 * Copyright (c) 2018, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
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package jdk.jpackage.internal;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.jar.Attributes;
import java.util.jar.JarFile;
import java.util.jar.Manifest;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

Arguments This class encapsulates and processes the command line arguments, in effect, implementing all the work of jpackage tool. The primary entry point, processArguments(): Processes and validates command line arguments, constructing DeployParams. Validates the DeployParams, and generate the BundleParams. Generates List of Bundlers from BundleParams valid for this platform. Executes each Bundler in the list.
/** * Arguments * * This class encapsulates and processes the command line arguments, * in effect, implementing all the work of jpackage tool. * * The primary entry point, processArguments(): * Processes and validates command line arguments, constructing DeployParams. * Validates the DeployParams, and generate the BundleParams. * Generates List of Bundlers from BundleParams valid for this platform. * Executes each Bundler in the list. */
public class Arguments { private static final ResourceBundle I18N = ResourceBundle.getBundle( "jdk.jpackage.internal.resources.MainResources"); private static final String FA_EXTENSIONS = "extension"; private static final String FA_CONTENT_TYPE = "mime-type"; private static final String FA_DESCRIPTION = "description"; private static final String FA_ICON = "icon"; // Mac specific file association keys // String public static final String MAC_CFBUNDLETYPEROLE = "mac.CFBundleTypeRole"; public static final String MAC_LSHANDLERRANK = "mac.LSHandlerRank"; public static final String MAC_NSSTORETYPEKEY = "mac.NSPersistentStoreTypeKey"; public static final String MAC_NSDOCUMENTCLASS = "mac.NSDocumentClass"; // Boolean public static final String MAC_LSTYPEISPACKAGE = "mac.LSTypeIsPackage"; public static final String MAC_LSDOCINPLACE = "mac.LSSupportsOpeningDocumentsInPlace"; public static final String MAC_UIDOCBROWSER = "mac.UISupportsDocumentBrowser"; // Array of strings public static final String MAC_NSEXPORTABLETYPES = "mac.NSExportableTypes"; public static final String MAC_UTTYPECONFORMSTO = "mac.UTTypeConformsTo"; // regexp for parsing args (for example, for additional launchers) private static Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile( "(?:(?:([\"'])(?:\\\\\\1|.)*?(?:\\1|$))|(?:\\\\[\"'\\s]|[^\\s]))++"); private DeployParams deployParams = null; private int pos = 0; private List<String> argList = null; private List<CLIOptions> allOptions = null; private String input = null; private Path output = null; private boolean hasMainJar = false; private boolean hasMainClass = false; private boolean hasMainModule = false; public boolean userProvidedBuildRoot = false; private String buildRoot = null; private String mainJarPath = null; private boolean runtimeInstaller = false; private List<AddLauncherArguments> addLaunchers = null; private static final Map<String, CLIOptions> argIds = new HashMap<>(); private static final Map<String, CLIOptions> argShortIds = new HashMap<>(); static { // init maps for parsing arguments (EnumSet.allOf(CLIOptions.class)).forEach(option -> { argIds.put(option.getIdWithPrefix(), option); if (option.getShortIdWithPrefix() != null) { argShortIds.put(option.getShortIdWithPrefix(), option); } }); } private static final InheritableThreadLocal<Arguments> instance = new InheritableThreadLocal<Arguments>(); public Arguments(String[] args) { instance.set(this); argList = new ArrayList<String>(args.length); for (String arg : args) { argList.add(arg); } Log.verbose ("\njpackage argument list: \n" + argList + "\n"); pos = 0; deployParams = new DeployParams(); allOptions = new ArrayList<>(); addLaunchers = new ArrayList<>(); output = Paths.get("").toAbsolutePath(); deployParams.setOutput(output); } // CLIOptions is public for DeployParamsTest public enum CLIOptions { PACKAGE_TYPE("type", "t", OptionCategories.PROPERTY, () -> { context().deployParams.setTargetFormat(popArg()); }), INPUT ("input", "i", OptionCategories.PROPERTY, () -> { context().input = popArg(); setOptionValue("input", context().input); }), OUTPUT ("dest", "d", OptionCategories.PROPERTY, () -> { context().output = Path.of(popArg()); context().deployParams.setOutput(context().output); }), DESCRIPTION ("description", OptionCategories.PROPERTY), VENDOR ("vendor", OptionCategories.PROPERTY), APPCLASS ("main-class", OptionCategories.PROPERTY, () -> { context().hasMainClass = true; setOptionValue("main-class", popArg()); }), NAME ("name", "n", OptionCategories.PROPERTY), VERBOSE ("verbose", OptionCategories.PROPERTY, () -> { setOptionValue("verbose", true); Log.setVerbose(); }), RESOURCE_DIR("resource-dir", OptionCategories.PROPERTY, () -> { String resourceDir = popArg(); setOptionValue("resource-dir", resourceDir); }), ARGUMENTS ("arguments", OptionCategories.PROPERTY, () -> { List<String> arguments = getArgumentList(popArg()); setOptionValue("arguments", arguments); }), JLINK_OPTIONS ("jlink-options", OptionCategories.PROPERTY, () -> { List<String> options = getArgumentList(popArg()); setOptionValue("jlink-options", options); }), ICON ("icon", OptionCategories.PROPERTY), COPYRIGHT ("copyright", OptionCategories.PROPERTY), LICENSE_FILE ("license-file", OptionCategories.PROPERTY), VERSION ("app-version", OptionCategories.PROPERTY), RELEASE ("linux-app-release", OptionCategories.PROPERTY), JAVA_OPTIONS ("java-options", OptionCategories.PROPERTY, () -> { List<String> args = getArgumentList(popArg()); args.forEach(a -> setOptionValue("java-options", a)); }), FILE_ASSOCIATIONS ("file-associations", OptionCategories.PROPERTY, () -> { Map<String, ? super Object> args = new HashMap<>(); // load .properties file Map<String, String> initialMap = getPropertiesFromFile(popArg()); putUnlessNull(args, StandardBundlerParam.FA_EXTENSIONS.getID(), initialMap.get(FA_EXTENSIONS)); putUnlessNull(args, StandardBundlerParam.FA_CONTENT_TYPE.getID(), initialMap.get(FA_CONTENT_TYPE)); putUnlessNull(args, StandardBundlerParam.FA_DESCRIPTION.getID(), initialMap.get(FA_DESCRIPTION)); putUnlessNull(args, StandardBundlerParam.FA_ICON.getID(), initialMap.get(FA_ICON)); // Mac extended file association arguments putUnlessNull(args, MAC_CFBUNDLETYPEROLE, initialMap.get(MAC_CFBUNDLETYPEROLE)); putUnlessNull(args, MAC_LSHANDLERRANK, initialMap.get(MAC_LSHANDLERRANK)); putUnlessNull(args, MAC_NSSTORETYPEKEY, initialMap.get(MAC_NSSTORETYPEKEY)); putUnlessNull(args, MAC_NSDOCUMENTCLASS, initialMap.get(MAC_NSDOCUMENTCLASS)); putUnlessNull(args, MAC_LSTYPEISPACKAGE, initialMap.get(MAC_LSTYPEISPACKAGE)); putUnlessNull(args, MAC_LSDOCINPLACE, initialMap.get(MAC_LSDOCINPLACE)); putUnlessNull(args, MAC_UIDOCBROWSER, initialMap.get(MAC_UIDOCBROWSER)); putUnlessNull(args, MAC_NSEXPORTABLETYPES, initialMap.get(MAC_NSEXPORTABLETYPES)); putUnlessNull(args, MAC_UTTYPECONFORMSTO, initialMap.get(MAC_UTTYPECONFORMSTO)); ArrayList<Map<String, ? super Object>> associationList = new ArrayList<Map<String, ? super Object>>(); associationList.add(args); // check that we really add _another_ value to the list setOptionValue("file-associations", associationList); }), ADD_LAUNCHER ("add-launcher", OptionCategories.PROPERTY, () -> { String spec = popArg(); String name = null; String filename = spec; if (spec.contains("=")) { String[] values = spec.split("=", 2); name = values[0]; filename = values[1]; } context().addLaunchers.add( new AddLauncherArguments(name, filename)); }), TEMP_ROOT ("temp", OptionCategories.PROPERTY, () -> { context().buildRoot = popArg(); context().userProvidedBuildRoot = true; setOptionValue("temp", context().buildRoot); }), INSTALL_DIR ("install-dir", OptionCategories.PROPERTY), PREDEFINED_APP_IMAGE ("app-image", OptionCategories.PROPERTY), PREDEFINED_RUNTIME_IMAGE ("runtime-image", OptionCategories.PROPERTY), MAIN_JAR ("main-jar", OptionCategories.PROPERTY, () -> { context().mainJarPath = popArg(); context().hasMainJar = true; setOptionValue("main-jar", context().mainJarPath); }), MODULE ("module", "m", OptionCategories.MODULAR, () -> { context().hasMainModule = true; setOptionValue("module", popArg()); }), ADD_MODULES ("add-modules", OptionCategories.MODULAR), MODULE_PATH ("module-path", "p", OptionCategories.MODULAR), MAC_SIGN ("mac-sign", "s", OptionCategories.PLATFORM_MAC, () -> { setOptionValue("mac-sign", true); }), MAC_BUNDLE_NAME ("mac-package-name", OptionCategories.PLATFORM_MAC), MAC_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER("mac-package-identifier", OptionCategories.PLATFORM_MAC), MAC_BUNDLE_SIGNING_PREFIX ("mac-package-signing-prefix", OptionCategories.PLATFORM_MAC), MAC_SIGNING_KEY_NAME ("mac-signing-key-user-name", OptionCategories.PLATFORM_MAC), MAC_SIGNING_KEYCHAIN ("mac-signing-keychain", OptionCategories.PLATFORM_MAC), WIN_MENU_HINT ("win-menu", OptionCategories.PLATFORM_WIN, () -> { setOptionValue("win-menu", true); }), WIN_MENU_GROUP ("win-menu-group", OptionCategories.PLATFORM_WIN), WIN_SHORTCUT_HINT ("win-shortcut", OptionCategories.PLATFORM_WIN, () -> { setOptionValue("win-shortcut", true); }), WIN_PER_USER_INSTALLATION ("win-per-user-install", OptionCategories.PLATFORM_WIN, () -> { setOptionValue("win-per-user-install", false); }), WIN_DIR_CHOOSER ("win-dir-chooser", OptionCategories.PLATFORM_WIN, () -> { setOptionValue("win-dir-chooser", true); }), WIN_UPGRADE_UUID ("win-upgrade-uuid", OptionCategories.PLATFORM_WIN), WIN_CONSOLE_HINT ("win-console", OptionCategories.PLATFORM_WIN, () -> { setOptionValue("win-console", true); }), LINUX_BUNDLE_NAME ("linux-package-name", OptionCategories.PLATFORM_LINUX), LINUX_DEB_MAINTAINER ("linux-deb-maintainer", OptionCategories.PLATFORM_LINUX), LINUX_CATEGORY ("linux-app-category", OptionCategories.PLATFORM_LINUX), LINUX_RPM_LICENSE_TYPE ("linux-rpm-license-type", OptionCategories.PLATFORM_LINUX), LINUX_PACKAGE_DEPENDENCIES ("linux-package-deps", OptionCategories.PLATFORM_LINUX), LINUX_SHORTCUT_HINT ("linux-shortcut", OptionCategories.PLATFORM_LINUX, () -> { setOptionValue("linux-shortcut", true); }), LINUX_MENU_GROUP ("linux-menu-group", OptionCategories.PLATFORM_LINUX); private final String id; private final String shortId; private final OptionCategories category; private final Runnable action; private static Arguments argContext; private CLIOptions(String id, OptionCategories category) { this(id, null, category, null); } private CLIOptions(String id, String shortId, OptionCategories category) { this(id, shortId, category, null); } private CLIOptions(String id, OptionCategories category, Runnable action) { this(id, null, category, action); } private CLIOptions(String id, String shortId, OptionCategories category, Runnable action) { this.id = id; this.shortId = shortId; this.action = action; this.category = category; } public static Arguments context() { return instance.get(); } public String getId() { return this.id; } String getIdWithPrefix() { return "--" + this.id; } String getShortIdWithPrefix() { return this.shortId == null ? null : "-" + this.shortId; } void execute() { if (action != null) { action.run(); } else { defaultAction(); } } private void defaultAction() { context().deployParams.addBundleArgument(id, popArg()); } private static void setOptionValue(String option, Object value) { context().deployParams.addBundleArgument(option, value); } private static String popArg() { nextArg(); return (context().pos >= context().argList.size()) ? "" : context().argList.get(context().pos); } private static String getArg() { return (context().pos >= context().argList.size()) ? "" : context().argList.get(context().pos); } private static void nextArg() { context().pos++; } private static boolean hasNextArg() { return context().pos < context().argList.size(); } } enum OptionCategories { MODULAR, PROPERTY, PLATFORM_MAC, PLATFORM_WIN, PLATFORM_LINUX; } public boolean processArguments() { try { // parse cmd line String arg; CLIOptions option; for (; CLIOptions.hasNextArg(); CLIOptions.nextArg()) { arg = CLIOptions.getArg(); if ((option = toCLIOption(arg)) != null) { // found a CLI option allOptions.add(option); option.execute(); } else { throw new PackagerException("ERR_InvalidOption", arg); } } if (hasMainJar && !hasMainClass) { // try to get main-class from manifest String mainClass = getMainClassFromManifest(); if (mainClass != null) { CLIOptions.setOptionValue( CLIOptions.APPCLASS.getId(), mainClass); } } // display error for arguments that are not supported // for current configuration. validateArguments(); List<Map<String, ? super Object>> launchersAsMap = new ArrayList<>(); for (AddLauncherArguments sl : addLaunchers) { launchersAsMap.add(sl.getLauncherMap()); } deployParams.addBundleArgument( StandardBundlerParam.ADD_LAUNCHERS.getID(), launchersAsMap); // at this point deployParams should be already configured deployParams.validate(); BundleParams bp = deployParams.getBundleParams(); // validate name(s) ArrayList<String> usedNames = new ArrayList<String>(); usedNames.add(bp.getName()); // add main app name for (AddLauncherArguments sl : addLaunchers) { Map<String, ? super Object> slMap = sl.getLauncherMap(); String slName = (String) slMap.get(Arguments.CLIOptions.NAME.getId()); if (slName == null) { throw new PackagerException("ERR_NoAddLauncherName"); } // same rules apply to additional launcher names as app name DeployParams.validateName(slName, false); for (String usedName : usedNames) { if (slName.equals(usedName)) { throw new PackagerException("ERR_NoUniqueName"); } } usedNames.add(slName); } if (runtimeInstaller && bp.getName() == null) { throw new PackagerException("ERR_NoJreInstallerName"); } generateBundle(bp.getBundleParamsAsMap()); return true; } catch (Exception e) { if (Log.isVerbose()) { Log.verbose(e); } else { String msg1 = e.getMessage(); Log.fatalError(msg1); if (e.getCause() != null && e.getCause() != e) { String msg2 = e.getCause().getMessage(); if (msg2 != null && !msg1.contains(msg2)) { Log.fatalError(msg2); } } } return false; } } private void validateArguments() throws PackagerException { String type = deployParams.getTargetFormat(); String ptype = (type != null) ? type : "default"; boolean imageOnly = deployParams.isTargetAppImage(); boolean hasAppImage = allOptions.contains( CLIOptions.PREDEFINED_APP_IMAGE); boolean hasRuntime = allOptions.contains( CLIOptions.PREDEFINED_RUNTIME_IMAGE); boolean installerOnly = !imageOnly && hasAppImage; runtimeInstaller = !imageOnly && hasRuntime && !hasAppImage && !hasMainModule && !hasMainJar; for (CLIOptions option : allOptions) { if (!ValidOptions.checkIfSupported(option)) { // includes option valid only on different platform throw new PackagerException("ERR_UnsupportedOption", option.getIdWithPrefix()); } if (imageOnly) { if (!ValidOptions.checkIfImageSupported(option)) { throw new PackagerException("ERR_InvalidTypeOption", option.getIdWithPrefix(), type); } } else if (installerOnly || runtimeInstaller) { if (!ValidOptions.checkIfInstallerSupported(option)) { if (runtimeInstaller) { throw new PackagerException("ERR_NoInstallerEntryPoint", option.getIdWithPrefix()); } else { throw new PackagerException("ERR_InvalidTypeOption", option.getIdWithPrefix(), ptype); } } } } if (hasRuntime) { if (hasAppImage) { // note --runtime-image is only for image or runtime installer. throw new PackagerException("ERR_MutuallyExclusiveOptions", CLIOptions.PREDEFINED_RUNTIME_IMAGE.getIdWithPrefix(), CLIOptions.PREDEFINED_APP_IMAGE.getIdWithPrefix()); } if (allOptions.contains(CLIOptions.ADD_MODULES)) { throw new PackagerException("ERR_MutuallyExclusiveOptions", CLIOptions.PREDEFINED_RUNTIME_IMAGE.getIdWithPrefix(), CLIOptions.ADD_MODULES.getIdWithPrefix()); } if (allOptions.contains(CLIOptions.JLINK_OPTIONS)) { throw new PackagerException("ERR_MutuallyExclusiveOptions", CLIOptions.PREDEFINED_RUNTIME_IMAGE.getIdWithPrefix(), CLIOptions.JLINK_OPTIONS.getIdWithPrefix()); } } if (hasMainJar && hasMainModule) { throw new PackagerException("ERR_BothMainJarAndModule"); } if (imageOnly && !hasMainJar && !hasMainModule) { throw new PackagerException("ERR_NoEntryPoint"); } } private jdk.jpackage.internal.Bundler getPlatformBundler() { boolean appImage = deployParams.isTargetAppImage(); String type = deployParams.getTargetFormat(); String bundleType = (appImage ? "IMAGE" : "INSTALLER"); for (jdk.jpackage.internal.Bundler bundler : Bundlers.createBundlersInstance().getBundlers(bundleType)) { if (type == null) { if (bundler.isDefault() && bundler.supported(runtimeInstaller)) { return bundler; } } else { if ((appImage || type.equalsIgnoreCase(bundler.getID())) && bundler.supported(runtimeInstaller)) { return bundler; } } } return null; } private void generateBundle(Map<String,? super Object> params) throws PackagerException { boolean bundleCreated = false; // the temp dir needs to be fetched from the params early, // to prevent each copy of the params (such as may be used for // additional launchers) from generating a separate temp dir when // the default is used (the default is a new temp directory) // The bundler.cleanup() below would not otherwise be able to // clean these extra (and unneeded) temp directories. StandardBundlerParam.TEMP_ROOT.fetchFrom(params); // determine what bundler to run jdk.jpackage.internal.Bundler bundler = getPlatformBundler(); if (bundler == null) { throw new PackagerException("ERR_InvalidInstallerType", deployParams.getTargetFormat()); } Map<String, ? super Object> localParams = new HashMap<>(params); try { bundler.validate(localParams); Path result = bundler.execute(localParams, deployParams.outdir); if (result == null) { throw new PackagerException("MSG_BundlerFailed", bundler.getID(), bundler.getName()); } Log.verbose(MessageFormat.format( I18N.getString("message.bundle-created"), bundler.getName())); } catch (ConfigException e) { Log.verbose(e); if (e.getAdvice() != null) { throw new PackagerException(e, "MSG_BundlerConfigException", bundler.getName(), e.getMessage(), e.getAdvice()); } else { throw new PackagerException(e, "MSG_BundlerConfigExceptionNoAdvice", bundler.getName(), e.getMessage()); } } catch (RuntimeException re) { Log.verbose(re); throw new PackagerException(re, "MSG_BundlerRuntimeException", bundler.getName(), re.toString()); } finally { if (userProvidedBuildRoot) { Log.verbose(MessageFormat.format( I18N.getString("message.debug-working-directory"), (Path.of(buildRoot)).toAbsolutePath().toString())); } else { // always clean up the temporary directory created // when --temp option not used. bundler.cleanup(localParams); } } } static CLIOptions toCLIOption(String arg) { CLIOptions option; if ((option = argIds.get(arg)) == null) { option = argShortIds.get(arg); } return option; } static Map<String, String> getPropertiesFromFile(String filename) { Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(); // load properties file Properties properties = new Properties(); try (Reader reader = Files.newBufferedReader(Path.of(filename))) { properties.load(reader); } catch (IOException e) { Log.error("Exception: " + e.getMessage()); } for (final String name: properties.stringPropertyNames()) { map.put(name, properties.getProperty(name)); } return map; } static List<String> getArgumentList(String inputString) { List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); if (inputString == null || inputString.isEmpty()) { return list; } // The "pattern" regexp attempts to abide to the rule that // strings are delimited by whitespace unless surrounded by // quotes, then it is anything (including spaces) in the quotes. Matcher m = pattern.matcher(inputString); while (m.find()) { String s = inputString.substring(m.start(), m.end()).trim(); // Ensure we do not have an empty string. trim() will take care of // whitespace only strings. The regex preserves quotes and escaped // chars so we need to clean them before adding to the List if (!s.isEmpty()) { list.add(unquoteIfNeeded(s)); } } return list; } static void putUnlessNull(Map<String, ? super Object> params, String param, Object value) { if (value != null) { params.put(param, value); } } private static String unquoteIfNeeded(String in) { if (in == null) { return null; } if (in.isEmpty()) { return ""; } // Use code points to preserve non-ASCII chars StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int codeLen = in.codePointCount(0, in.length()); int quoteChar = -1; for (int i = 0; i < codeLen; i++) { int code = in.codePointAt(i); if (code == '"' || code == '\'') { // If quote is escaped make sure to copy it if (i > 0 && in.codePointAt(i - 1) == '\\') { sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1); sb.appendCodePoint(code); continue; } if (quoteChar != -1) { if (code == quoteChar) { // close quote, skip char quoteChar = -1; } else { sb.appendCodePoint(code); } } else { // opening quote, skip char quoteChar = code; } } else { sb.appendCodePoint(code); } } return sb.toString(); } private String getMainClassFromManifest() { if (mainJarPath == null || input == null ) { return null; } JarFile jf; try { Path file = Path.of(input, mainJarPath); if (!Files.exists(file)) { return null; } jf = new JarFile(file.toFile()); Manifest m = jf.getManifest(); Attributes attrs = (m != null) ? m.getMainAttributes() : null; if (attrs != null) { return attrs.getValue(Attributes.Name.MAIN_CLASS); } } catch (IOException ignore) {} return null; } }