 * Copyright (c) 2002-2018, the original author or authors.
 * This software is distributable under the BSD license. See the terms of the
 * BSD license in the documentation provided with this software.
 * https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
package jdk.internal.org.jline.reader.impl.history;

import java.io.*;
import java.nio.file.*;
import java.time.DateTimeException;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.*;

import jdk.internal.org.jline.reader.History;
import jdk.internal.org.jline.reader.LineReader;
import jdk.internal.org.jline.utils.Log;

import static jdk.internal.org.jline.reader.LineReader.HISTORY_IGNORE;
import static jdk.internal.org.jline.reader.impl.ReaderUtils.*;

History using a file for persistent backing.

Implementers should install shutdown hook to call save to save history to disk.

/** * {@link History} using a file for persistent backing. * <p> * Implementers should install shutdown hook to call {@link DefaultHistory#save} * to save history to disk. * </p> */
public class DefaultHistory implements History { public static final int DEFAULT_HISTORY_SIZE = 500; public static final int DEFAULT_HISTORY_FILE_SIZE = 10000; private final LinkedList<Entry> items = new LinkedList<>(); private LineReader reader; private Map<String, HistoryFileData> historyFiles = new HashMap<>(); private int offset = 0; private int index = 0; public DefaultHistory() { } public DefaultHistory(LineReader reader) { attach(reader); } private Path getPath() { Object obj = reader != null ? reader.getVariables().get(LineReader.HISTORY_FILE) : null; if (obj instanceof Path) { return (Path) obj; } else if (obj instanceof File) { return ((File) obj).toPath(); } else if (obj != null) { return Paths.get(obj.toString()); } else { return null; } } @Override public void attach(LineReader reader) { if (this.reader != reader) { this.reader = reader; try { load(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException | IOException e) { Log.warn("Failed to load history", e); } } } @Override public void load() throws IOException { Path path = getPath(); if (path != null) { try { if (Files.exists(path)) { Log.trace("Loading history from: ", path); try (BufferedReader reader = Files.newBufferedReader(path)) { internalClear(); reader.lines().forEach(line -> addHistoryLine(path, line)); setHistoryFileData(path, new HistoryFileData(items.size(), items.size())); maybeResize(); } } } catch (IllegalArgumentException | IOException e) { Log.debug("Failed to load history; clearing", e); internalClear(); throw e; } } } @Override public void read(Path file, boolean incremental) throws IOException { Path path = file != null ? file : getPath(); if (path != null) { try { if (Files.exists(path)) { Log.trace("Reading history from: ", path); try (BufferedReader reader = Files.newBufferedReader(path)) { reader.lines().forEach(line -> addHistoryLine(path, line, incremental)); setHistoryFileData(path, new HistoryFileData(items.size(), items.size())); maybeResize(); } } } catch (IllegalArgumentException | IOException e) { Log.debug("Failed to read history; clearing", e); internalClear(); throw e; } } } private String doHistoryFileDataKey (Path path){ return path != null ? path.toAbsolutePath().toString() : null; } private HistoryFileData getHistoryFileData(Path path) { String key = doHistoryFileDataKey(path); if (!historyFiles.containsKey(key)){ historyFiles.put(key, new HistoryFileData()); } return historyFiles.get(key); } private void setHistoryFileData(Path path, HistoryFileData historyFileData) { historyFiles.put(doHistoryFileDataKey(path), historyFileData); } private boolean isLineReaderHistory (Path path) throws IOException { Path lrp = getPath(); if (lrp == null) { if (path != null) { return false; } else { return true; } } return Files.isSameFile(lrp, path); } private void setLastLoaded(Path path, int lastloaded){ getHistoryFileData(path).setLastLoaded(lastloaded); } private void setEntriesInFile(Path path, int entriesInFile){ getHistoryFileData(path).setEntriesInFile(entriesInFile); } private void incEntriesInFile(Path path, int amount){ getHistoryFileData(path).incEntriesInFile(amount); } private int getLastLoaded(Path path){ return getHistoryFileData(path).getLastLoaded(); } private int getEntriesInFile(Path path){ return getHistoryFileData(path).getEntriesInFile(); } protected void addHistoryLine(Path path, String line) { addHistoryLine(path, line, false); } protected void addHistoryLine(Path path, String line, boolean checkDuplicates) { if (reader.isSet(LineReader.Option.HISTORY_TIMESTAMPED)) { int idx = line.indexOf(':'); final String badHistoryFileSyntax = "Bad history file syntax! " + "The history file `" + path + "` may be an older history: " + "please remove it or use a different history file."; if (idx < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(badHistoryFileSyntax); } Instant time; try { time = Instant.ofEpochMilli(Long.parseLong(line.substring(0, idx))); } catch (DateTimeException | NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(badHistoryFileSyntax); } String unescaped = unescape(line.substring(idx + 1)); internalAdd(time, unescaped, checkDuplicates); } else { internalAdd(Instant.now(), unescape(line), checkDuplicates); } } @Override public void purge() throws IOException { internalClear(); Path path = getPath(); if (path != null) { Log.trace("Purging history from: ", path); Files.deleteIfExists(path); } } @Override public void write(Path file, boolean incremental) throws IOException { Path path = file != null ? file : getPath(); if (path != null && Files.exists(path)) { path.toFile().delete(); } internalWrite(path, incremental ? getLastLoaded(path) : 0); } @Override public void append(Path file, boolean incremental) throws IOException { internalWrite(file != null ? file : getPath(), incremental ? getLastLoaded(file) : 0); } @Override public void save() throws IOException { internalWrite(getPath(), getLastLoaded(getPath())); } private void internalWrite(Path path, int from) throws IOException { if (path != null) { Log.trace("Saving history to: ", path); Files.createDirectories(path.toAbsolutePath().getParent()); // Append new items to the history file try (BufferedWriter writer = Files.newBufferedWriter(path.toAbsolutePath(), StandardOpenOption.WRITE, StandardOpenOption.APPEND, StandardOpenOption.CREATE)) { for (Entry entry : items.subList(from, items.size())) { if (isPersistable(entry)) { writer.append(format(entry)); } } } incEntriesInFile(path, items.size() - from); int max = getInt(reader, LineReader.HISTORY_FILE_SIZE, DEFAULT_HISTORY_FILE_SIZE); if (getEntriesInFile(path) > max + max / 4) { trimHistory(path, max); } } setLastLoaded(path, items.size()); } protected void trimHistory(Path path, int max) throws IOException { Log.trace("Trimming history path: ", path); // Load all history entries LinkedList<Entry> allItems = new LinkedList<>(); try (BufferedReader reader = Files.newBufferedReader(path)) { reader.lines().forEach(l -> { int idx = l.indexOf(':'); Instant time = Instant.ofEpochMilli(Long.parseLong(l.substring(0, idx))); String line = unescape(l.substring(idx + 1)); allItems.add(createEntry(allItems.size(), time, line)); }); } // Remove duplicates doTrimHistory(allItems, max); // Write history Path temp = Files.createTempFile(path.toAbsolutePath().getParent(), path.getFileName().toString(), ".tmp"); try (BufferedWriter writer = Files.newBufferedWriter(temp, StandardOpenOption.WRITE)) { for (Entry entry : allItems) { writer.append(format(entry)); } } Files.move(temp, path, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); // Keep items in memory if (isLineReaderHistory(path)) { internalClear(); offset = allItems.get(0).index(); items.addAll(allItems); setHistoryFileData(path, new HistoryFileData(items.size(), items.size())); } else { setEntriesInFile(path, allItems.size()); } maybeResize(); }
Create a history entry. Subclasses may override to use their own entry implementations.
  • index – index of history entry
  • time – entry creation time
  • line – the entry text
Returns:entry object
/** * Create a history entry. Subclasses may override to use their own entry implementations. * @param index index of history entry * @param time entry creation time * @param line the entry text * @return entry object */
protected EntryImpl createEntry(int index, Instant time, String line) { return new EntryImpl(index, time, line); } private void internalClear() { offset = 0; index = 0; historyFiles = new HashMap<>(); items.clear(); } static void doTrimHistory(List<Entry> allItems, int max) { int idx = 0; while (idx < allItems.size()) { int ridx = allItems.size() - idx - 1; String line = allItems.get(ridx).line().trim(); ListIterator<Entry> iterator = allItems.listIterator(ridx); while (iterator.hasPrevious()) { String l = iterator.previous().line(); if (line.equals(l.trim())) { iterator.remove(); } } idx++; } while (allItems.size() > max) { allItems.remove(0); } } public int size() { return items.size(); } public boolean isEmpty() { return items.isEmpty(); } public int index() { return offset + index; } public int first() { return offset; } public int last() { return offset + items.size() - 1; } private String format(Entry entry) { if (reader.isSet(LineReader.Option.HISTORY_TIMESTAMPED)) { return Long.toString(entry.time().toEpochMilli()) + ":" + escape(entry.line()) + "\n"; } return escape(entry.line()) + "\n"; } public String get(final int index) { int idx = index - offset; if (idx >= items.size() || idx < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("IndexOutOfBounds: Index:" + idx +", Size:" + items.size()); } return items.get(idx).line(); } @Override public void add(Instant time, String line) { Objects.requireNonNull(time); Objects.requireNonNull(line); if (getBoolean(reader, LineReader.DISABLE_HISTORY, false)) { return; } if (isSet(reader, LineReader.Option.HISTORY_IGNORE_SPACE) && line.startsWith(" ")) { return; } if (isSet(reader, LineReader.Option.HISTORY_REDUCE_BLANKS)) { line = line.trim(); } if (isSet(reader, LineReader.Option.HISTORY_IGNORE_DUPS)) { if (!items.isEmpty() && line.equals(items.getLast().line())) { return; } } if (matchPatterns(getString(reader, HISTORY_IGNORE, ""), line)) { return; } internalAdd(time, line); if (isSet(reader, LineReader.Option.HISTORY_INCREMENTAL)) { try { save(); } catch (IOException e) { Log.warn("Failed to save history", e); } } } protected boolean matchPatterns(String patterns, String line) { if (patterns == null || patterns.isEmpty()) { return false; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < patterns.length(); i++) { char ch = patterns.charAt(i); if (ch == '\\') { ch = patterns.charAt(++i); sb.append(ch); } else if (ch == ':') { sb.append('|'); } else if (ch == '*') { sb.append('.').append('*'); } } return line.matches(sb.toString()); } protected void internalAdd(Instant time, String line) { internalAdd(time, line, false); } protected void internalAdd(Instant time, String line, boolean checkDuplicates) { Entry entry = new EntryImpl(offset + items.size(), time, line); if (checkDuplicates) { for (Entry e: items) { if (e.line().trim().equals(line.trim())) { return; } } } items.add(entry); maybeResize(); } private void maybeResize() { while (size() > getInt(reader, LineReader.HISTORY_SIZE, DEFAULT_HISTORY_SIZE)) { items.removeFirst(); for (HistoryFileData hfd: historyFiles.values()) { hfd.decLastLoaded(); } offset++; } index = size(); } public ListIterator<Entry> iterator(int index) { return items.listIterator(index - offset); } @Override public Spliterator<Entry> spliterator() { return items.spliterator(); } public void resetIndex() { index = index > items.size() ? items.size() : index; } protected static class EntryImpl implements Entry { private final int index; private final Instant time; private final String line; public EntryImpl(int index, Instant time, String line) { this.index = index; this.time = time; this.line = line; } public int index() { return index; } public Instant time() { return time; } public String line() { return line; } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("%d: %s", index, line); } } // // Navigation //
This moves the history to the last entry. This entry is one position before the moveToEnd() position.
Returns:Returns false if there were no history iterator or the history index was already at the last entry.
/** * This moves the history to the last entry. This entry is one position * before the moveToEnd() position. * * @return Returns false if there were no history iterator or the history * index was already at the last entry. */
public boolean moveToLast() { int lastEntry = size() - 1; if (lastEntry >= 0 && lastEntry != index) { index = size() - 1; return true; } return false; }
Move to the specified index in the history
/** * Move to the specified index in the history */
public boolean moveTo(int index) { index -= offset; if (index >= 0 && index < size()) { this.index = index; return true; } return false; }
Moves the history index to the first entry.
Returns:Return false if there are no iterator in the history or if the history is already at the beginning.
/** * Moves the history index to the first entry. * * @return Return false if there are no iterator in the history or if the * history is already at the beginning. */
public boolean moveToFirst() { if (size() > 0 && index != 0) { index = 0; return true; } return false; }
Move to the end of the history buffer. This will be a blank entry, after all of the other iterator.
/** * Move to the end of the history buffer. This will be a blank entry, after * all of the other iterator. */
public void moveToEnd() { index = size(); }
Return the content of the current buffer.
/** * Return the content of the current buffer. */
public String current() { if (index >= size()) { return ""; } return items.get(index).line(); }
Move the pointer to the previous element in the buffer.
Returns:true if we successfully went to the previous element
/** * Move the pointer to the previous element in the buffer. * * @return true if we successfully went to the previous element */
public boolean previous() { if (index <= 0) { return false; } index--; return true; }
Move the pointer to the next element in the buffer.
Returns:true if we successfully went to the next element
/** * Move the pointer to the next element in the buffer. * * @return true if we successfully went to the next element */
public boolean next() { if (index >= size()) { return false; } index++; return true; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (Entry e : this) { sb.append(e.toString()).append("\n"); } return sb.toString(); } private static String escape(String s) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { char ch = s.charAt(i); switch (ch) { case '\n': sb.append('\\'); sb.append('n'); break; case '\r': sb.append('\\'); sb.append('r'); break; case '\\': sb.append('\\'); sb.append('\\'); break; default: sb.append(ch); break; } } return sb.toString(); } static String unescape(String s) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { char ch = s.charAt(i); switch (ch) { case '\\': ch = s.charAt(++i); if (ch == 'n') { sb.append('\n'); } else if (ch == 'r') { sb.append('\r'); } else { sb.append(ch); } break; default: sb.append(ch); break; } } return sb.toString(); } private class HistoryFileData { private int lastLoaded = 0; private int entriesInFile = 0; public HistoryFileData() { } public HistoryFileData(int lastLoaded, int entriesInFile) { this.lastLoaded = lastLoaded; this.entriesInFile = entriesInFile; } public int getLastLoaded() { return lastLoaded; } public void setLastLoaded(int lastLoaded) { this.lastLoaded = lastLoaded; } public void decLastLoaded() { lastLoaded = lastLoaded - 1; if (lastLoaded < 0) { lastLoaded = 0; } } public int getEntriesInFile() { return entriesInFile; } public void setEntriesInFile(int entriesInFile) { this.entriesInFile = entriesInFile; } public void incEntriesInFile(int amount) { entriesInFile = entriesInFile + amount; } } }