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package sun.security.pkcs11;

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.security.*;

Collection of static utility methods.
Author: Andreas Sterbenz
Since: 1.5
/** * Collection of static utility methods. * * @author Andreas Sterbenz * @since 1.5 */
public final class P11Util { private static Object LOCK = new Object(); private static volatile Provider sun, sunRsaSign, sunJce; private P11Util() { // empty } static Provider getSunProvider() { Provider p = sun; if (p == null) { synchronized (LOCK) { p = getProvider (sun, "SUN", "sun.security.provider.Sun"); sun = p; } } return p; } static Provider getSunRsaSignProvider() { Provider p = sunRsaSign; if (p == null) { synchronized (LOCK) { p = getProvider (sunRsaSign, "SunRsaSign", "sun.security.rsa.SunRsaSign"); sunRsaSign = p; } } return p; } static Provider getSunJceProvider() { Provider p = sunJce; if (p == null) { synchronized (LOCK) { p = getProvider (sunJce, "SunJCE", "com.sun.crypto.provider.SunJCE"); sunJce = p; } } return p; } private static Provider getProvider(Provider p, String providerName, String className) { if (p != null) { return p; } p = Security.getProvider(providerName); if (p == null) { try { final Class<?> c = Class.forName(className); p = AccessController.doPrivileged( new PrivilegedAction<Provider>() { public Provider run() { try { @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") Object o = c.newInstance(); return (Provider) o; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ProviderException( "Could not find provider " + providerName, e); } } }, null, new RuntimePermission( "accessClassInPackage." + c.getPackageName())); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { // Unexpected, as className is not a user but a // P11Util-internal value. throw new ProviderException("Could not find provider " + providerName, e); } } return p; } static byte[] convert(byte[] input, int offset, int len) { if ((offset == 0) && (len == input.length)) { return input; } else { byte[] t = new byte[len]; System.arraycopy(input, offset, t, 0, len); return t; } } static byte[] subarray(byte[] b, int ofs, int len) { byte[] out = new byte[len]; System.arraycopy(b, ofs, out, 0, len); return out; } static byte[] concat(byte[] b1, byte[] b2) { byte[] b = new byte[b1.length + b2.length]; System.arraycopy(b1, 0, b, 0, b1.length); System.arraycopy(b2, 0, b, b1.length, b2.length); return b; } static long[] concat(long[] b1, long[] b2) { if (b1.length == 0) { return b2; } long[] b = new long[b1.length + b2.length]; System.arraycopy(b1, 0, b, 0, b1.length); System.arraycopy(b2, 0, b, b1.length, b2.length); return b; } public static byte[] getMagnitude(BigInteger bi) { byte[] b = bi.toByteArray(); if ((b.length > 1) && (b[0] == 0)) { int n = b.length - 1; byte[] newarray = new byte[n]; System.arraycopy(b, 1, newarray, 0, n); b = newarray; } return b; } static byte[] sha1(byte[] data) { try { MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1"); md.update(data); return md.digest(); } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) { throw new ProviderException(e); } } private final static char[] hexDigits = "0123456789abcdef".toCharArray(); static String toString(byte[] b) { if (b == null) { return "(null)"; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(b.length * 3); for (int i = 0; i < b.length; i++) { int k = b[i] & 0xff; if (i != 0) { sb.append(':'); } sb.append(hexDigits[k >>> 4]); sb.append(hexDigits[k & 0xf]); } return sb.toString(); } }