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package sun.security.pkcs11;

import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Locale;

import java.security.*;
import java.security.spec.*;

import javax.crypto.*;
import javax.crypto.spec.*;

import sun.nio.ch.DirectBuffer;
import sun.security.jca.JCAUtil;
import sun.security.pkcs11.wrapper.*;
import static sun.security.pkcs11.wrapper.PKCS11Constants.*;

P11 AEAD Cipher implementation class. This class currently supports AES with GCM mode. Note that AEAD modes do not use padding, so this class does not have its own padding impl. In addition, NSS CKM_AES_GCM only supports single-part encryption/decryption, thus the current impl uses PKCS#11 C_Encrypt/C_Decrypt calls and buffers data until doFinal is called. Note that PKCS#11 standard currently only supports GCM and CCM AEAD modes. There are no provisions for other AEAD modes yet.
Since: 13
/** * P11 AEAD Cipher implementation class. This class currently supports * AES with GCM mode. * * Note that AEAD modes do not use padding, so this class does not have * its own padding impl. In addition, NSS CKM_AES_GCM only supports single-part * encryption/decryption, thus the current impl uses PKCS#11 C_Encrypt/C_Decrypt * calls and buffers data until doFinal is called. * * Note that PKCS#11 standard currently only supports GCM and CCM AEAD modes. * There are no provisions for other AEAD modes yet. * * @since 13 */
final class P11AEADCipher extends CipherSpi { // mode constant for GCM mode private static final int MODE_GCM = 10; // default constants for GCM private static final int GCM_DEFAULT_TAG_LEN = 16; private static final int GCM_DEFAULT_IV_LEN = 16; private static final String ALGO = "AES"; // token instance private final Token token; // mechanism id private final long mechanism; // mode, one of MODE_* above private final int blockMode; // acceptable key size, -1 if more than 1 key sizes are accepted private final int fixedKeySize; // associated session, if any private Session session = null; // key, if init() was called private P11Key p11Key = null; // flag indicating whether an operation is initialized private boolean initialized = false; // falg indicating encrypt or decrypt mode private boolean encrypt = true; // parameters private byte[] iv = null; private int tagLen = -1; private SecureRandom random = JCAUtil.getSecureRandom(); // dataBuffer is cleared upon doFinal calls private ByteArrayOutputStream dataBuffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); // aadBuffer is cleared upon successful init calls private ByteArrayOutputStream aadBuffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); private boolean updateCalled = false; private boolean requireReinit = false; private P11Key lastEncKey = null; private byte[] lastEncIv = null; P11AEADCipher(Token token, String algorithm, long mechanism) throws PKCS11Exception, NoSuchAlgorithmException { super(); this.token = token; this.mechanism = mechanism; String[] algoParts = algorithm.split("/"); if (algoParts.length != 3) { throw new ProviderException("Unsupported Transformation format: " + algorithm); } if (!algoParts[0].startsWith("AES")) { throw new ProviderException("Only support AES for AEAD cipher mode"); } int index = algoParts[0].indexOf('_'); if (index != -1) { // should be well-formed since we specify what we support fixedKeySize = Integer.parseInt(algoParts[0].substring(index+1)) >> 3; } else { fixedKeySize = -1; } this.blockMode = parseMode(algoParts[1]); if (!algoParts[2].equals("NoPadding")) { throw new ProviderException("Only NoPadding is supported for AEAD cipher mode"); } } protected void engineSetMode(String mode) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { // Disallow change of mode for now since currently it's explicitly // defined in transformation strings throw new NoSuchAlgorithmException("Unsupported mode " + mode); } private int parseMode(String mode) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { mode = mode.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH); int result; if (mode.equals("GCM")) { result = MODE_GCM; } else { throw new NoSuchAlgorithmException("Unsupported mode " + mode); } return result; } // see JCE spec protected void engineSetPadding(String padding) throws NoSuchPaddingException { // Disallow change of padding for now since currently it's explicitly // defined in transformation strings throw new NoSuchPaddingException("Unsupported padding " + padding); } // see JCE spec protected int engineGetBlockSize() { return 16; // constant; only AES is supported } // see JCE spec protected int engineGetOutputSize(int inputLen) { return doFinalLength(inputLen); } // see JCE spec protected byte[] engineGetIV() { return (iv == null) ? null : iv.clone(); } // see JCE spec protected AlgorithmParameters engineGetParameters() { if (encrypt && iv == null && tagLen == -1) { switch (blockMode) { case MODE_GCM: iv = new byte[GCM_DEFAULT_IV_LEN]; tagLen = GCM_DEFAULT_TAG_LEN; break; default: throw new ProviderException("Unsupported mode"); } random.nextBytes(iv); } try { AlgorithmParameterSpec spec; String apAlgo; switch (blockMode) { case MODE_GCM: apAlgo = "GCM"; spec = new GCMParameterSpec(tagLen << 3, iv); break; default: throw new ProviderException("Unsupported mode"); } AlgorithmParameters params = AlgorithmParameters.getInstance(apAlgo); params.init(spec); return params; } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) { // NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchProviderException // InvalidParameterSpecException throw new ProviderException("Could not encode parameters", e); } } // see JCE spec protected void engineInit(int opmode, Key key, SecureRandom sr) throws InvalidKeyException { if (opmode == Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE) { throw new InvalidKeyException("Parameters required for decryption"); } updateCalled = false; try { implInit(opmode, key, null, -1, sr); } catch (InvalidAlgorithmParameterException e) { throw new InvalidKeyException("init() failed", e); } } // see JCE spec protected void engineInit(int opmode, Key key, AlgorithmParameterSpec params, SecureRandom sr) throws InvalidKeyException, InvalidAlgorithmParameterException { if (opmode == Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE && params == null) { throw new InvalidAlgorithmParameterException ("Parameters required for decryption"); } updateCalled = false; byte[] ivValue = null; int tagLen = -1; if (params != null) { switch (blockMode) { case MODE_GCM: if (!(params instanceof GCMParameterSpec)) { throw new InvalidAlgorithmParameterException ("Only GCMParameterSpec is supported"); } ivValue = ((GCMParameterSpec) params).getIV(); tagLen = ((GCMParameterSpec) params).getTLen() >> 3; break; default: throw new ProviderException("Unsupported mode"); } } implInit(opmode, key, ivValue, tagLen, sr); } // see JCE spec protected void engineInit(int opmode, Key key, AlgorithmParameters params, SecureRandom sr) throws InvalidKeyException, InvalidAlgorithmParameterException { if (opmode == Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE && params == null) { throw new InvalidAlgorithmParameterException ("Parameters required for decryption"); } updateCalled = false; try { AlgorithmParameterSpec paramSpec = null; if (params != null) { switch (blockMode) { case MODE_GCM: paramSpec = params.getParameterSpec(GCMParameterSpec.class); break; default: throw new ProviderException("Unsupported mode"); } } engineInit(opmode, key, paramSpec, sr); } catch (InvalidParameterSpecException ex) { throw new InvalidAlgorithmParameterException(ex); } } // actual init() implementation private void implInit(int opmode, Key key, byte[] iv, int tagLen, SecureRandom sr) throws InvalidKeyException, InvalidAlgorithmParameterException { reset(true); if (fixedKeySize != -1 && ((key instanceof P11Key) ? ((P11Key) key).length() >> 3 : key.getEncoded().length) != fixedKeySize) { throw new InvalidKeyException("Key size is invalid"); } P11Key newKey = P11SecretKeyFactory.convertKey(token, key, ALGO); switch (opmode) { case Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE: encrypt = true; requireReinit = Arrays.equals(iv, lastEncIv) && (newKey == lastEncKey); if (requireReinit) { throw new InvalidAlgorithmParameterException ("Cannot reuse iv for GCM encryption"); } break; case Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE: encrypt = false; requireReinit = false; break; default: throw new InvalidAlgorithmParameterException ("Unsupported mode: " + opmode); } // decryption without parameters is checked in all engineInit() calls if (sr != null) { this.random = sr; } if (iv == null && tagLen == -1) { // generate default values switch (blockMode) { case MODE_GCM: iv = new byte[GCM_DEFAULT_IV_LEN]; this.random.nextBytes(iv); tagLen = GCM_DEFAULT_TAG_LEN; break; default: throw new ProviderException("Unsupported mode"); } } this.iv = iv; this.tagLen = tagLen; this.p11Key = newKey; try { initialize(); } catch (PKCS11Exception e) { if (e.getErrorCode() == CKR_MECHANISM_PARAM_INVALID) { throw new InvalidAlgorithmParameterException("Bad params", e); } throw new InvalidKeyException("Could not initialize cipher", e); } } private void cancelOperation() { // cancel operation by finishing it; avoid killSession as some // hardware vendors may require re-login int bufLen = doFinalLength(0); byte[] buffer = new byte[bufLen]; byte[] in = dataBuffer.toByteArray(); int inLen = in.length; try { if (encrypt) { token.p11.C_Encrypt(session.id(), 0, in, 0, inLen, 0, buffer, 0, bufLen); } else { token.p11.C_Decrypt(session.id(), 0, in, 0, inLen, 0, buffer, 0, bufLen); } } catch (PKCS11Exception e) { if (e.getErrorCode() == CKR_OPERATION_NOT_INITIALIZED) { // Cancel Operation may be invoked after an error on a PKCS#11 // call. If the operation inside the token was already cancelled, // do not fail here. This is part of a defensive mechanism for // PKCS#11 libraries that do not strictly follow the standard. return; } if (encrypt) { throw new ProviderException("Cancel failed", e); } // ignore failure for decryption } } private void ensureInitialized() throws PKCS11Exception { if (initialized && aadBuffer.size() > 0) { // need to cancel first to avoid CKR_OPERATION_ACTIVE reset(true); } if (!initialized) { initialize(); } } private void initialize() throws PKCS11Exception { if (p11Key == null) { throw new ProviderException( "Operation cannot be performed without" + " calling engineInit first"); } if (requireReinit) { throw new IllegalStateException ("Must use either different key or iv for GCM encryption"); } token.ensureValid(); byte[] aad = (aadBuffer.size() > 0? aadBuffer.toByteArray() : null); long p11KeyID = p11Key.getKeyID(); try { CK_MECHANISM mechWithParams; switch (blockMode) { case MODE_GCM: mechWithParams = new CK_MECHANISM(mechanism, new CK_GCM_PARAMS(tagLen << 3, iv, aad)); break; default: throw new ProviderException("Unsupported mode: " + blockMode); } if (session == null) { session = token.getOpSession(); } if (encrypt) { token.p11.C_EncryptInit(session.id(), mechWithParams, p11KeyID); } else { token.p11.C_DecryptInit(session.id(), mechWithParams, p11KeyID); } } catch (PKCS11Exception e) { p11Key.releaseKeyID(); session = token.releaseSession(session); throw e; } finally { dataBuffer.reset(); aadBuffer.reset(); } initialized = true; } // if doFinal(inLen) is called, how big does the output buffer have to be? private int doFinalLength(int inLen) { if (inLen < 0) { throw new ProviderException("Invalid negative input length"); } int result = inLen + dataBuffer.size(); if (encrypt) { result += tagLen; } else { // PKCS11Exception: CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL //result -= tagLen; } return result; } // reset the states to the pre-initialized values private void reset(boolean doCancel) { if (!initialized) { return; } initialized = false; try { if (session == null) { return; } if (doCancel && token.explicitCancel) { cancelOperation(); } } finally { p11Key.releaseKeyID(); session = token.releaseSession(session); dataBuffer.reset(); } } // see JCE spec protected byte[] engineUpdate(byte[] in, int inOfs, int inLen) { updateCalled = true; int n = implUpdate(in, inOfs, inLen); return new byte[0]; } // see JCE spec protected int engineUpdate(byte[] in, int inOfs, int inLen, byte[] out, int outOfs) throws ShortBufferException { updateCalled = true; implUpdate(in, inOfs, inLen); return 0; } // see JCE spec @Override protected int engineUpdate(ByteBuffer inBuffer, ByteBuffer outBuffer) throws ShortBufferException { updateCalled = true; implUpdate(inBuffer); return 0; } // see JCE spec @Override protected synchronized void engineUpdateAAD(byte[] src, int srcOfs, int srcLen) throws IllegalStateException { if ((src == null) || (srcOfs < 0) || (srcOfs + srcLen > src.length)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid AAD"); } if (requireReinit) { throw new IllegalStateException ("Must use either different key or iv for GCM encryption"); } if (p11Key == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Need to initialize Cipher first"); } if (updateCalled) { throw new IllegalStateException ("Update has been called; no more AAD data"); } aadBuffer.write(src, srcOfs, srcLen); } // see JCE spec @Override protected void engineUpdateAAD(ByteBuffer src) throws IllegalStateException { if (src == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid AAD"); } byte[] srcBytes = new byte[src.remaining()]; src.get(srcBytes); engineUpdateAAD(srcBytes, 0, srcBytes.length); } // see JCE spec protected byte[] engineDoFinal(byte[] in, int inOfs, int inLen) throws IllegalBlockSizeException, BadPaddingException { int minOutLen = doFinalLength(inLen); try { byte[] out = new byte[minOutLen]; int n = engineDoFinal(in, inOfs, inLen, out, 0); return P11Util.convert(out, 0, n); } catch (ShortBufferException e) { // convert since the output length is calculated by doFinalLength() throw new ProviderException(e); } finally { updateCalled = false; } } // see JCE spec protected int engineDoFinal(byte[] in, int inOfs, int inLen, byte[] out, int outOfs) throws ShortBufferException, IllegalBlockSizeException, BadPaddingException { try { return implDoFinal(in, inOfs, inLen, out, outOfs, out.length - outOfs); } finally { updateCalled = false; } } // see JCE spec @Override protected int engineDoFinal(ByteBuffer inBuffer, ByteBuffer outBuffer) throws ShortBufferException, IllegalBlockSizeException, BadPaddingException { try { return implDoFinal(inBuffer, outBuffer); } finally { updateCalled = false; } } private int implUpdate(byte[] in, int inOfs, int inLen) { if (inLen > 0) { updateCalled = true; try { ensureInitialized(); } catch (PKCS11Exception e) { //e.printStackTrace(); reset(false); throw new ProviderException("update() failed", e); } dataBuffer.write(in, inOfs, inLen); } // always 0 as NSS only supports single-part encryption/decryption return 0; } private int implUpdate(ByteBuffer inBuf) { int inLen = inBuf.remaining(); if (inLen > 0) { try { ensureInitialized(); } catch (PKCS11Exception e) { reset(false); throw new ProviderException("update() failed", e); } byte[] data = new byte[inLen]; inBuf.get(data); dataBuffer.write(data, 0, data.length); } // always 0 as NSS only supports single-part encryption/decryption return 0; } private int implDoFinal(byte[] in, int inOfs, int inLen, byte[] out, int outOfs, int outLen) throws ShortBufferException, IllegalBlockSizeException, BadPaddingException { int requiredOutLen = doFinalLength(inLen); if (outLen < requiredOutLen) { throw new ShortBufferException(); } boolean doCancel = true; try { ensureInitialized(); if (dataBuffer.size() > 0) { if (in != null && inOfs > 0 && inLen > 0 && inOfs < (in.length - inLen)) { dataBuffer.write(in, inOfs, inLen); } in = dataBuffer.toByteArray(); inOfs = 0; inLen = in.length; } int k = 0; if (encrypt) { k = token.p11.C_Encrypt(session.id(), 0, in, inOfs, inLen, 0, out, outOfs, outLen); doCancel = false; } else { // Special handling to match SunJCE provider behavior if (inLen == 0) { return 0; } k = token.p11.C_Decrypt(session.id(), 0, in, inOfs, inLen, 0, out, outOfs, outLen); doCancel = false; } return k; } catch (PKCS11Exception e) { // As per the PKCS#11 standard, C_Encrypt and C_Decrypt may only // keep the operation active on CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL errors or // successful calls to determine the output length. However, // these cases are not expected here because the output length // is checked in the OpenJDK side before making the PKCS#11 call. // Thus, doCancel can safely be 'false'. doCancel = false; handleException(e); throw new ProviderException("doFinal() failed", e); } finally { if (encrypt) { lastEncKey = this.p11Key; lastEncIv = this.iv; requireReinit = true; } reset(doCancel); } } private int implDoFinal(ByteBuffer inBuffer, ByteBuffer outBuffer) throws ShortBufferException, IllegalBlockSizeException, BadPaddingException { int outLen = outBuffer.remaining(); int inLen = inBuffer.remaining(); int requiredOutLen = doFinalLength(inLen); if (outLen < requiredOutLen) { throw new ShortBufferException(); } boolean doCancel = true; try { ensureInitialized(); long inAddr = 0; byte[] in = null; int inOfs = 0; if (dataBuffer.size() > 0) { if (inLen > 0) { byte[] temp = new byte[inLen]; inBuffer.get(temp); dataBuffer.write(temp, 0, temp.length); } in = dataBuffer.toByteArray(); inOfs = 0; inLen = in.length; } else { if (inBuffer instanceof DirectBuffer) { inAddr = ((DirectBuffer) inBuffer).address(); inOfs = inBuffer.position(); } else { if (inBuffer.hasArray()) { in = inBuffer.array(); inOfs = inBuffer.position() + inBuffer.arrayOffset(); } else { in = new byte[inLen]; inBuffer.get(in); } } } long outAddr = 0; byte[] outArray = null; int outOfs = 0; if (outBuffer instanceof DirectBuffer) { outAddr = ((DirectBuffer) outBuffer).address(); outOfs = outBuffer.position(); } else { if (outBuffer.hasArray()) { outArray = outBuffer.array(); outOfs = outBuffer.position() + outBuffer.arrayOffset(); } else { outArray = new byte[outLen]; } } int k = 0; if (encrypt) { k = token.p11.C_Encrypt(session.id(), inAddr, in, inOfs, inLen, outAddr, outArray, outOfs, outLen); doCancel = false; } else { // Special handling to match SunJCE provider behavior if (inLen == 0) { return 0; } k = token.p11.C_Decrypt(session.id(), inAddr, in, inOfs, inLen, outAddr, outArray, outOfs, outLen); doCancel = false; } outBuffer.position(outBuffer.position() + k); return k; } catch (PKCS11Exception e) { // As per the PKCS#11 standard, C_Encrypt and C_Decrypt may only // keep the operation active on CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL errors or // successful calls to determine the output length. However, // these cases are not expected here because the output length // is checked in the OpenJDK side before making the PKCS#11 call. // Thus, doCancel can safely be 'false'. doCancel = false; handleException(e); throw new ProviderException("doFinal() failed", e); } finally { if (encrypt) { lastEncKey = this.p11Key; lastEncIv = this.iv; requireReinit = true; } reset(doCancel); } } private void handleException(PKCS11Exception e) throws ShortBufferException, IllegalBlockSizeException, BadPaddingException { long errorCode = e.getErrorCode(); if (errorCode == CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) { throw (ShortBufferException) (new ShortBufferException().initCause(e)); } else if (errorCode == CKR_DATA_LEN_RANGE || errorCode == CKR_ENCRYPTED_DATA_LEN_RANGE) { throw (IllegalBlockSizeException) (new IllegalBlockSizeException(e.toString()).initCause(e)); } else if (errorCode == CKR_ENCRYPTED_DATA_INVALID || // Solaris-specific errorCode == CKR_GENERAL_ERROR) { throw (BadPaddingException) (new BadPaddingException(e.toString()).initCause(e)); } } // see JCE spec protected byte[] engineWrap(Key key) throws IllegalBlockSizeException, InvalidKeyException { // XXX key wrapping throw new UnsupportedOperationException("engineWrap()"); } // see JCE spec protected Key engineUnwrap(byte[] wrappedKey, String wrappedKeyAlgorithm, int wrappedKeyType) throws InvalidKeyException, NoSuchAlgorithmException { // XXX key unwrapping throw new UnsupportedOperationException("engineUnwrap()"); } // see JCE spec @Override protected int engineGetKeySize(Key key) throws InvalidKeyException { int n = P11SecretKeyFactory.convertKey (token, key, ALGO).length(); return n; } }