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package sun.awt.motif;

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.peer.*;
import java.awt.datatransfer.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.TextEvent;
import java.awt.im.InputMethodRequests;

public class MTextFieldPeer extends MComponentPeer implements TextFieldPeer {
    native void pCreate(MComponentPeer parent);

    private boolean firstChangeSkipped;

Initialize JNI field and method IDs
/** * Initialize JNI field and method IDs */
private static native void initIDs(); static { initIDs(); } void create(MComponentPeer parent) { firstChangeSkipped = false; pCreate(parent); } void initialize() { int start, end; TextField txt = (TextField)target; setText(txt.getText()); if (txt.echoCharIsSet()) { setEchoChar(txt.getEchoChar()); } start = txt.getSelectionStart(); end = txt.getSelectionEnd(); if (end > start) { select(start, end); } else { setCaretPosition(start); } if (!target.isBackgroundSet()) { // This is a way to set the background color of the TextArea // without calling setBackground - go through native C code setTargetBackground(SystemColor.text); } if (!target.isForegroundSet()) { target.setForeground(SystemColor.textText); } setEditable(txt.isEditable()); // oldSelectionStart = -1; // accessibility support // oldSelectionEnd = -1; // accessibility support super.initialize(); } public MTextFieldPeer(TextField target) { super(target); } public void setEditable(boolean editable) { pSetEditable(editable); /* 4136955 - Calling setBackground() here works around an Xt * bug by forcing Xt to flush an internal widget cache */ setBackground(target.getBackground()); } public native void pSetEditable(boolean editable); public native void select(int selStart, int selEnd); public native int getSelectionStart(); public native int getSelectionEnd(); public native void setText(String l); public native void insertReplaceText(String l); public native void preDispose(); public native String getText(); public native void setEchoChar(char c); public native void setFont(Font f); public native void setCaretPosition(int pos); public native int getCaretPosition(); // CDE/Motif defaults: margin=5, shadow=2, highlight=1 -- times 2. // Should have asked the widgets for correct values (see MTextAreaPeer). private static final int padding = 16; public Dimension getMinimumSize() { FontMetrics fm = getFontMetrics(target.getFont()); return new Dimension(fm.stringWidth(((TextField)target).getText())+20, fm.getMaxDescent() + fm.getMaxAscent() + padding); } public Dimension getPreferredSize(int cols) { return getMinimumSize(cols); } public Dimension getMinimumSize(int cols) { FontMetrics fm = getFontMetrics(target.getFont()); return new Dimension(fm.charWidth('0') * cols + 20, fm.getMaxDescent() + fm.getMaxAscent() + padding); } public boolean isFocusable() { return true; } // NOTE: This method is called by privileged threads. // DO NOT INVOKE CLIENT CODE ON THIS THREAD! public void action(final long when, final int modifiers) { MToolkit.executeOnEventHandlerThread(target, new Runnable() { public void run() { postEvent(new ActionEvent(target, ActionEvent.ACTION_PERFORMED, ((TextField)target).getText(), when, modifiers)); } }); } protected void disposeImpl() { preDispose(); super.disposeImpl(); } /* * Post a new TextEvent when the value of a text component changes. */ public void valueChanged() { postEvent(new TextEvent(target, TextEvent.TEXT_VALUE_CHANGED)); } // Called from native widget when paste key is pressed and we // already own the selection (prevents Motif from hanging while // waiting for the selection) // // NOTE: This method is called by privileged threads. // DO NOT INVOKE CLIENT CODE ON THIS THREAD! public void pasteFromClipboard() { Clipboard clipboard = target.getToolkit().getSystemClipboard(); Transferable content = clipboard.getContents(this); if (content != null) { try { String data = (String)(content.getTransferData(DataFlavor.stringFlavor)); insertReplaceText(data); } catch (Exception e) { } } } /* * Print the native component by rendering the Motif look ourselves. * ToDo(aim): needs to query native motif for more accurate size and * color information, left text offset, and selected text. */ public final static int BORDER = 2; public final static int MARGIN = 4; public void print(Graphics g) { TextField txt = (TextField)target; Dimension d = txt.size(); int w = d.width - (2 * BORDER); int h = d.height - (2 * BORDER); Color bg = txt.getBackground(); Color fg = txt.getForeground(); Color highlight = bg.brighter(); String text = txt.getText(); int moved = 0; int selStart = 0; int selEnd = 0; g.setFont(txt.getFont()); g.setColor(txt.isEditable() ? highlight : bg); g.fillRect(BORDER, BORDER, w, h); g.setColor(bg); //g.drawRect(0, 0, d.width-1, d.height-1); draw3DRect(g, bg, 1, 1, d.width-3, d.height-3, false); if (text != null) { g.clipRect(BORDER, MARGIN, w, d.height - (2 * MARGIN)); FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(); w = d.width - BORDER; h = d.height - (2 * MARGIN); int xs = pos2x(selStart) - moved; int xe = pos2x(selEnd) - moved; if ((xs < MARGIN) && (xe > w)) { g.setColor(highlight); g.fillRect(BORDER, MARGIN, w - BORDER, h); } else { g.setColor(bg); //g.fillRect(BORDER, MARGIN, w - BORDER, h); if ((xs >= MARGIN) && (xs <= w)) { g.setColor(highlight); // selected text if (xe > w) { g.fillRect(xs, MARGIN, w - xs, h); } else if (xs == xe) { //g.fillRect(xs, MARGIN, 1, h); } else { g.fillRect(xs, MARGIN, xe - xs, h); } } else if ((xe >= MARGIN) && (xe <= w)) { g.setColor(highlight); g.fillRect(BORDER, MARGIN, xe - BORDER, h); } } g.setColor(fg); int x = MARGIN - moved; char echoChar = txt.getEchoChar(); if (echoChar == 0) { g.drawString(text, x, BORDER + MARGIN + fm.getMaxAscent()); } else { char data[] = new char[text.length()]; for (int i = 0 ; i < data.length ; i++) { data[i] = echoChar; } g.drawChars(data, 0, data.length, x, BORDER + MARGIN + fm.getMaxAscent()); } } target.print(g); } int pos2x(int pos) { TextField txt = (TextField)target; FontMetrics fm = getFontMetrics(txt.getFont()); int x = MARGIN, widths[] = fm.getWidths(); String text = txt.getText(); char echoChar = txt.getEchoChar(); if (echoChar == 0) { for (int i = 0 ; i < pos ; i++) { x += widths[text.charAt(i)]; } } else { x += widths[echoChar] * pos; } return x; }
public void setEchoCharacter(char c) { setEchoChar(c); }
public Dimension minimumSize() { return getMinimumSize(); }
public Dimension minimumSize(int cols) { return getMinimumSize(cols); }
public Dimension preferredSize(int cols) { return getPreferredSize(cols); } void pShow(){ super.pShow(); notifyTextComponentChange(true); } void pHide(){ notifyTextComponentChange(false); super.pHide(); } void pDispose(){ notifyTextComponentChange(false); super.pDispose(); } public InputMethodRequests getInputMethodRequests() { return null; } // // Accessibility support // // stub functions: to be fully implemented in a future release public int getIndexAtPoint(int x, int y) { return -1; } public Rectangle getCharacterBounds(int i) { return null; } public long filterEvents(long mask) { return 0; } /* To be fully implemented in a future release int oldSelectionStart; int oldSelectionEnd; public native int getIndexAtPoint(int x, int y); public native Rectangle getCharacterBounds(int i); public native long filterEvents(long mask); /** * Handle a change in the text selection endpoints * (Note: could be simply a change in the caret location) * public void selectionValuesChanged(int start, int end) { return; // Need to write implemetation of this. } */ }