:the Accessible, if it exists, at the specified location; otherwise null
/** * Returns the Accessible child, if one exists, contained at the local * coordinate Point. * * @param p The point relative to the coordinate system of this object. * @return the Accessible, if it exists, at the specified location; * otherwise null */
public Accessible getAccessibleAt(Point p) { ElementInfo innerMostElement = getElementInfoAt(rootElementInfo, p); if (innerMostElement instanceof Accessible) { return (Accessible)innerMostElement; } else { return null; } } private ElementInfo getElementInfoAt(ElementInfo elementInfo, Point p) { if (elementInfo.getBounds() == null) { return null; } if (elementInfo.getChildCount() == 0 && elementInfo.getBounds().contains(p)) { return elementInfo; } else { if (elementInfo instanceof TableElementInfo) { // Handle table caption as a special case since it's the // only table child that is not a table row. ElementInfo captionInfo = ((TableElementInfo)elementInfo).getCaptionInfo(); if (captionInfo != null) { Rectangle bounds = captionInfo.getBounds(); if (bounds != null && bounds.contains(p)) { return captionInfo; } } } for (int i = 0; i < elementInfo.getChildCount(); i++) { ElementInfo childInfo = elementInfo.getChild(i); ElementInfo retValue = getElementInfoAt(childInfo, p); if (retValue != null) { return retValue; } } } return null; }
Returns whether this object can accept focus or not. Objects that can accept focus will also have the AccessibleState.FOCUSABLE state set in their AccessibleStateSets.
See Also:
Returns:true if object can accept focus; otherwise false
/** * Returns whether this object can accept focus or not. Objects that * can accept focus will also have the AccessibleState.FOCUSABLE state * set in their AccessibleStateSets. * * @return true if object can accept focus; otherwise false * @see AccessibleContext#getAccessibleStateSet * @see AccessibleState#FOCUSABLE * @see AccessibleState#FOCUSED * @see AccessibleStateSet */
public boolean isFocusTraversable() { Component comp = getTextComponent(); if (comp instanceof JTextComponent) { if (((JTextComponent)comp).isEditable()) { return true; } } return false; }
Requests focus for this object. If this object cannot accept focus, nothing will happen. Otherwise, the object will attempt to take focus.
See Also:
  • isFocusTraversable
/** * Requests focus for this object. If this object cannot accept focus, * nothing will happen. Otherwise, the object will attempt to take * focus. * @see #isFocusTraversable */
public void requestFocus() { // TIGER - 4856191 if (! isFocusTraversable()) { return; } Component comp = getTextComponent(); if (comp instanceof JTextComponent) { comp.requestFocusInWindow(); try { if (elementInfo.validateIfNecessary()) { // set the caret position to the start of this component Element elem = elementInfo.getElement(); ((JTextComponent)comp).setCaretPosition(elem.getStartOffset()); // fire a AccessibleState.FOCUSED property change event AccessibleContext ac = editor.getAccessibleContext(); PropertyChangeEvent pce = new PropertyChangeEvent(this, AccessibleContext.ACCESSIBLE_STATE_PROPERTY, null, AccessibleState.FOCUSED); ac.firePropertyChange( AccessibleContext.ACCESSIBLE_STATE_PROPERTY, null, pce); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // don't fire property change event } } }
Adds the specified focus listener to receive focus events from this component.
  • l – the focus listener
See Also:
/** * Adds the specified focus listener to receive focus events from this * component. * * @param l the focus listener * @see #removeFocusListener */
public void addFocusListener(FocusListener l) { getTextComponent().addFocusListener(l); }
Removes the specified focus listener so it no longer receives focus events from this component.
  • l – the focus listener
See Also:
/** * Removes the specified focus listener so it no longer receives focus * events from this component. * * @param l the focus listener * @see #addFocusListener */
public void removeFocusListener(FocusListener l) { getTextComponent().removeFocusListener(l); } // ... end AccessibleComponent implementation } // ... end HTMLAccessibleContext /* * ElementInfo for text */ class TextElementInfo extends ElementInfo implements Accessible { TextElementInfo(Element element, ElementInfo parent) { super(element, parent); } // begin AccessibleText implementation ... private AccessibleContext accessibleContext; public AccessibleContext getAccessibleContext() { if (accessibleContext == null) { accessibleContext = new TextAccessibleContext(this); } return accessibleContext; } /* * AccessibleContext for text elements */ public class TextAccessibleContext extends HTMLAccessibleContext implements AccessibleText { public TextAccessibleContext(ElementInfo elementInfo) { super(elementInfo); } public AccessibleText getAccessibleText() { return this; }
Gets the accessibleName property of this object. The accessibleName property of an object is a localized String that designates the purpose of the object. For example, the accessibleName property of a label or button might be the text of the label or button itself. In the case of an object that doesn't display its name, the accessibleName should still be set. For example, in the case of a text field used to enter the name of a city, the accessibleName for the en_US locale could be 'city.'
See Also:
Returns:the localized name of the object; null if this object does not have a name
/** * Gets the accessibleName property of this object. The accessibleName * property of an object is a localized String that designates the purpose * of the object. For example, the accessibleName property of a label * or button might be the text of the label or button itself. In the * case of an object that doesn't display its name, the accessibleName * should still be set. For example, in the case of a text field used * to enter the name of a city, the accessibleName for the en_US locale * could be 'city.' * * @return the localized name of the object; null if this * object does not have a name * * @see #setAccessibleName */
public String getAccessibleName() { if (model != null) { return (String)model.getProperty(Document.TitleProperty); } else { return null; } }
Gets the accessibleDescription property of this object. If this property isn't set, returns the content type of this JEditorPane instead (e.g. "plain/text", "html/text").
See Also:
Returns:the localized description of the object; null if this object does not have a description
/** * Gets the accessibleDescription property of this object. If this * property isn't set, returns the content type of this * <code>JEditorPane</code> instead (e.g. "plain/text", "html/text"). * * @return the localized description of the object; <code>null</code> * if this object does not have a description * * @see #setAccessibleName */
public String getAccessibleDescription() { return editor.getContentType(); }
Gets the role of this object. The role of the object is the generic purpose or use of the class of this object. For example, the role of a push button is AccessibleRole.PUSH_BUTTON. The roles in AccessibleRole are provided so component developers can pick from a set of predefined roles. This enables assistive technologies to provide a consistent interface to various tweaked subclasses of components (e.g., use AccessibleRole.PUSH_BUTTON for all components that act like a push button) as well as distinguish between subclasses that behave differently (e.g., AccessibleRole.CHECK_BOX for check boxes and AccessibleRole.RADIO_BUTTON for radio buttons).

Note that the AccessibleRole class is also extensible, so custom component developers can define their own AccessibleRole's if the set of predefined roles is inadequate.

See Also:
Returns:an instance of AccessibleRole describing the role of the object
/** * Gets the role of this object. The role of the object is the generic * purpose or use of the class of this object. For example, the role * of a push button is AccessibleRole.PUSH_BUTTON. The roles in * AccessibleRole are provided so component developers can pick from * a set of predefined roles. This enables assistive technologies to * provide a consistent interface to various tweaked subclasses of * components (e.g., use AccessibleRole.PUSH_BUTTON for all components * that act like a push button) as well as distinguish between subclasses * that behave differently (e.g., AccessibleRole.CHECK_BOX for check boxes * and AccessibleRole.RADIO_BUTTON for radio buttons). * <p>Note that the AccessibleRole class is also extensible, so * custom component developers can define their own AccessibleRole's * if the set of predefined roles is inadequate. * * @return an instance of AccessibleRole describing the role of the object * @see AccessibleRole */
public AccessibleRole getAccessibleRole() { return AccessibleRole.TEXT; }
Given a point in local coordinates, return the zero-based index of the character under that Point. If the point is invalid, this method returns -1.
  • p – the Point in local coordinates
Returns:the zero-based index of the character under Point p; if Point is invalid returns -1.
/** * Given a point in local coordinates, return the zero-based index * of the character under that Point. If the point is invalid, * this method returns -1. * * @param p the Point in local coordinates * @return the zero-based index of the character under Point p; if * Point is invalid returns -1. */
public int getIndexAtPoint(Point p) { View v = getView(); if (v != null) { return v.viewToModel(p.x, p.y, getBounds()); } else { return -1; } }
Determine the bounding box of the character at the given index into the string. The bounds are returned in local coordinates. If the index is invalid an empty rectangle is returned.
  • i – the index into the String
Returns:the screen coordinates of the character's the bounding box, if index is invalid returns an empty rectangle.
/** * Determine the bounding box of the character at the given * index into the string. The bounds are returned in local * coordinates. If the index is invalid an empty rectangle is * returned. * * @param i the index into the String * @return the screen coordinates of the character's the bounding box, * if index is invalid returns an empty rectangle. */
public Rectangle getCharacterBounds(int i) { try { return editor.getUI().modelToView(editor, i); } catch (BadLocationException e) { return null; } }
Return the number of characters (valid indicies)
Returns:the number of characters
/** * Return the number of characters (valid indicies) * * @return the number of characters */
public int getCharCount() { if (validateIfNecessary()) { Element elem = elementInfo.getElement(); return elem.getEndOffset() - elem.getStartOffset(); } return 0; }
Return the zero-based offset of the caret. Note: That to the right of the caret will have the same index value as the offset (the caret is between two characters).
Returns:the zero-based offset of the caret.
/** * Return the zero-based offset of the caret. * * Note: That to the right of the caret will have the same index * value as the offset (the caret is between two characters). * @return the zero-based offset of the caret. */
public int getCaretPosition() { View v = getView(); if (v == null) { return -1; } Container c = v.getContainer(); if (c == null) { return -1; } if (c instanceof JTextComponent) { return ((JTextComponent)c).getCaretPosition(); } else { return -1; } }
IndexedSegment extends Segment adding the offset into the the model the Segment was asked for.
/** * IndexedSegment extends Segment adding the offset into the * the model the <code>Segment</code> was asked for. */
private class IndexedSegment extends Segment {
Offset into the model that the position represents.
/** * Offset into the model that the position represents. */
public int modelOffset; } public String getAtIndex(int part, int index) { return getAtIndex(part, index, 0); } public String getAfterIndex(int part, int index) { return getAtIndex(part, index, 1); } public String getBeforeIndex(int part, int index) { return getAtIndex(part, index, -1); }
Gets the word, sentence, or character at index. If direction is non-null this will find the next/previous word/sentence/character.
/** * Gets the word, sentence, or character at <code>index</code>. * If <code>direction</code> is non-null this will find the * next/previous word/sentence/character. */
private String getAtIndex(int part, int index, int direction) { if (model instanceof AbstractDocument) { ((AbstractDocument)model).readLock(); } try { if (index < 0 || index >= model.getLength()) { return null; } switch (part) { case AccessibleText.CHARACTER: if (index + direction < model.getLength() && index + direction >= 0) { return model.getText(index + direction, 1); } break; case AccessibleText.WORD: case AccessibleText.SENTENCE: IndexedSegment seg = getSegmentAt(part, index); if (seg != null) { if (direction != 0) { int next; if (direction < 0) { next = seg.modelOffset - 1; } else { next = seg.modelOffset + direction * seg.count; } if (next >= 0 && next <= model.getLength()) { seg = getSegmentAt(part, next); } else { seg = null; } } if (seg != null) { return new String(seg.array, seg.offset, seg.count); } } break; default: break; } } catch (BadLocationException e) { } finally { if (model instanceof AbstractDocument) { ((AbstractDocument)model).readUnlock(); } } return null; } /* * Returns the paragraph element for the specified index. */ private Element getParagraphElement(int index) { if (model instanceof PlainDocument ) { PlainDocument sdoc = (PlainDocument)model; return sdoc.getParagraphElement(index); } else if (model instanceof StyledDocument) { StyledDocument sdoc = (StyledDocument)model; return sdoc.getParagraphElement(index); } else { Element para; for (para = model.getDefaultRootElement(); ! para.isLeaf(); ) { int pos = para.getElementIndex(index); para = para.getElement(pos); } if (para == null) { return null; } return para.getParentElement(); } } /* * Returns a <code>Segment</code> containing the paragraph text * at <code>index</code>, or null if <code>index</code> isn't * valid. */ private IndexedSegment getParagraphElementText(int index) throws BadLocationException { Element para = getParagraphElement(index); if (para != null) { IndexedSegment segment = new IndexedSegment(); try { int length = para.getEndOffset() - para.getStartOffset(); model.getText(para.getStartOffset(), length, segment); } catch (BadLocationException e) { return null; } segment.modelOffset = para.getStartOffset(); return segment; } return null; }
Returns the Segment at index representing either the paragraph or sentence as identified by part, or null if a valid paragraph/sentence can't be found. The offset will point to the start of the word/sentence in the array, and the modelOffset will point to the location of the word/sentence in the model.
/** * Returns the Segment at <code>index</code> representing either * the paragraph or sentence as identified by <code>part</code>, or * null if a valid paragraph/sentence can't be found. The offset * will point to the start of the word/sentence in the array, and * the modelOffset will point to the location of the word/sentence * in the model. */
private IndexedSegment getSegmentAt(int part, int index) throws BadLocationException { IndexedSegment seg = getParagraphElementText(index); if (seg == null) { return null; } BreakIterator iterator; switch (part) { case AccessibleText.WORD: iterator = BreakIterator.getWordInstance(getLocale()); break; case AccessibleText.SENTENCE: iterator = BreakIterator.getSentenceInstance(getLocale()); break; default: return null; } seg.first(); iterator.setText(seg); int end = iterator.following(index - seg.modelOffset + seg.offset); if (end == BreakIterator.DONE) { return null; } if (end > seg.offset + seg.count) { return null; } int begin = iterator.previous(); if (begin == BreakIterator.DONE || begin >= seg.offset + seg.count) { return null; } seg.modelOffset = seg.modelOffset + begin - seg.offset; seg.offset = begin; seg.count = end - begin; return seg; }
Return the AttributeSet for a given character at a given index
  • i – the zero-based index into the text
Returns:the AttributeSet of the character
/** * Return the AttributeSet for a given character at a given index * * @param i the zero-based index into the text * @return the AttributeSet of the character */
public AttributeSet getCharacterAttribute(int i) { if (model instanceof StyledDocument) { StyledDocument doc = (StyledDocument)model; Element elem = doc.getCharacterElement(i); if (elem != null) { return elem.getAttributes(); } } return null; }
Returns the start offset within the selected text. If there is no selection, but there is a caret, the start and end offsets will be the same.
Returns:the index into the text of the start of the selection
/** * Returns the start offset within the selected text. * If there is no selection, but there is * a caret, the start and end offsets will be the same. * * @return the index into the text of the start of the selection */
public int getSelectionStart() { return editor.getSelectionStart(); }
Returns the end offset within the selected text. If there is no selection, but there is a caret, the start and end offsets will be the same.
Returns:the index into the text of the end of the selection
/** * Returns the end offset within the selected text. * If there is no selection, but there is * a caret, the start and end offsets will be the same. * * @return the index into the text of the end of the selection */
public int getSelectionEnd() { return editor.getSelectionEnd(); }
Returns the portion of the text that is selected.
Returns:the String portion of the text that is selected
/** * Returns the portion of the text that is selected. * * @return the String portion of the text that is selected */
public String getSelectedText() { return editor.getSelectedText(); } /* * Returns the text substring starting at the specified * offset with the specified length. */ private String getText(int offset, int length) throws BadLocationException { if (model != null && model instanceof StyledDocument) { StyledDocument doc = (StyledDocument)model; return model.getText(offset, length); } else { return null; } } } } /* * ElementInfo for images */ private class IconElementInfo extends ElementInfo implements Accessible { private int width = -1; private int height = -1; IconElementInfo(Element element, ElementInfo parent) { super(element, parent); } protected void invalidate(boolean first) { super.invalidate(first); width = height = -1; } private int getImageSize(Object key) { if (validateIfNecessary()) { int size = getIntAttr(getAttributes(), key, -1); if (size == -1) { View v = getView(); size = 0; if (v instanceof ImageView) { Image img = ((ImageView)v).getImage(); if (img != null) { if (key == HTML.Attribute.WIDTH) { size = img.getWidth(null); } else { size = img.getHeight(null); } } } } return size; } return 0; } // begin AccessibleIcon implementation ... private AccessibleContext accessibleContext; public AccessibleContext getAccessibleContext() { if (accessibleContext == null) { accessibleContext = new IconAccessibleContext(this); } return accessibleContext; } /* * AccessibleContext for images */ protected class IconAccessibleContext extends HTMLAccessibleContext implements AccessibleIcon { public IconAccessibleContext(ElementInfo elementInfo) { super(elementInfo); }
Gets the accessibleName property of this object. The accessibleName property of an object is a localized String that designates the purpose of the object. For example, the accessibleName property of a label or button might be the text of the label or button itself. In the case of an object that doesn't display its name, the accessibleName should still be set. For example, in the case of a text field used to enter the name of a city, the accessibleName for the en_US locale could be 'city.'
See Also:
Returns:the localized name of the object; null if this object does not have a name
/** * Gets the accessibleName property of this object. The accessibleName * property of an object is a localized String that designates the purpose * of the object. For example, the accessibleName property of a label * or button might be the text of the label or button itself. In the * case of an object that doesn't display its name, the accessibleName * should still be set. For example, in the case of a text field used * to enter the name of a city, the accessibleName for the en_US locale * could be 'city.' * * @return the localized name of the object; null if this * object does not have a name * * @see #setAccessibleName */
public String getAccessibleName() { return getAccessibleIconDescription(); }
Gets the accessibleDescription property of this object. If this property isn't set, returns the content type of this JEditorPane instead (e.g. "plain/text", "html/text").
See Also:
Returns:the localized description of the object; null if this object does not have a description
/** * Gets the accessibleDescription property of this object. If this * property isn't set, returns the content type of this * <code>JEditorPane</code> instead (e.g. "plain/text", "html/text"). * * @return the localized description of the object; <code>null</code> * if this object does not have a description * * @see #setAccessibleName */
public String getAccessibleDescription() { return editor.getContentType(); }
Gets the role of this object. The role of the object is the generic purpose or use of the class of this object. For example, the role of a push button is AccessibleRole.PUSH_BUTTON. The roles in AccessibleRole are provided so component developers can pick from a set of predefined roles. This enables assistive technologies to provide a consistent interface to various tweaked subclasses of components (e.g., use AccessibleRole.PUSH_BUTTON for all components that act like a push button) as well as distinguish between subclasses that behave differently (e.g., AccessibleRole.CHECK_BOX for check boxes and AccessibleRole.RADIO_BUTTON for radio buttons).

Note that the AccessibleRole class is also extensible, so custom component developers can define their own AccessibleRole's if the set of predefined roles is inadequate.

See Also:
Returns:an instance of AccessibleRole describing the role of the object
/** * Gets the role of this object. The role of the object is the generic * purpose or use of the class of this object. For example, the role * of a push button is AccessibleRole.PUSH_BUTTON. The roles in * AccessibleRole are provided so component developers can pick from * a set of predefined roles. This enables assistive technologies to * provide a consistent interface to various tweaked subclasses of * components (e.g., use AccessibleRole.PUSH_BUTTON for all components * that act like a push button) as well as distinguish between subclasses * that behave differently (e.g., AccessibleRole.CHECK_BOX for check boxes * and AccessibleRole.RADIO_BUTTON for radio buttons). * <p>Note that the AccessibleRole class is also extensible, so * custom component developers can define their own AccessibleRole's * if the set of predefined roles is inadequate. * * @return an instance of AccessibleRole describing the role of the object * @see AccessibleRole */
public AccessibleRole getAccessibleRole() { return AccessibleRole.ICON; } public AccessibleIcon [] getAccessibleIcon() { AccessibleIcon [] icons = new AccessibleIcon[1]; icons[0] = this; return icons; }
Gets the description of the icon. This is meant to be a brief textual description of the object. For example, it might be presented to a blind user to give an indication of the purpose of the icon.
Returns:the description of the icon
/** * Gets the description of the icon. This is meant to be a brief * textual description of the object. For example, it might be * presented to a blind user to give an indication of the purpose * of the icon. * * @return the description of the icon */
public String getAccessibleIconDescription() { return ((ImageView)getView()).getAltText(); }
Sets the description of the icon. This is meant to be a brief textual description of the object. For example, it might be presented to a blind user to give an indication of the purpose of the icon.
  • description – the description of the icon
/** * Sets the description of the icon. This is meant to be a brief * textual description of the object. For example, it might be * presented to a blind user to give an indication of the purpose * of the icon. * * @param description the description of the icon */
public void setAccessibleIconDescription(String description) { }
Gets the width of the icon
Returns:the width of the icon.
/** * Gets the width of the icon * * @return the width of the icon. */
public int getAccessibleIconWidth() { if (width == -1) { width = getImageSize(HTML.Attribute.WIDTH); } return width; }
Gets the height of the icon
Returns:the height of the icon.
/** * Gets the height of the icon * * @return the height of the icon. */
public int getAccessibleIconHeight() { if (height == -1) { height = getImageSize(HTML.Attribute.HEIGHT); } return height; } } // ... end AccessibleIconImplementation }
TableElementInfo encapsulates information about a HTML.Tag.TABLE. To make access fast it crates a grid containing the children to allow for access by row, column. TableElementInfo will contain TableRowElementInfos, which will contain TableCellElementInfos. Any time one of the rows or columns becomes invalid the table is invalidated. This is because any time one of the child attributes changes the size of the grid may have changed.
/** * TableElementInfo encapsulates information about a HTML.Tag.TABLE. * To make access fast it crates a grid containing the children to * allow for access by row, column. TableElementInfo will contain * TableRowElementInfos, which will contain TableCellElementInfos. * Any time one of the rows or columns becomes invalid the table is * invalidated. This is because any time one of the child attributes * changes the size of the grid may have changed. */
private class TableElementInfo extends ElementInfo implements Accessible { protected ElementInfo caption;
Allocation of the table by row x column. There may be holes (eg nulls) depending upon the html, any cell that has a rowspan/colspan > 1 will be contained multiple times in the grid.
/** * Allocation of the table by row x column. There may be holes (eg * nulls) depending upon the html, any cell that has a rowspan/colspan * > 1 will be contained multiple times in the grid. */
private TableCellElementInfo[][] grid; TableElementInfo(Element e, ElementInfo parent) { super(e, parent); } public ElementInfo getCaptionInfo() { return caption; }
Overriden to update the grid when validating.
/** * Overriden to update the grid when validating. */
protected void validate() { super.validate(); updateGrid(); }
Overriden to only alloc instances of TableRowElementInfos.
/** * Overriden to only alloc instances of TableRowElementInfos. */
protected void loadChildren(Element e) { for (int counter = 0; counter < e.getElementCount(); counter++) { Element child = e.getElement(counter); AttributeSet attrs = child.getAttributes(); if (attrs.getAttribute(StyleConstants.NameAttribute) == HTML.Tag.TR) { addChild(new TableRowElementInfo(child, this, counter)); } else if (attrs.getAttribute(StyleConstants.NameAttribute) == HTML.Tag.CAPTION) { // Handle captions as a special case since all other // children are table rows. caption = createElementInfo(child, this); } } }
Updates the grid.
/** * Updates the grid. */
private void updateGrid() { // Determine the max row/col count. int delta = 0; int maxCols = 0; int rows; for (int counter = 0; counter < getChildCount(); counter++) { TableRowElementInfo row = getRow(counter); int prev = 0; for (int y = 0; y < delta; y++) { prev = Math.max(prev, getRow(counter - y - 1). getColumnCount(y + 2)); } delta = Math.max(row.getRowCount(), delta); delta--; maxCols = Math.max(maxCols, row.getColumnCount() + prev); } rows = getChildCount() + delta; // Alloc grid = new TableCellElementInfo[rows][]; for (int counter = 0; counter < rows; counter++) { grid[counter] = new TableCellElementInfo[maxCols]; } // Update for (int counter = 0; counter < rows; counter++) { getRow(counter).updateGrid(counter); } }
Returns the TableCellElementInfo at the specified index.
/** * Returns the TableCellElementInfo at the specified index. */
public TableRowElementInfo getRow(int index) { return (TableRowElementInfo)getChild(index); }
Returns the TableCellElementInfo by row and column.
/** * Returns the TableCellElementInfo by row and column. */
public TableCellElementInfo getCell(int r, int c) { if (validateIfNecessary() && r < grid.length && c < grid[0].length) { return grid[r][c]; } return null; }
Returns the rowspan of the specified entry.
/** * Returns the rowspan of the specified entry. */
public int getRowExtentAt(int r, int c) { TableCellElementInfo cell = getCell(r, c); if (cell != null) { int rows = cell.getRowCount(); int delta = 1; while ((r - delta) >= 0 && grid[r - delta][c] == cell) { delta++; } return rows - delta + 1; } return 0; }
Returns the colspan of the specified entry.
/** * Returns the colspan of the specified entry. */
public int getColumnExtentAt(int r, int c) { TableCellElementInfo cell = getCell(r, c); if (cell != null) { int cols = cell.getColumnCount(); int delta = 1; while ((c - delta) >= 0 && grid[r][c - delta] == cell) { delta++; } return cols - delta + 1; } return 0; }
Returns the number of rows in the table.
/** * Returns the number of rows in the table. */
public int getRowCount() { if (validateIfNecessary()) { return grid.length; } return 0; }
Returns the number of columns in the table.
/** * Returns the number of columns in the table. */
public int getColumnCount() { if (validateIfNecessary() && grid.length > 0) { return grid[0].length; } return 0; } // begin AccessibleTable implementation ... private AccessibleContext accessibleContext; public AccessibleContext getAccessibleContext() { if (accessibleContext == null) { accessibleContext = new TableAccessibleContext(this); } return accessibleContext; } /* * AccessibleContext for tables */ public class TableAccessibleContext extends HTMLAccessibleContext implements AccessibleTable { private AccessibleHeadersTable rowHeadersTable; public TableAccessibleContext(ElementInfo elementInfo) { super(elementInfo); }
Gets the accessibleName property of this object. The accessibleName property of an object is a localized String that designates the purpose of the object. For example, the accessibleName property of a label or button might be the text of the label or button itself. In the case of an object that doesn't display its name, the accessibleName should still be set. For example, in the case of a text field used to enter the name of a city, the accessibleName for the en_US locale could be 'city.'
See Also:
Returns:the localized name of the object; null if this object does not have a name
/** * Gets the accessibleName property of this object. The accessibleName * property of an object is a localized String that designates the purpose * of the object. For example, the accessibleName property of a label * or button might be the text of the label or button itself. In the * case of an object that doesn't display its name, the accessibleName * should still be set. For example, in the case of a text field used * to enter the name of a city, the accessibleName for the en_US locale * could be 'city.' * * @return the localized name of the object; null if this * object does not have a name * * @see #setAccessibleName */
public String getAccessibleName() { // return the role of the object return getAccessibleRole().toString(); }
Gets the accessibleDescription property of this object. If this property isn't set, returns the content type of this JEditorPane instead (e.g. "plain/text", "html/text").
See Also:
Returns:the localized description of the object; null if this object does not have a description
/** * Gets the accessibleDescription property of this object. If this * property isn't set, returns the content type of this * <code>JEditorPane</code> instead (e.g. "plain/text", "html/text"). * * @return the localized description of the object; <code>null</code> * if this object does not have a description * * @see #setAccessibleName */
public String getAccessibleDescription() { return editor.getContentType(); }
Gets the role of this object. The role of the object is the generic purpose or use of the class of this object. For example, the role of a push button is AccessibleRole.PUSH_BUTTON. The roles in AccessibleRole are provided so component developers can pick from a set of predefined roles. This enables assistive technologies to provide a consistent interface to various tweaked subclasses of components (e.g., use AccessibleRole.PUSH_BUTTON for all components that act like a push button) as well as distinguish between subclasses that behave differently (e.g., AccessibleRole.CHECK_BOX for check boxes and AccessibleRole.RADIO_BUTTON for radio buttons).

Note that the AccessibleRole class is also extensible, so custom component developers can define their own AccessibleRole's if the set of predefined roles is inadequate.

See Also:
Returns:an instance of AccessibleRole describing the role of the object
/** * Gets the role of this object. The role of the object is the generic * purpose or use of the class of this object. For example, the role * of a push button is AccessibleRole.PUSH_BUTTON. The roles in * AccessibleRole are provided so component developers can pick from * a set of predefined roles. This enables assistive technologies to * provide a consistent interface to various tweaked subclasses of * components (e.g., use AccessibleRole.PUSH_BUTTON for all components * that act like a push button) as well as distinguish between subclasses * that behave differently (e.g., AccessibleRole.CHECK_BOX for check boxes * and AccessibleRole.RADIO_BUTTON for radio buttons). * <p>Note that the AccessibleRole class is also extensible, so * custom component developers can define their own AccessibleRole's * if the set of predefined roles is inadequate. * * @return an instance of AccessibleRole describing the role of the object * @see AccessibleRole */
public AccessibleRole getAccessibleRole() { return AccessibleRole.TABLE; }
Gets the 0-based index of this object in its accessible parent.
See Also:
Returns:the 0-based index of this object in its parent; -1 if this object does not have an accessible parent.
/** * Gets the 0-based index of this object in its accessible parent. * * @return the 0-based index of this object in its parent; -1 if this * object does not have an accessible parent. * * @see #getAccessibleParent * @see #getAccessibleChildrenCount * @gsee #getAccessibleChild */
public int getAccessibleIndexInParent() { return elementInfo.getIndexInParent(); }
Returns the number of accessible children of the object.
Returns:the number of accessible children of the object.
/** * Returns the number of accessible children of the object. * * @return the number of accessible children of the object. */
public int getAccessibleChildrenCount() { return ((TableElementInfo)elementInfo).getRowCount() * ((TableElementInfo)elementInfo).getColumnCount(); }
Returns the specified Accessible child of the object. The Accessible children of an Accessible object are zero-based, so the first child of an Accessible child is at index 0, the second child is at index 1, and so on.
  • i – zero-based index of child
See Also:
Returns:the Accessible child of the object
/** * Returns the specified Accessible child of the object. The Accessible * children of an Accessible object are zero-based, so the first child * of an Accessible child is at index 0, the second child is at index 1, * and so on. * * @param i zero-based index of child * @return the Accessible child of the object * @see #getAccessibleChildrenCount */
public Accessible getAccessibleChild(int i) { int rowCount = ((TableElementInfo)elementInfo).getRowCount(); int columnCount = ((TableElementInfo)elementInfo).getColumnCount(); int r = i / rowCount; int c = i % columnCount; if (r < 0 || r >= rowCount || c < 0 || c >= columnCount) { return null; } else { return getAccessibleAt(r, c); } } public AccessibleTable getAccessibleTable() { return this; }
Returns the caption for the table.
Returns:the caption for the table
/** * Returns the caption for the table. * * @return the caption for the table */
public Accessible getAccessibleCaption() { ElementInfo captionInfo = getCaptionInfo(); if (captionInfo instanceof Accessible) { return (Accessible)caption; } else { return null; } }
Sets the caption for the table.
  • a – the caption for the table
/** * Sets the caption for the table. * * @param a the caption for the table */
public void setAccessibleCaption(Accessible a) { }
Returns the summary description of the table.
Returns:the summary description of the table
/** * Returns the summary description of the table. * * @return the summary description of the table */
public Accessible getAccessibleSummary() { return null; }
Sets the summary description of the table
  • a – the summary description of the table
/** * Sets the summary description of the table * * @param a the summary description of the table */
public void setAccessibleSummary(Accessible a) { }
Returns the number of rows in the table.
Returns:the number of rows in the table
/** * Returns the number of rows in the table. * * @return the number of rows in the table */
public int getAccessibleRowCount() { return ((TableElementInfo)elementInfo).getRowCount(); }
Returns the number of columns in the table.
Returns:the number of columns in the table
/** * Returns the number of columns in the table. * * @return the number of columns in the table */
public int getAccessibleColumnCount() { return ((TableElementInfo)elementInfo).getColumnCount(); }
Returns the Accessible at a specified row and column in the table.
  • r – zero-based row of the table
  • c – zero-based column of the table
Returns:the Accessible at the specified row and column
/** * Returns the Accessible at a specified row and column * in the table. * * @param r zero-based row of the table * @param c zero-based column of the table * @return the Accessible at the specified row and column */
public Accessible getAccessibleAt(int r, int c) { TableCellElementInfo cellInfo = getCell(r, c); if (cellInfo != null) { return cellInfo.getAccessible(); } else { return null; } }
Returns the number of rows occupied by the Accessible at a specified row and column in the table.
Returns:the number of rows occupied by the Accessible at a given specified (row, column)
/** * Returns the number of rows occupied by the Accessible at * a specified row and column in the table. * * @return the number of rows occupied by the Accessible at a * given specified (row, column) */
public int getAccessibleRowExtentAt(int r, int c) { return ((TableElementInfo)elementInfo).getRowExtentAt(r, c); }
Returns the number of columns occupied by the Accessible at a specified row and column in the table.
Returns:the number of columns occupied by the Accessible at a given specified row and column
/** * Returns the number of columns occupied by the Accessible at * a specified row and column in the table. * * @return the number of columns occupied by the Accessible at a * given specified row and column */
public int getAccessibleColumnExtentAt(int r, int c) { return ((TableElementInfo)elementInfo).getColumnExtentAt(r, c); }
Returns the row headers as an AccessibleTable.
Returns:an AccessibleTable representing the row headers
/** * Returns the row headers as an AccessibleTable. * * @return an AccessibleTable representing the row * headers */
public AccessibleTable getAccessibleRowHeader() { return rowHeadersTable; }
Sets the row headers.
  • table – an AccessibleTable representing the row headers
/** * Sets the row headers. * * @param table an AccessibleTable representing the * row headers */
public void setAccessibleRowHeader(AccessibleTable table) { }
Returns the column headers as an AccessibleTable.
Returns:an AccessibleTable representing the column headers
/** * Returns the column headers as an AccessibleTable. * * @return an AccessibleTable representing the column * headers */
public AccessibleTable getAccessibleColumnHeader() { return null; }
Sets the column headers.
  • table – an AccessibleTable representing the column headers
/** * Sets the column headers. * * @param table an AccessibleTable representing the * column headers */
public void setAccessibleColumnHeader(AccessibleTable table) { }
Returns the description of the specified row in the table.
  • r – zero-based row of the table
Returns:the description of the row
/** * Returns the description of the specified row in the table. * * @param r zero-based row of the table * @return the description of the row */
public Accessible getAccessibleRowDescription(int r) { return null; }
Sets the description text of the specified row of the table.
  • r – zero-based row of the table
  • a – the description of the row
/** * Sets the description text of the specified row of the table. * * @param r zero-based row of the table * @param a the description of the row */
public void setAccessibleRowDescription(int r, Accessible a) { }
Returns the description text of the specified column in the table.
  • c – zero-based column of the table
Returns:the text description of the column
/** * Returns the description text of the specified column in the table. * * @param c zero-based column of the table * @return the text description of the column */
public Accessible getAccessibleColumnDescription(int c) { return null; }
Sets the description text of the specified column in the table.
  • c – zero-based column of the table
  • a – the text description of the column
/** * Sets the description text of the specified column in the table. * * @param c zero-based column of the table * @param a the text description of the column */
public void setAccessibleColumnDescription(int c, Accessible a) { }
Returns a boolean value indicating whether the accessible at a specified row and column is selected.
  • r – zero-based row of the table
  • c – zero-based column of the table
Returns:the boolean value true if the accessible at the row and column is selected. Otherwise, the boolean value false
/** * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the accessible at * a specified row and column is selected. * * @param r zero-based row of the table * @param c zero-based column of the table * @return the boolean value true if the accessible at the * row and column is selected. Otherwise, the boolean value * false */
public boolean isAccessibleSelected(int r, int c) { if (validateIfNecessary()) { if (r < 0 || r >= getAccessibleRowCount() || c < 0 || c >= getAccessibleColumnCount()) { return false; } TableCellElementInfo cell = getCell(r, c); if (cell != null) { Element elem = cell.getElement(); int start = elem.getStartOffset(); int end = elem.getEndOffset(); return start >= editor.getSelectionStart() && end <= editor.getSelectionEnd(); } } return false; }
Returns a boolean value indicating whether the specified row is selected.
  • r – zero-based row of the table
Returns:the boolean value true if the specified row is selected. Otherwise, false.
/** * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the specified row * is selected. * * @param r zero-based row of the table * @return the boolean value true if the specified row is selected. * Otherwise, false. */
public boolean isAccessibleRowSelected(int r) { if (validateIfNecessary()) { if (r < 0 || r >= getAccessibleRowCount()) { return false; } int nColumns = getAccessibleColumnCount(); TableCellElementInfo startCell = getCell(r, 0); if (startCell == null) { return false; } int start = startCell.getElement().getStartOffset(); TableCellElementInfo endCell = getCell(r, nColumns-1); if (endCell == null) { return false; } int end = endCell.getElement().getEndOffset(); return start >= editor.getSelectionStart() && end <= editor.getSelectionEnd(); } return false; }
Returns a boolean value indicating whether the specified column is selected.
  • c – zero-based column of the table
Returns:the boolean value true if the specified column is selected. Otherwise, false.
/** * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the specified column * is selected. * * @param c zero-based column of the table * @return the boolean value true if the specified column is selected. * Otherwise, false. */
public boolean isAccessibleColumnSelected(int c) { if (validateIfNecessary()) { if (c < 0 || c >= getAccessibleColumnCount()) { return false; } int nRows = getAccessibleRowCount(); TableCellElementInfo startCell = getCell(0, c); if (startCell == null) { return false; } int start = startCell.getElement().getStartOffset(); TableCellElementInfo endCell = getCell(nRows-1, c); if (endCell == null) { return false; } int end = endCell.getElement().getEndOffset(); return start >= editor.getSelectionStart() && end <= editor.getSelectionEnd(); } return false; }
Returns the selected rows in a table.
Returns:an array of selected rows where each element is a zero-based row of the table
/** * Returns the selected rows in a table. * * @return an array of selected rows where each element is a * zero-based row of the table */
public int [] getSelectedAccessibleRows() { if (validateIfNecessary()) { int nRows = getAccessibleRowCount(); Vector<Integer> vec = new Vector<Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < nRows; i++) { if (isAccessibleRowSelected(i)) { vec.addElement(Integer.valueOf(i)); } } int retval[] = new int[vec.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < retval.length; i++) { retval[i] = vec.elementAt(i).intValue(); } return retval; } return new int[0]; }
Returns the selected columns in a table.
Returns:an array of selected columns where each element is a zero-based column of the table
/** * Returns the selected columns in a table. * * @return an array of selected columns where each element is a * zero-based column of the table */
public int [] getSelectedAccessibleColumns() { if (validateIfNecessary()) { int nColumns = getAccessibleRowCount(); Vector<Integer> vec = new Vector<Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < nColumns; i++) { if (isAccessibleColumnSelected(i)) { vec.addElement(Integer.valueOf(i)); } } int retval[] = new int[vec.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < retval.length; i++) { retval[i] = vec.elementAt(i).intValue(); } return retval; } return new int[0]; } // begin AccessibleExtendedTable implementation -------------
Returns the row number of an index in the table.
  • index – the zero-based index in the table
Returns:the zero-based row of the table if one exists; otherwise -1.
/** * Returns the row number of an index in the table. * * @param index the zero-based index in the table * @return the zero-based row of the table if one exists; * otherwise -1. */
public int getAccessibleRow(int index) { if (validateIfNecessary()) { int numCells = getAccessibleColumnCount() * getAccessibleRowCount(); if (index >= numCells) { return -1; } else { return index / getAccessibleColumnCount(); } } return -1; }
Returns the column number of an index in the table.
  • index – the zero-based index in the table
Returns:the zero-based column of the table if one exists; otherwise -1.
/** * Returns the column number of an index in the table. * * @param index the zero-based index in the table * @return the zero-based column of the table if one exists; * otherwise -1. */
public int getAccessibleColumn(int index) { if (validateIfNecessary()) { int numCells = getAccessibleColumnCount() * getAccessibleRowCount(); if (index >= numCells) { return -1; } else { return index % getAccessibleColumnCount(); } } return -1; }
Returns the index at a row and column in the table.
  • r – zero-based row of the table
  • c – zero-based column of the table
Returns:the zero-based index in the table if one exists; otherwise -1.
/** * Returns the index at a row and column in the table. * * @param r zero-based row of the table * @param c zero-based column of the table * @return the zero-based index in the table if one exists; * otherwise -1. */
public int getAccessibleIndex(int r, int c) { if (validateIfNecessary()) { if (r >= getAccessibleRowCount() || c >= getAccessibleColumnCount()) { return -1; } else { return r * getAccessibleColumnCount() + c; } } return -1; }
Returns the row header at a row in a table.
  • r – zero-based row of the table
Returns:a String representing the row header if one exists; otherwise null.
/** * Returns the row header at a row in a table. * @param r zero-based row of the table * * @return a String representing the row header * if one exists; otherwise null. */
public String getAccessibleRowHeader(int r) { if (validateIfNecessary()) { TableCellElementInfo cellInfo = getCell(r, 0); if (cellInfo.isHeaderCell()) { View v = cellInfo.getView(); if (v != null && model != null) { try { return model.getText(v.getStartOffset(), v.getEndOffset() - v.getStartOffset()); } catch (BadLocationException e) { return null; } } } } return null; }
Returns the column header at a column in a table.
  • c – zero-based column of the table
Returns:a String representing the column header if one exists; otherwise null.
/** * Returns the column header at a column in a table. * @param c zero-based column of the table * * @return a String representing the column header * if one exists; otherwise null. */
public String getAccessibleColumnHeader(int c) { if (validateIfNecessary()) { TableCellElementInfo cellInfo = getCell(0, c); if (cellInfo.isHeaderCell()) { View v = cellInfo.getView(); if (v != null && model != null) { try { return model.getText(v.getStartOffset(), v.getEndOffset() - v.getStartOffset()); } catch (BadLocationException e) { return null; } } } } return null; } public void addRowHeader(TableCellElementInfo cellInfo, int rowNumber) { if (rowHeadersTable == null) { rowHeadersTable = new AccessibleHeadersTable(); } rowHeadersTable.addHeader(cellInfo, rowNumber); } // end of AccessibleExtendedTable implementation ------------ protected class AccessibleHeadersTable implements AccessibleTable { // Header information is modeled as a Hashtable of // ArrayLists where each Hashtable entry represents // a row containing one or more headers. private Hashtable<Integer, ArrayList<TableCellElementInfo>> headers = new Hashtable<Integer, ArrayList<TableCellElementInfo>>(); private int rowCount = 0; private int columnCount = 0; public void addHeader(TableCellElementInfo cellInfo, int rowNumber) { Integer rowInteger = Integer.valueOf(rowNumber); ArrayList<TableCellElementInfo> list = headers.get(rowInteger); if (list == null) { list = new ArrayList<TableCellElementInfo>(); headers.put(rowInteger, list); } list.add(cellInfo); }
Returns the caption for the table.
Returns:the caption for the table
/** * Returns the caption for the table. * * @return the caption for the table */
public Accessible getAccessibleCaption() { return null; }
Sets the caption for the table.
  • a – the caption for the table
/** * Sets the caption for the table. * * @param a the caption for the table */
public void setAccessibleCaption(Accessible a) { }
Returns the summary description of the table.
Returns:the summary description of the table
/** * Returns the summary description of the table. * * @return the summary description of the table */
public Accessible getAccessibleSummary() { return null; }
Sets the summary description of the table
  • a – the summary description of the table
/** * Sets the summary description of the table * * @param a the summary description of the table */
public void setAccessibleSummary(Accessible a) { }
Returns the number of rows in the table.
Returns:the number of rows in the table
/** * Returns the number of rows in the table. * * @return the number of rows in the table */
public int getAccessibleRowCount() { return rowCount; }
Returns the number of columns in the table.
Returns:the number of columns in the table
/** * Returns the number of columns in the table. * * @return the number of columns in the table */
public int getAccessibleColumnCount() { return columnCount; } private TableCellElementInfo getElementInfoAt(int r, int c) { ArrayList<TableCellElementInfo> list = headers.get(Integer.valueOf(r)); if (list != null) { return list.get(c); } else { return null; } }
Returns the Accessible at a specified row and column in the table.
  • r – zero-based row of the table
  • c – zero-based column of the table
Returns:the Accessible at the specified row and column
/** * Returns the Accessible at a specified row and column * in the table. * * @param r zero-based row of the table * @param c zero-based column of the table * @return the Accessible at the specified row and column */
public Accessible getAccessibleAt(int r, int c) { ElementInfo elementInfo = getElementInfoAt(r, c); if (elementInfo instanceof Accessible) { return (Accessible)elementInfo; } else { return null; } }
Returns the number of rows occupied by the Accessible at a specified row and column in the table.
Returns:the number of rows occupied by the Accessible at a given specified (row, column)
/** * Returns the number of rows occupied by the Accessible at * a specified row and column in the table. * * @return the number of rows occupied by the Accessible at a * given specified (row, column) */
public int getAccessibleRowExtentAt(int r, int c) { TableCellElementInfo elementInfo = getElementInfoAt(r, c); if (elementInfo != null) { return elementInfo.getRowCount(); } else { return 0; } }
Returns the number of columns occupied by the Accessible at a specified row and column in the table.
Returns:the number of columns occupied by the Accessible at a given specified row and column
/** * Returns the number of columns occupied by the Accessible at * a specified row and column in the table. * * @return the number of columns occupied by the Accessible at a * given specified row and column */
public int getAccessibleColumnExtentAt(int r, int c) { TableCellElementInfo elementInfo = getElementInfoAt(r, c); if (elementInfo != null) { return elementInfo.getRowCount(); } else { return 0; } }
Returns the row headers as an AccessibleTable.
Returns:an AccessibleTable representing the row headers
/** * Returns the row headers as an AccessibleTable. * * @return an AccessibleTable representing the row * headers */
public AccessibleTable getAccessibleRowHeader() { return null; }
Sets the row headers.
  • table – an AccessibleTable representing the row headers
/** * Sets the row headers. * * @param table an AccessibleTable representing the * row headers */
public void setAccessibleRowHeader(AccessibleTable table) { }
Returns the column headers as an AccessibleTable.
Returns:an AccessibleTable representing the column headers
/** * Returns the column headers as an AccessibleTable. * * @return an AccessibleTable representing the column * headers */
public AccessibleTable getAccessibleColumnHeader() { return null; }
Sets the column headers.
  • table – an AccessibleTable representing the column headers
/** * Sets the column headers. * * @param table an AccessibleTable representing the * column headers */
public void setAccessibleColumnHeader(AccessibleTable table) { }
Returns the description of the specified row in the table.
  • r – zero-based row of the table
Returns:the description of the row
/** * Returns the description of the specified row in the table. * * @param r zero-based row of the table * @return the description of the row */
public Accessible getAccessibleRowDescription(int r) { return null; }
Sets the description text of the specified row of the table.
  • r – zero-based row of the table
  • a – the description of the row
/** * Sets the description text of the specified row of the table. * * @param r zero-based row of the table * @param a the description of the row */
public void setAccessibleRowDescription(int r, Accessible a) { }
Returns the description text of the specified column in the table.
  • c – zero-based column of the table
Returns:the text description of the column
/** * Returns the description text of the specified column in the table. * * @param c zero-based column of the table * @return the text description of the column */
public Accessible getAccessibleColumnDescription(int c) { return null; }
Sets the description text of the specified column in the table.
  • c – zero-based column of the table
  • a – the text description of the column
/** * Sets the description text of the specified column in the table. * * @param c zero-based column of the table * @param a the text description of the column */
public void setAccessibleColumnDescription(int c, Accessible a) { }
Returns a boolean value indicating whether the accessible at a specified row and column is selected.
  • r – zero-based row of the table
  • c – zero-based column of the table
Returns:the boolean value true if the accessible at the row and column is selected. Otherwise, the boolean value false
/** * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the accessible at * a specified row and column is selected. * * @param r zero-based row of the table * @param c zero-based column of the table * @return the boolean value true if the accessible at the * row and column is selected. Otherwise, the boolean value * false */
public boolean isAccessibleSelected(int r, int c) { return false; }
Returns a boolean value indicating whether the specified row is selected.
  • r – zero-based row of the table
Returns:the boolean value true if the specified row is selected. Otherwise, false.
/** * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the specified row * is selected. * * @param r zero-based row of the table * @return the boolean value true if the specified row is selected. * Otherwise, false. */
public boolean isAccessibleRowSelected(int r) { return false; }
Returns a boolean value indicating whether the specified column is selected.
  • c – zero-based column of the table
Returns:the boolean value true if the specified column is selected. Otherwise, false.
/** * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the specified column * is selected. * * @param c zero-based column of the table * @return the boolean value true if the specified column is selected. * Otherwise, false. */
public boolean isAccessibleColumnSelected(int c) { return false; }
Returns the selected rows in a table.
Returns:an array of selected rows where each element is a zero-based row of the table
/** * Returns the selected rows in a table. * * @return an array of selected rows where each element is a * zero-based row of the table */
public int [] getSelectedAccessibleRows() { return new int [0]; }
Returns the selected columns in a table.
Returns:an array of selected columns where each element is a zero-based column of the table
/** * Returns the selected columns in a table. * * @return an array of selected columns where each element is a * zero-based column of the table */
public int [] getSelectedAccessibleColumns() { return new int [0]; } } } // ... end AccessibleHeadersTable /* * ElementInfo for table rows */ private class TableRowElementInfo extends ElementInfo { private TableElementInfo parent; private int rowNumber; TableRowElementInfo(Element e, TableElementInfo parent, int rowNumber) { super(e, parent); this.parent = parent; this.rowNumber = rowNumber; } protected void loadChildren(Element e) { for (int x = 0; x < e.getElementCount(); x++) { AttributeSet attrs = e.getElement(x).getAttributes(); if (attrs.getAttribute(StyleConstants.NameAttribute) == HTML.Tag.TH) { TableCellElementInfo headerElementInfo = new TableCellElementInfo(e.getElement(x), this, true); addChild(headerElementInfo); AccessibleTable at = parent.getAccessibleContext().getAccessibleTable(); TableAccessibleContext tableElement = (TableAccessibleContext)at; tableElement.addRowHeader(headerElementInfo, rowNumber); } else if (attrs.getAttribute(StyleConstants.NameAttribute) == HTML.Tag.TD) { addChild(new TableCellElementInfo(e.getElement(x), this, false)); } } }
Returns the max of the rowspans of the cells in this row.
/** * Returns the max of the rowspans of the cells in this row. */
public int getRowCount() { int rowCount = 1; if (validateIfNecessary()) { for (int counter = 0; counter < getChildCount(); counter++) { TableCellElementInfo cell = (TableCellElementInfo) getChild(counter); if (cell.validateIfNecessary()) { rowCount = Math.max(rowCount, cell.getRowCount()); } } } return rowCount; }
Returns the sum of the column spans of the individual cells in this row.
/** * Returns the sum of the column spans of the individual * cells in this row. */
public int getColumnCount() { int colCount = 0; if (validateIfNecessary()) { for (int counter = 0; counter < getChildCount(); counter++) { TableCellElementInfo cell = (TableCellElementInfo) getChild(counter); if (cell.validateIfNecessary()) { colCount += cell.getColumnCount(); } } } return colCount; }
Overriden to invalidate the table as well as TableRowElementInfo.
/** * Overriden to invalidate the table as well as * TableRowElementInfo. */
protected void invalidate(boolean first) { super.invalidate(first); getParent().invalidate(true); }
Places the TableCellElementInfos for this element in the grid.
/** * Places the TableCellElementInfos for this element in * the grid. */
private void updateGrid(int row) { if (validateIfNecessary()) { boolean emptyRow = false; while (!emptyRow) { for (int counter = 0; counter < grid[row].length; counter++) { if (grid[row][counter] == null) { emptyRow = true; break; } } if (!emptyRow) { row++; } } for (int col = 0, counter = 0; counter < getChildCount(); counter++) { TableCellElementInfo cell = (TableCellElementInfo) getChild(counter); while (grid[row][col] != null) { col++; } for (int rowCount = cell.getRowCount() - 1; rowCount >= 0; rowCount--) { for (int colCount = cell.getColumnCount() - 1; colCount >= 0; colCount--) { grid[row + rowCount][col + colCount] = cell; } } col += cell.getColumnCount(); } } }
Returns the column count of the number of columns that have a rowcount >= rowspan.
/** * Returns the column count of the number of columns that have * a rowcount >= rowspan. */
private int getColumnCount(int rowspan) { if (validateIfNecessary()) { int cols = 0; for (int counter = 0; counter < getChildCount(); counter++) { TableCellElementInfo cell = (TableCellElementInfo) getChild(counter); if (cell.getRowCount() >= rowspan) { cols += cell.getColumnCount(); } } return cols; } return 0; } }
TableCellElementInfo is used to represents the cells of the table.
/** * TableCellElementInfo is used to represents the cells of * the table. */
private class TableCellElementInfo extends ElementInfo { private Accessible accessible; private boolean isHeaderCell; TableCellElementInfo(Element e, ElementInfo parent) { super(e, parent); this.isHeaderCell = false; } TableCellElementInfo(Element e, ElementInfo parent, boolean isHeaderCell) { super(e, parent); this.isHeaderCell = isHeaderCell; } /* * Returns whether this table cell is a header */ public boolean isHeaderCell() { return this.isHeaderCell; } /* * Returns the Accessible representing this table cell */ public Accessible getAccessible() { accessible = null; getAccessible(this); return accessible; } /* * Gets the outermost Accessible in the table cell */ private void getAccessible(ElementInfo elementInfo) { if (elementInfo instanceof Accessible) { accessible = (Accessible)elementInfo; } else { for (int i = 0; i < elementInfo.getChildCount(); i++) { getAccessible(elementInfo.getChild(i)); } } }
Returns the rowspan attribute.
/** * Returns the rowspan attribute. */
public int getRowCount() { if (validateIfNecessary()) { return Math.max(1, getIntAttr(getAttributes(), HTML.Attribute.ROWSPAN, 1)); } return 0; }
Returns the colspan attribute.
/** * Returns the colspan attribute. */
public int getColumnCount() { if (validateIfNecessary()) { return Math.max(1, getIntAttr(getAttributes(), HTML.Attribute.COLSPAN, 1)); } return 0; }
Overriden to invalidate the TableRowElementInfo as well as the TableCellElementInfo.
/** * Overriden to invalidate the TableRowElementInfo as well as * the TableCellElementInfo. */
protected void invalidate(boolean first) { super.invalidate(first); getParent().invalidate(true); } } }
ElementInfo provides a slim down view of an Element. Each ElementInfo can have any number of child ElementInfos that are not necessarily direct children of the Element. As the Document changes various ElementInfos become invalidated. Before accessing a particular portion of an ElementInfo you should make sure it is valid by invoking validateIfNecessary, this will return true if successful, on the other hand a false return value indicates the ElementInfo is not valid and can never become valid again (usually the result of the Element the ElementInfo encapsulates being removed).
/** * ElementInfo provides a slim down view of an Element. Each ElementInfo * can have any number of child ElementInfos that are not necessarily * direct children of the Element. As the Document changes various * ElementInfos become invalidated. Before accessing a particular portion * of an ElementInfo you should make sure it is valid by invoking * <code>validateIfNecessary</code>, this will return true if * successful, on the other hand a false return value indicates the * ElementInfo is not valid and can never become valid again (usually * the result of the Element the ElementInfo encapsulates being removed). */
private class ElementInfo {
The children of this ElementInfo.
/** * The children of this ElementInfo. */
private ArrayList<ElementInfo> children;
The Element this ElementInfo is providing information for.
/** * The Element this ElementInfo is providing information for. */
private Element element;
The parent ElementInfo, will be null for the root.
/** * The parent ElementInfo, will be null for the root. */
private ElementInfo parent;
Indicates the validity of the ElementInfo.
/** * Indicates the validity of the ElementInfo. */
private boolean isValid;
Indicates if the ElementInfo can become valid.
/** * Indicates if the ElementInfo can become valid. */
private boolean canBeValid;
Creates the root ElementInfo.
/** * Creates the root ElementInfo. */
ElementInfo(Element element) { this(element, null); }
Creates an ElementInfo representing element with the specified parent.
/** * Creates an ElementInfo representing <code>element</code> with * the specified parent. */
ElementInfo(Element element, ElementInfo parent) { this.element = element; this.parent = parent; isValid = false; canBeValid = true; }
Validates the receiver. This recreates the children as well. This will be invoked within a readLock. If this is overriden it MUST invoke supers implementation first!
/** * Validates the receiver. This recreates the children as well. This * will be invoked within a <code>readLock</code>. If this is overriden * it MUST invoke supers implementation first! */
protected void validate() { isValid = true; loadChildren(getElement()); }
Recreates the direct children of info.
/** * Recreates the direct children of <code>info</code>. */
protected void loadChildren(Element parent) { if (!parent.isLeaf()) { for (int counter = 0, maxCounter = parent.getElementCount(); counter < maxCounter; counter++) { Element e = parent.getElement(counter); ElementInfo childInfo = createElementInfo(e, this); if (childInfo != null) { addChild(childInfo); } else { loadChildren(e); } } } }
Returns the index of the child in the parent, or -1 for the root or if the parent isn't valid.
/** * Returns the index of the child in the parent, or -1 for the * root or if the parent isn't valid. */
public int getIndexInParent() { if (parent == null || !parent.isValid()) { return -1; } return parent.indexOf(this); }
Returns the Element this ElementInfo represents.
/** * Returns the Element this <code>ElementInfo</code> represents. */
public Element getElement() { return element; }
Returns the parent of this Element, or null for the root.
/** * Returns the parent of this Element, or null for the root. */
public ElementInfo getParent() { return parent; }
Returns the index of the specified child, or -1 if child isn't a valid child.
/** * Returns the index of the specified child, or -1 if * <code>child</code> isn't a valid child. */
public int indexOf(ElementInfo child) { ArrayList children = this.children; if (children != null) { return children.indexOf(child); } return -1; }
Returns the child ElementInfo at index, or null if index isn't a valid index.
/** * Returns the child ElementInfo at <code>index</code>, or null * if <code>index</code> isn't a valid index. */
public ElementInfo getChild(int index) { if (validateIfNecessary()) { ArrayList<ElementInfo> children = this.children; if (children != null && index >= 0 && index < children.size()) { return children.get(index); } } return null; }
Returns the number of children the ElementInfo contains.
/** * Returns the number of children the ElementInfo contains. */
public int getChildCount() { validateIfNecessary(); return (children == null) ? 0 : children.size(); }
Adds a new child to this ElementInfo.
/** * Adds a new child to this ElementInfo. */
protected void addChild(ElementInfo child) { if (children == null) { children = new ArrayList<ElementInfo>(); } children.add(child); }
Returns the View corresponding to this ElementInfo, or null if the ElementInfo can't be validated.
/** * Returns the View corresponding to this ElementInfo, or null * if the ElementInfo can't be validated. */
protected View getView() { if (!validateIfNecessary()) { return null; } Object lock = lock(); try { View rootView = getRootView(); Element e = getElement(); int start = e.getStartOffset(); if (rootView != null) { return getView(rootView, e, start); } return null; } finally { unlock(lock); } }
Returns the Bounds for this ElementInfo, or null if the ElementInfo can't be validated.
/** * Returns the Bounds for this ElementInfo, or null * if the ElementInfo can't be validated. */
public Rectangle getBounds() { if (!validateIfNecessary()) { return null; } Object lock = lock(); try { Rectangle bounds = getRootEditorRect(); View rootView = getRootView(); Element e = getElement(); if (bounds != null && rootView != null) { try { return rootView.modelToView(e.getStartOffset(), Position.Bias.Forward, e.getEndOffset(), Position.Bias.Backward, bounds).getBounds(); } catch (BadLocationException ble) { } } } finally { unlock(lock); } return null; }
Returns true if this ElementInfo is valid.
/** * Returns true if this ElementInfo is valid. */
protected boolean isValid() { return isValid; }
Returns the AttributeSet associated with the Element, this will return null if the ElementInfo can't be validated.
/** * Returns the AttributeSet associated with the Element, this will * return null if the ElementInfo can't be validated. */
protected AttributeSet getAttributes() { if (validateIfNecessary()) { return getElement().getAttributes(); } return null; }
Returns the AttributeSet associated with the View that is representing this Element, this will return null if the ElementInfo can't be validated.
/** * Returns the AttributeSet associated with the View that is * representing this Element, this will * return null if the ElementInfo can't be validated. */
protected AttributeSet getViewAttributes() { if (validateIfNecessary()) { View view = getView(); if (view != null) { return view.getElement().getAttributes(); } return getElement().getAttributes(); } return null; }
Convenience method for getting an integer attribute from the passed in AttributeSet.
/** * Convenience method for getting an integer attribute from the passed * in AttributeSet. */
protected int getIntAttr(AttributeSet attrs, Object key, int deflt) { if (attrs != null && attrs.isDefined(key)) { int i; String val = (String)attrs.getAttribute(key); if (val == null) { i = deflt; } else { try { i = Math.max(0, Integer.parseInt(val)); } catch (NumberFormatException x) { i = deflt; } } return i; } return deflt; }
Validates the ElementInfo if necessary. Some ElementInfos may never be valid again. You should check isValid before using one. This will reload the children and invoke validate if the ElementInfo is invalid and can become valid again. This will return true if the receiver is valid.
/** * Validates the ElementInfo if necessary. Some ElementInfos may * never be valid again. You should check <code>isValid</code> before * using one. This will reload the children and invoke * <code>validate</code> if the ElementInfo is invalid and can become * valid again. This will return true if the receiver is valid. */
protected boolean validateIfNecessary() { if (!isValid() && canBeValid) { children = null; Object lock = lock(); try { validate(); } finally { unlock(lock); } } return isValid(); }
Invalidates the ElementInfo. Subclasses should override this if they need to reset state once invalid.
/** * Invalidates the ElementInfo. Subclasses should override this * if they need to reset state once invalid. */
protected void invalidate(boolean first) { if (!isValid()) { if (canBeValid && !first) { canBeValid = false; } return; } isValid = false; canBeValid = first; if (children != null) { for (ElementInfo child : children) { child.invalidate(false); } children = null; } } private View getView(View parent, Element e, int start) { if (parent.getElement() == e) { return parent; } int index = parent.getViewIndex(start, Position.Bias.Forward); if (index != -1 && index < parent.getViewCount()) { return getView(parent.getView(index), e, start); } return null; } private int getClosestInfoIndex(int index) { for (int counter = 0; counter < getChildCount(); counter++) { ElementInfo info = getChild(counter); if (index < info.getElement().getEndOffset() || index == info.getElement().getStartOffset()) { return counter; } } return -1; } private void update(DocumentEvent e) { if (!isValid()) { return; } ElementInfo parent = getParent(); Element element = getElement(); do { DocumentEvent.ElementChange ec = e.getChange(element); if (ec != null) { if (element == getElement()) { // One of our children changed. invalidate(true); } else if (parent != null) { parent.invalidate(parent == getRootInfo()); } return; } element = element.getParentElement(); } while (parent != null && element != null && element != parent.getElement()); if (getChildCount() > 0) { Element elem = getElement(); int pos = e.getOffset(); int index0 = getClosestInfoIndex(pos); if (index0 == -1 && e.getType() == DocumentEvent.EventType.REMOVE && pos >= elem.getEndOffset()) { // Event beyond our offsets. We may have represented this, // that is the remove may have removed one of our child // Elements that represented this, so, we should foward // to last element. index0 = getChildCount() - 1; } ElementInfo info = (index0 >= 0) ? getChild(index0) : null; if (info != null && (info.getElement().getStartOffset() == pos) && (pos > 0)) { // If at a boundary, forward the event to the previous // ElementInfo too. index0 = Math.max(index0 - 1, 0); } int index1; if (e.getType() != DocumentEvent.EventType.REMOVE) { index1 = getClosestInfoIndex(pos + e.getLength()); if (index1 < 0) { index1 = getChildCount() - 1; } } else { index1 = index0; // A remove may result in empty elements. while ((index1 + 1) < getChildCount() && getChild(index1 + 1).getElement().getEndOffset() == getChild(index1 + 1).getElement().getStartOffset()){ index1++; } } index0 = Math.max(index0, 0); // The check for isValid is here as in the process of // forwarding update our child may invalidate us. for (int i = index0; i <= index1 && isValid(); i++) { getChild(i).update(e); } } } }
DocumentListener installed on the current Document. Will invoke update on the RootInfo in response to any event.
/** * DocumentListener installed on the current Document. Will invoke * <code>update</code> on the <code>RootInfo</code> in response to * any event. */
private class DocumentHandler implements DocumentListener { public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { getRootInfo().update(e); } public void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { getRootInfo().update(e); } public void changedUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { getRootInfo().update(e); } } /* * PropertyChangeListener installed on the editor. */ private class PropertyChangeHandler implements PropertyChangeListener { public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { if (evt.getPropertyName().equals("document")) { // handle the document change setDocument(editor.getDocument()); } } } }