 * Copyright (c) 2014, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
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 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
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 * questions.
package jdk.jshell;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import javax.lang.model.element.Modifier;
import com.sun.source.tree.ArrayTypeTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.AssignmentTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.ClassTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionStatementTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.IdentifierTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.MethodTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.ModifiersTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.NewClassTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.Tree;
import com.sun.source.tree.VariableTree;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.Pretty;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.StringWriter;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import jdk.jshell.ExpressionToTypeInfo.ExpressionInfo;
import jdk.jshell.ExpressionToTypeInfo.ExpressionInfo.AnonymousDescription;
import jdk.jshell.ExpressionToTypeInfo.ExpressionInfo.AnonymousDescription.VariableDesc;
import jdk.jshell.Key.ErroneousKey;
import jdk.jshell.Key.MethodKey;
import jdk.jshell.Key.TypeDeclKey;
import jdk.jshell.Snippet.Kind;
import jdk.jshell.Snippet.SubKind;
import jdk.jshell.TaskFactory.AnalyzeTask;
import jdk.jshell.TaskFactory.BaseTask;
import jdk.jshell.TaskFactory.ParseTask;
import jdk.jshell.Util.Pair;
import jdk.jshell.Wrap.CompoundWrap;
import jdk.jshell.Wrap.Range;
import jdk.jshell.Snippet.Status;
import jdk.jshell.spi.ExecutionControl.ClassBytecodes;
import jdk.jshell.spi.ExecutionControl.ClassInstallException;
import jdk.jshell.spi.ExecutionControl.EngineTerminationException;
import jdk.jshell.spi.ExecutionControl.InternalException;
import jdk.jshell.spi.ExecutionControl.NotImplementedException;
import jdk.jshell.spi.ExecutionControl.ResolutionException;
import jdk.jshell.spi.ExecutionControl.RunException;
import jdk.jshell.spi.ExecutionControl.UserException;
import static java.util.stream.Collectors.toList;
import static java.util.stream.Collectors.toSet;
import static java.util.Collections.singletonList;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Symbol.TypeSymbol;
import static jdk.internal.jshell.debug.InternalDebugControl.DBG_GEN;
import static jdk.jshell.Util.DOIT_METHOD_NAME;
import static jdk.jshell.Util.PREFIX_PATTERN;
import static jdk.jshell.Util.expunge;
import static jdk.jshell.Snippet.SubKind.SINGLE_TYPE_IMPORT_SUBKIND;
import static jdk.jshell.Snippet.SubKind.SINGLE_STATIC_IMPORT_SUBKIND;
import static jdk.jshell.Snippet.SubKind.TYPE_IMPORT_ON_DEMAND_SUBKIND;
import static jdk.jshell.Snippet.SubKind.STATIC_IMPORT_ON_DEMAND_SUBKIND;

The Evaluation Engine. Source internal analysis, wrapping control, compilation, declaration. redefinition, replacement, and execution.
Author:Robert Field
/** * The Evaluation Engine. Source internal analysis, wrapping control, * compilation, declaration. redefinition, replacement, and execution. * * @author Robert Field */
class Eval { private static final Pattern IMPORT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("import\\p{javaWhitespace}+(?<static>static\\p{javaWhitespace}+)?(?<fullname>[\\p{L}\\p{N}_\\$\\.]+\\.(?<name>[\\p{L}\\p{N}_\\$]+|\\*))"); private static final Pattern DEFAULT_PREFIX = Pattern.compile("\\p{javaWhitespace}*(default)\\p{javaWhitespace}+"); // for uses that should not change state -- non-evaluations private boolean preserveState = false; private int varNumber = 0; /* The number of anonymous innerclasses seen so far. Used to generate unique * names of these classes. */ private int anonCount = 0; private final JShell state; // The set of names of methods on Object private final Set<String> objectMethods = Arrays .stream(Object.class.getMethods()) .map(m -> m.getName()) .collect(toSet()); Eval(JShell state) { this.state = state; }
Evaluates a snippet of source.
  • userSource – the source of the snippet
Returns:the list of primary and update events
/** * Evaluates a snippet of source. * * @param userSource the source of the snippet * @return the list of primary and update events * @throws IllegalStateException */
List<SnippetEvent> eval(String userSource) throws IllegalStateException { List<SnippetEvent> allEvents = new ArrayList<>(); for (Snippet snip : sourceToSnippets(userSource)) { if (snip.kind() == Kind.ERRONEOUS) { state.maps.installSnippet(snip); allEvents.add(new SnippetEvent( snip, Status.NONEXISTENT, Status.REJECTED, false, null, null, null)); } else { allEvents.addAll(declare(snip, snip.syntheticDiags())); } } return allEvents; }
Converts the user source of a snippet into a Snippet list -- Snippet will have wrappers.
  • userSource – the source of the snippet
Returns:usually a singleton list of Snippet, but may be empty or multiple
/** * Converts the user source of a snippet into a Snippet list -- Snippet will * have wrappers. * * @param userSource the source of the snippet * @return usually a singleton list of Snippet, but may be empty or multiple */
List<Snippet> sourceToSnippetsWithWrappers(String userSource) { List<Snippet> snippets = sourceToSnippets(userSource); for (Snippet snip : snippets) { if (snip.outerWrap() == null) { snip.setOuterWrap( (snip.kind() == Kind.IMPORT) ? state.outerMap.wrapImport(snip.guts(), snip) : state.outerMap.wrapInTrialClass(snip.guts()) ); } } return snippets; }
Converts the user source of a snippet into a Snippet object (or list of objects in the case of: int x, y, z;). Does not install the Snippets or execute them. Does not change any state.
  • userSource – the source of the snippet
Returns:usually a singleton list of Snippet, but may be empty or multiple
/** * Converts the user source of a snippet into a Snippet object (or list of * objects in the case of: int x, y, z;). Does not install the Snippets * or execute them. Does not change any state. * * @param userSource the source of the snippet * @return usually a singleton list of Snippet, but may be empty or multiple */
List<Snippet> toScratchSnippets(String userSource) { try { preserveState = true; return sourceToSnippets(userSource); } finally { preserveState = false; } }
Converts the user source of a snippet into a Snippet object (or list of objects in the case of: int x, y, z;). Does not install the Snippets or execute them.
  • userSource – the source of the snippet
Returns:usually a singleton list of Snippet, but may be empty or multiple
/** * Converts the user source of a snippet into a Snippet object (or list of * objects in the case of: int x, y, z;). Does not install the Snippets * or execute them. * * @param userSource the source of the snippet * @return usually a singleton list of Snippet, but may be empty or multiple */
private List<Snippet> sourceToSnippets(String userSource) { String compileSource = Util.trimEnd(new MaskCommentsAndModifiers(userSource, false).cleared()); if (compileSource.length() == 0) { return Collections.emptyList(); } return state.taskFactory.parse(compileSource, pt -> { List<? extends Tree> units = pt.units(); if (units.isEmpty()) { return compileFailResult(pt, userSource, Kind.ERRONEOUS); } Tree unitTree = units.get(0); if (pt.getDiagnostics().hasOtherThanNotStatementErrors()) { Matcher matcher = DEFAULT_PREFIX.matcher(compileSource); DiagList dlist = matcher.lookingAt() ? new DiagList(new ModifierDiagnostic(true, state.messageFormat("jshell.diag.modifier.single.fatal", "'default'"), matcher.start(1), matcher.end(1))) : pt.getDiagnostics(); return compileFailResult(dlist, userSource, kindOfTree(unitTree)); } // Erase illegal/ignored modifiers String compileSourceInt = new MaskCommentsAndModifiers(compileSource, true).cleared(); state.debug(DBG_GEN, "Kind: %s -- %s\n", unitTree.getKind(), unitTree); switch (unitTree.getKind()) { case IMPORT: return processImport(userSource, compileSourceInt); case VARIABLE: return processVariables(userSource, units, compileSourceInt, pt); case EXPRESSION_STATEMENT: return processExpression(userSource, unitTree, compileSourceInt, pt); case CLASS: return processClass(userSource, unitTree, compileSourceInt, SubKind.CLASS_SUBKIND, pt); case ENUM: return processClass(userSource, unitTree, compileSourceInt, SubKind.ENUM_SUBKIND, pt); case ANNOTATION_TYPE: return processClass(userSource, unitTree, compileSourceInt, SubKind.ANNOTATION_TYPE_SUBKIND, pt); case INTERFACE: return processClass(userSource, unitTree, compileSourceInt, SubKind.INTERFACE_SUBKIND, pt); case RECORD: @SuppressWarnings("preview") List<Snippet> snippets = processClass(userSource, unitTree, compileSourceInt, SubKind.RECORD_SUBKIND, pt); return snippets; case METHOD: return processMethod(userSource, unitTree, compileSourceInt, pt); default: return processStatement(userSource, compileSourceInt); } }); } private List<Snippet> processImport(String userSource, String compileSource) { Wrap guts = Wrap.simpleWrap(compileSource); Matcher mat = IMPORT_PATTERN.matcher(compileSource); String fullname; String name; boolean isStatic; if (mat.find()) { isStatic = mat.group("static") != null; name = mat.group("name"); fullname = mat.group("fullname"); } else { // bad import -- fake it isStatic = compileSource.contains("static"); name = fullname = compileSource; } String fullkey = (isStatic ? "static-" : "") + fullname; boolean isStar = name.equals("*"); String keyName = isStar ? fullname : name; SubKind snippetKind = isStar ? (isStatic ? STATIC_IMPORT_ON_DEMAND_SUBKIND : TYPE_IMPORT_ON_DEMAND_SUBKIND) : (isStatic ? SINGLE_STATIC_IMPORT_SUBKIND : SINGLE_TYPE_IMPORT_SUBKIND); Snippet snip = new ImportSnippet(state.keyMap.keyForImport(keyName, snippetKind), userSource, guts, fullname, name, snippetKind, fullkey, isStatic, isStar); return singletonList(snip); } private static class EvalPretty extends Pretty { private final Writer out; public EvalPretty(Writer writer, boolean bln) { super(writer, bln); this.out = writer; }
Print string, DO NOT replacing all non-ascii character with unicode escapes.
/** * Print string, DO NOT replacing all non-ascii character with unicode * escapes. */
@Override public void print(Object o) throws IOException { out.write(o.toString()); } static String prettyExpr(JCTree tree, boolean bln) { StringWriter out = new StringWriter(); try { new EvalPretty(out, bln).printExpr(tree); } catch (IOException e) { throw new AssertionError(e); } return out.toString(); } } private List<Snippet> processVariables(String userSource, List<? extends Tree> units, String compileSource, ParseTask pt) { List<Snippet> snippets = new ArrayList<>(); TreeDissector dis = TreeDissector.createByFirstClass(pt); for (Tree unitTree : units) { VariableTree vt = (VariableTree) unitTree; String name = vt.getName().toString(); String typeName; String fullTypeName; String displayType; boolean hasEnhancedType = false; TreeDependencyScanner tds = new TreeDependencyScanner(); Wrap typeWrap; Wrap anonDeclareWrap = null; Wrap winit = null; boolean enhancedDesugaring = false; Set<String> anonymousClasses = Collections.emptySet(); StringBuilder sbBrackets = new StringBuilder(); Tree baseType = vt.getType(); if (baseType != null) { tds.scan(baseType); // Not dependent on initializer fullTypeName = displayType = typeName = EvalPretty.prettyExpr((JCTree) vt.getType(), false); while (baseType instanceof ArrayTypeTree) { //TODO handle annotations too baseType = ((ArrayTypeTree) baseType).getType(); sbBrackets.append("[]"); } Range rtype = dis.treeToRange(baseType); typeWrap = Wrap.rangeWrap(compileSource, rtype); } else { DiagList dl = trialCompile(Wrap.methodWrap(compileSource)); if (dl.hasErrors()) { return compileFailResult(dl, userSource, kindOfTree(unitTree)); } Tree init = vt.getInitializer(); if (init != null) { Range rinit = dis.treeToRange(init); String initCode = rinit.part(compileSource); ExpressionInfo ei = ExpressionToTypeInfo.localVariableTypeForInitializer(initCode, state, false); if (ei != null && ei.declareTypeName != null) { typeName = ei.declareTypeName; fullTypeName = ei.fullTypeName; displayType = ei.displayTypeName; hasEnhancedType = !typeName.equals(fullTypeName); enhancedDesugaring = !ei.isPrimitiveType; Pair<Wrap, Wrap> anonymous2Member = anonymous2Member(ei, compileSource, rinit, dis, init); anonDeclareWrap = anonymous2Member.first; winit = anonymous2Member.second; anonymousClasses = ei.anonymousClasses.stream().map(ad -> ad.declareTypeName).collect(Collectors.toSet()); } else { displayType = fullTypeName = typeName = "java.lang.Object"; } tds.scan(init); } else { displayType = fullTypeName = typeName = "java.lang.Object"; } typeWrap = Wrap.identityWrap(typeName); } Range runit = dis.treeToRange(vt); runit = new Range(runit.begin, runit.end - 1); ExpressionTree it = vt.getInitializer(); int nameMax = runit.end - 1; SubKind subkind; if (it != null) { subkind = SubKind.VAR_DECLARATION_WITH_INITIALIZER_SUBKIND; Range rinit = dis.treeToRange(it); winit = winit == null ? Wrap.rangeWrap(compileSource, rinit) : winit; nameMax = rinit.begin - 1; } else { String sinit; switch (typeName) { case "byte": case "short": case "int": sinit = "0"; break; case "long": sinit = "0L"; break; case "float": sinit = "0.0f"; break; case "double": sinit = "0.0d"; break; case "boolean": sinit = "false"; break; case "char": sinit = "'\\u0000'"; break; default: sinit = "null"; break; } winit = Wrap.simpleWrap(sinit); subkind = SubKind.VAR_DECLARATION_SUBKIND; } int nameStart = compileSource.lastIndexOf(name, nameMax); if (nameStart < 0) { throw new AssertionError("Name '" + name + "' not found"); } int nameEnd = nameStart + name.length(); Range rname = new Range(nameStart, nameEnd); Wrap guts = Wrap.varWrap(compileSource, typeWrap, sbBrackets.toString(), rname, winit, enhancedDesugaring, anonDeclareWrap); DiagList modDiag = modifierDiagnostics(vt.getModifiers(), dis, true); Snippet snip = new VarSnippet(state.keyMap.keyForVariable(name), userSource, guts, name, subkind, displayType, hasEnhancedType ? fullTypeName : null, anonymousClasses, tds.declareReferences(), modDiag); snippets.add(snip); } return snippets; }
Convert anonymous classes in "init" to member classes, based on the additional information from ExpressionInfo.anonymousClasses. This means: -if the code in the anonymous class captures any variables from the enclosing context, create fields for them -creating an explicit constructor that: --if the new class expression has a base/enclosing expression, make it an explicit constructor parameter "encl" and use "encl.super" when invoking the supertype constructor --if the (used) supertype constructor has any parameters, declare them as explicit parameters of the constructor, and pass them to the super constructor --if the code in the anonymous class captures any variables from the enclosing context, make them an explicit paramters of the constructor and assign to respective fields. --if there are any explicit fields with initializers in the anonymous class, move the initializers at the end of the constructor (after the captured fields are assigned, so that the initializers of these fields can use them). -from the captured variables fields, constructor, and existing members (with cleared field initializers), create an explicit class that extends or implements the supertype of the anonymous class. This method returns two wraps: the first contains the class declarations for the converted classes, the first one should be used instead of "init" in the variable declaration.
/**Convert anonymous classes in "init" to member classes, based * on the additional information from ExpressionInfo.anonymousClasses. * * This means: * -if the code in the anonymous class captures any variables from the * enclosing context, create fields for them * -creating an explicit constructor that: * --if the new class expression has a base/enclosing expression, make it an * explicit constructor parameter "encl" and use "encl.super" when invoking * the supertype constructor * --if the (used) supertype constructor has any parameters, declare them * as explicit parameters of the constructor, and pass them to the super * constructor * --if the code in the anonymous class captures any variables from the * enclosing context, make them an explicit paramters of the constructor * and assign to respective fields. * --if there are any explicit fields with initializers in the anonymous class, * move the initializers at the end of the constructor (after the captured fields * are assigned, so that the initializers of these fields can use them). * -from the captured variables fields, constructor, and existing members * (with cleared field initializers), create an explicit class that extends or * implements the supertype of the anonymous class. * * This method returns two wraps: the first contains the class declarations for the * converted classes, the first one should be used instead of "init" in the variable * declaration. */
private Pair<Wrap, Wrap> anonymous2Member(ExpressionInfo ei, String compileSource, Range rinit, TreeDissector dis, Tree init) { List<Wrap> anonymousDeclarations = new ArrayList<>(); List<Wrap> partitionedInit = new ArrayList<>(); int lastPos = rinit.begin; com.sun.tools.javac.util.List<NewClassTree> toConvert = ExpressionToTypeInfo.listAnonymousClassesToConvert(init); com.sun.tools.javac.util.List<AnonymousDescription> descriptions = ei.anonymousClasses; while (toConvert.nonEmpty() && descriptions.nonEmpty()) { NewClassTree node = toConvert.head; AnonymousDescription ad = descriptions.head; toConvert = toConvert.tail; descriptions = descriptions.tail; List<Object> classBodyParts = new ArrayList<>(); //declarations of the captured variables: for (VariableDesc vd : ad.capturedVariables) { classBodyParts.add(vd.type + " " + vd.name + ";\n"); } List<Object> constructorParts = new ArrayList<>(); constructorParts.add(ad.declareTypeName + "("); String sep = ""; //add the parameter for the base/enclosing expression, if any: if (ad.enclosingInstanceType != null) { constructorParts.add(ad.enclosingInstanceType + " encl"); sep = ", "; } int idx = 0; //add parameters of the super constructor, if any: for (String type : ad.parameterTypes) { constructorParts.add(sep); constructorParts.add(type + " " + "arg" + idx++); sep = ", "; } //add parameters for the captured variables: for (VariableDesc vd : ad.capturedVariables) { constructorParts.add(sep); constructorParts.add(vd.type + " " + "cap$" + vd.name); sep = ", "; } //construct super constructor call: if (ad.enclosingInstanceType != null) { //if there's an enclosing instance, call super on it: constructorParts.add(") { encl.super ("); } else { constructorParts.add(") { super ("); } sep = ""; for (int i = 0; i < idx; i++) { constructorParts.add(sep); constructorParts.add("arg" + i); sep = ", "; } constructorParts.add(");"); //initialize the captured variables: for (VariableDesc vd : ad.capturedVariables) { constructorParts.add("this." + vd.name + " = " + "cap$" + vd.name + ";\n"); } List<? extends Tree> members = node.getClassBody().getMembers(); for (Tree member : members) { if (member.getKind() == Tree.Kind.VARIABLE) { VariableTree vt = (VariableTree) member; if (vt.getInitializer() != null) { //for variables with initializer, explicitly move the initializer //to the constructor after the captured variables as assigned //(the initializers would otherwise run too early): Range wholeVar = dis.treeToRange(vt); int name = ((JCTree) vt).pos; classBodyParts.add(new CompoundWrap(Wrap.rangeWrap(compileSource, new Range(wholeVar.begin, name)), vt.getName().toString(), ";\n")); constructorParts.add(Wrap.rangeWrap(compileSource, new Range(name, wholeVar.end))); continue; } } classBodyParts.add(Wrap.rangeWrap(compileSource, dis.treeToRange(member))); } constructorParts.add("}"); //construct the member class: classBodyParts.add(new CompoundWrap(constructorParts.toArray())); Wrap classBodyWrap = new CompoundWrap(classBodyParts.toArray()); anonymousDeclarations.add(new CompoundWrap("public static class ", ad.declareTypeName, (ad.isClass ? " extends " : " implements "), ad.superTypeName, " { ", classBodyWrap, "}")); //change the new class expression to use the newly created member type: Range argRange = dis.treeListToRange(node.getArguments()); Wrap argWrap; if (argRange != null) { argWrap = Wrap.rangeWrap(compileSource, argRange); } else { argWrap = Wrap.simpleWrap(" "); } if (ad.enclosingInstanceType != null) { //if there's an enclosing expression, set it as the first parameter: Range enclosingRanges = dis.treeToRange(node.getEnclosingExpression()); Wrap enclosingWrap = Wrap.rangeWrap(compileSource, enclosingRanges); argWrap = argRange != null ? new CompoundWrap(enclosingWrap, Wrap.simpleWrap(","), argWrap) : enclosingWrap; } Range current = dis.treeToRange(node); String capturedArgs; if (!ad.capturedVariables.isEmpty()) { capturedArgs = (ad.parameterTypes.isEmpty() ? "" : ", ") + ad.capturedVariables.stream() .map(vd -> vd.name) .collect(Collectors.joining(",")); } else { capturedArgs = ""; } if (lastPos < current.begin) partitionedInit.add(Wrap.rangeWrap(compileSource, new Range(lastPos, current.begin))); partitionedInit.add(new CompoundWrap("new " + ad.declareTypeName + "(", argWrap, capturedArgs, ")")); lastPos = current.end; } if (lastPos < rinit.end) partitionedInit.add(Wrap.rangeWrap(compileSource, new Range(lastPos, rinit.end))); return new Pair<>(new CompoundWrap(anonymousDeclarations.toArray()), new CompoundWrap(partitionedInit.toArray())); } private List<Snippet> processExpression(String userSource, Tree tree, String compileSource, ParseTask pt) { ExpressionStatementTree expr = (ExpressionStatementTree) tree; String name = null; ExpressionInfo ei = ExpressionToTypeInfo.expressionInfo(compileSource, state); ExpressionTree assignVar; Wrap guts; Snippet snip; if (ei != null && ei.isNonVoid) { String typeName = ei.typeName; SubKind subkind; if (ei.tree instanceof IdentifierTree) { IdentifierTree id = (IdentifierTree) ei.tree; name = id.getName().toString(); subkind = SubKind.VAR_VALUE_SUBKIND; } else if (ei.tree instanceof AssignmentTree && (assignVar = ((AssignmentTree) ei.tree).getVariable()) instanceof IdentifierTree) { name = assignVar.toString(); subkind = SubKind.ASSIGNMENT_SUBKIND; } else { subkind = SubKind.OTHER_EXPRESSION_SUBKIND; } if (shouldGenTempVar(subkind)) { if (preserveState) { name = "$$"; } else { if (state.tempVariableNameGenerator != null) { name = state.tempVariableNameGenerator.get(); } while (name == null || state.keyMap.doesVariableNameExist(name)) { name = "$" + ++varNumber; } } ExpressionInfo varEI = ExpressionToTypeInfo.localVariableTypeForInitializer(compileSource, state, true); String declareTypeName; String fullTypeName; String displayTypeName; Set<String> anonymousClasses; if (varEI != null) { declareTypeName = varEI.declareTypeName; fullTypeName = varEI.fullTypeName; displayTypeName = varEI.displayTypeName; TreeDissector dis = TreeDissector.createByFirstClass(pt); Pair<Wrap, Wrap> anonymous2Member = anonymous2Member(varEI, compileSource, new Range(0, compileSource.length()), dis, expr.getExpression()); guts = Wrap.tempVarWrap(anonymous2Member.second.wrapped(), declareTypeName, name, anonymous2Member.first); anonymousClasses = varEI.anonymousClasses.stream().map(ad -> ad.declareTypeName).collect(Collectors.toSet()); } else { declareTypeName = ei.accessibleTypeName; displayTypeName = fullTypeName = typeName; guts = Wrap.tempVarWrap(compileSource, declareTypeName, name, null); anonymousClasses = Collections.emptySet(); } Collection<String> declareReferences = null; //TODO snip = new VarSnippet(state.keyMap.keyForVariable(name), userSource, guts, name, SubKind.TEMP_VAR_EXPRESSION_SUBKIND, displayTypeName, fullTypeName, anonymousClasses, declareReferences, null); } else { guts = Wrap.methodReturnWrap(compileSource); snip = new ExpressionSnippet(state.keyMap.keyForExpression(name, typeName), userSource, guts, name, subkind); } } else { guts = Wrap.methodWrap(compileSource); if (ei == null) { // We got no type info, check for not a statement by trying DiagList dl = trialCompile(guts); if (dl.hasNotStatement()) { guts = Wrap.methodReturnWrap(compileSource); dl = trialCompile(guts); } if (dl.hasErrors()) { return compileFailResult(dl, userSource, Kind.EXPRESSION); } } snip = new StatementSnippet(state.keyMap.keyForStatement(), userSource, guts); } return singletonList(snip); } private List<Snippet> processClass(String userSource, Tree unitTree, String compileSource, SubKind snippetKind, ParseTask pt) { TreeDependencyScanner tds = new TreeDependencyScanner(); tds.scan(unitTree); TreeDissector dis = TreeDissector.createByFirstClass(pt); ClassTree klassTree = (ClassTree) unitTree; String name = klassTree.getSimpleName().toString(); DiagList modDiag = modifierDiagnostics(klassTree.getModifiers(), dis, false); TypeDeclKey key = state.keyMap.keyForClass(name); // Corralling Wrap corralled = new Corraller(dis, key.index(), compileSource).corralType(klassTree); Wrap guts = Wrap.classMemberWrap(compileSource); Snippet snip = new TypeDeclSnippet(key, userSource, guts, name, snippetKind, corralled, tds.declareReferences(), tds.bodyReferences(), modDiag); return singletonList(snip); } private List<Snippet> processStatement(String userSource, String compileSource) { Wrap guts = Wrap.methodWrap(compileSource); // Check for unreachable by trying DiagList dl = trialCompile(guts); if (dl.hasErrors()) { if (dl.hasUnreachableError()) { guts = Wrap.methodUnreachableSemiWrap(compileSource); dl = trialCompile(guts); if (dl.hasErrors()) { if (dl.hasUnreachableError()) { // Without ending semicolon guts = Wrap.methodUnreachableWrap(compileSource); dl = trialCompile(guts); } if (dl.hasErrors()) { return compileFailResult(dl, userSource, Kind.STATEMENT); } } } else { return compileFailResult(dl, userSource, Kind.STATEMENT); } } Snippet snip = new StatementSnippet(state.keyMap.keyForStatement(), userSource, guts); return singletonList(snip); } private DiagList trialCompile(Wrap guts) { OuterWrap outer = state.outerMap.wrapInTrialClass(guts); return state.taskFactory.analyze(outer, AnalyzeTask::getDiagnostics); } private List<Snippet> processMethod(String userSource, Tree unitTree, String compileSource, ParseTask pt) { TreeDependencyScanner tds = new TreeDependencyScanner(); tds.scan(unitTree); final TreeDissector dis = TreeDissector.createByFirstClass(pt); final MethodTree mt = (MethodTree) unitTree; final String name = mt.getName().toString(); if (objectMethods.contains(name)) { // The name matches a method on Object, short of an overhaul, this // fails, see 8187137. Generate a descriptive error message // The error position will be the position of the name, find it long possibleStart = dis.getEndPosition(mt.getReturnType()); Range possibleRange = new Range((int) possibleStart, dis.getStartPosition(mt.getBody())); String possibleNameSection = possibleRange.part(compileSource); int offset = possibleNameSection.indexOf(name); long start = offset < 0 ? possibleStart // something wrong, punt : possibleStart + offset; return compileFailResult(new DiagList(objectMethodNameDiag(name, start)), userSource, Kind.METHOD); } String parameterTypes = mt.getParameters() .stream() .map(param -> dis.treeToRange(param.getType()).part(compileSource)) .collect(Collectors.joining(",")); Tree returnType = mt.getReturnType(); DiagList modDiag = modifierDiagnostics(mt.getModifiers(), dis, true); MethodKey key = state.keyMap.keyForMethod(name, parameterTypes); // Corralling Wrap corralled = new Corraller(dis, key.index(), compileSource).corralMethod(mt); if (modDiag.hasErrors()) { return compileFailResult(modDiag, userSource, Kind.METHOD); } Wrap guts = Wrap.classMemberWrap(compileSource); Range typeRange = dis.treeToRange(returnType); String signature = "(" + parameterTypes + ")" + typeRange.part(compileSource); Snippet snip = new MethodSnippet(key, userSource, guts, name, signature, corralled, tds.declareReferences(), tds.bodyReferences(), modDiag); return singletonList(snip); } private Kind kindOfTree(Tree tree) { switch (tree.getKind()) { case IMPORT: return Kind.IMPORT; case VARIABLE: return Kind.VAR; case EXPRESSION_STATEMENT: return Kind.EXPRESSION; case CLASS: case ENUM: case ANNOTATION_TYPE: case INTERFACE: return Kind.TYPE_DECL; case METHOD: return Kind.METHOD; default: return Kind.STATEMENT; } }
The snippet has failed, return with the rejected snippet
  • xt – the task from which to extract the failure diagnostics
  • userSource – the incoming bad user source
Returns:a rejected snippet
/** * The snippet has failed, return with the rejected snippet * * @param xt the task from which to extract the failure diagnostics * @param userSource the incoming bad user source * @return a rejected snippet */
private List<Snippet> compileFailResult(BaseTask xt, String userSource, Kind probableKind) { return compileFailResult(xt.getDiagnostics(), userSource, probableKind); }
The snippet has failed, return with the rejected snippet
  • diags – the failure diagnostics
  • userSource – the incoming bad user source
Returns:a rejected snippet
/** * The snippet has failed, return with the rejected snippet * * @param diags the failure diagnostics * @param userSource the incoming bad user source * @return a rejected snippet */
private List<Snippet> compileFailResult(DiagList diags, String userSource, Kind probableKind) { ErroneousKey key = state.keyMap.keyForErroneous(); Snippet snip = new ErroneousSnippet(key, userSource, null, probableKind, SubKind.UNKNOWN_SUBKIND); snip.setFailed(diags); // Install wrapper for query by SourceCodeAnalysis.wrapper String compileSource = Util.trimEnd(new MaskCommentsAndModifiers(userSource, true).cleared()); OuterWrap outer; switch (probableKind) { case IMPORT: outer = state.outerMap.wrapImport(Wrap.simpleWrap(compileSource), snip); break; case EXPRESSION: outer = state.outerMap.wrapInTrialClass(Wrap.methodReturnWrap(compileSource)); break; case VAR: case TYPE_DECL: case METHOD: outer = state.outerMap.wrapInTrialClass(Wrap.classMemberWrap(compileSource)); break; default: outer = state.outerMap.wrapInTrialClass(Wrap.methodWrap(compileSource)); break; } snip.setOuterWrap(outer); return singletonList(snip); }
Should a temp var wrap the expression. TODO make this user configurable.
  • snippetKind –
/** * Should a temp var wrap the expression. TODO make this user configurable. * * @param snippetKind * @return */
private boolean shouldGenTempVar(SubKind snippetKind) { return snippetKind == SubKind.OTHER_EXPRESSION_SUBKIND; } List<SnippetEvent> drop(Snippet si) { Unit c = new Unit(state, si); Set<Unit> outs; if (si instanceof PersistentSnippet) { Set<Unit> ins = c.dependents().collect(toSet()); outs = compileAndLoad(ins); } else { outs = Collections.emptySet(); } return events(c, outs, null, null); } private List<SnippetEvent> declare(Snippet si, DiagList generatedDiagnostics) { Unit c = new Unit(state, si, null, generatedDiagnostics); Set<Unit> ins = new LinkedHashSet<>(); ins.add(c); Set<Unit> outs = compileAndLoad(ins); if (!si.status().isDefined() && si.diagnostics().isEmpty() && si.unresolved().isEmpty()) { // did not succeed, but no record of it, extract from others si.setDiagnostics(outs.stream() .flatMap(u -> u.snippet().diagnostics().stream()) .collect(Collectors.toCollection(DiagList::new))); } // If appropriate, execute the snippet String value = null; JShellException exception = null; if (si.status().isDefined()) { if (si.isExecutable()) { try { value = state.executionControl().invoke(si.classFullName(), DOIT_METHOD_NAME); value = si.subKind().hasValue() ? expunge(value) : ""; } catch (ResolutionException ex) { exception = asUnresolvedReferenceException(ex); } catch (UserException ex) { exception = asEvalException(ex); } catch (RunException ex) { // StopException - no-op } catch (InternalException ex) { state.debug(ex, "invoke"); } catch (EngineTerminationException ex) { state.debug(ex, "termination"); state.closeDown(); } } } return events(c, outs, value, exception); } // Convert an internal UserException to an API EvalException, translating // the stack to snippet form. Convert any chained exceptions private EvalException asEvalException(UserException ue) { return new EvalException(ue.getMessage(), ue.causeExceptionClass(), translateExceptionStack(ue), asJShellException(ue.getCause())); } // Convert an internal ResolutionException to an API UnresolvedReferenceException, // translating the snippet id to snipper and the stack to snippet form private UnresolvedReferenceException asUnresolvedReferenceException(ResolutionException re) { DeclarationSnippet sn = (DeclarationSnippet) state.maps.getSnippetDeadOrAlive(re.id()); return new UnresolvedReferenceException(sn, translateExceptionStack(re)); } // Convert an internal UserException/ResolutionException to an API // EvalException/UnresolvedReferenceException private JShellException asJShellException(Throwable e) { if (e == null) { return null; } else if (e instanceof UserException) { return asEvalException((UserException) e); } else if (e instanceof ResolutionException) { return asUnresolvedReferenceException((ResolutionException) e); } else { throw new AssertionError(e); } } private boolean interestingEvent(SnippetEvent e) { return e.isSignatureChange() || e.causeSnippet() == null || e.status() != e.previousStatus() || e.exception() != null; } private List<SnippetEvent> events(Unit c, Collection<Unit> outs, String value, JShellException exception) { List<SnippetEvent> events = new ArrayList<>(); events.add(c.event(value, exception)); events.addAll(outs.stream() .filter(u -> u != c) .map(u -> u.event(null, null)) .filter(this::interestingEvent) .collect(Collectors.toList())); events.addAll(outs.stream() .flatMap(u -> u.secondaryEvents().stream()) .filter(this::interestingEvent) .collect(Collectors.toList())); //System.err.printf("Events: %s\n", events); return events; } private Set<OuterWrap> outerWrapSet(Collection<Unit> units) { return units.stream() .map(u -> u.snippet().outerWrap()) .collect(toSet()); } private Set<Unit> compileAndLoad(Set<Unit> ins) { if (ins.isEmpty()) { return ins; } Set<Unit> replaced = new LinkedHashSet<>(); // Loop until dependencies and errors are stable while (true) { state.debug(DBG_GEN, "compileAndLoad %s\n", ins); ins.stream().forEach(Unit::initialize); ins.stream().forEach(u -> u.setWrap(ins, ins)); state.taskFactory.analyze(outerWrapSet(ins), at -> { ins.stream().forEach(u -> u.setDiagnostics(at)); // corral any Snippets that need it if (ins.stream().filter(u -> u.corralIfNeeded(ins)).count() > 0) { // if any were corralled, re-analyze everything state.taskFactory.analyze(outerWrapSet(ins), cat -> { ins.stream().forEach(u -> u.setCorralledDiagnostics(cat)); ins.stream().forEach(u -> u.setStatus(cat)); return null; }); } else { ins.stream().forEach(u -> u.setStatus(at)); } return null; }); // compile and load the legit snippets boolean success; while (true) { List<Unit> legit = ins.stream() .filter(Unit::isDefined) .collect(toList()); state.debug(DBG_GEN, "compileAndLoad ins = %s -- legit = %s\n", ins, legit); if (legit.isEmpty()) { // no class files can be generated success = true; } else { // re-wrap with legit imports legit.stream().forEach(u -> u.setWrap(ins, legit)); // generate class files for those capable Result res = state.taskFactory.compile(outerWrapSet(legit), ct -> { if (!ct.compile()) { // oy! compile failed because of recursive new unresolved if (legit.stream() .filter(u -> u.smashingErrorDiagnostics(ct)) .count() > 0) { // try again, with the erroreous removed return Result.CONTINUE; } else { state.debug(DBG_GEN, "Should never happen error-less failure - %s\n", legit); } } // load all new classes load(legit.stream() .flatMap(u -> u.classesToLoad(ct.classList(u.snippet().outerWrap()))) .collect(toSet())); // attempt to redefine the remaining classes List<Unit> toReplace = legit.stream() .filter(u -> !u.doRedefines()) .collect(toList()); // prevent alternating redefine/replace cyclic dependency // loop by replacing all that have been replaced if (!toReplace.isEmpty()) { replaced.addAll(toReplace); replaced.stream().forEach(Unit::markForReplacement); //ensure correct classnames are set in the snippets: replaced.stream().forEach(u -> u.setWrap(ins, legit)); } return toReplace.isEmpty() ? Result.SUCESS : Result.FAILURE; }); switch (res) { case CONTINUE: continue; case SUCESS: success = true; break; default: case FAILURE: success = false; break; } } break; } // add any new dependencies to the working set List<Unit> newDependencies = ins.stream() .flatMap(Unit::effectedDependents) .collect(toList()); state.debug(DBG_GEN, "compileAndLoad %s -- deps: %s success: %s\n", ins, newDependencies, success); if (!ins.addAll(newDependencies) && success) { // all classes that could not be directly loaded (because they // are new) have been redefined, and no new dependnencies were // identified ins.stream().forEach(Unit::finish); return ins; } } } //where: enum Result {SUCESS, FAILURE, CONTINUE}
If there are classes to load, loads by calling the execution engine.
  • classbytecodes – names of the classes to load.
/** * If there are classes to load, loads by calling the execution engine. * @param classbytecodes names of the classes to load. */
private void load(Collection<ClassBytecodes> classbytecodes) { if (!classbytecodes.isEmpty()) { ClassBytecodes[] cbcs = classbytecodes.toArray(new ClassBytecodes[classbytecodes.size()]); try { state.executionControl().load(cbcs); state.classTracker.markLoaded(cbcs); } catch (ClassInstallException ex) { state.classTracker.markLoaded(cbcs, ex.installed()); } catch (NotImplementedException ex) { state.debug(ex, "Seriously?!? load not implemented"); state.closeDown(); } catch (EngineTerminationException ex) { state.closeDown(); } } } private StackTraceElement[] translateExceptionStack(Exception ex) { StackTraceElement[] raw = ex.getStackTrace(); int last = raw.length; do { if (last == 0) { last = raw.length - 1; break; } } while (!isWrap(raw[--last])); StackTraceElement[] elems = new StackTraceElement[last + 1]; for (int i = 0; i <= last; ++i) { StackTraceElement r = raw[i]; OuterSnippetsClassWrap outer = state.outerMap.getOuter(r.getClassName()); if (outer != null) { String klass = expunge(r.getClassName()); String method = r.getMethodName().equals(DOIT_METHOD_NAME) ? "" : r.getMethodName(); int wln = r.getLineNumber() - 1; int line = outer.wrapLineToSnippetLine(wln) + 1; Snippet sn = outer.wrapLineToSnippet(wln); String file = "#" + sn.id(); elems[i] = new StackTraceElement(klass, method, file, line); } else if ("<none>".equals(r.getFileName())) { elems[i] = new StackTraceElement(r.getClassName(), r.getMethodName(), null, r.getLineNumber()); } else { elems[i] = r; } } return elems; } private boolean isWrap(StackTraceElement ste) { return PREFIX_PATTERN.matcher(ste.getClassName()).find(); }
Construct a diagnostic for a method name matching an Object method name
  • name – the method name
  • nameStart – the position within the source of the method name
Returns:the generated diagnostic
/** * Construct a diagnostic for a method name matching an Object method name * @param name the method name * @param nameStart the position within the source of the method name * @return the generated diagnostic */
private Diag objectMethodNameDiag(String name, long nameStart) { return new Diag() { @Override public boolean isError() { return true; } @Override public long getPosition() { return nameStart; } @Override public long getStartPosition() { return nameStart; } @Override public long getEndPosition() { return nameStart + name.length(); } @Override public String getCode() { return "jdk.eval.error.object.method"; } @Override public String getMessage(Locale locale) { return state.messageFormat("jshell.diag.object.method.fatal", String.join(" ", objectMethods)); } }; } private class ModifierDiagnostic extends Diag { final boolean fatal; final String message; final long start; final long end; ModifierDiagnostic(boolean fatal, final String message, long start, long end) { this.fatal = fatal; this.message = message; this.start = start; this.end = end; } @Override public boolean isError() { return fatal; } @Override public long getPosition() { return start; } @Override public long getStartPosition() { return start; } @Override public long getEndPosition() { return end; } @Override public String getCode() { return fatal ? "jdk.eval.error.illegal.modifiers" : "jdk.eval.warn.illegal.modifiers"; } @Override public String getMessage(Locale locale) { return message; } } private DiagList modifierDiagnostics(ModifiersTree modtree, final TreeDissector dis, boolean isAbstractProhibited) { List<Modifier> list = new ArrayList<>(); boolean fatal = false; for (Modifier mod : modtree.getFlags()) { switch (mod) { case SYNCHRONIZED: case NATIVE: list.add(mod); fatal = true; break; case ABSTRACT: if (isAbstractProhibited) { list.add(mod); fatal = true; } break; case PUBLIC: case PROTECTED: case PRIVATE: // quietly ignore, user cannot see effects one way or the other break; case FINAL: //OK to declare an element final //final classes needed for sealed classes break; case STATIC: list.add(mod); break; } } if (list.isEmpty()) { return new DiagList(); } else { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (Modifier mod : list) { sb.append("'"); sb.append(mod.toString()); sb.append("' "); } String key = (list.size() > 1) ? fatal ? "jshell.diag.modifier.plural.fatal" : "jshell.diag.modifier.plural.ignore" : fatal ? "jshell.diag.modifier.single.fatal" : "jshell.diag.modifier.single.ignore"; String message = state.messageFormat(key, sb.toString().trim()); return new DiagList(new ModifierDiagnostic(fatal, message, dis.getStartPosition(modtree), dis.getEndPosition(modtree))); } } String computeDeclareName(TypeSymbol ts) { return Util.JSHELL_ANONYMOUS + "$" + Long.toUnsignedString(anonCount++); } }