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package sun.security.x509;

import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.security.AccessController;
import java.text.Normalizer;
import java.util.*;

import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;

import sun.security.action.GetBooleanAction;
import sun.security.util.*;
import sun.security.pkcs.PKCS9Attribute;

X.500 Attribute-Value-Assertion (AVA): an attribute, as identified by some attribute ID, has some particular value. Values are as a rule ASN.1 printable strings. A conventional set of type IDs is recognized when parsing (and generating) RFC 1779, 2253 or 4514 syntax strings.

AVAs are components of X.500 relative names. Think of them as being individual fields of a database record. The attribute ID is how you identify the field, and the value is part of a particular record.

Note that instances of this class are immutable.

Author:David Brownell, Amit Kapoor, Hemma Prafullchandra
See Also:
/** * X.500 Attribute-Value-Assertion (AVA): an attribute, as identified by * some attribute ID, has some particular value. Values are as a rule ASN.1 * printable strings. A conventional set of type IDs is recognized when * parsing (and generating) RFC 1779, 2253 or 4514 syntax strings. * * <P>AVAs are components of X.500 relative names. Think of them as being * individual fields of a database record. The attribute ID is how you * identify the field, and the value is part of a particular record. * <p> * Note that instances of this class are immutable. * * @see X500Name * @see RDN * * * @author David Brownell * @author Amit Kapoor * @author Hemma Prafullchandra */
public class AVA implements DerEncoder { private static final Debug debug = Debug.getInstance("x509", "\t[AVA]"); // See CR 6391482: if enabled this flag preserves the old but incorrect // PrintableString encoding for DomainComponent. It may need to be set to // avoid breaking preexisting certificates generated with sun.security APIs. private static final boolean PRESERVE_OLD_DC_ENCODING = GetBooleanAction .privilegedGetProperty("com.sun.security.preserveOldDCEncoding");
DEFAULT format allows both RFC1779 and RFC2253 syntax and additional keywords.
/** * DEFAULT format allows both RFC1779 and RFC2253 syntax and * additional keywords. */
static final int DEFAULT = 1;
RFC1779 specifies format according to RFC1779.
/** * RFC1779 specifies format according to RFC1779. */
static final int RFC1779 = 2;
RFC2253 specifies format according to RFC2253.
/** * RFC2253 specifies format according to RFC2253. */
static final int RFC2253 = 3; // currently not private, accessed directly from RDN final ObjectIdentifier oid; final DerValue value; /* * If the value has any of these characters in it, it must be quoted. * Backslash and quote characters must also be individually escaped. * Leading and trailing spaces, also multiple internal spaces, also * call for quoting the whole string. */ private static final String specialChars1779 = ",=\n+<>#;\\\""; /* * In RFC2253, if the value has any of these characters in it, it * must be quoted by a preceding \. */ private static final String specialChars2253 = ",=+<>#;\\\""; /* * includes special chars from RFC1779 and RFC2253, as well as ' ' from * RFC 4514. */ private static final String specialCharsDefault = ",=\n+<>#;\\\" "; private static final String escapedDefault = ",+<>;\""; /* * Values that aren't printable strings are emitted as BER-encoded * hex data. */ private static final String hexDigits = "0123456789ABCDEF"; public AVA(ObjectIdentifier type, DerValue val) { if ((type == null) || (val == null)) { throw new NullPointerException(); } oid = type; value = val; }
Parse an RFC 1779, 2253 or 4514 style AVA string: CN=fee fie foe fum or perhaps with quotes. Not all defined AVA tags are supported; of current note are X.400 related ones (PRMD, ADMD, etc). This terminates at unescaped AVA separators ("+") or RDN separators (",", ";"), and removes cosmetic whitespace at the end of values.
/** * Parse an RFC 1779, 2253 or 4514 style AVA string: CN=fee fie foe fum * or perhaps with quotes. Not all defined AVA tags are supported; * of current note are X.400 related ones (PRMD, ADMD, etc). * * This terminates at unescaped AVA separators ("+") or RDN * separators (",", ";"), and removes cosmetic whitespace at the end of * values. */
AVA(Reader in) throws IOException { this(in, DEFAULT); }
Parse an RFC 1779, 2253 or 4514 style AVA string: CN=fee fie foe fum or perhaps with quotes. Additional keywords can be specified in the keyword/OID map. This terminates at unescaped AVA separators ("+") or RDN separators (",", ";"), and removes cosmetic whitespace at the end of values.
/** * Parse an RFC 1779, 2253 or 4514 style AVA string: CN=fee fie foe fum * or perhaps with quotes. Additional keywords can be specified in the * keyword/OID map. * * This terminates at unescaped AVA separators ("+") or RDN * separators (",", ";"), and removes cosmetic whitespace at the end of * values. */
AVA(Reader in, Map<String, String> keywordMap) throws IOException { this(in, DEFAULT, keywordMap); }
Parse an AVA string formatted according to format.
/** * Parse an AVA string formatted according to format. */
AVA(Reader in, int format) throws IOException { this(in, format, Collections.<String, String>emptyMap()); }
Parse an AVA string formatted according to format.
  • in – Reader containing AVA String
  • format – parsing format
  • keywordMap – a Map where a keyword String maps to a corresponding OID String. Each AVA keyword will be mapped to the corresponding OID. If an entry does not exist, it will fallback to the builtin keyword/OID mapping.
  • IOException – if the AVA String is not valid in the specified format or an OID String from the keywordMap is improperly formatted
/** * Parse an AVA string formatted according to format. * * @param in Reader containing AVA String * @param format parsing format * @param keywordMap a Map where a keyword String maps to a corresponding * OID String. Each AVA keyword will be mapped to the corresponding OID. * If an entry does not exist, it will fallback to the builtin * keyword/OID mapping. * @throws IOException if the AVA String is not valid in the specified * format or an OID String from the keywordMap is improperly formatted */
AVA(Reader in, int format, Map<String, String> keywordMap) throws IOException { // assume format is one of DEFAULT or RFC2253 StringBuilder temp = new StringBuilder(); int c; /* * First get the keyword indicating the attribute's type, * and map it to the appropriate OID. */ while (true) { c = readChar(in, "Incorrect AVA format"); if (c == '=') { break; } temp.append((char)c); } oid = AVAKeyword.getOID(temp.toString(), format, keywordMap); /* * Now parse the value. "#hex", a quoted string, or a string * terminated by "+", ",", ";". Whitespace before or after * the value is stripped away unless format is RFC2253. */ temp.setLength(0); if (format == RFC2253) { // read next character c = in.read(); if (c == ' ') { throw new IOException("Incorrect AVA RFC2253 format - " + "leading space must be escaped"); } } else { // read next character skipping whitespace do { c = in.read(); } while ((c == ' ') || (c == '\n')); } if (c == -1) { // empty value value = new DerValue(""); return; } if (c == '#') { value = parseHexString(in, format); } else if ((c == '"') && (format != RFC2253)) { value = parseQuotedString(in, temp); } else { value = parseString(in, c, format, temp); } }
Get the ObjectIdentifier of this AVA.
/** * Get the ObjectIdentifier of this AVA. */
public ObjectIdentifier getObjectIdentifier() { return oid; }
Get the value of this AVA as a DerValue.
/** * Get the value of this AVA as a DerValue. */
public DerValue getDerValue() { return value; }
Get the value of this AVA as a String.
  • RuntimeException – if we could not obtain the string form (should not occur)
/** * Get the value of this AVA as a String. * * @exception RuntimeException if we could not obtain the string form * (should not occur) */
public String getValueString() { try { String s = value.getAsString(); if (s == null) { throw new RuntimeException("AVA string is null"); } return s; } catch (IOException e) { // should not occur throw new RuntimeException("AVA error: " + e, e); } } private static DerValue parseHexString (Reader in, int format) throws IOException { int c; ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); byte b = 0; int cNdx = 0; while (true) { c = in.read(); if (isTerminator(c, format)) { break; } int cVal = hexDigits.indexOf(Character.toUpperCase((char)c)); if (cVal == -1) { throw new IOException("AVA parse, invalid hex " + "digit: "+ (char)c); } if ((cNdx % 2) == 1) { b = (byte)((b * 16) + (byte)(cVal)); baos.write(b); } else { b = (byte)(cVal); } cNdx++; } // throw exception if no hex digits if (cNdx == 0) { throw new IOException("AVA parse, zero hex digits"); } // throw exception if odd number of hex digits if (cNdx % 2 == 1) { throw new IOException("AVA parse, odd number of hex digits"); } return new DerValue(baos.toByteArray()); } private DerValue parseQuotedString (Reader in, StringBuilder temp) throws IOException { // RFC1779 specifies that an entire RDN may be enclosed in double // quotes. In this case the syntax is any sequence of // backslash-specialChar, backslash-backslash, // backslash-doublequote, or character other than backslash or // doublequote. int c = readChar(in, "Quoted string did not end in quote"); List<Byte> embeddedHex = new ArrayList<>(); boolean isPrintableString = true; while (c != '"') { if (c == '\\') { c = readChar(in, "Quoted string did not end in quote"); // check for embedded hex pairs Byte hexByte = null; if ((hexByte = getEmbeddedHexPair(c, in)) != null) { // always encode AVAs with embedded hex as UTF8 isPrintableString = false; // append consecutive embedded hex // as single string later embeddedHex.add(hexByte); c = in.read(); continue; } if (specialChars1779.indexOf((char)c) < 0) { throw new IOException ("Invalid escaped character in AVA: " + (char)c); } } // add embedded hex bytes before next char if (embeddedHex.size() > 0) { String hexString = getEmbeddedHexString(embeddedHex); temp.append(hexString); embeddedHex.clear(); } // check for non-PrintableString chars isPrintableString &= DerValue.isPrintableStringChar((char)c); temp.append((char)c); c = readChar(in, "Quoted string did not end in quote"); } // add trailing embedded hex bytes if (embeddedHex.size() > 0) { String hexString = getEmbeddedHexString(embeddedHex); temp.append(hexString); embeddedHex.clear(); } do { c = in.read(); } while ((c == '\n') || (c == ' ')); if (c != -1) { throw new IOException("AVA had characters other than " + "whitespace after terminating quote"); } // encode as PrintableString unless value contains // non-PrintableString chars if (this.oid.equals(PKCS9Attribute.EMAIL_ADDRESS_OID) || (this.oid.equals(X500Name.DOMAIN_COMPONENT_OID) && PRESERVE_OLD_DC_ENCODING == false)) { // EmailAddress and DomainComponent must be IA5String return new DerValue(DerValue.tag_IA5String, temp.toString().trim()); } else if (isPrintableString) { return new DerValue(temp.toString().trim()); } else { return new DerValue(DerValue.tag_UTF8String, temp.toString().trim()); } } private DerValue parseString (Reader in, int c, int format, StringBuilder temp) throws IOException { List<Byte> embeddedHex = new ArrayList<>(); boolean isPrintableString = true; boolean escape = false; boolean leadingChar = true; int spaceCount = 0; do { escape = false; if (c == '\\') { escape = true; c = readChar(in, "Invalid trailing backslash"); // check for embedded hex pairs Byte hexByte = null; if ((hexByte = getEmbeddedHexPair(c, in)) != null) { // always encode AVAs with embedded hex as UTF8 isPrintableString = false; // append consecutive embedded hex // as single string later embeddedHex.add(hexByte); c = in.read(); leadingChar = false; continue; } // check if character was improperly escaped if (format == DEFAULT && specialCharsDefault.indexOf((char)c) == -1) { throw new IOException ("Invalid escaped character in AVA: '" + (char)c + "'"); } else if (format == RFC2253) { if (c == ' ') { // only leading/trailing space can be escaped if (!leadingChar && !trailingSpace(in)) { throw new IOException ("Invalid escaped space character " + "in AVA. Only a leading or trailing " + "space character can be escaped."); } } else if (c == '#') { // only leading '#' can be escaped if (!leadingChar) { throw new IOException ("Invalid escaped '#' character in AVA. " + "Only a leading '#' can be escaped."); } } else if (specialChars2253.indexOf((char)c) == -1) { throw new IOException ("Invalid escaped character in AVA: '" + (char)c + "'"); } } } else { // check if character should have been escaped if (format == RFC2253) { if (specialChars2253.indexOf((char)c) != -1) { throw new IOException ("Character '" + (char)c + "' in AVA appears without escape"); } } else if (escapedDefault.indexOf((char)c) != -1) { throw new IOException ("Character '" + (char)c + "' in AVA appears without escape"); } } // add embedded hex bytes before next char if (embeddedHex.size() > 0) { // add space(s) before embedded hex bytes for (int i = 0; i < spaceCount; i++) { temp.append(' '); } spaceCount = 0; String hexString = getEmbeddedHexString(embeddedHex); temp.append(hexString); embeddedHex.clear(); } // check for non-PrintableString chars isPrintableString &= DerValue.isPrintableStringChar((char)c); if (c == ' ' && escape == false) { // do not add non-escaped spaces yet // (non-escaped trailing spaces are ignored) spaceCount++; } else { // add space(s) for (int i = 0; i < spaceCount; i++) { temp.append(' '); } spaceCount = 0; temp.append((char)c); } c = in.read(); leadingChar = false; } while (isTerminator(c, format) == false); if (format == RFC2253 && spaceCount > 0) { throw new IOException("Incorrect AVA RFC2253 format - " + "trailing space must be escaped"); } // add trailing embedded hex bytes if (embeddedHex.size() > 0) { String hexString = getEmbeddedHexString(embeddedHex); temp.append(hexString); embeddedHex.clear(); } // encode as PrintableString unless value contains // non-PrintableString chars if (this.oid.equals(PKCS9Attribute.EMAIL_ADDRESS_OID) || (this.oid.equals(X500Name.DOMAIN_COMPONENT_OID) && PRESERVE_OLD_DC_ENCODING == false)) { // EmailAddress and DomainComponent must be IA5String return new DerValue(DerValue.tag_IA5String, temp.toString()); } else if (isPrintableString) { return new DerValue(temp.toString()); } else { return new DerValue(DerValue.tag_UTF8String, temp.toString()); } } private static Byte getEmbeddedHexPair(int c1, Reader in) throws IOException { if (hexDigits.indexOf(Character.toUpperCase((char)c1)) >= 0) { int c2 = readChar(in, "unexpected EOF - " + "escaped hex value must include two valid digits"); if (hexDigits.indexOf(Character.toUpperCase((char)c2)) >= 0) { int hi = Character.digit((char)c1, 16); int lo = Character.digit((char)c2, 16); return (byte)((hi<<4) + lo); } else { throw new IOException ("escaped hex value must include two valid digits"); } } return null; } private static String getEmbeddedHexString(List<Byte> hexList) { int n = hexList.size(); byte[] hexBytes = new byte[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { hexBytes[i] = hexList.get(i).byteValue(); } return new String(hexBytes, UTF_8); } private static boolean isTerminator(int ch, int format) { switch (ch) { case -1: case '+': case ',': return true; case ';': return format != RFC2253; default: return false; } } private static int readChar(Reader in, String errMsg) throws IOException { int c = in.read(); if (c == -1) { throw new IOException(errMsg); } return c; } private static boolean trailingSpace(Reader in) throws IOException { boolean trailing = false; if (!in.markSupported()) { // oh well return true; } else { // make readAheadLimit huge - // in practice, AVA was passed a StringReader from X500Name, // and StringReader ignores readAheadLimit anyways in.mark(9999); while (true) { int nextChar = in.read(); if (nextChar == -1) { trailing = true; break; } else if (nextChar == ' ') { continue; } else if (nextChar == '\\') { int followingChar = in.read(); if (followingChar != ' ') { trailing = false; break; } } else { trailing = false; break; } } in.reset(); return trailing; } } AVA(DerValue derval) throws IOException { // Individual attribute value assertions are SEQUENCE of two values. // That'd be a "struct" outside of ASN.1. if (derval.tag != DerValue.tag_Sequence) { throw new IOException("AVA not a sequence"); } oid = derval.data.getOID(); value = derval.data.getDerValue(); if (derval.data.available() != 0) { throw new IOException("AVA, extra bytes = " + derval.data.available()); } } AVA(DerInputStream in) throws IOException { this(in.getDerValue()); } public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj instanceof AVA == false) { return false; } AVA other = (AVA)obj; return this.toRFC2253CanonicalString().equals (other.toRFC2253CanonicalString()); }
Returns a hashcode for this AVA.
Returns:a hashcode for this AVA.
/** * Returns a hashcode for this AVA. * * @return a hashcode for this AVA. */
public int hashCode() { return toRFC2253CanonicalString().hashCode(); } /* * AVAs are encoded as a SEQUENCE of two elements. */ public void encode(DerOutputStream out) throws IOException { derEncode(out); }
DER encode this object onto an output stream. Implements the DerEncoder interface.
  • out – the output stream on which to write the DER encoding.
/** * DER encode this object onto an output stream. * Implements the <code>DerEncoder</code> interface. * * @param out * the output stream on which to write the DER encoding. * * @exception IOException on encoding error. */
public void derEncode(OutputStream out) throws IOException { DerOutputStream tmp = new DerOutputStream(); DerOutputStream tmp2 = new DerOutputStream(); tmp.putOID(oid); value.encode(tmp); tmp2.write(DerValue.tag_Sequence, tmp); out.write(tmp2.toByteArray()); } private String toKeyword(int format, Map<String, String> oidMap) { return AVAKeyword.getKeyword(oid, format, oidMap); }
Returns a printable form of this attribute, using RFC 1779 syntax for individual attribute/value assertions.
/** * Returns a printable form of this attribute, using RFC 1779 * syntax for individual attribute/value assertions. */
public String toString() { return toKeywordValueString (toKeyword(DEFAULT, Collections.<String, String>emptyMap())); }
Returns a printable form of this attribute, using RFC 1779 syntax for individual attribute/value assertions. It only emits standardised keywords.
/** * Returns a printable form of this attribute, using RFC 1779 * syntax for individual attribute/value assertions. It only * emits standardised keywords. */
public String toRFC1779String() { return toRFC1779String(Collections.<String, String>emptyMap()); }
Returns a printable form of this attribute, using RFC 1779 syntax for individual attribute/value assertions. It emits standardised keywords, as well as keywords contained in the OID/keyword map.
/** * Returns a printable form of this attribute, using RFC 1779 * syntax for individual attribute/value assertions. It * emits standardised keywords, as well as keywords contained in the * OID/keyword map. */
public String toRFC1779String(Map<String, String> oidMap) { return toKeywordValueString(toKeyword(RFC1779, oidMap)); }
Returns a printable form of this attribute, using RFC 2253 syntax for individual attribute/value assertions. It only emits standardised keywords.
/** * Returns a printable form of this attribute, using RFC 2253 * syntax for individual attribute/value assertions. It only * emits standardised keywords. */
public String toRFC2253String() { return toRFC2253String(Collections.<String, String>emptyMap()); }
Returns a printable form of this attribute, using RFC 2253 syntax for individual attribute/value assertions. It emits standardised keywords, as well as keywords contained in the OID/keyword map.
/** * Returns a printable form of this attribute, using RFC 2253 * syntax for individual attribute/value assertions. It * emits standardised keywords, as well as keywords contained in the * OID/keyword map. */
public String toRFC2253String(Map<String, String> oidMap) { /* * Section 2.3: The AttributeTypeAndValue is encoded as the string * representation of the AttributeType, followed by an equals character * ('=' ASCII 61), followed by the string representation of the * AttributeValue. The encoding of the AttributeValue is given in * section 2.4. */ StringBuilder typeAndValue = new StringBuilder(100); typeAndValue.append(toKeyword(RFC2253, oidMap)); typeAndValue.append('='); /* * Section 2.4: Converting an AttributeValue from ASN.1 to a String. * If the AttributeValue is of a type which does not have a string * representation defined for it, then it is simply encoded as an * octothorpe character ('#' ASCII 35) followed by the hexadecimal * representation of each of the bytes of the BER encoding of the X.500 * AttributeValue. This form SHOULD be used if the AttributeType is of * the dotted-decimal form. */ if ((typeAndValue.charAt(0) >= '0' && typeAndValue.charAt(0) <= '9') || !isDerString(value, false)) { byte[] data = null; try { data = value.toByteArray(); } catch (IOException ie) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("DER Value conversion"); } typeAndValue.append('#'); for (int j = 0; j < data.length; j++) { byte b = data[j]; typeAndValue.append(Character.forDigit(0xF & (b >>> 4), 16)); typeAndValue.append(Character.forDigit(0xF & b, 16)); } } else { /* * 2.4 (cont): Otherwise, if the AttributeValue is of a type which * has a string representation, the value is converted first to a * UTF-8 string according to its syntax specification. * * NOTE: this implementation only emits DirectoryStrings of the * types returned by isDerString(). */ String valStr = null; try { valStr = new String(value.getDataBytes(), UTF_8); } catch (IOException ie) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("DER Value conversion"); } /* * 2.4 (cont): If the UTF-8 string does not have any of the * following characters which need escaping, then that string can be * used as the string representation of the value. * * o a space or "#" character occurring at the beginning of the * string * o a space character occurring at the end of the string * o one of the characters ",", "+", """, "\", "<", ">" or ";" * * Implementations MAY escape other characters. * * NOTE: this implementation also recognizes "=" and "#" as * characters which need escaping, and null which is escaped as * '\00' (see RFC 4514). * * If a character to be escaped is one of the list shown above, then * it is prefixed by a backslash ('\' ASCII 92). * * Otherwise the character to be escaped is replaced by a backslash * and two hex digits, which form a single byte in the code of the * character. */ final String escapees = ",=+<>#;\"\\"; StringBuilder sbuffer = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < valStr.length(); i++) { char c = valStr.charAt(i); if (DerValue.isPrintableStringChar(c) || escapees.indexOf(c) >= 0) { // escape escapees if (escapees.indexOf(c) >= 0) { sbuffer.append('\\'); } // append printable/escaped char sbuffer.append(c); } else if (c == '\u0000') { // escape null character sbuffer.append("\\00"); } else if (debug != null && Debug.isOn("ava")) { // embed non-printable/non-escaped char // as escaped hex pairs for debugging byte[] valueBytes = Character.toString(c).getBytes(UTF_8); for (int j = 0; j < valueBytes.length; j++) { sbuffer.append('\\'); char hexChar = Character.forDigit (0xF & (valueBytes[j] >>> 4), 16); sbuffer.append(Character.toUpperCase(hexChar)); hexChar = Character.forDigit (0xF & (valueBytes[j]), 16); sbuffer.append(Character.toUpperCase(hexChar)); } } else { // append non-printable/non-escaped char sbuffer.append(c); } } char[] chars = sbuffer.toString().toCharArray(); sbuffer = new StringBuilder(); // Find leading and trailing whitespace. int lead; // index of first char that is not leading whitespace for (lead = 0; lead < chars.length; lead++) { if (chars[lead] != ' ' && chars[lead] != '\r') { break; } } int trail; // index of last char that is not trailing whitespace for (trail = chars.length - 1; trail >= 0; trail--) { if (chars[trail] != ' ' && chars[trail] != '\r') { break; } } // escape leading and trailing whitespace for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) { char c = chars[i]; if (i < lead || i > trail) { sbuffer.append('\\'); } sbuffer.append(c); } typeAndValue.append(sbuffer); } return typeAndValue.toString(); } public String toRFC2253CanonicalString() { /* * Section 2.3: The AttributeTypeAndValue is encoded as the string * representation of the AttributeType, followed by an equals character * ('=' ASCII 61), followed by the string representation of the * AttributeValue. The encoding of the AttributeValue is given in * section 2.4. */ StringBuilder typeAndValue = new StringBuilder(40); typeAndValue.append (toKeyword(RFC2253, Collections.<String, String>emptyMap())); typeAndValue.append('='); /* * Section 2.4: Converting an AttributeValue from ASN.1 to a String. * If the AttributeValue is of a type which does not have a string * representation defined for it, then it is simply encoded as an * octothorpe character ('#' ASCII 35) followed by the hexadecimal * representation of each of the bytes of the BER encoding of the X.500 * AttributeValue. This form SHOULD be used if the AttributeType is of * the dotted-decimal form. */ if ((typeAndValue.charAt(0) >= '0' && typeAndValue.charAt(0) <= '9') || !isDerString(value, true)) { byte[] data = null; try { data = value.toByteArray(); } catch (IOException ie) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("DER Value conversion"); } typeAndValue.append('#'); for (int j = 0; j < data.length; j++) { byte b = data[j]; typeAndValue.append(Character.forDigit(0xF & (b >>> 4), 16)); typeAndValue.append(Character.forDigit(0xF & b, 16)); } } else { /* * 2.4 (cont): Otherwise, if the AttributeValue is of a type which * has a string representation, the value is converted first to a * UTF-8 string according to its syntax specification. * * NOTE: this implementation only emits DirectoryStrings of the * types returned by isDerString(). */ String valStr = null; try { valStr = new String(value.getDataBytes(), UTF_8); } catch (IOException ie) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("DER Value conversion"); } /* * 2.4 (cont): If the UTF-8 string does not have any of the * following characters which need escaping, then that string can be * used as the string representation of the value. * * o a space or "#" character occurring at the beginning of the * string * o a space character occurring at the end of the string * * o one of the characters ",", "+", """, "\", "<", ">" or ";" * * If a character to be escaped is one of the list shown above, then * it is prefixed by a backslash ('\' ASCII 92). * * Otherwise the character to be escaped is replaced by a backslash * and two hex digits, which form a single byte in the code of the * character. */ final String escapees = ",+<>;\"\\"; StringBuilder sbuffer = new StringBuilder(); boolean previousWhite = false; for (int i = 0; i < valStr.length(); i++) { char c = valStr.charAt(i); if (DerValue.isPrintableStringChar(c) || escapees.indexOf(c) >= 0 || (i == 0 && c == '#')) { // escape leading '#' and escapees if ((i == 0 && c == '#') || escapees.indexOf(c) >= 0) { sbuffer.append('\\'); } // convert multiple whitespace to single whitespace if (!Character.isWhitespace(c)) { previousWhite = false; sbuffer.append(c); } else { if (previousWhite == false) { // add single whitespace previousWhite = true; sbuffer.append(c); } else { // ignore subsequent consecutive whitespace continue; } } } else if (debug != null && Debug.isOn("ava")) { // embed non-printable/non-escaped char // as escaped hex pairs for debugging previousWhite = false; byte[] valueBytes = Character.toString(c).getBytes(UTF_8); for (int j = 0; j < valueBytes.length; j++) { sbuffer.append('\\'); sbuffer.append(Character.forDigit (0xF & (valueBytes[j] >>> 4), 16)); sbuffer.append(Character.forDigit (0xF & (valueBytes[j]), 16)); } } else { // append non-printable/non-escaped char previousWhite = false; sbuffer.append(c); } } // remove leading and trailing whitespace from value typeAndValue.append(sbuffer.toString().trim()); } String canon = typeAndValue.toString(); canon = canon.toUpperCase(Locale.US).toLowerCase(Locale.US); return Normalizer.normalize(canon, Normalizer.Form.NFKD); } /* * Return true if DerValue can be represented as a String. */ private static boolean isDerString(DerValue value, boolean canonical) { if (canonical) { switch (value.tag) { case DerValue.tag_PrintableString: case DerValue.tag_UTF8String: return true; default: return false; } } else { switch (value.tag) { case DerValue.tag_PrintableString: case DerValue.tag_T61String: case DerValue.tag_IA5String: case DerValue.tag_GeneralString: case DerValue.tag_BMPString: case DerValue.tag_UTF8String: return true; default: return false; } } } boolean hasRFC2253Keyword() { return AVAKeyword.hasKeyword(oid, RFC2253); } private String toKeywordValueString(String keyword) { /* * Construct the value with as little copying and garbage * production as practical. First the keyword (mandatory), * then the equals sign, finally the value. */ StringBuilder retval = new StringBuilder(40); retval.append(keyword); retval.append('='); try { String valStr = value.getAsString(); if (valStr == null) { // RFC 1779 specifies that attribute values associated // with non-standard keyword attributes may be represented // using the hex format below. This will be used only // when the value is not a string type byte[] data = value.toByteArray(); retval.append('#'); for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { retval.append(hexDigits.charAt((data [i] >> 4) & 0x0f)); retval.append(hexDigits.charAt(data [i] & 0x0f)); } } else { boolean quoteNeeded = false; StringBuilder sbuffer = new StringBuilder(); boolean previousWhite = false; final String escapees = ",+=\n<>#;\\\""; /* * Special characters (e.g. AVA list separators) cause strings * to need quoting, or at least escaping. So do leading or * trailing spaces, and multiple internal spaces. */ int length = valStr.length(); boolean alreadyQuoted = (length > 1 && valStr.charAt(0) == '\"' && valStr.charAt(length - 1) == '\"'); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { char c = valStr.charAt(i); if (alreadyQuoted && (i == 0 || i == length - 1)) { sbuffer.append(c); continue; } if (DerValue.isPrintableStringChar(c) || escapees.indexOf(c) >= 0) { // quote if leading whitespace or special chars if (!quoteNeeded && ((i == 0 && (c == ' ' || c == '\n')) || escapees.indexOf(c) >= 0)) { quoteNeeded = true; } // quote if multiple internal whitespace if (!(c == ' ' || c == '\n')) { // escape '"' and '\' if (c == '"' || c == '\\') { sbuffer.append('\\'); } previousWhite = false; } else { if (!quoteNeeded && previousWhite) { quoteNeeded = true; } previousWhite = true; } sbuffer.append(c); } else if (debug != null && Debug.isOn("ava")) { // embed non-printable/non-escaped char // as escaped hex pairs for debugging previousWhite = false; // embed escaped hex pairs byte[] valueBytes = Character.toString(c).getBytes(UTF_8); for (int j = 0; j < valueBytes.length; j++) { sbuffer.append('\\'); char hexChar = Character.forDigit (0xF & (valueBytes[j] >>> 4), 16); sbuffer.append(Character.toUpperCase(hexChar)); hexChar = Character.forDigit (0xF & (valueBytes[j]), 16); sbuffer.append(Character.toUpperCase(hexChar)); } } else { // append non-printable/non-escaped char previousWhite = false; sbuffer.append(c); } } // quote if trailing whitespace if (sbuffer.length() > 0) { char trailChar = sbuffer.charAt(sbuffer.length() - 1); if (trailChar == ' ' || trailChar == '\n') { quoteNeeded = true; } } // Emit the string ... quote it if needed // if string is already quoted, don't re-quote if (!alreadyQuoted && quoteNeeded) { retval.append('\"') .append(sbuffer) .append('\"'); } else { retval.append(sbuffer); } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("DER Value conversion"); } return retval.toString(); } }
Helper class that allows conversion from String to ObjectIdentifier and vice versa according to RFC1779, RFC2253, and an augmented version of those standards.
/** * Helper class that allows conversion from String to ObjectIdentifier and * vice versa according to RFC1779, RFC2253, and an augmented version of * those standards. */
class AVAKeyword { private static final Map<ObjectIdentifier,AVAKeyword> oidMap; private static final Map<String,AVAKeyword> keywordMap; private String keyword; private ObjectIdentifier oid; private boolean rfc1779Compliant, rfc2253Compliant; private AVAKeyword(String keyword, ObjectIdentifier oid, boolean rfc1779Compliant, boolean rfc2253Compliant) { this.keyword = keyword; this.oid = oid; this.rfc1779Compliant = rfc1779Compliant; this.rfc2253Compliant = rfc2253Compliant; // register it oidMap.put(oid, this); keywordMap.put(keyword, this); } private boolean isCompliant(int standard) { switch (standard) { case AVA.RFC1779: return rfc1779Compliant; case AVA.RFC2253: return rfc2253Compliant; case AVA.DEFAULT: return true; default: // should not occur, internal error throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid standard " + standard); } }
Get an object identifier representing the specified keyword (or string encoded object identifier) in the given standard.
  • keywordMap – a Map where a keyword String maps to a corresponding OID String. Each AVA keyword will be mapped to the corresponding OID. If an entry does not exist, it will fallback to the builtin keyword/OID mapping.
  • IOException – If the keyword is not valid in the specified standard or the OID String to which a keyword maps to is improperly formatted.
/** * Get an object identifier representing the specified keyword (or * string encoded object identifier) in the given standard. * * @param keywordMap a Map where a keyword String maps to a corresponding * OID String. Each AVA keyword will be mapped to the corresponding OID. * If an entry does not exist, it will fallback to the builtin * keyword/OID mapping. * @throws IOException If the keyword is not valid in the specified standard * or the OID String to which a keyword maps to is improperly formatted. */
static ObjectIdentifier getOID (String keyword, int standard, Map<String, String> extraKeywordMap) throws IOException { keyword = keyword.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH); if (standard == AVA.RFC2253) { if (keyword.startsWith(" ") || keyword.endsWith(" ")) { throw new IOException("Invalid leading or trailing space " + "in keyword \"" + keyword + "\""); } } else { keyword = keyword.trim(); } // check user-specified keyword map first, then fallback to built-in // map String oidString = extraKeywordMap.get(keyword); if (oidString == null) { AVAKeyword ak = keywordMap.get(keyword); if ((ak != null) && ak.isCompliant(standard)) { return ak.oid; } } else { return ObjectIdentifier.of(oidString); } // no keyword found, check if OID string if (standard == AVA.DEFAULT && keyword.startsWith("OID.")) { keyword = keyword.substring(4); } boolean number = false; if (!keyword.isEmpty()) { char ch = keyword.charAt(0); if ((ch >= '0') && (ch <= '9')) { number = true; } } if (number == false) { throw new IOException("Invalid keyword \"" + keyword + "\""); } return ObjectIdentifier.of(keyword); }
Get a keyword for the given ObjectIdentifier according to standard. If no keyword is available, the ObjectIdentifier is encoded as a String.
/** * Get a keyword for the given ObjectIdentifier according to standard. * If no keyword is available, the ObjectIdentifier is encoded as a * String. */
static String getKeyword(ObjectIdentifier oid, int standard) { return getKeyword (oid, standard, Collections.<String, String>emptyMap()); }
Get a keyword for the given ObjectIdentifier according to standard. Checks the extraOidMap for a keyword first, then falls back to the builtin/default set. If no keyword is available, the ObjectIdentifier is encoded as a String.
/** * Get a keyword for the given ObjectIdentifier according to standard. * Checks the extraOidMap for a keyword first, then falls back to the * builtin/default set. If no keyword is available, the ObjectIdentifier * is encoded as a String. */
static String getKeyword (ObjectIdentifier oid, int standard, Map<String, String> extraOidMap) { // check extraOidMap first, then fallback to built-in map String oidString = oid.toString(); String keywordString = extraOidMap.get(oidString); if (keywordString == null) { AVAKeyword ak = oidMap.get(oid); if ((ak != null) && ak.isCompliant(standard)) { return ak.keyword; } } else { if (keywordString.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("keyword cannot be empty"); } keywordString = keywordString.trim(); char c = keywordString.charAt(0); if (c < 65 || c > 122 || (c > 90 && c < 97)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException ("keyword does not start with letter"); } for (int i=1; i<keywordString.length(); i++) { c = keywordString.charAt(i); if ((c < 65 || c > 122 || (c > 90 && c < 97)) && (c < 48 || c > 57) && c != '_') { throw new IllegalArgumentException ("keyword character is not a letter, digit, or underscore"); } } return keywordString; } // no compliant keyword, use OID if (standard == AVA.RFC2253) { return oidString; } else { return "OID." + oidString; } }
Test if oid has an associated keyword in standard.
/** * Test if oid has an associated keyword in standard. */
static boolean hasKeyword(ObjectIdentifier oid, int standard) { AVAKeyword ak = oidMap.get(oid); if (ak == null) { return false; } return ak.isCompliant(standard); } static { oidMap = new HashMap<ObjectIdentifier,AVAKeyword>(); keywordMap = new HashMap<String,AVAKeyword>(); // NOTE if multiple keywords are available for one OID, order // is significant!! Preferred *LAST*. new AVAKeyword("CN", X500Name.commonName_oid, true, true); new AVAKeyword("C", X500Name.countryName_oid, true, true); new AVAKeyword("L", X500Name.localityName_oid, true, true); new AVAKeyword("S", X500Name.stateName_oid, false, false); new AVAKeyword("ST", X500Name.stateName_oid, true, true); new AVAKeyword("O", X500Name.orgName_oid, true, true); new AVAKeyword("OU", X500Name.orgUnitName_oid, true, true); new AVAKeyword("T", X500Name.title_oid, false, false); new AVAKeyword("IP", X500Name.ipAddress_oid, false, false); new AVAKeyword("STREET", X500Name.streetAddress_oid,true, true); new AVAKeyword("DC", X500Name.DOMAIN_COMPONENT_OID, false, true); new AVAKeyword("DNQUALIFIER", X500Name.DNQUALIFIER_OID, false, false); new AVAKeyword("DNQ", X500Name.DNQUALIFIER_OID, false, false); new AVAKeyword("SURNAME", X500Name.SURNAME_OID, false, false); new AVAKeyword("GIVENNAME", X500Name.GIVENNAME_OID, false, false); new AVAKeyword("INITIALS", X500Name.INITIALS_OID, false, false); new AVAKeyword("GENERATION", X500Name.GENERATIONQUALIFIER_OID, false, false); new AVAKeyword("EMAIL", PKCS9Attribute.EMAIL_ADDRESS_OID, false, false); new AVAKeyword("EMAILADDRESS", PKCS9Attribute.EMAIL_ADDRESS_OID, false, false); new AVAKeyword("UID", X500Name.userid_oid, false, true); new AVAKeyword("SERIALNUMBER", X500Name.SERIALNUMBER_OID, false, false); } }