 * Copyright (c) 2002-2019, the original author or authors.
 * This software is distributable under the BSD license. See the terms of the
 * BSD license in the documentation provided with this software.
 * https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
package jdk.internal.org.jline.reader;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.IntConsumer;

import jdk.internal.org.jline.keymap.KeyMap;
import jdk.internal.org.jline.terminal.MouseEvent;
import jdk.internal.org.jline.terminal.Terminal;
import jdk.internal.org.jline.utils.AttributedString;

Read lines from the console, with input editing.

Thread safety

The LineReader implementations are not thread safe, thus you should not attempt to use a single reader in several threads. Any attempt to call one of the readLine call while one is already executing in a different thread will immediately result in an IllegalStateException being thrown. Other calls may lead to unknown behaviors. There is one exception though: users are allowed to call printAbove(String) or printAbove(AttributedString) at any time to allow text to be printed above the current prompt.

Prompt strings

It is traditional for an interactive console-based program to print a short prompt string to signal that the user is expected to type a command. JLine supports 3 kinds of prompt string:
  • The normal prompt at the start (left) of the initial line of a command.
  • An optional right prompt at the right border of the initial line.
  • A start (left) prompt for continuation lines. I.e. the lines after the first line of a multi-line command.

All of these are specified with prompt templates, which are similar to printf format strings, using the character '%' to indicate special functionality.

The pattern may include ANSI escapes. It may include these template markers:
A line number. This is the sum of getLineNumber() and a counter starting with 1 for the first continuation line.
A short word explaining what is "missing". This is supplied from the EOFError.getMissing() method, if provided. Defaults to an empty string.
Insert padding at this position, repeating the following character c as needed to bring the total prompt column width as specified by the digits n.
As before, but use width from the initial prompt.
A literal '%'.
Text between a %{...%} pair is printed as part of a prompt, but not interpreted by JLine (except that '%'-escapes are processed). The text is assumed to take zero columns (not move the cursor). If it changes the style, you're responsible for changing it back. Standard ANSI escape sequences do not need to be within a %{...%} pair (though can be) since JLine knows how to deal with them. However, these delimiters are needed for unusual non-standard escape sequences.
/** Read lines from the console, with input editing. * * <h3>Thread safety</h3> * The <code>LineReader</code> implementations are not thread safe, * thus you should not attempt to use a single reader in several threads. * Any attempt to call one of the <code>readLine</code> call while one is * already executing in a different thread will immediately result in an * <code>IllegalStateException</code> being thrown. Other calls may lead to * unknown behaviors. There is one exception though: users are allowed to call * {@link #printAbove(String)} or {@link #printAbove(AttributedString)} at * any time to allow text to be printed above the current prompt. * * <h3>Prompt strings</h3> * It is traditional for an interactive console-based program * to print a short prompt string to signal that the user is expected * to type a command. JLine supports 3 kinds of prompt string: * <ul> * <li> The normal prompt at the start (left) of the initial line of a command. * <li> An optional right prompt at the right border of the initial line. * <li> A start (left) prompt for continuation lines. I.e. the lines * after the first line of a multi-line command. * </ul> * <p> * All of these are specified with prompt templates, * which are similar to {@code printf} format strings, * using the character {@code '%'} to indicate special functionality. * </p> * The pattern may include ANSI escapes. * It may include these template markers: * <dl> * <dt>{@code %N}</dt> * <dd>A line number. This is the sum of {@code getLineNumber()} * and a counter starting with 1 for the first continuation line. * </dd> * <dt>{@code %M}</dt> * <dd>A short word explaining what is "missing". This is supplied from * the {@link EOFError#getMissing()} method, if provided. * Defaults to an empty string. * </dd> * <dt>{@code %}<var>n</var>{@code P}<var>c</var></dt> * <dd>Insert padding at this position, repeating the following * character <var>c</var> as needed to bring the total prompt * column width as specified by the digits <var>n</var>. * </dd> * <dt>{@code %P}<var>c</var></dt> * <dd>As before, but use width from the initial prompt. * </dd> * <dt>{@code %%}</dt> * <dd>A literal {@code '%'}. * </dd> * <dt><code>%{</code></dt><dt><code>%}</code></dt> * <dd>Text between a <code>%{</code>...<code>%}</code> pair is printed as * part of a prompt, but not interpreted by JLine * (except that {@code '%'}-escapes are processed). The text is assumed * to take zero columns (not move the cursor). If it changes the style, * you're responsible for changing it back. Standard ANSI escape sequences * do not need to be within a <code>%{</code>...<code>%}</code> pair * (though can be) since JLine knows how to deal with them. However, * these delimiters are needed for unusual non-standard escape sequences. * </dd> * </dl> */
public interface LineReader {
System property that can be set to avoid a warning being logged when using a Parser which does not return CompletingParsedLine objects.
/** * System property that can be set to avoid a warning being logged * when using a Parser which does not return {@link CompletingParsedLine} objects. */
String PROP_SUPPORT_PARSEDLINE = "org.jline.reader.support.parsedline"; // // Widget names // String CALLBACK_INIT = "callback-init"; String CALLBACK_FINISH = "callback-finish"; String CALLBACK_KEYMAP = "callback-keymap"; String ACCEPT_AND_INFER_NEXT_HISTORY = "accept-and-infer-next-history"; String ACCEPT_AND_HOLD = "accept-and-hold"; String ACCEPT_LINE = "accept-line"; String ACCEPT_LINE_AND_DOWN_HISTORY = "accept-line-and-down-history"; String ARGUMENT_BASE = "argument-base"; String BACKWARD_CHAR = "backward-char"; String BACKWARD_DELETE_CHAR = "backward-delete-char"; String BACKWARD_DELETE_WORD = "backward-delete-word"; String BACKWARD_KILL_LINE = "backward-kill-line"; String BACKWARD_KILL_WORD = "backward-kill-word"; String BACKWARD_WORD = "backward-word"; String BEEP = "beep"; String BEGINNING_OF_BUFFER_OR_HISTORY = "beginning-of-buffer-or-history"; String BEGINNING_OF_HISTORY = "beginning-of-history"; String BEGINNING_OF_LINE = "beginning-of-line"; String BEGINNING_OF_LINE_HIST = "beginning-of-line-hist"; String CAPITALIZE_WORD = "capitalize-word"; String CHARACTER_SEARCH = "character-search"; String CHARACTER_SEARCH_BACKWARD = "character-search-backward"; String CLEAR = "clear"; String CLEAR_SCREEN = "clear-screen"; String COMPLETE_PREFIX = "complete-prefix"; String COMPLETE_WORD = "complete-word"; String COPY_PREV_WORD = "copy-prev-word"; String COPY_REGION_AS_KILL = "copy-region-as-kill"; String DELETE_CHAR = "delete-char"; String DELETE_CHAR_OR_LIST = "delete-char-or-list"; String DELETE_WORD = "delete-word"; String DIGIT_ARGUMENT = "digit-argument"; String DO_LOWERCASE_VERSION = "do-lowercase-version"; String DOWN_CASE_WORD = "down-case-word"; String DOWN_HISTORY = "down-history"; String DOWN_LINE = "down-line"; String DOWN_LINE_OR_HISTORY = "down-line-or-history"; String DOWN_LINE_OR_SEARCH = "down-line-or-search"; String EDIT_AND_EXECUTE_COMMAND = "edit-and-execute-command"; String EMACS_BACKWARD_WORD = "emacs-backward-word"; String EMACS_EDITING_MODE = "emacs-editing-mode"; String EMACS_FORWARD_WORD = "emacs-forward-word"; String END_OF_BUFFER_OR_HISTORY = "end-of-buffer-or-history"; String END_OF_HISTORY = "end-of-history"; String END_OF_LINE = "end-of-line"; String END_OF_LINE_HIST = "end-of-line-hist"; String EXCHANGE_POINT_AND_MARK = "exchange-point-and-mark"; String EXECUTE_NAMED_CMD = "execute-named-cmd"; String EXPAND_HISTORY = "expand-history"; String EXPAND_OR_COMPLETE = "expand-or-complete"; String EXPAND_OR_COMPLETE_PREFIX = "expand-or-complete-prefix"; String EXPAND_WORD = "expand-word"; String FRESH_LINE = "fresh-line"; String FORWARD_CHAR = "forward-char"; String FORWARD_WORD = "forward-word"; String HISTORY_BEGINNING_SEARCH_BACKWARD = "history-beginning-search-backward"; String HISTORY_BEGINNING_SEARCH_FORWARD = "history-beginning-search-forward"; String HISTORY_INCREMENTAL_PATTERN_SEARCH_BACKWARD = "history-incremental-pattern-search-backward"; String HISTORY_INCREMENTAL_PATTERN_SEARCH_FORWARD = "history-incremental-pattern-search-forward"; String HISTORY_INCREMENTAL_SEARCH_BACKWARD = "history-incremental-search-backward"; String HISTORY_INCREMENTAL_SEARCH_FORWARD = "history-incremental-search-forward"; String HISTORY_SEARCH_BACKWARD = "history-search-backward"; String HISTORY_SEARCH_FORWARD = "history-search-forward"; String INSERT_CLOSE_CURLY = "insert-close-curly"; String INSERT_CLOSE_PAREN = "insert-close-paren"; String INSERT_CLOSE_SQUARE = "insert-close-square"; String INFER_NEXT_HISTORY = "infer-next-history"; String INSERT_COMMENT = "insert-comment"; String INSERT_LAST_WORD = "insert-last-word"; String KILL_BUFFER = "kill-buffer"; String KILL_LINE = "kill-line"; String KILL_REGION = "kill-region"; String KILL_WHOLE_LINE = "kill-whole-line"; String KILL_WORD = "kill-word"; String LIST_CHOICES = "list-choices"; String LIST_EXPAND = "list-expand"; String MAGIC_SPACE = "magic-space"; String MENU_EXPAND_OR_COMPLETE = "menu-expand-or-complete"; String MENU_COMPLETE = "menu-complete"; String MENU_SELECT = "menu-select"; String NEG_ARGUMENT = "neg-argument"; String OVERWRITE_MODE = "overwrite-mode"; String PUT_REPLACE_SELECTION = "put-replace-selection"; String QUOTED_INSERT = "quoted-insert"; String READ_COMMAND = "read-command"; String RECURSIVE_EDIT = "recursive-edit"; String REDISPLAY = "redisplay"; String REDRAW_LINE = "redraw-line"; String REDO = "redo"; String REVERSE_MENU_COMPLETE = "reverse-menu-complete"; String SELF_INSERT = "self-insert"; String SELF_INSERT_UNMETA = "self-insert-unmeta"; String SEND_BREAK = "abort"; String SET_LOCAL_HISTORY = "set-local-history"; String SET_MARK_COMMAND = "set-mark-command"; String SPELL_WORD = "spell-word"; String SPLIT_UNDO = "split-undo"; String TRANSPOSE_CHARS = "transpose-chars"; String TRANSPOSE_WORDS = "transpose-words"; String UNDEFINED_KEY = "undefined-key"; String UNDO = "undo"; String UNIVERSAL_ARGUMENT = "universal-argument"; String UP_CASE_WORD = "up-case-word"; String UP_HISTORY = "up-history"; String UP_LINE = "up-line"; String UP_LINE_OR_HISTORY = "up-line-or-history"; String UP_LINE_OR_SEARCH = "up-line-or-search"; String VI_ADD_EOL = "vi-add-eol"; String VI_ADD_NEXT = "vi-add-next"; String VI_BACKWARD_BLANK_WORD = "vi-backward-blank-word"; String VI_BACKWARD_BLANK_WORD_END = "vi-backward-blank-word-end"; String VI_BACKWARD_CHAR = "vi-backward-char"; String VI_BACKWARD_DELETE_CHAR = "vi-backward-delete-char"; String VI_BACKWARD_KILL_WORD = "vi-backward-kill-word"; String VI_BACKWARD_WORD = "vi-backward-word"; String VI_BACKWARD_WORD_END = "vi-backward-word-end"; String VI_BEGINNING_OF_LINE = "vi-beginning-of-line"; String VI_CHANGE = "vi-change-to"; String VI_CHANGE_EOL = "vi-change-eol"; String VI_CHANGE_WHOLE_LINE = "vi-change-whole-line"; String VI_CMD_MODE = "vi-cmd-mode"; String VI_DELETE = "vi-delete"; String VI_DELETE_CHAR = "vi-delete-char"; String VI_DIGIT_OR_BEGINNING_OF_LINE = "vi-digit-or-beginning-of-line"; String VI_DOWN_LINE_OR_HISTORY = "vi-down-line-or-history"; String VI_END_OF_LINE = "vi-end-of-line"; String VI_FETCH_HISTORY = "vi-fetch-history"; String VI_FIND_NEXT_CHAR = "vi-find-next-char"; String VI_FIND_NEXT_CHAR_SKIP = "vi-find-next-char-skip"; String VI_FIND_PREV_CHAR = "vi-find-prev-char"; String VI_FIND_PREV_CHAR_SKIP = "vi-find-prev-char-skip"; String VI_FIRST_NON_BLANK = "vi-first-non-blank"; String VI_FORWARD_BLANK_WORD = "vi-forward-blank-word"; String VI_FORWARD_BLANK_WORD_END = "vi-forward-blank-word-end"; String VI_FORWARD_CHAR = "vi-forward-char"; String VI_FORWARD_WORD = "vi-forward-word"; String VI_FORWARD_WORD_END = "vi-forward-word-end"; String VI_GOTO_COLUMN = "vi-goto-column"; String VI_HISTORY_SEARCH_BACKWARD = "vi-history-search-backward"; String VI_HISTORY_SEARCH_FORWARD = "vi-history-search-forward"; String VI_INSERT = "vi-insert"; String VI_INSERT_BOL = "vi-insert-bol"; String VI_INSERT_COMMENT = "vi-insert-comment"; String VI_JOIN = "vi-join"; String VI_KILL_EOL = "vi-kill-eol"; String VI_KILL_LINE = "vi-kill-line"; String VI_MATCH_BRACKET = "vi-match-bracket"; String VI_OPEN_LINE_ABOVE = "vi-open-line-above"; String VI_OPEN_LINE_BELOW = "vi-open-line-below"; String VI_OPER_SWAP_CASE = "vi-oper-swap-case"; String VI_PUT_AFTER = "vi-put-after"; String VI_PUT_BEFORE = "vi-put-before"; String VI_QUOTED_INSERT = "vi-quoted-insert"; String VI_REPEAT_CHANGE = "vi-repeat-change"; String VI_REPEAT_FIND = "vi-repeat-find"; String VI_REPEAT_SEARCH = "vi-repeat-search"; String VI_REPLACE = "vi-replace"; String VI_REPLACE_CHARS = "vi-replace-chars"; String VI_REV_REPEAT_FIND = "vi-rev-repeat-find"; String VI_REV_REPEAT_SEARCH = "vi-rev-repeat-search"; String VI_SET_BUFFER = "vi-set-buffer"; String VI_SUBSTITUTE = "vi-substitute"; String VI_SWAP_CASE = "vi-swap-case"; String VI_UNDO_CHANGE = "vi-undo-change"; String VI_UP_LINE_OR_HISTORY = "vi-up-line-or-history"; String VI_YANK = "vi-yank"; String VI_YANK_EOL = "vi-yank-eol"; String VI_YANK_WHOLE_LINE = "vi-yank-whole-line"; String VISUAL_LINE_MODE = "visual-line-mode"; String VISUAL_MODE = "visual-mode"; String WHAT_CURSOR_POSITION = "what-cursor-position"; String YANK = "yank"; String YANK_POP = "yank-pop"; String MOUSE = "mouse"; String FOCUS_IN = "terminal-focus-in"; String FOCUS_OUT = "terminal-focus-out"; String BEGIN_PASTE = "begin-paste"; // // KeyMap names // String VICMD = "vicmd"; String VIINS = "viins"; String VIOPP = "viopp"; String VISUAL = "visual"; String MAIN = "main"; String EMACS = "emacs"; String SAFE = ".safe"; String MENU = "menu"; // // Variable names // String BIND_TTY_SPECIAL_CHARS = "bind-tty-special-chars"; String COMMENT_BEGIN = "comment-begin"; String BELL_STYLE = "bell-style"; String PREFER_VISIBLE_BELL = "prefer-visible-bell"; String LIST_MAX = "list-max"; String DISABLE_HISTORY = "disable-history"; String DISABLE_COMPLETION = "disable-completion"; String EDITING_MODE = "editing-mode"; String KEYMAP = "keymap"; String BLINK_MATCHING_PAREN = "blink-matching-paren"; String WORDCHARS = "WORDCHARS"; String REMOVE_SUFFIX_CHARS = "REMOVE_SUFFIX_CHARS"; String SEARCH_TERMINATORS = "search-terminators"; String ERRORS = "errors";
Property for the "others" group name
/** Property for the "others" group name */
Property for the "original" group name
/** Property for the "original" group name */
Completion style for displaying groups name
/** Completion style for displaying groups name */
Completion style for displaying the current selected item
/** Completion style for displaying the current selected item */
Completion style for displaying the candidate description
/** Completion style for displaying the candidate description */
Completion style for displaying the matching part of candidates
/** Completion style for displaying the matching part of candidates */
Set the template for prompts for secondary (continuation) lines. This is a prompt template as described in the class header.
/** * Set the template for prompts for secondary (continuation) lines. * This is a prompt template as described in the class header. */
String SECONDARY_PROMPT_PATTERN = "secondary-prompt-pattern";
When in multiline edit mode, this variable can be used to offset the line number displayed.
/** * When in multiline edit mode, this variable can be used * to offset the line number displayed. */
String LINE_OFFSET = "line-offset";
Timeout for ambiguous key sequences. If the key sequence is ambiguous, i.e. there is a matching sequence but the sequence is also a prefix for other bindings, the next key press will be waited for a specified amount of time. If the timeout elapses, the matched sequence will be used.
/** * Timeout for ambiguous key sequences. * If the key sequence is ambiguous, i.e. there is a matching * sequence but the sequence is also a prefix for other bindings, * the next key press will be waited for a specified amount of * time. If the timeout elapses, the matched sequence will be * used. */
String AMBIGUOUS_BINDING = "ambiguous-binding";
Columns separated list of patterns that will not be saved in history.
/** * Columns separated list of patterns that will not be saved in history. */
String HISTORY_IGNORE = "history-ignore";
File system history path.
/** * File system history path. */
String HISTORY_FILE = "history-file";
Number of history items to keep in memory.
/** * Number of history items to keep in memory. */
String HISTORY_SIZE = "history-size";
Number of history items to keep in the history file.
/** * Number of history items to keep in the history file. */
String HISTORY_FILE_SIZE = "history-file-size";
New line automatic indentation after opening/closing bracket.
/** * New line automatic indentation after opening/closing bracket. */
String INDENTATION = "indentation";
Max buffer size for advanced features. Once the length of the buffer reaches this threshold, no advanced features will be enabled. This includes the undo buffer, syntax highlighting, parsing, etc....
/** * Max buffer size for advanced features. * Once the length of the buffer reaches this threshold, no * advanced features will be enabled. This includes the undo * buffer, syntax highlighting, parsing, etc.... */
when displaying candidates, group them by Candidate.group()
/** when displaying candidates, group them by {@link Candidate#group()} */
display group name before each group (else display all group names first)
/** display group name before each group (else display all group names first) */
if completion is case insensitive or not
/** if completion is case insensitive or not */
if set and not at start of line before prompt, move to new line
/** if set and not at start of line before prompt, move to new line */
After writing into the rightmost column, do we immediately move to the next line (the default)? Or do we wait until the next character. If set, an input line that is exactly N*columns wide will use N screen lines; otherwise it will use N+1 lines. When the cursor position is the right margin of the last line (i.e. after N*columns normal characters), if this option it set, the cursor will be remain on the last line (line N-1, zero-origin); if unset the cursor will be on the empty next line. Regardless, for all except the last screen line if the cursor is at the right margin, it will be shown at the start of the next line.
/** After writing into the rightmost column, do we immediately * move to the next line (the default)? Or do we wait until * the next character. * If set, an input line that is exactly {@code N*columns} wide will * use {@code N} screen lines; otherwise it will use {@code N+1} lines. * When the cursor position is the right margin of the last line * (i.e. after {@code N*columns} normal characters), if this option * it set, the cursor will be remain on the last line (line {@code N-1}, * zero-origin); if unset the cursor will be on the empty next line. * Regardless, for all except the last screen line if the cursor is at * the right margin, it will be shown at the start of the next line. */
When hitting the <tab> key at the beginning of the line, insert a tabulation instead of completing. This is mainly useful when BRACKETED_PASTE is disabled, so that copy/paste of indented text does not trigger completion.
/** When hitting the <code>&lt;tab&gt;</code> key at the beginning of the line, insert a tabulation * instead of completing. This is mainly useful when {@link #BRACKETED_PASTE} is * disabled, so that copy/paste of indented text does not trigger completion. */
Instead of printing a new line when the line is read, the entire line (including the prompt) will be erased, thereby leaving the screen as it was before the readLine call.
/** * Instead of printing a new line when the line is read, the entire line * (including the prompt) will be erased, thereby leaving the screen as it * was before the readLine call. */
if history search is fully case insensitive
/** if history search is fully case insensitive */
Automatic insertion of closing bracket
/** Automatic insertion of closing bracket */
Show command options tab completion candidates for zero length word
/** Show command options tab completion candidates for zero length word */
EMPTY_WORD_OPTIONS(true), ; private final boolean def; Option() { this(false); } Option(boolean def) { this.def = def; } public boolean isDef() { return def; } } enum RegionType { NONE, CHAR, LINE, PASTE } enum SuggestionType {
As you type command line suggestions are disabled.
/** * As you type command line suggestions are disabled. */
Prepare command line suggestions using command history. Requires an additional widgets implementation.
/** * Prepare command line suggestions using command history. * Requires an additional widgets implementation. */
Prepare command line suggestions using command completer data.
/** * Prepare command line suggestions using command completer data. */
Prepare command line suggestions using command completer data and/or command positional argument descriptions. Requires an additional widgets implementation.
/** * Prepare command line suggestions using command completer data and/or command positional argument descriptions. * Requires an additional widgets implementation. */
Read the next line and return the contents of the buffer. Equivalent to readLine(null, null, null).
Returns:the line read
/** * Read the next line and return the contents of the buffer. * * Equivalent to <code>readLine(null, null, null)</code>. * * @return the line read * @throws UserInterruptException If the call was interrupted by the user. * @throws EndOfFileException If the end of the input stream was reached. */
String readLine() throws UserInterruptException, EndOfFileException;
Read the next line with the specified character mask. If null, then characters will be echoed. If 0, then no characters will be echoed. Equivalent to readLine(null, mask, null)
  • mask – The mask character, null or 0.
Returns: A line that is read from the terminal, can never be null.
/** * Read the next line with the specified character mask. If null, then * characters will be echoed. If 0, then no characters will be echoed. * * Equivalent to <code>readLine(null, mask, null)</code> * * @param mask The mask character, <code>null</code> or <code>0</code>. * @return A line that is read from the terminal, can never be null. * @throws UserInterruptException If the call was interrupted by the user. * @throws EndOfFileException If the end of the input stream was reached. */
String readLine(Character mask) throws UserInterruptException, EndOfFileException;
Read the next line with the specified prompt. If null, then the default prompt will be used. Equivalent to readLine(prompt, null, null)
  • prompt – The prompt to issue to the terminal, may be null.
Returns: A line that is read from the terminal, can never be null.
/** * Read the next line with the specified prompt. * If null, then the default prompt will be used. * * Equivalent to <code>readLine(prompt, null, null)</code> * * @param prompt The prompt to issue to the terminal, may be null. * @return A line that is read from the terminal, can never be null. * @throws UserInterruptException If the call was interrupted by the user. * @throws EndOfFileException If the end of the input stream was reached. */
String readLine(String prompt) throws UserInterruptException, EndOfFileException;
Read a line from the in InputStream, and return the line (without any trailing newlines). Equivalent to readLine(prompt, mask, null)
  • prompt – The prompt to issue to the terminal, may be null.
  • mask – The mask character, null or 0.
Returns: A line that is read from the terminal, can never be null.
/** * Read a line from the <i>in</i> {@link InputStream}, and return the line * (without any trailing newlines). * * Equivalent to <code>readLine(prompt, mask, null)</code> * * @param prompt The prompt to issue to the terminal, may be null. * @param mask The mask character, <code>null</code> or <code>0</code>. * @return A line that is read from the terminal, can never be null. * @throws UserInterruptException If the call was interrupted by the user. * @throws EndOfFileException If the end of the input stream was reached. */
String readLine(String prompt, Character mask) throws UserInterruptException, EndOfFileException;
Read a line from the in InputStream, and return the line (without any trailing newlines). Equivalent to readLine(prompt, null, mask, buffer)
  • prompt – The prompt to issue to the terminal, may be null. This is a template, with optional '%' escapes, as described in the class header.
  • mask – The character mask, may be null.
  • buffer – The default value presented to the user to edit, may be null.
Returns: A line that is read from the terminal, can never be null.
/** * Read a line from the <i>in</i> {@link InputStream}, and return the line * (without any trailing newlines). * * Equivalent to <code>readLine(prompt, null, mask, buffer)</code> * * @param prompt The prompt to issue to the terminal, may be null. * This is a template, with optional {@code '%'} escapes, as * described in the class header. * @param mask The character mask, may be null. * @param buffer The default value presented to the user to edit, may be null. * @return A line that is read from the terminal, can never be null. * @throws UserInterruptException If the call was interrupted by the user. * @throws EndOfFileException If the end of the input stream was reached. */
String readLine(String prompt, Character mask, String buffer) throws UserInterruptException, EndOfFileException;
Read a line from the in InputStream, and return the line (without any trailing newlines).
  • prompt – The prompt to issue to the terminal, may be null. This is a template, with optional '%' escapes, as described in the class header.
  • rightPrompt – The right prompt This is a template, with optional '%' escapes, as described in the class header.
  • mask – The character mask, may be null.
  • buffer – The default value presented to the user to edit, may be null.
Returns: A line that is read from the terminal, can never be null.
/** * Read a line from the <i>in</i> {@link InputStream}, and return the line * (without any trailing newlines). * * @param prompt The prompt to issue to the terminal, may be null. * This is a template, with optional {@code '%'} escapes, as * described in the class header. * @param rightPrompt The right prompt * This is a template, with optional {@code '%'} escapes, as * described in the class header. * @param mask The character mask, may be null. * @param buffer The default value presented to the user to edit, may be null. * @return A line that is read from the terminal, can never be null. * * @throws UserInterruptException if readLine was interrupted (using Ctrl-C for example) * @throws EndOfFileException if an EOF has been found (using Ctrl-D for example) * @throws java.io.IOError in case of other i/o errors * @throws UserInterruptException If the call was interrupted by the user. * @throws EndOfFileException If the end of the input stream was reached. */
String readLine(String prompt, String rightPrompt, Character mask, String buffer) throws UserInterruptException, EndOfFileException;
Read a line from the in InputStream, and return the line (without any trailing newlines).
  • prompt – The prompt to issue to the terminal, may be null. This is a template, with optional '%' escapes, as described in the class header.
  • rightPrompt – The right prompt This is a template, with optional '%' escapes, as described in the class header.
  • maskingCallback – The MaskingCallback to use when displaying lines and adding them to the line History
  • buffer – The default value presented to the user to edit, may be null.
Returns: A line that is read from the terminal, can never be null.
/** * Read a line from the <i>in</i> {@link InputStream}, and return the line * (without any trailing newlines). * * @param prompt The prompt to issue to the terminal, may be null. * This is a template, with optional {@code '%'} escapes, as * described in the class header. * @param rightPrompt The right prompt * This is a template, with optional {@code '%'} escapes, as * described in the class header. * @param maskingCallback The {@link MaskingCallback} to use when displaying lines and adding them to the line {@link History} * @param buffer The default value presented to the user to edit, may be null. * @return A line that is read from the terminal, can never be null. * * @throws UserInterruptException if readLine was interrupted (using Ctrl-C for example) * @throws EndOfFileException if an EOF has been found (using Ctrl-D for example) * @throws java.io.IOError in case of other i/o errors * @throws UserInterruptException If the call was interrupted by the user. * @throws EndOfFileException If the end of the input stream was reached. */
String readLine(String prompt, String rightPrompt, MaskingCallback maskingCallback, String buffer) throws UserInterruptException, EndOfFileException;
Prints a line above the prompt and redraw everything. If the LineReader is not actually reading a line, the string will simply be printed to the terminal.
  • str – the string to print
See Also:
  • printAbove(AttributedString)
/** * Prints a line above the prompt and redraw everything. * If the LineReader is not actually reading a line, the string will simply be printed to the terminal. * * @see #printAbove(AttributedString) * @param str the string to print */
void printAbove(String str);
Prints a string before the prompt and redraw everything. If the LineReader is not actually reading a line, the string will simply be printed to the terminal.
  • str – the string to print
See Also:
  • printAbove(String)
/** * Prints a string before the prompt and redraw everything. * If the LineReader is not actually reading a line, the string will simply be printed to the terminal. * * @see #printAbove(String) * @param str the string to print */
void printAbove(AttributedString str);
Check if a thread is currently in a readLine() call.
Returns:true if there is an ongoing readLine() call.
/** * Check if a thread is currently in a <code>readLine()</code> call. * * @return <code>true</code> if there is an ongoing <code>readLine()</code> call. */
boolean isReading(); // // Chainable setters // LineReader variable(String name, Object value); LineReader option(Option option, boolean value); void callWidget(String name); Map<String, Object> getVariables(); Object getVariable(String name); void setVariable(String name, Object value); boolean isSet(Option option); void setOpt(Option option); void unsetOpt(Option option); Terminal getTerminal(); Map<String, Widget> getWidgets(); Map<String, Widget> getBuiltinWidgets(); Buffer getBuffer(); String getAppName();
Push back a key sequence that will be later consumed by the line reader. This method can be used after reading the cursor position using Terminal.getCursorPosition(IntConsumer).
  • macro – the key sequence to push back
See Also:
/** * Push back a key sequence that will be later consumed by the line reader. * This method can be used after reading the cursor position using * {@link Terminal#getCursorPosition(IntConsumer)}. * * @param macro the key sequence to push back * @see Terminal#getCursorPosition(IntConsumer) * @see #readMouseEvent() */
void runMacro(String macro);
Read a mouse event when the key_mouse.key_mouse sequence has just been read on the input stream. Compared to Terminal.readMouseEvent(), this method takes into account keys that have been pushed back using runMacro(String).
See Also:
Returns:the mouse event
/** * Read a mouse event when the {@link org.jline.utils.InfoCmp.Capability#key_mouse} sequence * has just been read on the input stream. * Compared to {@link Terminal#readMouseEvent()}, this method takes into account keys * that have been pushed back using {@link #runMacro(String)}. * * @return the mouse event * @see #runMacro(String) * @see Terminal#getCursorPosition(IntConsumer) */
MouseEvent readMouseEvent(); History getHistory(); Parser getParser(); Highlighter getHighlighter(); Expander getExpander(); Map<String, KeyMap<Binding>> getKeyMaps(); String getKeyMap(); boolean setKeyMap(String name); KeyMap<Binding> getKeys(); ParsedLine getParsedLine(); String getSearchTerm(); RegionType getRegionActive(); int getRegionMark(); void addCommandsInBuffer(Collection<String> commands); void editAndAddInBuffer(File file) throws Exception; String getLastBinding(); String getTailTip(); void setTailTip(String tailTip); void setAutosuggestion(SuggestionType type); SuggestionType getAutosuggestion(); }