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 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
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package sun.awt.windows;

import java.awt.AWTEvent;
import java.awt.AWTException;
import java.awt.Button;
import java.awt.Canvas;
import java.awt.Checkbox;
import java.awt.CheckboxMenuItem;
import java.awt.Choice;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Cursor;
import java.awt.Desktop;
import java.awt.Dialog;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.EventQueue;
import java.awt.FileDialog;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.FontMetrics;
import java.awt.Frame;
import java.awt.GraphicsConfiguration;
import java.awt.GraphicsDevice;
import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment;
import java.awt.HeadlessException;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.Insets;
import java.awt.JobAttributes;
import java.awt.Label;
import java.awt.List;
import java.awt.Menu;
import java.awt.MenuBar;
import java.awt.MenuItem;
import java.awt.PageAttributes;
import java.awt.Panel;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.PopupMenu;
import java.awt.PrintJob;
import java.awt.RenderingHints;
import java.awt.ScrollPane;
import java.awt.Scrollbar;
import java.awt.SystemTray;
import java.awt.Taskbar;
import java.awt.TextArea;
import java.awt.TextComponent;
import java.awt.TextField;
import java.awt.Toolkit;
import java.awt.TrayIcon;
import java.awt.Window;
import java.awt.datatransfer.Clipboard;
import java.awt.dnd.DragGestureEvent;
import java.awt.dnd.DragGestureListener;
import java.awt.dnd.DragGestureRecognizer;
import java.awt.dnd.DragSource;
import java.awt.dnd.InvalidDnDOperationException;
import java.awt.dnd.MouseDragGestureRecognizer;
import java.awt.dnd.peer.DragSourceContextPeer;
import java.awt.event.FocusEvent;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.awt.im.InputMethodHighlight;
import java.awt.im.spi.InputMethodDescriptor;
import java.awt.image.ColorModel;
import java.awt.peer.ButtonPeer;
import java.awt.peer.CanvasPeer;
import java.awt.peer.CheckboxMenuItemPeer;
import java.awt.peer.CheckboxPeer;
import java.awt.peer.ChoicePeer;
import java.awt.peer.DesktopPeer;
import java.awt.peer.DialogPeer;
import java.awt.peer.FileDialogPeer;
import java.awt.peer.FontPeer;
import java.awt.peer.FramePeer;
import java.awt.peer.KeyboardFocusManagerPeer;
import java.awt.peer.LabelPeer;
import java.awt.peer.ListPeer;
import java.awt.peer.MenuBarPeer;
import java.awt.peer.MenuItemPeer;
import java.awt.peer.MenuPeer;
import java.awt.peer.MouseInfoPeer;
import java.awt.peer.PanelPeer;
import java.awt.peer.PopupMenuPeer;
import java.awt.peer.RobotPeer;
import java.awt.peer.ScrollPanePeer;
import java.awt.peer.ScrollbarPeer;
import java.awt.peer.SystemTrayPeer;
import java.awt.peer.TaskbarPeer;
import java.awt.peer.TextAreaPeer;
import java.awt.peer.TextFieldPeer;
import java.awt.peer.TrayIconPeer;
import java.awt.peer.WindowPeer;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;

import javax.swing.text.JTextComponent;

import sun.awt.AWTAccessor;
import sun.awt.AWTAutoShutdown;
import sun.awt.AWTPermissions;
import sun.awt.AppContext;
import sun.awt.DisplayChangedListener;
import sun.awt.LightweightFrame;
import sun.awt.SunToolkit;
import sun.awt.Win32GraphicsDevice;
import sun.awt.Win32GraphicsEnvironment;
import sun.awt.datatransfer.DataTransferer;
import sun.awt.util.PerformanceLogger;
import sun.awt.util.ThreadGroupUtils;
import sun.font.FontManager;
import sun.font.FontManagerFactory;
import sun.font.SunFontManager;
import sun.java2d.d3d.D3DRenderQueue;
import sun.java2d.opengl.OGLRenderQueue;
import sun.print.PrintJob2D;
import sun.util.logging.PlatformLogger;

public final class WToolkit extends SunToolkit implements Runnable {

    private static final PlatformLogger log = PlatformLogger.getLogger("sun.awt.windows.WToolkit");

    // Desktop property which specifies whether XP visual styles are in effect
    public static final String XPSTYLE_THEME_ACTIVE = "win.xpstyle.themeActive";

    // System clipboard.
    WClipboard clipboard;

    // cache of font peers
    private Hashtable<String,FontPeer> cacheFontPeer;

    // Windows properties
    private WDesktopProperties  wprops;

    // Dynamic Layout Resize client code setting
    protected boolean dynamicLayoutSetting = false;

    //Is it allowed to generate events assigned to extra mouse buttons.
    //Set to true by default.
    private static boolean areExtraMouseButtonsEnabled = true;

Initialize JNI field and method IDs
/** * Initialize JNI field and method IDs */
private static native void initIDs(); private static boolean loaded = false; public static void loadLibraries() { if (!loaded) { java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged( new java.security.PrivilegedAction<Void>() { @Override public Void run() { System.loadLibrary("awt"); return null; } }); loaded = true; } } private static native String getWindowsVersion(); static { loadLibraries(); initIDs(); // Print out which version of Windows is running if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINE)) { log.fine("Win version: " + getWindowsVersion()); } } /* * NOTE: The following embedded*() methods are non-public API intended * for internal use only. The methods are unsupported and could go * away in future releases. * * New hook functions for using the AWT as an embedded service. These * functions replace the global C function AwtInit() which was previously * exported by awt.dll. * * When used as an embedded service, the AWT does NOT have its own * message pump. It instead relies on the parent application to provide * this functionality. embeddedInit() assumes that the thread on which it * is called is the message pumping thread. Violating this assumption * will lead to undefined behavior. * * embeddedInit must be called before the WToolkit() constructor. * embeddedDispose should be called before the applicaton terminates the * Java VM. It is currently unsafe to reinitialize the toolkit again * after it has been disposed. Instead, awt.dll must be reloaded and the * class loader which loaded WToolkit must be finalized before it is * safe to reuse AWT. Dynamic reusability may be added to the toolkit in * the future. */
Initializes the Toolkit for use in an embedded environment.
Returns:true if the initialization succeeded; false if it failed. The function will fail if the Toolkit was already initialized.
/** * Initializes the Toolkit for use in an embedded environment. * * @return true if the initialization succeeded; false if it failed. * The function will fail if the Toolkit was already initialized. * @since 1.3 */
public static native boolean embeddedInit();
Disposes the Toolkit in an embedded environment. This method should not be called on exit unless the Toolkit was constructed with embeddedInit.
Returns:true if the disposal succeeded; false if it failed. The function will fail if the calling thread is not the same thread which called embeddedInit(), or if the Toolkit was already disposed.
/** * Disposes the Toolkit in an embedded environment. This method should * not be called on exit unless the Toolkit was constructed with * embeddedInit. * * @return true if the disposal succeeded; false if it failed. The * function will fail if the calling thread is not the same * thread which called embeddedInit(), or if the Toolkit was * already disposed. * @since 1.3 */
public static native boolean embeddedDispose();
To be called after processing the event queue by users of the above embeddedInit() function. The reason for this additional call is that there are some operations performed during idle time in the AwtToolkit event loop which should also be performed during idle time in any other native event loop. Failure to do so could result in deadlocks. This method was added at the last minute of the jdk1.4 release to work around a specific customer problem. As with the above embedded*() class, this method is non-public and should not be used by external applications. See bug #4526587 for more information.
/** * To be called after processing the event queue by users of the above * embeddedInit() function. The reason for this additional call is that * there are some operations performed during idle time in the AwtToolkit * event loop which should also be performed during idle time in any * other native event loop. Failure to do so could result in * deadlocks. * * This method was added at the last minute of the jdk1.4 release * to work around a specific customer problem. As with the above * embedded*() class, this method is non-public and should not be * used by external applications. * * See bug #4526587 for more information. */
public native void embeddedEventLoopIdleProcessing(); static class ToolkitDisposer implements sun.java2d.DisposerRecord { @Override public void dispose() { WToolkit.postDispose(); } } private final Object anchor = new Object(); private static native void postDispose(); private static native boolean startToolkitThread(Runnable thread, ThreadGroup rootThreadGroup); public WToolkit() { // Startup toolkit threads if (PerformanceLogger.loggingEnabled()) { PerformanceLogger.setTime("WToolkit construction"); } sun.java2d.Disposer.addRecord(anchor, new ToolkitDisposer()); /* * Fix for 4701990. * AWTAutoShutdown state must be changed before the toolkit thread * starts to avoid race condition. */ AWTAutoShutdown.notifyToolkitThreadBusy(); // Find a root TG and attach toolkit thread to it ThreadGroup rootTG = AccessController.doPrivileged( (PrivilegedAction<ThreadGroup>) ThreadGroupUtils::getRootThreadGroup); if (!startToolkitThread(this, rootTG)) { final String name = "AWT-Windows"; AccessController.doPrivileged((PrivilegedAction<Void>) () -> { Thread toolkitThread = new Thread(rootTG, this, name, 0, false); toolkitThread.setDaemon(true); toolkitThread.start(); return null; }); } try { synchronized(this) { while(!inited) { wait(); } } } catch (InterruptedException x) { // swallow the exception } // Enabled "live resizing" by default. It remains controlled // by the native system though. setDynamicLayout(true); final String extraButtons = "sun.awt.enableExtraMouseButtons"; AccessController.doPrivileged((PrivilegedAction<Void>) () -> { areExtraMouseButtonsEnabled = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty(extraButtons, "true")); //set system property if not yet assigned System.setProperty(extraButtons, ""+areExtraMouseButtonsEnabled); return null; }); setExtraMouseButtonsEnabledNative(areExtraMouseButtonsEnabled); } private void registerShutdownHook() { AccessController.doPrivileged((PrivilegedAction<Void>) () -> { Thread shutdown = new Thread( ThreadGroupUtils.getRootThreadGroup(), this::shutdown, "ToolkitShutdown", 0, false); shutdown.setContextClassLoader(null); Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(shutdown); return null; }); } @Override public void run() { AccessController.doPrivileged((PrivilegedAction<Void>) () -> { Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(null); Thread.currentThread().setPriority(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY + 1); return null; }); boolean startPump = init(); if (startPump) { registerShutdownHook(); } synchronized(this) { inited = true; notifyAll(); } if (startPump) { eventLoop(); // will Dispose Toolkit when shutdown hook executes } } /* * eventLoop() begins the native message pump which retrieves and processes * native events. * * When shutdown() is called by the ShutdownHook added in run(), a * WM_QUIT message is posted to the Toolkit thread indicating that * eventLoop() should Dispose the toolkit and exit. */ private native boolean init(); private boolean inited = false; private native void eventLoop(); private native void shutdown(); /* * Instead of blocking the "AWT-Windows" thread uselessly on a semaphore, * use these functions. startSecondaryEventLoop() corresponds to wait() * and quitSecondaryEventLoop() corresponds to notify. * * These functions simulate blocking while allowing the AWT to continue * processing native events, eliminating a potential deadlock situation * with SendMessage. * * WARNING: startSecondaryEventLoop must only be called from the "AWT- * Windows" thread. */ static native void startSecondaryEventLoop(); static native void quitSecondaryEventLoop(); /* * Create peer objects. */ @Override public ButtonPeer createButton(Button target) { ButtonPeer peer = new WButtonPeer(target); targetCreatedPeer(target, peer); return peer; } @Override public TextFieldPeer createTextField(TextField target) { TextFieldPeer peer = new WTextFieldPeer(target); targetCreatedPeer(target, peer); return peer; } @Override public LabelPeer createLabel(Label target) { LabelPeer peer = new WLabelPeer(target); targetCreatedPeer(target, peer); return peer; } @Override public ListPeer createList(List target) { ListPeer peer = new WListPeer(target); targetCreatedPeer(target, peer); return peer; } @Override public CheckboxPeer createCheckbox(Checkbox target) { CheckboxPeer peer = new WCheckboxPeer(target); targetCreatedPeer(target, peer); return peer; } @Override public ScrollbarPeer createScrollbar(Scrollbar target) { ScrollbarPeer peer = new WScrollbarPeer(target); targetCreatedPeer(target, peer); return peer; } @Override public ScrollPanePeer createScrollPane(ScrollPane target) { ScrollPanePeer peer = new WScrollPanePeer(target); targetCreatedPeer(target, peer); return peer; } @Override public TextAreaPeer createTextArea(TextArea target) { TextAreaPeer peer = new WTextAreaPeer(target); targetCreatedPeer(target, peer); return peer; } @Override public ChoicePeer createChoice(Choice target) { ChoicePeer peer = new WChoicePeer(target); targetCreatedPeer(target, peer); return peer; } @Override public FramePeer createFrame(Frame target) { FramePeer peer = new WFramePeer(target); targetCreatedPeer(target, peer); return peer; } @Override public FramePeer createLightweightFrame(LightweightFrame target) { FramePeer peer = new WLightweightFramePeer(target); targetCreatedPeer(target, peer); return peer; } @Override public CanvasPeer createCanvas(Canvas target) { CanvasPeer peer = new WCanvasPeer(target); targetCreatedPeer(target, peer); return peer; } @Override public void disableBackgroundErase(Canvas canvas) { WCanvasPeer peer = AWTAccessor.getComponentAccessor().getPeer(canvas); if (peer == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Canvas must have a valid peer"); } peer.disableBackgroundErase(); } @Override public PanelPeer createPanel(Panel target) { PanelPeer peer = new WPanelPeer(target); targetCreatedPeer(target, peer); return peer; } @Override public WindowPeer createWindow(Window target) { WindowPeer peer = new WWindowPeer(target); targetCreatedPeer(target, peer); return peer; } @Override public DialogPeer createDialog(Dialog target) { DialogPeer peer = new WDialogPeer(target); targetCreatedPeer(target, peer); return peer; } @Override public FileDialogPeer createFileDialog(FileDialog target) { FileDialogPeer peer = new WFileDialogPeer(target); targetCreatedPeer(target, peer); return peer; } @Override public MenuBarPeer createMenuBar(MenuBar target) { MenuBarPeer peer = new WMenuBarPeer(target); targetCreatedPeer(target, peer); return peer; } @Override public MenuPeer createMenu(Menu target) { MenuPeer peer = new WMenuPeer(target); targetCreatedPeer(target, peer); return peer; } @Override public PopupMenuPeer createPopupMenu(PopupMenu target) { PopupMenuPeer peer = new WPopupMenuPeer(target); targetCreatedPeer(target, peer); return peer; } @Override public MenuItemPeer createMenuItem(MenuItem target) { MenuItemPeer peer = new WMenuItemPeer(target); targetCreatedPeer(target, peer); return peer; } @Override public CheckboxMenuItemPeer createCheckboxMenuItem(CheckboxMenuItem target) { CheckboxMenuItemPeer peer = new WCheckboxMenuItemPeer(target); targetCreatedPeer(target, peer); return peer; } @Override public RobotPeer createRobot(GraphicsDevice screen) throws AWTException { if (screen instanceof Win32GraphicsDevice) { return new WRobotPeer(); } return super.createRobot(screen); } public WEmbeddedFramePeer createEmbeddedFrame(WEmbeddedFrame target) { WEmbeddedFramePeer peer = new WEmbeddedFramePeer(target); targetCreatedPeer(target, peer); return peer; } WPrintDialogPeer createWPrintDialog(WPrintDialog target) { WPrintDialogPeer peer = new WPrintDialogPeer(target); targetCreatedPeer(target, peer); return peer; } WPageDialogPeer createWPageDialog(WPageDialog target) { WPageDialogPeer peer = new WPageDialogPeer(target); targetCreatedPeer(target, peer); return peer; } @Override public TrayIconPeer createTrayIcon(TrayIcon target) { WTrayIconPeer peer = new WTrayIconPeer(target); targetCreatedPeer(target, peer); return peer; } @Override public SystemTrayPeer createSystemTray(SystemTray target) { return new WSystemTrayPeer(target); } @Override public boolean isTraySupported() { return true; } @Override public DataTransferer getDataTransferer() { return WDataTransferer.getInstanceImpl(); } @Override public KeyboardFocusManagerPeer getKeyboardFocusManagerPeer() throws HeadlessException { return WKeyboardFocusManagerPeer.getInstance(); } private static WMouseInfoPeer wPeer = null; @Override public synchronized MouseInfoPeer getMouseInfoPeer() { if (wPeer == null) { wPeer = new WMouseInfoPeer(); } return wPeer; } private native void setDynamicLayoutNative(boolean b); @Override public void setDynamicLayout(boolean b) { if (b == dynamicLayoutSetting) { return; } dynamicLayoutSetting = b; setDynamicLayoutNative(b); } @Override protected boolean isDynamicLayoutSet() { return dynamicLayoutSetting; } /* * Called from lazilyLoadDynamicLayoutSupportedProperty because * Windows doesn't always send WM_SETTINGCHANGE when it should. */ private native boolean isDynamicLayoutSupportedNative(); @Override public boolean isDynamicLayoutActive() { return (isDynamicLayoutSet() && isDynamicLayoutSupported()); }
Returns true if this frame state is supported.
/** * Returns {@code true} if this frame state is supported. */
@Override public boolean isFrameStateSupported(int state) { switch (state) { case Frame.NORMAL: case Frame.ICONIFIED: case Frame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH: return true; default: return false; } } static native ColorModel makeColorModel(); static ColorModel screenmodel; @Override public Insets getScreenInsets(final GraphicsConfiguration gc) { GraphicsDevice gd = gc.getDevice(); if (!(gd instanceof Win32GraphicsDevice)) { return super.getScreenInsets(gc); } return getScreenInsets(((Win32GraphicsDevice) gd).getScreen()); } @Override public int getScreenResolution() { Win32GraphicsEnvironment ge = (Win32GraphicsEnvironment) GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(); return ge.getXResolution(); } private native Insets getScreenInsets(int screen); @Override public FontMetrics getFontMetrics(Font font) { // This is an unsupported hack, but left in for a customer. // Do not remove. FontManager fm = FontManagerFactory.getInstance(); if (fm instanceof SunFontManager && ((SunFontManager) fm).usePlatformFontMetrics()) { return WFontMetrics.getFontMetrics(font); } return super.getFontMetrics(font); } @Override public FontPeer getFontPeer(String name, int style) { FontPeer retval = null; String lcName = name.toLowerCase(); if (null != cacheFontPeer) { retval = cacheFontPeer.get(lcName + style); if (null != retval) { return retval; } } retval = new WFontPeer(name, style); if (retval != null) { if (null == cacheFontPeer) { cacheFontPeer = new Hashtable<>(5, 0.9f); } if (null != cacheFontPeer) { cacheFontPeer.put(lcName + style, retval); } } return retval; } private native void nativeSync(); @Override public void sync() { // flush the GDI/DD buffers nativeSync(); // now flush the OGL pipeline (this is a no-op if OGL is not enabled) OGLRenderQueue.sync(); // now flush the D3D pipeline (this is a no-op if D3D is not enabled) D3DRenderQueue.sync(); } @Override public PrintJob getPrintJob(Frame frame, String doctitle, Properties props) { return getPrintJob(frame, doctitle, null, null); } @Override public PrintJob getPrintJob(Frame frame, String doctitle, JobAttributes jobAttributes, PageAttributes pageAttributes) { if (frame == null) { throw new NullPointerException("frame must not be null"); } PrintJob2D printJob = new PrintJob2D(frame, doctitle, jobAttributes, pageAttributes); if (printJob.printDialog() == false) { printJob = null; } return printJob; } @Override public native void beep(); @Override public boolean getLockingKeyState(int key) { if (! (key == KeyEvent.VK_CAPS_LOCK || key == KeyEvent.VK_NUM_LOCK || key == KeyEvent.VK_SCROLL_LOCK || key == KeyEvent.VK_KANA_LOCK)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid key for Toolkit.getLockingKeyState"); } return getLockingKeyStateNative(key); } private native boolean getLockingKeyStateNative(int key); @Override public void setLockingKeyState(int key, boolean on) { if (! (key == KeyEvent.VK_CAPS_LOCK || key == KeyEvent.VK_NUM_LOCK || key == KeyEvent.VK_SCROLL_LOCK || key == KeyEvent.VK_KANA_LOCK)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid key for Toolkit.setLockingKeyState"); } setLockingKeyStateNative(key, on); } private native void setLockingKeyStateNative(int key, boolean on); @Override public Clipboard getSystemClipboard() { SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager(); if (security != null) { security.checkPermission(AWTPermissions.ACCESS_CLIPBOARD_PERMISSION); } synchronized (this) { if (clipboard == null) { clipboard = new WClipboard(); } } return clipboard; } @Override protected native void loadSystemColors(int[] systemColors); public static Object targetToPeer(Object target) { return SunToolkit.targetToPeer(target); } public static void targetDisposedPeer(Object target, Object peer) { SunToolkit.targetDisposedPeer(target, peer); }
Returns a new input method adapter descriptor for native input methods.
/** * Returns a new input method adapter descriptor for native input methods. */
@Override public InputMethodDescriptor getInputMethodAdapterDescriptor() { return new WInputMethodDescriptor(); }
Returns a style map for the input method highlight.
/** * Returns a style map for the input method highlight. */
@Override public Map<java.awt.font.TextAttribute,?> mapInputMethodHighlight( InputMethodHighlight highlight) { return WInputMethod.mapInputMethodHighlight(highlight); }
Returns whether enableInputMethods should be set to true for peered TextComponent instances on this platform.
/** * Returns whether enableInputMethods should be set to true for peered * TextComponent instances on this platform. */
@Override public boolean enableInputMethodsForTextComponent() { return true; }
Returns the default keyboard locale of the underlying operating system
/** * Returns the default keyboard locale of the underlying operating system */
@Override public Locale getDefaultKeyboardLocale() { Locale locale = WInputMethod.getNativeLocale(); if (locale == null) { return super.getDefaultKeyboardLocale(); } else { return locale; } }
Returns a new custom cursor.
/** * Returns a new custom cursor. */
@Override public Cursor createCustomCursor(Image cursor, Point hotSpot, String name) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException { return new WCustomCursor(cursor, hotSpot, name); }
Returns the supported cursor size (Win32 only has one).
/** * Returns the supported cursor size (Win32 only has one). */
@Override public Dimension getBestCursorSize(int preferredWidth, int preferredHeight) { return new Dimension(WCustomCursor.getCursorWidth(), WCustomCursor.getCursorHeight()); } @Override public native int getMaximumCursorColors(); static void paletteChanged() { Object lge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(); if (lge instanceof DisplayChangedListener) { ((DisplayChangedListener) lge).paletteChanged(); } } private static ExecutorService displayChangeExecutor; /* * Called from Toolkit native code when a WM_DISPLAYCHANGE occurs. * Have Win32GraphicsEnvironment execute the display change code on the * Event thread. */ public static void displayChanged() { final Runnable runnable = () -> { Object lge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(); if (lge instanceof DisplayChangedListener) { ((DisplayChangedListener) lge).displayChanged(); } }; if (AppContext.getAppContext() != null) { // Common case, standalone application EventQueue.invokeLater(runnable); } else { if (displayChangeExecutor == null) { // No synchronization, called on the Toolkit thread only displayChangeExecutor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1, r -> { Thread t = Executors.defaultThreadFactory().newThread(r); t.setDaemon(true); return t; }); } displayChangeExecutor.submit(runnable); } }
create the peer for a DragSourceContext
/** * create the peer for a DragSourceContext */
@Override public DragSourceContextPeer createDragSourceContextPeer(DragGestureEvent dge) throws InvalidDnDOperationException { final LightweightFrame f = SunToolkit.getLightweightFrame(dge.getComponent()); if (f != null) { return f.createDragSourceContextPeer(dge); } return WDragSourceContextPeer.createDragSourceContextPeer(dge); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T extends DragGestureRecognizer> T createDragGestureRecognizer(Class<T> abstractRecognizerClass, DragSource ds, Component c, int srcActions, DragGestureListener dgl) { final LightweightFrame f = SunToolkit.getLightweightFrame(c); if (f != null) { return f.createDragGestureRecognizer(abstractRecognizerClass, ds, c, srcActions, dgl); } if (MouseDragGestureRecognizer.class.equals(abstractRecognizerClass)) return (T)new WMouseDragGestureRecognizer(ds, c, srcActions, dgl); else return null; } /** * */ private static final String prefix = "DnD.Cursor."; private static final String postfix = ".32x32"; private static final String awtPrefix = "awt."; private static final String dndPrefix = "DnD."; @Override protected Object lazilyLoadDesktopProperty(String name) { if (name.startsWith(prefix)) { String cursorName = name.substring(prefix.length(), name.length()) + postfix; try { return Cursor.getSystemCustomCursor(cursorName); } catch (AWTException awte) { throw new RuntimeException("cannot load system cursor: " + cursorName, awte); } } if (name.equals("awt.dynamicLayoutSupported")) { return Boolean.valueOf(isDynamicLayoutSupported()); } if (WDesktopProperties.isWindowsProperty(name) || name.startsWith(awtPrefix) || name.startsWith(dndPrefix)) { synchronized(this) { lazilyInitWProps(); return desktopProperties.get(name); } } return super.lazilyLoadDesktopProperty(name); } private synchronized void lazilyInitWProps() { if (wprops == null) { wprops = new WDesktopProperties(this); updateProperties(wprops.getProperties()); } } /* * Called from lazilyLoadDesktopProperty because Windows doesn't * always send WM_SETTINGCHANGE when it should. */ private synchronized boolean isDynamicLayoutSupported() { boolean nativeDynamic = isDynamicLayoutSupportedNative(); lazilyInitWProps(); Boolean prop = (Boolean) desktopProperties.get("awt.dynamicLayoutSupported"); if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINER)) { log.finer("In WTK.isDynamicLayoutSupported()" + " nativeDynamic == " + nativeDynamic + " wprops.dynamic == " + prop); } if ((prop == null) || (nativeDynamic != prop.booleanValue())) { // We missed the WM_SETTINGCHANGE, so we pretend // we just got one - fire the propertyChange, etc. windowsSettingChange(); return nativeDynamic; } return prop.booleanValue(); } /* * Called from native toolkit code when WM_SETTINGCHANGE message received * Also called from lazilyLoadDynamicLayoutSupportedProperty because * Windows doesn't always send WM_SETTINGCHANGE when it should. */ private void windowsSettingChange() { // JDK-8039383: Have to update the value of XPSTYLE_THEME_ACTIVE property // as soon as possible to prevent NPE and other errors because theme data // has become unavailable. final Map<String, Object> props = getWProps(); if (props == null) { // props has not been initialized, so we have nothing to update return; } updateXPStyleEnabled(props.get(XPSTYLE_THEME_ACTIVE)); if (AppContext.getAppContext() == null) { // We cannot post the update to any EventQueue. Listeners will // be called on EDTs by DesktopPropertyChangeSupport updateProperties(props); } else { // Cannot update on Toolkit thread. // DesktopPropertyChangeSupport will call listeners on Toolkit // thread if it has AppContext (standalone mode) EventQueue.invokeLater(() -> updateProperties(props)); } } private synchronized void updateProperties(final Map<String, Object> props) { if (null == props) { return; } updateXPStyleEnabled(props.get(XPSTYLE_THEME_ACTIVE)); for (String propName : props.keySet()) { Object val = props.get(propName); if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINER)) { log.finer("changed " + propName + " to " + val); } setDesktopProperty(propName, val); } } private synchronized Map<String, Object> getWProps() { return (wprops != null) ? wprops.getProperties() : null; } private void updateXPStyleEnabled(final Object dskProp) { ThemeReader.xpStyleEnabled = Boolean.TRUE.equals(dskProp); } @Override public synchronized void addPropertyChangeListener(String name, PropertyChangeListener pcl) { if (name == null) { // See JavaDoc for the Toolkit.addPropertyChangeListener() method return; } if ( WDesktopProperties.isWindowsProperty(name) || name.startsWith(awtPrefix) || name.startsWith(dndPrefix)) { // someone is interested in Windows-specific desktop properties // we should initialize wprops lazilyInitWProps(); } super.addPropertyChangeListener(name, pcl); } /* * initialize only static props here and do not try to initialize props which depends on wprops, * this should be done in lazilyLoadDesktopProperty() only. */ @Override protected synchronized void initializeDesktopProperties() { desktopProperties.put("DnD.Autoscroll.initialDelay", Integer.valueOf(50)); desktopProperties.put("DnD.Autoscroll.interval", Integer.valueOf(50)); desktopProperties.put("DnD.isDragImageSupported", Boolean.TRUE); desktopProperties.put("Shell.shellFolderManager", "sun.awt.shell.Win32ShellFolderManager2"); } /* * This returns the value for the desktop property "awt.font.desktophints" * This requires that the Windows properties have already been gathered. */ @Override protected synchronized RenderingHints getDesktopAAHints() { if (wprops == null) { return null; } else { return wprops.getDesktopAAHints(); } } @Override public boolean isModalityTypeSupported(Dialog.ModalityType modalityType) { return (modalityType == null) || (modalityType == Dialog.ModalityType.MODELESS) || (modalityType == Dialog.ModalityType.DOCUMENT_MODAL) || (modalityType == Dialog.ModalityType.APPLICATION_MODAL) || (modalityType == Dialog.ModalityType.TOOLKIT_MODAL); } @Override public boolean isModalExclusionTypeSupported(Dialog.ModalExclusionType exclusionType) { return (exclusionType == null) || (exclusionType == Dialog.ModalExclusionType.NO_EXCLUDE) || (exclusionType == Dialog.ModalExclusionType.APPLICATION_EXCLUDE) || (exclusionType == Dialog.ModalExclusionType.TOOLKIT_EXCLUDE); } public static WToolkit getWToolkit() { WToolkit toolkit = (WToolkit)Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); return toolkit; }
There are two reasons why we don't use buffer per window when Vista's DWM (aka Aero) is enabled: - since with DWM all windows are already double-buffered, the application doesn't get expose events so we don't get to use our true back-buffer, wasting memory and performance (this is valid for both d3d and gdi pipelines) - in some cases with buffer per window enabled it is possible for the paint manager to redirect rendering to the screen for some operations (like copyArea), and since bpw uses its own BufferStrategy the d3d onscreen rendering support is disabled and rendering goes through GDI. This doesn't work well with Vista's DWM since one can not perform GDI and D3D operations on the same surface (see 6630702 for more info) Note: even though DWM composition state can change during the lifetime of the application it is a rare event, and it is more often that it is temporarily disabled (because of some app) than it is getting permanently enabled so we can live with this approach without the complexity of dwm state listeners and such. This can be revisited if proved otherwise.
/** * There are two reasons why we don't use buffer per window when * Vista's DWM (aka Aero) is enabled: * - since with DWM all windows are already double-buffered, the application * doesn't get expose events so we don't get to use our true back-buffer, * wasting memory and performance (this is valid for both d3d and gdi * pipelines) * - in some cases with buffer per window enabled it is possible for the * paint manager to redirect rendering to the screen for some operations * (like copyArea), and since bpw uses its own BufferStrategy the * d3d onscreen rendering support is disabled and rendering goes through * GDI. This doesn't work well with Vista's DWM since one * can not perform GDI and D3D operations on the same surface * (see 6630702 for more info) * * Note: even though DWM composition state can change during the lifetime * of the application it is a rare event, and it is more often that it * is temporarily disabled (because of some app) than it is getting * permanently enabled so we can live with this approach without the * complexity of dwm state listeners and such. This can be revisited if * proved otherwise. */
@Override public boolean useBufferPerWindow() { return !Win32GraphicsEnvironment.isDWMCompositionEnabled(); } @Override public void grab(Window w) { final Object peer = AWTAccessor.getComponentAccessor().getPeer(w); if (peer != null) { ((WWindowPeer) peer).grab(); } } @Override public void ungrab(Window w) { final Object peer = AWTAccessor.getComponentAccessor().getPeer(w); if (peer != null) { ((WWindowPeer) peer).ungrab(); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The following code is used for support of automatic showing of the touch // keyboard for text components and is accessed only from EDT. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private static final WeakReference<Component> NULL_COMPONENT_WR = new WeakReference<>(null); private volatile WeakReference<Component> compOnTouchDownEvent = NULL_COMPONENT_WR; private volatile WeakReference<Component> compOnMousePressedEvent = NULL_COMPONENT_WR; private boolean isComponentValidForTouchKeyboard(Component comp) { if ((comp != null) && comp.isEnabled() && comp.isFocusable() && (((comp instanceof TextComponent) && ((TextComponent) comp).isEditable()) || ((comp instanceof JTextComponent) && ((JTextComponent) comp).isEditable()))) { return true; } return false; } @Override public void showOrHideTouchKeyboard(Component comp, AWTEvent e) { if (!(comp instanceof TextComponent) && !(comp instanceof JTextComponent)) { return; } if ((e instanceof MouseEvent) && isComponentValidForTouchKeyboard(comp)) { MouseEvent me = (MouseEvent) e; if (me.getID() == MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED) { if (AWTAccessor.getMouseEventAccessor().isCausedByTouchEvent(me)) { compOnTouchDownEvent = new WeakReference<>(comp); } else { compOnMousePressedEvent = new WeakReference<>(comp); } } else if (me.getID() == MouseEvent.MOUSE_RELEASED) { if (AWTAccessor.getMouseEventAccessor().isCausedByTouchEvent(me)) { if (compOnTouchDownEvent.get() == comp) { showTouchKeyboard(true); } compOnTouchDownEvent = NULL_COMPONENT_WR; } else { if (compOnMousePressedEvent.get() == comp) { showTouchKeyboard(false); } compOnMousePressedEvent = NULL_COMPONENT_WR; } } } else if (e instanceof FocusEvent) { FocusEvent fe = (FocusEvent) e; if (fe.getID() == FocusEvent.FOCUS_LOST) { // Hide the touch keyboard, if not a text component gains focus. if (!isComponentValidForTouchKeyboard(fe.getOppositeComponent())) { hideTouchKeyboard(); } } } } private native void showTouchKeyboard(boolean causedByTouchEvent); private native void hideTouchKeyboard(); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // End of the touch keyboard related code. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @Override public native boolean syncNativeQueue(final long timeout); @Override public boolean isDesktopSupported() { return true; } @Override public DesktopPeer createDesktopPeer(Desktop target) { return new WDesktopPeer(); } @Override public boolean isTaskbarSupported() { return WTaskbarPeer.isTaskbarSupported(); } @Override public TaskbarPeer createTaskbarPeer(Taskbar target) { return new WTaskbarPeer(); } private static native void setExtraMouseButtonsEnabledNative(boolean enable); @Override public boolean areExtraMouseButtonsEnabled() throws HeadlessException { return areExtraMouseButtonsEnabled; } private synchronized native int getNumberOfButtonsImpl(); @Override public int getNumberOfButtons(){ if (numberOfButtons == 0) { numberOfButtons = getNumberOfButtonsImpl(); } return (numberOfButtons > MAX_BUTTONS_SUPPORTED)? MAX_BUTTONS_SUPPORTED : numberOfButtons; } @Override public boolean isWindowOpacitySupported() { // supported in Win2K and later return true; } @Override public boolean isWindowShapingSupported() { return true; } @Override public boolean isWindowTranslucencySupported() { // supported in Win2K and later return true; } @Override public boolean isTranslucencyCapable(GraphicsConfiguration gc) { //XXX: worth checking if 8-bit? Anyway, it doesn't hurt. return true; } // On MS Windows one must use the peer.updateWindow() to implement // non-opaque windows. @Override public boolean needUpdateWindow() { return true; } }