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package com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.signature;

import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.exceptions.XMLSecurityException;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.utils.Constants;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.utils.IdResolver;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.utils.SignatureElementProxy;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.utils.XMLUtils;
import org.w3c.dom.Attr;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;

Handles <ds:SignatureProperties> elements This Element holds SignatureProperty that contian additional information items concerning the generation of the signature. for example, data-time stamp, serial number of cryptographic hardware.
Author:Christian Geuer-Pollmann
/** * Handles <code>&lt;ds:SignatureProperties&gt;</code> elements * This Element holds {@link SignatureProperty} that contian additional information items * concerning the generation of the signature. * for example, data-time stamp, serial number of cryptographic hardware. * * @author Christian Geuer-Pollmann * */
public class SignatureProperties extends SignatureElementProxy {
Constructor SignatureProperties
  • doc –
/** * Constructor SignatureProperties * * @param doc */
public SignatureProperties(Document doc) { super(doc); XMLUtils.addReturnToElement(this._constructionElement); }
Constructs SignatureProperties from Element
  • element – SignatureProperties elementt
  • BaseURI – the URI of the resource where the XML instance was stored
/** * Constructs {@link SignatureProperties} from {@link Element} * @param element <code>SignatureProperties</code> elementt * @param BaseURI the URI of the resource where the XML instance was stored * @throws XMLSecurityException */
public SignatureProperties(Element element, String BaseURI) throws XMLSecurityException { super(element, BaseURI); Attr attr = element.getAttributeNodeNS(null, "Id"); if (attr != null) { element.setIdAttributeNode(attr, true); } int length = getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { Element propertyElem = XMLUtils.selectDsNode(getElement(), Constants._TAG_SIGNATUREPROPERTY, i); Attr propertyAttr = propertyElem.getAttributeNodeNS(null, "Id"); if (propertyAttr != null) { propertyElem.setIdAttributeNode(propertyAttr, true); } } }
Return the nonnegative number of added SignatureProperty elements.
Returns:the number of SignatureProperty elements
/** * Return the nonnegative number of added SignatureProperty elements. * * @return the number of SignatureProperty elements */
public int getLength() { Element[] propertyElems = XMLUtils.selectDsNodes(this._constructionElement, Constants._TAG_SIGNATUREPROPERTY ); return propertyElems.length; }
Return the ith SignatureProperty. Valid i values are 0 to {link@ getSize}-1.
Returns:the ith SignatureProperty
/** * Return the <it>i</it><sup>th</sup> SignatureProperty. Valid <code>i</code> * values are 0 to <code>{link@ getSize}-1</code>. * * @param i Index of the requested {@link SignatureProperty} * @return the <it>i</it><sup>th</sup> SignatureProperty * @throws XMLSignatureException */
public SignatureProperty item(int i) throws XMLSignatureException { try { Element propertyElem = XMLUtils.selectDsNode(this._constructionElement, Constants._TAG_SIGNATUREPROPERTY, i ); if (propertyElem == null) { return null; } return new SignatureProperty(propertyElem, this._baseURI); } catch (XMLSecurityException ex) { throw new XMLSignatureException("empty", ex); } }
Sets the Id attribute
  • Id – the Id attribute
/** * Sets the <code>Id</code> attribute * * @param Id the <code>Id</code> attribute */
public void setId(String Id) { if (Id != null) { setLocalIdAttribute(Constants._ATT_ID, Id); } }
Returns the Id attribute
Returns:the Id attribute
/** * Returns the <code>Id</code> attribute * * @return the <code>Id</code> attribute */
public String getId() { return this._constructionElement.getAttributeNS(null, Constants._ATT_ID); }
Method addSignatureProperty
  • sp –
/** * Method addSignatureProperty * * @param sp */
public void addSignatureProperty(SignatureProperty sp) { this._constructionElement.appendChild(sp.getElement()); XMLUtils.addReturnToElement(this._constructionElement); }
/** @inheritDoc */
public String getBaseLocalName() { return Constants._TAG_SIGNATUREPROPERTIES; } }