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package com.sun.security.sasl.gsskerb;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import javax.security.sasl.*;

import javax.security.auth.callback.CallbackHandler;

import org.ietf.jgss.*;

Implements the GSSAPI SASL client mechanism for Kerberos V5. (RFC 2222, draft-ietf-cat-sasl-gssapi-04.txt). It uses the Java Bindings for GSSAPI (RFC 2853) for getting GSSAPI/Kerberos V5 support. The client/server interactions are: C0: bind (GSSAPI, initial response) S0: sasl-bind-in-progress, challenge 1 (output of accept_sec_context or []) C1: bind (GSSAPI, response 1 (output of init_sec_context or [])) S1: sasl-bind-in-progress challenge 2 (security layer, server max recv size) C2: bind (GSSAPI, response 2 (security layer, client max recv size, authzid)) S2: bind success response Expects the client's credentials to be supplied from the javax.security.sasl.credentials property or from the thread's Subject. Otherwise the underlying KRB5 mech will attempt to acquire Kerberos creds by logging into Kerberos (via default TextCallbackHandler). These creds will be used for exchange with server. Required callbacks: none. Environment properties that affect behavior of implementation: javax.security.sasl.qop - quality of protection; list of auth, auth-int, auth-conf; default is "auth" javax.security.sasl.maxbuf - max receive buffer size; default is 65536 javax.security.sasl.sendmaxbuffer - max send buffer size; default is 65536; (min with server max recv size) javax.security.sasl.server.authentication - "true" means require mutual authentication; default is "false" javax.security.sasl.credentials - an GSSCredential used for delegated authentication.
Author:Rosanna Lee
/** * Implements the GSSAPI SASL client mechanism for Kerberos V5. * (<A HREF="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2222.txt">RFC 2222</A>, * <a HREF="http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-cat-sasl-gssapi-04.txt">draft-ietf-cat-sasl-gssapi-04.txt</a>). * It uses the Java Bindings for GSSAPI * (<A HREF="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2853.txt">RFC 2853</A>) * for getting GSSAPI/Kerberos V5 support. * * The client/server interactions are: * C0: bind (GSSAPI, initial response) * S0: sasl-bind-in-progress, challenge 1 (output of accept_sec_context or []) * C1: bind (GSSAPI, response 1 (output of init_sec_context or [])) * S1: sasl-bind-in-progress challenge 2 (security layer, server max recv size) * C2: bind (GSSAPI, response 2 (security layer, client max recv size, authzid)) * S2: bind success response * * Expects the client's credentials to be supplied from the * javax.security.sasl.credentials property or from the thread's Subject. * Otherwise the underlying KRB5 mech will attempt to acquire Kerberos creds * by logging into Kerberos (via default TextCallbackHandler). * These creds will be used for exchange with server. * * Required callbacks: none. * * Environment properties that affect behavior of implementation: * * javax.security.sasl.qop * - quality of protection; list of auth, auth-int, auth-conf; default is "auth" * javax.security.sasl.maxbuf * - max receive buffer size; default is 65536 * javax.security.sasl.sendmaxbuffer * - max send buffer size; default is 65536; (min with server max recv size) * * javax.security.sasl.server.authentication * - "true" means require mutual authentication; default is "false" * * javax.security.sasl.credentials * - an {@link org.ietf.jgss.GSSCredential} used for delegated authentication. * * @author Rosanna Lee */
final class GssKrb5Client extends GssKrb5Base implements SaslClient { // ---------------- Constants ----------------- private static final String MY_CLASS_NAME = GssKrb5Client.class.getName(); private boolean finalHandshake = false; private boolean mutual = false; // default false private byte[] authzID;
Creates a SASL mechanism with client credentials that it needs to participate in GSS-API/Kerberos v5 authentication exchange with the server.
/** * Creates a SASL mechanism with client credentials that it needs * to participate in GSS-API/Kerberos v5 authentication exchange * with the server. */
GssKrb5Client(String authzID, String protocol, String serverName, Map<String, ?> props, CallbackHandler cbh) throws SaslException { super(props, MY_CLASS_NAME); String service = protocol + "@" + serverName; logger.log(Level.FINE, "KRB5CLNT01:Requesting service name: {0}", service); try { GSSManager mgr = GSSManager.getInstance(); // Create the name for the requested service entity for Krb5 mech GSSName acceptorName = mgr.createName(service, GSSName.NT_HOSTBASED_SERVICE, KRB5_OID); // Parse properties to check for supplied credentials GSSCredential credentials = null; if (props != null) { Object prop = props.get(Sasl.CREDENTIALS); if (prop != null && prop instanceof GSSCredential) { credentials = (GSSCredential) prop; logger.log(Level.FINE, "KRB5CLNT01:Using the credentials supplied in " + "javax.security.sasl.credentials"); } } // Create a context using credentials for Krb5 mech secCtx = mgr.createContext(acceptorName, KRB5_OID, /* mechanism */ credentials, /* credentials */ GSSContext.INDEFINITE_LIFETIME); // Request credential delegation when credentials have been supplied if (credentials != null) { secCtx.requestCredDeleg(true); } // Parse properties to set desired context options if (props != null) { // Mutual authentication String prop = (String)props.get(Sasl.SERVER_AUTH); if (prop != null) { mutual = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(prop); } } secCtx.requestMutualAuth(mutual); // Always specify potential need for integrity and confidentiality // Decision will be made during final handshake secCtx.requestConf(true); secCtx.requestInteg(true); } catch (GSSException e) { throw new SaslException("Failure to initialize security context", e); } if (authzID != null && authzID.length() > 0) { try { this.authzID = authzID.getBytes("UTF8"); } catch (IOException e) { throw new SaslException("Cannot encode authorization ID", e); } } } public boolean hasInitialResponse() { return true; }
Processes the challenge data. The server sends a challenge data using which the client must process using GSS_Init_sec_context. As per RFC 2222, when GSS_S_COMPLETE is returned, we do an extra handshake to determine the negotiated security protection and buffer sizes.
  • challengeData – A non-null byte array containing the challenge data from the server.
Returns:A non-null byte array containing the response to be sent to the server.
/** * Processes the challenge data. * * The server sends a challenge data using which the client must * process using GSS_Init_sec_context. * As per RFC 2222, when GSS_S_COMPLETE is returned, we do * an extra handshake to determine the negotiated security protection * and buffer sizes. * * @param challengeData A non-null byte array containing the * challenge data from the server. * @return A non-null byte array containing the response to be * sent to the server. */
public byte[] evaluateChallenge(byte[] challengeData) throws SaslException { if (completed) { throw new IllegalStateException( "GSSAPI authentication already complete"); } if (finalHandshake) { return doFinalHandshake(challengeData); } else { // Security context not established yet; continue with init try { byte[] gssOutToken = secCtx.initSecContext(challengeData, 0, challengeData.length); if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { traceOutput(MY_CLASS_NAME, "evaluteChallenge", "KRB5CLNT02:Challenge: [raw]", challengeData); traceOutput(MY_CLASS_NAME, "evaluateChallenge", "KRB5CLNT03:Response: [after initSecCtx]", gssOutToken); } if (secCtx.isEstablished()) { finalHandshake = true; if (gssOutToken == null) { // RFC 2222 7.2.1: Client responds with no data return EMPTY; } } return gssOutToken; } catch (GSSException e) { throw new SaslException("GSS initiate failed", e); } } } private byte[] doFinalHandshake(byte[] challengeData) throws SaslException { try { // Security context already established. challengeData // should contain security layers and server's maximum buffer size if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { traceOutput(MY_CLASS_NAME, "doFinalHandshake", "KRB5CLNT04:Challenge [raw]:", challengeData); } if (challengeData.length == 0) { // Received S0, should return [] return EMPTY; } // Received S1 (security layer, server max recv size) MessageProp msgProp = new MessageProp(false); byte[] gssOutToken = secCtx.unwrap(challengeData, 0, challengeData.length, msgProp); checkMessageProp("Handshake failure: ", msgProp); // First octet is a bit-mask specifying the protections // supported by the server if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { traceOutput(MY_CLASS_NAME, "doFinalHandshake", "KRB5CLNT05:Challenge [unwrapped]:", gssOutToken); } logger.log(Level.FINE, "KRB5CLNT06:Server protections: {0}", new Byte(gssOutToken[0])); } // Client selects preferred protection // qop is ordered list of qop values byte selectedQop = findPreferredMask(gssOutToken[0], qop); if (selectedQop == 0) { throw new SaslException( "No common protection layer between client and server"); } if ((selectedQop&PRIVACY_PROTECTION) != 0) { privacy = true; integrity = true; } else if ((selectedQop&INTEGRITY_ONLY_PROTECTION) != 0) { integrity = true; } // 2nd-4th octets specifies maximum buffer size expected by // server (in network byte order) int srvMaxBufSize = networkByteOrderToInt(gssOutToken, 1, 3); // Determine the max send buffer size based on what the // server is able to receive and our specified max sendMaxBufSize = (sendMaxBufSize == 0) ? srvMaxBufSize : Math.min(sendMaxBufSize, srvMaxBufSize); // Update context to limit size of returned buffer rawSendSize = secCtx.getWrapSizeLimit(JGSS_QOP, privacy, sendMaxBufSize); if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { logger.log(Level.FINE, "KRB5CLNT07:Client max recv size: {0}; server max recv size: {1}; rawSendSize: {2}", new Object[] {new Integer(recvMaxBufSize), new Integer(srvMaxBufSize), new Integer(rawSendSize)}); } // Construct negotiated security layers and client's max // receive buffer size and authzID int len = 4; if (authzID != null) { len += authzID.length; } byte[] gssInToken = new byte[len]; gssInToken[0] = selectedQop; if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { logger.log(Level.FINE, "KRB5CLNT08:Selected protection: {0}; privacy: {1}; integrity: {2}", new Object[]{new Byte(selectedQop), Boolean.valueOf(privacy), Boolean.valueOf(integrity)}); } intToNetworkByteOrder(recvMaxBufSize, gssInToken, 1, 3); if (authzID != null) { // copy authorization id System.arraycopy(authzID, 0, gssInToken, 4, authzID.length); logger.log(Level.FINE, "KRB5CLNT09:Authzid: {0}", authzID); } if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { traceOutput(MY_CLASS_NAME, "doFinalHandshake", "KRB5CLNT10:Response [raw]", gssInToken); } gssOutToken = secCtx.wrap(gssInToken, 0, gssInToken.length, new MessageProp(0 /* qop */, false /* privacy */)); if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { traceOutput(MY_CLASS_NAME, "doFinalHandshake", "KRB5CLNT11:Response [after wrap]", gssOutToken); } completed = true; // server authenticated return gssOutToken; } catch (GSSException e) { throw new SaslException("Final handshake failed", e); } } }