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package jdk.jpackage.internal;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.function.UnaryOperator;
import java.util.stream.Stream;

WiX pipeline. Compiles and links WiX sources.
/** * WiX pipeline. Compiles and links WiX sources. */
public class WixPipeline { WixPipeline() { sources = new ArrayList<>(); lightOptions = new ArrayList<>(); } WixPipeline setToolset(Map<WixTool, Path> v) { toolset = v; return this; } WixPipeline setWixVariables(Map<String, String> v) { wixVariables = v; return this; } WixPipeline setWixObjDir(Path v) { wixObjDir = v; return this; } WixPipeline setWorkDir(Path v) { workDir = v; return this; } WixPipeline addSource(Path source, Map<String, String> wixVariables) { WixSource entry = new WixSource(); entry.source = source; entry.variables = wixVariables; sources.add(entry); return this; } WixPipeline addLightOptions(String ... v) { lightOptions.addAll(List.of(v)); return this; } void buildMsi(Path msi) throws IOException { List<Path> wixObjs = new ArrayList<>(); for (var source : sources) { wixObjs.add(compile(source)); } List<String> lightCmdline = new ArrayList<>(List.of( toolset.get(WixTool.Light).toString(), "-nologo", "-spdb", "-ext", "WixUtilExtension", "-out", msi.toString() )); lightCmdline.addAll(lightOptions); wixObjs.stream().map(Path::toString).forEach(lightCmdline::add); Files.createDirectories(IOUtils.getParent(msi)); execute(lightCmdline); } private Path compile(WixSource wixSource) throws IOException { UnaryOperator<Path> adjustPath = path -> { return workDir != null ? path.toAbsolutePath() : path; }; Path wixObj = adjustPath.apply(wixObjDir).resolve(IOUtils.replaceSuffix( IOUtils.getFileName(wixSource.source), ".wixobj")); List<String> cmdline = new ArrayList<>(List.of( toolset.get(WixTool.Candle).toString(), "-nologo", adjustPath.apply(wixSource.source).toString(), "-ext", "WixUtilExtension", "-arch", WixSourcesBuilder.is64Bit() ? "x64" : "x86", "-out", wixObj.toAbsolutePath().toString() )); Map<String, String> appliedVaribales = new HashMap<>(); Stream.of(wixVariables, wixSource.variables) .filter(Objects::nonNull) .forEachOrdered(appliedVaribales::putAll); appliedVaribales.entrySet().stream().map(wixVar -> String.format("-d%s=%s", wixVar.getKey(), wixVar.getValue())).forEachOrdered( cmdline::add); execute(cmdline); return wixObj; } private void execute(List<String> cmdline) throws IOException { Executor.of(new ProcessBuilder(cmdline).directory( workDir != null ? workDir.toFile() : null)).executeExpectSuccess(); } private final static class WixSource { Path source; Map<String, String> variables; } private Map<WixTool, Path> toolset; private Map<String, String> wixVariables; private List<String> lightOptions; private Path wixObjDir; private Path workDir; private List<WixSource> sources; }