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package com.sun.jndi.ldap;

import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Arrays; // JDK 1.2
import java.io.OutputStream;
import javax.naming.ldap.Control;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import javax.net.SocketFactory;

Represents identity information about an anonymous LDAP connection. This base class contains the following information: - protocol version number - server's hostname (case-insensitive) - server's port number - prototype type (plain or ssl) - controls to be sent with the LDAP bind request All other identity classes must be a subclass of ClientId. Identity subclasses would add more distinguishing information, depending on the type of authentication that the connection is to have. The equals() and hashCode() methods of this class and its subclasses are important because they are used to determine whether two requests for the same connection are identical, and thus whether the same connection may be shared. This is especially important for authenticated connections because a mistake would result in a serious security violation.
Author:Rosanna Lee
/** * Represents identity information about an anonymous LDAP connection. * This base class contains the following information: * - protocol version number * - server's hostname (case-insensitive) * - server's port number * - prototype type (plain or ssl) * - controls to be sent with the LDAP bind request * * All other identity classes must be a subclass of ClientId. * Identity subclasses would add more distinguishing information, depending * on the type of authentication that the connection is to have. * * The equals() and hashCode() methods of this class and its subclasses are * important because they are used to determine whether two requests for * the same connection are identical, and thus whether the same connection * may be shared. This is especially important for authenticated connections * because a mistake would result in a serious security violation. * * @author Rosanna Lee */
class ClientId { final private int version; final private String hostname; final private int port; final private String protocol; final private Control[] bindCtls; final private OutputStream trace; final private String socketFactory; final private int myHash; final private int ctlHash; private SocketFactory factory = null; private Method sockComparator = null; private boolean isDefaultSockFactory = false; final public static boolean debug = false; ClientId(int version, String hostname, int port, String protocol, Control[] bindCtls, OutputStream trace, String socketFactory) { this.version = version; this.hostname = hostname.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); // ignore case this.port = port; this.protocol = protocol; this.bindCtls = (bindCtls != null ? bindCtls.clone() : null); this.trace = trace; // // Needed for custom socket factory pooling // this.socketFactory = socketFactory; if ((socketFactory != null) && !socketFactory.equals(LdapCtx.DEFAULT_SSL_FACTORY)) { try { Class<?> socketFactoryClass = Obj.helper.loadClass(socketFactory); this.sockComparator = socketFactoryClass.getMethod( "compare", new Class<?>[]{Object.class, Object.class}); Method getDefault = socketFactoryClass.getMethod( "getDefault", new Class<?>[]{}); this.factory = (SocketFactory)getDefault.invoke(null, new Object[]{}); } catch (Exception e) { // Ignore it here, the same exceptions are/will be handled by // LdapPoolManager and Connection classes. if (debug) { System.out.println("ClientId received an exception"); e.printStackTrace(); } } } else { isDefaultSockFactory = true; } // The SocketFactory field is not used in the myHash // computation as there is no right way to compute the hash code // for this field. There is no harm in skipping it from the hash // computation myHash = version + port + (trace != null ? trace.hashCode() : 0) + (this.hostname != null ? this.hostname.hashCode() : 0) + (protocol != null ? protocol.hashCode() : 0) + (ctlHash=hashCodeControls(bindCtls)); } public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof ClientId)) { return false; } ClientId other = (ClientId)obj; return myHash == other.myHash && version == other.version && port == other.port && trace == other.trace && (hostname == other.hostname // null OK || (hostname != null && hostname.equals(other.hostname))) && (protocol == other.protocol // null OK || (protocol != null && protocol.equals(other.protocol))) && ctlHash == other.ctlHash && (equalsControls(bindCtls, other.bindCtls)) && (equalsSockFactory(other)); } public int hashCode() { return myHash; } private static int hashCodeControls(Control[] c) { if (c == null) { return 0; } int code = 0; for (int i = 0; i < c.length; i++) { code = code * 31 + c[i].getID().hashCode(); } return code; } private static boolean equalsControls(Control[] a, Control[] b) { if (a == b) { return true; // both null or same } if (a == null || b == null) { return false; // one is non-null } if (a.length != b.length) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { if (!a[i].getID().equals(b[i].getID()) || a[i].isCritical() != b[i].isCritical() || !Arrays.equals(a[i].getEncodedValue(), b[i].getEncodedValue())) { return false; } } return true; } private boolean equalsSockFactory(ClientId other) { if (this.isDefaultSockFactory && other.isDefaultSockFactory) { return true; } else if (!other.isDefaultSockFactory) { return invokeComparator(other, this); } else { return invokeComparator(this, other); } } // delegate the comparison work to the SocketFactory class // as there is no enough information here, to do the comparison private boolean invokeComparator(ClientId c1, ClientId c2) { Object ret; try { ret = (c1.sockComparator).invoke( c1.factory, c1.socketFactory, c2.socketFactory); } catch(Exception e) { if (debug) { System.out.println("ClientId received an exception"); e.printStackTrace(); } // Failed to invoke the comparator; flag inequality return false; } if (((Integer) ret) == 0) { return true; } return false; } private static String toStringControls(Control[] ctls) { if (ctls == null) { return ""; } StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < ctls.length; i++) { str.append(ctls[i].getID()); str.append(' '); } return str.toString(); } public String toString() { return (hostname + ":" + port + ":" + (protocol != null ? protocol : "") + ":" + toStringControls(bindCtls) + ":" + socketFactory); } }