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 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
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package jdk.jpackage.internal;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException;
import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamWriter;
import jdk.jpackage.internal.IOUtils.XmlConsumer;
import static jdk.jpackage.internal.StandardBundlerParam.APP_NAME;
import static jdk.jpackage.internal.StandardBundlerParam.INSTALL_DIR;
import static jdk.jpackage.internal.StandardBundlerParam.VENDOR;
import static jdk.jpackage.internal.StandardBundlerParam.VERSION;
import static jdk.jpackage.internal.WinMsiBundler.MSI_SYSTEM_WIDE;

Creates application WiX source files.
/** * Creates application WiX source files. */
class WixSourcesBuilder { WixSourcesBuilder setWixVersion(DottedVersion v) { wixVersion = v; return this; } WixSourcesBuilder initFromParams(Path appImageRoot, Map<String, ? super Object> params) { Supplier<ApplicationLayout> appImageSupplier = () -> { if (StandardBundlerParam.isRuntimeInstaller(params)) { return ApplicationLayout.javaRuntime(); } else { return ApplicationLayout.platformAppImage(); } }; systemWide = MSI_SYSTEM_WIDE.fetchFrom(params); registryKeyPath = Path.of("Software", VENDOR.fetchFrom(params), APP_NAME.fetchFrom(params), VERSION.fetchFrom(params)).toString(); installDir = (systemWide ? PROGRAM_FILES : LOCAL_PROGRAM_FILES).resolve( WINDOWS_INSTALL_DIR.fetchFrom(params)); do { ApplicationLayout layout = appImageSupplier.get(); // Don't want AppImageFile.FILENAME in installed application. // Register it with app image at a role without a match in installed // app layout to exclude it from layout transformation. layout.pathGroup().setPath(new Object(), AppImageFile.getPathInAppImage(Path.of(""))); // Want absolute paths to source files in generated WiX sources. // This is to handle scenario if sources would be processed from // differnt current directory. appImage = layout.resolveAt(appImageRoot.toAbsolutePath().normalize()); } while (false); installedAppImage = appImageSupplier.get().resolveAt(INSTALLDIR); shortcutFolders = new HashSet<>(); if (SHORTCUT_HINT.fetchFrom(params)) { shortcutFolders.add(ShortcutsFolder.Desktop); } if (MENU_HINT.fetchFrom(params)) { shortcutFolders.add(ShortcutsFolder.ProgramMenu); } if (StandardBundlerParam.isRuntimeInstaller(params)) { launcherPaths = Collections.emptyList(); } else { launcherPaths = AppImageFile.getLauncherNames(appImageRoot, params).stream() .map(name -> installedAppImage.launchersDirectory().resolve(name)) .map(WixSourcesBuilder::addExeSuffixToPath) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } programMenuFolderName = MENU_GROUP.fetchFrom(params); initFileAssociations(params); return this; } void createMainFragment(Path file) throws IOException { removeFolderItems = new HashMap<>(); defaultedMimes = new HashSet<>(); IOUtils.createXml(file, xml -> { xml.writeStartElement("Wix"); xml.writeDefaultNamespace("http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi"); xml.writeNamespace("util", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/UtilExtension"); xml.writeStartElement("Fragment"); addFaComponentGroup(xml); addShortcutComponentGroup(xml); addFilesComponentGroup(xml); xml.writeEndElement(); // <Fragment> addIconsFragment(xml); xml.writeEndElement(); // <Wix> }); } void logWixFeatures() { if (wixVersion.compareTo("3.6") >= 0) { Log.verbose(MessageFormat.format(I18N.getString( "message.use-wix36-features"), wixVersion)); } } static boolean is64Bit() { return !("x86".equals(System.getProperty("os.arch"))); } private void normalizeFileAssociation(FileAssociation fa) { fa.launcherPath = addExeSuffixToPath( installedAppImage.launchersDirectory().resolve(fa.launcherPath)); if (fa.iconPath != null && !Files.exists(fa.iconPath)) { fa.iconPath = null; } if (fa.iconPath != null) { fa.iconPath = fa.iconPath.toAbsolutePath(); } // Filter out empty extensions. fa.extensions = fa.extensions.stream().filter(Predicate.not( String::isEmpty)).collect(Collectors.toList()); } private static Path addExeSuffixToPath(Path path) { return IOUtils.addSuffix(path, ".exe"); } private Path getInstalledFaIcoPath(FileAssociation fa) { String fname = String.format("fa_%s.ico", String.join("_", fa.extensions)); return installedAppImage.destktopIntegrationDirectory().resolve(fname); } private void initFileAssociations(Map<String, ? super Object> params) { associations = FileAssociation.fetchFrom(params).stream() .peek(this::normalizeFileAssociation) // Filter out file associations without extensions. .filter(fa -> !fa.extensions.isEmpty()) .collect(Collectors.toList()); associations.stream().filter(fa -> fa.iconPath != null).forEach(fa -> { // Need to add fa icon in the image. Object key = new Object(); appImage.pathGroup().setPath(key, fa.iconPath); installedAppImage.pathGroup().setPath(key, getInstalledFaIcoPath(fa)); }); } private static UUID createNameUUID(String str) { return UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes(str.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); } private static UUID createNameUUID(Path path, String role) { if (path.isAbsolute() || !ROOT_DIRS.contains(path.getName(0))) { throw throwInvalidPathException(path); } // Paths are case insensitive on Windows String keyPath = path.toString().toLowerCase(); if (role != null) { keyPath = role + "@" + keyPath; } return createNameUUID(keyPath); }
Value for Id attribute of various WiX elements.
/** * Value for Id attribute of various WiX elements. */
enum Id { File, Folder("dir"), Shortcut, ProgId, Icon, CreateFolder("mkdir"), RemoveFolder("rm"); Id() { this.prefix = name().toLowerCase(); } Id(String prefix) { this.prefix = prefix; } String of(Path path) { if (this == Folder && KNOWN_DIRS.contains(path)) { return IOUtils.getFileName(path).toString(); } String result = of(path, prefix, name()); if (this == Icon) { // Icon id constructed from UUID value is too long and triggers // CNDL1000 warning, so use Java hash code instead. result = String.format("%s%d", prefix, result.hashCode()).replace( "-", "_"); } return result; } private static String of(Path path, String prefix, String role) { Objects.requireNonNull(role); Objects.requireNonNull(prefix); return String.format("%s%s", prefix, createNameUUID(path, role).toString().replace("-", "")); } static String of(Path path, String prefix) { return of(path, prefix, prefix); } private final String prefix; } enum Component { File(cfg().file()), Shortcut(cfg().file().withRegistryKeyPath()), ProgId(cfg().file().withRegistryKeyPath()), CreateFolder(cfg().withRegistryKeyPath()), RemoveFolder(cfg().withRegistryKeyPath()); Component() { this.cfg = cfg(); this.id = Id.valueOf(name()); } Component(Config cfg) { this.cfg = cfg; this.id = Id.valueOf(name()); } UUID guidOf(Path path) { return createNameUUID(path, name()); } String idOf(Path path) { return id.of(path); } boolean isRegistryKeyPath() { return cfg.withRegistryKeyPath; } boolean isFile() { return cfg.isFile; } static void startElement(XMLStreamWriter xml, String componentId, String componentGuid) throws XMLStreamException, IOException { xml.writeStartElement("Component"); xml.writeAttribute("Win64", is64Bit() ? "yes" : "no"); xml.writeAttribute("Id", componentId); xml.writeAttribute("Guid", componentGuid); } private static final class Config { Config withRegistryKeyPath() { withRegistryKeyPath = true; return this; } Config file() { isFile = true; return this; } private boolean isFile; private boolean withRegistryKeyPath; } private static Config cfg() { return new Config(); } private final Config cfg; private final Id id; }; private static void addComponentGroup(XMLStreamWriter xml, String id, List<String> componentIds) throws XMLStreamException, IOException { xml.writeStartElement("ComponentGroup"); xml.writeAttribute("Id", id); componentIds = componentIds.stream().filter(Objects::nonNull).collect( Collectors.toList()); for (var componentId : componentIds) { xml.writeStartElement("ComponentRef"); xml.writeAttribute("Id", componentId); xml.writeEndElement(); } xml.writeEndElement(); } private String addComponent(XMLStreamWriter xml, Path path, Component role, XmlConsumer xmlConsumer) throws XMLStreamException, IOException { final Path directoryRefPath; if (role.isFile()) { directoryRefPath = path.getParent(); } else { directoryRefPath = path; } xml.writeStartElement("DirectoryRef"); xml.writeAttribute("Id", Id.Folder.of(directoryRefPath)); final String componentId = "c" + role.idOf(path); Component.startElement(xml, componentId, String.format("{%s}", role.guidOf(path))); boolean isRegistryKeyPath = !systemWide || role.isRegistryKeyPath(); if (isRegistryKeyPath) { addRegistryKeyPath(xml, directoryRefPath); if ((role.isFile() || (role == Component.CreateFolder && !systemWide)) && !SYSTEM_DIRS.contains(directoryRefPath)) { xml.writeStartElement("RemoveFolder"); int counter = Optional.ofNullable(removeFolderItems.get( directoryRefPath)).orElse(Integer.valueOf(0)).intValue() + 1; removeFolderItems.put(directoryRefPath, counter); xml.writeAttribute("Id", String.format("%s_%d", Id.RemoveFolder.of( directoryRefPath), counter)); xml.writeAttribute("On", "uninstall"); xml.writeEndElement(); } } xml.writeStartElement(role.name()); if (role != Component.CreateFolder) { xml.writeAttribute("Id", role.idOf(path)); } if (!isRegistryKeyPath) { xml.writeAttribute("KeyPath", "yes"); } xmlConsumer.accept(xml); xml.writeEndElement(); xml.writeEndElement(); // <Component> xml.writeEndElement(); // <DirectoryRef> return componentId; } private void addFaComponentGroup(XMLStreamWriter xml) throws XMLStreamException, IOException { List<String> componentIds = new ArrayList<>(); for (var fa : associations) { componentIds.addAll(addFaComponents(xml, fa)); } addComponentGroup(xml, "FileAssociations", componentIds); } private void addShortcutComponentGroup(XMLStreamWriter xml) throws XMLStreamException, IOException { List<String> componentIds = new ArrayList<>(); Set<ShortcutsFolder> defineShortcutFolders = new HashSet<>(); for (var launcherPath : launcherPaths) { for (var folder : shortcutFolders) { String componentId = addShortcutComponent(xml, launcherPath, folder); if (componentId != null) { defineShortcutFolders.add(folder); componentIds.add(componentId); } } } for (var folder : defineShortcutFolders) { Path path = folder.getPath(this); componentIds.addAll(addRootBranch(xml, path)); } addComponentGroup(xml, "Shortcuts", componentIds); } private String addShortcutComponent(XMLStreamWriter xml, Path launcherPath, ShortcutsFolder folder) throws XMLStreamException, IOException { Objects.requireNonNull(folder); if (!INSTALLDIR.equals(launcherPath.getName(0))) { throw throwInvalidPathException(launcherPath); } String launcherBasename = IOUtils.replaceSuffix( IOUtils.getFileName(launcherPath), "").toString(); Path shortcutPath = folder.getPath(this).resolve(launcherBasename); return addComponent(xml, shortcutPath, Component.Shortcut, unused -> { final Path icoFile = IOUtils.addSuffix( installedAppImage.destktopIntegrationDirectory().resolve( launcherBasename), ".ico"); xml.writeAttribute("Name", launcherBasename); xml.writeAttribute("WorkingDirectory", INSTALLDIR.toString()); xml.writeAttribute("Advertise", "no"); xml.writeAttribute("IconIndex", "0"); xml.writeAttribute("Target", String.format("[#%s]", Component.File.idOf(launcherPath))); xml.writeAttribute("Icon", Id.Icon.of(icoFile)); }); } private List<String> addFaComponents(XMLStreamWriter xml, FileAssociation fa) throws XMLStreamException, IOException { List<String> components = new ArrayList<>(); for (var extension: fa.extensions) { Path path = INSTALLDIR.resolve(String.format("%s_%s", extension, fa.launcherPath.getFileName())); components.add(addComponent(xml, path, Component.ProgId, unused -> { xml.writeAttribute("Description", fa.description); if (fa.iconPath != null) { xml.writeAttribute("Icon", Id.File.of(getInstalledFaIcoPath( fa))); xml.writeAttribute("IconIndex", "0"); } xml.writeStartElement("Extension"); xml.writeAttribute("Id", extension); xml.writeAttribute("Advertise", "no"); var mimeIt = fa.mimeTypes.iterator(); if (mimeIt.hasNext()) { String mime = mimeIt.next(); xml.writeAttribute("ContentType", mime); if (!defaultedMimes.contains(mime)) { xml.writeStartElement("MIME"); xml.writeAttribute("ContentType", mime); xml.writeAttribute("Default", "yes"); xml.writeEndElement(); defaultedMimes.add(mime); } } xml.writeStartElement("Verb"); xml.writeAttribute("Id", "open"); xml.writeAttribute("Command", "Open"); xml.writeAttribute("Argument", "\"%1\""); xml.writeAttribute("TargetFile", Id.File.of(fa.launcherPath)); xml.writeEndElement(); // <Verb> xml.writeEndElement(); // <Extension> })); } return components; } private List<String> addRootBranch(XMLStreamWriter xml, Path path) throws XMLStreamException, IOException { if (!ROOT_DIRS.contains(path.getName(0))) { throw throwInvalidPathException(path); } Function<Path, String> createDirectoryName = dir -> null; boolean sysDir = true; int levels = 1; var dirIt = path.iterator(); xml.writeStartElement("DirectoryRef"); xml.writeAttribute("Id", dirIt.next().toString()); path = path.getName(0); while (dirIt.hasNext()) { levels++; Path name = dirIt.next(); path = path.resolve(name); if (sysDir && !SYSTEM_DIRS.contains(path)) { sysDir = false; createDirectoryName = dir -> dir.getFileName().toString(); } final String directoryId; if (!sysDir && path.equals(installDir)) { directoryId = INSTALLDIR.toString(); } else { directoryId = Id.Folder.of(path); } xml.writeStartElement("Directory"); xml.writeAttribute("Id", directoryId); String directoryName = createDirectoryName.apply(path); if (directoryName != null) { xml.writeAttribute("Name", directoryName); } } while (0 != levels--) { xml.writeEndElement(); } List<String> componentIds = new ArrayList<>(); return componentIds; } private String addRemoveDirectoryComponent(XMLStreamWriter xml, Path path) throws XMLStreamException, IOException { return addComponent(xml, path, Component.RemoveFolder, unused -> xml.writeAttribute("On", "uninstall")); } private List<String> addDirectoryHierarchy(XMLStreamWriter xml) throws XMLStreamException, IOException { Set<Path> allDirs = new HashSet<>(); Set<Path> emptyDirs = new HashSet<>(); appImage.transform(installedAppImage, new PathGroup.TransformHandler() { @Override public void copyFile(Path src, Path dst) throws IOException { Path dir = dst.getParent(); createDirectory(dir); emptyDirs.remove(dir); } @Override public void createDirectory(final Path dir) throws IOException { if (!allDirs.contains(dir)) { emptyDirs.add(dir); } Path it = dir; while (it != null && allDirs.add(it)) { it = it.getParent(); } it = dir; while ((it = it.getParent()) != null && emptyDirs.remove(it)); } }); List<String> componentIds = new ArrayList<>(); for (var dir : emptyDirs) { componentIds.add(addComponent(xml, dir, Component.CreateFolder, unused -> {})); } if (!systemWide) { // Per-user install requires <RemoveFolder> component in every // directory. for (var dir : allDirs.stream() .filter(Predicate.not(emptyDirs::contains)) .filter(Predicate.not(removeFolderItems::containsKey)) .collect(Collectors.toList())) { componentIds.add(addRemoveDirectoryComponent(xml, dir)); } } allDirs.remove(INSTALLDIR); for (var dir : allDirs) { xml.writeStartElement("DirectoryRef"); xml.writeAttribute("Id", Id.Folder.of(dir.getParent())); xml.writeStartElement("Directory"); xml.writeAttribute("Id", Id.Folder.of(dir)); xml.writeAttribute("Name", IOUtils.getFileName(dir).toString()); xml.writeEndElement(); xml.writeEndElement(); } componentIds.addAll(addRootBranch(xml, installDir)); return componentIds; } private void addFilesComponentGroup(XMLStreamWriter xml) throws XMLStreamException, IOException { List<Map.Entry<Path, Path>> files = new ArrayList<>(); appImage.transform(installedAppImage, new PathGroup.TransformHandler() { @Override public void copyFile(Path src, Path dst) throws IOException { files.add(Map.entry(src, dst)); } @Override public void createDirectory(final Path dir) throws IOException { } }); List<String> componentIds = new ArrayList<>(); for (var file : files) { Path src = file.getKey(); Path dst = file.getValue(); componentIds.add(addComponent(xml, dst, Component.File, unused -> { xml.writeAttribute("Source", src.normalize().toString()); Path name = dst.getFileName(); if (!name.equals(src.getFileName())) { xml.writeAttribute("Name", name.toString()); } })); } componentIds.addAll(addDirectoryHierarchy(xml)); componentIds.add(addDirectoryCleaner(xml, INSTALLDIR)); addComponentGroup(xml, "Files", componentIds); } private void addIconsFragment(XMLStreamWriter xml) throws XMLStreamException, IOException { PathGroup srcPathGroup = appImage.pathGroup(); PathGroup dstPathGroup = installedAppImage.pathGroup(); // Build list of copy operations for all .ico files in application image List<Map.Entry<Path, Path>> icoFiles = new ArrayList<>(); srcPathGroup.transform(dstPathGroup, new PathGroup.TransformHandler() { @Override public void copyFile(Path src, Path dst) throws IOException { if (IOUtils.getFileName(src).toString().endsWith(".ico")) { icoFiles.add(Map.entry(src, dst)); } } @Override public void createDirectory(Path dst) throws IOException { } }); xml.writeStartElement("Fragment"); for (var icoFile : icoFiles) { xml.writeStartElement("Icon"); xml.writeAttribute("Id", Id.Icon.of(icoFile.getValue())); xml.writeAttribute("SourceFile", icoFile.getKey().toString()); xml.writeEndElement(); } xml.writeEndElement(); } private void addRegistryKeyPath(XMLStreamWriter xml, Path path) throws XMLStreamException, IOException { addRegistryKeyPath(xml, path, () -> "ProductCode", () -> "[ProductCode]"); } private void addRegistryKeyPath(XMLStreamWriter xml, Path path, Supplier<String> nameAttr, Supplier<String> valueAttr) throws XMLStreamException, IOException { String regRoot = USER_PROFILE_DIRS.stream().anyMatch(path::startsWith) || !systemWide ? "HKCU" : "HKLM"; xml.writeStartElement("RegistryKey"); xml.writeAttribute("Root", regRoot); xml.writeAttribute("Key", registryKeyPath); if (wixVersion.compareTo("3.6") < 0) { xml.writeAttribute("Action", "createAndRemoveOnUninstall"); } xml.writeStartElement("RegistryValue"); xml.writeAttribute("Type", "string"); xml.writeAttribute("KeyPath", "yes"); xml.writeAttribute("Name", nameAttr.get()); xml.writeAttribute("Value", valueAttr.get()); xml.writeEndElement(); // <RegistryValue> xml.writeEndElement(); // <RegistryKey> } private String addDirectoryCleaner(XMLStreamWriter xml, Path path) throws XMLStreamException, IOException { if (wixVersion.compareTo("3.6") < 0) { return null; } // rm -rf final String baseId = Id.of(path, "rm_rf"); final String propertyId = baseId.toUpperCase(); final String componentId = ("c" + baseId); xml.writeStartElement("Property"); xml.writeAttribute("Id", propertyId); xml.writeStartElement("RegistrySearch"); xml.writeAttribute("Id", Id.of(path, "regsearch")); xml.writeAttribute("Root", systemWide ? "HKLM" : "HKCU"); xml.writeAttribute("Key", registryKeyPath); xml.writeAttribute("Type", "raw"); xml.writeAttribute("Name", propertyId); xml.writeEndElement(); // <RegistrySearch> xml.writeEndElement(); // <Property> xml.writeStartElement("DirectoryRef"); xml.writeAttribute("Id", INSTALLDIR.toString()); Component.startElement(xml, componentId, "*"); addRegistryKeyPath(xml, INSTALLDIR, () -> propertyId, () -> { // The following code converts a path to value to be saved in registry. // E.g.: // INSTALLDIR -> [INSTALLDIR] // TERGETDIR/ProgramFiles64Folder/foo/bar -> [ProgramFiles64Folder]foo/bar final Path rootDir = KNOWN_DIRS.stream() .sorted(Comparator.comparing(Path::getNameCount).reversed()) .filter(path::startsWith) .findFirst().get(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(String.format("[%s]", rootDir.getFileName().toString())); sb.append(rootDir.relativize(path).toString()); return sb.toString(); }); xml.writeStartElement( "http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/UtilExtension", "RemoveFolderEx"); xml.writeAttribute("On", "uninstall"); xml.writeAttribute("Property", propertyId); xml.writeEndElement(); // <RemoveFolderEx> xml.writeEndElement(); // <Component> xml.writeEndElement(); // <DirectoryRef> return componentId; } private static IllegalArgumentException throwInvalidPathException(Path v) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Invalid path [%s]", v)); } enum ShortcutsFolder { ProgramMenu(PROGRAM_MENU_PATH), Desktop(DESKTOP_PATH); private ShortcutsFolder(Path root) { this.root = root; } Path getPath(WixSourcesBuilder outer) { if (this == ProgramMenu) { return root.resolve(outer.programMenuFolderName); } return root; } private final Path root; } private DottedVersion wixVersion; private boolean systemWide; private String registryKeyPath; private Path installDir; private String programMenuFolderName; private List<FileAssociation> associations; private Set<ShortcutsFolder> shortcutFolders; private List<Path> launcherPaths; private ApplicationLayout appImage; private ApplicationLayout installedAppImage; private Map<Path, Integer> removeFolderItems; private Set<String> defaultedMimes; private final static Path TARGETDIR = Path.of("TARGETDIR"); private final static Path INSTALLDIR = Path.of("INSTALLDIR"); private final static Set<Path> ROOT_DIRS = Set.of(INSTALLDIR, TARGETDIR); private final static Path PROGRAM_MENU_PATH = TARGETDIR.resolve("ProgramMenuFolder"); private final static Path DESKTOP_PATH = TARGETDIR.resolve("DesktopFolder"); private final static Path PROGRAM_FILES = TARGETDIR.resolve( is64Bit() ? "ProgramFiles64Folder" : "ProgramFilesFolder"); private final static Path LOCAL_PROGRAM_FILES = TARGETDIR.resolve("LocalAppDataFolder"); private final static Set<Path> SYSTEM_DIRS = Set.of(TARGETDIR, PROGRAM_MENU_PATH, DESKTOP_PATH, PROGRAM_FILES, LOCAL_PROGRAM_FILES); private final static Set<Path> KNOWN_DIRS = Stream.of(Set.of(INSTALLDIR), SYSTEM_DIRS).flatMap(Set::stream).collect( Collectors.toUnmodifiableSet()); private final static Set<Path> USER_PROFILE_DIRS = Set.of(LOCAL_PROGRAM_FILES, PROGRAM_MENU_PATH, DESKTOP_PATH); private static final StandardBundlerParam<Boolean> MENU_HINT = new StandardBundlerParam<>( Arguments.CLIOptions.WIN_MENU_HINT.getId(), Boolean.class, params -> false, // valueOf(null) is false, // and we actually do want null in some cases (s, p) -> (s == null || "null".equalsIgnoreCase(s))? true : Boolean.valueOf(s) ); private static final StandardBundlerParam<Boolean> SHORTCUT_HINT = new StandardBundlerParam<>( Arguments.CLIOptions.WIN_SHORTCUT_HINT.getId(), Boolean.class, params -> false, // valueOf(null) is false, // and we actually do want null in some cases (s, p) -> (s == null || "null".equalsIgnoreCase(s))? false : Boolean.valueOf(s) ); private static final StandardBundlerParam<String> MENU_GROUP = new StandardBundlerParam<>( Arguments.CLIOptions.WIN_MENU_GROUP.getId(), String.class, params -> I18N.getString("param.menu-group.default"), (s, p) -> s ); private static final BundlerParamInfo<String> WINDOWS_INSTALL_DIR = new StandardBundlerParam<>( "windows-install-dir", String.class, params -> { String dir = INSTALL_DIR.fetchFrom(params); if (dir != null) { if (dir.contains(":") || dir.contains("..")) { Log.error(MessageFormat.format(I18N.getString( "message.invalid.install.dir"), dir, APP_NAME.fetchFrom(params))); } else { if (dir.startsWith("\\")) { dir = dir.substring(1); } if (dir.endsWith("\\")) { dir = dir.substring(0, dir.length() - 1); } return dir; } } return APP_NAME.fetchFrom(params); // Default to app name }, (s, p) -> s ); }