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package jdk.internal.foreign;

import jdk.internal.vm.annotation.ForceInline;

import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.lang.invoke.VarHandle;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.LongAdder;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.StampedLock;

This class manages the temporal bounds associated with a memory segment as well as thread confinement. A scope has a liveness bit, which is updated when the scope is closed (this operation is triggered by AbstractMemorySegmentImpl.close()). A scope may also have an associated "owner" thread that confines some operations to associated owner thread such as close() or dup(Thread). Furthermore, a scope is either root scope (created when memory segment is allocated) or child scope (acquired from root scope). When a child scope is acquired from another child scope, it is actually acquired from the root scope. There is only a single level of children. All child scopes are peers. A child scope can be closed at any time, but root scope can only be closed after all its children have been closed, at which time any associated cleanup action is executed (the associated memory segment is freed). Besides thread-confined checked scopes, createUnchecked(Thread, Object, Runnable) method may be used passing null as the "owner" thread to create a scope that doesn't check for thread-confinement while its temporal bounds are enforced reliably only under condition that thread that closes the scope is also the single thread performing the checked access or there is an external synchronization in place that prevents concurrent access and closing of the scope.
/** * This class manages the temporal bounds associated with a memory segment as well * as thread confinement. * A scope has a liveness bit, which is updated when the scope is closed * (this operation is triggered by {@link AbstractMemorySegmentImpl#close()}). * A scope may also have an associated "owner" thread that confines some operations to * associated owner thread such as {@link #close()} or {@link #dup(Thread)}. * Furthermore, a scope is either root scope ({@link #create(Object, Runnable) created} * when memory segment is allocated) or child scope ({@link #acquire() acquired} from root scope). * When a child scope is acquired from another child scope, it is actually acquired from * the root scope. There is only a single level of children. All child scopes are peers. * A child scope can be {@link #close() closed} at any time, but root scope can only * be closed after all its children have been closed, at which time any associated * cleanup action is executed (the associated memory segment is freed). * Besides thread-confined checked scopes, {@linkplain #createUnchecked(Thread, Object, Runnable)} * method may be used passing {@code null} as the "owner" thread to create a * scope that doesn't check for thread-confinement while its temporal bounds are * enforced reliably only under condition that thread that closes the scope is also * the single thread performing the checked access or there is an external synchronization * in place that prevents concurrent access and closing of the scope. */
abstract class MemoryScope {
Creates a root MemoryScope with given ref, cleanupAction and current thread as the "owner" thread. This method may be called in any thread. The returned instance may be published unsafely to and used in any thread, but methods that explicitly state that they may only be called in "owner" thread, must strictly be called in the thread that created the scope or else IllegalStateException is thrown.
  • ref – an optional reference to an instance that needs to be kept reachable
  • cleanupAction – an optional cleanup action to be executed when returned scope is closed
Returns:a root MemoryScope
/** * Creates a root MemoryScope with given ref, cleanupAction and current * thread as the "owner" thread. * This method may be called in any thread. * The returned instance may be published unsafely to and used in any thread, * but methods that explicitly state that they may only be called in "owner" thread, * must strictly be called in the thread that created the scope * or else IllegalStateException is thrown. * * @param ref an optional reference to an instance that needs to be kept reachable * @param cleanupAction an optional cleanup action to be executed when returned scope is closed * @return a root MemoryScope */
static MemoryScope create(Object ref, Runnable cleanupAction) { return new Root(Thread.currentThread(), ref, cleanupAction); }
Creates a root MemoryScope with given ref, cleanupAction and "owner" thread. This method may be called in any thread. The returned instance may be published unsafely to and used in any thread, but methods that explicitly state that they may only be called in "owner" thread, must strictly be called in given owner thread or else IllegalStateException is thrown. If given owner thread is null, the returned MemoryScope is unchecked, meaning that all methods may be called in any thread and that checkValidState() does not check for temporal bounds.
  • owner – the desired owner thread. If owner == null, the returned scope is not thread-confined and not checked.
  • ref – an optional reference to an instance that needs to be kept reachable
  • cleanupAction – an optional cleanup action to be executed when returned scope is closed
Returns:a root MemoryScope
/** * Creates a root MemoryScope with given ref, cleanupAction and "owner" thread. * This method may be called in any thread. * The returned instance may be published unsafely to and used in any thread, * but methods that explicitly state that they may only be called in "owner" thread, * must strictly be called in given owner thread or else IllegalStateException is thrown. * If given owner thread is null, the returned MemoryScope is unchecked, meaning * that all methods may be called in any thread and that {@link #checkValidState()} * does not check for temporal bounds. * * @param owner the desired owner thread. If {@code owner == null}, * the returned scope is <em>not</em> thread-confined and not checked. * @param ref an optional reference to an instance that needs to be kept reachable * @param cleanupAction an optional cleanup action to be executed when returned scope is closed * @return a root MemoryScope */
static MemoryScope createUnchecked(Thread owner, Object ref, Runnable cleanupAction) { return new Root(owner, ref, cleanupAction); } private final Thread owner; private boolean closed; // = false private static final VarHandle CLOSED; static { try { CLOSED = MethodHandles.lookup().findVarHandle(MemoryScope.class, "closed", boolean.class); } catch (Throwable ex) { throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(ex); } } private MemoryScope(Thread owner) { this.owner = owner; }
Acquires a child scope (or peer scope if this is a child) with current thread as the "owner" thread. This method may be called in any thread. The returned instance may be published unsafely to and used in any thread, but methods that explicitly state that they may only be called in "owner" thread, must strictly be called in the thread that acquired the scope or else IllegalStateException is thrown.
Returns:a child (or peer) scope
/** * Acquires a child scope (or peer scope if this is a child) with current * thread as the "owner" thread. * This method may be called in any thread. * The returned instance may be published unsafely to and used in any thread, * but methods that explicitly state that they may only be called in "owner" thread, * must strictly be called in the thread that acquired the scope * or else IllegalStateException is thrown. * * @return a child (or peer) scope * @throws IllegalStateException if root scope is already closed */
abstract MemoryScope acquire();
Closes this scope, executing any cleanup action if this is the root scope. This method may only be called in the "owner" thread of this scope unless the scope is a root scope with no owner thread - i.e. is not checked.
  • IllegalStateException – if this scope is already closed or if this is a root scope and there is/are still active child scope(s) or if this method is called outside of owner thread in checked scope
/** * Closes this scope, executing any cleanup action if this is the root scope. * This method may only be called in the "owner" thread of this scope unless the * scope is a root scope with no owner thread - i.e. is not checked. * * @throws IllegalStateException if this scope is already closed or if this is * a root scope and there is/are still active child * scope(s) or if this method is called outside of * owner thread in checked scope */
abstract void close();
Duplicates this scope with given new "owner" thread and closes it. If this is a root scope, a new root scope is returned; this root scope is closed, but without executing the cleanup action, which is instead transferred to the duped scope. If this is a child scope, a new child scope is returned. This method may only be called in the "owner" thread of this scope unless the scope is a root scope with no owner thread - i.e. is not checked. The returned instance may be published unsafely to and used in any thread, but methods that explicitly state that they may only be called in "owner" thread, must strictly be called in given new "owner" thread or else IllegalStateException is thrown.
  • newOwner – new owner thread of the returned MemoryScope
  • NullPointerException – if given owner thread is null
  • IllegalStateException – if this scope is already closed or if this is a root scope and there is/are still active child scope(s) or if this method is called outside of owner thread in checked scope
Returns:a duplicate of this scope
/** * Duplicates this scope with given new "owner" thread and {@link #close() closes} it. * If this is a root scope, a new root scope is returned; this root scope is closed, but * without executing the cleanup action, which is instead transferred to the duped scope. * If this is a child scope, a new child scope is returned. * This method may only be called in the "owner" thread of this scope unless the * scope is a root scope with no owner thread - i.e. is not checked. * The returned instance may be published unsafely to and used in any thread, * but methods that explicitly state that they may only be called in "owner" thread, * must strictly be called in given new "owner" thread * or else IllegalStateException is thrown. * * @param newOwner new owner thread of the returned MemoryScope * @return a duplicate of this scope * @throws NullPointerException if given owner thread is null * @throws IllegalStateException if this scope is already closed or if this is * a root scope and there is/are still active child * scope(s) or if this method is called outside of * owner thread in checked scope */
abstract MemoryScope dup(Thread newOwner);
Returns "owner" thread of this scope.
Returns:owner thread (or null for unchecked scope)
/** * Returns "owner" thread of this scope. * * @return owner thread (or null for unchecked scope) */
final Thread ownerThread() { return owner; }
This method may be called in any thread.
Returns:true if this scope is not closed yet.
/** * This method may be called in any thread. * * @return {@code true} if this scope is not closed yet. */
final boolean isAlive() { return !((boolean)CLOSED.getVolatile(this)); }
Checks that this scope is still alive and that this method is executed in the "owner" thread of this scope or this scope is unchecked (not associated with owner thread).
  • IllegalStateException – if this scope is already closed or this method is executed outside owning thread in checked scope
/** * Checks that this scope is still alive and that this method is executed * in the "owner" thread of this scope or this scope is unchecked (not associated * with owner thread). * * @throws IllegalStateException if this scope is already closed or this * method is executed outside owning thread * in checked scope */
@ForceInline final void checkValidState() { if (owner != null && owner != Thread.currentThread()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Attempted access outside owning thread"); } checkAliveConfined(this); }
Checks that this scope is still alive.
  • IllegalStateException – if this scope is already closed
/** * Checks that this scope is still alive. * * @throws IllegalStateException if this scope is already closed */
@ForceInline private static void checkAliveConfined(MemoryScope scope) { if (scope.closed) { throw new IllegalStateException("This segment is already closed"); } } private static final class Root extends MemoryScope { private final StampedLock lock = new StampedLock(); private final LongAdder acquired = new LongAdder(); private final Object ref; private final Runnable cleanupAction; private Root(Thread owner, Object ref, Runnable cleanupAction) { super(owner); this.ref = ref; this.cleanupAction = cleanupAction; } @Override MemoryScope acquire() { // try to optimistically acquire the lock long stamp = lock.tryOptimisticRead(); try { for (; ; stamp = lock.readLock()) { if (stamp == 0L) continue; checkAliveConfined(this); // plain read is enough here (either successful optimistic read, or full read lock) // increment acquires acquired.increment(); // did a call to close() occur since we acquired the lock? if (lock.validate(stamp)) { // no, just return the acquired scope return new Child(Thread.currentThread()); } else { // yes, just back off and retry (close might have failed, after all) acquired.decrement(); } } } finally { if (StampedLock.isReadLockStamp(stamp)) lock.unlockRead(stamp); } } @Override MemoryScope dup(Thread newOwner) { Objects.requireNonNull(newOwner, "newOwner"); // pre-allocate duped scope so we don't get OOME later and be left with this scope closed var duped = new Root(newOwner, ref, cleanupAction); justClose(); return duped; } @Override void close() { justClose(); if (cleanupAction != null) { cleanupAction.run(); } } @ForceInline private void justClose() { // enter critical section - no acquires are possible past this point long stamp = lock.writeLock(); try { checkValidState(); // plain read is enough here (full write lock) // check for absence of active acquired children if (acquired.sum() > 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot close this scope as it has active acquired children"); } // now that we made sure there's no active acquired children, we can mark scope as closed CLOSED.set(this, true); // plain write is enough here (full write lock) } finally { // leave critical section lock.unlockWrite(stamp); } } private final class Child extends MemoryScope { private Child(Thread owner) { super(owner); } @Override MemoryScope acquire() { return Root.this.acquire(); } @Override MemoryScope dup(Thread newOwner) { checkValidState(); // child scope is always checked // pre-allocate duped scope so we don't get OOME later and be left with this scope closed var duped = new Child(newOwner); CLOSED.setVolatile(this, true); return duped; } @Override void close() { checkValidState(); // child scope is always checked CLOSED.set(this, true); // following acts as a volatile write after plain write above so // plain write gets flushed too (which is important for isAliveThreadSafe()) Root.this.acquired.decrement(); } } } }