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 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
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package org.graalvm.compiler.nodes;

import static org.graalvm.compiler.debug.GraalError.shouldNotReachHere;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.nodeinfo.NodeCycles.CYCLES_IGNORED;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.nodeinfo.NodeSize.SIZE_IGNORED;

import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;

import jdk.internal.vm.compiler.collections.EconomicMap;
import jdk.internal.vm.compiler.collections.EconomicSet;
import jdk.internal.vm.compiler.collections.Equivalence;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.Fields;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.PermanentBailoutException;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.util.TypeReader;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.util.UnsafeArrayTypeReader;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugContext;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.GraalError;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.Edges;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.Graph;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.Node;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.NodeBitMap;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.NodeClass;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.NodeInputList;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.NodeList;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.NodeSourcePosition;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.NodeSuccessorList;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.spi.Canonicalizable;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.spi.CanonicalizerTool;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodeinfo.InputType;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodeinfo.NodeInfo;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.GraphDecoder.MethodScope;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.GraphDecoder.ProxyPlaceholder;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc.FloatingNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.extended.IntegerSwitchNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.extended.SwitchNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.graphbuilderconf.LoopExplosionPlugin.LoopExplosionKind;
import org.graalvm.compiler.options.OptionValues;

import jdk.vm.ci.code.Architecture;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.DeoptimizationAction;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.DeoptimizationReason;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.JavaConstant;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.JavaKind;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.PrimitiveConstant;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.ResolvedJavaType;

Decoder for encoded graphs produced by GraphEncoder. Support for loop explosion during decoding is built into this class, because it requires many interactions with the decoding process. Subclasses can provide canonicalization and simplification of nodes during decoding, as well as method inlining during decoding.
/** * Decoder for {@link EncodedGraph encoded graphs} produced by {@link GraphEncoder}. Support for * loop explosion during decoding is built into this class, because it requires many interactions * with the decoding process. Subclasses can provide canonicalization and simplification of nodes * during decoding, as well as method inlining during decoding. */
public class GraphDecoder {
Decoding state maintained for each encoded graph.
/** Decoding state maintained for each encoded graph. */
protected class MethodScope {
The loop that contains the call. Only non-null during method inlining.
/** The loop that contains the call. Only non-null during method inlining. */
public final LoopScope callerLoopScope;
Mark for nodes that were present before the decoding of this method started. Note that nodes that were decoded after the mark can still be part of an outer method, since floating nodes of outer methods are decoded lazily.
/** * Mark for nodes that were present before the decoding of this method started. Note that * nodes that were decoded after the mark can still be part of an outer method, since * floating nodes of outer methods are decoded lazily. */
public final Graph.Mark methodStartMark;
The encode graph that is decoded.
/** The encode graph that is decoded. */
public final EncodedGraph encodedGraph;
The highest node order id that a fixed node has in the EncodedGraph.
/** The highest node order id that a fixed node has in the EncodedGraph. */
public final int maxFixedNodeOrderId;
Number of bytes needed to encode an order id (order ids have a per-encoded-graph fixed size).
/** * Number of bytes needed to encode an order id (order ids have a per-encoded-graph fixed * size). */
public final int orderIdWidth;
Access to the encoded graph.
/** Access to the encoded graph. */
public final TypeReader reader;
The kind of loop explosion to be performed during decoding.
/** The kind of loop explosion to be performed during decoding. */
public final LoopExplosionKind loopExplosion;
All return nodes encountered during decoding.
/** All return nodes encountered during decoding. */
public final List<ControlSinkNode> returnAndUnwindNodes;
All merges created during loop explosion.
/** All merges created during loop explosion. */
public final EconomicSet<Node> loopExplosionMerges;
The start of explosion, and the merge point for when irreducible loops are detected. Only used when loopExplosion is LoopExplosionKind.MERGE_EXPLODE.
/** * The start of explosion, and the merge point for when irreducible loops are detected. Only * used when {@link MethodScope#loopExplosion} is {@link LoopExplosionKind#MERGE_EXPLODE}. */
public MergeNode loopExplosionHead; protected MethodScope(LoopScope callerLoopScope, StructuredGraph graph, EncodedGraph encodedGraph, LoopExplosionKind loopExplosion) { this.callerLoopScope = callerLoopScope; this.methodStartMark = graph.getMark(); this.encodedGraph = encodedGraph; this.loopExplosion = loopExplosion; this.returnAndUnwindNodes = new ArrayList<>(2); if (encodedGraph != null) { reader = UnsafeArrayTypeReader.create(encodedGraph.getEncoding(), encodedGraph.getStartOffset(), architecture.supportsUnalignedMemoryAccess()); maxFixedNodeOrderId = reader.getUVInt(); int nodeCount = reader.getUVInt(); if (encodedGraph.nodeStartOffsets == null) { int[] nodeStartOffsets = new int[nodeCount]; for (int i = 0; i < nodeCount; i++) { nodeStartOffsets[i] = encodedGraph.getStartOffset() - reader.getUVInt(); } encodedGraph.nodeStartOffsets = nodeStartOffsets; graph.setGuardsStage((StructuredGraph.GuardsStage) readObject(this)); } if (nodeCount <= GraphEncoder.MAX_INDEX_1_BYTE) { orderIdWidth = 1; } else if (nodeCount <= GraphEncoder.MAX_INDEX_2_BYTES) { orderIdWidth = 2; } else { orderIdWidth = 4; } } else { reader = null; maxFixedNodeOrderId = 0; orderIdWidth = 0; } if (loopExplosion.useExplosion()) { loopExplosionMerges = EconomicSet.create(Equivalence.IDENTITY); } else { loopExplosionMerges = null; } } public boolean isInlinedMethod() { return false; } public NodeSourcePosition getCallerBytecodePosition() { return getCallerBytecodePosition(null); } public NodeSourcePosition getCallerBytecodePosition(NodeSourcePosition position) { return position; } }
Marker to distinguish the reasons for the creation of a loop scope during partial evaluation.
/** * Marker to distinguish the reasons for the creation of a loop scope during partial evaluation. */
public enum LoopScopeTrigger {
Start loop scope: creation triggered manually at the beginning of partial evaluation.
/** * Start loop scope: creation triggered manually at the beginning of partial evaluation. */
Loop scope created for the next iteration of a loop if unrolling is enabled in the loop explosion mode. See LoopExplosionKind.unrollLoops() for details. Loop unrolling will merge loop end nodes for each iteration of the original loop.
/** * Loop scope created for the next iteration of a loop if unrolling is enabled in the loop * explosion mode. See {@link LoopExplosionKind#unrollLoops()} for details. Loop unrolling * will merge loop end nodes for each iteration of the original loop. */
Loop scope created for the next iteration of a loop along a particular loop end node if LoopExplosionKind.duplicateLoopEnds() is enabled and loops are exploded. This means for every loop end we duplicate the next loop iteration of the original loop.
/** * Loop scope created for the next iteration of a loop along a particular loop end node if * {@link LoopExplosionKind#duplicateLoopEnds()} is enabled and loops are exploded. This * means for every loop end we duplicate the next loop iteration of the original loop. */
Loop scope created for a loop exit node if LoopExplosionKind.duplicateLoopExits() is enabled, i.e., code after a loop exit is duplicated per loop exit node. Special case nested loops: For compilation units with nested loops where inner loops continue loops at a level n -1 the partial evaluation algorithm will merge outer loops to avoid loop explosion along loop end nodes (which would be the same as LOOP_END_DUPLICATION.
/** * Loop scope created for a loop exit node if {@link LoopExplosionKind#duplicateLoopExits()} * is enabled, i.e., code after a loop exit is duplicated per loop exit node. * * Special case nested loops: For compilation units with nested loops where inner loops * continue loops at a level n -1 the partial evaluation algorithm will merge outer loops to * avoid loop explosion along loop end nodes (which would be the same as * {@link #LOOP_END_DUPLICATION}. */
Decoding state maintained for each loop in the encoded graph.
/** Decoding state maintained for each loop in the encoded graph. */
protected static class LoopScope { public final MethodScope methodScope; public final LoopScope outer; public final int loopDepth; public final int loopIteration;
Creation trigger of this particular loop scope, i.e., the reason it was created.
/** * Creation trigger of this particular loop scope, i.e., the reason it was created. */
final LoopScopeTrigger trigger;
Upcoming, not yet processed, loop iterations created in the context of code duplication along loop exits. Only used when MethodScope.loopExplosion has LoopExplosionKind.duplicateLoopExits() enabled.
/** * Upcoming, not yet processed, loop iterations created in the context of code duplication * along loop exits. Only used when {@link MethodScope#loopExplosion} has * {@link LoopExplosionKind#duplicateLoopExits()} enabled. */
public Deque<LoopScope> nextIterationFromLoopExitDuplication;
Same as nextIterationFromLoopExitDuplication except that upcoming iterations have been created because the duplication of loop ends LoopExplosionKind.duplicateLoopEnds() is enabled.
/** * Same as {@link #nextIterationFromLoopExitDuplication} except that upcoming iterations * have been created because the duplication of loop ends * {@link LoopExplosionKind#duplicateLoopEnds()} is enabled. */
public Deque<LoopScope> nextIterationFromLoopEndDuplication;
Same as nextIterationFromLoopExitDuplication except that upcoming iterations have been created because the unrolling of a loop with constant iteration count LoopExplosionKind.unrollLoops() is enabled.
/** * Same as {@link #nextIterationFromLoopExitDuplication} except that upcoming iterations * have been created because the unrolling of a loop with constant iteration count * {@link LoopExplosionKind#unrollLoops()} is enabled. */
public Deque<LoopScope> nextIterationsFromUnrolling;
Information about already processed loop iterations for state merging during loop explosion. Only used when MethodScope.loopExplosion is LoopExplosionKind.MERGE_EXPLODE.
/** * Information about already processed loop iterations for state merging during loop * explosion. Only used when {@link MethodScope#loopExplosion} is * {@link LoopExplosionKind#MERGE_EXPLODE}. */
public final EconomicMap<LoopExplosionState, LoopExplosionState> iterationStates; public final int loopBeginOrderId;
The worklist of fixed nodes to process. Since we already the correct processing order from the orderId, we just set the orderId bit in the bitset when a node is ready for processing. The lowest set bit is the next node to process.
/** * The worklist of fixed nodes to process. Since we already the correct processing order * from the orderId, we just set the orderId bit in the bitset when a node is ready for * processing. The lowest set bit is the next node to process. */
public final BitSet nodesToProcess;
Nodes that have been created, indexed by the orderId.
/** Nodes that have been created, indexed by the orderId. */
public final Node[] createdNodes;
Nodes that have been created in outer loop scopes and existed before starting to process this loop, indexed by the orderId. Only used when MethodScope.loopExplosion is not LoopExplosionKind.NONE.
/** * Nodes that have been created in outer loop scopes and existed before starting to process * this loop, indexed by the orderId. Only used when {@link MethodScope#loopExplosion} is * not {@link LoopExplosionKind#NONE}. */
public final Node[] initialCreatedNodes; protected LoopScope(MethodScope methodScope) { this.methodScope = methodScope; this.outer = null; this.nextIterationFromLoopExitDuplication = methodScope.loopExplosion.duplicateLoopExits() || methodScope.loopExplosion.mergeLoops() ? new ArrayDeque<>(2) : null; this.nextIterationFromLoopEndDuplication = methodScope.loopExplosion.duplicateLoopEnds() ? new ArrayDeque<>(2) : null; this.nextIterationsFromUnrolling = methodScope.loopExplosion.unrollLoops() ? new ArrayDeque<>(2) : null; this.loopDepth = 0; this.loopIteration = 0; this.iterationStates = null; this.loopBeginOrderId = -1; int nodeCount = methodScope.encodedGraph.nodeStartOffsets.length; this.nodesToProcess = new BitSet(methodScope.maxFixedNodeOrderId); this.createdNodes = new Node[nodeCount]; this.initialCreatedNodes = null; this.trigger = LoopScopeTrigger.START; } protected LoopScope(MethodScope methodScope, LoopScope outer, int loopDepth, int loopIteration, int loopBeginOrderId, LoopScopeTrigger trigger, Node[] initialCreatedNodes, Node[] createdNodes, Deque<LoopScope> nextIterationFromLoopExitDuplication, Deque<LoopScope> nextIterationFromLoopEndDuplication, Deque<LoopScope> nextIterationsFromUnrolling, EconomicMap<LoopExplosionState, LoopExplosionState> iterationStates) { this.methodScope = methodScope; this.outer = outer; this.loopDepth = loopDepth; this.loopIteration = loopIteration; this.trigger = trigger; this.nextIterationFromLoopExitDuplication = nextIterationFromLoopExitDuplication; this.nextIterationFromLoopEndDuplication = nextIterationFromLoopEndDuplication; this.nextIterationsFromUnrolling = nextIterationsFromUnrolling; this.iterationStates = iterationStates; this.loopBeginOrderId = loopBeginOrderId; this.nodesToProcess = new BitSet(methodScope.maxFixedNodeOrderId); this.initialCreatedNodes = initialCreatedNodes; this.createdNodes = createdNodes; } @Override public String toString() { return loopDepth + "," + loopIteration + (loopBeginOrderId == -1 ? "" : "#" + loopBeginOrderId) + " triggered by " + trigger; }
Determines if iterations generated when decoding this loop have yet to be processed.
Returns:true if there are iterations to be decoded, false else
/** * Determines if iterations generated when decoding this loop have yet to be processed. * * @return {@code true} if there are iterations to be decoded, {@code false} else */
public boolean hasIterationsToProcess() { return nextIterationFromLoopEndDuplication != null && !nextIterationFromLoopEndDuplication.isEmpty() || nextIterationFromLoopExitDuplication != null && !nextIterationFromLoopExitDuplication.isEmpty() || nextIterationsFromUnrolling != null && !nextIterationsFromUnrolling.isEmpty(); }
Return the next iteration yet to be processed that has been created in the context of decoding this loop scope.
  • remove – determines if the query of the next iteration should remove it from the list of iterations to be processed
Returns:the next LoopScope to be processed that has been created in the context of decoding this loop scope. Note that the order is not necessarily reflecting the number of loop iterations.
/** * Return the next iteration yet to be processed that has been created in the context of * decoding this loop scope. * * @param remove determines if the query of the next iteration should remove it from the * list of iterations to be processed * @return the next {@link LoopScope} to be processed that has been created in the context * of decoding this loop scope. Note that the order is not necessarily reflecting * the number of loop iterations. */
public LoopScope getNextIterationToProcess(boolean remove) { if (nextIterationFromLoopEndDuplication != null && !nextIterationFromLoopEndDuplication.isEmpty()) { return remove ? nextIterationFromLoopEndDuplication.removeFirst() : nextIterationFromLoopEndDuplication.peekFirst(); } if (nextIterationFromLoopExitDuplication != null && !nextIterationFromLoopExitDuplication.isEmpty()) { return remove ? nextIterationFromLoopExitDuplication.removeFirst() : nextIterationFromLoopExitDuplication.peekFirst(); } if (nextIterationsFromUnrolling != null && !nextIterationsFromUnrolling.isEmpty()) { return remove ? nextIterationsFromUnrolling.removeFirst() : nextIterationsFromUnrolling.peekFirst(); } return null; } } protected static class LoopExplosionState { public final FrameState state; public final MergeNode merge; public final int hashCode; protected LoopExplosionState(FrameState state, MergeNode merge) { this.state = state; this.merge = merge; int h = 0; for (ValueNode value : state.values()) { if (value == null) { h = h * 31 + 1234; } else { h = h * 31 + ProxyPlaceholder.unwrap(value).hashCode(); } } this.hashCode = h; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof LoopExplosionState)) { return false; } FrameState otherState = ((LoopExplosionState) obj).state; FrameState thisState = state; assert thisState.outerFrameState() == otherState.outerFrameState(); Iterator<ValueNode> thisIter = thisState.values().iterator(); Iterator<ValueNode> otherIter = otherState.values().iterator(); while (thisIter.hasNext() && otherIter.hasNext()) { ValueNode thisValue = ProxyPlaceholder.unwrap(thisIter.next()); ValueNode otherValue = ProxyPlaceholder.unwrap(otherIter.next()); if (thisValue != otherValue) { return false; } } return thisIter.hasNext() == otherIter.hasNext(); } @Override public int hashCode() { return hashCode; } }
Additional information encoded for Invoke nodes to allow method inlining without decoding the frame state and successors beforehand.
/** * Additional information encoded for {@link Invoke} nodes to allow method inlining without * decoding the frame state and successors beforehand. */
protected static class InvokeData { public final Invoke invoke; public final ResolvedJavaType contextType; public final int invokeOrderId; public final int callTargetOrderId; public final int stateAfterOrderId; public final int nextOrderId; public final int nextNextOrderId; public final int exceptionOrderId; public final int exceptionStateOrderId; public final int exceptionNextOrderId; public JavaConstant constantReceiver; protected InvokeData(Invoke invoke, ResolvedJavaType contextType, int invokeOrderId, int callTargetOrderId, int stateAfterOrderId, int nextOrderId, int nextNextOrderId, int exceptionOrderId, int exceptionStateOrderId, int exceptionNextOrderId) { this.invoke = invoke; this.contextType = contextType; this.invokeOrderId = invokeOrderId; this.callTargetOrderId = callTargetOrderId; this.stateAfterOrderId = stateAfterOrderId; this.nextOrderId = nextOrderId; this.nextNextOrderId = nextNextOrderId; this.exceptionOrderId = exceptionOrderId; this.exceptionStateOrderId = exceptionStateOrderId; this.exceptionNextOrderId = exceptionNextOrderId; } }
A node that is created during loop explosion that can later be replaced by a ProxyNode if loop detection finds out that the value is defined in the loop, but used outside the loop.
/** * A node that is created during {@link LoopExplosionKind#MERGE_EXPLODE loop explosion} that can * later be replaced by a ProxyNode if {@link LoopDetector loop detection} finds out that the * value is defined in the loop, but used outside the loop. */
@NodeInfo(cycles = CYCLES_IGNORED, size = SIZE_IGNORED) protected static final class ProxyPlaceholder extends FloatingNode implements Canonicalizable { public static final NodeClass<ProxyPlaceholder> TYPE = NodeClass.create(ProxyPlaceholder.class); @Input ValueNode value; @Input(InputType.Association) Node proxyPoint; public ProxyPlaceholder(ValueNode value, MergeNode proxyPoint) { super(TYPE, value.stamp(NodeView.DEFAULT)); this.value = value; this.proxyPoint = proxyPoint; } void setValue(ValueNode value) { updateUsages(this.value, value); this.value = value; } @Override public Node canonical(CanonicalizerTool tool) { if (tool.allUsagesAvailable()) { /* The node is always unnecessary after graph decoding. */ return value; } else { return this; } } public static ValueNode unwrap(ValueNode value) { ValueNode result = value; while (result instanceof ProxyPlaceholder) { result = ((ProxyPlaceholder) result).value; } return result; } } protected final Architecture architecture;
The target graph where decoded nodes are added to.
/** The target graph where decoded nodes are added to. */
protected final StructuredGraph graph; protected final OptionValues options; protected final DebugContext debug; private final EconomicMap<NodeClass<?>, ArrayDeque<Node>> reusableFloatingNodes; public GraphDecoder(Architecture architecture, StructuredGraph graph) { this.architecture = architecture; this.graph = graph; this.options = graph.getOptions(); this.debug = graph.getDebug(); reusableFloatingNodes = EconomicMap.create(Equivalence.IDENTITY); } @SuppressWarnings("try") public final void decode(EncodedGraph encodedGraph) { try (DebugContext.Scope scope = debug.scope("GraphDecoder", graph)) { MethodScope methodScope = new MethodScope(null, graph, encodedGraph, LoopExplosionKind.NONE); decode(createInitialLoopScope(methodScope, null)); cleanupGraph(methodScope); assert graph.verify(); } catch (Throwable ex) { debug.handle(ex); } } protected final LoopScope createInitialLoopScope(MethodScope methodScope, FixedWithNextNode startNode) { LoopScope loopScope = new LoopScope(methodScope); FixedNode firstNode; if (startNode != null) { /* * The start node of a graph can be referenced as the guard for a GuardedNode. We * register the previous block node, so that such guards are correctly anchored when * doing inlining during graph decoding. */ registerNode(loopScope, GraphEncoder.START_NODE_ORDER_ID, AbstractBeginNode.prevBegin(startNode), false, false); firstNode = makeStubNode(methodScope, loopScope, GraphEncoder.FIRST_NODE_ORDER_ID); startNode.setNext(firstNode); loopScope.nodesToProcess.set(GraphEncoder.FIRST_NODE_ORDER_ID); } else { firstNode = graph.start(); registerNode(loopScope, GraphEncoder.START_NODE_ORDER_ID, firstNode, false, false); loopScope.nodesToProcess.set(GraphEncoder.START_NODE_ORDER_ID); } return loopScope; } protected final void decode(LoopScope initialLoopScope) { LoopScope loopScope = initialLoopScope; /* Process (inlined) methods. */ while (loopScope != null) { MethodScope methodScope = loopScope.methodScope; /* Process loops of method. */ while (loopScope != null) { /* Process nodes of loop. */ while (!loopScope.nodesToProcess.isEmpty()) { loopScope = processNextNode(methodScope, loopScope); methodScope = loopScope.methodScope; /* * We can have entered a new loop, and we can have entered a new inlined method. */ } /* Finished with a loop. */ if (loopScope.hasIterationsToProcess()) { loopScope = loopScope.getNextIterationToProcess(true); } else { propagateCreatedNodes(loopScope); loopScope = loopScope.outer; } } /* * Finished with an inlined method. Perform end-of-method cleanup tasks. */ if (methodScope.loopExplosion.mergeLoops()) { LoopDetector loopDetector = new LoopDetector(graph, methodScope); loopDetector.run(); } if (methodScope.isInlinedMethod()) { finishInlining(methodScope); } /* continue with the caller */ loopScope = methodScope.callerLoopScope; } } protected void finishInlining(@SuppressWarnings("unused") MethodScope inlineScope) { } private static void propagateCreatedNodes(LoopScope loopScope) { if (loopScope.outer == null || loopScope.createdNodes != loopScope.outer.createdNodes) { return; } /* Register nodes that were created while decoding the loop to the outside scope. */ for (int i = 0; i < loopScope.createdNodes.length; i++) { if (loopScope.outer.createdNodes[i] == null) { loopScope.outer.createdNodes[i] = loopScope.createdNodes[i]; } } } public static final boolean DUMP_DURING_FIXED_NODE_PROCESSING = false; protected LoopScope processNextNode(MethodScope methodScope, LoopScope loopScope) { int nodeOrderId = loopScope.nodesToProcess.nextSetBit(0); loopScope.nodesToProcess.clear(nodeOrderId); FixedNode node = (FixedNode) lookupNode(loopScope, nodeOrderId); if (node.isDeleted()) { return loopScope; } if (DUMP_DURING_FIXED_NODE_PROCESSING) { if (node != null) { try { debug.dump(DebugContext.DETAILED_LEVEL, graph, "Before processing node %s", node); } catch (Throwable t) { // swallow here, dumping uninitialized nodes can cause problems } } } if ((node instanceof MergeNode || (node instanceof LoopBeginNode && (methodScope.loopExplosion.unrollLoops() && !methodScope.loopExplosion.mergeLoops()))) && ((AbstractMergeNode) node).forwardEndCount() == 1) { /* * In case node is a loop begin and we are unrolling loops we remove the loop begin * since the loop will be gone after PE. */ AbstractMergeNode merge = (AbstractMergeNode) node; EndNode singleEnd = merge.forwardEndAt(0); /* Nodes that would use this merge as the guard need to use the previous block. */ registerNode(loopScope, nodeOrderId, AbstractBeginNode.prevBegin(singleEnd), true, false); FixedNode next = makeStubNode(methodScope, loopScope, nodeOrderId + GraphEncoder.BEGIN_NEXT_ORDER_ID_OFFSET); singleEnd.replaceAtPredecessor(next); merge.safeDelete(); singleEnd.safeDelete(); return loopScope; } LoopScope successorAddScope = loopScope; boolean updatePredecessors = true; if (node instanceof LoopExitNode) { if (methodScope.loopExplosion.duplicateLoopExits() || (methodScope.loopExplosion.mergeLoops() && loopScope.loopDepth > 1)) { /* * We do not want to merge loop exits of inner loops. Instead, we want to keep * exploding the outer loop separately for every loop exit and then merge the outer * loop. Therefore, we create a new LoopScope of the outer loop for every loop exit * of the inner loop. */ LoopScope outerScope = loopScope.outer; int nextIterationNumber = outerScope.nextIterationFromLoopExitDuplication.isEmpty() ? outerScope.loopIteration + 1 : outerScope.nextIterationFromLoopExitDuplication.getLast().loopIteration + 1; Node[] initialCreatedNodes = outerScope.initialCreatedNodes == null ? null : (methodScope.loopExplosion.mergeLoops() ? Arrays.copyOf(outerScope.initialCreatedNodes, outerScope.initialCreatedNodes.length) : outerScope.initialCreatedNodes); successorAddScope = new LoopScope(methodScope, outerScope.outer, outerScope.loopDepth, nextIterationNumber, outerScope.loopBeginOrderId, LoopScopeTrigger.LOOP_EXIT_DUPLICATION, initialCreatedNodes, Arrays.copyOf(loopScope.initialCreatedNodes, loopScope.initialCreatedNodes.length), outerScope.nextIterationFromLoopExitDuplication, outerScope.nextIterationFromLoopEndDuplication, outerScope.nextIterationsFromUnrolling, outerScope.iterationStates); checkLoopExplosionIteration(methodScope, successorAddScope); /* * Nodes that are still unprocessed in the outer scope might be merge nodes that are * also reachable from the new exploded scope. Clearing them ensures that we do not * merge, but instead keep exploding. */ for (int id = outerScope.nodesToProcess.nextSetBit(0); id >= 0; id = outerScope.nodesToProcess.nextSetBit(id + 1)) { successorAddScope.createdNodes[id] = null; } outerScope.nextIterationFromLoopExitDuplication.addLast(successorAddScope); } else { successorAddScope = loopScope.outer; } updatePredecessors = methodScope.loopExplosion.isNoExplosion(); } methodScope.reader.setByteIndex(methodScope.encodedGraph.nodeStartOffsets[nodeOrderId]); int typeId = methodScope.reader.getUVInt(); assert node.getNodeClass() == methodScope.encodedGraph.getNodeClasses()[typeId]; makeFixedNodeInputs(methodScope, loopScope, node); readProperties(methodScope, node); if ((node instanceof IfNode || node instanceof SwitchNode) && earlyCanonicalization(methodScope, successorAddScope, nodeOrderId, node)) { return loopScope; } makeSuccessorStubs(methodScope, successorAddScope, node, updatePredecessors); LoopScope resultScope = loopScope; if (node instanceof LoopBeginNode) { if (methodScope.loopExplosion.useExplosion()) { handleLoopExplosionBegin(methodScope, loopScope, (LoopBeginNode) node); } } else if (node instanceof LoopExitNode) { if (methodScope.loopExplosion.useExplosion()) { handleLoopExplosionProxyNodes(methodScope, loopScope, successorAddScope, (LoopExitNode) node, nodeOrderId); } else { handleProxyNodes(methodScope, loopScope, (LoopExitNode) node); } } else if (node instanceof MergeNode) { handleMergeNode(((MergeNode) node)); } else if (node instanceof AbstractEndNode) { LoopScope phiInputScope = loopScope; LoopScope phiNodeScope = loopScope; int mergeOrderId = readOrderId(methodScope); boolean requiresMergeOfOuterLoop = methodScope.loopExplosion.unrollLoops() && methodScope.loopExplosion.duplicateLoopExits() && (!methodScope.loopExplosion.duplicateLoopEnds()) && (!methodScope.loopExplosion.mergeLoops()) && node instanceof LoopEndNode && loopScope.trigger == LoopScopeTrigger.LOOP_EXIT_DUPLICATION; if (requiresMergeOfOuterLoop) { EndNode replacementNode = graph.add(new EndNode()); node.replaceAtPredecessor(replacementNode); node.safeDelete(); node = replacementNode; /* * We are in a loop exit duplicated loop scope and see a loop end node, this can * only happen if we have a loop end to an outer loop. When duplicating over loop * exits we have to merge outer loops for nested inner loops. * * Therefore, we create a correct outer loop iteration and check if there is already * one, if not we create it else we re-use it. */ if (loopScope.nextIterationsFromUnrolling.isEmpty()) { // create it int nextIterationNumber = loopScope.nextIterationsFromUnrolling.isEmpty() ? loopScope.loopIteration + 1 : loopScope.nextIterationsFromUnrolling.getLast().loopIteration + 1; LoopScope outerLoopMergeScope = new LoopScope(methodScope, loopScope.outer, loopScope.loopDepth, nextIterationNumber, loopScope.loopBeginOrderId, LoopScopeTrigger.LOOP_BEGIN_UNROLLING, methodScope.loopExplosion.mergeLoops() ? Arrays.copyOf(loopScope.initialCreatedNodes, loopScope.initialCreatedNodes.length) : loopScope.initialCreatedNodes, Arrays.copyOf(loopScope.initialCreatedNodes, loopScope.initialCreatedNodes.length), loopScope.nextIterationFromLoopExitDuplication, loopScope.nextIterationFromLoopEndDuplication, loopScope.nextIterationsFromUnrolling, loopScope.iterationStates); checkLoopExplosionIteration(methodScope, outerLoopMergeScope); loopScope.nextIterationsFromUnrolling.addLast(outerLoopMergeScope); registerNode(outerLoopMergeScope, loopScope.loopBeginOrderId, null, true, true); makeStubNode(methodScope, outerLoopMergeScope, loopScope.loopBeginOrderId); phiNodeScope = outerLoopMergeScope; } else { // re-use it phiNodeScope = loopScope.nextIterationsFromUnrolling.getLast(); } } else if (methodScope.loopExplosion.useExplosion() && node instanceof LoopEndNode) { EndNode replacementNode = graph.add(new EndNode()); node.replaceAtPredecessor(replacementNode); node.safeDelete(); node = replacementNode; LoopScopeTrigger trigger = handleLoopExplosionEnd(methodScope, loopScope); Deque<LoopScope> phiScope = loopScope.nextIterationsFromUnrolling; if (trigger == LoopScopeTrigger.LOOP_END_DUPLICATION) { phiScope = loopScope.nextIterationFromLoopEndDuplication; } phiNodeScope = phiScope.getLast(); } AbstractMergeNode merge = (AbstractMergeNode) lookupNode(phiNodeScope, mergeOrderId); if (merge == null) { merge = (AbstractMergeNode) makeStubNode(methodScope, phiNodeScope, mergeOrderId); if (merge instanceof LoopBeginNode) { /* * In contrast to the LoopScopeTrigger.START created at the beginning of every * PE, we see a real loop here and create the first real loop scope associated * with a loop. * * Creation of a loop scope if we reach a loop begin node. We process a loop * begin node (always before encountering a loop end associated with the loop * begin) and simply create a normal loop scope. This does not imply an advanced * unrolling strategy (however it can later if we see duplicate over loop end or * exits). Therefore, we still use the start marker here, we could also use the * unrolling marker. * * If we unroll loops we will later remove the loop begin node and replace it * with its forward end (since we do not need to create a loop begin node if we * unroll the entire loop and it has a constant trip count). */ assert phiNodeScope == phiInputScope && phiNodeScope == loopScope; resultScope = new LoopScope(methodScope, loopScope, loopScope.loopDepth + 1, 0, mergeOrderId, LoopScopeTrigger.START, methodScope.loopExplosion.useExplosion() ? Arrays.copyOf(loopScope.createdNodes, loopScope.createdNodes.length) : null, methodScope.loopExplosion.useExplosion() ? Arrays.copyOf(loopScope.createdNodes, loopScope.createdNodes.length) : loopScope.createdNodes, // methodScope.loopExplosion.duplicateLoopExits() || methodScope.loopExplosion.mergeLoops() ? new ArrayDeque<>(2) : null, methodScope.loopExplosion.duplicateLoopEnds() ? new ArrayDeque<>(2) : null, methodScope.loopExplosion.unrollLoops() ? new ArrayDeque<>(2) : null, // methodScope.loopExplosion.mergeLoops() ? EconomicMap.create(Equivalence.DEFAULT) : null); phiInputScope = resultScope; phiNodeScope = resultScope; if (methodScope.loopExplosion.useExplosion()) { registerNode(loopScope, mergeOrderId, null, true, true); } loopScope.nodesToProcess.clear(mergeOrderId); resultScope.nodesToProcess.set(mergeOrderId); } } handlePhiFunctions(methodScope, phiInputScope, phiNodeScope, (AbstractEndNode) node, merge); } else if (node instanceof Invoke) { InvokeData invokeData = readInvokeData(methodScope, nodeOrderId, (Invoke) node); resultScope = handleInvoke(methodScope, loopScope, invokeData); } else if (node instanceof ReturnNode || node instanceof UnwindNode) { methodScope.returnAndUnwindNodes.add((ControlSinkNode) node); } else { handleFixedNode(methodScope, loopScope, nodeOrderId, node); } if (DUMP_DURING_FIXED_NODE_PROCESSING) { if (node != null) { try { debug.dump(DebugContext.DETAILED_LEVEL, graph, "After processing node %s", node); } catch (Throwable t) { // swallow here, dumping uninitialized nodes can cause problems } } } return resultScope; } protected InvokeData readInvokeData(MethodScope methodScope, int invokeOrderId, Invoke invoke) { ResolvedJavaType contextType = (ResolvedJavaType) readObject(methodScope); int callTargetOrderId = readOrderId(methodScope); int stateAfterOrderId = readOrderId(methodScope); int nextOrderId = readOrderId(methodScope); if (invoke instanceof InvokeWithExceptionNode) { int nextNextOrderId = readOrderId(methodScope); int exceptionOrderId = readOrderId(methodScope); int exceptionStateOrderId = readOrderId(methodScope); int exceptionNextOrderId = readOrderId(methodScope); return new InvokeData(invoke, contextType, invokeOrderId, callTargetOrderId, stateAfterOrderId, nextOrderId, nextNextOrderId, exceptionOrderId, exceptionStateOrderId, exceptionNextOrderId); } else { return new InvokeData(invoke, contextType, invokeOrderId, callTargetOrderId, stateAfterOrderId, nextOrderId, -1, -1, -1, -1); } }
Invoke nodes do not have the CallTargetNode, FrameState, and successors encoded. Instead, this information is provided separately to allow method inlining without decoding and adding them to the graph upfront. For non-inlined methods, this method restores the normal state. Subclasses can override it to perform method inlining. The return value is the loop scope where decoding should continue. When method inlining should be performed, the returned loop scope must be a new loop scope for the inlined method. Without inlining, the original loop scope must be returned.
/** * {@link Invoke} nodes do not have the {@link CallTargetNode}, {@link FrameState}, and * successors encoded. Instead, this information is provided separately to allow method inlining * without decoding and adding them to the graph upfront. For non-inlined methods, this method * restores the normal state. Subclasses can override it to perform method inlining. * * The return value is the loop scope where decoding should continue. When method inlining * should be performed, the returned loop scope must be a new loop scope for the inlined method. * Without inlining, the original loop scope must be returned. */
protected LoopScope handleInvoke(MethodScope methodScope, LoopScope loopScope, InvokeData invokeData) { assert invokeData.invoke.callTarget() == null : "callTarget edge is ignored during decoding of Invoke"; CallTargetNode callTarget = (CallTargetNode) ensureNodeCreated(methodScope, loopScope, invokeData.callTargetOrderId); appendInvoke(methodScope, loopScope, invokeData, callTarget); return loopScope; } protected void appendInvoke(MethodScope methodScope, LoopScope loopScope, InvokeData invokeData, CallTargetNode callTarget) { if (invokeData.invoke instanceof InvokeWithExceptionNode) { ((InvokeWithExceptionNode) invokeData.invoke).setCallTarget(callTarget); } else { ((InvokeNode) invokeData.invoke).setCallTarget(callTarget); } assert invokeData.invoke.stateAfter() == null && invokeData.invoke.stateDuring() == null : "FrameState edges are ignored during decoding of Invoke"; invokeData.invoke.setStateAfter((FrameState) ensureNodeCreated(methodScope, loopScope, invokeData.stateAfterOrderId)); invokeData.invoke.setNext(makeStubNode(methodScope, loopScope, invokeData.nextOrderId)); if (invokeData.invoke instanceof InvokeWithExceptionNode) { ((InvokeWithExceptionNode) invokeData.invoke).setExceptionEdge((AbstractBeginNode) makeStubNode(methodScope, loopScope, invokeData.exceptionOrderId)); } }
Hook for subclasses to perform simplifications for a non-loop-header control flow merge.
  • merge – The control flow merge.
/** * Hook for subclasses to perform simplifications for a non-loop-header control flow merge. * * @param merge The control flow merge. */
protected void handleMergeNode(MergeNode merge) { } protected void handleLoopExplosionBegin(MethodScope methodScope, LoopScope loopScope, LoopBeginNode loopBegin) { checkLoopExplosionIteration(methodScope, loopScope); List<EndNode> predecessors = loopBegin.forwardEnds().snapshot(); FixedNode successor = loopBegin.next(); FrameState frameState = loopBegin.stateAfter(); if (methodScope.loopExplosion.mergeLoops()) { LoopExplosionState queryState = new LoopExplosionState(frameState, null); LoopExplosionState existingState = loopScope.iterationStates.get(queryState); if (existingState != null) { loopBegin.replaceAtUsagesAndDelete(existingState.merge); successor.safeDelete(); for (EndNode predecessor : predecessors) { existingState.merge.addForwardEnd(predecessor); } return; } } MergeNode merge = graph.add(new MergeNode()); methodScope.loopExplosionMerges.add(merge); if (methodScope.loopExplosion.mergeLoops()) { if (loopScope.iterationStates.size() == 0 && loopScope.loopDepth == 1) { if (methodScope.loopExplosionHead != null) { throw new PermanentBailoutException("Graal implementation restriction: Method with %s loop explosion must not have more than one top-level loop", LoopExplosionKind.MERGE_EXPLODE); } methodScope.loopExplosionHead = merge; } List<ValueNode> newFrameStateValues = new ArrayList<>(); for (ValueNode frameStateValue : frameState.values) { if (frameStateValue == null || frameStateValue.isConstant() || !graph.isNew(methodScope.methodStartMark, frameStateValue)) { newFrameStateValues.add(frameStateValue); } else { ProxyPlaceholder newFrameStateValue = graph.unique(new ProxyPlaceholder(frameStateValue, merge)); newFrameStateValues.add(newFrameStateValue); /* * We do not have the orderID of the value anymore, so we need to search through * the complete list of nodes to find a match. */ for (int i = 0; i < loopScope.createdNodes.length; i++) { if (loopScope.createdNodes[i] == frameStateValue) { loopScope.createdNodes[i] = newFrameStateValue; } } if (loopScope.initialCreatedNodes != null) { for (int i = 0; i < loopScope.initialCreatedNodes.length; i++) { if (loopScope.initialCreatedNodes[i] == frameStateValue) { loopScope.initialCreatedNodes[i] = newFrameStateValue; } } } } } FrameState newFrameState = graph.add(new FrameState(frameState.outerFrameState(), frameState.getCode(), frameState.bci, newFrameStateValues, frameState.localsSize(), frameState.stackSize(), frameState.rethrowException(), frameState.duringCall(), frameState.monitorIds(), frameState.virtualObjectMappings())); frameState.replaceAtUsagesAndDelete(newFrameState); frameState = newFrameState; } loopBegin.replaceAtUsagesAndDelete(merge); merge.setStateAfter(frameState); merge.setNext(successor); for (EndNode predecessor : predecessors) { merge.addForwardEnd(predecessor); } if (methodScope.loopExplosion.mergeLoops()) { LoopExplosionState explosionState = new LoopExplosionState(frameState, merge); loopScope.iterationStates.put(explosionState, explosionState); } }
Hook for subclasses.
  • methodScope – The current method.
  • loopScope – The current loop.
/** * Hook for subclasses. * * @param methodScope The current method. * @param loopScope The current loop. */
protected void checkLoopExplosionIteration(MethodScope methodScope, LoopScope loopScope) { throw shouldNotReachHere("when subclass uses loop explosion, it needs to implement this method"); } protected LoopScopeTrigger handleLoopExplosionEnd(MethodScope methodScope, LoopScope loopScope) { /* * This method is only called if we reach a loop end and we use some kind of loop explosion, * i.e., we unroll loops or explode along loop ends. */ LoopScopeTrigger trigger = null; Deque<LoopScope> nextIterations = null; if (methodScope.loopExplosion.duplicateLoopEnds()) { /* * Loop explosion along loop ends: We see a loop end, however we do not merge all loop * ends at a common merge node but rather duplicate the rest of the loop for every loop * end. */ trigger = LoopScopeTrigger.LOOP_END_DUPLICATION; nextIterations = loopScope.nextIterationFromLoopEndDuplication; } else if (loopScope.nextIterationsFromUnrolling.isEmpty()) { /* * Regular loop unrolling, i.e., we reach a loop end node of a loop that should be * unrolled: We create a new successor scope. */ trigger = LoopScopeTrigger.LOOP_BEGIN_UNROLLING; nextIterations = loopScope.nextIterationsFromUnrolling; } if (trigger != null) { int nextIterationNumber = nextIterations.isEmpty() ? loopScope.loopIteration + 1 : nextIterations.getLast().loopIteration + 1; LoopScope nextIterationScope = new LoopScope(methodScope, loopScope.outer, loopScope.loopDepth, nextIterationNumber, loopScope.loopBeginOrderId, trigger, methodScope.loopExplosion.mergeLoops() ? Arrays.copyOf(loopScope.initialCreatedNodes, loopScope.initialCreatedNodes.length) : loopScope.initialCreatedNodes, Arrays.copyOf(loopScope.initialCreatedNodes, loopScope.initialCreatedNodes.length), loopScope.nextIterationFromLoopExitDuplication, loopScope.nextIterationFromLoopEndDuplication, loopScope.nextIterationsFromUnrolling, loopScope.iterationStates); checkLoopExplosionIteration(methodScope, nextIterationScope); nextIterations.addLast(nextIterationScope); registerNode(nextIterationScope, loopScope.loopBeginOrderId, null, true, true); makeStubNode(methodScope, nextIterationScope, loopScope.loopBeginOrderId); } return trigger; }
Hook for subclasses.
  • methodScope – The current method.
  • loopScope – The current loop.
  • nodeOrderId – The orderId of the node.
  • node – The node to be simplified.
/** * Hook for subclasses. * * @param methodScope The current method. * @param loopScope The current loop. * @param nodeOrderId The orderId of the node. * @param node The node to be simplified. */
protected void handleFixedNode(MethodScope methodScope, LoopScope loopScope, int nodeOrderId, FixedNode node) { }
Hook for subclasses for early canonicalization of IfNodes and IntegerSwitchNodes. "Early" means that this is called before successor stubs creation. Therefore, all successors are null a this point, and calling any method using them without prior manual initialization will fail.
  • methodScope – The current method.
  • loopScope – The current loop.
  • nodeOrderId – The orderId of the node.
  • node – The node to be simplified.
Returns:true if canonicalization happened, false otherwise.
/** * Hook for subclasses for early canonicalization of IfNodes and IntegerSwitchNodes. * * "Early" means that this is called before successor stubs creation. Therefore, all successors * are null a this point, and calling any method using them without prior manual initialization * will fail. * * @param methodScope The current method. * @param loopScope The current loop. * @param nodeOrderId The orderId of the node. * @param node The node to be simplified. * @return true if canonicalization happened, false otherwise. */
protected boolean earlyCanonicalization(MethodScope methodScope, LoopScope loopScope, int nodeOrderId, FixedNode node) { return false; } protected void handleProxyNodes(MethodScope methodScope, LoopScope loopScope, LoopExitNode loopExit) { assert loopExit.stateAfter() == null; int stateAfterOrderId = readOrderId(methodScope); loopExit.setStateAfter((FrameState) ensureNodeCreated(methodScope, loopScope, stateAfterOrderId)); int numProxies = methodScope.reader.getUVInt(); for (int i = 0; i < numProxies; i++) { int proxyOrderId = readOrderId(methodScope); ProxyNode proxy = (ProxyNode) ensureNodeCreated(methodScope, loopScope, proxyOrderId); /* * The ProxyNode transports a value from the loop to the outer scope. We therefore * register it in the outer scope. */ if (loopScope.outer.createdNodes != loopScope.createdNodes) { registerNode(loopScope.outer, proxyOrderId, proxy, false, false); } } } protected void handleLoopExplosionProxyNodes(MethodScope methodScope, LoopScope loopScope, LoopScope outerScope, LoopExitNode loopExit, int loopExitOrderId) { assert loopExit.stateAfter() == null; int stateAfterOrderId = readOrderId(methodScope); BeginNode begin = graph.add(new BeginNode()); FixedNode loopExitSuccessor = loopExit.next(); loopExit.replaceAtPredecessor(begin); MergeNode loopExitPlaceholder = null; if (methodScope.loopExplosion.mergeLoops() && loopScope.loopDepth == 1) { /* * This exit might end up as a loop exit of a loop detected after partial evaluation. We * need to be able to create a FrameState and the necessary proxy nodes in this case. */ loopExitPlaceholder = graph.add(new MergeNode()); methodScope.loopExplosionMerges.add(loopExitPlaceholder); EndNode end = graph.add(new EndNode()); begin.setNext(end); loopExitPlaceholder.addForwardEnd(end); begin = graph.add(new BeginNode()); loopExitPlaceholder.setNext(begin); } /* * In the original graph, the loop exit is not a merge node. Multiple exploded loop * iterations now take the same loop exit, so we have to introduce a new merge node to * handle the merge. */ MergeNode merge = null; Node existingExit = lookupNode(outerScope, loopExitOrderId); if (existingExit == null) { /* First loop iteration that exits. No merge necessary yet. */ registerNode(outerScope, loopExitOrderId, begin, false, false); begin.setNext(loopExitSuccessor); } else if (existingExit instanceof BeginNode) { /* Second loop iteration that exits. Create the merge. */ merge = graph.add(new MergeNode()); registerNode(outerScope, loopExitOrderId, merge, true, false); /* Add the first iteration. */ EndNode firstEnd = graph.add(new EndNode()); ((BeginNode) existingExit).setNext(firstEnd); merge.addForwardEnd(firstEnd); merge.setNext(loopExitSuccessor); } else { /* Subsequent loop iteration. Merge already created. */ merge = (MergeNode) existingExit; } if (merge != null) { EndNode end = graph.add(new EndNode()); begin.setNext(end); merge.addForwardEnd(end); } /* * Possibly create phi nodes for the original proxy nodes that flow out of the loop. Note * that we definitely do not need a proxy node itself anymore, since the loop was exploded * and is no longer present. */ int numProxies = methodScope.reader.getUVInt(); boolean phiCreated = false; for (int i = 0; i < numProxies; i++) { int proxyOrderId = readOrderId(methodScope); ProxyNode proxy = (ProxyNode) ensureNodeCreated(methodScope, loopScope, proxyOrderId); ValueNode phiInput = proxy.value(); if (loopExitPlaceholder != null) { if (!phiInput.isConstant()) { phiInput = graph.unique(new ProxyPlaceholder(phiInput, loopExitPlaceholder)); } registerNode(loopScope, proxyOrderId, phiInput, true, false); } ValueNode replacement; ValueNode existing = (ValueNode) outerScope.createdNodes[proxyOrderId]; if (existing == null || existing == phiInput) { /* * We are at the first loop exit, or the proxy carries the same value for all exits. * We do not need a phi node yet. */ registerNode(outerScope, proxyOrderId, phiInput, true, false); replacement = phiInput; } else { // Fortify: Suppress Null Dereference false positive assert merge != null; if (!merge.isPhiAtMerge(existing)) { /* Now we have two different values, so we need to create a phi node. */ PhiNode phi = proxy.createPhi(merge); /* Add the inputs from all previous exits. */ for (int j = 0; j < merge.phiPredecessorCount() - 1; j++) { phi.addInput(existing); } /* Add the input from this exit. */ phi.addInput(phiInput); registerNode(outerScope, proxyOrderId, phi, true, false); replacement = phi; phiCreated = true; } else { /* Phi node has been created before, so just add the new input. */ PhiNode phi = (PhiNode) existing; phi.addInput(phiInput); replacement = phi; } } proxy.replaceAtUsagesAndDelete(replacement); } if (loopExitPlaceholder != null) { registerNode(loopScope, stateAfterOrderId, null, true, true); loopExitPlaceholder.setStateAfter((FrameState) ensureNodeCreated(methodScope, loopScope, stateAfterOrderId)); } if (merge != null && (merge.stateAfter() == null || phiCreated)) { FrameState oldStateAfter = merge.stateAfter(); registerNode(outerScope, stateAfterOrderId, null, true, true); merge.setStateAfter((FrameState) ensureNodeCreated(methodScope, outerScope, stateAfterOrderId)); if (oldStateAfter != null) { oldStateAfter.safeDelete(); } } loopExit.safeDelete(); assert loopExitSuccessor.predecessor() == null; if (merge != null) { merge.getNodeClass().getSuccessorEdges().update(merge, null, loopExitSuccessor); } else { begin.getNodeClass().getSuccessorEdges().update(begin, null, loopExitSuccessor); } } protected void handlePhiFunctions(MethodScope methodScope, LoopScope phiInputScope, LoopScope phiNodeScope, AbstractEndNode end, AbstractMergeNode merge) { if (end instanceof LoopEndNode) { /* * Fix the loop end index and the number of loop ends. When we do canonicalization * during decoding, we can end up with fewer ends than the encoded graph had. And the * order of loop ends can be different. */ int numEnds = ((LoopBeginNode) merge).loopEnds().count(); ((LoopBeginNode) merge).nextEndIndex = numEnds; ((LoopEndNode) end).endIndex = numEnds - 1; } else { if (merge.ends == null) { merge.ends = new NodeInputList<>(merge); } merge.addForwardEnd((EndNode) end); } /* * We create most phi functions lazily. Canonicalization and simplification during decoding * can lead to dead branches that are not decoded, so we might not need all phi functions * that the original graph contained. Since we process all predecessors before actually * processing the merge node, we have the final phi function when processing the merge node. * The only exception are loop headers of non-exploded loops: since backward branches are * not processed yet when processing the loop body, we need to create all phi functions * upfront. */ boolean lazyPhi = allowLazyPhis() && (!(merge instanceof LoopBeginNode) || methodScope.loopExplosion.useExplosion()); int numPhis = methodScope.reader.getUVInt(); for (int i = 0; i < numPhis; i++) { int phiInputOrderId = readOrderId(methodScope); int phiNodeOrderId = readOrderId(methodScope); ValueNode phiInput = (ValueNode) ensureNodeCreated(methodScope, phiInputScope, phiInputOrderId); ValueNode existing = (ValueNode) lookupNode(phiNodeScope, phiNodeOrderId); if (existing != null && merge.phiPredecessorCount() == 1) { /* * When exploding loops and the code after the loop (FULL_EXPLODE_UNTIL_RETURN), * then an existing value can already be registered: Parsing of the code before the * loop registers it when preparing for the later merge. The code after the loop, * which starts with a clone of the values that were created before the loop, sees * the stale value when processing the merge the first time. We can safely ignore * the stale value because it will never be needed to be merged (we are exploding * until we hit a return). */ assert methodScope.loopExplosion.duplicateLoopExits() && phiNodeScope.loopIteration > 0; existing = null; } if (lazyPhi && (existing == null || existing == phiInput)) { /* Phi function not yet necessary. */ registerNode(phiNodeScope, phiNodeOrderId, phiInput, true, false); } else if (!merge.isPhiAtMerge(existing)) { /* * Phi function is necessary. Create it and fill it with existing inputs as well as * the new input. */ registerNode(phiNodeScope, phiNodeOrderId, null, true, true); PhiNode phi = (PhiNode) ensureNodeCreated(methodScope, phiNodeScope, phiNodeOrderId); phi.setMerge(merge); for (int j = 0; j < merge.phiPredecessorCount() - 1; j++) { phi.addInput(existing); } phi.addInput(phiInput); } else { /* Phi node has been created before, so just add the new input. */ PhiNode phi = (PhiNode) existing; phi.addInput(phiInput); } } } protected boolean allowLazyPhis() { /* We need to exactly reproduce the encoded graph, including unnecessary phi functions. */ return false; } protected void readProperties(MethodScope methodScope, Node node) { NodeSourcePosition position = (NodeSourcePosition) readObject(methodScope); Fields fields = node.getNodeClass().getData(); for (int pos = 0; pos < fields.getCount(); pos++) { if (fields.getType(pos).isPrimitive()) { long primitive = methodScope.reader.getSV(); fields.setRawPrimitive(node, pos, primitive); } else { Object value = readObject(methodScope); fields.putObject(node, pos, value); } } if (graph.trackNodeSourcePosition() && position != null) { NodeSourcePosition callerBytecodePosition = methodScope.getCallerBytecodePosition(position); node.setNodeSourcePosition(callerBytecodePosition); if (node instanceof DeoptimizingGuard) { ((DeoptimizingGuard) node).addCallerToNoDeoptSuccessorPosition(callerBytecodePosition.getCaller()); } } }
Process the input edges of a node. Input nodes that have not yet been created must be non-fixed nodes (because fixed nodes are processed in reverse postorder. Such non-fixed nodes are created on demand (recursively since they can themselves reference not yet created nodes).
/** * Process the input edges of a node. Input nodes that have not yet been created must be * non-fixed nodes (because fixed nodes are processed in reverse postorder. Such non-fixed nodes * are created on demand (recursively since they can themselves reference not yet created * nodes). */
protected void makeFixedNodeInputs(MethodScope methodScope, LoopScope loopScope, Node node) { Edges edges = node.getNodeClass().getInputEdges(); for (int index = 0; index < edges.getDirectCount(); index++) { if (skipDirectEdge(node, edges, index)) { continue; } int orderId = readOrderId(methodScope); Node value = ensureNodeCreated(methodScope, loopScope, orderId); edges.initializeNode(node, index, value); if (value != null && !value.isDeleted()) { edges.update(node, null, value); } } if (node instanceof AbstractMergeNode) { /* The ends of merge nodes are filled manually when the ends are processed. */ assert edges.getCount() - edges.getDirectCount() == 1 : "MergeNode has one variable size input (the ends)"; assert Edges.getNodeList(node, edges.getOffsets(), edges.getDirectCount()) != null : "Input list must have been already created"; } else { for (int index = edges.getDirectCount(); index < edges.getCount(); index++) { int size = methodScope.reader.getSVInt(); if (size != -1) { NodeList<Node> nodeList = new NodeInputList<>(node, size); edges.initializeList(node, index, nodeList); for (int idx = 0; idx < size; idx++) { int orderId = readOrderId(methodScope); Node value = ensureNodeCreated(methodScope, loopScope, orderId); nodeList.initialize(idx, value); if (value != null && !value.isDeleted()) { edges.update(node, null, value); } } } } } } protected void makeFloatingNodeInputs(MethodScope methodScope, LoopScope loopScope, Node node) { Edges edges = node.getNodeClass().getInputEdges(); if (node instanceof PhiNode) { /* * The inputs of phi functions are filled manually when the end nodes are processed. * However, the values must not be null, so initialize them with an empty list. */ assert edges.getDirectCount() == 1 : "PhiNode has one direct input (the MergeNode)"; assert edges.getCount() - edges.getDirectCount() == 1 : "PhiNode has one variable size input (the values)"; edges.initializeList(node, edges.getDirectCount(), new NodeInputList<>(node)); } else { for (int index = 0; index < edges.getDirectCount(); index++) { int orderId = readOrderId(methodScope); Node value = ensureNodeCreated(methodScope, loopScope, orderId); edges.initializeNode(node, index, value); } for (int index = edges.getDirectCount(); index < edges.getCount(); index++) { int size = methodScope.reader.getSVInt(); if (size != -1) { NodeList<Node> nodeList = new NodeInputList<>(node, size); edges.initializeList(node, index, nodeList); for (int idx = 0; idx < size; idx++) { int orderId = readOrderId(methodScope); Node value = ensureNodeCreated(methodScope, loopScope, orderId); nodeList.initialize(idx, value); } } } } } protected Node ensureNodeCreated(MethodScope methodScope, LoopScope loopScope, int nodeOrderId) { if (nodeOrderId == GraphEncoder.NULL_ORDER_ID) { return null; } Node node = lookupNode(loopScope, nodeOrderId); if (node != null) { return node; } node = decodeFloatingNode(methodScope, loopScope, nodeOrderId); if (node instanceof ProxyNode || node instanceof PhiNode) { /* * We need these nodes as they were in the original graph, without any canonicalization * or value numbering. */ node = graph.addWithoutUnique(node); } else { /* Allow subclasses to canonicalize and intercept nodes. */ Node newNode = handleFloatingNodeBeforeAdd(methodScope, loopScope, node); if (newNode != node) { releaseFloatingNode(node); } if (!newNode.isAlive()) { newNode = addFloatingNode(methodScope, newNode); } node = handleFloatingNodeAfterAdd(methodScope, loopScope, newNode); } registerNode(loopScope, nodeOrderId, node, false, false); return node; } protected Node addFloatingNode(@SuppressWarnings("unused") MethodScope methodScope, Node node) { /* * We want to exactly reproduce the encoded graph. Even though nodes should be unique in the * encoded graph, this is not always guaranteed. */ return graph.addWithoutUnique(node); }
Decodes a non-fixed node, but does not do any post-processing and does not register it.
/** * Decodes a non-fixed node, but does not do any post-processing and does not register it. */
protected Node decodeFloatingNode(MethodScope methodScope, LoopScope loopScope, int nodeOrderId) { long readerByteIndex = methodScope.reader.getByteIndex(); methodScope.reader.setByteIndex(methodScope.encodedGraph.nodeStartOffsets[nodeOrderId]); NodeClass<?> nodeClass = methodScope.encodedGraph.getNodeClasses()[methodScope.reader.getUVInt()]; Node node = allocateFloatingNode(nodeClass); if (node instanceof FixedNode) { /* * This is a severe error that will lead to a corrupted graph, so it is better not to * continue decoding at all. */ throw shouldNotReachHere("Not a floating node: " + node.getClass().getName()); } /* Read the inputs of the node, possibly creating them recursively. */ makeFloatingNodeInputs(methodScope, loopScope, node); /* Read the properties of the node. */ readProperties(methodScope, node); /* There must not be any successors to read, since it is a non-fixed node. */ assert node.getNodeClass().getEdges(Edges.Type.Successors).getCount() == 0; methodScope.reader.setByteIndex(readerByteIndex); return node; } private Node allocateFloatingNode(NodeClass<?> nodeClass) { ArrayDeque<? extends Node> cachedNodes = reusableFloatingNodes.get(nodeClass); if (cachedNodes != null) { Node node = cachedNodes.poll(); if (node != null) { return node; } } return nodeClass.allocateInstance(); } private void releaseFloatingNode(Node node) { ArrayDeque<Node> cachedNodes = reusableFloatingNodes.get(node.getNodeClass()); if (cachedNodes == null) { cachedNodes = new ArrayDeque<>(2); reusableFloatingNodes.put(node.getNodeClass(), cachedNodes); } cachedNodes.push(node); }
Hook for subclasses to process a non-fixed node before it is added to the graph.
  • methodScope – The current method.
  • loopScope – The current loop.
  • node – The node to be canonicalized.
Returns:The replacement for the node, or the node itself.
/** * Hook for subclasses to process a non-fixed node before it is added to the graph. * * @param methodScope The current method. * @param loopScope The current loop. * @param node The node to be canonicalized. * @return The replacement for the node, or the node itself. */
protected Node handleFloatingNodeBeforeAdd(MethodScope methodScope, LoopScope loopScope, Node node) { return node; }
Hook for subclasses to process a non-fixed node after it is added to the graph. If this method replaces a node with another node, it must update its source position if the original node has the source position set.
  • methodScope – The current method.
  • loopScope – The current loop.
  • node – The node to be canonicalized.
Returns:The replacement for the node, or the node itself.
/** * Hook for subclasses to process a non-fixed node after it is added to the graph. * * If this method replaces a node with another node, it must update its source position if the * original node has the source position set. * * @param methodScope The current method. * @param loopScope The current loop. * @param node The node to be canonicalized. * @return The replacement for the node, or the node itself. */
protected Node handleFloatingNodeAfterAdd(MethodScope methodScope, LoopScope loopScope, Node node) { return node; }
Process successor edges of a node. We create the successor nodes so that we can fill the successor list, but no properties or edges are loaded yet. That is done when the successor is on top of the worklist in processNextNode.
/** * Process successor edges of a node. We create the successor nodes so that we can fill the * successor list, but no properties or edges are loaded yet. That is done when the successor is * on top of the worklist in {@link #processNextNode}. */
protected void makeSuccessorStubs(MethodScope methodScope, LoopScope loopScope, Node node, boolean updatePredecessors) { Edges edges = node.getNodeClass().getSuccessorEdges(); for (int index = 0; index < edges.getDirectCount(); index++) { if (skipDirectEdge(node, edges, index)) { continue; } int orderId = readOrderId(methodScope); Node value = makeStubNode(methodScope, loopScope, orderId); edges.initializeNode(node, index, value); if (updatePredecessors && value != null) { edges.update(node, null, value); } } for (int index = edges.getDirectCount(); index < edges.getCount(); index++) { int size = methodScope.reader.getSVInt(); if (size != -1) { NodeList<Node> nodeList = new NodeSuccessorList<>(node, size); edges.initializeList(node, index, nodeList); for (int idx = 0; idx < size; idx++) { int orderId = readOrderId(methodScope); Node value = makeStubNode(methodScope, loopScope, orderId); nodeList.initialize(idx, value); if (updatePredecessors && value != null) { edges.update(node, null, value); } } } } } protected FixedNode makeStubNode(MethodScope methodScope, LoopScope loopScope, int nodeOrderId) { if (nodeOrderId == GraphEncoder.NULL_ORDER_ID) { return null; } FixedNode node = (FixedNode) lookupNode(loopScope, nodeOrderId); if (node != null) { return node; } long readerByteIndex = methodScope.reader.getByteIndex(); methodScope.reader.setByteIndex(methodScope.encodedGraph.nodeStartOffsets[nodeOrderId]); NodeClass<?> nodeClass = methodScope.encodedGraph.getNodeClasses()[methodScope.reader.getUVInt()]; Node stubNode = nodeClass.allocateInstance(); if (graph.trackNodeSourcePosition()) { stubNode.setNodeSourcePosition(NodeSourcePosition.placeholder(graph.method())); } node = (FixedNode) graph.add(stubNode); /* Properties and edges are not filled yet, the node remains uninitialized. */ methodScope.reader.setByteIndex(readerByteIndex); registerNode(loopScope, nodeOrderId, node, false, false); loopScope.nodesToProcess.set(nodeOrderId); return node; } protected static boolean skipDirectEdge(Node node, Edges edges, int index) { if (node instanceof Invoke) { assert node instanceof InvokeNode || node instanceof InvokeWithExceptionNode : "The only two Invoke node classes. Got " + node.getClass(); if (edges.type() == Edges.Type.Successors) { assert edges.getCount() == (node instanceof InvokeWithExceptionNode ? 2 : 1) : "InvokeNode has one successor (next); InvokeWithExceptionNode has two successors (next, exceptionEdge)"; return true; } else { assert edges.type() == Edges.Type.Inputs; if (edges.getType(index) == CallTargetNode.class) { return true; } else if (edges.getType(index) == FrameState.class) { assert edges.get(node, index) == null || edges.get(node, index) == ((Invoke) node).stateAfter() : "Only stateAfter can be a FrameState during encoding"; return true; } } } else if (node instanceof LoopExitNode && edges.type() == Edges.Type.Inputs && edges.getType(index) == FrameState.class) { /* The stateAfter of the loop exit is filled manually. */ return true; } return false; } protected Node lookupNode(LoopScope loopScope, int nodeOrderId) { return loopScope.createdNodes[nodeOrderId]; } protected void registerNode(LoopScope loopScope, int nodeOrderId, Node node, boolean allowOverwrite, boolean allowNull) { assert node == null || node.isAlive(); assert allowNull || node != null; assert allowOverwrite || lookupNode(loopScope, nodeOrderId) == null; loopScope.createdNodes[nodeOrderId] = node; } protected int readOrderId(MethodScope methodScope) { switch (methodScope.orderIdWidth) { case 1: return methodScope.reader.getU1(); case 2: return methodScope.reader.getU2(); case 4: return methodScope.reader.getS4(); } throw GraalError.shouldNotReachHere("Invalid orderIdWidth: " + methodScope.orderIdWidth); } protected Object readObject(MethodScope methodScope) { return methodScope.encodedGraph.getObject(methodScope.reader.getUVInt()); }
Removes unnecessary nodes from the graph after decoding.
  • methodScope – The current method.
/** * Removes unnecessary nodes from the graph after decoding. * * @param methodScope The current method. */
protected void cleanupGraph(MethodScope methodScope) { for (MergeNode merge : graph.getNodes(MergeNode.TYPE)) { for (ProxyPlaceholder placeholder : merge.usages().filter(ProxyPlaceholder.class).snapshot()) { placeholder.replaceAndDelete(placeholder.value); } } assert verifyEdges(); } protected boolean verifyEdges() { for (Node node : graph.getNodes()) { assert node.isAlive(); for (Node i : node.inputs()) { assert i.isAlive(); assert i.usages().contains(node); } for (Node s : node.successors()) { assert s.isAlive(); assert s.predecessor() == node; } for (Node usage : node.usages()) { assert usage.isAlive(); assert usage.inputs().contains(node) : node + " / " + usage + " / " + usage.inputs().count(); } if (node.predecessor() != null) { assert node.predecessor().isAlive(); assert node.predecessor().successors().contains(node); } } return true; } } class LoopDetector implements Runnable {
Information about loops before the actual loop nodes are inserted.
/** * Information about loops before the actual loop nodes are inserted. */
static class Loop {
The header, i.e., the target of backward branches.
/** * The header, i.e., the target of backward branches. */
MergeNode header;
The ends, i.e., the source of backward branches. The successor is the loop header.
/** * The ends, i.e., the source of backward branches. The {@link EndNode#successors successor} * is the {@link #header loop header}. */
List<EndNode> ends = new ArrayList<>(2);
Exits of the loop. The successor is a MergeNode marked in MethodScope.loopExplosionMerges.
/** * Exits of the loop. The successor is a {@link MergeNode} marked in * {@link MethodScope#loopExplosionMerges}. */
List<AbstractEndNode> exits = new ArrayList<>();
Set to true when the loop is irreducible, i.e., has multiple entries. See handleIrreducibleLoop for details on the handling.
/** * Set to true when the loop is irreducible, i.e., has multiple entries. See * {@link #handleIrreducibleLoop} for details on the handling. */
boolean irreducible; } private final StructuredGraph graph; private final MethodScope methodScope; private Loop irreducibleLoopHandler; private IntegerSwitchNode irreducibleLoopSwitch; protected LoopDetector(StructuredGraph graph, MethodScope methodScope) { this.graph = graph; this.methodScope = methodScope; } @Override public void run() { DebugContext debug = graph.getDebug(); debug.dump(DebugContext.DETAILED_LEVEL, graph, "Before loop detection"); if (methodScope.loopExplosionHead == null) { /* * The to-be-exploded loop was not reached during partial evaluation (e.g., because * there was a deoptimization beforehand), or the method might not even contain a loop. * This is an uncommon case, but not an error. */ return; } List<Loop> orderedLoops = findLoops(); assert orderedLoops.get(orderedLoops.size() - 1) == irreducibleLoopHandler : "outermost loop must be the last element in the list"; for (Loop loop : orderedLoops) { if (loop.ends.isEmpty()) { assert loop == irreducibleLoopHandler; continue; } /* * The algorithm to find loop exits requires that inner loops have already been * processed. Therefore, we need to iterate the loops in order (inner loops before outer * loops), and we cannot find the exits for all loops before we start inserting nodes. */ findLoopExits(loop); if (loop.irreducible) { handleIrreducibleLoop(loop); } else { insertLoopNodes(loop); } debug.dump(DebugContext.DETAILED_LEVEL, graph, "After handling of loop %s", loop.header); } logIrreducibleLoops(); debug.dump(DebugContext.DETAILED_LEVEL, graph, "After loop detection"); } private List<Loop> findLoops() { /* Mapping from the loop header node to additional loop information. */ EconomicMap<MergeNode, Loop> unorderedLoops = EconomicMap.create(Equivalence.IDENTITY); /* Loops in reverse order of, i.e., inner loops before outer loops. */ List<Loop> orderedLoops = new ArrayList<>(); /* * Ensure we have an outermost loop that we can use to eliminate irreducible loops. This * loop can remain empty (no ends), in which case it is ignored. */ irreducibleLoopHandler = findOrCreateLoop(unorderedLoops, methodScope.loopExplosionHead); NodeBitMap visited = graph.createNodeBitMap(); NodeBitMap active = graph.createNodeBitMap(); Deque<Node> stack = new ArrayDeque<>(); visited.mark(methodScope.loopExplosionHead); stack.push(methodScope.loopExplosionHead); while (!stack.isEmpty()) { Node current = stack.peek(); assert visited.isMarked(current); if (active.isMarked(current)) { /* We are back-tracking, i.e., all successor nodes have been processed. */ stack.pop(); active.clear(current); if (current instanceof MergeNode) { Loop loop = unorderedLoops.get((MergeNode) current); if (loop != null) { /* * Since nodes are popped in reverse order that they were pushed, we add * inner loops before outer loops here. */ assert !orderedLoops.contains(loop); orderedLoops.add(loop); } } } else { /* * Process the node. Note that we do not remove the node from the stack, i.e., we * will peek it again. But the next time the node is marked as active, so we do not * execute this code again. */ active.mark(current); for (Node successor : current.cfgSuccessors()) { if (active.isMarked(successor)) { /* Detected a cycle, i.e., a backward branch of a loop. */ Loop loop = findOrCreateLoop(unorderedLoops, (MergeNode) successor); assert !loop.ends.contains(current); loop.ends.add((EndNode) current); } else if (visited.isMarked(successor)) { /* Forward merge into a branch we are already exploring. */ } else { /* Forward branch to a node we have not seen yet. */ visited.mark(successor); stack.push(successor); } } } } return orderedLoops; } private Loop findOrCreateLoop(EconomicMap<MergeNode, Loop> unorderedLoops, MergeNode loopHeader) { assert methodScope.loopExplosionMerges.contains(loopHeader) : loopHeader; Loop loop = unorderedLoops.get(loopHeader); if (loop == null) { loop = new Loop(); loop.header = loopHeader; unorderedLoops.put(loopHeader, loop); } return loop; } private void findLoopExits(Loop loop) { /* * Backward marking of loop nodes: Starting with the known loop ends, we mark all nodes that * are reachable until we hit the loop begin. All successors of loop nodes that are not * marked as loop nodes themselves are exits of the loop. We mark all successors, and then * subtract the loop nodes, to find the exits. */ List<Node> possibleExits = new ArrayList<>(); NodeBitMap visited = graph.createNodeBitMap(); Deque<Node> stack = new ArrayDeque<>(); for (EndNode loopEnd : loop.ends) { stack.push(loopEnd); visited.mark(loopEnd); } while (!stack.isEmpty()) { Node current = stack.pop(); if (current == loop.header) { continue; } if (!graph.isNew(methodScope.methodStartMark, current)) { /* * The current node is before the method that contains the exploded loop. The loop * must have a second entry point, i.e., it is an irreducible loop. */ loop.irreducible = true; return; } for (Node predecessor : current.cfgPredecessors()) { if (predecessor instanceof LoopExitNode) { /* * Inner loop. We do not need to mark every node of it, instead we just continue * marking at the loop header. */ LoopBeginNode innerLoopBegin = ((LoopExitNode) predecessor).loopBegin(); if (!visited.isMarked(innerLoopBegin)) { stack.push(innerLoopBegin); visited.mark(innerLoopBegin); /* * All loop exits of the inner loop possibly need a LoopExit of our loop. * Because we are processing inner loops first, we are guaranteed to already * have all exits of the inner loop. */ for (LoopExitNode exit : innerLoopBegin.loopExits()) { possibleExits.add(exit); } } } else if (!visited.isMarked(predecessor)) { stack.push(predecessor); visited.mark(predecessor); if (predecessor instanceof ControlSplitNode) { for (Node succ : predecessor.cfgSuccessors()) { /* * We would not need to mark the current node, and would not need to * mark visited nodes. But it is easier to just mark everything, since * we subtract all visited nodes in the end anyway. Note that at this * point we do not have the complete visited information, so we would * always mark too many possible exits. */ possibleExits.add(succ); } } } } } /* * Now we know all the actual loop exits. Ideally, we would insert LoopExit nodes for them. * However, a LoopExit needs a valid FrameState that captures the state at the point where * we exit the loop. During graph decoding, we create a FrameState for every exploded loop * iteration. We need to do a forward marking until we hit the next such point. This puts * some nodes into the loop that are actually not part of the loop. * * In some cases, we did not create a FrameState during graph decoding: when there was no * LoopExit in the original loop that we exploded. This happens for code paths that lead * immediately to a DeoptimizeNode. * * Both cases mimic the behavior of the BytecodeParser, which also puts more nodes than * necessary into a loop because it computes loop information based on bytecodes, before the * actual parsing. */ for (Node succ : possibleExits) { if (!visited.contains(succ)) { stack.push(succ); visited.mark(succ); assert !methodScope.loopExplosionMerges.contains(succ); } } while (!stack.isEmpty()) { Node current = stack.pop(); assert visited.isMarked(current); assert current instanceof ControlSinkNode || current instanceof LoopEndNode || current.cfgSuccessors().iterator().hasNext() : "Must not reach a node that has not been decoded yet"; for (Node successor : current.cfgSuccessors()) { if (visited.isMarked(successor)) { /* Already processed this successor. */ } else if (methodScope.loopExplosionMerges.contains(successor)) { /* * We have a FrameState for the successor. The LoopExit will be inserted between * the current node and the successor node. Since the successor node is a * MergeNode, the current node mus be a AbstractEndNode with only that MergeNode * as the successor. */ assert successor instanceof MergeNode; assert !loop.exits.contains(current); loop.exits.add((AbstractEndNode) current); } else { /* Node we have not seen yet. */ visited.mark(successor); stack.push(successor); } } } } private void insertLoopNodes(Loop loop) { MergeNode merge = loop.header; FrameState stateAfter = merge.stateAfter().duplicate(); FixedNode afterMerge = merge.next(); merge.setNext(null); EndNode preLoopEnd = graph.add(new EndNode()); LoopBeginNode loopBegin = graph.add(new LoopBeginNode()); merge.setNext(preLoopEnd); /* Add the single non-loop predecessor of the loop header. */ loopBegin.addForwardEnd(preLoopEnd); loopBegin.setNext(afterMerge); loopBegin.setStateAfter(stateAfter); /* * Phi functions of the original merge need to be split: inputs that come from forward edges * remain with the original phi function; inputs that come from backward edges are added to * new phi functions. */ List<PhiNode> mergePhis = merge.phis().snapshot(); List<PhiNode> loopBeginPhis = new ArrayList<>(mergePhis.size()); for (int i = 0; i < mergePhis.size(); i++) { PhiNode mergePhi = mergePhis.get(i); PhiNode loopBeginPhi = graph.addWithoutUnique(new ValuePhiNode(mergePhi.stamp(NodeView.DEFAULT), loopBegin)); mergePhi.replaceAtUsages(loopBeginPhi); /* * The first input of the new phi function is the original phi function, for the one * forward edge of the LoopBeginNode. */ loopBeginPhi.addInput(mergePhi); loopBeginPhis.add(loopBeginPhi); } for (EndNode endNode : loop.ends) { for (int i = 0; i < mergePhis.size(); i++) { PhiNode mergePhi = mergePhis.get(i); PhiNode loopBeginPhi = loopBeginPhis.get(i); loopBeginPhi.addInput(mergePhi.valueAt(endNode)); } merge.removeEnd(endNode); LoopEndNode loopEnd = graph.add(new LoopEndNode(loopBegin)); endNode.replaceAndDelete(loopEnd); } /* * Insert the LoopExit nodes (the easy part) and compute the FrameState for the new exits * (the difficult part). */ for (AbstractEndNode exit : loop.exits) { AbstractMergeNode loopExplosionMerge = exit.merge(); assert methodScope.loopExplosionMerges.contains(loopExplosionMerge); LoopExitNode loopExit = graph.add(new LoopExitNode(loopBegin)); exit.replaceAtPredecessor(loopExit); loopExit.setNext(exit); assignLoopExitState(loopExit, loopExplosionMerge, exit); } }
During graph decoding, we create a FrameState for every exploded loop iteration. This is mostly the state that we want, we only need to tweak it a little bit: we need to insert the appropriate ProxyNodes for all values that are created inside the loop and that flow out of the loop.
/** * During graph decoding, we create a FrameState for every exploded loop iteration. This is * mostly the state that we want, we only need to tweak it a little bit: we need to insert the * appropriate ProxyNodes for all values that are created inside the loop and that flow out of * the loop. */
private void assignLoopExitState(LoopExitNode loopExit, AbstractMergeNode loopExplosionMerge, AbstractEndNode loopExplosionEnd) { FrameState oldState = loopExplosionMerge.stateAfter(); /* Collect all nodes that are in the FrameState at the LoopBegin. */ EconomicSet<Node> loopBeginValues = EconomicSet.create(Equivalence.IDENTITY); for (FrameState state = loopExit.loopBegin().stateAfter(); state != null; state = state.outerFrameState()) { for (ValueNode value : state.values()) { if (value != null && !value.isConstant() && !loopExit.loopBegin().isPhiAtMerge(value)) { loopBeginValues.add(ProxyPlaceholder.unwrap(value)); } } } List<ValueNode> newValues = new ArrayList<>(oldState.values().size()); for (ValueNode v : oldState.values()) { ValueNode value = v; ValueNode realValue = ProxyPlaceholder.unwrap(value); /* * The LoopExit is inserted before the existing merge, i.e., separately for every branch * that leads to the merge. So for phi functions of the merge, we need to take the input * that corresponds to our branch. */ if (realValue instanceof PhiNode && loopExplosionMerge.isPhiAtMerge(realValue)) { value = ((PhiNode) realValue).valueAt(loopExplosionEnd); realValue = ProxyPlaceholder.unwrap(value); } if (realValue == null || realValue.isConstant() || loopBeginValues.contains(realValue) || !graph.isNew(methodScope.methodStartMark, realValue)) { newValues.add(realValue); } else { /* * The node is not in the FrameState of the LoopBegin, i.e., it is a value computed * inside the loop. */ GraalError.guarantee(value instanceof ProxyPlaceholder && ((ProxyPlaceholder) value).proxyPoint == loopExplosionMerge, "Value flowing out of loop, but we are not prepared to insert a ProxyNode"); ProxyPlaceholder proxyPlaceholder = (ProxyPlaceholder) value; ValueProxyNode proxy = ProxyNode.forValue(proxyPlaceholder.value, loopExit); proxyPlaceholder.setValue(proxy); newValues.add(proxy); } } FrameState newState = new FrameState(oldState.outerFrameState(), oldState.getCode(), oldState.bci, newValues, oldState.localsSize(), oldState.stackSize(), oldState.rethrowException(), oldState.duringCall(), oldState.monitorIds(), oldState.virtualObjectMappings()); assert loopExit.stateAfter() == null; loopExit.setStateAfter(graph.add(newState)); }
Graal does not support irreducible loops (loops with more than one entry point). There are two ways to make them reducible: 1) duplicate nodes (peel a loop iteration starting at the second entry point until we reach the first entry point), or 2) insert a big outer loop covering the whole method and build a state machine for the different loop entry points. Since node duplication can lead to an exponential explosion of nodes in the worst case, we use the second approach. We already did some preparations to insert a big outer loop: MethodScope.loopExplosionHead is the loop header for the outer loop, and we ensured that we have a Loop data object for it in irreducibleLoopHandler. Now we need to insert the state machine. We have several implementation restrictions to make that efficient:
  • There must be only one loop variable, i.e., one value that is different in the FrameState of the different loop headers.
  • The loop variable must use the primitive int type, because Graal only has a switch node for int.
  • The values of the loop variable that are merged are compile time constants.
/** * Graal does not support irreducible loops (loops with more than one entry point). There are * two ways to make them reducible: 1) duplicate nodes (peel a loop iteration starting at the * second entry point until we reach the first entry point), or 2) insert a big outer loop * covering the whole method and build a state machine for the different loop entry points. * Since node duplication can lead to an exponential explosion of nodes in the worst case, we * use the second approach. * * We already did some preparations to insert a big outer loop: * {@link MethodScope#loopExplosionHead} is the loop header for the outer loop, and we ensured * that we have a {@link Loop} data object for it in {@link #irreducibleLoopHandler}. * * Now we need to insert the state machine. We have several implementation restrictions to make * that efficient: * <ul> * <li>There must be only one loop variable, i.e., one value that is different in the * {@link FrameState} of the different loop headers.</li> * <li>The loop variable must use the primitive {@code int} type, because Graal only has a * {@link IntegerSwitchNode switch node} for {@code int}.</li> * <li>The values of the loop variable that are merged are {@link PrimitiveConstant compile time * constants}.</li> * </ul> */
private void handleIrreducibleLoop(Loop loop) { assert loop != irreducibleLoopHandler; FrameState loopState = loop.header.stateAfter(); FrameState explosionHeadState = irreducibleLoopHandler.header.stateAfter(); assert loopState.outerFrameState() == explosionHeadState.outerFrameState(); NodeInputList<ValueNode> loopValues = loopState.values(); NodeInputList<ValueNode> explosionHeadValues = explosionHeadState.values(); assert loopValues.size() == explosionHeadValues.size(); /* * Find the loop variable, and the value of the loop variable for our loop and the outermost * loop. There must be exactly one loop variable. */ int loopVariableIndex = -1; ValueNode loopValue = null; ValueNode explosionHeadValue = null; for (int i = 0; i < loopValues.size(); i++) { ValueNode curLoopValue = loopValues.get(i); ValueNode curExplosionHeadValue = explosionHeadValues.get(i); if (curLoopValue != curExplosionHeadValue) { if (loopVariableIndex != -1) { throw bailout("must have only one variable that is changed in loop. " + loopValue + " != " + explosionHeadValue + " and " + curLoopValue + " != " + curExplosionHeadValue); } loopVariableIndex = i; loopValue = curLoopValue; explosionHeadValue = curExplosionHeadValue; } } assert loopVariableIndex != -1; assert explosionHeadValue != null; ValuePhiNode loopVariablePhi; SortedMap<Integer, AbstractBeginNode> dispatchTable = new TreeMap<>(); AbstractBeginNode unreachableDefaultSuccessor; if (irreducibleLoopSwitch == null) { /* * This is the first irreducible loop. We need to build the initial state machine * (dispatch for the loop header of the outermost loop). */ assert !irreducibleLoopHandler.header.isPhiAtMerge(explosionHeadValue); assert irreducibleLoopHandler.header.phis().isEmpty(); /* The new phi function for the loop variable. */ loopVariablePhi = graph.addWithoutUnique(new ValuePhiNode(explosionHeadValue.stamp(NodeView.DEFAULT).unrestricted(), irreducibleLoopHandler.header)); for (int i = 0; i < irreducibleLoopHandler.header.phiPredecessorCount(); i++) { loopVariablePhi.addInput(explosionHeadValue); } /* * Build the new FrameState for the loop header. There is only once change in comparison * to the old FrameState: the loop variable is replaced with the phi function. */ FrameState oldFrameState = explosionHeadState; List<ValueNode> newFrameStateValues = new ArrayList<>(explosionHeadValues.size()); for (int i = 0; i < explosionHeadValues.size(); i++) { if (i == loopVariableIndex) { newFrameStateValues.add(loopVariablePhi); } else { newFrameStateValues.add(explosionHeadValues.get(i)); } } FrameState newFrameState = graph.add( new FrameState(oldFrameState.outerFrameState(), oldFrameState.getCode(), oldFrameState.bci, newFrameStateValues, oldFrameState.localsSize(), oldFrameState.stackSize(), oldFrameState.rethrowException(), oldFrameState.duringCall(), oldFrameState.monitorIds(), oldFrameState.virtualObjectMappings())); oldFrameState.replaceAtUsages(newFrameState); /* * Disconnect the outermost loop header from its loop body, so that we can later on * insert the switch node. Collect dispatch information for the outermost loop. */ FixedNode handlerNext = irreducibleLoopHandler.header.next(); irreducibleLoopHandler.header.setNext(null); BeginNode handlerBegin = graph.add(new BeginNode()); handlerBegin.setNext(handlerNext); dispatchTable.put(asInt(explosionHeadValue), handlerBegin); /* * We know that there will always be a matching key in the switch. But Graal always * wants a default successor, so we build a dummy block that just deoptimizes. */ unreachableDefaultSuccessor = graph.add(new BeginNode()); DeoptimizeNode deopt = graph.add(new DeoptimizeNode(DeoptimizationAction.InvalidateRecompile, DeoptimizationReason.UnreachedCode)); unreachableDefaultSuccessor.setNext(deopt); } else { /* * This is the second or a subsequent irreducible loop, i.e., we already inserted a * switch node before. We re-create the dispatch state machine of that switch, so that * we can extend it with one more branch. */ assert irreducibleLoopHandler.header.isPhiAtMerge(explosionHeadValue); assert irreducibleLoopHandler.header.phis().count() == 1 && irreducibleLoopHandler.header.phis().first() == explosionHeadValue; assert irreducibleLoopSwitch.value() == explosionHeadValue; /* We can modify the phi function used by the old switch node. */ loopVariablePhi = (ValuePhiNode) explosionHeadValue; /* * We cannot modify the old switch node. Insert all information from the old switch node * into our temporary data structures for the new, larger, switch node. */ for (int i = 0; i < irreducibleLoopSwitch.keyCount(); i++) { int key = irreducibleLoopSwitch.keyAt(i).asInt(); dispatchTable.put(key, irreducibleLoopSwitch.successorAtKey(key)); } unreachableDefaultSuccessor = irreducibleLoopSwitch.defaultSuccessor(); /* Unlink and delete the old switch node, we do not need it anymore. */ assert irreducibleLoopHandler.header.next() == irreducibleLoopSwitch; irreducibleLoopHandler.header.setNext(null); irreducibleLoopSwitch.clearSuccessors(); irreducibleLoopSwitch.safeDelete(); } /* Insert our loop into the dispatch state machine. */ assert loop.header.phis().isEmpty(); BeginNode dispatchBegin = graph.add(new BeginNode()); EndNode dispatchEnd = graph.add(new EndNode()); dispatchBegin.setNext(dispatchEnd); loop.header.addForwardEnd(dispatchEnd); int intLoopValue = asInt(loopValue); assert !dispatchTable.containsKey(intLoopValue); dispatchTable.put(intLoopValue, dispatchBegin); /* Disconnect the ends of our loop and re-connect them to the outermost loop header. */ for (EndNode end : loop.ends) { loop.header.removeEnd(end); irreducibleLoopHandler.ends.add(end); irreducibleLoopHandler.header.addForwardEnd(end); loopVariablePhi.addInput(loopValue); } /* Build and insert the switch node. */ irreducibleLoopSwitch = graph.add(createSwitch(loopVariablePhi, dispatchTable, unreachableDefaultSuccessor)); irreducibleLoopHandler.header.setNext(irreducibleLoopSwitch); } private static int asInt(ValueNode node) { if (!node.isConstant() || node.asJavaConstant().getJavaKind() != JavaKind.Int) { throw bailout("must have a loop variable of type int. " + node); } return node.asJavaConstant().asInt(); } private static RuntimeException bailout(String msg) { throw new PermanentBailoutException("Graal implementation restriction: Method with %s loop explosion %s", LoopExplosionKind.MERGE_EXPLODE, msg); } private static IntegerSwitchNode createSwitch(ValuePhiNode switchedValue, SortedMap<Integer, AbstractBeginNode> dispatchTable, AbstractBeginNode defaultSuccessor) { int numKeys = dispatchTable.size(); int numSuccessors = numKeys + 1; AbstractBeginNode[] switchSuccessors = new AbstractBeginNode[numSuccessors]; int[] switchKeys = new int[numKeys]; double[] switchKeyProbabilities = new double[numSuccessors]; int[] switchKeySuccessors = new int[numSuccessors]; int idx = 0; for (Map.Entry<Integer, AbstractBeginNode> entry : dispatchTable.entrySet()) { switchSuccessors[idx] = entry.getValue(); switchKeys[idx] = entry.getKey(); switchKeyProbabilities[idx] = 1d / numKeys; switchKeySuccessors[idx] = idx; idx++; } switchSuccessors[idx] = defaultSuccessor; /* We know the default branch is never going to be executed. */ switchKeyProbabilities[idx] = 0; switchKeySuccessors[idx] = idx; return new IntegerSwitchNode(switchedValue, switchSuccessors, switchKeys, switchKeyProbabilities, switchKeySuccessors); }
Print information about irreducible loops, when enabled with -Dgraal.Log=IrreducibleLoops.
/** * Print information about irreducible loops, when enabled with -Dgraal.Log=IrreducibleLoops. */
@SuppressWarnings("try") private void logIrreducibleLoops() { DebugContext debug = graph.getDebug(); try (DebugContext.Scope s = debug.scope("IrreducibleLoops")) { if (debug.isLogEnabled(DebugContext.BASIC_LEVEL) && irreducibleLoopSwitch != null) { StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder("Inserted state machine to remove irreducible loops. Dispatching to the following states: "); String sep = ""; for (int i = 0; i < irreducibleLoopSwitch.keyCount(); i++) { msg.append(sep).append(irreducibleLoopSwitch.keyAt(i).asInt()); sep = ", "; } debug.log(DebugContext.BASIC_LEVEL, "%s", msg); } } } }