 * Copyright (c) 2002-2016, the original author or authors.
 * This software is distributable under the BSD license. See the terms of the
 * BSD license in the documentation provided with this software.
 * https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
package jdk.internal.org.jline.reader.impl.completer;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;

import jdk.internal.org.jline.reader.Candidate;
import jdk.internal.org.jline.reader.Completer;
import jdk.internal.org.jline.reader.LineReader;
import jdk.internal.org.jline.reader.ParsedLine;

Completer which contains multiple completers and aggregates them together.
Author:Jason Dillon
/** * Completer which contains multiple completers and aggregates them together. * * @author <a href="mailto:jason@planet57.com">Jason Dillon</a> * @since 2.3 */
public class AggregateCompleter implements Completer { private final Collection<Completer> completers;
Construct an AggregateCompleter with the given completers. The completers will be used in the order given.
  • completers – the completers
/** * Construct an AggregateCompleter with the given completers. * The completers will be used in the order given. * * @param completers the completers */
public AggregateCompleter(final Completer... completers) { this(Arrays.asList(completers)); }
Construct an AggregateCompleter with the given completers. The completers will be used in the order given.
  • completers – the completers
/** * Construct an AggregateCompleter with the given completers. * The completers will be used in the order given. * * @param completers the completers */
public AggregateCompleter(Collection<Completer> completers) { assert completers != null; this.completers = completers; }
Retrieve the collection of completers currently being aggregated.
Returns:the aggregated completers
/** * Retrieve the collection of completers currently being aggregated. * * @return the aggregated completers */
public Collection<Completer> getCompleters() { return completers; }
Perform a completion operation across all aggregated completers. The effect is similar to the following code:
completers.forEach(c -> c.complete(reader, line, candidates));
See Also:
/** * Perform a completion operation across all aggregated completers. * * The effect is similar to the following code: * <blockquote><pre>{@code completers.forEach(c -> c.complete(reader, line, candidates));}</pre></blockquote> * * @see Completer#complete(LineReader, ParsedLine, List) */
public void complete(LineReader reader, final ParsedLine line, final List<Candidate> candidates) { Objects.requireNonNull(line); Objects.requireNonNull(candidates); completers.forEach(c -> c.complete(reader, line, candidates)); }
Returns:a string representing the aggregated completers
/** * @return a string representing the aggregated completers */
@Override public String toString() { return getClass().getSimpleName() + "{" + "completers=" + completers + '}'; } }