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package com.sun.jmx.snmp;

// java imports
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.net.InetAddress;

import static com.sun.jmx.defaults.JmxProperties.SNMP_LOGGER;

Is a partially decoded representation of an SNMP packet.

You will not normally need to use this class unless you decide to implement your own SnmpPduFactory object.

The SnmpMessage class is directly mapped onto the Message syntax defined in RFC1157 and RFC1902.

Message ::= SEQUENCE {
   version       INTEGER { version(1) }, -- for SNMPv2
   community     OCTET STRING,           -- community name
   data          ANY                     -- an SNMPv2 PDU

This API is a Sun Microsystems internal API and is subject to change without notice.

See Also:
/** * Is a partially decoded representation of an SNMP packet. * <P> * You will not normally need to use this class unless you decide to * implement your own {@link com.sun.jmx.snmp.SnmpPduFactory SnmpPduFactory} object. * <P> * The <CODE>SnmpMessage</CODE> class is directly mapped onto the * <CODE>Message</CODE> syntax defined in RFC1157 and RFC1902. * <BLOCKQUOTE> * <PRE> * Message ::= SEQUENCE { * version INTEGER { version(1) }, -- for SNMPv2 * community OCTET STRING, -- community name * data ANY -- an SNMPv2 PDU * } * </PRE> * </BLOCKQUOTE> * * <p><b>This API is a Sun Microsystems internal API and is subject * to change without notice.</b></p> * @see SnmpPduFactory * @see SnmpPduPacket * */
public class SnmpMessage extends SnmpMsg implements SnmpDefinitions {
Community name.
/** * Community name. */
public byte[] community ;
Encodes this message and puts the result in the specified byte array. For internal use only.
  • outputBytes – An array to receive the resulting encoding.
/** * Encodes this message and puts the result in the specified byte array. * For internal use only. * * @param outputBytes An array to receive the resulting encoding. * * @exception ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException If the result does not fit * into the specified array. */
public int encodeMessage(byte[] outputBytes) throws SnmpTooBigException { int encodingLength = 0 ; if (data == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Data field is null") ; // // Reminder: BerEncoder does backward encoding ! // try { BerEncoder benc = new BerEncoder(outputBytes) ; benc.openSequence() ; benc.putAny(data, dataLength) ; benc.putOctetString((community != null) ? community : new byte[0]) ; benc.putInteger(version) ; benc.closeSequence() ; encodingLength = benc.trim() ; } catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException x) { throw new SnmpTooBigException() ; } return encodingLength ; }
Returns the associated request ID.
  • inputBytes – The flat message.
Returns:The request ID.
/** * Returns the associated request ID. * @param inputBytes The flat message. * @return The request ID. * * @since 1.5 */
public int getRequestId(byte[] inputBytes) throws SnmpStatusException { int requestId = 0; BerDecoder bdec = null; BerDecoder bdec2 = null; byte[] any = null; try { bdec = new BerDecoder(inputBytes); bdec.openSequence(); bdec.fetchInteger(); bdec.fetchOctetString(); any = bdec.fetchAny(); bdec2 = new BerDecoder(any); int type = bdec2.getTag(); bdec2.openSequence(type); requestId = bdec2.fetchInteger(); } catch(BerException x) { throw new SnmpStatusException("Invalid encoding") ; } try { bdec.closeSequence(); } catch(BerException x) { } try { bdec2.closeSequence(); } catch(BerException x) { } return requestId; }
Decodes the specified bytes and initializes this message. For internal use only.
  • inputBytes – The bytes to be decoded.
/** * Decodes the specified bytes and initializes this message. * For internal use only. * * @param inputBytes The bytes to be decoded. * * @exception SnmpStatusException If the specified bytes are not a valid encoding. */
public void decodeMessage(byte[] inputBytes, int byteCount) throws SnmpStatusException { try { BerDecoder bdec = new BerDecoder(inputBytes/*, byteCount */) ; // FIXME bdec.openSequence() ; version = bdec.fetchInteger() ; community = bdec.fetchOctetString() ; data = bdec.fetchAny() ; dataLength = data.length ; bdec.closeSequence() ; } catch(BerException x) { throw new SnmpStatusException("Invalid encoding") ; } }
Initializes this message with the specified pdu.

This method initializes the data field with an array of maxDataLength bytes. It encodes the pdu. The resulting encoding is stored in the data field and the length of the encoding is stored in dataLength.

If the encoding length exceeds maxDataLength, the method throws an exception.

  • pdu – The PDU to be encoded.
  • maxDataLength – The maximum length permitted for the data field.
/** * Initializes this message with the specified <CODE>pdu</CODE>. * <P> * This method initializes the data field with an array of * <CODE>maxDataLength</CODE> bytes. It encodes the <CODE>pdu</CODE>. * The resulting encoding is stored in the data field * and the length of the encoding is stored in <CODE>dataLength</CODE>. * <p> * If the encoding length exceeds <CODE>maxDataLength</CODE>, * the method throws an exception. * * @param pdu The PDU to be encoded. * @param maxDataLength The maximum length permitted for the data field. * * @exception SnmpStatusException If the specified <CODE>pdu</CODE> is not valid. * @exception SnmpTooBigException If the resulting encoding does not fit * into <CODE>maxDataLength</CODE> bytes. * @exception ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException If the encoding exceeds <CODE>maxDataLength</CODE>. * * @since 1.5 */
public void encodeSnmpPdu(SnmpPdu pdu, int maxDataLength) throws SnmpStatusException, SnmpTooBigException { // // The easy work // SnmpPduPacket pdupacket = (SnmpPduPacket) pdu; version = pdupacket.version ; community = pdupacket.community ; address = pdupacket.address ; port = pdupacket.port ; // // Allocate the array to receive the encoding. // data = new byte[maxDataLength] ; // // Encode the pdupacket // Reminder: BerEncoder does backward encoding ! // try { BerEncoder benc = new BerEncoder(data) ; benc.openSequence() ; encodeVarBindList(benc, pdupacket.varBindList) ; switch(pdupacket.type) { case pduGetRequestPdu : case pduGetNextRequestPdu : case pduInformRequestPdu : case pduGetResponsePdu : case pduSetRequestPdu : case pduV2TrapPdu : case pduReportPdu : SnmpPduRequest reqPdu = (SnmpPduRequest)pdupacket ; benc.putInteger(reqPdu.errorIndex) ; benc.putInteger(reqPdu.errorStatus) ; benc.putInteger(reqPdu.requestId) ; break ; case pduGetBulkRequestPdu : SnmpPduBulk bulkPdu = (SnmpPduBulk)pdupacket ; benc.putInteger(bulkPdu.maxRepetitions) ; benc.putInteger(bulkPdu.nonRepeaters) ; benc.putInteger(bulkPdu.requestId) ; break ; case pduV1TrapPdu : SnmpPduTrap trapPdu = (SnmpPduTrap)pdupacket ; benc.putInteger(trapPdu.timeStamp, SnmpValue.TimeticksTag) ; benc.putInteger(trapPdu.specificTrap) ; benc.putInteger(trapPdu.genericTrap) ; if(trapPdu.agentAddr != null) benc.putOctetString(trapPdu.agentAddr.byteValue(), SnmpValue.IpAddressTag) ; else benc.putOctetString(new byte[0], SnmpValue.IpAddressTag); benc.putOid(trapPdu.enterprise.longValue()) ; break ; default: throw new SnmpStatusException("Invalid pdu type " + String.valueOf(pdupacket.type)) ; } benc.closeSequence(pdupacket.type) ; dataLength = benc.trim() ; } catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException x) { throw new SnmpTooBigException() ; } }
Gets the PDU encoded in this message.

This method decodes the data field and returns the resulting PDU.

Returns:The resulting PDU.
/** * Gets the PDU encoded in this message. * <P> * This method decodes the data field and returns the resulting PDU. * * @return The resulting PDU. * @exception SnmpStatusException If the encoding is not valid. * * @since 1.5 */
public SnmpPdu decodeSnmpPdu() throws SnmpStatusException { // // Decode the pdu // SnmpPduPacket pdu = null ; BerDecoder bdec = new BerDecoder(data) ; try { int type = bdec.getTag() ; bdec.openSequence(type) ; switch(type) { case pduGetRequestPdu : case pduGetNextRequestPdu : case pduInformRequestPdu : case pduGetResponsePdu : case pduSetRequestPdu : case pduV2TrapPdu : case pduReportPdu : SnmpPduRequest reqPdu = new SnmpPduRequest() ; reqPdu.requestId = bdec.fetchInteger() ; reqPdu.errorStatus = bdec.fetchInteger() ; reqPdu.errorIndex = bdec.fetchInteger() ; pdu = reqPdu ; break ; case pduGetBulkRequestPdu : SnmpPduBulk bulkPdu = new SnmpPduBulk() ; bulkPdu.requestId = bdec.fetchInteger() ; bulkPdu.nonRepeaters = bdec.fetchInteger() ; bulkPdu.maxRepetitions = bdec.fetchInteger() ; pdu = bulkPdu ; break ; case pduV1TrapPdu : SnmpPduTrap trapPdu = new SnmpPduTrap() ; trapPdu.enterprise = new SnmpOid(bdec.fetchOid()) ; byte []b = bdec.fetchOctetString(SnmpValue.IpAddressTag); if(b.length != 0) trapPdu.agentAddr = new SnmpIpAddress(b) ; else trapPdu.agentAddr = null; trapPdu.genericTrap = bdec.fetchInteger() ; trapPdu.specificTrap = bdec.fetchInteger() ; trapPdu.timeStamp = bdec.fetchInteger(SnmpValue.TimeticksTag) ; pdu = trapPdu ; break ; default: throw new SnmpStatusException(snmpRspWrongEncoding) ; } pdu.type = type ; pdu.varBindList = decodeVarBindList(bdec) ; bdec.closeSequence() ; } catch(BerException e) { if (SNMP_LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { SNMP_LOGGER.logp(Level.FINEST, SnmpMessage.class.getName(), "decodeSnmpPdu", "BerException", e); } throw new SnmpStatusException(snmpRspWrongEncoding); } catch(IllegalArgumentException e) { // bug id 4654066 if (SNMP_LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { SNMP_LOGGER.logp(Level.FINEST, SnmpMessage.class.getName(), "decodeSnmpPdu", "IllegalArgumentException", e); } throw new SnmpStatusException(snmpRspWrongEncoding); } // // The easy work // pdu.version = version ; pdu.community = community ; pdu.address = address ; pdu.port = port ; return pdu; }
Dumps this message in a string.
Returns:The string containing the dump.
/** * Dumps this message in a string. * * @return The string containing the dump. */
public String printMessage() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); if (community == null) { sb.append("Community: null") ; } else { sb.append("Community: {\n") ; sb.append(dumpHexBuffer(community, 0, community.length)) ; sb.append("\n}\n") ; } return sb.append(super.printMessage()).toString(); } }