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package sun.swing;

import static sun.swing.SwingUtilities2.BASICMENUITEMUI_MAX_TEXT_OFFSET;

import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicHTML;
import javax.swing.text.View;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;

Calculates preferred size and layouts menu items.
/** * Calculates preferred size and layouts menu items. */
public class MenuItemLayoutHelper { /* Client Property keys for calculation of maximal widths */ public static final StringUIClientPropertyKey MAX_ARROW_WIDTH = new StringUIClientPropertyKey("maxArrowWidth"); public static final StringUIClientPropertyKey MAX_CHECK_WIDTH = new StringUIClientPropertyKey("maxCheckWidth"); public static final StringUIClientPropertyKey MAX_ICON_WIDTH = new StringUIClientPropertyKey("maxIconWidth"); public static final StringUIClientPropertyKey MAX_TEXT_WIDTH = new StringUIClientPropertyKey("maxTextWidth"); public static final StringUIClientPropertyKey MAX_ACC_WIDTH = new StringUIClientPropertyKey("maxAccWidth"); public static final StringUIClientPropertyKey MAX_LABEL_WIDTH = new StringUIClientPropertyKey("maxLabelWidth"); private JMenuItem mi; private JComponent miParent; private Font font; private Font accFont; private FontMetrics fm; private FontMetrics accFm; private Icon icon; private Icon checkIcon; private Icon arrowIcon; private String text; private String accText; private boolean isColumnLayout; private boolean useCheckAndArrow; private boolean isLeftToRight; private boolean isTopLevelMenu; private View htmlView; private int verticalAlignment; private int horizontalAlignment; private int verticalTextPosition; private int horizontalTextPosition; private int gap; private int leadingGap; private int afterCheckIconGap; private int minTextOffset; private Rectangle viewRect; private RectSize iconSize; private RectSize textSize; private RectSize accSize; private RectSize checkSize; private RectSize arrowSize; private RectSize labelSize;
The empty protected constructor is necessary for derived classes.
/** * The empty protected constructor is necessary for derived classes. */
protected MenuItemLayoutHelper() { } public MenuItemLayoutHelper(JMenuItem mi, Icon checkIcon, Icon arrowIcon, Rectangle viewRect, int gap, String accDelimiter, boolean isLeftToRight, Font font, Font accFont, boolean useCheckAndArrow, String propertyPrefix) { reset(mi, checkIcon, arrowIcon, viewRect, gap, accDelimiter, isLeftToRight, font, accFont, useCheckAndArrow, propertyPrefix); } protected void reset(JMenuItem mi, Icon checkIcon, Icon arrowIcon, Rectangle viewRect, int gap, String accDelimiter, boolean isLeftToRight, Font font, Font accFont, boolean useCheckAndArrow, String propertyPrefix) { this.mi = mi; this.miParent = getMenuItemParent(mi); this.accText = getAccText(accDelimiter); this.verticalAlignment = mi.getVerticalAlignment(); this.horizontalAlignment = mi.getHorizontalAlignment(); this.verticalTextPosition = mi.getVerticalTextPosition(); this.horizontalTextPosition = mi.getHorizontalTextPosition(); this.useCheckAndArrow = useCheckAndArrow; this.font = font; this.accFont = accFont; this.fm = mi.getFontMetrics(font); this.accFm = mi.getFontMetrics(accFont); this.isLeftToRight = isLeftToRight; this.isColumnLayout = isColumnLayout(isLeftToRight, horizontalAlignment, horizontalTextPosition, verticalTextPosition); this.isTopLevelMenu = (this.miParent == null) ? true : false; this.checkIcon = checkIcon; this.icon = getIcon(propertyPrefix); this.arrowIcon = arrowIcon; this.text = mi.getText(); this.gap = gap; this.afterCheckIconGap = getAfterCheckIconGap(propertyPrefix); this.minTextOffset = getMinTextOffset(propertyPrefix); this.htmlView = (View) mi.getClientProperty(BasicHTML.propertyKey); this.viewRect = viewRect; this.iconSize = new RectSize(); this.textSize = new RectSize(); this.accSize = new RectSize(); this.checkSize = new RectSize(); this.arrowSize = new RectSize(); this.labelSize = new RectSize(); calcWidthsAndHeights(); setOriginalWidths(); calcMaxWidths(); this.leadingGap = getLeadingGap(propertyPrefix); calcMaxTextOffset(viewRect); } private void setOriginalWidths() { iconSize.origWidth = iconSize.width; textSize.origWidth = textSize.width; accSize.origWidth = accSize.width; checkSize.origWidth = checkSize.width; arrowSize.origWidth = arrowSize.width; } private String getAccText(String acceleratorDelimiter) { String accText = ""; KeyStroke accelerator = mi.getAccelerator(); if (accelerator != null) { int modifiers = accelerator.getModifiers(); if (modifiers > 0) { accText = KeyEvent.getKeyModifiersText(modifiers); accText += acceleratorDelimiter; } int keyCode = accelerator.getKeyCode(); if (keyCode != 0) { accText += KeyEvent.getKeyText(keyCode); } else { accText += accelerator.getKeyChar(); } } return accText; } private Icon getIcon(String propertyPrefix) { // In case of column layout, .checkIconFactory is defined for this UI, // the icon is compatible with it and useCheckAndArrow() is true, // then the icon is handled by the checkIcon. Icon icon = null; MenuItemCheckIconFactory iconFactory = (MenuItemCheckIconFactory) UIManager.get(propertyPrefix + ".checkIconFactory"); if (!isColumnLayout || !useCheckAndArrow || iconFactory == null || !iconFactory.isCompatible(checkIcon, propertyPrefix)) { icon = mi.getIcon(); } return icon; } private int getMinTextOffset(String propertyPrefix) { int minimumTextOffset = 0; Object minimumTextOffsetObject = UIManager.get(propertyPrefix + ".minimumTextOffset"); if (minimumTextOffsetObject instanceof Integer) { minimumTextOffset = (Integer) minimumTextOffsetObject; } return minimumTextOffset; } private int getAfterCheckIconGap(String propertyPrefix) { int afterCheckIconGap = gap; Object afterCheckIconGapObject = UIManager.get(propertyPrefix + ".afterCheckIconGap"); if (afterCheckIconGapObject instanceof Integer) { afterCheckIconGap = (Integer) afterCheckIconGapObject; } return afterCheckIconGap; } private int getLeadingGap(String propertyPrefix) { if (checkSize.getMaxWidth() > 0) { return getCheckOffset(propertyPrefix); } else { return gap; // There is no any check icon } } private int getCheckOffset(String propertyPrefix) { int checkIconOffset = gap; Object checkIconOffsetObject = UIManager.get(propertyPrefix + ".checkIconOffset"); if (checkIconOffsetObject instanceof Integer) { checkIconOffset = (Integer) checkIconOffsetObject; } return checkIconOffset; } protected void calcWidthsAndHeights() { // iconRect if (icon != null) { iconSize.width = icon.getIconWidth(); iconSize.height = icon.getIconHeight(); } // accRect if (!accText.equals("")) { accSize.width = SwingUtilities2.stringWidth(mi, accFm, accText); accSize.height = accFm.getHeight(); } // textRect if (text == null) { text = ""; } else if (!text.equals("")) { if (htmlView != null) { // Text is HTML textSize.width = (int) htmlView.getPreferredSpan(View.X_AXIS); textSize.height = (int) htmlView.getPreferredSpan(View.Y_AXIS); } else { // Text isn't HTML textSize.width = SwingUtilities2.stringWidth(mi, fm, text); textSize.height = fm.getHeight(); } } if (useCheckAndArrow) { // checkIcon if (checkIcon != null) { checkSize.width = checkIcon.getIconWidth(); checkSize.height = checkIcon.getIconHeight(); } // arrowRect if (arrowIcon != null) { arrowSize.width = arrowIcon.getIconWidth(); arrowSize.height = arrowIcon.getIconHeight(); } } // labelRect if (isColumnLayout) { labelSize.width = iconSize.width + textSize.width + gap; labelSize.height = max(checkSize.height, iconSize.height, textSize.height, accSize.height, arrowSize.height); } else { Rectangle textRect = new Rectangle(); Rectangle iconRect = new Rectangle(); SwingUtilities.layoutCompoundLabel(mi, fm, text, icon, verticalAlignment, horizontalAlignment, verticalTextPosition, horizontalTextPosition, viewRect, iconRect, textRect, gap); Rectangle labelRect = iconRect.union(textRect); labelSize.height = labelRect.height; labelSize.width = labelRect.width; } } protected void calcMaxWidths() { calcMaxWidth(checkSize, MAX_CHECK_WIDTH); calcMaxWidth(arrowSize, MAX_ARROW_WIDTH); calcMaxWidth(accSize, MAX_ACC_WIDTH); if (isColumnLayout) { calcMaxWidth(iconSize, MAX_ICON_WIDTH); calcMaxWidth(textSize, MAX_TEXT_WIDTH); int curGap = gap; if ((iconSize.getMaxWidth() == 0) || (textSize.getMaxWidth() == 0)) { curGap = 0; } labelSize.maxWidth = calcMaxValue(MAX_LABEL_WIDTH, iconSize.maxWidth + textSize.maxWidth + curGap); } else { // We shouldn't use current icon and text widths // in maximal widths calculation for complex layout. iconSize.maxWidth = getParentIntProperty(MAX_ICON_WIDTH); calcMaxWidth(labelSize, MAX_LABEL_WIDTH); // If maxLabelWidth is wider // than the widest icon + the widest text + gap, // we should update the maximal text witdh int candidateTextWidth = labelSize.maxWidth - iconSize.maxWidth; if (iconSize.maxWidth > 0) { candidateTextWidth -= gap; } textSize.maxWidth = calcMaxValue(MAX_TEXT_WIDTH, candidateTextWidth); } } protected void calcMaxWidth(RectSize rs, Object key) { rs.maxWidth = calcMaxValue(key, rs.width); }
Calculates and returns maximal value through specified parent component client property.
  • propertyName – name of the property, which stores the maximal value.
  • value – a value which pretends to be maximal
Returns:maximal value among the parent property and the value.
/** * Calculates and returns maximal value through specified parent component * client property. * * @param propertyName name of the property, which stores the maximal value. * @param value a value which pretends to be maximal * @return maximal value among the parent property and the value. */
protected int calcMaxValue(Object propertyName, int value) { // Get maximal value from parent client property int maxValue = getParentIntProperty(propertyName); // Store new maximal width in parent client property if (value > maxValue) { if (miParent != null) { miParent.putClientProperty(propertyName, value); } return value; } else { return maxValue; } }
Returns parent client property as int.
  • propertyName – name of the parent property.
Returns:value of the property as int.
/** * Returns parent client property as int. * @param propertyName name of the parent property. * @return value of the property as int. */
protected int getParentIntProperty(Object propertyName) { Object value = null; if (miParent != null) { value = miParent.getClientProperty(propertyName); } if ((value == null) || !(value instanceof Integer)) { value = 0; } return (Integer) value; } public static boolean isColumnLayout(boolean isLeftToRight, JMenuItem mi) { assert(mi != null); return isColumnLayout(isLeftToRight, mi.getHorizontalAlignment(), mi.getHorizontalTextPosition(), mi.getVerticalTextPosition()); }
Answers should we do column layout for a menu item or not. We do it when a user doesn't set any alignments and text positions manually, except the vertical alignment.
/** * Answers should we do column layout for a menu item or not. * We do it when a user doesn't set any alignments * and text positions manually, except the vertical alignment. */
public static boolean isColumnLayout(boolean isLeftToRight, int horizontalAlignment, int horizontalTextPosition, int verticalTextPosition) { if (verticalTextPosition != SwingConstants.CENTER) { return false; } if (isLeftToRight) { if (horizontalAlignment != SwingConstants.LEADING && horizontalAlignment != SwingConstants.LEFT) { return false; } if (horizontalTextPosition != SwingConstants.TRAILING && horizontalTextPosition != SwingConstants.RIGHT) { return false; } } else { if (horizontalAlignment != SwingConstants.LEADING && horizontalAlignment != SwingConstants.RIGHT) { return false; } if (horizontalTextPosition != SwingConstants.TRAILING && horizontalTextPosition != SwingConstants.LEFT) { return false; } } return true; }
Calculates maximal text offset. It is required for some L&Fs (ex: Vista L&F). The offset is meaningful only for L2R column layout.
  • viewRect – the rectangle, the maximal text offset will be calculated for.
/** * Calculates maximal text offset. * It is required for some L&Fs (ex: Vista L&F). * The offset is meaningful only for L2R column layout. * * @param viewRect the rectangle, the maximal text offset * will be calculated for. */
private void calcMaxTextOffset(Rectangle viewRect) { if (!isColumnLayout || !isLeftToRight) { return; } // Calculate the current text offset int offset = viewRect.x + leadingGap + checkSize.maxWidth + afterCheckIconGap + iconSize.maxWidth + gap; if (checkSize.maxWidth == 0) { offset -= afterCheckIconGap; } if (iconSize.maxWidth == 0) { offset -= gap; } // maximal text offset shouldn't be less than minimal text offset; if (offset < minTextOffset) { offset = minTextOffset; } // Calculate and store the maximal text offset calcMaxValue(SwingUtilities2.BASICMENUITEMUI_MAX_TEXT_OFFSET, offset); }
Layout icon, text, check icon, accelerator text and arrow icon in the viewRect and return their positions. If horizontalAlignment, verticalTextPosition and horizontalTextPosition are default (user doesn't set any manually) the layouting algorithm is: Elements are layouted in the five columns: check icon + icon + text + accelerator text + arrow icon In the other case elements are layouted in the four columns: check icon + label + accelerator text + arrow icon Label is union of icon and text. The order of columns can be reversed. It depends on the menu item orientation.
/** * Layout icon, text, check icon, accelerator text and arrow icon * in the viewRect and return their positions. * * If horizontalAlignment, verticalTextPosition and horizontalTextPosition * are default (user doesn't set any manually) the layouting algorithm is: * Elements are layouted in the five columns: * check icon + icon + text + accelerator text + arrow icon * * In the other case elements are layouted in the four columns: * check icon + label + accelerator text + arrow icon * Label is union of icon and text. * * The order of columns can be reversed. * It depends on the menu item orientation. */
public LayoutResult layoutMenuItem() { LayoutResult lr = createLayoutResult(); prepareForLayout(lr); if (isColumnLayout()) { if (isLeftToRight()) { doLTRColumnLayout(lr, getLTRColumnAlignment()); } else { doRTLColumnLayout(lr, getRTLColumnAlignment()); } } else { if (isLeftToRight()) { doLTRComplexLayout(lr, getLTRColumnAlignment()); } else { doRTLComplexLayout(lr, getRTLColumnAlignment()); } } alignAccCheckAndArrowVertically(lr); return lr; } private LayoutResult createLayoutResult() { return new LayoutResult( new Rectangle(iconSize.width, iconSize.height), new Rectangle(textSize.width, textSize.height), new Rectangle(accSize.width, accSize.height), new Rectangle(checkSize.width, checkSize.height), new Rectangle(arrowSize.width, arrowSize.height), new Rectangle(labelSize.width, labelSize.height) ); } public ColumnAlignment getLTRColumnAlignment() { return ColumnAlignment.LEFT_ALIGNMENT; } public ColumnAlignment getRTLColumnAlignment() { return ColumnAlignment.RIGHT_ALIGNMENT; } protected void prepareForLayout(LayoutResult lr) { lr.checkRect.width = checkSize.maxWidth; lr.accRect.width = accSize.maxWidth; lr.arrowRect.width = arrowSize.maxWidth; }
Aligns the accelertor text and the check and arrow icons vertically with the center of the label rect.
/** * Aligns the accelertor text and the check and arrow icons vertically * with the center of the label rect. */
private void alignAccCheckAndArrowVertically(LayoutResult lr) { lr.accRect.y = (int)(lr.labelRect.y + (float)lr.labelRect.height/2 - (float)lr.accRect.height/2); fixVerticalAlignment(lr, lr.accRect); if (useCheckAndArrow) { lr.arrowRect.y = (int)(lr.labelRect.y + (float)lr.labelRect.height/2 - (float)lr.arrowRect.height/2); lr.checkRect.y = (int)(lr.labelRect.y + (float)lr.labelRect.height/2 - (float)lr.checkRect.height/2); fixVerticalAlignment(lr, lr.arrowRect); fixVerticalAlignment(lr, lr.checkRect); } }
Fixes vertical alignment of all menu item elements if rect.y or (rect.y + rect.height) is out of viewRect bounds
/** * Fixes vertical alignment of all menu item elements if rect.y * or (rect.y + rect.height) is out of viewRect bounds */
private void fixVerticalAlignment(LayoutResult lr, Rectangle r) { int delta = 0; if (r.y < viewRect.y) { delta = viewRect.y - r.y; } else if (r.y + r.height > viewRect.y + viewRect.height) { delta = viewRect.y + viewRect.height - r.y - r.height; } if (delta != 0) { lr.checkRect.y += delta; lr.iconRect.y += delta; lr.textRect.y += delta; lr.accRect.y += delta; lr.arrowRect.y += delta; lr.labelRect.y += delta; } } private void doLTRColumnLayout(LayoutResult lr, ColumnAlignment alignment) { // Set maximal width for all the five basic rects // (three other ones are already maximal) lr.iconRect.width = iconSize.maxWidth; lr.textRect.width = textSize.maxWidth; // Set X coordinates // All rects will be aligned at the left side calcXPositionsLTR(viewRect.x, leadingGap, gap, lr.checkRect, lr.iconRect, lr.textRect); // Tune afterCheckIconGap if (lr.checkRect.width > 0) { // there is the afterCheckIconGap lr.iconRect.x += afterCheckIconGap - gap; lr.textRect.x += afterCheckIconGap - gap; } calcXPositionsRTL(viewRect.x + viewRect.width, leadingGap, gap, lr.arrowRect, lr.accRect); // Take into account minimal text offset int textOffset = lr.textRect.x - viewRect.x; if (!isTopLevelMenu && (textOffset < minTextOffset)) { lr.textRect.x += minTextOffset - textOffset; } alignRects(lr, alignment); // Take into account the left side bearings for text and accelerator text. fixTextRects(lr); // Set Y coordinate for text and icon. // Y coordinates for other rects // will be calculated later in layoutMenuItem. calcTextAndIconYPositions(lr); // Calculate valid X and Y coordinates for labelRect lr.setLabelRect(lr.textRect.union(lr.iconRect)); } private void doLTRComplexLayout(LayoutResult lr, ColumnAlignment alignment) { lr.labelRect.width = labelSize.maxWidth; // Set X coordinates calcXPositionsLTR(viewRect.x, leadingGap, gap, lr.checkRect, lr.labelRect); // Tune afterCheckIconGap if (lr.checkRect.width > 0) { // there is the afterCheckIconGap lr.labelRect.x += afterCheckIconGap - gap; } calcXPositionsRTL(viewRect.x + viewRect.width, leadingGap, gap, lr.arrowRect, lr.accRect); // Take into account minimal text offset int labelOffset = lr.labelRect.x - viewRect.x; if (!isTopLevelMenu && (labelOffset < minTextOffset)) { lr.labelRect.x += minTextOffset - labelOffset; } alignRects(lr, alignment); // Take into account the left side bearing for accelerator text. // The LSB for text is taken into account in layoutCompoundLabel() below. fixAccTextRect(lr); // Center labelRect vertically calcLabelYPosition(lr); layoutIconAndTextInLabelRect(lr); } private void doRTLColumnLayout(LayoutResult lr, ColumnAlignment alignment) { // Set maximal width for all the five basic rects // (three other ones are already maximal) lr.iconRect.width = iconSize.maxWidth; lr.textRect.width = textSize.maxWidth; // Set X coordinates calcXPositionsRTL(viewRect.x + viewRect.width, leadingGap, gap, lr.checkRect, lr.iconRect, lr.textRect); // Tune the gap after check icon if (lr.checkRect.width > 0) { // there is the gap after check icon lr.iconRect.x -= afterCheckIconGap - gap; lr.textRect.x -= afterCheckIconGap - gap; } calcXPositionsLTR(viewRect.x, leadingGap, gap, lr.arrowRect, lr.accRect); // Take into account minimal text offset int textOffset = (viewRect.x + viewRect.width) - (lr.textRect.x + lr.textRect.width); if (!isTopLevelMenu && (textOffset < minTextOffset)) { lr.textRect.x -= minTextOffset - textOffset; } alignRects(lr, alignment); // Take into account the left side bearings for text and accelerator text. fixTextRects(lr); // Set Y coordinates for text and icon. // Y coordinates for other rects // will be calculated later in layoutMenuItem. calcTextAndIconYPositions(lr); // Calculate valid X and Y coordinate for labelRect lr.setLabelRect(lr.textRect.union(lr.iconRect)); } private void doRTLComplexLayout(LayoutResult lr, ColumnAlignment alignment) { lr.labelRect.width = labelSize.maxWidth; // Set X coordinates calcXPositionsRTL(viewRect.x + viewRect.width, leadingGap, gap, lr.checkRect, lr.labelRect); // Tune the gap after check icon if (lr.checkRect.width > 0) { // there is the gap after check icon lr.labelRect.x -= afterCheckIconGap - gap; } calcXPositionsLTR(viewRect.x, leadingGap, gap, lr.arrowRect, lr.accRect); // Take into account minimal text offset int labelOffset = (viewRect.x + viewRect.width) - (lr.labelRect.x + lr.labelRect.width); if (!isTopLevelMenu && (labelOffset < minTextOffset)) { lr.labelRect.x -= minTextOffset - labelOffset; } alignRects(lr, alignment); // Take into account the left side bearing for accelerator text. // The LSB for text is taken into account in layoutCompoundLabel() below. fixAccTextRect(lr); // Center labelRect vertically calcLabelYPosition(lr); layoutIconAndTextInLabelRect(lr); } private void alignRects(LayoutResult lr, ColumnAlignment alignment) { alignRect(lr.checkRect, alignment.getCheckAlignment(), checkSize.getOrigWidth()); alignRect(lr.iconRect, alignment.getIconAlignment(), iconSize.getOrigWidth()); alignRect(lr.textRect, alignment.getTextAlignment(), textSize.getOrigWidth()); alignRect(lr.accRect, alignment.getAccAlignment(), accSize.getOrigWidth()); alignRect(lr.arrowRect, alignment.getArrowAlignment(), arrowSize.getOrigWidth()); } private void alignRect(Rectangle rect, int alignment, int origWidth) { if (alignment != SwingUtilities.LEFT) { rect.x = rect.x + rect.width - origWidth; rect.width = origWidth; } } protected void layoutIconAndTextInLabelRect(LayoutResult lr) { lr.setTextRect(new Rectangle()); lr.setIconRect(new Rectangle()); SwingUtilities.layoutCompoundLabel( mi, fm, text,icon, verticalAlignment, horizontalAlignment, verticalTextPosition, horizontalTextPosition, lr.labelRect, lr.iconRect, lr.textRect, gap); } private void calcXPositionsLTR(int startXPos, int leadingGap, int gap, Rectangle... rects) { int curXPos = startXPos + leadingGap; for (Rectangle rect : rects) { rect.x = curXPos; if (rect.width > 0) { curXPos += rect.width + gap; } } } private void calcXPositionsRTL(int startXPos, int leadingGap, int gap, Rectangle... rects) { int curXPos = startXPos - leadingGap; for (Rectangle rect : rects) { rect.x = curXPos - rect.width; if (rect.width > 0) { curXPos -= rect.width + gap; } } }
Takes into account the left side bearings for text and accelerator text
/** * Takes into account the left side bearings for text and accelerator text */
private void fixTextRects(LayoutResult lr) { if (htmlView == null) { // The text isn't a HTML int lsb = SwingUtilities2.getLeftSideBearing(mi, fm, text); if (lsb < 0) { lr.textRect.x -= lsb; } } fixAccTextRect(lr); }
Takes into account the left side bearing for accelerator text
/** * Takes into account the left side bearing for accelerator text */
private void fixAccTextRect(LayoutResult lr) { int lsb = SwingUtilities2.getLeftSideBearing(mi, accFm, accText); if (lsb < 0) { lr.accRect.x -= lsb; } }
Sets Y coordinates of text and icon taking into account the vertical alignment
/** * Sets Y coordinates of text and icon * taking into account the vertical alignment */
private void calcTextAndIconYPositions(LayoutResult lr) { if (verticalAlignment == SwingUtilities.TOP) { lr.textRect.y = (int)(viewRect.y + (float)lr.labelRect.height/2 - (float)lr.textRect.height/2); lr.iconRect.y = (int)(viewRect.y + (float)lr.labelRect.height/2 - (float)lr.iconRect.height/2); } else if (verticalAlignment == SwingUtilities.CENTER) { lr.textRect.y = (int)(viewRect.y + (float)viewRect.height/2 - (float)lr.textRect.height/2); lr.iconRect.y = (int)(viewRect.y + (float)viewRect.height/2 - (float)lr.iconRect.height/2); } else if (verticalAlignment == SwingUtilities.BOTTOM) { lr.textRect.y = (int)(viewRect.y + viewRect.height - (float)lr.labelRect.height/2 - (float)lr.textRect.height/2); lr.iconRect.y = (int)(viewRect.y + viewRect.height - (float)lr.labelRect.height/2 - (float)lr.iconRect.height/2); } }
Sets labelRect Y coordinate taking into account the vertical alignment
/** * Sets labelRect Y coordinate * taking into account the vertical alignment */
private void calcLabelYPosition(LayoutResult lr) { if (verticalAlignment == SwingUtilities.TOP) { lr.labelRect.y = viewRect.y; } else if (verticalAlignment == SwingUtilities.CENTER) { lr.labelRect.y = (int)(viewRect.y + (float)viewRect.height/2 - (float)lr.labelRect.height/2); } else if (verticalAlignment == SwingUtilities.BOTTOM) { lr.labelRect.y = viewRect.y + viewRect.height - lr.labelRect.height; } }
Returns parent of this component if it is not a top-level menu Otherwise returns null.
  • menuItem – the menu item whose parent will be returned.
Returns:parent of this component if it is not a top-level menu Otherwise returns null.
/** * Returns parent of this component if it is not a top-level menu * Otherwise returns null. * @param menuItem the menu item whose parent will be returned. * @return parent of this component if it is not a top-level menu * Otherwise returns null. */
public static JComponent getMenuItemParent(JMenuItem menuItem) { Container parent = menuItem.getParent(); if ((parent instanceof JComponent) && (!(menuItem instanceof JMenu) || !((JMenu)menuItem).isTopLevelMenu())) { return (JComponent) parent; } else { return null; } } public static void clearUsedParentClientProperties(JMenuItem menuItem) { clearUsedClientProperties(getMenuItemParent(menuItem)); } public static void clearUsedClientProperties(JComponent c) { if (c != null) { c.putClientProperty(MAX_ARROW_WIDTH, null); c.putClientProperty(MAX_CHECK_WIDTH, null); c.putClientProperty(MAX_ACC_WIDTH, null); c.putClientProperty(MAX_TEXT_WIDTH, null); c.putClientProperty(MAX_ICON_WIDTH, null); c.putClientProperty(MAX_LABEL_WIDTH, null); c.putClientProperty(BASICMENUITEMUI_MAX_TEXT_OFFSET, null); } }
Finds and returns maximal integer value in the given array.
  • values – array where the search will be performed.
Returns:maximal vaule.
/** * Finds and returns maximal integer value in the given array. * @param values array where the search will be performed. * @return maximal vaule. */
public static int max(int... values) { int maxValue = Integer.MIN_VALUE; for (int i : values) { if (i > maxValue) { maxValue = i; } } return maxValue; } public static Rectangle createMaxRect() { return new Rectangle(0, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE); } public static void addMaxWidth(RectSize size, int gap, Dimension result) { if (size.maxWidth > 0) { result.width += size.maxWidth + gap; } } public static void addWidth(int width, int gap, Dimension result) { if (width > 0) { result.width += width + gap; } } public JMenuItem getMenuItem() { return mi; } public JComponent getMenuItemParent() { return miParent; } public Font getFont() { return font; } public Font getAccFont() { return accFont; } public FontMetrics getFontMetrics() { return fm; } public FontMetrics getAccFontMetrics() { return accFm; } public Icon getIcon() { return icon; } public Icon getCheckIcon() { return checkIcon; } public Icon getArrowIcon() { return arrowIcon; } public String getText() { return text; } public String getAccText() { return accText; } public boolean isColumnLayout() { return isColumnLayout; } public boolean useCheckAndArrow() { return useCheckAndArrow; } public boolean isLeftToRight() { return isLeftToRight; } public boolean isTopLevelMenu() { return isTopLevelMenu; } public View getHtmlView() { return htmlView; } public int getVerticalAlignment() { return verticalAlignment; } public int getHorizontalAlignment() { return horizontalAlignment; } public int getVerticalTextPosition() { return verticalTextPosition; } public int getHorizontalTextPosition() { return horizontalTextPosition; } public int getGap() { return gap; } public int getLeadingGap() { return leadingGap; } public int getAfterCheckIconGap() { return afterCheckIconGap; } public int getMinTextOffset() { return minTextOffset; } public Rectangle getViewRect() { return viewRect; } public RectSize getIconSize() { return iconSize; } public RectSize getTextSize() { return textSize; } public RectSize getAccSize() { return accSize; } public RectSize getCheckSize() { return checkSize; } public RectSize getArrowSize() { return arrowSize; } public RectSize getLabelSize() { return labelSize; } protected void setMenuItem(JMenuItem mi) { this.mi = mi; } protected void setMenuItemParent(JComponent miParent) { this.miParent = miParent; } protected void setFont(Font font) { this.font = font; } protected void setAccFont(Font accFont) { this.accFont = accFont; } protected void setFontMetrics(FontMetrics fm) { this.fm = fm; } protected void setAccFontMetrics(FontMetrics accFm) { this.accFm = accFm; } protected void setIcon(Icon icon) { this.icon = icon; } protected void setCheckIcon(Icon checkIcon) { this.checkIcon = checkIcon; } protected void setArrowIcon(Icon arrowIcon) { this.arrowIcon = arrowIcon; } protected void setText(String text) { this.text = text; } protected void setAccText(String accText) { this.accText = accText; } protected void setColumnLayout(boolean columnLayout) { isColumnLayout = columnLayout; } protected void setUseCheckAndArrow(boolean useCheckAndArrow) { this.useCheckAndArrow = useCheckAndArrow; } protected void setLeftToRight(boolean leftToRight) { isLeftToRight = leftToRight; } protected void setTopLevelMenu(boolean topLevelMenu) { isTopLevelMenu = topLevelMenu; } protected void setHtmlView(View htmlView) { this.htmlView = htmlView; } protected void setVerticalAlignment(int verticalAlignment) { this.verticalAlignment = verticalAlignment; } protected void setHorizontalAlignment(int horizontalAlignment) { this.horizontalAlignment = horizontalAlignment; } protected void setVerticalTextPosition(int verticalTextPosition) { this.verticalTextPosition = verticalTextPosition; } protected void setHorizontalTextPosition(int horizontalTextPosition) { this.horizontalTextPosition = horizontalTextPosition; } protected void setGap(int gap) { this.gap = gap; } protected void setLeadingGap(int leadingGap) { this.leadingGap = leadingGap; } protected void setAfterCheckIconGap(int afterCheckIconGap) { this.afterCheckIconGap = afterCheckIconGap; } protected void setMinTextOffset(int minTextOffset) { this.minTextOffset = minTextOffset; } protected void setViewRect(Rectangle viewRect) { this.viewRect = viewRect; } protected void setIconSize(RectSize iconSize) { this.iconSize = iconSize; } protected void setTextSize(RectSize textSize) { this.textSize = textSize; } protected void setAccSize(RectSize accSize) { this.accSize = accSize; } protected void setCheckSize(RectSize checkSize) { this.checkSize = checkSize; } protected void setArrowSize(RectSize arrowSize) { this.arrowSize = arrowSize; } protected void setLabelSize(RectSize labelSize) { this.labelSize = labelSize; }
Returns false if the component is a JMenu and it is a top level menu (on the menubar).
/** * Returns false if the component is a JMenu and it is a top * level menu (on the menubar). */
public static boolean useCheckAndArrow(JMenuItem menuItem) { boolean b = true; if ((menuItem instanceof JMenu) && (((JMenu) menuItem).isTopLevelMenu())) { b = false; } return b; } public static class LayoutResult { private Rectangle iconRect; private Rectangle textRect; private Rectangle accRect; private Rectangle checkRect; private Rectangle arrowRect; private Rectangle labelRect; public LayoutResult() { iconRect = new Rectangle(); textRect = new Rectangle(); accRect = new Rectangle(); checkRect = new Rectangle(); arrowRect = new Rectangle(); labelRect = new Rectangle(); } public LayoutResult(Rectangle iconRect, Rectangle textRect, Rectangle accRect, Rectangle checkRect, Rectangle arrowRect, Rectangle labelRect) { this.iconRect = iconRect; this.textRect = textRect; this.accRect = accRect; this.checkRect = checkRect; this.arrowRect = arrowRect; this.labelRect = labelRect; } public Rectangle getIconRect() { return iconRect; } public void setIconRect(Rectangle iconRect) { this.iconRect = iconRect; } public Rectangle getTextRect() { return textRect; } public void setTextRect(Rectangle textRect) { this.textRect = textRect; } public Rectangle getAccRect() { return accRect; } public void setAccRect(Rectangle accRect) { this.accRect = accRect; } public Rectangle getCheckRect() { return checkRect; } public void setCheckRect(Rectangle checkRect) { this.checkRect = checkRect; } public Rectangle getArrowRect() { return arrowRect; } public void setArrowRect(Rectangle arrowRect) { this.arrowRect = arrowRect; } public Rectangle getLabelRect() { return labelRect; } public void setLabelRect(Rectangle labelRect) { this.labelRect = labelRect; } public Map<String, Rectangle> getAllRects() { Map<String, Rectangle> result = new HashMap<String, Rectangle>(); result.put("checkRect", checkRect); result.put("iconRect", iconRect); result.put("textRect", textRect); result.put("accRect", accRect); result.put("arrowRect", arrowRect); result.put("labelRect", labelRect); return result; } } public static class ColumnAlignment { private int checkAlignment; private int iconAlignment; private int textAlignment; private int accAlignment; private int arrowAlignment; public static final ColumnAlignment LEFT_ALIGNMENT = new ColumnAlignment( SwingConstants.LEFT, SwingConstants.LEFT, SwingConstants.LEFT, SwingConstants.LEFT, SwingConstants.LEFT ); public static final ColumnAlignment RIGHT_ALIGNMENT = new ColumnAlignment( SwingConstants.RIGHT, SwingConstants.RIGHT, SwingConstants.RIGHT, SwingConstants.RIGHT, SwingConstants.RIGHT ); public ColumnAlignment(int checkAlignment, int iconAlignment, int textAlignment, int accAlignment, int arrowAlignment) { this.checkAlignment = checkAlignment; this.iconAlignment = iconAlignment; this.textAlignment = textAlignment; this.accAlignment = accAlignment; this.arrowAlignment = arrowAlignment; } public int getCheckAlignment() { return checkAlignment; } public int getIconAlignment() { return iconAlignment; } public int getTextAlignment() { return textAlignment; } public int getAccAlignment() { return accAlignment; } public int getArrowAlignment() { return arrowAlignment; } } public static class RectSize { private int width; private int height; private int origWidth; private int maxWidth; public RectSize() { } public RectSize(int width, int height, int origWidth, int maxWidth) { this.width = width; this.height = height; this.origWidth = origWidth; this.maxWidth = maxWidth; } public int getWidth() { return width; } public int getHeight() { return height; } public int getOrigWidth() { return origWidth; } public int getMaxWidth() { return maxWidth; } public void setWidth(int width) { this.width = width; } public void setHeight(int height) { this.height = height; } public void setOrigWidth(int origWidth) { this.origWidth = origWidth; } public void setMaxWidth(int maxWidth) { this.maxWidth = maxWidth; } public String toString() { return "[w=" + width + ",h=" + height + ",ow=" + origWidth + ",mw=" + maxWidth + "]"; } } }