 * reserved comment block
 * Copyright  1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
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package com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.signature;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;

import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.algorithms.MessageDigestAlgorithm;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.c14n.CanonicalizationException;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.c14n.InvalidCanonicalizerException;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.exceptions.Base64DecodingException;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.exceptions.XMLSecurityException;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.transforms.InvalidTransformException;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.transforms.Transform;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.transforms.TransformationException;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.transforms.Transforms;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.transforms.params.InclusiveNamespaces;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.utils.Base64;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.utils.Constants;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.utils.DigesterOutputStream;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.utils.IdResolver;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.utils.SignatureElementProxy;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.utils.UnsyncBufferedOutputStream;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.utils.XMLUtils;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.utils.resolver.ResourceResolver;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.utils.resolver.ResourceResolverException;
import org.w3c.dom.Attr;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.Text;

Handles <ds:Reference> elements. This includes: Constuct a ds:Reference from an Element.

Create a new reference

Document _doc;
MessageDigestAlgorithm sha1 = MessageDigestAlgorithm.getInstance("http://#sha1");
Reference ref = new Reference(new XMLSignatureInput(new FileInputStream("1.gif"),
                              (Transforms) null, sha1);
Element refElem = ref.toElement(_doc);

Verify a reference

Element refElem = _doc.getElement("Reference"); // PSEUDO
Reference ref = new Reference(refElem);
String url = ref.getURI();
ref.setData(new XMLSignatureInput(new FileInputStream(url)));
if (ref.verify()) {
<element name="Reference" type="ds:ReferenceType"/>
 <complexType name="ReferenceType">
     <element ref="ds:Transforms" minOccurs="0"/>
     <element ref="ds:DigestMethod"/>
     <element ref="ds:DigestValue"/>
   <attribute name="Id" type="ID" use="optional"/>
   <attribute name="URI" type="anyURI" use="optional"/>
   <attribute name="Type" type="anyURI" use="optional"/>
Author:Christian Geuer-Pollmann
See Also:
/** * Handles <code>&lt;ds:Reference&gt;</code> elements. * * This includes: * * Constuct a <CODE>ds:Reference</CODE> from an {@link org.w3c.dom.Element}. * * <p>Create a new reference</p> * <pre> * Document _doc; * MessageDigestAlgorithm sha1 = MessageDigestAlgorithm.getInstance("http://#sha1"); * Reference ref = new Reference(new XMLSignatureInput(new FileInputStream("1.gif"), * "http://localhost/1.gif", * (Transforms) null, sha1); * Element refElem = ref.toElement(_doc); * </pre> * * <p>Verify a reference</p> * <pre> * Element refElem = _doc.getElement("Reference"); // PSEUDO * Reference ref = new Reference(refElem); * String url = ref.getURI(); * ref.setData(new XMLSignatureInput(new FileInputStream(url))); * if (ref.verify()) { * System.out.println("verified"); * } * </pre> * * <pre> * &lt;element name="Reference" type="ds:ReferenceType"/&gt; * &lt;complexType name="ReferenceType"&gt; * &lt;sequence&gt; * &lt;element ref="ds:Transforms" minOccurs="0"/&gt; * &lt;element ref="ds:DigestMethod"/&gt; * &lt;element ref="ds:DigestValue"/&gt; * &lt;/sequence&gt; * &lt;attribute name="Id" type="ID" use="optional"/&gt; * &lt;attribute name="URI" type="anyURI" use="optional"/&gt; * &lt;attribute name="Type" type="anyURI" use="optional"/&gt; * &lt;/complexType&gt; * </pre> * * @author Christian Geuer-Pollmann * @see ObjectContainer * @see Manifest */
public class Reference extends SignatureElementProxy {
Look up useC14N11 system property. If true, an explicit C14N11 transform will be added if necessary when generating the signature. See section 3.1.1 of http://www.w3.org/2007/xmlsec/Drafts/xmldsig-core/ for more info.
/** * Look up useC14N11 system property. If true, an explicit C14N11 transform * will be added if necessary when generating the signature. See section * 3.1.1 of http://www.w3.org/2007/xmlsec/Drafts/xmldsig-core/ for more info. */
private static boolean useC14N11 = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Boolean>() { public Boolean run() { return Boolean.getBoolean ("com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.useC14N11"); } }); /* static { try { useC14N11 = Boolean.getBoolean("com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.useC14N11"); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore exceptions } } */
Field CacheSignedNodes
/** Field CacheSignedNodes */
public final static boolean CacheSignedNodes = false;
logging logging facility
/** {@link java.util.logging} logging facility */
static java.util.logging.Logger log = java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(Reference.class.getName());
/** Field OBJECT_URI */
public static final String OBJECT_URI = Constants.SignatureSpecNS + Constants._TAG_OBJECT;
/** Field MANIFEST_URI */
public static final String MANIFEST_URI = Constants.SignatureSpecNS + Constants._TAG_MANIFEST; //J- Manifest _manifest = null; XMLSignatureInput _transformsOutput; //J+ private Transforms transforms; private Element digestMethodElem; private Element digestValueElement;
Constructor Reference
  • doc – the Document in which XMLsignature is placed
  • BaseURI – the URI of the resource where the XML instance will be stored
  • ReferenceURI – URI indicate where is data which will digested
  • manifest –
  • transforms – Transforms applied to data
  • messageDigestAlgorithm – Digest algorithm which is applied to the data TODO should we throw XMLSignatureException if MessageDigestAlgoURI is wrong?
/** * Constructor Reference * * @param doc the {@link Document} in which <code>XMLsignature</code> is placed * @param BaseURI the URI of the resource where the XML instance will be stored * @param ReferenceURI URI indicate where is data which will digested * @param manifest * @param transforms {@link Transforms} applied to data * @param messageDigestAlgorithm {@link MessageDigestAlgorithm Digest algorithm} which is applied to the data * TODO should we throw XMLSignatureException if MessageDigestAlgoURI is wrong? * @throws XMLSignatureException */
protected Reference(Document doc, String BaseURI, String ReferenceURI, Manifest manifest, Transforms transforms, String messageDigestAlgorithm) throws XMLSignatureException { super(doc); XMLUtils.addReturnToElement(this._constructionElement); this._baseURI = BaseURI; this._manifest = manifest; this.setURI(ReferenceURI); // important: The ds:Reference must be added to the associated ds:Manifest // or ds:SignedInfo _before_ the this.resolverResult() is called. // this._manifest.appendChild(this._constructionElement); // this._manifest.appendChild(this._doc.createTextNode("\n")); if (transforms != null) { this.transforms=transforms; this._constructionElement.appendChild(transforms.getElement()); XMLUtils.addReturnToElement(this._constructionElement); } { MessageDigestAlgorithm mda = MessageDigestAlgorithm.getInstance(this._doc, messageDigestAlgorithm); digestMethodElem=mda.getElement(); this._constructionElement.appendChild(digestMethodElem); XMLUtils.addReturnToElement(this._constructionElement); } { digestValueElement = XMLUtils.createElementInSignatureSpace(this._doc, Constants._TAG_DIGESTVALUE); this._constructionElement.appendChild(digestValueElement); XMLUtils.addReturnToElement(this._constructionElement); } }
Build a Reference from an Element
  • element – Reference element
  • BaseURI – the URI of the resource where the XML instance was stored
  • manifest – is the Manifest of SignedInfo in which the Reference occurs. We need this because the Manifest has the individual ResourceResolvers whcih have been set by the user
/** * Build a {@link Reference} from an {@link Element} * * @param element <code>Reference</code> element * @param BaseURI the URI of the resource where the XML instance was stored * @param manifest is the {@link Manifest} of {@link SignedInfo} in which the Reference occurs. We need this because the Manifest has the individual {@link ResourceResolver}s whcih have been set by the user * @throws XMLSecurityException */
protected Reference(Element element, String BaseURI, Manifest manifest) throws XMLSecurityException { super(element, BaseURI); this._baseURI=BaseURI; Element el=XMLUtils.getNextElement(element.getFirstChild()); if (Constants._TAG_TRANSFORMS.equals(el.getLocalName()) && Constants.SignatureSpecNS.equals(el.getNamespaceURI())) { transforms = new Transforms(el,this._baseURI); el=XMLUtils.getNextElement(el.getNextSibling()); } digestMethodElem = el; digestValueElement =XMLUtils.getNextElement(digestMethodElem.getNextSibling());; this._manifest = manifest; }
/** * Returns {@link MessageDigestAlgorithm} * * * @return {@link MessageDigestAlgorithm} * * @throws XMLSignatureException */
public MessageDigestAlgorithm getMessageDigestAlgorithm() throws XMLSignatureException { if (digestMethodElem == null) { return null; } String uri = digestMethodElem.getAttributeNS(null, Constants._ATT_ALGORITHM); if (uri == null) { return null; } return MessageDigestAlgorithm.getInstance(this._doc, uri); }
Sets the URI of this Reference element
  • URI – the URI of this Reference element
/** * Sets the <code>URI</code> of this <code>Reference</code> element * * @param URI the <code>URI</code> of this <code>Reference</code> element */
public void setURI(String URI) { if ( URI != null) { this._constructionElement.setAttributeNS(null, Constants._ATT_URI, URI); } }
Returns the URI of this Reference element
Returns:URI the URI of this Reference element
/** * Returns the <code>URI</code> of this <code>Reference</code> element * * @return URI the <code>URI</code> of this <code>Reference</code> element */
public String getURI() { return this._constructionElement.getAttributeNS(null, Constants._ATT_URI); }
Sets the Id attribute of this Reference element
  • Id – the Id attribute of this Reference element
/** * Sets the <code>Id</code> attribute of this <code>Reference</code> element * * @param Id the <code>Id</code> attribute of this <code>Reference</code> element */
public void setId(String Id) { if ( Id != null ) { setLocalIdAttribute(Constants._ATT_ID, Id); } }
Returns the Id attribute of this Reference element
Returns:Id the Id attribute of this Reference element
/** * Returns the <code>Id</code> attribute of this <code>Reference</code> element * * @return Id the <code>Id</code> attribute of this <code>Reference</code> element */
public String getId() { return this._constructionElement.getAttributeNS(null, Constants._ATT_ID); }
Sets the type atttibute of the Reference indicate whether an ds:Object, ds:SignatureProperty, or ds:Manifest element
  • Type – the type attribute of the Reference
/** * Sets the <code>type</code> atttibute of the Reference indicate whether an <code>ds:Object</code>, <code>ds:SignatureProperty</code>, or <code>ds:Manifest</code> element * * @param Type the <code>type</code> attribute of the Reference */
public void setType(String Type) { if (Type != null) { this._constructionElement.setAttributeNS(null, Constants._ATT_TYPE, Type); } }
Return the type atttibute of the Reference indicate whether an ds:Object, ds:SignatureProperty, or ds:Manifest element
Returns:the type attribute of the Reference
/** * Return the <code>type</code> atttibute of the Reference indicate whether an <code>ds:Object</code>, <code>ds:SignatureProperty</code>, or <code>ds:Manifest</code> element * * @return the <code>type</code> attribute of the Reference */
public String getType() { return this._constructionElement.getAttributeNS(null, Constants._ATT_TYPE); }
Method isReferenceToObject This returns true if the Type attribute of the Refernce element points to a #Object element
Returns:true if the Reference type indicates that this Reference points to an Object
/** * Method isReferenceToObject * * This returns true if the <CODE>Type</CODE> attribute of the * <CODE>Refernce</CODE> element points to a <CODE>#Object</CODE> element * * @return true if the Reference type indicates that this Reference points to an <code>Object</code> */
public boolean typeIsReferenceToObject() { if (Reference.OBJECT_URI.equals(this.getType())) { return true; } return false; }
Method isReferenceToManifest This returns true if the Type attribute of the Refernce element points to a #Manifest element
Returns:true if the Reference type indicates that this Reference points to a Manifest
/** * Method isReferenceToManifest * * This returns true if the <CODE>Type</CODE> attribute of the * <CODE>Refernce</CODE> element points to a <CODE>#Manifest</CODE> element * * @return true if the Reference type indicates that this Reference points to a {@link Manifest} */
public boolean typeIsReferenceToManifest() { if (Reference.MANIFEST_URI.equals(this.getType())) { return true; } return false; }
Method setDigestValueElement
  • digestValue –
/** * Method setDigestValueElement * * @param digestValue */
private void setDigestValueElement(byte[] digestValue) { Node n=digestValueElement.getFirstChild(); while (n!=null) { digestValueElement.removeChild(n); n = n.getNextSibling(); } String base64codedValue = Base64.encode(digestValue); Text t = this._doc.createTextNode(base64codedValue); digestValueElement.appendChild(t); }
Method generateDigestValue
/** * Method generateDigestValue * * @throws ReferenceNotInitializedException * @throws XMLSignatureException */
public void generateDigestValue() throws XMLSignatureException, ReferenceNotInitializedException { this.setDigestValueElement(this.calculateDigest(false)); }
Returns the XMLSignatureInput which is created by de-referencing the URI attribute.
Returns:the XMLSignatureInput of the source of this reference
/** * Returns the XMLSignatureInput which is created by de-referencing the URI attribute. * @return the XMLSignatureInput of the source of this reference * @throws ReferenceNotInitializedException If the resolver found any * problem resolving the reference */
public XMLSignatureInput getContentsBeforeTransformation() throws ReferenceNotInitializedException { try { Attr URIAttr = this._constructionElement.getAttributeNodeNS(null, Constants._ATT_URI); String URI; if (URIAttr == null) { URI = null; } else { URI = URIAttr.getNodeValue(); } ResourceResolver resolver = ResourceResolver.getInstance(URIAttr, this._baseURI, this._manifest._perManifestResolvers); if (resolver == null) { Object exArgs[] = { URI }; throw new ReferenceNotInitializedException( "signature.Verification.Reference.NoInput", exArgs); } resolver.addProperties(this._manifest._resolverProperties); XMLSignatureInput input = resolver.resolve(URIAttr, this._baseURI); return input; } catch (ResourceResolverException ex) { throw new ReferenceNotInitializedException("empty", ex); } catch (XMLSecurityException ex) { throw new ReferenceNotInitializedException("empty", ex); } }
Returns the data which is referenced by the URI attribute. This method only works works after a call to verify.
Returns:a XMLSignature with a byte array.
Deprecated:use getContentsBeforeTransformation
/** * Returns the data which is referenced by the URI attribute. This method * only works works after a call to verify. * @return a XMLSignature with a byte array. * @throws ReferenceNotInitializedException * * @deprecated use getContentsBeforeTransformation */
public XMLSignatureInput getTransformsInput() throws ReferenceNotInitializedException { XMLSignatureInput input=getContentsBeforeTransformation(); XMLSignatureInput result; try { result = new XMLSignatureInput(input.getBytes()); } catch (CanonicalizationException ex) { throw new ReferenceNotInitializedException("empty", ex); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new ReferenceNotInitializedException("empty", ex); } result.setSourceURI(input.getSourceURI()); return result; } private XMLSignatureInput getContentsAfterTransformation(XMLSignatureInput input, OutputStream os) throws XMLSignatureException { try { Transforms transforms = this.getTransforms(); XMLSignatureInput output = null; if (transforms != null) { output = transforms.performTransforms(input,os); this._transformsOutput = output;//new XMLSignatureInput(output.getBytes()); //this._transformsOutput.setSourceURI(output.getSourceURI()); } else { output = input; } return output; } catch (ResourceResolverException ex) { throw new XMLSignatureException("empty", ex); } catch (CanonicalizationException ex) { throw new XMLSignatureException("empty", ex); } catch (InvalidCanonicalizerException ex) { throw new XMLSignatureException("empty", ex); } catch (TransformationException ex) { throw new XMLSignatureException("empty", ex); } catch (XMLSecurityException ex) { throw new XMLSignatureException("empty", ex); } }
Returns the XMLSignatureInput which is the result of the Transforms.
Returns:a XMLSignatureInput with all transformations applied.
/** * Returns the XMLSignatureInput which is the result of the Transforms. * @return a XMLSignatureInput with all transformations applied. * @throws XMLSignatureException */
public XMLSignatureInput getContentsAfterTransformation() throws XMLSignatureException { XMLSignatureInput input = this.getContentsBeforeTransformation(); return this.getContentsAfterTransformation(input, null); }
This method returns the XMLSignatureInput which represents the node set before some kind of canonicalization is applied for the first time.
Returns:Gets a the node doing everything till the first c14n is needed
/** * This method returns the XMLSignatureInput which represents the node set before * some kind of canonicalization is applied for the first time. * @return Gets a the node doing everything till the first c14n is needed * * @throws XMLSignatureException */
public XMLSignatureInput getNodesetBeforeFirstCanonicalization() throws XMLSignatureException { try { XMLSignatureInput input = this.getContentsBeforeTransformation(); XMLSignatureInput output = input; Transforms transforms = this.getTransforms(); if (transforms != null) { doTransforms: for (int i = 0; i < transforms.getLength(); i++) { Transform t = transforms.item(i); String URI = t.getURI(); if (URI.equals(Transforms .TRANSFORM_C14N_EXCL_OMIT_COMMENTS) || URI .equals(Transforms .TRANSFORM_C14N_EXCL_WITH_COMMENTS) || URI .equals(Transforms .TRANSFORM_C14N_OMIT_COMMENTS) || URI .equals(Transforms .TRANSFORM_C14N_WITH_COMMENTS)) { break doTransforms; } output = t.performTransform(output, null); } output.setSourceURI(input.getSourceURI()); } return output; } catch (IOException ex) { throw new XMLSignatureException("empty", ex); } catch (ResourceResolverException ex) { throw new XMLSignatureException("empty", ex); } catch (CanonicalizationException ex) { throw new XMLSignatureException("empty", ex); } catch (InvalidCanonicalizerException ex) { throw new XMLSignatureException("empty", ex); } catch (TransformationException ex) { throw new XMLSignatureException("empty", ex); } catch (XMLSecurityException ex) { throw new XMLSignatureException("empty", ex); } }
Method getHTMLRepresentation
Returns:The HTML of the transformation
/** * Method getHTMLRepresentation * @return The HTML of the transformation * @throws XMLSignatureException */
public String getHTMLRepresentation() throws XMLSignatureException { try { XMLSignatureInput nodes = this.getNodesetBeforeFirstCanonicalization(); Set inclusiveNamespaces = new HashSet(); { Transforms transforms = this.getTransforms(); Transform c14nTransform = null; if (transforms != null) { doTransforms: for (int i = 0; i < transforms.getLength(); i++) { Transform t = transforms.item(i); String URI = t.getURI(); if (URI.equals(Transforms.TRANSFORM_C14N_EXCL_OMIT_COMMENTS) || URI.equals( Transforms.TRANSFORM_C14N_EXCL_WITH_COMMENTS)) { c14nTransform = t; break doTransforms; } } } if (c14nTransform != null) { if (c14nTransform .length(InclusiveNamespaces .ExclusiveCanonicalizationNamespace, InclusiveNamespaces ._TAG_EC_INCLUSIVENAMESPACES) == 1) { // there is one InclusiveNamespaces element InclusiveNamespaces in = new InclusiveNamespaces( XMLUtils.selectNode( c14nTransform.getElement().getFirstChild(), InclusiveNamespaces.ExclusiveCanonicalizationNamespace, InclusiveNamespaces._TAG_EC_INCLUSIVENAMESPACES,0), this.getBaseURI()); inclusiveNamespaces = InclusiveNamespaces.prefixStr2Set( in.getInclusiveNamespaces()); } } } return nodes.getHTMLRepresentation(inclusiveNamespaces); } catch (TransformationException ex) { throw new XMLSignatureException("empty", ex); } catch (InvalidTransformException ex) { throw new XMLSignatureException("empty", ex); } catch (XMLSecurityException ex) { throw new XMLSignatureException("empty", ex); } }
This method only works works after a call to verify.
Returns:the transformed output(i.e. what is going to be digested).
/** * This method only works works after a call to verify. * @return the transformed output(i.e. what is going to be digested). */
public XMLSignatureInput getTransformsOutput() { return this._transformsOutput; }
This method returns the XMLSignatureInput which is referenced by the URI Attribute.
  • os – where to write the transformation can be null.
See Also:
Returns:the element to digest
/** * This method returns the {@link XMLSignatureInput} which is referenced by the * <CODE>URI</CODE> Attribute. * @param os where to write the transformation can be null. * @return the element to digest * * @throws XMLSignatureException * @see Manifest#verifyReferences() */
protected XMLSignatureInput dereferenceURIandPerformTransforms(OutputStream os) throws XMLSignatureException { try { XMLSignatureInput input = this.getContentsBeforeTransformation(); XMLSignatureInput output = this.getContentsAfterTransformation(input, os); /* at this stage, this._transformsInput and this._transformsOutput * contain a huge amount of nodes. When we do not cache these nodes * but only preserve the octets, the memory footprint is dramatically * reduced. */ if (!Reference.CacheSignedNodes) { this._transformsOutput = output;//new XMLSignatureInput(output.getBytes()); //this._transformsOutput.setSourceURI(output.getSourceURI()); } return output; } catch (XMLSecurityException ex) { throw new ReferenceNotInitializedException("empty", ex); } }
Method getTransforms
Returns:The transforms that applied this reference.
/** * Method getTransforms * * @return The transforms that applied this reference. * @throws InvalidTransformException * @throws TransformationException * @throws XMLSecurityException * @throws XMLSignatureException */
public Transforms getTransforms() throws XMLSignatureException, InvalidTransformException, TransformationException, XMLSecurityException { return transforms; }
Method getReferencedBytes
Returns:the bytes that will be used to generated digest.
/** * Method getReferencedBytes * * @return the bytes that will be used to generated digest. * @throws ReferenceNotInitializedException * @throws XMLSignatureException */
public byte[] getReferencedBytes() throws ReferenceNotInitializedException, XMLSignatureException { try { XMLSignatureInput output=this.dereferenceURIandPerformTransforms(null); byte[] signedBytes = output.getBytes(); return signedBytes; } catch (IOException ex) { throw new ReferenceNotInitializedException("empty", ex); } catch (CanonicalizationException ex) { throw new ReferenceNotInitializedException("empty", ex); } }
Method calculateDigest
  • validating – true if validating the reference
Returns:reference Calculate the digest of this reference.
/** * Method calculateDigest * * @param validating true if validating the reference * @return reference Calculate the digest of this reference. * @throws ReferenceNotInitializedException * @throws XMLSignatureException */
private byte[] calculateDigest(boolean validating) throws ReferenceNotInitializedException, XMLSignatureException { try { MessageDigestAlgorithm mda = this.getMessageDigestAlgorithm(); mda.reset(); DigesterOutputStream diOs=new DigesterOutputStream(mda); OutputStream os=new UnsyncBufferedOutputStream(diOs); XMLSignatureInput output=this.dereferenceURIandPerformTransforms(os); // if signing and c14n11 property == true explicitly add // C14N11 transform if needed if (this.useC14N11 && !validating && !output.isOutputStreamSet() && !output.isOctetStream()) { if (transforms == null) { transforms = new Transforms(this._doc); this._constructionElement.insertBefore (transforms.getElement(), digestMethodElem); } transforms.addTransform(Transforms.TRANSFORM_C14N11_OMIT_COMMENTS); output.updateOutputStream(os, true); } else { output.updateOutputStream(os); } os.flush(); //this.getReferencedBytes(diOs); //mda.update(data); return diOs.getDigestValue(); } catch (XMLSecurityException ex) { throw new ReferenceNotInitializedException("empty", ex); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new ReferenceNotInitializedException("empty", ex); } }
Returns the digest value.
Returns:the digest value.
/** * Returns the digest value. * * @return the digest value. * @throws Base64DecodingException if Reference contains no proper base64 encoded data. * @throws XMLSecurityException if the Reference does not contain a DigestValue element */
public byte[] getDigestValue() throws Base64DecodingException, XMLSecurityException { if (digestValueElement == null) { // The required element is not in the XML! Object[] exArgs ={ Constants._TAG_DIGESTVALUE, Constants.SignatureSpecNS }; throw new XMLSecurityException( "signature.Verification.NoSignatureElement", exArgs); } byte[] elemDig = Base64.decode(digestValueElement); return elemDig; }
Tests reference valdiation is success or false
Returns:true if reference valdiation is success, otherwise false
/** * Tests reference valdiation is success or false * * @return true if reference valdiation is success, otherwise false * @throws ReferenceNotInitializedException * @throws XMLSecurityException */
public boolean verify() throws ReferenceNotInitializedException, XMLSecurityException { byte[] elemDig = this.getDigestValue(); byte[] calcDig = this.calculateDigest(true); boolean equal = MessageDigestAlgorithm.isEqual(elemDig, calcDig); if (!equal) { log.log(java.util.logging.Level.WARNING, "Verification failed for URI \"" + this.getURI() + "\""); log.log(java.util.logging.Level.WARNING, "Expected Digest: " + Base64.encode(elemDig)); log.log(java.util.logging.Level.WARNING, "Actual Digest: " + Base64.encode(calcDig)); } else { log.log(java.util.logging.Level.INFO, "Verification successful for URI \"" + this.getURI() + "\""); } return equal; }
Method getBaseLocalName
/** * Method getBaseLocalName * @inheritDoc * */
public String getBaseLocalName() { return Constants._TAG_REFERENCE; } }