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package sun.awt.windows;

import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Frame;
import java.awt.GraphicsConfiguration;
import java.awt.MenuBar;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.peer.FramePeer;
import java.security.AccessController;

import sun.awt.AWTAccessor;
import sun.awt.im.InputMethodManager;
import sun.security.action.GetPropertyAction;

import static sun.java2d.SunGraphicsEnvironment.convertToDeviceSpace;

class WFramePeer extends WWindowPeer implements FramePeer {

    static {

    // initialize JNI field and method IDs
    private static native void initIDs();

    // FramePeer implementation
    public native void setState(int state);
    public native int getState();

    // sync target and peer
    public void setExtendedState(int state) {
        AWTAccessor.getFrameAccessor().setExtendedState((Frame)target, state);
    public int getExtendedState() {
        return AWTAccessor.getFrameAccessor().getExtendedState((Frame)target);

    // Convenience methods to save us from trouble of extracting
    // Rectangle fields in native code.
    private native void setMaximizedBounds(int x, int y, int w, int h);
    private native void clearMaximizedBounds();

    private static final boolean keepOnMinimize = "true".equals(
            new GetPropertyAction(

    public final void setMaximizedBounds(Rectangle b) {
        if (b == null) {
        } else {
            b = adjustMaximizedBounds(b);
            setMaximizedBounds(b.x, b.y, b.width, b.height);

The incoming bounds describe the maximized size and position of the window in the virtual coordinate system. But the window manager expects that the bounds are based on the size of the primary monitor and position is based on the actual window monitor, even if the window ultimately maximizes onto a secondary monitor. And the window manager adjusts these values to compensate for differences between the primary monitor and the monitor that displays the window.

The method translates the incoming bounds to the values acceptable by the window manager. For more details, please refer to 6699851.

/** * The incoming bounds describe the maximized size and position of the * window in the virtual coordinate system. But the window manager expects * that the bounds are based on the size of the primary monitor and * position is based on the actual window monitor, even if the window * ultimately maximizes onto a secondary monitor. And the window manager * adjusts these values to compensate for differences between the primary * monitor and the monitor that displays the window. * <p> * The method translates the incoming bounds to the values acceptable * by the window manager. For more details, please refer to 6699851. */
private Rectangle adjustMaximizedBounds(Rectangle bounds) { // All calculations should be done in the device space bounds = convertToDeviceSpace(bounds); GraphicsConfiguration gc = getGraphicsConfiguration(); Rectangle currentDevBounds = convertToDeviceSpace(gc, gc.getBounds()); // Prepare data for WM_GETMINMAXINFO message. // ptMaxPosition should be in coordinate system of the current monitor, // not the main monitor, or monitor on which we maximize the window. bounds.x -= currentDevBounds.x; bounds.y -= currentDevBounds.y; // ptMaxSize will be used as-is if the size is smaller than the main // monitor. If the size is larger than the main monitor then the // window manager adjusts the size, like this: // result = bounds.w + (current.w - main.w); =>> wrong size // We can try to compensate for this adjustment like this: // result = bounds.w - (current.w - main.w); // but this can result to the size smaller than the main screen, so no // adjustment will be done by the window manager =>> wrong size. // So we skip compensation here and cut the adjustment on // WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING event. // Note that the result does not depend on the monitor on which we // maximize the window. return bounds; } @Override public boolean updateGraphicsData(GraphicsConfiguration gc) { boolean result = super.updateGraphicsData(gc); Rectangle bounds = AWTAccessor.getFrameAccessor(). getMaximizedBounds((Frame)target); if (bounds != null) { setMaximizedBounds(bounds); } return result; } @Override boolean isTargetUndecorated() { return ((Frame)target).isUndecorated(); } @Override public void reshape(int x, int y, int width, int height) { if (((Frame)target).isUndecorated()) { super.reshape(x, y, width, height); } else { reshapeFrame(x, y, width, height); } } @Override public final Dimension getMinimumSize() { Dimension d = new Dimension(); if (!((Frame)target).isUndecorated()) { d.setSize(scaleDownX(getSysMinWidth()), scaleDownY(getSysMinHeight())); } if (((Frame)target).getMenuBar() != null) { d.height += scaleDownY(getSysMenuHeight()); } return d; } // Note: Because this method calls resize(), which may be overridden // by client code, this method must not be executed on the toolkit // thread. @Override public void setMenuBar(MenuBar mb) { WMenuBarPeer mbPeer = (WMenuBarPeer) WToolkit.targetToPeer(mb); if (mbPeer != null) { if (mbPeer.framePeer != this) { mb.removeNotify(); mb.addNotify(); mbPeer = (WMenuBarPeer) WToolkit.targetToPeer(mb); if (mbPeer != null && mbPeer.framePeer != this) { throw new IllegalStateException("Wrong parent peer"); } } if (mbPeer != null) { addChildPeer(mbPeer); } } setMenuBar0(mbPeer); updateInsets(insets_); } // Note: Because this method calls resize(), which may be overridden // by client code, this method must not be executed on the toolkit // thread. private native void setMenuBar0(WMenuBarPeer mbPeer); // Toolkit & peer internals WFramePeer(Frame target) { super(target); InputMethodManager imm = InputMethodManager.getInstance(); String menuString = imm.getTriggerMenuString(); if (menuString != null) { pSetIMMOption(menuString); } } native void createAwtFrame(WComponentPeer parent); @Override void create(WComponentPeer parent) { preCreate(parent); createAwtFrame(parent); } @Override void initialize() { super.initialize(); Frame target = (Frame)this.target; if (target.getTitle() != null) { setTitle(target.getTitle()); } setResizable(target.isResizable()); setState(target.getExtendedState()); } private static native int getSysMenuHeight(); native void pSetIMMOption(String option); void notifyIMMOptionChange(){ InputMethodManager.getInstance().notifyChangeRequest((Component)target); } @Override public void setBoundsPrivate(int x, int y, int width, int height) { setBounds(x, y, width, height, SET_BOUNDS); } @Override public Rectangle getBoundsPrivate() { return getBounds(); } // TODO: implement it in peers. WLightweightFramePeer may implement lw version. @Override public void emulateActivation(boolean activate) { synthesizeWmActivate(activate); } private native void synthesizeWmActivate(boolean activate); }