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package jdk.internal.foreign;

import jdk.incubator.foreign.MemoryAddress;
import jdk.incubator.foreign.MemoryLayout;
import jdk.incubator.foreign.MemoryLayouts;
import jdk.incubator.foreign.MemorySegment;
import jdk.incubator.foreign.SequenceLayout;
import jdk.internal.access.JavaNioAccess;
import jdk.internal.access.SharedSecrets;
import jdk.internal.access.foreign.MemorySegmentProxy;
import jdk.internal.access.foreign.UnmapperProxy;
import jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe;
import jdk.internal.util.ArraysSupport;
import jdk.internal.vm.annotation.ForceInline;
import sun.security.action.GetPropertyAction;

import java.lang.invoke.VarHandle;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Spliterator;
import java.util.function.Consumer;

This abstract class provides an immutable implementation for the MemorySegment interface. This class contains information about the segment's spatial and temporal bounds; each memory segment implementation is associated with an owner thread which is set at creation time. Access to certain sensitive operations on the memory segment will fail with IllegalStateException if the segment is either in an invalid state (e.g. it has already been closed) or if access occurs from a thread other than the owner thread. See MemoryScope for more details on management of temporal bounds. Subclasses are defined for each memory segment kind, see NativeMemorySegmentImpl, HeapMemorySegmentImpl and MappedMemorySegmentImpl.
/** * This abstract class provides an immutable implementation for the {@code MemorySegment} interface. This class contains information * about the segment's spatial and temporal bounds; each memory segment implementation is associated with an owner thread which is set at creation time. * Access to certain sensitive operations on the memory segment will fail with {@code IllegalStateException} if the * segment is either in an invalid state (e.g. it has already been closed) or if access occurs from a thread other * than the owner thread. See {@link MemoryScope} for more details on management of temporal bounds. Subclasses * are defined for each memory segment kind, see {@link NativeMemorySegmentImpl}, {@link HeapMemorySegmentImpl} and * {@link MappedMemorySegmentImpl}. */
public abstract class AbstractMemorySegmentImpl implements MemorySegment, MemorySegmentProxy { private static final Unsafe UNSAFE = Unsafe.getUnsafe(); private static final boolean enableSmallSegments = Boolean.parseBoolean(GetPropertyAction.privilegedGetProperty("jdk.incubator.foreign.SmallSegments", "true")); final static int FIRST_RESERVED_FLAG = 1 << 16; // upper 16 bits are reserved final static int SMALL = FIRST_RESERVED_FLAG; final static long NONCE = new Random().nextLong(); final static JavaNioAccess nioAccess = SharedSecrets.getJavaNioAccess(); final long length; final int mask; final MemoryScope scope; @ForceInline AbstractMemorySegmentImpl(long length, int mask, MemoryScope scope) { this.length = length; this.mask = mask; this.scope = scope; } abstract long min(); abstract Object base(); abstract AbstractMemorySegmentImpl dup(long offset, long size, int mask, MemoryScope scope); abstract ByteBuffer makeByteBuffer(); static int defaultAccessModes(long size) { return (enableSmallSegments && size < Integer.MAX_VALUE) ? ALL_ACCESS | SMALL : ALL_ACCESS; } @Override public AbstractMemorySegmentImpl asSlice(long offset, long newSize) { checkBounds(offset, newSize); return asSliceNoCheck(offset, newSize); } private AbstractMemorySegmentImpl asSliceNoCheck(long offset, long newSize) { return dup(offset, newSize, mask, scope); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <S extends MemorySegment> Spliterator<S> spliterator(S segment, SequenceLayout sequenceLayout) { ((AbstractMemorySegmentImpl)segment).checkValidState(); if (sequenceLayout.byteSize() != segment.byteSize()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } return (Spliterator<S>)new SegmentSplitter(sequenceLayout.elementLayout().byteSize(), sequenceLayout.elementCount().getAsLong(), (AbstractMemorySegmentImpl)segment.withAccessModes(segment.accessModes() & ~CLOSE)); } @Override public final MemorySegment fill(byte value){ checkRange(0, length, true); UNSAFE.setMemory(base(), min(), length, value); return this; } public void copyFrom(MemorySegment src) { AbstractMemorySegmentImpl that = (AbstractMemorySegmentImpl)src; long size = that.byteSize(); checkRange(0, size, true); that.checkRange(0, size, false); UNSAFE.copyMemory( that.base(), that.min(), base(), min(), size); } private final static VarHandle BYTE_HANDLE = MemoryLayout.ofSequence(MemoryLayouts.JAVA_BYTE) .varHandle(byte.class, MemoryLayout.PathElement.sequenceElement()); @Override public long mismatch(MemorySegment other) { AbstractMemorySegmentImpl that = (AbstractMemorySegmentImpl)other; final long thisSize = this.byteSize(); final long thatSize = that.byteSize(); final long length = Math.min(thisSize, thatSize); this.checkRange(0, length, false); that.checkRange(0, length, false); if (this == other) { return -1; } long i = 0; if (length > 7) { if ((byte) BYTE_HANDLE.get(this.baseAddress(), 0) != (byte) BYTE_HANDLE.get(that.baseAddress(), 0)) { return 0; } i = ArraysSupport.vectorizedMismatchLargeForBytes( this.base(), this.min(), that.base(), that.min(), length); if (i >= 0) { return i; } long remaining = ~i; assert remaining < 8 : "remaining greater than 7: " + remaining; i = length - remaining; } MemoryAddress thisAddress = this.baseAddress(); MemoryAddress thatAddress = that.baseAddress(); for (; i < length; i++) { if ((byte) BYTE_HANDLE.get(thisAddress, i) != (byte) BYTE_HANDLE.get(thatAddress, i)) { return i; } } return thisSize != thatSize ? length : -1; } @Override @ForceInline public final MemoryAddress baseAddress() { return new MemoryAddressImpl(this, 0); } @Override public final ByteBuffer asByteBuffer() { if (!isSet(READ)) { throw unsupportedAccessMode(READ); } checkIntSize("ByteBuffer"); ByteBuffer _bb = makeByteBuffer(); if (!isSet(WRITE)) { //scope is IMMUTABLE - obtain a RO byte buffer _bb = _bb.asReadOnlyBuffer(); } return _bb; } @Override public final int accessModes() { return mask & ALL_ACCESS; } @Override public final long byteSize() { return length; } @Override public final boolean isAlive() { return scope.isAlive(); } @Override public Thread ownerThread() { return scope.ownerThread(); } @Override public AbstractMemorySegmentImpl withAccessModes(int accessModes) { checkAccessModes(accessModes); if ((~accessModes() & accessModes) != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot acquire more access modes"); } return dup(0, length, (mask & ~ALL_ACCESS) | accessModes, scope); } @Override public boolean hasAccessModes(int accessModes) { checkAccessModes(accessModes); return (accessModes() & accessModes) == accessModes; } private void checkAccessModes(int accessModes) { if ((accessModes & ~ALL_ACCESS) != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid access modes"); } } @Override public MemorySegment withOwnerThread(Thread newOwner) { Objects.requireNonNull(newOwner); if (!isSet(HANDOFF)) { throw unsupportedAccessMode(HANDOFF); } if (scope.ownerThread() == newOwner) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Segment already owned by thread: " + newOwner); } else { try { return dup(0L, length, mask, scope.dup(newOwner)); } finally { //flush read/writes to segment memory before returning the new segment VarHandle.fullFence(); } } } @Override public final void close() { if (!isSet(CLOSE)) { throw unsupportedAccessMode(CLOSE); } closeNoCheck(); } private final void closeNoCheck() { scope.close(); } final AbstractMemorySegmentImpl acquire() { if (Thread.currentThread() != ownerThread() && !isSet(ACQUIRE)) { throw unsupportedAccessMode(ACQUIRE); } return dup(0, length, mask, scope.acquire()); } @Override public final byte[] toByteArray() { checkIntSize("byte[]"); byte[] arr = new byte[(int)length]; MemorySegment arrSegment = MemorySegment.ofArray(arr); arrSegment.copyFrom(this); return arr; } boolean isSmall() { return isSet(SMALL); } void checkRange(long offset, long length, boolean writeAccess) { scope.checkValidState(); if (writeAccess && !isSet(WRITE)) { throw unsupportedAccessMode(WRITE); } else if (!writeAccess && !isSet(READ)) { throw unsupportedAccessMode(READ); } checkBounds(offset, length); } @Override public final void checkValidState() { scope.checkValidState(); } // Helper methods private boolean isSet(int mask) { return (this.mask & mask) != 0; } private void checkIntSize(String typeName) { if (length > (Integer.MAX_VALUE - 8)) { //conservative check throw new UnsupportedOperationException(String.format("Segment is too large to wrap as %s. Size: %d", typeName, length)); } } private void checkBounds(long offset, long length) { if (isSmall()) { checkBoundsSmall((int)offset, (int)length); } else { if (length < 0 || offset < 0 || offset > this.length - length) { // careful of overflow throw outOfBoundException(offset, length); } } } private void checkBoundsSmall(int offset, int length) { if (length < 0 || offset < 0 || offset > (int)this.length - length) { // careful of overflow throw outOfBoundException(offset, length); } } UnsupportedOperationException unsupportedAccessMode(int expected) { return new UnsupportedOperationException((String.format("Required access mode %s ; current access modes: %s", modeStrings(expected).get(0), modeStrings(mask)))); } private List<String> modeStrings(int mode) { List<String> modes = new ArrayList<>(); if ((mode & READ) != 0) { modes.add("READ"); } if ((mode & WRITE) != 0) { modes.add("WRITE"); } if ((mode & CLOSE) != 0) { modes.add("CLOSE"); } if ((mode & ACQUIRE) != 0) { modes.add("ACQUIRE"); } if ((mode & HANDOFF) != 0) { modes.add("HANDOFF"); } return modes; } private IndexOutOfBoundsException outOfBoundException(long offset, long length) { return new IndexOutOfBoundsException(String.format("Out of bound access on segment %s; new offset = %d; new length = %d", this, offset, length)); } protected int id() { //compute a stable and random id for this memory segment return Math.abs(Objects.hash(base(), min(), NONCE)); } static class SegmentSplitter implements Spliterator<MemorySegment> { AbstractMemorySegmentImpl segment; long elemCount; final long elementSize; long currentIndex; SegmentSplitter(long elementSize, long elemCount, AbstractMemorySegmentImpl segment) { this.segment = segment; this.elementSize = elementSize; this.elemCount = elemCount; } @Override public SegmentSplitter trySplit() { if (currentIndex == 0 && elemCount > 1) { AbstractMemorySegmentImpl parent = segment; long rem = elemCount % 2; long split = elemCount / 2; long lobound = split * elementSize; long hibound = lobound + (rem * elementSize); elemCount = split + rem; segment = parent.asSliceNoCheck(lobound, hibound); return new SegmentSplitter(elementSize, split, parent.asSliceNoCheck(0, lobound)); } else { return null; } } @Override public boolean tryAdvance(Consumer<? super MemorySegment> action) { Objects.requireNonNull(action); if (currentIndex < elemCount) { AbstractMemorySegmentImpl acquired = segment.acquire(); try { action.accept(acquired.asSliceNoCheck(currentIndex * elementSize, elementSize)); } finally { acquired.closeNoCheck(); currentIndex++; if (currentIndex == elemCount) { segment = null; } } return true; } else { return false; } } @Override public void forEachRemaining(Consumer<? super MemorySegment> action) { Objects.requireNonNull(action); if (currentIndex < elemCount) { AbstractMemorySegmentImpl acquired = segment.acquire(); try { if (acquired.isSmall()) { int index = (int) currentIndex; int limit = (int) elemCount; int elemSize = (int) elementSize; for (; index < limit; index++) { action.accept(acquired.asSliceNoCheck(index * elemSize, elemSize)); } } else { for (long i = currentIndex ; i < elemCount ; i++) { action.accept(acquired.asSliceNoCheck(i * elementSize, elementSize)); } } } finally { acquired.closeNoCheck(); currentIndex = elemCount; segment = null; } } } @Override public long estimateSize() { return elemCount; } @Override public int characteristics() { return NONNULL | SUBSIZED | SIZED | IMMUTABLE | ORDERED; } } // Object methods @Override public String toString() { return "MemorySegment{ id=0x" + Long.toHexString(id()) + " limit: " + length + " }"; } public static AbstractMemorySegmentImpl ofBuffer(ByteBuffer bb) { long bbAddress = nioAccess.getBufferAddress(bb); Object base = nioAccess.getBufferBase(bb); UnmapperProxy unmapper = nioAccess.unmapper(bb); int pos = bb.position(); int limit = bb.limit(); int size = limit - pos; AbstractMemorySegmentImpl bufferSegment = (AbstractMemorySegmentImpl)nioAccess.bufferSegment(bb); final MemoryScope bufferScope; int modes; if (bufferSegment != null) { bufferScope = bufferSegment.scope; modes = bufferSegment.mask; } else { bufferScope = MemoryScope.create(bb, null); modes = defaultAccessModes(size); } if (bb.isReadOnly()) { modes &= ~WRITE; } if (base != null) { return new HeapMemorySegmentImpl<>(bbAddress + pos, () -> (byte[])base, size, modes, bufferScope); } else if (unmapper == null) { return new NativeMemorySegmentImpl(bbAddress + pos, size, modes, bufferScope); } else { return new MappedMemorySegmentImpl(bbAddress + pos, unmapper, size, modes, bufferScope); } } public static final AbstractMemorySegmentImpl NOTHING = new AbstractMemorySegmentImpl( 0, 0, MemoryScope.createUnchecked(null, null, null) ) { @Override ByteBuffer makeByteBuffer() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override long min() { return 0; } @Override Object base() { return null; } @Override AbstractMemorySegmentImpl dup(long offset, long size, int mask, MemoryScope scope) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }; }