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package com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.exceptions;

import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.text.MessageFormat;

import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.utils.Constants;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.utils.I18n;

The mother of all Exceptions in this bundle. It allows exceptions to have their messages translated to the different locales. The xmlsecurity_en.properties file contains this line:
xml.WrongElement = Can't create a {0} from a {1} element
Usage in the Java source is:
   Object exArgs[] = { Constants._TAG_TRANSFORMS, "BadElement" };
   throw new XMLSecurityException("xml.WrongElement", exArgs);
Additionally, if another Exception has been caught, we can supply it, too>
try {
} catch (Exception oldEx) {
   Object exArgs[] = { Constants._TAG_TRANSFORMS, "BadElement" };
   throw new XMLSecurityException("xml.WrongElement", exArgs, oldEx);
Author:Christian Geuer-Pollmann
/** * The mother of all Exceptions in this bundle. It allows exceptions to have * their messages translated to the different locales. * * The <code>xmlsecurity_en.properties</code> file contains this line: * <pre> * xml.WrongElement = Can't create a {0} from a {1} element * </pre> * * Usage in the Java source is: * <pre> * { * Object exArgs[] = { Constants._TAG_TRANSFORMS, "BadElement" }; * * throw new XMLSecurityException("xml.WrongElement", exArgs); * } * </pre> * * Additionally, if another Exception has been caught, we can supply it, too> * <pre> * try { * ... * } catch (Exception oldEx) { * Object exArgs[] = { Constants._TAG_TRANSFORMS, "BadElement" }; * * throw new XMLSecurityException("xml.WrongElement", exArgs, oldEx); * } * </pre> * * * @author Christian Geuer-Pollmann */
public class XMLSecurityException extends Exception { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
Field originalException
/** Field originalException */
protected Exception originalException = null;
Field msgID
/** Field msgID */
protected String msgID;
Constructor XMLSecurityException
/** * Constructor XMLSecurityException * */
public XMLSecurityException() { super("Missing message string"); this.msgID = null; this.originalException = null; }
Constructor XMLSecurityException
  • _msgID –
/** * Constructor XMLSecurityException * * @param _msgID */
public XMLSecurityException(String _msgID) { super(I18n.getExceptionMessage(_msgID)); this.msgID = _msgID; this.originalException = null; }
Constructor XMLSecurityException
  • _msgID –
  • exArgs –
/** * Constructor XMLSecurityException * * @param _msgID * @param exArgs */
public XMLSecurityException(String _msgID, Object exArgs[]) { super(MessageFormat.format(I18n.getExceptionMessage(_msgID), exArgs)); this.msgID = _msgID; this.originalException = null; }
Constructor XMLSecurityException
  • _originalException –
/** * Constructor XMLSecurityException * * @param _originalException */
public XMLSecurityException(Exception _originalException) { super("Missing message ID to locate message string in resource bundle \"" + Constants.exceptionMessagesResourceBundleBase + "\". Original Exception was a " + _originalException.getClass().getName() + " and message " + _originalException.getMessage()); this.originalException = _originalException; }
Constructor XMLSecurityException
  • _msgID –
  • _originalException –
/** * Constructor XMLSecurityException * * @param _msgID * @param _originalException */
public XMLSecurityException(String _msgID, Exception _originalException) { super(I18n.getExceptionMessage(_msgID, _originalException)); this.msgID = _msgID; this.originalException = _originalException; }
Constructor XMLSecurityException
  • _msgID –
  • exArgs –
  • _originalException –
/** * Constructor XMLSecurityException * * @param _msgID * @param exArgs * @param _originalException */
public XMLSecurityException(String _msgID, Object exArgs[], Exception _originalException) { super(MessageFormat.format(I18n.getExceptionMessage(_msgID), exArgs)); this.msgID = _msgID; this.originalException = _originalException; }
Method getMsgID
Returns:the messageId
/** * Method getMsgID * * @return the messageId */
public String getMsgID() { if (msgID == null) { return "Missing message ID"; } return msgID; }
/** @inheritDoc */
public String toString() { String s = this.getClass().getName(); String message = super.getLocalizedMessage(); if (message != null) { message = s + ": " + message; } else { message = s; } if (originalException != null) { message = message + "\nOriginal Exception was " + originalException.toString(); } return message; }
Method printStackTrace
/** * Method printStackTrace * */
public void printStackTrace() { synchronized (System.err) { super.printStackTrace(System.err); if (this.originalException != null) { this.originalException.printStackTrace(System.err); } } }
Method printStackTrace
  • printwriter –
/** * Method printStackTrace * * @param printwriter */
public void printStackTrace(PrintWriter printwriter) { super.printStackTrace(printwriter); if (this.originalException != null) { this.originalException.printStackTrace(printwriter); } }
Method printStackTrace
  • printstream –
/** * Method printStackTrace * * @param printstream */
public void printStackTrace(PrintStream printstream) { super.printStackTrace(printstream); if (this.originalException != null) { this.originalException.printStackTrace(printstream); } }
Method getOriginalException
Returns:the original exception
/** * Method getOriginalException * * @return the original exception */
public Exception getOriginalException() { return originalException; } }