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package sun.security.ssl;

import java.io.*;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.security.*;
import java.security.cert.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
import sun.security.action.*;
import sun.security.util.FilePaths;
import sun.security.validator.TrustStoreUtil;

Collection of static utility methods to manage the default trusted KeyStores effectively.
/** * Collection of static utility methods to manage the default trusted KeyStores * effectively. */
final class TrustStoreManager { // A singleton service to manage the default trusted KeyStores effectively. private static final TrustAnchorManager tam = new TrustAnchorManager(); // Restrict instantiation of this class. private TrustStoreManager() { // empty }
Return an unmodifiable set of all trusted X509Certificates contained in the default trusted KeyStore.
/** * Return an unmodifiable set of all trusted X509Certificates contained * in the default trusted KeyStore. */
public static Set<X509Certificate> getTrustedCerts() throws Exception { return tam.getTrustedCerts(TrustStoreDescriptor.createInstance()); }
Return an instance of the default trusted KeyStore.
/** * Return an instance of the default trusted KeyStore. */
public static KeyStore getTrustedKeyStore() throws Exception { return tam.getKeyStore(TrustStoreDescriptor.createInstance()); }
A descriptor of the default trusted KeyStore. The preference of the default trusted KeyStore is: javax.net.ssl.trustStore jssecacerts cacerts
/** * A descriptor of the default trusted KeyStore. * * The preference of the default trusted KeyStore is: * javax.net.ssl.trustStore * jssecacerts * cacerts */
private static final class TrustStoreDescriptor { private static final String fileSep = File.separator; private static final String defaultStorePath = GetPropertyAction.privilegedGetProperty("java.home") + fileSep + "lib" + fileSep + "security"; private static final String defaultStore = FilePaths.cacerts(); private static final String jsseDefaultStore = defaultStorePath + fileSep + "jssecacerts"; // the trust store name private final String storeName; // the trust store type, JKS/PKCS12 private final String storeType; // the provider of the trust store private final String storeProvider; // the password used for the trust store private final String storePassword; // the File object of the trust store private final File storeFile; // the last modified time of the store private final long lastModified; private TrustStoreDescriptor(String storeName, String storeType, String storeProvider, String storePassword, File storeFile, long lastModified) { this.storeName = storeName; this.storeType = storeType; this.storeProvider = storeProvider; this.storePassword = storePassword; this.storeFile = storeFile; this.lastModified = lastModified; if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("trustmanager")) { SSLLogger.fine( "trustStore is: " + storeName + "\n" + "trustStore type is: " + storeType + "\n" + "trustStore provider is: " + storeProvider + "\n" + "the last modified time is: " + (new Date(lastModified))); } }
Create an instance of TrustStoreDescriptor for the default trusted KeyStore.
/** * Create an instance of TrustStoreDescriptor for the default * trusted KeyStore. */
@SuppressWarnings("Convert2Lambda") static TrustStoreDescriptor createInstance() { return AccessController.doPrivileged( new PrivilegedAction<TrustStoreDescriptor>() { @Override public TrustStoreDescriptor run() { // Get the system properties for trust store. String storePropName = System.getProperty( "javax.net.ssl.trustStore", jsseDefaultStore); String storePropType = System.getProperty( "javax.net.ssl.trustStoreType", KeyStore.getDefaultType()); String storePropProvider = System.getProperty( "javax.net.ssl.trustStoreProvider", ""); String storePropPassword = System.getProperty( "javax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword", ""); String temporaryName = ""; File temporaryFile = null; long temporaryTime = 0L; if (!"NONE".equals(storePropName)) { String[] fileNames = new String[] {storePropName, defaultStore}; for (String fileName : fileNames) { File f = new File(fileName); if (f.isFile() && f.canRead()) { temporaryName = fileName; temporaryFile = f; temporaryTime = f.lastModified(); break; } // Not break, the file is inaccessible. if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("trustmanager")) { SSLLogger.fine( "Inaccessible trust store: " + fileName); } } } else { temporaryName = storePropName; } return new TrustStoreDescriptor( temporaryName, storePropType, storePropProvider, storePropPassword, temporaryFile, temporaryTime); } }); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == this) { return true; } if (obj instanceof TrustStoreDescriptor) { TrustStoreDescriptor that = (TrustStoreDescriptor)obj; return ((this.lastModified == that.lastModified) && Objects.equals(this.storeName, that.storeName) && Objects.equals(this.storeType, that.storeType) && Objects.equals(this.storeProvider, that.storeProvider)); } return false; } // Please be careful if computing security-sensitive attributes' // hash code. For example the storePassword should not be computed. @Override public int hashCode() { int result = 17; if (storeName != null && !storeName.isEmpty()) { result = 31 * result + storeName.hashCode(); } if (storeType != null && !storeType.isEmpty()) { result = 31 * result + storeType.hashCode(); } if (storeProvider != null && !storeProvider.isEmpty()) { result = 31 * result + storeProvider.hashCode(); } if (storeFile != null) { result = 31 * result + storeFile.hashCode(); } if (lastModified != 0L) { result = (int)(31 * result + lastModified); } return result; } }
The trust anchors manager used to expedite the performance. This class can be used to provide singleton services to access default trust KeyStore more effectively.
/** * The trust anchors manager used to expedite the performance. * * This class can be used to provide singleton services to access default * trust KeyStore more effectively. */
private static final class TrustAnchorManager { // Last trust store descriptor. private TrustStoreDescriptor descriptor; // The key store used for the trust anchors. // // Use weak reference so that the heavy loaded KeyStore object can // be atomically cleared, and reloaded if needed. private WeakReference<KeyStore> ksRef; // The trusted X.509 certificates in the key store. // // Use weak reference so that the heavy loaded certificates collection // objects can be atomically cleared, and reloaded if needed. private WeakReference<Set<X509Certificate>> csRef; private final ReentrantLock tamLock = new ReentrantLock(); private TrustAnchorManager() { this.descriptor = null; this.ksRef = new WeakReference<>(null); this.csRef = new WeakReference<>(null); }
Get the default trusted KeyStore with the specified descriptor.
Returns:null if the underlying KeyStore is not available.
/** * Get the default trusted KeyStore with the specified descriptor. * * @return null if the underlying KeyStore is not available. */
KeyStore getKeyStore( TrustStoreDescriptor descriptor) throws Exception { TrustStoreDescriptor temporaryDesc = this.descriptor; KeyStore ks = ksRef.get(); if ((ks != null) && descriptor.equals(temporaryDesc)) { return ks; } tamLock.lock(); try { // double check ks = ksRef.get(); if ((ks != null) && descriptor.equals(temporaryDesc)) { return ks; } // Reload a new key store. if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("trustmanager")) { SSLLogger.fine("Reload the trust store"); } ks = loadKeyStore(descriptor); this.descriptor = descriptor; this.ksRef = new WeakReference<>(ks); } finally { tamLock.unlock(); } return ks; }
Get trusted certificates in the default trusted KeyStore with the specified descriptor.
Returns:empty collection if the underlying KeyStore is not available.
/** * Get trusted certificates in the default trusted KeyStore with * the specified descriptor. * * @return empty collection if the underlying KeyStore is not available. */
Set<X509Certificate> getTrustedCerts( TrustStoreDescriptor descriptor) throws Exception { KeyStore ks = null; TrustStoreDescriptor temporaryDesc = this.descriptor; Set<X509Certificate> certs = csRef.get(); if ((certs != null) && descriptor.equals(temporaryDesc)) { return certs; } tamLock.lock(); try { // double check temporaryDesc = this.descriptor; certs = csRef.get(); if (certs != null) { if (descriptor.equals(temporaryDesc)) { return certs; } else { // Use the new descriptor. this.descriptor = descriptor; } } else { // Try to use the cached store at first. if (descriptor.equals(temporaryDesc)) { ks = ksRef.get(); } else { // Use the new descriptor. this.descriptor = descriptor; } } // Reload the trust store if needed. if (ks == null) { if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("trustmanager")) { SSLLogger.fine("Reload the trust store"); } ks = loadKeyStore(descriptor); this.ksRef = new WeakReference<>(ks); } // Reload trust certs from the key store. if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("trustmanager")) { SSLLogger.fine("Reload trust certs"); } certs = loadTrustedCerts(ks); if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("trustmanager")) { SSLLogger.fine("Reloaded " + certs.size() + " trust certs"); } this.csRef = new WeakReference<>(certs); } finally { tamLock.unlock(); } return certs; }
Load the KeyStore as described in the specified descriptor.
/** * Load the KeyStore as described in the specified descriptor. */
private static KeyStore loadKeyStore( TrustStoreDescriptor descriptor) throws Exception { if (!"NONE".equals(descriptor.storeName) && descriptor.storeFile == null) { // No file available, no KeyStore available. if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("trustmanager")) { SSLLogger.fine("No available key store"); } return null; } KeyStore ks; if (descriptor.storeProvider.isEmpty()) { ks = KeyStore.getInstance(descriptor.storeType); } else { ks = KeyStore.getInstance( descriptor.storeType, descriptor.storeProvider); } char[] password = null; if (!descriptor.storePassword.isEmpty()) { password = descriptor.storePassword.toCharArray(); } if (!"NONE".equals(descriptor.storeName)) { try (FileInputStream fis = AccessController.doPrivileged( new OpenFileInputStreamAction(descriptor.storeFile))) { ks.load(fis, password); } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) { // No file available, no KeyStore available. if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("trustmanager")) { SSLLogger.fine( "Not available key store: " + descriptor.storeName); } return null; } } else { ks.load(null, password); } return ks; }
Load trusted certificates from the specified KeyStore.
/** * Load trusted certificates from the specified KeyStore. */
private static Set<X509Certificate> loadTrustedCerts(KeyStore ks) { if (ks == null) { return Collections.<X509Certificate>emptySet(); } return TrustStoreUtil.getTrustedCerts(ks); } } }