 * Copyright (c) 1997, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
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 * questions.

package sun.awt;

import java.awt.AWTEvent;
import java.awt.AWTException;
import java.awt.Button;
import java.awt.Canvas;
import java.awt.Checkbox;
import java.awt.Choice;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.DefaultKeyboardFocusManager;
import java.awt.Dialog;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.EventQueue;
import java.awt.FocusTraversalPolicy;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.FontMetrics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.GraphicsConfiguration;
import java.awt.GraphicsDevice;
import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment;
import java.awt.HeadlessException;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager;
import java.awt.Label;
import java.awt.MenuComponent;
import java.awt.Panel;
import java.awt.RenderingHints;
import java.awt.ScrollPane;
import java.awt.Scrollbar;
import java.awt.SystemTray;
import java.awt.TextArea;
import java.awt.TextField;
import java.awt.Toolkit;
import java.awt.TrayIcon;
import java.awt.Window;
import java.awt.event.InputEvent;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.awt.image.ColorModel;
import java.awt.image.DataBuffer;
import java.awt.image.DataBufferInt;
import java.awt.image.ImageObserver;
import java.awt.image.ImageProducer;
import java.awt.image.MultiResolutionImage;
import java.awt.image.Raster;
import java.awt.peer.FramePeer;
import java.awt.peer.KeyboardFocusManagerPeer;
import java.awt.peer.SystemTrayPeer;
import java.awt.peer.TrayIconPeer;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.security.AccessController;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;

import sun.awt.im.InputContext;
import sun.awt.image.ByteArrayImageSource;
import sun.awt.image.FileImageSource;
import sun.awt.image.ImageRepresentation;
import sun.awt.image.MultiResolutionToolkitImage;
import sun.awt.image.ToolkitImage;
import sun.awt.image.URLImageSource;
import sun.font.FontDesignMetrics;
import sun.net.util.URLUtil;
import sun.security.action.GetBooleanAction;
import sun.security.action.GetPropertyAction;
import sun.util.logging.PlatformLogger;

import static java.awt.RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING;
import static java.awt.RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_GASP;
import static java.awt.RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_LCD_HBGR;
import static java.awt.RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_LCD_HRGB;
import static java.awt.RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_LCD_VBGR;
import static java.awt.RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_LCD_VRGB;
import static java.awt.RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_ON;

public abstract class SunToolkit extends Toolkit
    implements ComponentFactory, InputMethodSupport, KeyboardFocusManagerPeerProvider {

    // 8014718: logging has been removed from SunToolkit

    /* Load debug settings for native code */
    static {
        if (AccessController.doPrivileged(new GetBooleanAction("sun.awt.nativedebug"))) {
        touchKeyboardAutoShowIsEnabled = Boolean.valueOf(
                "awt.touchKeyboardAutoShowIsEnabled", "true"));

Special mask for the UngrabEvent events, in addition to the public masks defined in AWTEvent. Should be used as the mask value for Toolkit.addAWTEventListener.
/** * Special mask for the UngrabEvent events, in addition to the * public masks defined in AWTEvent. Should be used as the mask * value for Toolkit.addAWTEventListener. */
public static final int GRAB_EVENT_MASK = 0x80000000; /* The key to put()/get() the PostEventQueue into/from the AppContext. */ private static final String POST_EVENT_QUEUE_KEY = "PostEventQueue";
Number of buttons. By default it's taken from the system. If system value does not fit into int type range, use our own MAX_BUTTONS_SUPPORT value.
/** * Number of buttons. * By default it's taken from the system. If system value does not * fit into int type range, use our own MAX_BUTTONS_SUPPORT value. */
protected static int numberOfButtons = 0; /* XFree standard mention 24 buttons as maximum: * http://www.xfree86.org/current/mouse.4.html * We workaround systems supporting more than 24 buttons. * Otherwise, we have to use long type values as masks * which leads to API change. * InputEvent.BUTTON_DOWN_MASK may contain only 21 masks due to * the 4-bytes limit for the int type. (CR 6799099) * One more bit is reserved for FIRST_HIGH_BIT. */ public static final int MAX_BUTTONS_SUPPORTED = 20;
Creates and initializes EventQueue instance for the specified AppContext. Note that event queue must be created from createNewAppContext() only in order to ensure that EventQueue constructor obtains the correct AppContext.
  • appContext – AppContext to associate with the event queue
/** * Creates and initializes EventQueue instance for the specified * AppContext. * Note that event queue must be created from createNewAppContext() * only in order to ensure that EventQueue constructor obtains * the correct AppContext. * @param appContext AppContext to associate with the event queue */
private static void initEQ(AppContext appContext) { EventQueue eventQueue = new EventQueue(); appContext.put(AppContext.EVENT_QUEUE_KEY, eventQueue); PostEventQueue postEventQueue = new PostEventQueue(eventQueue); appContext.put(POST_EVENT_QUEUE_KEY, postEventQueue); } public SunToolkit() { } public boolean useBufferPerWindow() { return false; } public abstract FramePeer createLightweightFrame(LightweightFrame target) throws HeadlessException; public abstract TrayIconPeer createTrayIcon(TrayIcon target) throws HeadlessException, AWTException; public abstract SystemTrayPeer createSystemTray(SystemTray target); public abstract boolean isTraySupported(); @Override public abstract KeyboardFocusManagerPeer getKeyboardFocusManagerPeer() throws HeadlessException;
The AWT lock is typically only used on Unix platforms to synchronize access to Xlib, OpenGL, etc. However, these methods are implemented in SunToolkit so that they can be called from shared code (e.g. from the OGL pipeline) or from the X11 pipeline regardless of whether XToolkit or MToolkit is currently in use. There are native macros (such as AWT_LOCK) defined in awt.h, so if the implementation of these methods is changed, make sure it is compatible with the native macros. Note: The following methods (awtLock(), awtUnlock(), etc) should be used in place of: synchronized (getAWTLock()) { ... } By factoring these methods out specially, we are able to change the implementation of these methods (e.g. use more advanced locking mechanisms) without impacting calling code. Sample usage: private void doStuffWithXlib() { assert !SunToolkit.isAWTLockHeldByCurrentThread(); SunToolkit.awtLock(); try { ... XlibWrapper.XDoStuff(); } finally { SunToolkit.awtUnlock(); } }
/** * The AWT lock is typically only used on Unix platforms to synchronize * access to Xlib, OpenGL, etc. However, these methods are implemented * in SunToolkit so that they can be called from shared code (e.g. * from the OGL pipeline) or from the X11 pipeline regardless of whether * XToolkit or MToolkit is currently in use. There are native macros * (such as AWT_LOCK) defined in awt.h, so if the implementation of these * methods is changed, make sure it is compatible with the native macros. * * Note: The following methods (awtLock(), awtUnlock(), etc) should be * used in place of: * synchronized (getAWTLock()) { * ... * } * * By factoring these methods out specially, we are able to change the * implementation of these methods (e.g. use more advanced locking * mechanisms) without impacting calling code. * * Sample usage: * private void doStuffWithXlib() { * assert !SunToolkit.isAWTLockHeldByCurrentThread(); * SunToolkit.awtLock(); * try { * ... * XlibWrapper.XDoStuff(); * } finally { * SunToolkit.awtUnlock(); * } * } */
private static final ReentrantLock AWT_LOCK = new ReentrantLock(); private static final Condition AWT_LOCK_COND = AWT_LOCK.newCondition(); public static final void awtLock() { AWT_LOCK.lock(); } public static final boolean awtTryLock() { return AWT_LOCK.tryLock(); } public static final void awtUnlock() { AWT_LOCK.unlock(); } public static final void awtLockWait() throws InterruptedException { AWT_LOCK_COND.await(); } public static final void awtLockWait(long timeout) throws InterruptedException { AWT_LOCK_COND.await(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } public static final void awtLockNotify() { AWT_LOCK_COND.signal(); } public static final void awtLockNotifyAll() { AWT_LOCK_COND.signalAll(); } public static final boolean isAWTLockHeldByCurrentThread() { return AWT_LOCK.isHeldByCurrentThread(); } /* * Create a new AppContext, along with its EventQueue, for a * new ThreadGroup. Browser code, for example, would use this * method to create an AppContext & EventQueue for an Applet. */ public static AppContext createNewAppContext() { ThreadGroup threadGroup = Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup(); return createNewAppContext(threadGroup); } static final AppContext createNewAppContext(ThreadGroup threadGroup) { // Create appContext before initialization of EventQueue, so all // the calls to AppContext.getAppContext() from EventQueue ctor // return correct values AppContext appContext = new AppContext(threadGroup); initEQ(appContext); return appContext; } static void wakeupEventQueue(EventQueue q, boolean isShutdown){ AWTAccessor.getEventQueueAccessor().wakeup(q, isShutdown); } /* * Fetch the peer associated with the given target (as specified * in the peer creation method). This can be used to determine * things like what the parent peer is. If the target is null * or the target can't be found (either because the a peer was * never created for it or the peer was disposed), a null will * be returned. */ protected static Object targetToPeer(Object target) { if (target != null && !GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) { return AWTAutoShutdown.getInstance().getPeer(target); } return null; } protected static void targetCreatedPeer(Object target, Object peer) { if (target != null && peer != null && !GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) { AWTAutoShutdown.getInstance().registerPeer(target, peer); } } protected static void targetDisposedPeer(Object target, Object peer) { if (target != null && peer != null && !GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) { AWTAutoShutdown.getInstance().unregisterPeer(target, peer); } } // Maps from non-Component/MenuComponent to AppContext. // WeakHashMap<Component,AppContext> private static final Map<Object, AppContext> appContextMap = Collections.synchronizedMap(new WeakIdentityHashMap<Object, AppContext>());
Sets the appContext field of target. If target is not a Component or MenuComponent, this returns false.
/** * Sets the appContext field of target. If target is not a Component or * MenuComponent, this returns false. */
private static boolean setAppContext(Object target, AppContext context) { if (target instanceof Component) { AWTAccessor.getComponentAccessor(). setAppContext((Component)target, context); } else if (target instanceof MenuComponent) { AWTAccessor.getMenuComponentAccessor(). setAppContext((MenuComponent)target, context); } else { return false; } return true; }
Returns the appContext field for target. If target is not a Component or MenuComponent this returns null.
/** * Returns the appContext field for target. If target is not a * Component or MenuComponent this returns null. */
private static AppContext getAppContext(Object target) { if (target instanceof Component) { return AWTAccessor.getComponentAccessor(). getAppContext((Component)target); } else if (target instanceof MenuComponent) { return AWTAccessor.getMenuComponentAccessor(). getAppContext((MenuComponent)target); } else { return null; } } /* * Fetch the AppContext associated with the given target. * This can be used to determine things like which EventQueue * to use for posting events to a Component. If the target is * null or the target can't be found, a null with be returned. */ public static AppContext targetToAppContext(Object target) { if (target == null) { return null; } AppContext context = getAppContext(target); if (context == null) { // target is not a Component/MenuComponent, try the // appContextMap. context = appContextMap.get(target); } return context; }
Sets the synchronous status of focus requests on lightweight components in the specified window to the specified value. If the boolean parameter is true then the focus requests on lightweight components will be performed synchronously, if it is false, then asynchronously. By default, all windows have their lightweight request status set to asynchronous.

The application can only set the status of lightweight focus requests to synchronous for any of its windows if it doesn't perform focus transfers between different heavyweight containers. In this case the observable focus behaviour is the same as with asynchronous status.

If the application performs focus transfer between different heavyweight containers and sets the lightweight focus request status to synchronous for any of its windows, then further focus behaviour is unspecified.

  • changed – the window for which the lightweight focus request status should be set
  • status – the value of lightweight focus request status
/** * Sets the synchronous status of focus requests on lightweight * components in the specified window to the specified value. * If the boolean parameter is {@code true} then the focus * requests on lightweight components will be performed * synchronously, if it is {@code false}, then asynchronously. * By default, all windows have their lightweight request status * set to asynchronous. * <p> * The application can only set the status of lightweight focus * requests to synchronous for any of its windows if it doesn't * perform focus transfers between different heavyweight containers. * In this case the observable focus behaviour is the same as with * asynchronous status. * <p> * If the application performs focus transfer between different * heavyweight containers and sets the lightweight focus request * status to synchronous for any of its windows, then further focus * behaviour is unspecified. * <p> * @param changed the window for which the lightweight focus request * status should be set * @param status the value of lightweight focus request status */
public static void setLWRequestStatus(Window changed,boolean status){ AWTAccessor.getWindowAccessor().setLWRequestStatus(changed, status); }; public static void checkAndSetPolicy(Container cont) { FocusTraversalPolicy defaultPolicy = KeyboardFocusManager. getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager(). getDefaultFocusTraversalPolicy(); cont.setFocusTraversalPolicy(defaultPolicy); } /* * Insert a mapping from target to AppContext, for later retrieval * via targetToAppContext() above. */ public static void insertTargetMapping(Object target, AppContext appContext) { if (!setAppContext(target, appContext)) { // Target is not a Component/MenuComponent, use the private Map // instead. appContextMap.put(target, appContext); } } /* * Post an AWTEvent to the Java EventQueue, using the PostEventQueue * to avoid possibly calling client code (EventQueueSubclass.postEvent()) * on the toolkit (AWT-Windows/AWT-Motif) thread. This function should * not be called under another lock since it locks the EventQueue. * See bugids 4632918, 4526597. */ public static void postEvent(AppContext appContext, AWTEvent event) { if (event == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } AWTAccessor.SequencedEventAccessor sea = AWTAccessor.getSequencedEventAccessor(); if (sea != null && sea.isSequencedEvent(event)) { AWTEvent nested = sea.getNested(event); if (nested.getID() == WindowEvent.WINDOW_LOST_FOCUS && nested instanceof TimedWindowEvent) { TimedWindowEvent twe = (TimedWindowEvent)nested; ((SunToolkit)Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()). setWindowDeactivationTime((Window)twe.getSource(), twe.getWhen()); } } // All events posted via this method are system-generated. // Placing the following call here reduces considerably the // number of places throughout the toolkit that would // otherwise have to be modified to precisely identify // system-generated events. setSystemGenerated(event); AppContext eventContext = targetToAppContext(event.getSource()); if (eventContext != null && !eventContext.equals(appContext)) { throw new RuntimeException("Event posted on wrong app context : " + event); } PostEventQueue postEventQueue = (PostEventQueue)appContext.get(POST_EVENT_QUEUE_KEY); if (postEventQueue != null) { postEventQueue.postEvent(event); } } /* * Post AWTEvent of high priority. */ public static void postPriorityEvent(final AWTEvent e) { PeerEvent pe = new PeerEvent(Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(), new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { AWTAccessor.getAWTEventAccessor().setPosted(e); ((Component)e.getSource()).dispatchEvent(e); } }, PeerEvent.ULTIMATE_PRIORITY_EVENT); postEvent(targetToAppContext(e.getSource()), pe); } /* * Flush any pending events which haven't been posted to the AWT * EventQueue yet. */ public static void flushPendingEvents() { AppContext appContext = AppContext.getAppContext(); flushPendingEvents(appContext); } /* * Flush the PostEventQueue for the right AppContext. * The default flushPendingEvents only flushes the thread-local context, * which is not always correct, c.f. 3746956 */ public static void flushPendingEvents(AppContext appContext) { PostEventQueue postEventQueue = (PostEventQueue)appContext.get(POST_EVENT_QUEUE_KEY); if (postEventQueue != null) { postEventQueue.flush(); } } /* * Execute a chunk of code on the Java event handler thread for the * given target. Does not wait for the execution to occur before * returning to the caller. */ public static void executeOnEventHandlerThread(Object target, Runnable runnable) { executeOnEventHandlerThread(new PeerEvent(target, runnable, PeerEvent.PRIORITY_EVENT)); } /* * Fixed 5064013: the InvocationEvent time should be equals * the time of the ActionEvent */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public static void executeOnEventHandlerThread(Object target, Runnable runnable, final long when) { executeOnEventHandlerThread( new PeerEvent(target, runnable, PeerEvent.PRIORITY_EVENT) { @Override public long getWhen() { return when; } }); } /* * Execute a chunk of code on the Java event handler thread for the * given target. Does not wait for the execution to occur before * returning to the caller. */ public static void executeOnEventHandlerThread(PeerEvent peerEvent) { postEvent(targetToAppContext(peerEvent.getSource()), peerEvent); } /* * Execute a chunk of code on the Java event handler thread. The * method takes into account provided AppContext and sets * {@code SunToolkit.getDefaultToolkit()} as a target of the * event. See 6451487 for detailes. * Does not wait for the execution to occur before returning to * the caller. */ public static void invokeLaterOnAppContext( AppContext appContext, Runnable dispatcher) { postEvent(appContext, new PeerEvent(Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(), dispatcher, PeerEvent.PRIORITY_EVENT)); } /* * Execute a chunk of code on the Java event handler thread for the * given target. Waits for the execution to occur before returning * to the caller. */ public static void executeOnEDTAndWait(Object target, Runnable runnable) throws InterruptedException, InvocationTargetException { if (EventQueue.isDispatchThread()) { throw new Error("Cannot call executeOnEDTAndWait from any event dispatcher thread"); } class AWTInvocationLock {} Object lock = new AWTInvocationLock(); PeerEvent event = new PeerEvent(target, runnable, lock, true, PeerEvent.PRIORITY_EVENT); synchronized (lock) { executeOnEventHandlerThread(event); while(!event.isDispatched()) { lock.wait(); } } Throwable eventThrowable = event.getThrowable(); if (eventThrowable != null) { throw new InvocationTargetException(eventThrowable); } } /* * Returns true if the calling thread is the event dispatch thread * contained within AppContext which associated with the given target. * Use this call to ensure that a given task is being executed * (or not being) on the event dispatch thread for the given target. */ public static boolean isDispatchThreadForAppContext(Object target) { AppContext appContext = targetToAppContext(target); EventQueue eq = (EventQueue)appContext.get(AppContext.EVENT_QUEUE_KEY); AWTAccessor.EventQueueAccessor accessor = AWTAccessor.getEventQueueAccessor(); return accessor.isDispatchThreadImpl(eq); } @Override public Dimension getScreenSize() { return GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment() .getDefaultScreenDevice().getDefaultConfiguration() .getBounds().getSize(); } @Override public ColorModel getColorModel() throws HeadlessException { return GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment() .getDefaultScreenDevice().getDefaultConfiguration() .getColorModel(); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public FontMetrics getFontMetrics(Font font) { return FontDesignMetrics.getMetrics(font); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public String[] getFontList() { String[] hardwiredFontList = { Font.DIALOG, Font.SANS_SERIF, Font.SERIF, Font.MONOSPACED, Font.DIALOG_INPUT // -- Obsolete font names from 1.0.2. It was decided that // -- getFontList should not return these old names: // "Helvetica", "TimesRoman", "Courier", "ZapfDingbats" }; return hardwiredFontList; }
Disables erasing of background on the canvas before painting if this is supported by the current toolkit. It is recommended to call this method early, before the Canvas becomes displayable, because some Toolkit implementations do not support changing this property once the Canvas becomes displayable.
/** * Disables erasing of background on the canvas before painting if * this is supported by the current toolkit. It is recommended to * call this method early, before the Canvas becomes displayable, * because some Toolkit implementations do not support changing * this property once the Canvas becomes displayable. */
public void disableBackgroundErase(Canvas canvas) { disableBackgroundEraseImpl(canvas); }
Disables the native erasing of the background on the given component before painting if this is supported by the current toolkit. This only has an effect for certain components such as Canvas, Panel and Window. It is recommended to call this method early, before the Component becomes displayable, because some Toolkit implementations do not support changing this property once the Component becomes displayable.
/** * Disables the native erasing of the background on the given * component before painting if this is supported by the current * toolkit. This only has an effect for certain components such as * Canvas, Panel and Window. It is recommended to call this method * early, before the Component becomes displayable, because some * Toolkit implementations do not support changing this property * once the Component becomes displayable. */
public void disableBackgroundErase(Component component) { disableBackgroundEraseImpl(component); } private void disableBackgroundEraseImpl(Component component) { AWTAccessor.getComponentAccessor().setBackgroundEraseDisabled(component, true); }
Returns the value of "sun.awt.noerasebackground" property. Default value is false.
/** * Returns the value of "sun.awt.noerasebackground" property. Default * value is {@code false}. */
public static boolean getSunAwtNoerasebackground() { return AccessController.doPrivileged(new GetBooleanAction("sun.awt.noerasebackground")); }
Returns the value of "sun.awt.erasebackgroundonresize" property. Default value is false.
/** * Returns the value of "sun.awt.erasebackgroundonresize" property. Default * value is {@code false}. */
public static boolean getSunAwtErasebackgroundonresize() { return AccessController.doPrivileged(new GetBooleanAction("sun.awt.erasebackgroundonresize")); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") static final SoftCache fileImgCache = new SoftCache(); @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") static final SoftCache urlImgCache = new SoftCache(); static Image getImageFromHash(Toolkit tk, URL url) { checkPermissions(url); synchronized (urlImgCache) { String key = url.toString(); Image img = (Image)urlImgCache.get(key); if (img == null) { try { img = tk.createImage(new URLImageSource(url)); urlImgCache.put(key, img); } catch (Exception e) { } } return img; } } static Image getImageFromHash(Toolkit tk, String filename) { checkPermissions(filename); synchronized (fileImgCache) { Image img = (Image)fileImgCache.get(filename); if (img == null) { try { img = tk.createImage(new FileImageSource(filename)); fileImgCache.put(filename, img); } catch (Exception e) { } } return img; } } @Override public Image getImage(String filename) { return getImageFromHash(this, filename); } @Override public Image getImage(URL url) { return getImageFromHash(this, url); } protected Image getImageWithResolutionVariant(String fileName, String resolutionVariantName) { synchronized (fileImgCache) { Image image = getImageFromHash(this, fileName); if (image instanceof MultiResolutionImage) { return image; } Image resolutionVariant = getImageFromHash(this, resolutionVariantName); image = createImageWithResolutionVariant(image, resolutionVariant); fileImgCache.put(fileName, image); return image; } } protected Image getImageWithResolutionVariant(URL url, URL resolutionVariantURL) { synchronized (urlImgCache) { Image image = getImageFromHash(this, url); if (image instanceof MultiResolutionImage) { return image; } Image resolutionVariant = getImageFromHash(this, resolutionVariantURL); image = createImageWithResolutionVariant(image, resolutionVariant); String key = url.toString(); urlImgCache.put(key, image); return image; } } @Override public Image createImage(String filename) { checkPermissions(filename); return createImage(new FileImageSource(filename)); } @Override public Image createImage(URL url) { checkPermissions(url); return createImage(new URLImageSource(url)); } @Override public Image createImage(byte[] data, int offset, int length) { return createImage(new ByteArrayImageSource(data, offset, length)); } @Override public Image createImage(ImageProducer producer) { return new ToolkitImage(producer); } public static Image createImageWithResolutionVariant(Image image, Image resolutionVariant) { return new MultiResolutionToolkitImage(image, resolutionVariant); } @Override public int checkImage(Image img, int w, int h, ImageObserver o) { if (!(img instanceof ToolkitImage)) { return ImageObserver.ALLBITS; } ToolkitImage tkimg = (ToolkitImage)img; int repbits; if (w == 0 || h == 0) { repbits = ImageObserver.ALLBITS; } else { repbits = tkimg.getImageRep().check(o); } return (tkimg.check(o) | repbits) & checkResolutionVariant(img, w, h, o); } @Override public boolean prepareImage(Image img, int w, int h, ImageObserver o) { if (w == 0 || h == 0) { return true; } // Must be a ToolkitImage if (!(img instanceof ToolkitImage)) { return true; } ToolkitImage tkimg = (ToolkitImage)img; if (tkimg.hasError()) { if (o != null) { o.imageUpdate(img, ImageObserver.ERROR|ImageObserver.ABORT, -1, -1, -1, -1); } return false; } ImageRepresentation ir = tkimg.getImageRep(); return ir.prepare(o) & prepareResolutionVariant(img, w, h, o); } private int checkResolutionVariant(Image img, int w, int h, ImageObserver o) { ToolkitImage rvImage = getResolutionVariant(img); int rvw = getRVSize(w); int rvh = getRVSize(h); // Ignore the resolution variant in case of error return (rvImage == null || rvImage.hasError()) ? 0xFFFF : checkImage(rvImage, rvw, rvh, MultiResolutionToolkitImage. getResolutionVariantObserver( img, o, w, h, rvw, rvh, true)); } private boolean prepareResolutionVariant(Image img, int w, int h, ImageObserver o) { ToolkitImage rvImage = getResolutionVariant(img); int rvw = getRVSize(w); int rvh = getRVSize(h); // Ignore the resolution variant in case of error return rvImage == null || rvImage.hasError() || prepareImage( rvImage, rvw, rvh, MultiResolutionToolkitImage.getResolutionVariantObserver( img, o, w, h, rvw, rvh, true)); } private static int getRVSize(int size){ return size == -1 ? -1 : 2 * size; } private static ToolkitImage getResolutionVariant(Image image) { if (image instanceof MultiResolutionToolkitImage) { Image resolutionVariant = ((MultiResolutionToolkitImage) image). getResolutionVariant(); if (resolutionVariant instanceof ToolkitImage) { return (ToolkitImage) resolutionVariant; } } return null; } protected static boolean imageCached(String fileName) { return fileImgCache.containsKey(fileName); } protected static boolean imageCached(URL url) { String key = url.toString(); return urlImgCache.containsKey(key); } protected static boolean imageExists(String filename) { if (filename != null) { checkPermissions(filename); return new File(filename).exists(); } return false; } @SuppressWarnings("try") protected static boolean imageExists(URL url) { if (url != null) { checkPermissions(url); try (InputStream is = url.openStream()) { return true; }catch(IOException e){ return false; } } return false; } private static void checkPermissions(String filename) { SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager(); if (security != null) { security.checkRead(filename); } } private static void checkPermissions(URL url) { SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager(); if (sm != null) { try { java.security.Permission perm = URLUtil.getConnectPermission(url); if (perm != null) { sm.checkPermission(perm); } } catch (java.io.IOException ioe) { sm.checkConnect(url.getHost(), url.getPort()); } } }
Scans imageList for best-looking image of specified dimensions. Image can be scaled and/or padded with transparency.
/** * Scans {@code imageList} for best-looking image of specified dimensions. * Image can be scaled and/or padded with transparency. */
public static BufferedImage getScaledIconImage(java.util.List<Image> imageList, int width, int height) { if (width == 0 || height == 0) { return null; } java.util.List<Image> multiResAndnormalImages = new ArrayList<>(imageList.size()); for (Image image : imageList) { if ((image instanceof MultiResolutionImage)) { Image im = ((MultiResolutionImage) image).getResolutionVariant(width, height); multiResAndnormalImages.add(im); } else { multiResAndnormalImages.add(image); } } Image bestImage = null; int bestWidth = 0; int bestHeight = 0; double bestSimilarity = 3; //Impossibly high value double bestScaleFactor = 0; for (Iterator<Image> i = multiResAndnormalImages.iterator();i.hasNext();) { //Iterate imageList looking for best matching image. //'Similarity' measure is defined as good scale factor and small insets. //best possible similarity is 0 (no scale, no insets). //It's found while the experiments that good-looking result is achieved //with scale factors x1, x3/4, x2/3, xN, x1/N. Image im = i.next(); if (im == null) { continue; } if (im instanceof ToolkitImage) { ImageRepresentation ir = ((ToolkitImage)im).getImageRep(); ir.reconstruct(ImageObserver.ALLBITS); } int iw; int ih; try { iw = im.getWidth(null); ih = im.getHeight(null); } catch (Exception e){ continue; } if (iw > 0 && ih > 0) { //Calc scale factor double scaleFactor = Math.min((double)width / (double)iw, (double)height / (double)ih); //Calculate scaled image dimensions //adjusting scale factor to nearest "good" value int adjw = 0; int adjh = 0; double scaleMeasure = 1; //0 - best (no) scale, 1 - impossibly bad if (scaleFactor >= 2) { //Need to enlarge image more than twice //Round down scale factor to multiply by integer value scaleFactor = Math.floor(scaleFactor); adjw = iw * (int)scaleFactor; adjh = ih * (int)scaleFactor; scaleMeasure = 1.0 - 0.5 / scaleFactor; } else if (scaleFactor >= 1) { //Don't scale scaleFactor = 1.0; adjw = iw; adjh = ih; scaleMeasure = 0; } else if (scaleFactor >= 0.75) { //Multiply by 3/4 scaleFactor = 0.75; adjw = iw * 3 / 4; adjh = ih * 3 / 4; scaleMeasure = 0.3; } else if (scaleFactor >= 0.6666) { //Multiply by 2/3 scaleFactor = 0.6666; adjw = iw * 2 / 3; adjh = ih * 2 / 3; scaleMeasure = 0.33; } else { //Multiply size by 1/scaleDivider //where scaleDivider is minimum possible integer //larger than 1/scaleFactor double scaleDivider = Math.ceil(1.0 / scaleFactor); scaleFactor = 1.0 / scaleDivider; adjw = (int)Math.round((double)iw / scaleDivider); adjh = (int)Math.round((double)ih / scaleDivider); scaleMeasure = 1.0 - 1.0 / scaleDivider; } double similarity = ((double)width - (double)adjw) / (double)width + ((double)height - (double)adjh) / (double)height + //Large padding is bad scaleMeasure; //Large rescale is bad if (similarity < bestSimilarity) { bestSimilarity = similarity; bestScaleFactor = scaleFactor; bestImage = im; bestWidth = adjw; bestHeight = adjh; } if (similarity == 0) break; } } if (bestImage == null) { //No images were found, possibly all are broken return null; } BufferedImage bimage = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); Graphics2D g = bimage.createGraphics(); g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION, RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BILINEAR); try { int x = (width - bestWidth) / 2; int y = (height - bestHeight) / 2; g.drawImage(bestImage, x, y, bestWidth, bestHeight, null); } finally { g.dispose(); } return bimage; } public static DataBufferInt getScaledIconData(java.util.List<Image> imageList, int width, int height) { BufferedImage bimage = getScaledIconImage(imageList, width, height); if (bimage == null) { return null; } Raster raster = bimage.getRaster(); DataBuffer buffer = raster.getDataBuffer(); return (DataBufferInt)buffer; } @Override protected EventQueue getSystemEventQueueImpl() { return getSystemEventQueueImplPP(); } // Package private implementation static EventQueue getSystemEventQueueImplPP() { return getSystemEventQueueImplPP(AppContext.getAppContext()); } public static EventQueue getSystemEventQueueImplPP(AppContext appContext) { EventQueue theEventQueue = (EventQueue)appContext.get(AppContext.EVENT_QUEUE_KEY); return theEventQueue; }
Give native peers the ability to query the native container given a native component (eg the direct parent may be lightweight).
/** * Give native peers the ability to query the native container * given a native component (eg the direct parent may be lightweight). */
public static Container getNativeContainer(Component c) { return Toolkit.getNativeContainer(c); }
Gives native peers the ability to query the closest HW component. If the given component is heavyweight, then it returns this. Otherwise, it goes one level up in the hierarchy and tests next component.
/** * Gives native peers the ability to query the closest HW component. * If the given component is heavyweight, then it returns this. Otherwise, * it goes one level up in the hierarchy and tests next component. */
public static Component getHeavyweightComponent(Component c) { while (c != null && AWTAccessor.getComponentAccessor().isLightweight(c)) { c = AWTAccessor.getComponentAccessor().getParent(c); } return c; }
Returns key modifiers used by Swing to set up a focus accelerator key stroke.
/** * Returns key modifiers used by Swing to set up a focus accelerator key stroke. */
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public int getFocusAcceleratorKeyMask() { return InputEvent.ALT_MASK; }
Tests whether specified key modifiers mask can be used to enter a printable character. This is a default implementation of this method, which reflects the way things work on Windows: here, pressing ctrl + alt allows user to enter characters from the extended character set (like euro sign or math symbols)
/** * Tests whether specified key modifiers mask can be used to enter a printable * character. This is a default implementation of this method, which reflects * the way things work on Windows: here, pressing ctrl + alt allows user to enter * characters from the extended character set (like euro sign or math symbols) */
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public boolean isPrintableCharacterModifiersMask(int mods) { return ((mods & InputEvent.ALT_MASK) == (mods & InputEvent.CTRL_MASK)); }
Returns whether popup is allowed to be shown above the task bar. This is a default implementation of this method, which checks corresponding security permission.
/** * Returns whether popup is allowed to be shown above the task bar. * This is a default implementation of this method, which checks * corresponding security permission. */
public boolean canPopupOverlapTaskBar() { boolean result = true; try { SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager(); if (sm != null) { sm.checkPermission(AWTPermissions.SET_WINDOW_ALWAYS_ON_TOP_PERMISSION); } } catch (SecurityException se) { // There is no permission to show popups over the task bar result = false; } return result; }
Returns a new input method window, with behavior as specified in InputMethodContext.createInputMethodWindow. If the inputContext is not null, the window should return it from its getInputContext() method. The window needs to implement sun.awt.im.InputMethodWindow.

SunToolkit subclasses can override this method to return better input method windows.

/** * Returns a new input method window, with behavior as specified in * {@link java.awt.im.spi.InputMethodContext#createInputMethodWindow}. * If the inputContext is not null, the window should return it from its * getInputContext() method. The window needs to implement * sun.awt.im.InputMethodWindow. * <p> * SunToolkit subclasses can override this method to return better input * method windows. */
@Override public Window createInputMethodWindow(String title, InputContext context) { return new sun.awt.im.SimpleInputMethodWindow(title, context); }
Returns whether enableInputMethods should be set to true for peered TextComponent instances on this platform. False by default.
/** * Returns whether enableInputMethods should be set to true for peered * TextComponent instances on this platform. False by default. */
@Override public boolean enableInputMethodsForTextComponent() { return false; } private static Locale startupLocale = null;
Returns the locale in which the runtime was started.
/** * Returns the locale in which the runtime was started. */
public static Locale getStartupLocale() { if (startupLocale == null) { String language, region, country, variant; language = AccessController.doPrivileged( new GetPropertyAction("user.language", "en")); // for compatibility, check for old user.region property region = AccessController.doPrivileged( new GetPropertyAction("user.region")); if (region != null) { // region can be of form country, country_variant, or _variant int i = region.indexOf('_'); if (i >= 0) { country = region.substring(0, i); variant = region.substring(i + 1); } else { country = region; variant = ""; } } else { country = AccessController.doPrivileged( new GetPropertyAction("user.country", "")); variant = AccessController.doPrivileged( new GetPropertyAction("user.variant", "")); } startupLocale = new Locale(language, country, variant); } return startupLocale; }
Returns the default keyboard locale of the underlying operating system
/** * Returns the default keyboard locale of the underlying operating system */
@Override public Locale getDefaultKeyboardLocale() { return getStartupLocale(); }
Returns whether default toolkit needs the support of the xembed from embedding host(if any).
Returns:true, if XEmbed is needed, false otherwise
/** * Returns whether default toolkit needs the support of the xembed * from embedding host(if any). * @return {@code true}, if XEmbed is needed, {@code false} otherwise */
public static boolean needsXEmbed() { String noxembed = AccessController. doPrivileged(new GetPropertyAction("sun.awt.noxembed", "false")); if ("true".equals(noxembed)) { return false; } Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); if (tk instanceof SunToolkit) { // SunToolkit descendants should override this method to specify // concrete behavior return ((SunToolkit)tk).needsXEmbedImpl(); } else { // Non-SunToolkit doubtly might support XEmbed return false; } }
Returns whether this toolkit needs the support of the xembed from embedding host(if any).
Returns:true, if XEmbed is needed, false otherwise
/** * Returns whether this toolkit needs the support of the xembed * from embedding host(if any). * @return {@code true}, if XEmbed is needed, {@code false} otherwise */
protected boolean needsXEmbedImpl() { return false; } private static Dialog.ModalExclusionType DEFAULT_MODAL_EXCLUSION_TYPE = null;
Returns whether the XEmbed server feature is requested by developer. If true, Toolkit should return an XEmbed-server-enabled CanvasPeer instead of the ordinary CanvasPeer.
/** * Returns whether the XEmbed server feature is requested by * developer. If true, Toolkit should return an * XEmbed-server-enabled CanvasPeer instead of the ordinary CanvasPeer. */
protected final boolean isXEmbedServerRequested() { return AccessController.doPrivileged(new GetBooleanAction("sun.awt.xembedserver")); }
Returns whether the modal exclusion API is supported by the current toolkit. When it isn't supported, calling setModalExcluded has no effect, and isModalExcluded returns false for all windows.
See Also:
Returns:true if modal exclusion is supported by the toolkit, false otherwise
/** * Returns whether the modal exclusion API is supported by the current toolkit. * When it isn't supported, calling {@code setModalExcluded} has no * effect, and {@code isModalExcluded} returns false for all windows. * * @return true if modal exclusion is supported by the toolkit, false otherwise * * @see sun.awt.SunToolkit#setModalExcluded(java.awt.Window) * @see sun.awt.SunToolkit#isModalExcluded(java.awt.Window) * * @since 1.5 */
public static boolean isModalExcludedSupported() { Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); return tk.isModalExclusionTypeSupported(DEFAULT_MODAL_EXCLUSION_TYPE); } /* * Default implementation for isModalExcludedSupportedImpl(), returns false. * * @see sun.awt.windows.WToolkit#isModalExcludeSupportedImpl * @see sun.awt.X11.XToolkit#isModalExcludeSupportedImpl * * @since 1.5 */ protected boolean isModalExcludedSupportedImpl() { return false; } /* * Sets this window to be excluded from being modally blocked. When the * toolkit supports modal exclusion and this method is called, input * events, focus transfer and z-order will continue to work for the * window, it's owned windows and child components, even in the * presence of a modal dialog. * For details on which {@code Window}s are normally blocked * by modal dialog, see {@link java.awt.Dialog}. * Invoking this method when the modal exclusion API is not supported by * the current toolkit has no effect. * @param window Window to be marked as not modally blocked * @see java.awt.Dialog * @see java.awt.Dialog#setModal(boolean) * @see sun.awt.SunToolkit#isModalExcludedSupported * @see sun.awt.SunToolkit#isModalExcluded(java.awt.Window) */ public static void setModalExcluded(Window window) { if (DEFAULT_MODAL_EXCLUSION_TYPE == null) { DEFAULT_MODAL_EXCLUSION_TYPE = Dialog.ModalExclusionType.APPLICATION_EXCLUDE; } window.setModalExclusionType(DEFAULT_MODAL_EXCLUSION_TYPE); } /* * Returns whether the specified window is blocked by modal dialogs. * If the modal exclusion API isn't supported by the current toolkit, * it returns false for all windows. * * @param window Window to test for modal exclusion * * @return true if the window is modal excluded, false otherwise. If * the modal exclusion isn't supported by the current Toolkit, false * is returned * * @see sun.awt.SunToolkit#isModalExcludedSupported * @see sun.awt.SunToolkit#setModalExcluded(java.awt.Window) * * @since 1.5 */ public static boolean isModalExcluded(Window window) { if (DEFAULT_MODAL_EXCLUSION_TYPE == null) { DEFAULT_MODAL_EXCLUSION_TYPE = Dialog.ModalExclusionType.APPLICATION_EXCLUDE; } return window.getModalExclusionType().compareTo(DEFAULT_MODAL_EXCLUSION_TYPE) >= 0; }
Overridden in XToolkit and WToolkit
/** * Overridden in XToolkit and WToolkit */
@Override public boolean isModalityTypeSupported(Dialog.ModalityType modalityType) { return (modalityType == Dialog.ModalityType.MODELESS) || (modalityType == Dialog.ModalityType.APPLICATION_MODAL); }
Overridden in XToolkit and WToolkit
/** * Overridden in XToolkit and WToolkit */
@Override public boolean isModalExclusionTypeSupported(Dialog.ModalExclusionType exclusionType) { return (exclusionType == Dialog.ModalExclusionType.NO_EXCLUDE); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // The following is used by the Java Plug-in to coordinate dialog modality // between containing applications (browsers, ActiveX containers etc) and // the AWT. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private ModalityListenerList modalityListeners = new ModalityListenerList(); public void addModalityListener(ModalityListener listener) { modalityListeners.add(listener); } public void removeModalityListener(ModalityListener listener) { modalityListeners.remove(listener); } public void notifyModalityPushed(Dialog dialog) { notifyModalityChange(ModalityEvent.MODALITY_PUSHED, dialog); } public void notifyModalityPopped(Dialog dialog) { notifyModalityChange(ModalityEvent.MODALITY_POPPED, dialog); } final void notifyModalityChange(int id, Dialog source) { ModalityEvent ev = new ModalityEvent(source, modalityListeners, id); ev.dispatch(); } static class ModalityListenerList implements ModalityListener { Vector<ModalityListener> listeners = new Vector<ModalityListener>(); void add(ModalityListener listener) { listeners.addElement(listener); } void remove(ModalityListener listener) { listeners.removeElement(listener); } @Override public void modalityPushed(ModalityEvent ev) { for (ModalityListener listener : listeners) { listener.modalityPushed(ev); } } @Override public void modalityPopped(ModalityEvent ev) { for (ModalityListener listener : listeners) { listener.modalityPopped(ev); } } } // end of class ModalityListenerList /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // End Plug-in code /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static boolean isLightweightOrUnknown(Component comp) { if (comp.isLightweight() || !(getDefaultToolkit() instanceof SunToolkit)) { return true; } return !(comp instanceof Button || comp instanceof Canvas || comp instanceof Checkbox || comp instanceof Choice || comp instanceof Label || comp instanceof java.awt.List || comp instanceof Panel || comp instanceof Scrollbar || comp instanceof ScrollPane || comp instanceof TextArea || comp instanceof TextField || comp instanceof Window); } @SuppressWarnings("serial") public static class OperationTimedOut extends RuntimeException { public OperationTimedOut(String msg) { super(msg); } public OperationTimedOut() { } } @SuppressWarnings("serial") public static class IllegalThreadException extends RuntimeException { public IllegalThreadException(String msg) { super(msg); } public IllegalThreadException() { } } public static final int DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME = 10000; private static final int MAX_ITERS = 100; private static final int MIN_ITERS = 1; private static final int MINIMAL_DELAY = 5;
Parameterless version of realsync which uses default timout (see DEFAUL_WAIT_TIME).
/** * Parameterless version of realsync which uses default timout (see DEFAUL_WAIT_TIME). */
public void realSync() throws OperationTimedOut { realSync(DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME); }
Forces toolkit to synchronize with the native windowing sub-system, flushing all pending work and waiting for all the events to be processed. This method guarantees that after return no additional Java events will be generated, unless cause by user. Obviously, the method cannot be used on the event dispatch thread (EDT). In case it nevertheless gets invoked on this thread, the method throws the IllegalThreadException runtime exception.

This method allows to write tests without explicit timeouts or wait for some event. Example:

Frame f = ...;

After realSync, f will be completely visible on the screen, its getLocationOnScreen will be returning the right result and it will be the focus owner.

Another example:


After realSync, b will be focus owner.

Notice that realSync isn't guaranteed to work if recurring actions occur, such as if during processing of some event another request which may generate some events occurs. By default, sync tries to perform as much as 100 cycles of event processing, allowing for roughly 100 additional requests.

For example, requestFocus() generates native request, which generates one or two Java focus events, which then generate a serie of paint events, a serie of Java focus events, which then generate a serie of paint events which then are processed - three cycles, minimum.

  • timeout – the maximum time to wait in milliseconds, negative means "forever".
/** * Forces toolkit to synchronize with the native windowing * sub-system, flushing all pending work and waiting for all the * events to be processed. This method guarantees that after * return no additional Java events will be generated, unless * cause by user. Obviously, the method cannot be used on the * event dispatch thread (EDT). In case it nevertheless gets * invoked on this thread, the method throws the * IllegalThreadException runtime exception. * * <p> This method allows to write tests without explicit timeouts * or wait for some event. Example: * <pre>{@code * Frame f = ...; * f.setVisible(true); * ((SunToolkit)Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).realSync(); * }</pre> * * <p> After realSync, {@code f} will be completely visible * on the screen, its getLocationOnScreen will be returning the * right result and it will be the focus owner. * * <p> Another example: * <pre>{@code * b.requestFocus(); * ((SunToolkit)Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).realSync(); * }</pre> * * <p> After realSync, {@code b} will be focus owner. * * <p> Notice that realSync isn't guaranteed to work if recurring * actions occur, such as if during processing of some event * another request which may generate some events occurs. By * default, sync tries to perform as much as {@value #MAX_ITERS} * cycles of event processing, allowing for roughly {@value * #MAX_ITERS} additional requests. * * <p> For example, requestFocus() generates native request, which * generates one or two Java focus events, which then generate a * serie of paint events, a serie of Java focus events, which then * generate a serie of paint events which then are processed - * three cycles, minimum. * * @param timeout the maximum time to wait in milliseconds, negative means "forever". */
public void realSync(final long timeout) throws OperationTimedOut { if (EventQueue.isDispatchThread()) { throw new IllegalThreadException("The SunToolkit.realSync() method cannot be used on the event dispatch thread (EDT)."); } try { // We should wait unconditionally for the first event on EDT EventQueue.invokeAndWait(() -> {/*dummy implementation*/}); } catch (InterruptedException | InvocationTargetException ignored) { } int bigLoop = 0; long end = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(System.nanoTime()) + timeout; do { if (timeout(end) < 0) { return; } // Let's do sync first sync(); // During the wait process, when we were processing incoming // events, we could have made some new request, which can // generate new events. Example: MapNotify/XSetInputFocus. // Therefore, we dispatch them as long as there is something // to dispatch. int iters = 0; while (iters < MIN_ITERS) { syncNativeQueue(timeout(end)); iters++; } while (syncNativeQueue(timeout(end)) && iters < MAX_ITERS) { iters++; } // native requests were dispatched by X/Window Manager or Windows // Moreover, we processed them all on Toolkit thread // Now wait while EDT processes them. // // During processing of some events (focus, for example), // some other events could have been generated. So, after // waitForIdle, we may end up with full EventQueue iters = 0; while (iters < MIN_ITERS) { waitForIdle(timeout(end)); iters++; } while (waitForIdle(end) && iters < MAX_ITERS) { iters++; } bigLoop++; // Again, for Java events, it was simple to check for new Java // events by checking event queue, but what if Java events // resulted in native requests? Therefor, check native events again. } while ((syncNativeQueue(timeout(end)) || waitForIdle(end)) && bigLoop < MAX_ITERS); } private long timeout(long end){ return end - TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(System.nanoTime()); }
Platform toolkits need to implement this method to perform the sync of the native queue. The method should wait until native requests are processed, all native events are processed and corresponding Java events are generated. Should return true if some events were processed, false otherwise.
/** * Platform toolkits need to implement this method to perform the * sync of the native queue. The method should wait until native * requests are processed, all native events are processed and * corresponding Java events are generated. Should return * {@code true} if some events were processed, * {@code false} otherwise. */
protected abstract boolean syncNativeQueue(long timeout); private final Object waitLock = new Object(); private boolean isEQEmpty() { EventQueue queue = getSystemEventQueueImpl(); return AWTAccessor.getEventQueueAccessor().noEvents(queue); }
Waits for the Java event queue to empty. Ensures that all events are processed (including paint events), and that if recursive events were generated, they are also processed. Should return true if more processing is necessary, false otherwise.
/** * Waits for the Java event queue to empty. Ensures that all * events are processed (including paint events), and that if * recursive events were generated, they are also processed. * Should return {@code true} if more processing is * necessary, {@code false} otherwise. */
@SuppressWarnings("serial") private final boolean waitForIdle(final long end) { flushPendingEvents(); final boolean queueWasEmpty; final AtomicBoolean queueEmpty = new AtomicBoolean(); final AtomicBoolean eventDispatched = new AtomicBoolean(); synchronized (waitLock) { queueWasEmpty = isEQEmpty(); postEvent(AppContext.getAppContext(), new PeerEvent(getSystemEventQueueImpl(), null, PeerEvent.LOW_PRIORITY_EVENT) { @Override public void dispatch() { // Here we block EDT. It could have some // events, it should have dispatched them by // now. So native requests could have been // generated. First, dispatch them. Then, // flush Java events again. int iters = 0; while (iters < MIN_ITERS) { syncNativeQueue(timeout(end)); iters++; } while (syncNativeQueue(timeout(end)) && iters < MAX_ITERS) { iters++; } flushPendingEvents(); synchronized(waitLock) { queueEmpty.set(isEQEmpty()); eventDispatched.set(true); waitLock.notifyAll(); } } }); try { while (!eventDispatched.get() && timeout(end) > 0) { waitLock.wait(timeout(end)); } } catch (InterruptedException ie) { return false; } } try { Thread.sleep(MINIMAL_DELAY); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { throw new RuntimeException("Interrupted"); } flushPendingEvents(); // Lock to force write-cache flush for queueEmpty. synchronized (waitLock) { return !(queueEmpty.get() && isEQEmpty() && queueWasEmpty); } }
Grabs the mouse input for the given window. The window must be visible. The window or its children do not receive any additional mouse events besides those targeted to them. All other events will be dispatched as before - to the respective targets. This Window will receive UngrabEvent when automatic ungrab is about to happen. The event can be listened to by installing AWTEventListener with WINDOW_EVENT_MASK. See UngrabEvent class for the list of conditions when ungrab is about to happen.
See Also:
  • UngrabEvent
/** * Grabs the mouse input for the given window. The window must be * visible. The window or its children do not receive any * additional mouse events besides those targeted to them. All * other events will be dispatched as before - to the respective * targets. This Window will receive UngrabEvent when automatic * ungrab is about to happen. The event can be listened to by * installing AWTEventListener with WINDOW_EVENT_MASK. See * UngrabEvent class for the list of conditions when ungrab is * about to happen. * @see UngrabEvent */
public abstract void grab(Window w);
Forces ungrab. No event will be sent.
/** * Forces ungrab. No event will be sent. */
public abstract void ungrab(Window w); public void showOrHideTouchKeyboard(Component comp, AWTEvent e) {} private static boolean touchKeyboardAutoShowIsEnabled; public static boolean isTouchKeyboardAutoShowEnabled() { return touchKeyboardAutoShowIsEnabled; }
Locates the splash screen library in a platform dependent way and closes the splash screen. Should be invoked on first top-level frame display.
See Also:
  • SplashScreen
/** * Locates the splash screen library in a platform dependent way and closes * the splash screen. Should be invoked on first top-level frame display. * @see java.awt.SplashScreen * @since 1.6 */
public static native void closeSplashScreen(); /* The following methods and variables are to support retrieving * desktop text anti-aliasing settings */ /* Need an instance method because setDesktopProperty(..) is protected. */ private void fireDesktopFontPropertyChanges() { setDesktopProperty(SunToolkit.DESKTOPFONTHINTS, SunToolkit.getDesktopFontHints()); } private static boolean checkedSystemAAFontSettings; private static boolean useSystemAAFontSettings; private static boolean lastExtraCondition = true; private static RenderingHints desktopFontHints; /* Since Swing is the reason for this "extra condition" logic its * worth documenting it in some detail. * First, a goal is for Swing and applications to both retrieve and * use the same desktop property value so that there is complete * consistency between the settings used by JDK's Swing implementation * and 3rd party custom Swing components, custom L&Fs and any general * text rendering that wants to be consistent with these. * But by default on Solaris & Linux Swing will not use AA text over * remote X11 display (unless Xrender can be used which is TBD and may not * always be available anyway) as that is a noticeable performance hit. * So there needs to be a way to express that extra condition so that * it is seen by all clients of the desktop property API. * If this were the only condition it could be handled here as it would * be the same for any L&F and could reasonably be considered to be * a static behaviour of those systems. * But GTK currently has an additional test based on locale which is * not applied by Metal. So mixing GTK in a few locales with Metal * would mean the last one wins. * This could be stored per-app context which would work * for different applets, but wouldn't help for a single application * using GTK and some other L&F concurrently. * But it is expected this will be addressed within GTK and the font * system so is a temporary and somewhat unlikely harmless corner case. */ public static void setAAFontSettingsCondition(boolean extraCondition) { if (extraCondition != lastExtraCondition) { lastExtraCondition = extraCondition; if (checkedSystemAAFontSettings) { /* Someone already asked for this info, under a different * condition. * We'll force re-evaluation instead of replicating the * logic, then notify any listeners of any change. */ checkedSystemAAFontSettings = false; Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); if (tk instanceof SunToolkit) { ((SunToolkit)tk).fireDesktopFontPropertyChanges(); } } } } /* "false", "off", ""default" aren't explicitly tested, they * just fall through to produce a null return which all are equated to * "false". */ private static RenderingHints getDesktopAAHintsByName(String hintname) { Object aaHint = null; hintname = hintname.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); if (hintname.equals("on")) { aaHint = VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_ON; } else if (hintname.equals("gasp")) { aaHint = VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_GASP; } else if (hintname.equals("lcd") || hintname.equals("lcd_hrgb")) { aaHint = VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_LCD_HRGB; } else if (hintname.equals("lcd_hbgr")) { aaHint = VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_LCD_HBGR; } else if (hintname.equals("lcd_vrgb")) { aaHint = VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_LCD_VRGB; } else if (hintname.equals("lcd_vbgr")) { aaHint = VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_LCD_VBGR; } if (aaHint != null) { RenderingHints map = new RenderingHints(null); map.put(KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, aaHint); return map; } else { return null; } } /* This method determines whether to use the system font settings, * or ignore them if a L&F has specified they should be ignored, or * to override both of these with a system property specified value. * If the toolkit isn't a SunToolkit, (eg may be headless) then that * system property isn't applied as desktop properties are considered * to be inapplicable in that case. In that headless case although * this method will return "true" the toolkit will return a null map. */ private static boolean useSystemAAFontSettings() { if (!checkedSystemAAFontSettings) { useSystemAAFontSettings = true; /* initially set this true */ String systemAAFonts = null; Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); if (tk instanceof SunToolkit) { systemAAFonts = AccessController.doPrivileged( new GetPropertyAction("awt.useSystemAAFontSettings")); } if (systemAAFonts != null) { useSystemAAFontSettings = Boolean.valueOf(systemAAFonts).booleanValue(); /* If it is anything other than "true", then it may be * a hint name , or it may be "off, "default", etc. */ if (!useSystemAAFontSettings) { desktopFontHints = getDesktopAAHintsByName(systemAAFonts); } } /* If its still true, apply the extra condition */ if (useSystemAAFontSettings) { useSystemAAFontSettings = lastExtraCondition; } checkedSystemAAFontSettings = true; } return useSystemAAFontSettings; } /* A variable defined for the convenience of JDK code */ public static final String DESKTOPFONTHINTS = "awt.font.desktophints"; /* Overridden by subclasses to return platform/desktop specific values */ protected RenderingHints getDesktopAAHints() { return null; } /* Subclass desktop property loading methods call this which * in turn calls the appropriate subclass implementation of * getDesktopAAHints() when system settings are being used. * Its public rather than protected because subclasses may delegate * to a helper class. */ public static RenderingHints getDesktopFontHints() { if (useSystemAAFontSettings()) { Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); if (tk instanceof SunToolkit) { Object map = ((SunToolkit)tk).getDesktopAAHints(); return (RenderingHints)map; } else { /* Headless Toolkit */ return null; } } else if (desktopFontHints != null) { /* cloning not necessary as the return value is cloned later, but * its harmless. */ return (RenderingHints)(desktopFontHints.clone()); } else { return null; } } public abstract boolean isDesktopSupported(); public abstract boolean isTaskbarSupported(); /* * consumeNextKeyTyped() method is not currently used, * however Swing could use it in the future. */ public static synchronized void consumeNextKeyTyped(KeyEvent keyEvent) { try { AWTAccessor.getDefaultKeyboardFocusManagerAccessor().consumeNextKeyTyped( (DefaultKeyboardFocusManager)KeyboardFocusManager. getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager(), keyEvent); } catch (ClassCastException cce) { cce.printStackTrace(); } } protected static void dumpPeers(final PlatformLogger aLog) { AWTAutoShutdown.getInstance().dumpPeers(aLog); }
Returns the Window ancestor of the component comp.
Returns:Window ancestor of the component or component by itself if it is Window; null, if component is not a part of window hierarchy
/** * Returns the {@code Window} ancestor of the component {@code comp}. * @return Window ancestor of the component or component by itself if it is Window; * null, if component is not a part of window hierarchy */
public static Window getContainingWindow(Component comp) { while (comp != null && !(comp instanceof Window)) { comp = comp.getParent(); } return (Window)comp; } private static Boolean sunAwtDisableMixing = null;
Returns the value of "sun.awt.disableMixing" property. Default value is false.
/** * Returns the value of "sun.awt.disableMixing" property. Default * value is {@code false}. */
public static synchronized boolean getSunAwtDisableMixing() { if (sunAwtDisableMixing == null) { sunAwtDisableMixing = AccessController.doPrivileged( new GetBooleanAction("sun.awt.disableMixing")); } return sunAwtDisableMixing.booleanValue(); } public String getDesktop() { return null; }
Returns true if the native GTK libraries are available. The default implementation returns false, but UNIXToolkit overrides this method to provide a more specific answer.
/** * Returns true if the native GTK libraries are available. The * default implementation returns false, but UNIXToolkit overrides this * method to provide a more specific answer. */
public boolean isNativeGTKAvailable() { return false; } private static final Object DEACTIVATION_TIMES_MAP_KEY = new Object(); public synchronized void setWindowDeactivationTime(Window w, long time) { AppContext ctx = getAppContext(w); if (ctx == null) { return; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") WeakHashMap<Window, Long> map = (WeakHashMap<Window, Long>)ctx.get(DEACTIVATION_TIMES_MAP_KEY); if (map == null) { map = new WeakHashMap<Window, Long>(); ctx.put(DEACTIVATION_TIMES_MAP_KEY, map); } map.put(w, time); } public synchronized long getWindowDeactivationTime(Window w) { AppContext ctx = getAppContext(w); if (ctx == null) { return -1; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") WeakHashMap<Window, Long> map = (WeakHashMap<Window, Long>)ctx.get(DEACTIVATION_TIMES_MAP_KEY); if (map == null) { return -1; } Long time = map.get(w); return time == null ? -1 : time; } public void updateScreenMenuBarUI() { } // Cosntant alpha public boolean isWindowOpacitySupported() { return false; } // Shaping public boolean isWindowShapingSupported() { return false; } // Per-pixel alpha public boolean isWindowTranslucencySupported() { return false; } public boolean isTranslucencyCapable(GraphicsConfiguration gc) { return false; }
Returns true if swing backbuffer should be translucent.
/** * Returns true if swing backbuffer should be translucent. */
public boolean isSwingBackbufferTranslucencySupported() { return false; }
Returns whether or not a containing top level window for the passed component is PERPIXEL_TRANSLUCENT.
  • c – a Component which toplevel's to check
See Also:
Returns:true if the passed component is not null and has a containing toplevel window which is opaque (so per-pixel translucency is not enabled), false otherwise
/** * Returns whether or not a containing top level window for the passed * component is * {@link GraphicsDevice.WindowTranslucency#PERPIXEL_TRANSLUCENT PERPIXEL_TRANSLUCENT}. * * @param c a Component which toplevel's to check * @return {@code true} if the passed component is not null and has a * containing toplevel window which is opaque (so per-pixel translucency * is not enabled), {@code false} otherwise * @see GraphicsDevice.WindowTranslucency#PERPIXEL_TRANSLUCENT */
public static boolean isContainingTopLevelOpaque(Component c) { Window w = getContainingWindow(c); return w != null && w.isOpaque(); }
Returns whether or not a containing top level window for the passed component is TRANSLUCENT.
  • c – a Component which toplevel's to check
See Also:
Returns:true if the passed component is not null and has a containing toplevel window which has opacity less than 1.0f (which means that it is translucent), false otherwise
/** * Returns whether or not a containing top level window for the passed * component is * {@link GraphicsDevice.WindowTranslucency#TRANSLUCENT TRANSLUCENT}. * * @param c a Component which toplevel's to check * @return {@code true} if the passed component is not null and has a * containing toplevel window which has opacity less than * 1.0f (which means that it is translucent), {@code false} otherwise * @see GraphicsDevice.WindowTranslucency#TRANSLUCENT */
public static boolean isContainingTopLevelTranslucent(Component c) { Window w = getContainingWindow(c); return w != null && w.getOpacity() < 1.0f; }
Returns whether the native system requires using the peer.updateWindow() method to update the contents of a non-opaque window, or if usual painting procedures are sufficient. The default return value covers the X11 systems. On MS Windows this method is overriden in WToolkit to return true.
/** * Returns whether the native system requires using the peer.updateWindow() * method to update the contents of a non-opaque window, or if usual * painting procedures are sufficient. The default return value covers * the X11 systems. On MS Windows this method is overriden in WToolkit * to return true. */
public boolean needUpdateWindow() { return false; }
Descendants of the SunToolkit should override and put their own logic here.
/** * Descendants of the SunToolkit should override and put their own logic here. */
public int getNumberOfButtons(){ return 3; }
Checks that the given object implements/extends the given interface/class. Note that using the instanceof operator causes a class to be loaded. Using this method doesn't load a class and it can be used instead of the instanceof operator for performance reasons.
  • obj – Object to be checked
  • type – The name of the interface/class. Must be fully-qualified interface/class name.
Returns:true, if this object implements/extends the given interface/class, false, otherwise, or if obj or type is null
/** * Checks that the given object implements/extends the given * interface/class. * * Note that using the instanceof operator causes a class to be loaded. * Using this method doesn't load a class and it can be used instead of * the instanceof operator for performance reasons. * * @param obj Object to be checked * @param type The name of the interface/class. Must be * fully-qualified interface/class name. * @return true, if this object implements/extends the given * interface/class, false, otherwise, or if obj or type is null */
public static boolean isInstanceOf(Object obj, String type) { if (obj == null) return false; if (type == null) return false; return isInstanceOf(obj.getClass(), type); } private static boolean isInstanceOf(Class<?> cls, String type) { if (cls == null) return false; if (cls.getName().equals(type)) { return true; } for (Class<?> c : cls.getInterfaces()) { if (c.getName().equals(type)) { return true; } } return isInstanceOf(cls.getSuperclass(), type); } protected static LightweightFrame getLightweightFrame(Component c) { for (; c != null; c = c.getParent()) { if (c instanceof LightweightFrame) { return (LightweightFrame)c; } if (c instanceof Window) { // Don't traverse owner windows return null; } } return null; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // The following methods help set and identify whether a particular // AWTEvent object was produced by the system or by user code. As of this // writing the only consumer is the Java Plug-In, although this information // could be useful to more clients and probably should be formalized in // the public API. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static void setSystemGenerated(AWTEvent e) { AWTAccessor.getAWTEventAccessor().setSystemGenerated(e); } public static boolean isSystemGenerated(AWTEvent e) { return AWTAccessor.getAWTEventAccessor().isSystemGenerated(e); } } // class SunToolkit /* * PostEventQueue is a Thread that runs in the same AppContext as the * Java EventQueue. It is a queue of AWTEvents to be posted to the * Java EventQueue. The toolkit Thread (AWT-Windows/AWT-Motif) posts * events to this queue, which then calls EventQueue.postEvent(). * * We do this because EventQueue.postEvent() may be overridden by client * code, and we mustn't ever call client code from the toolkit thread. */ class PostEventQueue { private EventQueueItem queueHead = null; private EventQueueItem queueTail = null; private final EventQueue eventQueue; private Thread flushThread = null; PostEventQueue(EventQueue eq) { eventQueue = eq; } /* * Continually post pending AWTEvents to the Java EventQueue. The method * is synchronized to ensure the flush is completed before a new event * can be posted to this queue. * * 7177040: The method couldn't be wholly synchronized because of calls * of EventQueue.postEvent() that uses pushPopLock, otherwise it could * potentially lead to deadlock */ public void flush() { Thread newThread = Thread.currentThread(); try { EventQueueItem tempQueue; synchronized (this) { // Avoid method recursion if (newThread == flushThread) { return; } // Wait for other threads' flushing while (flushThread != null) { wait(); } // Skip everything if queue is empty if (queueHead == null) { return; } // Remember flushing thread flushThread = newThread; tempQueue = queueHead; queueHead = queueTail = null; } try { while (tempQueue != null) { eventQueue.postEvent(tempQueue.event); tempQueue = tempQueue.next; } } finally { // Only the flushing thread can get here synchronized (this) { // Forget flushing thread, inform other pending threads flushThread = null; notifyAll(); } } } catch (InterruptedException e) { // Couldn't allow exception go up, so at least recover the flag newThread.interrupt(); } } /* * Enqueue an AWTEvent to be posted to the Java EventQueue. */ void postEvent(AWTEvent event) { EventQueueItem item = new EventQueueItem(event); synchronized (this) { if (queueHead == null) { queueHead = queueTail = item; } else { queueTail.next = item; queueTail = item; } } SunToolkit.wakeupEventQueue(eventQueue, event.getSource() == AWTAutoShutdown.getInstance()); } } // class PostEventQueue