 * Copyright (c) 1998, 2007, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
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package sun.print;

import java.io.FilePermission;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dialog;
import java.awt.Frame;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.GraphicsConfiguration;
import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment;
import java.awt.HeadlessException;
import java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.Shape;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.geom.Area;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.awt.print.Book;
import java.awt.print.Pageable;
import java.awt.print.PageFormat;
import java.awt.print.Paper;
import java.awt.print.Printable;
import java.awt.print.PrinterAbortException;
import java.awt.print.PrinterException;
import java.awt.print.PrinterJob;
import java.awt.Window;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Locale;
import sun.awt.image.ByteInterleavedRaster;

import javax.print.Doc;
import javax.print.DocFlavor;
import javax.print.DocPrintJob;
import javax.print.PrintException;
import javax.print.PrintService;
import javax.print.PrintServiceLookup;
import javax.print.ServiceUI;
import javax.print.StreamPrintService;
import javax.print.StreamPrintServiceFactory;
import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
import javax.print.attribute.AttributeSet;
import javax.print.attribute.HashPrintRequestAttributeSet;
import javax.print.attribute.PrintRequestAttributeSet;
import javax.print.attribute.Size2DSyntax;
import javax.print.attribute.standard.Chromaticity;
import javax.print.attribute.standard.Copies;
import javax.print.attribute.standard.Destination;
import javax.print.attribute.standard.Fidelity;
import javax.print.attribute.standard.JobName;
import javax.print.attribute.standard.JobSheets;
import javax.print.attribute.standard.Media;
import javax.print.attribute.standard.MediaPrintableArea;
import javax.print.attribute.standard.MediaSize;
import javax.print.attribute.standard.MediaSizeName;
import javax.print.attribute.standard.OrientationRequested;
import javax.print.attribute.standard.PageRanges;
import javax.print.attribute.standard.PrinterState;
import javax.print.attribute.standard.PrinterStateReason;
import javax.print.attribute.standard.PrinterStateReasons;
import javax.print.attribute.standard.PrinterIsAcceptingJobs;
import javax.print.attribute.standard.RequestingUserName;
import javax.print.attribute.standard.SheetCollate;
import javax.print.attribute.standard.Sides;

import sun.print.PageableDoc;
import sun.print.ServiceDialog;
import sun.print.SunPrinterJobService;
import sun.print.DialogTypeSelection;
import sun.print.SunPageSelection;

A class which rasterizes a printer job.
Author:Richard Blanchard
/** * A class which rasterizes a printer job. * * @author Richard Blanchard */
public abstract class RasterPrinterJob extends PrinterJob { /* Class Constants */ /* Printer destination type. */ protected static final int PRINTER = 0; /* File destination type. */ protected static final int FILE = 1; /* Stream destination type. */ protected static final int STREAM = 2;
Maximum amount of memory in bytes to use for the buffered image "band". 4Mb is a compromise between limiting the number of bands on hi-res printers and not using too much of the Java heap or causing paging on systems with little RAM.
/** * Maximum amount of memory in bytes to use for the * buffered image "band". 4Mb is a compromise between * limiting the number of bands on hi-res printers and * not using too much of the Java heap or causing paging * on systems with little RAM. */
private static final int MAX_BAND_SIZE = (1024 * 1024 * 4); /* Dots Per Inch */ private static final float DPI = 72.0f;
Useful mainly for debugging, this system property can be used to force the printing code to print using a particular pipeline. The two currently supported values are FORCE_RASTER and FORCE_PDL.
/** * Useful mainly for debugging, this system property * can be used to force the printing code to print * using a particular pipeline. The two currently * supported values are FORCE_RASTER and FORCE_PDL. */
private static final String FORCE_PIPE_PROP = "sun.java2d.print.pipeline";
When the system property FORCE_PIPE_PROP has this value then each page of a print job will be rendered through the raster pipeline.
/** * When the system property FORCE_PIPE_PROP has this value * then each page of a print job will be rendered through * the raster pipeline. */
private static final String FORCE_RASTER = "raster";
When the system property FORCE_PIPE_PROP has this value then each page of a print job will be rendered through the PDL pipeline.
/** * When the system property FORCE_PIPE_PROP has this value * then each page of a print job will be rendered through * the PDL pipeline. */
private static final String FORCE_PDL = "pdl";
When the system property SHAPE_TEXT_PROP has this value then text is always rendered as a shape, and no attempt is made to match the font through GDI
/** * When the system property SHAPE_TEXT_PROP has this value * then text is always rendered as a shape, and no attempt is made * to match the font through GDI */
private static final String SHAPE_TEXT_PROP = "sun.java2d.print.shapetext";
values obtained from System properties in static initialiser block
/** * values obtained from System properties in static initialiser block */
public static boolean forcePDL = false; public static boolean forceRaster = false; public static boolean shapeTextProp = false; static { /* The system property FORCE_PIPE_PROP * can be used to force the printing code to * use a particular pipeline. Either the raster * pipeline or the pdl pipeline can be forced. */ String forceStr = (String)java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged( new sun.security.action.GetPropertyAction(FORCE_PIPE_PROP)); if (forceStr != null) { if (forceStr.equalsIgnoreCase(FORCE_PDL)) { forcePDL = true; } else if (forceStr.equalsIgnoreCase(FORCE_RASTER)) { forceRaster = true; } } String shapeTextStr = (String)java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged( new sun.security.action.GetPropertyAction(SHAPE_TEXT_PROP)); if (shapeTextStr != null) { shapeTextProp = true; } } /* Instance Variables */
Used to minimise GC & reallocation of band when printing
/** * Used to minimise GC & reallocation of band when printing */
private int cachedBandWidth = 0; private int cachedBandHeight = 0; private BufferedImage cachedBand = null;
The number of book copies to be printed.
/** * The number of book copies to be printed. */
private int mNumCopies = 1;
Collation effects the order of the pages printed when multiple copies are requested. For two copies of a three page document the page order is: mCollate true: 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3 mCollate false: 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3
/** * Collation effects the order of the pages printed * when multiple copies are requested. For two copies * of a three page document the page order is: * mCollate true: 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3 * mCollate false: 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3 */
private boolean mCollate = false;
The zero based indices of the first and last pages to be printed. If 'mFirstPage' is UNDEFINED_PAGE_NUM then the first page to be printed is page 0. If 'mLastPage' is UNDEFINED_PAGE_NUM then the last page to be printed is the last one in the book.
/** * The zero based indices of the first and last * pages to be printed. If 'mFirstPage' is * UNDEFINED_PAGE_NUM then the first page to * be printed is page 0. If 'mLastPage' is * UNDEFINED_PAGE_NUM then the last page to * be printed is the last one in the book. */
private int mFirstPage = Pageable.UNKNOWN_NUMBER_OF_PAGES; private int mLastPage = Pageable.UNKNOWN_NUMBER_OF_PAGES;
The previous print stream Paper Used to check if the paper size has changed such that the implementation needs to emit the new paper size information into the print stream. Since we do our own rotation, and the margins aren't relevant, Its strictly the dimensions of the paper that we will check.
/** * The previous print stream Paper * Used to check if the paper size has changed such that the * implementation needs to emit the new paper size information * into the print stream. * Since we do our own rotation, and the margins aren't relevant, * Its strictly the dimensions of the paper that we will check. */
private Paper previousPaper;
The document to be printed. It is initialized to an empty (zero pages) book.
/** * The document to be printed. It is initialized to an * empty (zero pages) book. */
private Pageable mDocument = new Book();
The name of the job being printed.
/** * The name of the job being printed. */
private String mDocName = new String("Java Printing");
Printing cancellation flags
/** * Printing cancellation flags */
private boolean performingPrinting = false; private boolean userCancelled = false;
Print to file permission variables.
/** * Print to file permission variables. */
private FilePermission printToFilePermission;
List of areas & the graphics state for redrawing
/** * List of areas & the graphics state for redrawing */
private ArrayList redrawList = new ArrayList(); /* variables representing values extracted from an attribute set. * These take precedence over values set on a printer job */ private int copiesAttr; private String jobNameAttr; private String userNameAttr; private PageRanges pageRangesAttr; protected Sides sidesAttr; protected String destinationAttr; protected boolean noJobSheet = false; protected int mDestType = RasterPrinterJob.FILE; protected String mDestination = ""; protected boolean collateAttReq = false;
Device rotation flag, if it support 270, this is set to true;
/** * Device rotation flag, if it support 270, this is set to true; */
protected boolean landscapeRotates270 = false;
attributes used by no-args page and print dialog and print method to communicate state
/** * attributes used by no-args page and print dialog and print method to * communicate state */
protected PrintRequestAttributeSet attributes = null;
Class to keep state information for redrawing areas "region" is an area at as a high a resolution as possible. The redrawing code needs to look at sx, sy to calculate the scale to device resolution.
/** * Class to keep state information for redrawing areas * "region" is an area at as a high a resolution as possible. * The redrawing code needs to look at sx, sy to calculate the scale * to device resolution. */
private class GraphicsState { Rectangle2D region; // Area of page to repaint Shape theClip; // image drawing clip. AffineTransform theTransform; // to transform clip to dev coords. double sx; // X scale from region to device resolution double sy; // Y scale from region to device resolution }
Service for this job
/** * Service for this job */
protected PrintService myService; /* Constructors */ public RasterPrinterJob() { } /* Abstract Methods */
Returns the resolution in dots per inch across the width of the page.
/** * Returns the resolution in dots per inch across the width * of the page. */
abstract protected double getXRes();
Returns the resolution in dots per inch down the height of the page.
/** * Returns the resolution in dots per inch down the height * of the page. */
abstract protected double getYRes();
Must be obtained from the current printer. Value is in device pixels. Not adjusted for orientation of the paper.
/** * Must be obtained from the current printer. * Value is in device pixels. * Not adjusted for orientation of the paper. */
abstract protected double getPhysicalPrintableX(Paper p);
Must be obtained from the current printer. Value is in device pixels. Not adjusted for orientation of the paper.
/** * Must be obtained from the current printer. * Value is in device pixels. * Not adjusted for orientation of the paper. */
abstract protected double getPhysicalPrintableY(Paper p);
Must be obtained from the current printer. Value is in device pixels. Not adjusted for orientation of the paper.
/** * Must be obtained from the current printer. * Value is in device pixels. * Not adjusted for orientation of the paper. */
abstract protected double getPhysicalPrintableWidth(Paper p);
Must be obtained from the current printer. Value is in device pixels. Not adjusted for orientation of the paper.
/** * Must be obtained from the current printer. * Value is in device pixels. * Not adjusted for orientation of the paper. */
abstract protected double getPhysicalPrintableHeight(Paper p);
Must be obtained from the current printer. Value is in device pixels. Not adjusted for orientation of the paper.
/** * Must be obtained from the current printer. * Value is in device pixels. * Not adjusted for orientation of the paper. */
abstract protected double getPhysicalPageWidth(Paper p);
Must be obtained from the current printer. Value is in device pixels. Not adjusted for orientation of the paper.
/** * Must be obtained from the current printer. * Value is in device pixels. * Not adjusted for orientation of the paper. */
abstract protected double getPhysicalPageHeight(Paper p);
Begin a new page.
/** * Begin a new page. */
abstract protected void startPage(PageFormat format, Printable painter, int index, boolean paperChanged) throws PrinterException;
End a page.
/** * End a page. */
abstract protected void endPage(PageFormat format, Printable painter, int index) throws PrinterException;
Prints the contents of the array of ints, 'data' to the current page. The band is placed at the location (x, y) in device coordinates on the page. The width and height of the band is specified by the caller.
/** * Prints the contents of the array of ints, 'data' * to the current page. The band is placed at the * location (x, y) in device coordinates on the * page. The width and height of the band is * specified by the caller. */
abstract protected void printBand(byte[] data, int x, int y, int width, int height) throws PrinterException; /* Instance Methods */
save graphics state of a PathGraphics for later redrawing of part of page represented by the region in that state
/** * save graphics state of a PathGraphics for later redrawing * of part of page represented by the region in that state */
public void saveState(AffineTransform at, Shape clip, Rectangle2D region, double sx, double sy) { GraphicsState gstate = new GraphicsState(); gstate.theTransform = at; gstate.theClip = clip; gstate.region = region; gstate.sx = sx; gstate.sy = sy; redrawList.add(gstate); } /* * A convenience method which returns the default service * for 2D <code>PrinterJob</code>s. * May return null if there is no suitable default (although there * may still be 2D services available). * @return default 2D print service, or null. * @since 1.4 */ protected static PrintService lookupDefaultPrintService() { PrintService service = PrintServiceLookup.lookupDefaultPrintService(); /* Pageable implies Printable so checking both isn't strictly needed */ if (service != null && service.isDocFlavorSupported( DocFlavor.SERVICE_FORMATTED.PAGEABLE) && service.isDocFlavorSupported( DocFlavor.SERVICE_FORMATTED.PRINTABLE)) { return service; } else { PrintService []services = PrintServiceLookup.lookupPrintServices( DocFlavor.SERVICE_FORMATTED.PAGEABLE, null); if (services.length > 0) { return services[0]; } } return null; }
Returns the service (printer) for this printer job. Implementations of this class which do not support print services may return null;
Returns:the service for this printer job.
/** * Returns the service (printer) for this printer job. * Implementations of this class which do not support print services * may return null; * @return the service for this printer job. * */
public PrintService getPrintService() { if (myService == null) { PrintService svc = PrintServiceLookup.lookupDefaultPrintService(); if (svc != null && svc.isDocFlavorSupported( DocFlavor.SERVICE_FORMATTED.PAGEABLE)) { try { setPrintService(svc); myService = svc; } catch (PrinterException e) { } } if (myService == null) { PrintService[] svcs = PrintServiceLookup.lookupPrintServices( DocFlavor.SERVICE_FORMATTED.PAGEABLE, null); if (svcs.length > 0) { try { setPrintService(svcs[0]); myService = svcs[0]; } catch (PrinterException e) { } } } } return myService; }
Associate this PrinterJob with a new PrintService. Throws PrinterException if the specified service cannot support the Pageable and Printable interfaces necessary to support 2D printing.
  • a – print service which supports 2D printing.
  • PrinterException – if the specified service does not support 2D printing or no longer available.
/** * Associate this PrinterJob with a new PrintService. * * Throws <code>PrinterException</code> if the specified service * cannot support the <code>Pageable</code> and * <code>Printable</code> interfaces necessary to support 2D printing. * @param a print service which supports 2D printing. * * @throws PrinterException if the specified service does not support * 2D printing or no longer available. */
public void setPrintService(PrintService service) throws PrinterException { if (service == null) { throw new PrinterException("Service cannot be null"); } else if (!(service instanceof StreamPrintService) && service.getName() == null) { throw new PrinterException("Null PrintService name."); } else { // Check the list of services. This service may have been // deleted already PrinterState prnState = (PrinterState)service.getAttribute( PrinterState.class); if (prnState == PrinterState.STOPPED) { PrinterStateReasons prnStateReasons = (PrinterStateReasons)service.getAttribute( PrinterStateReasons.class); if ((prnStateReasons != null) && (prnStateReasons.containsKey(PrinterStateReason.SHUTDOWN))) { throw new PrinterException("PrintService is no longer available."); } } if (service.isDocFlavorSupported( DocFlavor.SERVICE_FORMATTED.PAGEABLE) && service.isDocFlavorSupported( DocFlavor.SERVICE_FORMATTED.PRINTABLE)) { myService = service; } else { throw new PrinterException("Not a 2D print service: " + service); } } } protected void updatePageAttributes(PrintService service, PageFormat page) { if (service == null || page == null) { return; } float x = (float)Math.rint( (page.getPaper().getWidth()*Size2DSyntax.INCH)/ (72.0))/(float)Size2DSyntax.INCH; float y = (float)Math.rint( (page.getPaper().getHeight()*Size2DSyntax.INCH)/ (72.0))/(float)Size2DSyntax.INCH; // We should limit the list where we search the matching // media, this will prevent mapping to wrong media ex. Ledger // can be mapped to B. Especially useful when creating // custom MediaSize. Media[] mediaList = (Media[])service.getSupportedAttributeValues( Media.class, null, null); Media media = null; try { media = CustomMediaSizeName.findMedia(mediaList, x, y, Size2DSyntax.INCH); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { } if ((media == null) || !(service.isAttributeValueSupported(media, null, null))) { media = (Media)service.getDefaultAttributeValue(Media.class); } OrientationRequested orient; switch (page.getOrientation()) { case PageFormat.LANDSCAPE : orient = OrientationRequested.LANDSCAPE; break; case PageFormat.REVERSE_LANDSCAPE: orient = OrientationRequested.REVERSE_LANDSCAPE; break; default: orient = OrientationRequested.PORTRAIT; } if (attributes == null) { attributes = new HashPrintRequestAttributeSet(); } if (media != null) { attributes.add(media); } attributes.add(orient); float ix = (float)(page.getPaper().getImageableX()/DPI); float iw = (float)(page.getPaper().getImageableWidth()/DPI); float iy = (float)(page.getPaper().getImageableY()/DPI); float ih = (float)(page.getPaper().getImageableHeight()/DPI); if (ix < 0) ix = 0f; if (iy < 0) iy = 0f; try { attributes.add(new MediaPrintableArea(ix, iy, iw, ih, MediaPrintableArea.INCH)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { } }
Display a dialog to the user allowing the modification of a PageFormat instance. The page argument is used to initialize controls in the page setup dialog. If the user cancels the dialog, then the method returns the original page object unmodified. If the user okays the dialog then the method returns a new PageFormat object with the indicated changes. In either case the original page object will not be modified.
  • page – the default PageFormat presented to the user for modification
See Also:
Returns: the original page object if the dialog is cancelled, or a new PageFormat object containing the format indicated by the user if the dialog is acknowledged
Since: 1.2
/** * Display a dialog to the user allowing the modification of a * PageFormat instance. * The <code>page</code> argument is used to initialize controls * in the page setup dialog. * If the user cancels the dialog, then the method returns the * original <code>page</code> object unmodified. * If the user okays the dialog then the method returns a new * PageFormat object with the indicated changes. * In either case the original <code>page</code> object will * not be modified. * @param page the default PageFormat presented to the user * for modification * @return the original <code>page</code> object if the dialog * is cancelled, or a new PageFormat object containing * the format indicated by the user if the dialog is * acknowledged * @exception HeadlessException if GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() * returns true. * @see java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment#isHeadless * @since 1.2 */
public PageFormat pageDialog(PageFormat page) throws HeadlessException { if (GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) { throw new HeadlessException(); } final GraphicsConfiguration gc = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(). getDefaultScreenDevice().getDefaultConfiguration(); PrintService service = (PrintService)java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged( new java.security.PrivilegedAction() { public Object run() { PrintService service = getPrintService(); if (service == null) { ServiceDialog.showNoPrintService(gc); return null; } return service; } }); if (service == null) { return page; } updatePageAttributes(service, page); PageFormat newPage = pageDialog(attributes); if (newPage == null) { return page; } else { return newPage; } }
return a PageFormat corresponding to the updated attributes, or null if the user cancelled the dialog.
/** * return a PageFormat corresponding to the updated attributes, * or null if the user cancelled the dialog. */
public PageFormat pageDialog(final PrintRequestAttributeSet attributes) throws HeadlessException { if (GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) { throw new HeadlessException(); } final GraphicsConfiguration gc = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(). getDefaultScreenDevice().getDefaultConfiguration(); Rectangle bounds = gc.getBounds(); int x = bounds.x+bounds.width/3; int y = bounds.y+bounds.height/3; PrintService service = (PrintService)java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged( new java.security.PrivilegedAction() { public Object run() { PrintService service = getPrintService(); if (service == null) { ServiceDialog.showNoPrintService(gc); return null; } return service; } }); if (service == null) { return null; } ServiceDialog pageDialog = new ServiceDialog(gc, x, y, service, DocFlavor.SERVICE_FORMATTED.PAGEABLE, attributes, (Frame)null); pageDialog.show(); if (pageDialog.getStatus() == ServiceDialog.APPROVE) { PrintRequestAttributeSet newas = pageDialog.getAttributes(); Class amCategory = SunAlternateMedia.class; if (attributes.containsKey(amCategory) && !newas.containsKey(amCategory)) { attributes.remove(amCategory); } attributes.addAll(newas); PageFormat page = defaultPage(); OrientationRequested orient = (OrientationRequested) attributes.get(OrientationRequested.class); int pfOrient = PageFormat.PORTRAIT; if (orient != null) { if (orient == OrientationRequested.REVERSE_LANDSCAPE) { pfOrient = PageFormat.REVERSE_LANDSCAPE; } else if (orient == OrientationRequested.LANDSCAPE) { pfOrient = PageFormat.LANDSCAPE; } } page.setOrientation(pfOrient); Media media = (Media)attributes.get(Media.class); if (media == null) { media = (Media)service.getDefaultAttributeValue(Media.class); } if (!(media instanceof MediaSizeName)) { media = MediaSizeName.NA_LETTER; } MediaSize size = MediaSize.getMediaSizeForName((MediaSizeName)media); if (size == null) { size = MediaSize.NA.LETTER; } Paper paper = new Paper(); float dim[] = size.getSize(1); //units == 1 to avoid FP error double w = Math.rint((dim[0]*72.0)/Size2DSyntax.INCH); double h = Math.rint((dim[1]*72.0)/Size2DSyntax.INCH); paper.setSize(w, h); MediaPrintableArea area = (MediaPrintableArea) attributes.get(MediaPrintableArea.class); double ix, iw, iy, ih; if (area != null) { // Should pass in same unit as updatePageAttributes // to avoid rounding off errors. ix = Math.rint( area.getX(MediaPrintableArea.INCH) * DPI); iy = Math.rint( area.getY(MediaPrintableArea.INCH) * DPI); iw = Math.rint( area.getWidth(MediaPrintableArea.INCH) * DPI); ih = Math.rint( area.getHeight(MediaPrintableArea.INCH) * DPI); } else { if (w >= 72.0 * 6.0) { ix = 72.0; iw = w - 2 * 72.0; } else { ix = w / 6.0; iw = w * 0.75; } if (h >= 72.0 * 6.0) { iy = 72.0; ih = h - 2 * 72.0; } else { iy = h / 6.0; ih = h * 0.75; } } paper.setImageableArea(ix, iy, iw, ih); page.setPaper(paper); return page; } else { return null; } }
Presents the user a dialog for changing properties of the print job interactively. The services browsable here are determined by the type of service currently installed. If the application installed a StreamPrintService on this PrinterJob, only the available StreamPrintService (factories) are browsable.
  • attributes – to store changed properties.
See Also:
Returns:false if the user cancels the dialog and true otherwise.
/** * Presents the user a dialog for changing properties of the * print job interactively. * The services browsable here are determined by the type of * service currently installed. * If the application installed a StreamPrintService on this * PrinterJob, only the available StreamPrintService (factories) are * browsable. * * @param attributes to store changed properties. * @return false if the user cancels the dialog and true otherwise. * @exception HeadlessException if GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() * returns true. * @see java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment#isHeadless */
public boolean printDialog(final PrintRequestAttributeSet attributes) throws HeadlessException { if (GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) { throw new HeadlessException(); } DialogTypeSelection dlg = (DialogTypeSelection)attributes.get(DialogTypeSelection.class); // Check for native, note that default dialog is COMMON. if (dlg == DialogTypeSelection.NATIVE) { this.attributes = attributes; try { debug_println("calling setAttributes in printDialog"); setAttributes(attributes); } catch (PrinterException e) { } boolean ret = printDialog(); this.attributes = attributes; return ret; } /* A security check has already been performed in the * java.awt.print.printerJob.getPrinterJob method. * So by the time we get here, it is OK for the current thread * to print either to a file (from a Dialog we control!) or * to a chosen printer. * * We raise privilege when we put up the dialog, to avoid * the "warning applet window" banner. */ final GraphicsConfiguration gc = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(). getDefaultScreenDevice().getDefaultConfiguration(); PrintService service = (PrintService)java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged( new java.security.PrivilegedAction() { public Object run() { PrintService service = getPrintService(); if (service == null) { ServiceDialog.showNoPrintService(gc); return null; } return service; } }); if (service == null) { return false; } PrintService[] services; StreamPrintServiceFactory[] spsFactories = null; if (service instanceof StreamPrintService) { spsFactories = lookupStreamPrintServices(null); services = new StreamPrintService[spsFactories.length]; for (int i=0; i<spsFactories.length; i++) { services[i] = spsFactories[i].getPrintService(null); } } else { services = (PrintService[])java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged( new java.security.PrivilegedAction() { public Object run() { PrintService[] services = PrinterJob.lookupPrintServices(); return services; } }); if ((services == null) || (services.length == 0)) { /* * No services but default PrintService exists? * Create services using defaultService. */ services = new PrintService[1]; services[0] = service; } } Rectangle bounds = gc.getBounds(); int x = bounds.x+bounds.width/3; int y = bounds.y+bounds.height/3; PrintService newService; try { newService = ServiceUI.printDialog(gc, x, y, services, service, DocFlavor.SERVICE_FORMATTED.PAGEABLE, attributes); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { newService = ServiceUI.printDialog(gc, x, y, services, services[0], DocFlavor.SERVICE_FORMATTED.PAGEABLE, attributes); } if (newService == null) { return false; } if (!service.equals(newService)) { try { setPrintService(newService); } catch (PrinterException e) { /* * The only time it would throw an exception is when * newService is no longer available but we should still * select this printer. */ myService = newService; } } return true; }
Presents the user a dialog for changing properties of the print job interactively.
See Also:
@returnsfalse if the user cancels the dialog and true otherwise.
/** * Presents the user a dialog for changing properties of the * print job interactively. * @returns false if the user cancels the dialog and * true otherwise. * @exception HeadlessException if GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() * returns true. * @see java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment#isHeadless */
public boolean printDialog() throws HeadlessException { if (GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) { throw new HeadlessException(); } PrintRequestAttributeSet attributes = new HashPrintRequestAttributeSet(); attributes.add(new Copies(getCopies())); attributes.add(new JobName(getJobName(), null)); boolean doPrint = printDialog(attributes); if (doPrint) { JobName jobName = (JobName)attributes.get(JobName.class); if (jobName != null) { setJobName(jobName.getValue()); } Copies copies = (Copies)attributes.get(Copies.class); if (copies != null) { setCopies(copies.getValue()); } Destination dest = (Destination)attributes.get(Destination.class); if (dest != null) { try { mDestType = RasterPrinterJob.FILE; mDestination = (new File(dest.getURI())).getPath(); } catch (Exception e) { mDestination = "out.prn"; PrintService ps = getPrintService(); if (ps != null) { Destination defaultDest = (Destination)ps. getDefaultAttributeValue(Destination.class); if (defaultDest != null) { mDestination = (new File(defaultDest.getURI())).getPath(); } } } } else { mDestType = RasterPrinterJob.PRINTER; PrintService ps = getPrintService(); if (ps != null) { mDestination = ps.getName(); } } } return doPrint; }
The pages in the document to be printed by this PrinterJob are drawn by the Printable object 'painter'. The PageFormat for each page is the default page format.
  • Printable – Called to render each page of the document.
/** * The pages in the document to be printed by this PrinterJob * are drawn by the Printable object 'painter'. The PageFormat * for each page is the default page format. * @param Printable Called to render each page of the document. */
public void setPrintable(Printable painter) { setPageable(new OpenBook(defaultPage(new PageFormat()), painter)); }
The pages in the document to be printed by this PrinterJob are drawn by the Printable object 'painter'. The PageFormat of each page is 'format'.
  • Printable – Called to render each page of the document.
  • PageFormat – The size and orientation of each page to be printed.
/** * The pages in the document to be printed by this PrinterJob * are drawn by the Printable object 'painter'. The PageFormat * of each page is 'format'. * @param Printable Called to render each page of the document. * @param PageFormat The size and orientation of each page to * be printed. */
public void setPrintable(Printable painter, PageFormat format) { setPageable(new OpenBook(format, painter)); updatePageAttributes(getPrintService(), format); }
The pages in the document to be printed are held by the Pageable instance 'document'. 'document' will be queried for the number of pages as well as the PageFormat and Printable for each page.
  • Pageable – The document to be printed. It may not be null.
See Also:
/** * The pages in the document to be printed are held by the * Pageable instance 'document'. 'document' will be queried * for the number of pages as well as the PageFormat and * Printable for each page. * @param Pageable The document to be printed. It may not be null. * @exception NullPointerException the Pageable passed in was null. * @see PageFormat * @see Printable */
public void setPageable(Pageable document) throws NullPointerException { if (document != null) { mDocument = document; } else { throw new NullPointerException(); } } protected void initPrinter() { return; } protected boolean isSupportedValue(Attribute attrval, PrintRequestAttributeSet attrset) { PrintService ps = getPrintService(); return (attrval != null && ps != null && ps.isAttributeValueSupported(attrval, DocFlavor.SERVICE_FORMATTED.PAGEABLE, attrset)); } /* subclasses may need to pull extra information out of the attribute set * They can override this method & call super.setAttributes() */ protected void setAttributes(PrintRequestAttributeSet attributes) throws PrinterException { /* reset all values to defaults */ setCollated(false); sidesAttr = null; pageRangesAttr = null; copiesAttr = 0; jobNameAttr = null; userNameAttr = null; destinationAttr = null; collateAttReq = false; PrintService service = getPrintService(); if (attributes == null || service == null) { return; } boolean fidelity = false; Fidelity attrFidelity = (Fidelity)attributes.get(Fidelity.class); if (attrFidelity != null && attrFidelity == Fidelity.FIDELITY_TRUE) { fidelity = true; } if (fidelity == true) { AttributeSet unsupported = service.getUnsupportedAttributes( DocFlavor.SERVICE_FORMATTED.PAGEABLE, attributes); if (unsupported != null) { throw new PrinterException("Fidelity cannot be satisfied"); } } /* * Since we have verified supported values if fidelity is true, * we can either ignore unsupported values, or substitute a * reasonable alternative */ SheetCollate collateAttr = (SheetCollate)attributes.get(SheetCollate.class); if (isSupportedValue(collateAttr, attributes)) { setCollated(collateAttr == SheetCollate.COLLATED); } sidesAttr = (Sides)attributes.get(Sides.class); if (!isSupportedValue(sidesAttr, attributes)) { sidesAttr = Sides.ONE_SIDED; } pageRangesAttr = (PageRanges)attributes.get(PageRanges.class); if (!isSupportedValue(pageRangesAttr, attributes)) { pageRangesAttr = null; } else { if ((SunPageSelection)attributes.get(SunPageSelection.class) == SunPageSelection.RANGE) { // get to, from, min, max page ranges int[][] range = pageRangesAttr.getMembers(); // setPageRanges uses 0-based indexing so we subtract 1 setPageRange(range[0][0] - 1, range[0][1] - 1); } else { setPageRange(-1, - 1); } } Copies copies = (Copies)attributes.get(Copies.class); if (isSupportedValue(copies, attributes) || (!fidelity && copies != null)) { copiesAttr = copies.getValue(); setCopies(copiesAttr); } else { copiesAttr = getCopies(); } Destination destination = (Destination)attributes.get(Destination.class); if (isSupportedValue(destination, attributes)) { try { // Old code (new File(destination.getURI())).getPath() // would generate a "URI is not hierarchical" IAE // for "file:out.prn" so we use getSchemeSpecificPart instead destinationAttr = "" + new File(destination.getURI(). getSchemeSpecificPart()); } catch (Exception e) { // paranoid exception Destination defaultDest = (Destination)service. getDefaultAttributeValue(Destination.class); if (defaultDest != null) { destinationAttr = "" + new File(defaultDest.getURI(). getSchemeSpecificPart()); } } } JobSheets jobSheets = (JobSheets)attributes.get(JobSheets.class); if (jobSheets != null) { noJobSheet = jobSheets == JobSheets.NONE; } JobName jobName = (JobName)attributes.get(JobName.class); if (isSupportedValue(jobName, attributes) || (!fidelity && jobName != null)) { jobNameAttr = jobName.getValue(); setJobName(jobNameAttr); } else { jobNameAttr = getJobName(); } RequestingUserName userName = (RequestingUserName)attributes.get(RequestingUserName.class); if (isSupportedValue(userName, attributes) || (!fidelity && userName != null)) { userNameAttr = userName.getValue(); } else { try { userNameAttr = getUserName(); } catch (SecurityException e) { userNameAttr = ""; } } /* OpenBook is used internally only when app uses Printable. * This is the case when we use the values from the attribute set. */ Media media = (Media)attributes.get(Media.class); OrientationRequested orientReq = (OrientationRequested)attributes.get(OrientationRequested.class); MediaPrintableArea mpa = (MediaPrintableArea)attributes.get(MediaPrintableArea.class); if ((orientReq != null || media != null || mpa != null) && getPageable() instanceof OpenBook) { /* We could almost(!) use PrinterJob.getPageFormat() except * here we need to start with the PageFormat from the OpenBook : */ Pageable pageable = getPageable(); Printable printable = pageable.getPrintable(0); PageFormat pf = (PageFormat)pageable.getPageFormat(0).clone(); Paper paper = pf.getPaper(); /* If there's a media but no media printable area, we can try * to retrieve the default value for mpa and use that. */ if (mpa == null && media != null && service. isAttributeCategorySupported(MediaPrintableArea.class)) { Object mpaVals = service. getSupportedAttributeValues(MediaPrintableArea.class, null, attributes); if (mpaVals instanceof MediaPrintableArea[] && ((MediaPrintableArea[])mpaVals).length > 0) { mpa = ((MediaPrintableArea[])mpaVals)[0]; } } if (isSupportedValue(orientReq, attributes) || (!fidelity && orientReq != null)) { int orient; if (orientReq.equals(OrientationRequested.REVERSE_LANDSCAPE)) { orient = PageFormat.REVERSE_LANDSCAPE; } else if (orientReq.equals(OrientationRequested.LANDSCAPE)) { orient = PageFormat.LANDSCAPE; } else { orient = PageFormat.PORTRAIT; } pf.setOrientation(orient); } if (isSupportedValue(media, attributes) || (!fidelity && media != null)) { if (media instanceof MediaSizeName) { MediaSizeName msn = (MediaSizeName)media; MediaSize msz = MediaSize.getMediaSizeForName(msn); if (msz != null) { float paperWid = msz.getX(MediaSize.INCH) * 72.0f; float paperHgt = msz.getY(MediaSize.INCH) * 72.0f; paper.setSize(paperWid, paperHgt); if (mpa == null) { paper.setImageableArea(72.0, 72.0, paperWid-144.0, paperHgt-144.0); } } } } if (isSupportedValue(mpa, attributes) || (!fidelity && mpa != null)) { float [] printableArea = mpa.getPrintableArea(MediaPrintableArea.INCH); for (int i=0; i < printableArea.length; i++) { printableArea[i] = printableArea[i]*72.0f; } paper.setImageableArea(printableArea[0], printableArea[1], printableArea[2], printableArea[3]); } pf.setPaper(paper); pf = validatePage(pf); setPrintable(printable, pf); } else { // for AWT where pageable is not an instance of OpenBook, // we need to save paper info this.attributes = attributes; } } /* * Services we don't recognize as built-in services can't be * implemented as subclasses of PrinterJob, therefore we create * a DocPrintJob from their service and pass a Doc representing * the application's printjob */ private void spoolToService(PrintService psvc, PrintRequestAttributeSet attributes) throws PrinterException { if (psvc == null) { throw new PrinterException("No print service found."); } DocPrintJob job = psvc.createPrintJob(); Doc doc = new PageableDoc(getPageable()); if (attributes == null) { attributes = new HashPrintRequestAttributeSet(); } try { job.print(doc, attributes); } catch (PrintException e) { throw new PrinterException(e.toString()); } }
Prints a set of pages.
  • PrinterException – an error in the print system caused the job to be aborted
See Also:
/** * Prints a set of pages. * @exception java.awt.print.PrinterException an error in the print system * caused the job to be aborted * @see java.awt.print.Book * @see java.awt.print.Pageable * @see java.awt.print.Printable */
public void print() throws PrinterException { print(attributes); } public static boolean debugPrint = false; protected void debug_println(String str) { if (debugPrint) { System.out.println("RasterPrinterJob "+str+" "+this); } } public void print(PrintRequestAttributeSet attributes) throws PrinterException { /* * In the future PrinterJob will probably always dispatch * the print job to the PrintService. * This is how third party 2D Print Services will be invoked * when applications use the PrinterJob API. * However the JRE's concrete PrinterJob implementations have * not yet been re-worked to be implemented as standalone * services, and are implemented only as subclasses of PrinterJob. * So here we dispatch only those services we do not recognize * as implemented through platform subclasses of PrinterJob * (and this class). */ PrintService psvc = getPrintService(); debug_println("psvc = "+psvc); if (psvc == null) { throw new PrinterException("No print service found."); } // Check the list of services. This service may have been // deleted already PrinterState prnState = (PrinterState)psvc.getAttribute( PrinterState.class); if (prnState == PrinterState.STOPPED) { PrinterStateReasons prnStateReasons = (PrinterStateReasons)psvc.getAttribute( PrinterStateReasons.class); if ((prnStateReasons != null) && (prnStateReasons.containsKey(PrinterStateReason.SHUTDOWN))) { throw new PrinterException("PrintService is no longer available."); } } if ((PrinterIsAcceptingJobs)(psvc.getAttribute( PrinterIsAcceptingJobs.class)) == PrinterIsAcceptingJobs.NOT_ACCEPTING_JOBS) { throw new PrinterException("Printer is not accepting job."); } if ((psvc instanceof SunPrinterJobService) && ((SunPrinterJobService)psvc).usesClass(getClass())) { setAttributes(attributes); // throw exception for invalid destination if (destinationAttr != null) { // destinationAttr is null for Destination(new URI("")) // because isAttributeValueSupported returns false in setAttributes // Destination(new URI(" ")) throws URISyntaxException File f = new File(destinationAttr); try { // check if this is a new file and if filename chars are valid if (f.createNewFile()) { f.delete(); } } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new PrinterException("Cannot write to file:"+ destinationAttr); } catch (SecurityException se) { //There is already file read/write access so at this point // only delete access is denied. Just ignore it because in // most cases the file created in createNewFile gets overwritten // anyway. } File pFile = f.getParentFile(); if ((f.exists() && (!f.isFile() || !f.canWrite())) || ((pFile != null) && (!pFile.exists() || (pFile.exists() && !pFile.canWrite())))) { throw new PrinterException("Cannot write to file:"+ destinationAttr); } } } else { spoolToService(psvc, attributes); return; } /* We need to make sure that the collation and copies * settings are initialised */ initPrinter(); int numCollatedCopies = getCollatedCopies(); int numNonCollatedCopies = getNoncollatedCopies(); debug_println("getCollatedCopies() "+numCollatedCopies + " getNoncollatedCopies() "+ numNonCollatedCopies); /* Get the range of pages we are to print. If the * last page to print is unknown, then we print to * the end of the document. Note that firstPage * and lastPage are 0 based page indices. */ int numPages = mDocument.getNumberOfPages(); if (numPages == 0) { return; } int firstPage = getFirstPage(); int lastPage = getLastPage(); if(lastPage == Pageable.UNKNOWN_NUMBER_OF_PAGES){ int totalPages = mDocument.getNumberOfPages(); if (totalPages != Pageable.UNKNOWN_NUMBER_OF_PAGES) { lastPage = mDocument.getNumberOfPages() - 1; } } try { synchronized (this) { performingPrinting = true; userCancelled = false; } startDoc(); if (isCancelled()) { cancelDoc(); } // PageRanges can be set even if RANGE is not selected // so we need to check if it is selected. boolean rangeIsSelected = true; if (attributes != null) { SunPageSelection pages = (SunPageSelection)attributes.get(SunPageSelection.class); if ((pages != null) && (pages != SunPageSelection.RANGE)) { rangeIsSelected = false; } } debug_println("after startDoc rangeSelected? "+rangeIsSelected + " numNonCollatedCopies "+ numNonCollatedCopies); /* Three nested loops iterate over the document. The outer loop * counts the number of collated copies while the inner loop * counts the number of nonCollated copies. Normally, one of * these two loops will only execute once; that is we will * either print collated copies or noncollated copies. The * middle loop iterates over the pages. * If a PageRanges attribute is used, it constrains the pages * that are imaged. If a platform subclass (though a user dialog) * requests a page range via setPageRange(). it too can * constrain the page ranges that are imaged. * It is expected that only one of these will be used in a * job but both should be able to co-exist. */ for(int collated = 0; collated < numCollatedCopies; collated++) { for(int i = firstPage, pageResult = Printable.PAGE_EXISTS; (i <= lastPage || lastPage == Pageable.UNKNOWN_NUMBER_OF_PAGES) && pageResult == Printable.PAGE_EXISTS; i++) { if ((pageRangesAttr != null) && rangeIsSelected ){ int nexti = pageRangesAttr.next(i); if (nexti == -1) { break; } else if (nexti != i+1) { continue; } } for(int nonCollated = 0; nonCollated < numNonCollatedCopies && pageResult == Printable.PAGE_EXISTS; nonCollated++) { if (isCancelled()) { cancelDoc(); } debug_println("printPage "+i); pageResult = printPage(mDocument, i); } } } if (isCancelled()) { cancelDoc(); } } finally { // reset previousPaper in case this job is invoked again. previousPaper = null; synchronized (this) { if (performingPrinting) { endDoc(); } performingPrinting = false; notify(); } } }
updates a Paper object to reflect the current printer's selected paper size and imageable area for that paper size. Default implementation copies settings from the original, applies applies some validity checks, changes them only if they are clearly unreasonable, then sets them into the new Paper. Subclasses are expected to override this method to make more informed decisons.
/** * updates a Paper object to reflect the current printer's selected * paper size and imageable area for that paper size. * Default implementation copies settings from the original, applies * applies some validity checks, changes them only if they are * clearly unreasonable, then sets them into the new Paper. * Subclasses are expected to override this method to make more * informed decisons. */
protected void validatePaper(Paper origPaper, Paper newPaper) { if (origPaper == null || newPaper == null) { return; } else { double wid = origPaper.getWidth(); double hgt = origPaper.getHeight(); double ix = origPaper.getImageableX(); double iy = origPaper.getImageableY(); double iw = origPaper.getImageableWidth(); double ih = origPaper.getImageableHeight(); /* Assume any +ve values are legal. Overall paper dimensions * take precedence. Make sure imageable area fits on the paper. */ Paper defaultPaper = new Paper(); wid = ((wid > 0.0) ? wid : defaultPaper.getWidth()); hgt = ((hgt > 0.0) ? hgt : defaultPaper.getHeight()); ix = ((ix > 0.0) ? ix : defaultPaper.getImageableX()); iy = ((iy > 0.0) ? iy : defaultPaper.getImageableY()); iw = ((iw > 0.0) ? iw : defaultPaper.getImageableWidth()); ih = ((ih > 0.0) ? ih : defaultPaper.getImageableHeight()); /* full width/height is not likely to be imageable, but since we * don't know the limits we have to allow it */ if (iw > wid) { iw = wid; } if (ih > hgt) { ih = hgt; } if ((ix + iw) > wid) { ix = wid - iw; } if ((iy + ih) > hgt) { iy = hgt - ih; } newPaper.setSize(wid, hgt); newPaper.setImageableArea(ix, iy, iw, ih); } }
The passed in PageFormat will be copied and altered to describe the default page size and orientation of the PrinterJob's current printer. Platform subclasses which can access the actual default paper size for a printer may override this method.
/** * The passed in PageFormat will be copied and altered to describe * the default page size and orientation of the PrinterJob's * current printer. * Platform subclasses which can access the actual default paper size * for a printer may override this method. */
public PageFormat defaultPage(PageFormat page) { PageFormat newPage = (PageFormat)page.clone(); newPage.setOrientation(PageFormat.PORTRAIT); Paper newPaper = new Paper(); double ptsPerInch = 72.0; double w, h; Media media = null; PrintService service = getPrintService(); if (service != null) { MediaSize size; media = (Media)service.getDefaultAttributeValue(Media.class); if (media instanceof MediaSizeName && ((size = MediaSize.getMediaSizeForName((MediaSizeName)media)) != null)) { w = size.getX(MediaSize.INCH) * ptsPerInch; h = size.getY(MediaSize.INCH) * ptsPerInch; newPaper.setSize(w, h); newPaper.setImageableArea(ptsPerInch, ptsPerInch, w - 2.0*ptsPerInch, h - 2.0*ptsPerInch); newPage.setPaper(newPaper); return newPage; } } /* Default to A4 paper outside North America. */ String defaultCountry = Locale.getDefault().getCountry(); if (!Locale.getDefault().equals(Locale.ENGLISH) && // ie "C" defaultCountry != null && !defaultCountry.equals(Locale.US.getCountry()) && !defaultCountry.equals(Locale.CANADA.getCountry())) { double mmPerInch = 25.4; w = Math.rint((210.0*ptsPerInch)/mmPerInch); h = Math.rint((297.0*ptsPerInch)/mmPerInch); newPaper.setSize(w, h); newPaper.setImageableArea(ptsPerInch, ptsPerInch, w - 2.0*ptsPerInch, h - 2.0*ptsPerInch); } newPage.setPaper(newPaper); return newPage; }
The passed in PageFormat is cloned and altered to be usable on the PrinterJob's current printer.
/** * The passed in PageFormat is cloned and altered to be usable on * the PrinterJob's current printer. */
public PageFormat validatePage(PageFormat page) { PageFormat newPage = (PageFormat)page.clone(); Paper newPaper = new Paper(); validatePaper(newPage.getPaper(), newPaper); newPage.setPaper(newPaper); return newPage; }
Set the number of copies to be printed.
/** * Set the number of copies to be printed. */
public void setCopies(int copies) { mNumCopies = copies; }
Get the number of copies to be printed.
/** * Get the number of copies to be printed. */
public int getCopies() { return mNumCopies; } /* Used when executing a print job where an attribute set may * over ride API values. */ protected int getCopiesInt() { return (copiesAttr > 0) ? copiesAttr : getCopies(); }
Get the name of the printing user. The caller must have security permission to read system properties.
/** * Get the name of the printing user. * The caller must have security permission to read system properties. */
public String getUserName() { return System.getProperty("user.name"); } /* Used when executing a print job where an attribute set may * over ride API values. */ protected String getUserNameInt() { if (userNameAttr != null) { return userNameAttr; } else { try { return getUserName(); } catch (SecurityException e) { return ""; } } }
Set the name of the document to be printed. The document name can not be null.
/** * Set the name of the document to be printed. * The document name can not be null. */
public void setJobName(String jobName) { if (jobName != null) { mDocName = jobName; } else { throw new NullPointerException(); } }
Get the name of the document to be printed.
/** * Get the name of the document to be printed. */
public String getJobName() { return mDocName; } /* Used when executing a print job where an attribute set may * over ride API values. */ protected String getJobNameInt() { return (jobNameAttr != null) ? jobNameAttr : getJobName(); }
Set the range of pages from a Book to be printed. Both 'firstPage' and 'lastPage' are zero based page indices. If either parameter is less than zero then the page range is set to be from the first page to the last.
/** * Set the range of pages from a Book to be printed. * Both 'firstPage' and 'lastPage' are zero based * page indices. If either parameter is less than * zero then the page range is set to be from the * first page to the last. */
protected void setPageRange(int firstPage, int lastPage) { if(firstPage >= 0 && lastPage >= 0) { mFirstPage = firstPage; mLastPage = lastPage; if(mLastPage < mFirstPage) mLastPage = mFirstPage; } else { mFirstPage = Pageable.UNKNOWN_NUMBER_OF_PAGES; mLastPage = Pageable.UNKNOWN_NUMBER_OF_PAGES; } }
Return the zero based index of the first page to be printed in this job.
/** * Return the zero based index of the first page to * be printed in this job. */
protected int getFirstPage() { return mFirstPage == Book.UNKNOWN_NUMBER_OF_PAGES ? 0 : mFirstPage; }
Return the zero based index of the last page to be printed in this job.
/** * Return the zero based index of the last page to * be printed in this job. */
protected int getLastPage() { return mLastPage; }
Set whether copies should be collated or not. Two collated copies of a three page document print in this order: 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3 while uncollated copies print in this order: 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3. This is set when request is using an attribute set.
/** * Set whether copies should be collated or not. * Two collated copies of a three page document * print in this order: 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3 while * uncollated copies print in this order: * 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3. * This is set when request is using an attribute set. */
protected void setCollated(boolean collate) { mCollate = collate; collateAttReq = true; }
Return true if collated copies will be printed as determined in an attribute set.
/** * Return true if collated copies will be printed as determined * in an attribute set. */
protected boolean isCollated() { return mCollate; }
Called by the print() method at the start of a print job.
/** * Called by the print() method at the start of * a print job. */
protected abstract void startDoc() throws PrinterException;
Called by the print() method at the end of a print job.
/** * Called by the print() method at the end of * a print job. */
protected abstract void endDoc() throws PrinterException; /* Called by cancelDoc */ protected abstract void abortDoc(); private void cancelDoc() throws PrinterAbortException { abortDoc(); synchronized (this) { userCancelled = false; performingPrinting = false; notify(); } throw new PrinterAbortException(); }
Returns how many times the entire book should be printed by the PrintJob. If the printer itself supports collation then this method should return 1 indicating that the entire book need only be printed once and the copies will be collated and made in the printer.
/** * Returns how many times the entire book should * be printed by the PrintJob. If the printer * itself supports collation then this method * should return 1 indicating that the entire * book need only be printed once and the copies * will be collated and made in the printer. */
protected int getCollatedCopies() { return isCollated() ? getCopiesInt() : 1; }
Returns how many times each page in the book should be consecutively printed by PrintJob. If the printer makes copies itself then this method should return 1.
/** * Returns how many times each page in the book * should be consecutively printed by PrintJob. * If the printer makes copies itself then this * method should return 1. */
protected int getNoncollatedCopies() { return isCollated() ? 1 : getCopiesInt(); } /* The printer graphics config is cached on the job, so that it can * be created once, and updated only as needed (for now only to change * the bounds if when using a Pageable the page sizes changes). */ private int deviceWidth, deviceHeight; private AffineTransform defaultDeviceTransform; private PrinterGraphicsConfig pgConfig; synchronized void setGraphicsConfigInfo(AffineTransform at, double pw, double ph) { Point2D.Double pt = new Point2D.Double(pw, ph); at.transform(pt, pt); if (pgConfig == null || defaultDeviceTransform == null || !at.equals(defaultDeviceTransform) || deviceWidth != (int)pt.getX() || deviceHeight != (int)pt.getY()) { deviceWidth = (int)pt.getX(); deviceHeight = (int)pt.getY(); defaultDeviceTransform = at; pgConfig = null; } } synchronized PrinterGraphicsConfig getPrinterGraphicsConfig() { if (pgConfig != null) { return pgConfig; } String deviceID = "Printer Device"; PrintService service = getPrintService(); if (service != null) { deviceID = service.toString(); } pgConfig = new PrinterGraphicsConfig(deviceID, defaultDeviceTransform, deviceWidth, deviceHeight); return pgConfig; }
Print a page from the provided document.
See Also:
Returns:int Printable.PAGE_EXISTS if the page existed and was drawn and Printable.NO_SUCH_PAGE if the page did not exist.
/** * Print a page from the provided document. * @return int Printable.PAGE_EXISTS if the page existed and was drawn and * Printable.NO_SUCH_PAGE if the page did not exist. * @see java.awt.print.Printable */
protected int printPage(Pageable document, int pageIndex) throws PrinterException { PageFormat page; PageFormat origPage; Printable painter; try { origPage = document.getPageFormat(pageIndex); page = (PageFormat)origPage.clone(); painter = document.getPrintable(pageIndex); } catch (Exception e) { PrinterException pe = new PrinterException("Error getting page or printable.[ " + e +" ]"); pe.initCause(e); throw pe; } /* Get the imageable area from Paper instead of PageFormat * because we do not want it adjusted by the page orientation. */ Paper paper = page.getPaper(); // if non-portrait and 270 degree landscape rotation if (page.getOrientation() != PageFormat.PORTRAIT && landscapeRotates270) { double left = paper.getImageableX(); double top = paper.getImageableY(); double width = paper.getImageableWidth(); double height = paper.getImageableHeight(); paper.setImageableArea(paper.getWidth()-left-width, paper.getHeight()-top-height, width, height); page.setPaper(paper); if (page.getOrientation() == PageFormat.LANDSCAPE) { page.setOrientation(PageFormat.REVERSE_LANDSCAPE); } else { page.setOrientation(PageFormat.LANDSCAPE); } } double xScale = getXRes() / 72.0; double yScale = getYRes() / 72.0; /* The deviceArea is the imageable area in the printer's * resolution. */ Rectangle2D deviceArea = new Rectangle2D.Double(paper.getImageableX() * xScale, paper.getImageableY() * yScale, paper.getImageableWidth() * xScale, paper.getImageableHeight() * yScale); /* Build and hold on to a uniform transform so that * we can get back to device space at the beginning * of each band. */ AffineTransform uniformTransform = new AffineTransform(); /* The scale transform is used to switch from the * device space to the user's 72 dpi space. */ AffineTransform scaleTransform = new AffineTransform(); scaleTransform.scale(xScale, yScale); /* bandwidth is multiple of 4 as the data is used in a win32 DIB and * some drivers behave badly if scanlines aren't multiples of 4 bytes. */ int bandWidth = (int) deviceArea.getWidth(); if (bandWidth % 4 != 0) { bandWidth += (4 - (bandWidth % 4)); } if (bandWidth <= 0) { throw new PrinterException("Paper's imageable width is too small."); } int deviceAreaHeight = (int)deviceArea.getHeight(); if (deviceAreaHeight <= 0) { throw new PrinterException("Paper's imageable height is too small."); } /* Figure out the number of lines that will fit into * our maximum band size. The hard coded 3 reflects the * fact that we can only create 24 bit per pixel 3 byte BGR * BufferedImages. FIX. */ int bandHeight = (int)(MAX_BAND_SIZE / bandWidth / 3); int deviceLeft = (int)Math.rint(paper.getImageableX() * xScale); int deviceTop = (int)Math.rint(paper.getImageableY() * yScale); /* The device transform is used to move the band down * the page using translates. Normally this is all it * would do, but since, when printing, the Window's * DIB format wants the last line to be first (lowest) in * memory, the deviceTransform moves the origin to the * bottom of the band and flips the origin. This way the * app prints upside down into the band which is the DIB * format. */ AffineTransform deviceTransform = new AffineTransform(); deviceTransform.translate(-deviceLeft, deviceTop); deviceTransform.translate(0, bandHeight); deviceTransform.scale(1, -1); /* Create a BufferedImage to hold the band. We set the clip * of the band to be tight around the bits so that the * application can use it to figure what part of the * page needs to be drawn. The clip is never altered in * this method, but we do translate the band's coordinate * system so that the app will see the clip moving down the * page though it s always around the same set of pixels. */ BufferedImage pBand = new BufferedImage(1, 1, BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR); /* Have the app draw into a PeekGraphics object so we can * learn something about the needs of the print job. */ PeekGraphics peekGraphics = createPeekGraphics(pBand.createGraphics(), this); Rectangle2D.Double pageFormatArea = new Rectangle2D.Double(page.getImageableX(), page.getImageableY(), page.getImageableWidth(), page.getImageableHeight()); peekGraphics.transform(scaleTransform); peekGraphics.translate(-getPhysicalPrintableX(paper) / xScale, -getPhysicalPrintableY(paper) / yScale); peekGraphics.transform(new AffineTransform(page.getMatrix())); initPrinterGraphics(peekGraphics, pageFormatArea); AffineTransform pgAt = peekGraphics.getTransform(); /* Update the information used to return a GraphicsConfiguration * for this printer device. It needs to be updated per page as * not all pages in a job may be the same size (different bounds) * The transform is the scaling transform as this corresponds to * the default transform for the device. The width and height are * those of the paper, not the page format, as we want to describe * the bounds of the device in its natural coordinate system of * device coordinate whereas a page format may be in a rotated context. */ setGraphicsConfigInfo(scaleTransform, paper.getWidth(), paper.getHeight()); int pageResult = painter.print(peekGraphics, origPage, pageIndex); debug_println("pageResult "+pageResult); if (pageResult == Printable.PAGE_EXISTS) { debug_println("startPage "+pageIndex); /* We need to check if the paper size is changed. * Note that it is not sufficient to ask for the pageformat * of "pageIndex-1", since PageRanges mean that pages can be * skipped. So we have to look at the actual last paper size used. */ Paper thisPaper = page.getPaper(); boolean paperChanged = previousPaper == null || thisPaper.getWidth() != previousPaper.getWidth() || thisPaper.getHeight() != previousPaper.getHeight(); previousPaper = thisPaper; startPage(page, painter, pageIndex, paperChanged); Graphics2D pathGraphics = createPathGraphics(peekGraphics, this, painter, page, pageIndex); /* If we can convert the page directly to the * underlying graphics system then we do not * need to rasterize. We also may not need to * create the 'band' if all the pages can take * this path. */ if (pathGraphics != null) { pathGraphics.transform(scaleTransform); // user (0,0) should be origin of page, not imageable area pathGraphics.translate(-getPhysicalPrintableX(paper) / xScale, -getPhysicalPrintableY(paper) / yScale); pathGraphics.transform(new AffineTransform(page.getMatrix())); initPrinterGraphics(pathGraphics, pageFormatArea); redrawList.clear(); AffineTransform initialTx = pathGraphics.getTransform(); painter.print(pathGraphics, origPage, pageIndex); for (int i=0;i<redrawList.size();i++) { GraphicsState gstate = (GraphicsState)redrawList.get(i); pathGraphics.setTransform(initialTx); ((PathGraphics)pathGraphics).redrawRegion( gstate.region, gstate.sx, gstate.sy, gstate.theClip, gstate.theTransform); } /* This is the banded-raster printing loop. * It should be moved into its own method. */ } else { BufferedImage band = cachedBand; if (cachedBand == null || bandWidth != cachedBandWidth || bandHeight != cachedBandHeight) { band = new BufferedImage(bandWidth, bandHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR); cachedBand = band; cachedBandWidth = bandWidth; cachedBandHeight = bandHeight; } Graphics2D bandGraphics = band.createGraphics(); Rectangle2D.Double clipArea = new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, bandWidth, bandHeight); initPrinterGraphics(bandGraphics, clipArea); ProxyGraphics2D painterGraphics = new ProxyGraphics2D(bandGraphics, this); Graphics2D clearGraphics = band.createGraphics(); clearGraphics.setColor(Color.white); /* We need the actual bits of the BufferedImage to send to * the native Window's code. 'data' points to the actual * pixels. Right now these are in ARGB format with 8 bits * per component. We need to use a monochrome BufferedImage * for monochrome printers when this is supported by * BufferedImage. FIX */ ByteInterleavedRaster tile = (ByteInterleavedRaster)band.getRaster(); byte[] data = tile.getDataStorage(); /* Loop over the page moving our band down the page, * calling the app to render the band, and then send the band * to the printer. */ int deviceBottom = deviceTop + deviceAreaHeight; /* device's printable x,y is really addressable origin * we address relative to media origin so when we print a * band we need to adjust for the different methods of * addressing it. */ int deviceAddressableX = (int)getPhysicalPrintableX(paper); int deviceAddressableY = (int)getPhysicalPrintableY(paper); for (int bandTop = 0; bandTop <= deviceAreaHeight; bandTop += bandHeight) { /* Put the band back into device space and * erase the contents of the band. */ clearGraphics.fillRect(0, 0, bandWidth, bandHeight); /* Put the band into the correct location on the * page. Once the band is moved we translate the * device transform so that the band will move down * the page on the next iteration of the loop. */ bandGraphics.setTransform(uniformTransform); bandGraphics.transform(deviceTransform); deviceTransform.translate(0, -bandHeight); /* Switch the band from device space to user, * 72 dpi, space. */ bandGraphics.transform(scaleTransform); bandGraphics.transform(new AffineTransform(page.getMatrix())); Rectangle clip = bandGraphics.getClipBounds(); clip = pgAt.createTransformedShape(clip).getBounds(); if ((clip == null) || peekGraphics.hitsDrawingArea(clip) && (bandWidth > 0 && bandHeight > 0)) { /* if the client has specified an imageable X or Y * which is off than the physically addressable * area of the page, then we need to adjust for that * here so that we pass only non -ve band coordinates * We also need to translate by the adjusted amount * so that printing appears in the correct place. */ int bandX = deviceLeft - deviceAddressableX; if (bandX < 0) { bandGraphics.translate(bandX/xScale,0); bandX = 0; } int bandY = deviceTop + bandTop - deviceAddressableY; if (bandY < 0) { bandGraphics.translate(0,bandY/yScale); bandY = 0; } /* Have the app's painter image into the band * and then send the band to the printer. */ painterGraphics.setDelegate((Graphics2D) bandGraphics.create()); painter.print(painterGraphics, origPage, pageIndex); painterGraphics.dispose(); printBand(data, bandX, bandY, bandWidth, bandHeight); } } clearGraphics.dispose(); bandGraphics.dispose(); } debug_println("calling endPage "+pageIndex); endPage(page, painter, pageIndex); } return pageResult; }
If a print job is in progress, print() has been called but has not returned, then this signals that the job should be cancelled and the next chance. If there is no print job in progress then this call does nothing.
/** * If a print job is in progress, print() has been * called but has not returned, then this signals * that the job should be cancelled and the next * chance. If there is no print job in progress then * this call does nothing. */
public void cancel() { synchronized (this) { if (performingPrinting) { userCancelled = true; } notify(); } }
Returns true is a print job is ongoing but will be cancelled and the next opportunity. false is returned otherwise.
/** * Returns true is a print job is ongoing but will * be cancelled and the next opportunity. false is * returned otherwise. */
public boolean isCancelled() { boolean cancelled = false; synchronized (this) { cancelled = (performingPrinting && userCancelled); notify(); } return cancelled; }
Return the Pageable describing the pages to be printed.
/** * Return the Pageable describing the pages to be printed. */
protected Pageable getPageable() { return mDocument; }
Examine the metrics captured by the PeekGraphics instance and if capable of directly converting this print job to the printer's control language or the native OS's graphics primitives, then return a PathGraphics to perform that conversion. If there is not an object capable of the conversion then return null. Returning null causes the print job to be rasterized.
/** * Examine the metrics captured by the * <code>PeekGraphics</code> instance and * if capable of directly converting this * print job to the printer's control language * or the native OS's graphics primitives, then * return a <code>PathGraphics</code> to perform * that conversion. If there is not an object * capable of the conversion then return * <code>null</code>. Returning <code>null</code> * causes the print job to be rasterized. */
protected Graphics2D createPathGraphics(PeekGraphics graphics, PrinterJob printerJob, Printable painter, PageFormat pageFormat, int pageIndex) { return null; }
Create and return an object that will gather and hold metrics about the print job. This method is passed a Graphics2D object that can be used as a proxy for the object gathering the print job matrics. The method is also supplied with the instance controlling the print job, printerJob.
/** * Create and return an object that will * gather and hold metrics about the print * job. This method is passed a <code>Graphics2D</code> * object that can be used as a proxy for the * object gathering the print job matrics. The * method is also supplied with the instance * controlling the print job, <code>printerJob</code>. */
protected PeekGraphics createPeekGraphics(Graphics2D graphics, PrinterJob printerJob) { return new PeekGraphics(graphics, printerJob); }
Configure the passed in Graphics2D so that is contains the defined initial settings for a print job. These settings are: color: black. clip:
/** * Configure the passed in Graphics2D so that * is contains the defined initial settings * for a print job. These settings are: * color: black. * clip: <as passed in> */
void initPrinterGraphics(Graphics2D g, Rectangle2D clip) { g.setClip(clip); g.setPaint(Color.black); }
User dialogs should disable "File" buttons if this returns false.
/** * User dialogs should disable "File" buttons if this returns false. * */
public boolean checkAllowedToPrintToFile() { try { throwPrintToFile(); return true; } catch (SecurityException e) { return false; } }
Break this out as it may be useful when we allow API to specify printing to a file. In that case its probably right to throw a SecurityException if the permission is not granted
/** * Break this out as it may be useful when we allow API to * specify printing to a file. In that case its probably right * to throw a SecurityException if the permission is not granted */
private void throwPrintToFile() { SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager(); if (security != null) { if (printToFilePermission == null) { printToFilePermission = new FilePermission("<<ALL FILES>>", "read,write"); } security.checkPermission(printToFilePermission); } } /* On-screen drawString renders most control chars as the missing glyph * and have the non-zero advance of that glyph. * Exceptions are \t, \n and \r which are considered zero-width. * This is a utility method used by subclasses to remove them so we * don't have to worry about platform or font specific handling of them. */ protected String removeControlChars(String s) { char[] in_chars = s.toCharArray(); int len = in_chars.length; char[] out_chars = new char[len]; int pos = 0; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { char c = in_chars[i]; if (c > '\r' || c < '\t' || c == '\u000b' || c == '\u000c') { out_chars[pos++] = c; } } if (pos == len) { return s; // no need to make a new String. } else { return new String(out_chars, 0, pos); } } }