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package sun.security.pkcs;

import java.io.*;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.net.URI;
import java.util.*;
import java.security.cert.Certificate;
import java.security.cert.X509Certificate;
import java.security.cert.CertificateException;
import java.security.cert.X509CRL;
import java.security.cert.CRLException;
import java.security.cert.CertificateFactory;
import java.security.*;

import sun.security.timestamp.*;
import sun.security.util.*;
import sun.security.x509.AlgorithmId;
import sun.security.x509.CertificateIssuerName;
import sun.security.x509.X509CertImpl;
import sun.security.x509.X509CertInfo;
import sun.security.x509.X509CRLImpl;
import sun.security.x509.X500Name;

PKCS7 as defined in RSA Laboratories PKCS7 Technical Note. Profile Supports only SignedData ContentInfo type, where to the type of data signed is plain Data. For signedData, crls, attributes and PKCS#6 Extended Certificates are not supported.
Author:Benjamin Renaud
/** * PKCS7 as defined in RSA Laboratories PKCS7 Technical Note. Profile * Supports only <tt>SignedData</tt> ContentInfo * type, where to the type of data signed is plain Data. * For signedData, <tt>crls</tt>, <tt>attributes</tt> and * PKCS#6 Extended Certificates are not supported. * * @author Benjamin Renaud */
public class PKCS7 { private ObjectIdentifier contentType; // the ASN.1 members for a signedData (and other) contentTypes private BigInteger version = null; private AlgorithmId[] digestAlgorithmIds = null; private ContentInfo contentInfo = null; private X509Certificate[] certificates = null; private X509CRL[] crls = null; private SignerInfo[] signerInfos = null; private boolean oldStyle = false; // Is this JDK1.1.x-style? private Principal[] certIssuerNames; /* * Random number generator for creating nonce values * (Lazy initialization) */ private static class SecureRandomHolder { static final SecureRandom RANDOM; static { SecureRandom tmp = null; try { tmp = SecureRandom.getInstance("SHA1PRNG"); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { // should not happen } RANDOM = tmp; } } /* * Object identifier for the timestamping key purpose. */ private static final String KP_TIMESTAMPING_OID = ""; /* * Object identifier for extendedKeyUsage extension */ private static final String EXTENDED_KEY_USAGE_OID = "";
Unmarshals a PKCS7 block from its encoded form, parsing the encoded bytes from the InputStream.
  • in – an input stream holding at least one PKCS7 block.
/** * Unmarshals a PKCS7 block from its encoded form, parsing the * encoded bytes from the InputStream. * * @param in an input stream holding at least one PKCS7 block. * @exception ParsingException on parsing errors. * @exception IOException on other errors. */
public PKCS7(InputStream in) throws ParsingException, IOException { DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(in); byte[] data = new byte[dis.available()]; dis.readFully(data); parse(new DerInputStream(data)); }
Unmarshals a PKCS7 block from its encoded form, parsing the encoded bytes from the DerInputStream.
  • derin – a DerInputStream holding at least one PKCS7 block.
/** * Unmarshals a PKCS7 block from its encoded form, parsing the * encoded bytes from the DerInputStream. * * @param derin a DerInputStream holding at least one PKCS7 block. * @exception ParsingException on parsing errors. */
public PKCS7(DerInputStream derin) throws ParsingException { parse(derin); }
Unmarshals a PKCS7 block from its encoded form, parsing the encoded bytes.
  • bytes – the encoded bytes.
/** * Unmarshals a PKCS7 block from its encoded form, parsing the * encoded bytes. * * @param bytes the encoded bytes. * @exception ParsingException on parsing errors. */
public PKCS7(byte[] bytes) throws ParsingException { try { DerInputStream derin = new DerInputStream(bytes); parse(derin); } catch (IOException ioe1) { ParsingException pe = new ParsingException( "Unable to parse the encoded bytes"); pe.initCause(ioe1); throw pe; } } /* * Parses a PKCS#7 block. */ private void parse(DerInputStream derin) throws ParsingException { try { derin.mark(derin.available()); // try new (i.e., JDK1.2) style parse(derin, false); } catch (IOException ioe) { try { derin.reset(); // try old (i.e., JDK1.1.x) style parse(derin, true); oldStyle = true; } catch (IOException ioe1) { ParsingException pe = new ParsingException( ioe1.getMessage()); pe.initCause(ioe1); throw pe; } } }
Parses a PKCS#7 block.
  • derin – the ASN.1 encoding of the PKCS#7 block.
  • oldStyle – flag indicating whether or not the given PKCS#7 block is encoded according to JDK1.1.x.
/** * Parses a PKCS#7 block. * * @param derin the ASN.1 encoding of the PKCS#7 block. * @param oldStyle flag indicating whether or not the given PKCS#7 block * is encoded according to JDK1.1.x. */
private void parse(DerInputStream derin, boolean oldStyle) throws IOException { contentInfo = new ContentInfo(derin, oldStyle); contentType = contentInfo.contentType; DerValue content = contentInfo.getContent(); if (contentType.equals((Object)ContentInfo.SIGNED_DATA_OID)) { parseSignedData(content); } else if (contentType.equals((Object)ContentInfo.OLD_SIGNED_DATA_OID)) { // This is for backwards compatibility with JDK 1.1.x parseOldSignedData(content); } else if (contentType.equals((Object) ContentInfo.NETSCAPE_CERT_SEQUENCE_OID)){ parseNetscapeCertChain(content); } else { throw new ParsingException("content type " + contentType + " not supported."); } }
Construct an initialized PKCS7 block.
  • digestAlgorithmIds – the message digest algorithm identifiers.
  • contentInfo – the content information.
  • certificates – an array of X.509 certificates.
  • signerInfos – an array of signer information.
/** * Construct an initialized PKCS7 block. * * @param digestAlgorithmIds the message digest algorithm identifiers. * @param contentInfo the content information. * @param certificates an array of X.509 certificates. * @param signerInfos an array of signer information. */
public PKCS7(AlgorithmId[] digestAlgorithmIds, ContentInfo contentInfo, X509Certificate[] certificates, SignerInfo[] signerInfos) { version = BigInteger.ONE; this.digestAlgorithmIds = digestAlgorithmIds; this.contentInfo = contentInfo; this.certificates = certificates; this.signerInfos = signerInfos; } private void parseNetscapeCertChain(DerValue val) throws ParsingException, IOException { DerInputStream dis = new DerInputStream(val.toByteArray()); DerValue[] contents = dis.getSequence(2); certificates = new X509Certificate[contents.length]; CertificateFactory certfac = null; try { certfac = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509"); } catch (CertificateException ce) { // do nothing } for (int i=0; i < contents.length; i++) { ByteArrayInputStream bais = null; try { if (certfac == null) certificates[i] = new X509CertImpl(contents[i]); else { byte[] encoded = contents[i].toByteArray(); bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(encoded); certificates[i] = (X509Certificate)certfac.generateCertificate(bais); bais.close(); bais = null; } } catch (CertificateException ce) { ParsingException pe = new ParsingException(ce.getMessage()); pe.initCause(ce); throw pe; } catch (IOException ioe) { ParsingException pe = new ParsingException(ioe.getMessage()); pe.initCause(ioe); throw pe; } finally { if (bais != null) bais.close(); } } } private void parseSignedData(DerValue val) throws ParsingException, IOException { DerInputStream dis = val.toDerInputStream(); // Version version = dis.getBigInteger(); // digestAlgorithmIds DerValue[] digestAlgorithmIdVals = dis.getSet(1); int len = digestAlgorithmIdVals.length; digestAlgorithmIds = new AlgorithmId[len]; try { for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { DerValue oid = digestAlgorithmIdVals[i]; digestAlgorithmIds[i] = AlgorithmId.parse(oid); } } catch (IOException e) { ParsingException pe = new ParsingException("Error parsing digest AlgorithmId IDs: " + e.getMessage()); pe.initCause(e); throw pe; } // contentInfo contentInfo = new ContentInfo(dis); CertificateFactory certfac = null; try { certfac = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509"); } catch (CertificateException ce) { // do nothing } /* * check if certificates (implicit tag) are provided * (certificates are OPTIONAL) */ if ((byte)(dis.peekByte()) == (byte)0xA0) { DerValue[] certVals = dis.getSet(2, true); len = certVals.length; certificates = new X509Certificate[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { ByteArrayInputStream bais = null; try { if (certfac == null) certificates[i] = new X509CertImpl(certVals[i]); else { byte[] encoded = certVals[i].toByteArray(); bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(encoded); certificates[i] = (X509Certificate)certfac.generateCertificate(bais); bais.close(); bais = null; } } catch (CertificateException ce) { ParsingException pe = new ParsingException(ce.getMessage()); pe.initCause(ce); throw pe; } catch (IOException ioe) { ParsingException pe = new ParsingException(ioe.getMessage()); pe.initCause(ioe); throw pe; } finally { if (bais != null) bais.close(); } } } // check if crls (implicit tag) are provided (crls are OPTIONAL) if ((byte)(dis.peekByte()) == (byte)0xA1) { DerValue[] crlVals = dis.getSet(1, true); len = crlVals.length; crls = new X509CRL[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { ByteArrayInputStream bais = null; try { if (certfac == null) crls[i] = (X509CRL) new X509CRLImpl(crlVals[i]); else { byte[] encoded = crlVals[i].toByteArray(); bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(encoded); crls[i] = (X509CRL) certfac.generateCRL(bais); bais.close(); bais = null; } } catch (CRLException e) { ParsingException pe = new ParsingException(e.getMessage()); pe.initCause(e); throw pe; } finally { if (bais != null) bais.close(); } } } // signerInfos DerValue[] signerInfoVals = dis.getSet(1); len = signerInfoVals.length; signerInfos = new SignerInfo[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { DerInputStream in = signerInfoVals[i].toDerInputStream(); signerInfos[i] = new SignerInfo(in); } } /* * Parses an old-style SignedData encoding (for backwards * compatibility with JDK1.1.x). */ private void parseOldSignedData(DerValue val) throws ParsingException, IOException { DerInputStream dis = val.toDerInputStream(); // Version version = dis.getBigInteger(); // digestAlgorithmIds DerValue[] digestAlgorithmIdVals = dis.getSet(1); int len = digestAlgorithmIdVals.length; digestAlgorithmIds = new AlgorithmId[len]; try { for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { DerValue oid = digestAlgorithmIdVals[i]; digestAlgorithmIds[i] = AlgorithmId.parse(oid); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new ParsingException("Error parsing digest AlgorithmId IDs"); } // contentInfo contentInfo = new ContentInfo(dis, true); // certificates CertificateFactory certfac = null; try { certfac = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509"); } catch (CertificateException ce) { // do nothing } DerValue[] certVals = dis.getSet(2); len = certVals.length; certificates = new X509Certificate[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { ByteArrayInputStream bais = null; try { if (certfac == null) certificates[i] = new X509CertImpl(certVals[i]); else { byte[] encoded = certVals[i].toByteArray(); bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(encoded); certificates[i] = (X509Certificate)certfac.generateCertificate(bais); bais.close(); bais = null; } } catch (CertificateException ce) { ParsingException pe = new ParsingException(ce.getMessage()); pe.initCause(ce); throw pe; } catch (IOException ioe) { ParsingException pe = new ParsingException(ioe.getMessage()); pe.initCause(ioe); throw pe; } finally { if (bais != null) bais.close(); } } // crls are ignored. dis.getSet(0); // signerInfos DerValue[] signerInfoVals = dis.getSet(1); len = signerInfoVals.length; signerInfos = new SignerInfo[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { DerInputStream in = signerInfoVals[i].toDerInputStream(); signerInfos[i] = new SignerInfo(in, true); } }
Encodes the signed data to an output stream.
  • out – the output stream to write the encoded data to.
/** * Encodes the signed data to an output stream. * * @param out the output stream to write the encoded data to. * @exception IOException on encoding errors. */
public void encodeSignedData(OutputStream out) throws IOException { DerOutputStream derout = new DerOutputStream(); encodeSignedData(derout); out.write(derout.toByteArray()); }
Encodes the signed data to a DerOutputStream.
  • out – the DerOutputStream to write the encoded data to.
/** * Encodes the signed data to a DerOutputStream. * * @param out the DerOutputStream to write the encoded data to. * @exception IOException on encoding errors. */
public void encodeSignedData(DerOutputStream out) throws IOException { DerOutputStream signedData = new DerOutputStream(); // version signedData.putInteger(version); // digestAlgorithmIds signedData.putOrderedSetOf(DerValue.tag_Set, digestAlgorithmIds); // contentInfo contentInfo.encode(signedData); // certificates (optional) if (certificates != null && certificates.length != 0) { // cast to X509CertImpl[] since X509CertImpl implements DerEncoder X509CertImpl implCerts[] = new X509CertImpl[certificates.length]; for (int i = 0; i < certificates.length; i++) { if (certificates[i] instanceof X509CertImpl) implCerts[i] = (X509CertImpl) certificates[i]; else { try { byte[] encoded = certificates[i].getEncoded(); implCerts[i] = new X509CertImpl(encoded); } catch (CertificateException ce) { throw new IOException(ce); } } } // Add the certificate set (tagged with [0] IMPLICIT) // to the signed data signedData.putOrderedSetOf((byte)0xA0, implCerts); } // no crls (OPTIONAL field) // signerInfos signedData.putOrderedSetOf(DerValue.tag_Set, signerInfos); // making it a signed data block DerValue signedDataSeq = new DerValue(DerValue.tag_Sequence, signedData.toByteArray()); // making it a content info sequence ContentInfo block = new ContentInfo(ContentInfo.SIGNED_DATA_OID, signedDataSeq); // writing out the contentInfo sequence block.encode(out); }
This verifies a given SignerInfo.
  • info – the signer information.
  • bytes – the DER encoded content information.
/** * This verifies a given SignerInfo. * * @param info the signer information. * @param bytes the DER encoded content information. * * @exception NoSuchAlgorithmException on unrecognized algorithms. * @exception SignatureException on signature handling errors. */
public SignerInfo verify(SignerInfo info, byte[] bytes) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, SignatureException { return info.verify(this, bytes); }
Returns all signerInfos which self-verify.
  • bytes – the DER encoded content information.
/** * Returns all signerInfos which self-verify. * * @param bytes the DER encoded content information. * * @exception NoSuchAlgorithmException on unrecognized algorithms. * @exception SignatureException on signature handling errors. */
public SignerInfo[] verify(byte[] bytes) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, SignatureException { Vector<SignerInfo> intResult = new Vector<SignerInfo>(); for (int i = 0; i < signerInfos.length; i++) { SignerInfo signerInfo = verify(signerInfos[i], bytes); if (signerInfo != null) { intResult.addElement(signerInfo); } } if (!intResult.isEmpty()) { SignerInfo[] result = new SignerInfo[intResult.size()]; intResult.copyInto(result); return result; } return null; }
Returns all signerInfos which self-verify.
  • NoSuchAlgorithmException – on unrecognized algorithms.
  • SignatureException – on signature handling errors.
/** * Returns all signerInfos which self-verify. * * @exception NoSuchAlgorithmException on unrecognized algorithms. * @exception SignatureException on signature handling errors. */
public SignerInfo[] verify() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, SignatureException { return verify(null); }
Returns the version number of this PKCS7 block.
Returns:the version or null if version is not specified for the content type.
/** * Returns the version number of this PKCS7 block. * @return the version or null if version is not specified * for the content type. */
public BigInteger getVersion() { return version; }
Returns the message digest algorithms specified in this PKCS7 block.
Returns:the array of Digest Algorithms or null if none are specified for the content type.
/** * Returns the message digest algorithms specified in this PKCS7 block. * @return the array of Digest Algorithms or null if none are specified * for the content type. */
public AlgorithmId[] getDigestAlgorithmIds() { return digestAlgorithmIds; }
Returns the content information specified in this PKCS7 block.
/** * Returns the content information specified in this PKCS7 block. */
public ContentInfo getContentInfo() { return contentInfo; }
Returns the X.509 certificates listed in this PKCS7 block.
Returns:a clone of the array of X.509 certificates or null if none are specified for the content type.
/** * Returns the X.509 certificates listed in this PKCS7 block. * @return a clone of the array of X.509 certificates or null if * none are specified for the content type. */
public X509Certificate[] getCertificates() { if (certificates != null) return certificates.clone(); else return null; }
Returns the X.509 crls listed in this PKCS7 block.
Returns:a clone of the array of X.509 crls or null if none are specified for the content type.
/** * Returns the X.509 crls listed in this PKCS7 block. * @return a clone of the array of X.509 crls or null if none * are specified for the content type. */
public X509CRL[] getCRLs() { if (crls != null) return crls.clone(); else return null; }
Returns the signer's information specified in this PKCS7 block.
Returns:the array of Signer Infos or null if none are specified for the content type.
/** * Returns the signer's information specified in this PKCS7 block. * @return the array of Signer Infos or null if none are specified * for the content type. */
public SignerInfo[] getSignerInfos() { return signerInfos; }
Returns the X.509 certificate listed in this PKCS7 block which has a matching serial number and Issuer name, or null if one is not found.
  • serial – the serial number of the certificate to retrieve.
  • issuerName – the Distinguished Name of the Issuer.
/** * Returns the X.509 certificate listed in this PKCS7 block * which has a matching serial number and Issuer name, or * null if one is not found. * * @param serial the serial number of the certificate to retrieve. * @param issuerName the Distinguished Name of the Issuer. */
public X509Certificate getCertificate(BigInteger serial, X500Name issuerName) { if (certificates != null) { if (certIssuerNames == null) populateCertIssuerNames(); for (int i = 0; i < certificates.length; i++) { X509Certificate cert = certificates[i]; BigInteger thisSerial = cert.getSerialNumber(); if (serial.equals(thisSerial) && issuerName.equals(certIssuerNames[i])) { return cert; } } } return null; }
Populate array of Issuer DNs from certificates and convert each Principal to type X500Name if necessary.
/** * Populate array of Issuer DNs from certificates and convert * each Principal to type X500Name if necessary. */
private void populateCertIssuerNames() { if (certificates == null) return; certIssuerNames = new Principal[certificates.length]; for (int i = 0; i < certificates.length; i++) { X509Certificate cert = certificates[i]; Principal certIssuerName = cert.getIssuerDN(); if (!(certIssuerName instanceof X500Name)) { // must extract the original encoded form of DN for // subsequent name comparison checks (converting to a // String and back to an encoded DN could cause the // types of String attribute values to be changed) try { X509CertInfo tbsCert = new X509CertInfo(cert.getTBSCertificate()); certIssuerName = (Principal) tbsCert.get(CertificateIssuerName.NAME + "." + CertificateIssuerName.DN_NAME); } catch (Exception e) { // error generating X500Name object from the cert's // issuer DN, leave name as is. } } certIssuerNames[i] = certIssuerName; } }
Returns the PKCS7 block in a printable string form.
/** * Returns the PKCS7 block in a printable string form. */
public String toString() { String out = ""; out += contentInfo + "\n"; if (version != null) out += "PKCS7 :: version: " + Debug.toHexString(version) + "\n"; if (digestAlgorithmIds != null) { out += "PKCS7 :: digest AlgorithmIds: \n"; for (int i = 0; i < digestAlgorithmIds.length; i++) out += "\t" + digestAlgorithmIds[i] + "\n"; } if (certificates != null) { out += "PKCS7 :: certificates: \n"; for (int i = 0; i < certificates.length; i++) out += "\t" + i + ". " + certificates[i] + "\n"; } if (crls != null) { out += "PKCS7 :: crls: \n"; for (int i = 0; i < crls.length; i++) out += "\t" + i + ". " + crls[i] + "\n"; } if (signerInfos != null) { out += "PKCS7 :: signer infos: \n"; for (int i = 0; i < signerInfos.length; i++) out += ("\t" + i + ". " + signerInfos[i] + "\n"); } return out; }
Returns true if this is a JDK1.1.x-style PKCS#7 block, and false otherwise.
/** * Returns true if this is a JDK1.1.x-style PKCS#7 block, and false * otherwise. */
public boolean isOldStyle() { return this.oldStyle; }
Assembles a PKCS #7 signed data message that optionally includes a signature timestamp.
  • signature – the signature bytes
  • signerChain – the signer's X.509 certificate chain
  • content – the content that is signed; specify null to not include it in the PKCS7 data
  • signatureAlgorithm – the name of the signature algorithm
  • tsaURI – the URI of the Timestamping Authority; or null if no timestamp is requested
  • tSAPolicyID – the TSAPolicyID of the Timestamping Authority as a numerical object identifier; or null if we leave the TSA server to choose one. This argument is only used when tsaURI is provided
  • NoSuchAlgorithmException – The exception is thrown if the signature algorithm is unrecognised.
  • CertificateException – The exception is thrown if an error occurs while processing the signer's certificate or the TSA's certificate.
  • IOException – The exception is thrown if an error occurs while generating the signature timestamp or while generating the signed data message.
Returns:the bytes of the encoded PKCS #7 signed data message
/** * Assembles a PKCS #7 signed data message that optionally includes a * signature timestamp. * * @param signature the signature bytes * @param signerChain the signer's X.509 certificate chain * @param content the content that is signed; specify null to not include * it in the PKCS7 data * @param signatureAlgorithm the name of the signature algorithm * @param tsaURI the URI of the Timestamping Authority; or null if no * timestamp is requested * @param tSAPolicyID the TSAPolicyID of the Timestamping Authority as a * numerical object identifier; or null if we leave the TSA server * to choose one. This argument is only used when tsaURI is provided * @return the bytes of the encoded PKCS #7 signed data message * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException The exception is thrown if the signature * algorithm is unrecognised. * @throws CertificateException The exception is thrown if an error occurs * while processing the signer's certificate or the TSA's * certificate. * @throws IOException The exception is thrown if an error occurs while * generating the signature timestamp or while generating the signed * data message. */
public static byte[] generateSignedData(byte[] signature, X509Certificate[] signerChain, byte[] content, String signatureAlgorithm, URI tsaURI, String tSAPolicyID, String tSADigestAlg) throws CertificateException, IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException { // Generate the timestamp token PKCS9Attributes unauthAttrs = null; if (tsaURI != null) { // Timestamp the signature HttpTimestamper tsa = new HttpTimestamper(tsaURI); byte[] tsToken = generateTimestampToken( tsa, tSAPolicyID, tSADigestAlg, signature); // Insert the timestamp token into the PKCS #7 signer info element // (as an unsigned attribute) unauthAttrs = new PKCS9Attributes(new PKCS9Attribute[]{ new PKCS9Attribute( PKCS9Attribute.SIGNATURE_TIMESTAMP_TOKEN_STR, tsToken)}); } // Create the SignerInfo X500Name issuerName = X500Name.asX500Name(signerChain[0].getIssuerX500Principal()); BigInteger serialNumber = signerChain[0].getSerialNumber(); String encAlg = AlgorithmId.getEncAlgFromSigAlg(signatureAlgorithm); String digAlg = AlgorithmId.getDigAlgFromSigAlg(signatureAlgorithm); SignerInfo signerInfo = new SignerInfo(issuerName, serialNumber, AlgorithmId.get(digAlg), null, AlgorithmId.get(encAlg), signature, unauthAttrs); // Create the PKCS #7 signed data message SignerInfo[] signerInfos = {signerInfo}; AlgorithmId[] algorithms = {signerInfo.getDigestAlgorithmId()}; // Include or exclude content ContentInfo contentInfo = (content == null) ? new ContentInfo(ContentInfo.DATA_OID, null) : new ContentInfo(content); PKCS7 pkcs7 = new PKCS7(algorithms, contentInfo, signerChain, signerInfos); ByteArrayOutputStream p7out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); pkcs7.encodeSignedData(p7out); return p7out.toByteArray(); }
Requests, processes and validates a timestamp token from a TSA using common defaults. Uses the following defaults in the timestamp request: SHA-1 for the hash algorithm, a 64-bit nonce, and request certificate set to true.
  • tsa – the timestamping authority to use
  • tSAPolicyID – the TSAPolicyID of the Timestamping Authority as a numerical object identifier; or null if we leave the TSA server to choose one
  • toBeTimestamped – the token that is to be timestamped
  • IOException – The exception is thrown if an error occurs while communicating with the TSA, or a non-null TSAPolicyID is specified in the request but it does not match the one in the reply
  • CertificateException – The exception is thrown if the TSA's certificate is not permitted for timestamping.
Returns:the encoded timestamp token
/** * Requests, processes and validates a timestamp token from a TSA using * common defaults. Uses the following defaults in the timestamp request: * SHA-1 for the hash algorithm, a 64-bit nonce, and request certificate * set to true. * * @param tsa the timestamping authority to use * @param tSAPolicyID the TSAPolicyID of the Timestamping Authority as a * numerical object identifier; or null if we leave the TSA server * to choose one * @param toBeTimestamped the token that is to be timestamped * @return the encoded timestamp token * @throws IOException The exception is thrown if an error occurs while * communicating with the TSA, or a non-null * TSAPolicyID is specified in the request but it * does not match the one in the reply * @throws CertificateException The exception is thrown if the TSA's * certificate is not permitted for timestamping. */
private static byte[] generateTimestampToken(Timestamper tsa, String tSAPolicyID, String tSADigestAlg, byte[] toBeTimestamped) throws IOException, CertificateException { // Generate a timestamp MessageDigest messageDigest = null; TSRequest tsQuery = null; try { messageDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance(tSADigestAlg); tsQuery = new TSRequest(tSAPolicyID, toBeTimestamped, messageDigest); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); } // Generate a nonce BigInteger nonce = null; if (SecureRandomHolder.RANDOM != null) { nonce = new BigInteger(64, SecureRandomHolder.RANDOM); tsQuery.setNonce(nonce); } tsQuery.requestCertificate(true); TSResponse tsReply = tsa.generateTimestamp(tsQuery); int status = tsReply.getStatusCode(); // Handle TSP error if (status != 0 && status != 1) { throw new IOException("Error generating timestamp: " + tsReply.getStatusCodeAsText() + " " + tsReply.getFailureCodeAsText()); } if (tSAPolicyID != null && !tSAPolicyID.equals(tsReply.getTimestampToken().getPolicyID())) { throw new IOException("TSAPolicyID changed in " + "timestamp token"); } PKCS7 tsToken = tsReply.getToken(); TimestampToken tst = tsReply.getTimestampToken(); try { if (!tst.getHashAlgorithm().equals(AlgorithmId.get(tSADigestAlg))) { throw new IOException("Digest algorithm not " + tSADigestAlg + " in " + "timestamp token"); } } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException nase) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); // should have been caught before } if (!MessageDigest.isEqual(tst.getHashedMessage(), tsQuery.getHashedMessage())) { throw new IOException("Digest octets changed in timestamp token"); } BigInteger replyNonce = tst.getNonce(); if (replyNonce == null && nonce != null) { throw new IOException("Nonce missing in timestamp token"); } if (replyNonce != null && !replyNonce.equals(nonce)) { throw new IOException("Nonce changed in timestamp token"); } // Examine the TSA's certificate (if present) for (SignerInfo si: tsToken.getSignerInfos()) { X509Certificate cert = si.getCertificate(tsToken); if (cert == null) { // Error, we've already set tsRequestCertificate = true throw new CertificateException( "Certificate not included in timestamp token"); } else { if (!cert.getCriticalExtensionOIDs().contains( EXTENDED_KEY_USAGE_OID)) { throw new CertificateException( "Certificate is not valid for timestamping"); } List<String> keyPurposes = cert.getExtendedKeyUsage(); if (keyPurposes == null || !keyPurposes.contains(KP_TIMESTAMPING_OID)) { throw new CertificateException( "Certificate is not valid for timestamping"); } } } return tsReply.getEncodedToken(); } }