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package sun.awt;

import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.AWTKeyStroke;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.Cursor;
import java.awt.Dialog;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Frame;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.KeyEventDispatcher;
import java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager;
import java.awt.MenuBar;
import java.awt.MenuComponent;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.awt.peer.ComponentPeer;
import java.awt.peer.FramePeer;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.io.Serial;
import java.util.Set;

A generic container used for embedding Java components, usually applets. An EmbeddedFrame has two related uses: . Within a Java-based application, an EmbeddedFrame serves as a sort of firewall, preventing the contained components or applets from using getParent() to find parent components, such as menubars. . Within a C-based application, an EmbeddedFrame contains a window handle which was created by the application, which serves as the top-level Java window. EmbeddedFrames created for this purpose are passed-in a handle of an existing window created by the application. The window handle should be of the appropriate native type for a specific platform, as stored in the pData field of the ComponentPeer.
Author: Thomas Ball
/** * A generic container used for embedding Java components, usually applets. * An EmbeddedFrame has two related uses: * * . Within a Java-based application, an EmbeddedFrame serves as a sort of * firewall, preventing the contained components or applets from using * getParent() to find parent components, such as menubars. * * . Within a C-based application, an EmbeddedFrame contains a window handle * which was created by the application, which serves as the top-level * Java window. EmbeddedFrames created for this purpose are passed-in a * handle of an existing window created by the application. The window * handle should be of the appropriate native type for a specific * platform, as stored in the pData field of the ComponentPeer. * * @author Thomas Ball */
public abstract class EmbeddedFrame extends Frame implements KeyEventDispatcher, PropertyChangeListener { private boolean isCursorAllowed = true; private boolean supportsXEmbed = false; @SuppressWarnings("serial") // Not statically typed as Serializable private KeyboardFocusManager appletKFM;
Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.1 for interoperability.
/** * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.1 for interoperability. */
@Serial private static final long serialVersionUID = 2967042741780317130L; /* * The constants define focus traversal directions. * Use them in {@code traverseIn}, {@code traverseOut} methods. */ protected static final boolean FORWARD = true; protected static final boolean BACKWARD = false; public boolean supportsXEmbed() { return supportsXEmbed && SunToolkit.needsXEmbed(); } protected EmbeddedFrame(boolean supportsXEmbed) { this((long)0, supportsXEmbed); } protected EmbeddedFrame() { this((long)0); }
Deprecated:This constructor will be removed in 1.5
/** * @deprecated This constructor will be removed in 1.5 */
@Deprecated protected EmbeddedFrame(int handle) { this((long)handle); } protected EmbeddedFrame(long handle) { this(handle, false); } protected EmbeddedFrame(long handle, boolean supportsXEmbed) { this.supportsXEmbed = supportsXEmbed; registerListeners(); }
Block introspection of a parent window by this child.
/** * Block introspection of a parent window by this child. */
public Container getParent() { return null; }
Needed to track which KeyboardFocusManager is current. We want to avoid memory leaks, so when KFM stops being current, we remove ourselves as listeners.
/** * Needed to track which KeyboardFocusManager is current. We want to avoid memory * leaks, so when KFM stops being current, we remove ourselves as listeners. */
public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { // We don't handle any other properties. Skip it. if (!evt.getPropertyName().equals("managingFocus")) { return; } // We only do it if it stops being current. Technically, we should // never get an event about KFM starting being current. if (evt.getNewValue() == Boolean.TRUE) { return; } // should be the same as appletKFM removeTraversingOutListeners((KeyboardFocusManager)evt.getSource()); appletKFM = KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager(); if (isVisible()) { addTraversingOutListeners(appletKFM); } }
Register us as KeyEventDispatcher and property "managingFocus" listeners.
/** * Register us as KeyEventDispatcher and property "managingFocus" listeners. */
private void addTraversingOutListeners(KeyboardFocusManager kfm) { kfm.addKeyEventDispatcher(this); kfm.addPropertyChangeListener("managingFocus", this); }
Deregister us as KeyEventDispatcher and property "managingFocus" listeners.
/** * Deregister us as KeyEventDispatcher and property "managingFocus" listeners. */
private void removeTraversingOutListeners(KeyboardFocusManager kfm) { kfm.removeKeyEventDispatcher(this); kfm.removePropertyChangeListener("managingFocus", this); }
Because there may be many AppContexts, and we can't be sure where this EmbeddedFrame is first created or shown, we can't automatically determine the correct KeyboardFocusManager to attach to as KeyEventDispatcher. Those who want to use the functionality of traversing out of the EmbeddedFrame must call this method on the Applet's AppContext. After that, all the changes can be handled automatically, including possible replacement of KeyboardFocusManager.
/** * Because there may be many AppContexts, and we can't be sure where this * EmbeddedFrame is first created or shown, we can't automatically determine * the correct KeyboardFocusManager to attach to as KeyEventDispatcher. * Those who want to use the functionality of traversing out of the EmbeddedFrame * must call this method on the Applet's AppContext. After that, all the changes * can be handled automatically, including possible replacement of * KeyboardFocusManager. */
public void registerListeners() { if (appletKFM != null) { removeTraversingOutListeners(appletKFM); } appletKFM = KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager(); if (isVisible()) { addTraversingOutListeners(appletKFM); } }
Needed to avoid memory leak: we register this EmbeddedFrame as a listener with KeyboardFocusManager of applet's AppContext. We don't want the KFM to keep reference to our EmbeddedFrame forever if the Frame is no longer in use, so we add listeners in show() and remove them in hide().
/** * Needed to avoid memory leak: we register this EmbeddedFrame as a listener with * KeyboardFocusManager of applet's AppContext. We don't want the KFM to keep * reference to our EmbeddedFrame forever if the Frame is no longer in use, so we * add listeners in show() and remove them in hide(). */
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public void show() { if (appletKFM != null) { addTraversingOutListeners(appletKFM); } super.show(); }
Needed to avoid memory leak: we register this EmbeddedFrame as a listener with KeyboardFocusManager of applet's AppContext. We don't want the KFM to keep reference to our EmbeddedFrame forever if the Frame is no longer in use, so we add listeners in show() and remove them in hide().
/** * Needed to avoid memory leak: we register this EmbeddedFrame as a listener with * KeyboardFocusManager of applet's AppContext. We don't want the KFM to keep * reference to our EmbeddedFrame forever if the Frame is no longer in use, so we * add listeners in show() and remove them in hide(). */
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public void hide() { if (appletKFM != null) { removeTraversingOutListeners(appletKFM); } super.hide(); }
Need this method to detect when the focus may have chance to leave the focus cycle root which is EmbeddedFrame. Mostly, the code here is copied from DefaultKeyboardFocusManager.processKeyEvent with some minor modifications.
/** * Need this method to detect when the focus may have chance to leave the * focus cycle root which is EmbeddedFrame. Mostly, the code here is copied * from DefaultKeyboardFocusManager.processKeyEvent with some minor * modifications. */
public boolean dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent e) { Container currentRoot = AWTAccessor.getKeyboardFocusManagerAccessor() .getCurrentFocusCycleRoot(); // if we are not in EmbeddedFrame's cycle, we should not try to leave. if (this != currentRoot) { return false; } // KEY_TYPED events cannot be focus traversal keys if (e.getID() == KeyEvent.KEY_TYPED) { return false; } if (!getFocusTraversalKeysEnabled() || e.isConsumed()) { return false; } AWTKeyStroke stroke = AWTKeyStroke.getAWTKeyStrokeForEvent(e); Set<AWTKeyStroke> toTest; Component currentFocused = e.getComponent(); toTest = getFocusTraversalKeys(KeyboardFocusManager.FORWARD_TRAVERSAL_KEYS); if (toTest.contains(stroke)) { // 6581899: performance improvement for SortingFocusTraversalPolicy Component last = getFocusTraversalPolicy().getLastComponent(this); if (currentFocused == last || last == null) { if (traverseOut(FORWARD)) { e.consume(); return true; } } } toTest = getFocusTraversalKeys(KeyboardFocusManager.BACKWARD_TRAVERSAL_KEYS); if (toTest.contains(stroke)) { // 6581899: performance improvement for SortingFocusTraversalPolicy Component first = getFocusTraversalPolicy().getFirstComponent(this); if (currentFocused == first || first == null) { if (traverseOut(BACKWARD)) { e.consume(); return true; } } } return false; }
This method is called by the embedder when we should receive focus as element of the traversal chain. The method requests focus on: 1. the first Component of this EmbeddedFrame if user moves focus forward in the focus traversal cycle. 2. the last Component of this EmbeddedFrame if user moves focus backward in the focus traversal cycle. The direction parameter specifies which of the two mentioned cases is happening. Use FORWARD and BACKWARD constants defined in the EmbeddedFrame class to avoid confusing boolean values. A concrete implementation of this method is defined in the platform-dependent subclasses.
  • direction – FORWARD or BACKWARD
Returns:true, if the EmbeddedFrame wants to get focus, false otherwise.
/** * This method is called by the embedder when we should receive focus as element * of the traversal chain. The method requests focus on: * 1. the first Component of this EmbeddedFrame if user moves focus forward * in the focus traversal cycle. * 2. the last Component of this EmbeddedFrame if user moves focus backward * in the focus traversal cycle. * * The direction parameter specifies which of the two mentioned cases is * happening. Use FORWARD and BACKWARD constants defined in the EmbeddedFrame class * to avoid confusing boolean values. * * A concrete implementation of this method is defined in the platform-dependent * subclasses. * * @param direction FORWARD or BACKWARD * @return true, if the EmbeddedFrame wants to get focus, false otherwise. */
public boolean traverseIn(boolean direction) { Component comp = null; if (direction == FORWARD) { comp = getFocusTraversalPolicy().getFirstComponent(this); } else { comp = getFocusTraversalPolicy().getLastComponent(this); } if (comp != null) { // comp.requestFocus(); - Leads to a hung. AWTAccessor.getKeyboardFocusManagerAccessor().setMostRecentFocusOwner(this, comp); synthesizeWindowActivation(true); } return (null != comp); }
This method is called from dispatchKeyEvent in the following two cases: 1. The focus is on the first Component of this EmbeddedFrame and we are about to transfer the focus backward. 2. The focus in on the last Component of this EmbeddedFrame and we are about to transfer the focus forward. This is needed to give the opportuity for keyboard focus to leave the EmbeddedFrame. Override this method, initiate focus transfer in it and return true if you want the focus to leave EmbeddedFrame's cycle. The direction parameter specifies which of the two mentioned cases is happening. Use FORWARD and BACKWARD constants defined in EmbeddedFrame to avoid confusing boolean values.
  • direction – FORWARD or BACKWARD
Returns:true, if EmbeddedFrame wants the focus to leave it, false otherwise.
/** * This method is called from dispatchKeyEvent in the following two cases: * 1. The focus is on the first Component of this EmbeddedFrame and we are * about to transfer the focus backward. * 2. The focus in on the last Component of this EmbeddedFrame and we are * about to transfer the focus forward. * This is needed to give the opportuity for keyboard focus to leave the * EmbeddedFrame. Override this method, initiate focus transfer in it and * return true if you want the focus to leave EmbeddedFrame's cycle. * The direction parameter specifies which of the two mentioned cases is * happening. Use FORWARD and BACKWARD constants defined in EmbeddedFrame * to avoid confusing boolean values. * * @param direction FORWARD or BACKWARD * @return true, if EmbeddedFrame wants the focus to leave it, * false otherwise. */
protected boolean traverseOut(boolean direction) { return false; }
Block modifying any frame attributes, since they aren't applicable for EmbeddedFrames.
/** * Block modifying any frame attributes, since they aren't applicable * for EmbeddedFrames. */
public void setTitle(String title) {} public void setIconImage(Image image) {} public void setIconImages(java.util.List<? extends Image> icons) {} public void setMenuBar(MenuBar mb) {} public void setResizable(boolean resizable) {} public void remove(MenuComponent m) {} public boolean isResizable() { return true; } public void addNotify() { synchronized (getTreeLock()) { if (!isDisplayable()) { setPeer(new NullEmbeddedFramePeer()); } super.addNotify(); } } // These three functions consitute RFE 4100710. Do not remove. public void setCursorAllowed(boolean isCursorAllowed) { this.isCursorAllowed = isCursorAllowed; final FramePeer peer = AWTAccessor.getComponentAccessor().getPeer(this); peer.updateCursorImmediately(); } public boolean isCursorAllowed() { return isCursorAllowed; } public Cursor getCursor() { return (isCursorAllowed) ? super.getCursor() : Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR); } protected void setPeer(final ComponentPeer p){ AWTAccessor.getComponentAccessor().setPeer(EmbeddedFrame.this, p); };
Synthesize native message to activate or deactivate EmbeddedFrame window depending on the value of parameter b. Peers should override this method if they are to implement this functionality.
  • doActivate – if true, activates the window; otherwise, deactivates the window
/** * Synthesize native message to activate or deactivate EmbeddedFrame window * depending on the value of parameter {@code b}. * Peers should override this method if they are to implement * this functionality. * @param doActivate if {@code true}, activates the window; * otherwise, deactivates the window */
public void synthesizeWindowActivation(boolean doActivate) {}
Moves this embedded frame to a new location. The top-left corner of the new location is specified by the x and y parameters relative to the native parent component.

setLocation() and setBounds() for EmbeddedFrame really don't move it within the native parent. These methods always put embedded frame to (0, 0) for backward compatibility. To allow moving embedded frame setLocationPrivate() and setBoundsPrivate() were introduced, and they work just the same way as setLocation() and setBounds() for usual, non-embedded components.

Using usual get/setLocation() and get/setBounds() together with new get/setLocationPrivate() and get/setBoundsPrivate() is not recommended. For example, calling getBoundsPrivate() after setLocation() works fine, but getBounds() after setBoundsPrivate() may return unpredictable value.

  • x – the new x-coordinate relative to the parent component
  • y – the new y-coordinate relative to the parent component
See Also:
/** * Moves this embedded frame to a new location. The top-left corner of * the new location is specified by the {@code x} and {@code y} * parameters relative to the native parent component. * <p> * setLocation() and setBounds() for EmbeddedFrame really don't move it * within the native parent. These methods always put embedded frame to * (0, 0) for backward compatibility. To allow moving embedded frame * setLocationPrivate() and setBoundsPrivate() were introduced, and they * work just the same way as setLocation() and setBounds() for usual, * non-embedded components. * </p> * <p> * Using usual get/setLocation() and get/setBounds() together with new * get/setLocationPrivate() and get/setBoundsPrivate() is not recommended. * For example, calling getBoundsPrivate() after setLocation() works fine, * but getBounds() after setBoundsPrivate() may return unpredictable value. * </p> * @param x the new <i>x</i>-coordinate relative to the parent component * @param y the new <i>y</i>-coordinate relative to the parent component * @see java.awt.Component#setLocation * @see #getLocationPrivate * @see #setBoundsPrivate * @see #getBoundsPrivate * @since 1.5 */
protected void setLocationPrivate(int x, int y) { Dimension size = getSize(); setBoundsPrivate(x, y, size.width, size.height); }
Gets the location of this embedded frame as a point specifying the top-left corner relative to parent component.

setLocation() and setBounds() for EmbeddedFrame really don't move it within the native parent. These methods always put embedded frame to (0, 0) for backward compatibility. To allow getting location and size of embedded frame getLocationPrivate() and getBoundsPrivate() were introduced, and they work just the same way as getLocation() and getBounds() for ususal, non-embedded components.

Using usual get/setLocation() and get/setBounds() together with new get/setLocationPrivate() and get/setBoundsPrivate() is not recommended. For example, calling getBoundsPrivate() after setLocation() works fine, but getBounds() after setBoundsPrivate() may return unpredictable value.

See Also:
Returns:a point indicating this embedded frame's top-left corner
/** * Gets the location of this embedded frame as a point specifying the * top-left corner relative to parent component. * <p> * setLocation() and setBounds() for EmbeddedFrame really don't move it * within the native parent. These methods always put embedded frame to * (0, 0) for backward compatibility. To allow getting location and size * of embedded frame getLocationPrivate() and getBoundsPrivate() were * introduced, and they work just the same way as getLocation() and getBounds() * for ususal, non-embedded components. * </p> * <p> * Using usual get/setLocation() and get/setBounds() together with new * get/setLocationPrivate() and get/setBoundsPrivate() is not recommended. * For example, calling getBoundsPrivate() after setLocation() works fine, * but getBounds() after setBoundsPrivate() may return unpredictable value. * </p> * @return a point indicating this embedded frame's top-left corner * @see java.awt.Component#getLocation * @see #setLocationPrivate * @see #setBoundsPrivate * @see #getBoundsPrivate * @since 1.6 */
protected Point getLocationPrivate() { Rectangle bounds = getBoundsPrivate(); return new Point(bounds.x, bounds.y); }
Moves and resizes this embedded frame. The new location of the top-left corner is specified by x and y parameters relative to the native parent component. The new size is specified by width and height.

setLocation() and setBounds() for EmbeddedFrame really don't move it within the native parent. These methods always put embedded frame to (0, 0) for backward compatibility. To allow moving embedded frames setLocationPrivate() and setBoundsPrivate() were introduced, and they work just the same way as setLocation() and setBounds() for usual, non-embedded components.

Using usual get/setLocation() and get/setBounds() together with new get/setLocationPrivate() and get/setBoundsPrivate() is not recommended. For example, calling getBoundsPrivate() after setLocation() works fine, but getBounds() after setBoundsPrivate() may return unpredictable value.

  • x – the new x-coordinate relative to the parent component
  • y – the new y-coordinate relative to the parent component
  • width – the new width of this embedded frame
  • height – the new height of this embedded frame
See Also:
/** * Moves and resizes this embedded frame. The new location of the top-left * corner is specified by {@code x} and {@code y} parameters * relative to the native parent component. The new size is specified by * {@code width} and {@code height}. * <p> * setLocation() and setBounds() for EmbeddedFrame really don't move it * within the native parent. These methods always put embedded frame to * (0, 0) for backward compatibility. To allow moving embedded frames * setLocationPrivate() and setBoundsPrivate() were introduced, and they * work just the same way as setLocation() and setBounds() for usual, * non-embedded components. * </p> * <p> * Using usual get/setLocation() and get/setBounds() together with new * get/setLocationPrivate() and get/setBoundsPrivate() is not recommended. * For example, calling getBoundsPrivate() after setLocation() works fine, * but getBounds() after setBoundsPrivate() may return unpredictable value. * </p> * @param x the new <i>x</i>-coordinate relative to the parent component * @param y the new <i>y</i>-coordinate relative to the parent component * @param width the new {@code width} of this embedded frame * @param height the new {@code height} of this embedded frame * @see java.awt.Component#setBounds * @see #setLocationPrivate * @see #getLocationPrivate * @see #getBoundsPrivate * @since 1.5 */
protected void setBoundsPrivate(int x, int y, int width, int height) { final FramePeer peer = AWTAccessor.getComponentAccessor().getPeer(this); if (peer != null) { peer.setBoundsPrivate(x, y, width, height); } }
Gets the bounds of this embedded frame as a rectangle specifying the width, height and location relative to the native parent component.

setLocation() and setBounds() for EmbeddedFrame really don't move it within the native parent. These methods always put embedded frame to (0, 0) for backward compatibility. To allow getting location and size of embedded frames getLocationPrivate() and getBoundsPrivate() were introduced, and they work just the same way as getLocation() and getBounds() for ususal, non-embedded components.

Using usual get/setLocation() and get/setBounds() together with new get/setLocationPrivate() and get/setBoundsPrivate() is not recommended. For example, calling getBoundsPrivate() after setLocation() works fine, but getBounds() after setBoundsPrivate() may return unpredictable value.

See Also:
Returns:a rectangle indicating this embedded frame's bounds
/** * Gets the bounds of this embedded frame as a rectangle specifying the * width, height and location relative to the native parent component. * <p> * setLocation() and setBounds() for EmbeddedFrame really don't move it * within the native parent. These methods always put embedded frame to * (0, 0) for backward compatibility. To allow getting location and size * of embedded frames getLocationPrivate() and getBoundsPrivate() were * introduced, and they work just the same way as getLocation() and getBounds() * for ususal, non-embedded components. * </p> * <p> * Using usual get/setLocation() and get/setBounds() together with new * get/setLocationPrivate() and get/setBoundsPrivate() is not recommended. * For example, calling getBoundsPrivate() after setLocation() works fine, * but getBounds() after setBoundsPrivate() may return unpredictable value. * </p> * @return a rectangle indicating this embedded frame's bounds * @see java.awt.Component#getBounds * @see #setLocationPrivate * @see #getLocationPrivate * @see #setBoundsPrivate * @since 1.6 */
protected Rectangle getBoundsPrivate() { final FramePeer peer = AWTAccessor.getComponentAccessor().getPeer(this); if (peer != null) { return peer.getBoundsPrivate(); } else { return getBounds(); } } public void toFront() {} public void toBack() {} public abstract void registerAccelerator(AWTKeyStroke stroke); public abstract void unregisterAccelerator(AWTKeyStroke stroke);
Checks if the component is in an EmbeddedFrame. If so, returns the applet found in the hierarchy or null if not found.
Returns:the parent applet or null
Deprecated:The Applet API is deprecated. See the java.applet package documentation for further information.
/** * Checks if the component is in an EmbeddedFrame. If so, * returns the applet found in the hierarchy or null if * not found. * @return the parent applet or {@code null} * @since 1.6 * * @deprecated The Applet API is deprecated. See the * <a href="../../java/applet/package-summary.html"> java.applet package * documentation</a> for further information. */
@Deprecated(since = "9") public static Applet getAppletIfAncestorOf(Component comp) { Container parent = comp.getParent(); Applet applet = null; while (parent != null && !(parent instanceof EmbeddedFrame)) { if (parent instanceof Applet) { applet = (Applet)parent; } parent = parent.getParent(); } return parent == null ? null : applet; }
This method should be overriden in subclasses. It is called when window this frame is within should be blocked by some modal dialog.
/** * This method should be overriden in subclasses. It is * called when window this frame is within should be blocked * by some modal dialog. */
public void notifyModalBlocked(Dialog blocker, boolean blocked) { } private static class NullEmbeddedFramePeer extends NullComponentPeer implements FramePeer { public void setTitle(String title) {} public void setIconImage(Image im) {} public void updateIconImages() {} public void setMenuBar(MenuBar mb) {} public void setResizable(boolean resizeable) {} public void setState(int state) {} public int getState() { return Frame.NORMAL; } public void setMaximizedBounds(Rectangle b) {} public void toFront() {} public void toBack() {} public void updateFocusableWindowState() {} public void updateAlwaysOnTop() {} public void updateAlwaysOnTopState() {} public Component getGlobalHeavyweightFocusOwner() { return null; } public void setBoundsPrivate(int x, int y, int width, int height) { setBounds(x, y, width, height, SET_BOUNDS); } public Rectangle getBoundsPrivate() { return getBounds(); } public void setModalBlocked(Dialog blocker, boolean blocked) {} public void restack() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public boolean isRestackSupported() { return false; } public boolean requestWindowFocus() { return false; } public void updateMinimumSize() { } public void setOpacity(float opacity) { } public void setOpaque(boolean isOpaque) { } public void updateWindow() { } public void repositionSecurityWarning() { } public void emulateActivation(boolean activate) { } } } // class EmbeddedFrame