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package javax.swing.plaf.synth;

import sun.swing.StringUIClientPropertyKey;
import sun.swing.MenuItemLayoutHelper;
import sun.swing.plaf.synth.SynthIcon;

import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.text.View;
import java.awt.*;

Calculates preferred size and layouts synth menu items. All JMenuItems (and JMenus) include enough space for the insets plus one or more elements. When we say "label" below, we mean "icon and/or text." Cases to consider for SynthMenuItemUI (visualized here in a LTR orientation; the RTL case would be reversed): label check icon + label check icon + label + accelerator label + accelerator Cases to consider for SynthMenuUI (again visualized here in a LTR orientation): label + arrow Note that in the above scenarios, accelerator and arrow icon are mutually exclusive. This means that if a popup menu contains a mix of JMenus and JMenuItems, we only need to allow enough space for max(maxAccelerator, maxArrow), and both accelerators and arrow icons can occupy the same "column" of space in the menu.
/** * Calculates preferred size and layouts synth menu items. * * All JMenuItems (and JMenus) include enough space for the insets * plus one or more elements. When we say "label" below, we mean * "icon and/or text." * * Cases to consider for SynthMenuItemUI (visualized here in a * LTR orientation; the RTL case would be reversed): * label * check icon + label * check icon + label + accelerator * label + accelerator * * Cases to consider for SynthMenuUI (again visualized here in a * LTR orientation): * label + arrow * * Note that in the above scenarios, accelerator and arrow icon are * mutually exclusive. This means that if a popup menu contains a mix * of JMenus and JMenuItems, we only need to allow enough space for * max(maxAccelerator, maxArrow), and both accelerators and arrow icons * can occupy the same "column" of space in the menu. */
class SynthMenuItemLayoutHelper extends MenuItemLayoutHelper { public static final StringUIClientPropertyKey MAX_ACC_OR_ARROW_WIDTH = new StringUIClientPropertyKey("maxAccOrArrowWidth"); public static final ColumnAlignment LTR_ALIGNMENT_1 = new ColumnAlignment( SwingConstants.LEFT, SwingConstants.LEFT, SwingConstants.LEFT, SwingConstants.RIGHT, SwingConstants.RIGHT ); public static final ColumnAlignment LTR_ALIGNMENT_2 = new ColumnAlignment( SwingConstants.LEFT, SwingConstants.LEFT, SwingConstants.LEFT, SwingConstants.LEFT, SwingConstants.RIGHT ); public static final ColumnAlignment RTL_ALIGNMENT_1 = new ColumnAlignment( SwingConstants.RIGHT, SwingConstants.RIGHT, SwingConstants.RIGHT, SwingConstants.LEFT, SwingConstants.LEFT ); public static final ColumnAlignment RTL_ALIGNMENT_2 = new ColumnAlignment( SwingConstants.RIGHT, SwingConstants.RIGHT, SwingConstants.RIGHT, SwingConstants.RIGHT, SwingConstants.LEFT ); private SynthContext context; private SynthContext accContext; private SynthStyle style; private SynthStyle accStyle; private SynthGraphicsUtils gu; private SynthGraphicsUtils accGu; private boolean alignAcceleratorText; private int maxAccOrArrowWidth; public SynthMenuItemLayoutHelper(SynthContext context, SynthContext accContext, JMenuItem mi, Icon checkIcon, Icon arrowIcon, Rectangle viewRect, int gap, String accDelimiter, boolean isLeftToRight, boolean useCheckAndArrow, String propertyPrefix) { this.context = context; this.accContext = accContext; this.style = context.getStyle(); this.accStyle = accContext.getStyle(); this.gu = style.getGraphicsUtils(context); this.accGu = accStyle.getGraphicsUtils(accContext); this.alignAcceleratorText = getAlignAcceleratorText(propertyPrefix); reset(mi, checkIcon, arrowIcon, viewRect, gap, accDelimiter, isLeftToRight, style.getFont(context), accStyle.getFont(accContext), useCheckAndArrow, propertyPrefix); setLeadingGap(0); } private boolean getAlignAcceleratorText(String propertyPrefix) { return style.getBoolean(context, propertyPrefix + ".alignAcceleratorText", true); } protected void calcWidthsAndHeights() { // iconRect if (getIcon() != null) { getIconSize().setWidth(SynthIcon.getIconWidth(getIcon(), context)); getIconSize().setHeight(SynthIcon.getIconHeight(getIcon(), context)); } // accRect if (!getAccText().equals("")) { getAccSize().setWidth(accGu.computeStringWidth(getAccContext(), getAccFontMetrics().getFont(), getAccFontMetrics(), getAccText())); getAccSize().setHeight(getAccFontMetrics().getHeight()); } // textRect if (getText() == null) { setText(""); } else if (!getText().equals("")) { if (getHtmlView() != null) { // Text is HTML getTextSize().setWidth( (int) getHtmlView().getPreferredSpan(View.X_AXIS)); getTextSize().setHeight( (int) getHtmlView().getPreferredSpan(View.Y_AXIS)); } else { // Text isn't HTML getTextSize().setWidth(gu.computeStringWidth(context, getFontMetrics().getFont(), getFontMetrics(), getText())); getTextSize().setHeight(getFontMetrics().getHeight()); } } if (useCheckAndArrow()) { // checkIcon if (getCheckIcon() != null) { getCheckSize().setWidth( SynthIcon.getIconWidth(getCheckIcon(), context)); getCheckSize().setHeight( SynthIcon.getIconHeight(getCheckIcon(), context)); } // arrowRect if (getArrowIcon() != null) { getArrowSize().setWidth( SynthIcon.getIconWidth(getArrowIcon(), context)); getArrowSize().setHeight( SynthIcon.getIconHeight(getArrowIcon(), context)); } } // labelRect if (isColumnLayout()) { getLabelSize().setWidth(getIconSize().getWidth() + getTextSize().getWidth() + getGap()); getLabelSize().setHeight(MenuItemLayoutHelper.max( getCheckSize().getHeight(), getIconSize().getHeight(), getTextSize().getHeight(), getAccSize().getHeight(), getArrowSize().getHeight())); } else { Rectangle textRect = new Rectangle(); Rectangle iconRect = new Rectangle(); gu.layoutText(context, getFontMetrics(), getText(), getIcon(), getHorizontalAlignment(), getVerticalAlignment(), getHorizontalTextPosition(), getVerticalTextPosition(), getViewRect(), iconRect, textRect, getGap()); Rectangle labelRect = iconRect.union(textRect); getLabelSize().setHeight(labelRect.height); getLabelSize().setWidth(labelRect.width); } } protected void calcMaxWidths() { calcMaxWidth(getCheckSize(), MAX_CHECK_WIDTH); maxAccOrArrowWidth = calcMaxValue(MAX_ACC_OR_ARROW_WIDTH, getArrowSize().getWidth()); maxAccOrArrowWidth = calcMaxValue(MAX_ACC_OR_ARROW_WIDTH, getAccSize().getWidth()); if (isColumnLayout()) { calcMaxWidth(getIconSize(), MAX_ICON_WIDTH); calcMaxWidth(getTextSize(), MAX_TEXT_WIDTH); int curGap = getGap(); if ((getIconSize().getMaxWidth() == 0) || (getTextSize().getMaxWidth() == 0)) { curGap = 0; } getLabelSize().setMaxWidth( calcMaxValue(MAX_LABEL_WIDTH, getIconSize().getMaxWidth() + getTextSize().getMaxWidth() + curGap)); } else { // We shouldn't use current icon and text widths // in maximal widths calculation for complex layout. getIconSize().setMaxWidth(getParentIntProperty( MAX_ICON_WIDTH)); calcMaxWidth(getLabelSize(), MAX_LABEL_WIDTH); // If maxLabelWidth is wider // than the widest icon + the widest text + gap, // we should update the maximal text witdh int candidateTextWidth = getLabelSize().getMaxWidth() - getIconSize().getMaxWidth(); if (getIconSize().getMaxWidth() > 0) { candidateTextWidth -= getGap(); } getTextSize().setMaxWidth(calcMaxValue( MAX_TEXT_WIDTH, candidateTextWidth)); } } public SynthContext getContext() { return context; } public SynthContext getAccContext() { return accContext; } public SynthStyle getStyle() { return style; } public SynthStyle getAccStyle() { return accStyle; } public SynthGraphicsUtils getGraphicsUtils() { return gu; } public SynthGraphicsUtils getAccGraphicsUtils() { return accGu; } public boolean alignAcceleratorText() { return alignAcceleratorText; } public int getMaxAccOrArrowWidth() { return maxAccOrArrowWidth; } protected void prepareForLayout(LayoutResult lr) { lr.getCheckRect().width = getCheckSize().getMaxWidth(); // An item can have an arrow or a check icon at once if (useCheckAndArrow() && (!"".equals(getAccText()))) { lr.getAccRect().width = maxAccOrArrowWidth; } else { lr.getArrowRect().width = maxAccOrArrowWidth; } } public ColumnAlignment getLTRColumnAlignment() { if (alignAcceleratorText()) { return LTR_ALIGNMENT_2; } else { return LTR_ALIGNMENT_1; } } public ColumnAlignment getRTLColumnAlignment() { if (alignAcceleratorText()) { return RTL_ALIGNMENT_2; } else { return RTL_ALIGNMENT_1; } } protected void layoutIconAndTextInLabelRect(LayoutResult lr) { lr.setTextRect(new Rectangle()); lr.setIconRect(new Rectangle()); gu.layoutText(context, getFontMetrics(), getText(), getIcon(), getHorizontalAlignment(), getVerticalAlignment(), getHorizontalTextPosition(), getVerticalTextPosition(), lr.getLabelRect(), lr.getIconRect(), lr.getTextRect(), getGap()); } }