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package com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.transforms.params;

import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.exceptions.XMLSecurityException;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.transforms.TransformParam;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.transforms.Transforms;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.utils.ElementProxy;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.utils.XMLUtils;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;

Implements the parameters for a custom Transform which has a better performance thatn the xfilter2.
Author:$Author: mullan $
/** * Implements the parameters for a custom Transform which has a better performance * thatn the xfilter2. * * @author $Author: mullan $ */
public class XPathFilterCHGPContainer extends ElementProxy implements TransformParam {
private static final String _TAG_INCLUDE_BUT_SEARCH = "IncludeButSearch";
private static final String _TAG_EXCLUDE_BUT_SEARCH = "ExcludeButSearch";
private static final String _TAG_EXCLUDE = "Exclude";
/** Field _TAG_XPATHCHGP */
public static final String _TAG_XPATHCHGP = "XPathAlternative";
public static final String _ATT_INCLUDESLASH = "IncludeSlashPolicy";
Field IncludeSlash
/** Field IncludeSlash */
public static final boolean IncludeSlash = true;
Field ExcludeSlash
/** Field ExcludeSlash */
public static final boolean ExcludeSlash = false;
Constructor XPathFilterCHGPContainer
/** * Constructor XPathFilterCHGPContainer * */
private XPathFilterCHGPContainer() { // no instantiation }
Constructor XPathFilterCHGPContainer
  • doc –
  • includeSlashPolicy –
  • includeButSearch –
  • excludeButSearch –
  • exclude –
/** * Constructor XPathFilterCHGPContainer * * @param doc * @param includeSlashPolicy * @param includeButSearch * @param excludeButSearch * @param exclude */
private XPathFilterCHGPContainer(Document doc, boolean includeSlashPolicy, String includeButSearch, String excludeButSearch, String exclude) { super(doc); if (includeSlashPolicy) { this._constructionElement .setAttributeNS(null, XPathFilterCHGPContainer._ATT_INCLUDESLASH, "true"); } else { this._constructionElement .setAttributeNS(null, XPathFilterCHGPContainer._ATT_INCLUDESLASH, "false"); } if ((includeButSearch != null) && (includeButSearch.trim().length() > 0)) { Element includeButSearchElem = ElementProxy.createElementForFamily(doc, this.getBaseNamespace(), XPathFilterCHGPContainer ._TAG_INCLUDE_BUT_SEARCH); includeButSearchElem .appendChild(this._doc .createTextNode(indentXPathText(includeButSearch))); XMLUtils.addReturnToElement(this._constructionElement); this._constructionElement.appendChild(includeButSearchElem); } if ((excludeButSearch != null) && (excludeButSearch.trim().length() > 0)) { Element excludeButSearchElem = ElementProxy.createElementForFamily(doc, this.getBaseNamespace(), XPathFilterCHGPContainer ._TAG_EXCLUDE_BUT_SEARCH); excludeButSearchElem .appendChild(this._doc .createTextNode(indentXPathText(excludeButSearch))); XMLUtils.addReturnToElement(this._constructionElement); this._constructionElement.appendChild(excludeButSearchElem); } if ((exclude != null) && (exclude.trim().length() > 0)) { Element excludeElem = ElementProxy.createElementForFamily(doc, this.getBaseNamespace(), XPathFilterCHGPContainer._TAG_EXCLUDE); excludeElem .appendChild(this._doc.createTextNode(indentXPathText(exclude))); XMLUtils.addReturnToElement(this._constructionElement); this._constructionElement.appendChild(excludeElem); } XMLUtils.addReturnToElement(this._constructionElement); }
Method indentXPathText
  • xp –
Returns:the string with enters
/** * Method indentXPathText * * @param xp * @return the string with enters */
static String indentXPathText(String xp) { if ((xp.length() > 2) && (!Character.isWhitespace(xp.charAt(0)))) { return "\n" + xp + "\n"; } return xp; }
Constructor XPathFilterCHGPContainer
  • element –
  • BaseURI –
/** * Constructor XPathFilterCHGPContainer * * @param element * @param BaseURI * @throws XMLSecurityException */
private XPathFilterCHGPContainer(Element element, String BaseURI) throws XMLSecurityException { super(element, BaseURI); }
Creates a new XPathFilterCHGPContainer; needed for generation.
  • doc –
  • includeSlashPolicy –
  • includeButSearch –
  • excludeButSearch –
  • exclude –
Returns:the created object
/** * Creates a new XPathFilterCHGPContainer; needed for generation. * * @param doc * @param includeSlashPolicy * @param includeButSearch * @param excludeButSearch * @param exclude * @return the created object */
public static XPathFilterCHGPContainer getInstance(Document doc, boolean includeSlashPolicy, String includeButSearch, String excludeButSearch, String exclude) { return new XPathFilterCHGPContainer(doc, includeSlashPolicy, includeButSearch, excludeButSearch, exclude); }
Creates a XPathFilterCHGPContainer from an existing Element; needed for verification.
  • element –
  • BaseURI –
Returns:the created object.
/** * Creates a XPathFilterCHGPContainer from an existing Element; needed for verification. * * @param element * @param BaseURI * * @throws XMLSecurityException * @return the created object. */
public static XPathFilterCHGPContainer getInstance( Element element, String BaseURI) throws XMLSecurityException { return new XPathFilterCHGPContainer(element, BaseURI); }
Method getXStr
  • type –
Returns:The Xstr
/** * Method getXStr * * @param type * @return The Xstr */
private String getXStr(String type) { if (this.length(this.getBaseNamespace(), type) != 1) { return ""; } Element xElem = XMLUtils.selectNode(this._constructionElement.getFirstChild(), this.getBaseNamespace(), type,0); return XMLUtils.getFullTextChildrenFromElement(xElem); }
Method getIncludeButSearch
Returns:the string
/** * Method getIncludeButSearch * * @return the string */
public String getIncludeButSearch() { return this.getXStr(XPathFilterCHGPContainer._TAG_INCLUDE_BUT_SEARCH); }
Method getExcludeButSearch
Returns:the string
/** * Method getExcludeButSearch * * @return the string */
public String getExcludeButSearch() { return this.getXStr(XPathFilterCHGPContainer._TAG_EXCLUDE_BUT_SEARCH); }
Method getExclude
Returns:the string
/** * Method getExclude * * @return the string */
public String getExclude() { return this.getXStr(XPathFilterCHGPContainer._TAG_EXCLUDE); }
Method getIncludeSlashPolicy
Returns:the string
/** * Method getIncludeSlashPolicy * * @return the string */
public boolean getIncludeSlashPolicy() { return this._constructionElement .getAttributeNS(null, XPathFilterCHGPContainer._ATT_INCLUDESLASH) .equals("true"); }
Returns the first Text node which contains information from the XPath Filter String. We must use this stupid hook to enable the here() function to work. $todo$ I dunno whether this crashes: here()/ds:Signature[1]
  • type –
Returns:the first Text node which contains information from the XPath 2 Filter String
/** * Returns the first Text node which contains information from the XPath * Filter String. We must use this stupid hook to enable the here() function * to work. * * $todo$ I dunno whether this crashes: <XPath> he<!-- comment -->re()/ds:Signature[1]</XPath> * @param type * @return the first Text node which contains information from the XPath 2 Filter String */
private Node getHereContextNode(String type) { if (this.length(this.getBaseNamespace(), type) != 1) { return null; } return XMLUtils.selectNodeText(this._constructionElement.getFirstChild(), this.getBaseNamespace(), type,0); }
Method getHereContextNodeIncludeButSearch
Returns:the string
/** * Method getHereContextNodeIncludeButSearch * * @return the string */
public Node getHereContextNodeIncludeButSearch() { return this .getHereContextNode(XPathFilterCHGPContainer._TAG_INCLUDE_BUT_SEARCH); }
Method getHereContextNodeExcludeButSearch
Returns:the string
/** * Method getHereContextNodeExcludeButSearch * * @return the string */
public Node getHereContextNodeExcludeButSearch() { return this .getHereContextNode(XPathFilterCHGPContainer._TAG_EXCLUDE_BUT_SEARCH); }
Method getHereContextNodeExclude
Returns:the string
/** * Method getHereContextNodeExclude * * @return the string */
public Node getHereContextNodeExclude() { return this.getHereContextNode(XPathFilterCHGPContainer._TAG_EXCLUDE); }
Method getBaseLocalName
/** * Method getBaseLocalName * * @inheritDoc */
public final String getBaseLocalName() { return XPathFilterCHGPContainer._TAG_XPATHCHGP; }
Method getBaseNamespace
/** * Method getBaseNamespace * * @inheritDoc */
public final String getBaseNamespace() { return Transforms.TRANSFORM_XPATHFILTERCHGP; } }