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package sun.security.x509;

import java.io.*;
import java.security.interfaces.RSAKey;
import java.security.spec.AlgorithmParameterSpec;
import java.security.spec.EdDSAParameterSpec;
import java.security.spec.InvalidParameterSpecException;
import java.security.spec.MGF1ParameterSpec;
import java.security.spec.PSSParameterSpec;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.security.*;
import java.security.interfaces.*;

import sun.security.rsa.PSSParameters;
import sun.security.util.*;

This class identifies algorithms, such as cryptographic transforms, each of which may be associated with parameters. Instances of this base class are used when this runtime environment has no special knowledge of the algorithm type, and may also be used in other cases. Equivalence is defined according to OID and (where relevant) parameters.

Subclasses may be used, for example when the algorithm ID has associated parameters which some code (e.g. code using public keys) needs to have parsed. Two examples of such algorithms are Diffie-Hellman key exchange, and the Digital Signature Standard Algorithm (DSS/DSA).

The OID constants defined in this class correspond to some widely used algorithms, for which conventional string names have been defined. This class is not a general repository for OIDs, or for such string names. Note that the mappings between algorithm IDs and algorithm names is not one-to-one.

Author:David Brownell, Amit Kapoor, Hemma Prafullchandra
/** * This class identifies algorithms, such as cryptographic transforms, each * of which may be associated with parameters. Instances of this base class * are used when this runtime environment has no special knowledge of the * algorithm type, and may also be used in other cases. Equivalence is * defined according to OID and (where relevant) parameters. * * <P>Subclasses may be used, for example when the algorithm ID has * associated parameters which some code (e.g. code using public keys) needs * to have parsed. Two examples of such algorithms are Diffie-Hellman key * exchange, and the Digital Signature Standard Algorithm (DSS/DSA). * * <P>The OID constants defined in this class correspond to some widely * used algorithms, for which conventional string names have been defined. * This class is not a general repository for OIDs, or for such string names. * Note that the mappings between algorithm IDs and algorithm names is * not one-to-one. * * * @author David Brownell * @author Amit Kapoor * @author Hemma Prafullchandra */
public class AlgorithmId implements Serializable, DerEncoder {
use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.1. for interoperability
/** use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.1. for interoperability */
@java.io.Serial private static final long serialVersionUID = 7205873507486557157L;
The object identitifer being used for this algorithm.
/** * The object identitifer being used for this algorithm. */
private ObjectIdentifier algid; // The (parsed) parameters @SuppressWarnings("serial") // Not statically typed as Serializable private AlgorithmParameters algParams; private boolean constructedFromDer = true;
Parameters for this algorithm. These are stored in unparsed DER-encoded form; subclasses can be made to automaticaly parse them so there is fast access to these parameters.
/** * Parameters for this algorithm. These are stored in unparsed * DER-encoded form; subclasses can be made to automaticaly parse * them so there is fast access to these parameters. */
@SuppressWarnings("serial") // Not statically typed as Serializable protected DerValue params;
Constructs an algorithm ID which will be initialized separately, for example by deserialization.
Deprecated:use one of the other constructors.
/** * Constructs an algorithm ID which will be initialized * separately, for example by deserialization. * @deprecated use one of the other constructors. */
@Deprecated public AlgorithmId() { }
Constructs a parameterless algorithm ID.
  • oid – the identifier for the algorithm
/** * Constructs a parameterless algorithm ID. * * @param oid the identifier for the algorithm */
public AlgorithmId(ObjectIdentifier oid) { algid = oid; }
Constructs an algorithm ID with algorithm parameters.
  • oid – the identifier for the algorithm.
  • algparams – the associated algorithm parameters.
/** * Constructs an algorithm ID with algorithm parameters. * * @param oid the identifier for the algorithm. * @param algparams the associated algorithm parameters. */
public AlgorithmId(ObjectIdentifier oid, AlgorithmParameters algparams) { algid = oid; algParams = algparams; constructedFromDer = false; } private AlgorithmId(ObjectIdentifier oid, DerValue params) throws IOException { this.algid = oid; this.params = params; if (this.params != null) { decodeParams(); } } protected void decodeParams() throws IOException { String algidName = getName(); try { algParams = AlgorithmParameters.getInstance(algidName); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { /* * This algorithm parameter type is not supported, so we cannot * parse the parameters. */ algParams = null; return; } // Decode (parse) the parameters algParams.init(params.toByteArray()); }
Marshal a DER-encoded "AlgorithmID" sequence on the DER stream.
/** * Marshal a DER-encoded "AlgorithmID" sequence on the DER stream. */
public final void encode(DerOutputStream out) throws IOException { derEncode(out); }
DER encode this object onto an output stream. Implements the DerEncoder interface.
  • out – the output stream on which to write the DER encoding.
/** * DER encode this object onto an output stream. * Implements the <code>DerEncoder</code> interface. * * @param out * the output stream on which to write the DER encoding. * * @exception IOException on encoding error. */
public void derEncode (OutputStream out) throws IOException { DerOutputStream bytes = new DerOutputStream(); DerOutputStream tmp = new DerOutputStream(); bytes.putOID(algid); // Setup params from algParams since no DER encoding is given if (constructedFromDer == false) { if (algParams != null) { params = new DerValue(algParams.getEncoded()); } else { params = null; } } if (params == null) { // Changes backed out for compatibility with Solaris // Several AlgorithmId should omit the whole parameter part when // it's NULL. They are --- // RFC 3370 2.1: Implementations SHOULD generate SHA-1 // AlgorithmIdentifiers with absent parameters. // RFC 3447 C1: When id-sha1, id-sha224, id-sha256, id-sha384 and // id-sha512 are used in an AlgorithmIdentifier the parameters // (which are optional) SHOULD be omitted. // RFC 3279 2.3.2: The id-dsa algorithm syntax includes optional // domain parameters... When omitted, the parameters component // MUST be omitted entirely // RFC 3370 3.1: When the id-dsa-with-sha1 algorithm identifier // is used, the AlgorithmIdentifier parameters field MUST be absent. /*if ( algid.equals((Object)SHA_oid) || algid.equals((Object)SHA224_oid) || algid.equals((Object)SHA256_oid) || algid.equals((Object)SHA384_oid) || algid.equals((Object)SHA512_oid) || algid.equals((Object)SHA512_224_oid) || algid.equals((Object)SHA512_256_oid) || algid.equals((Object)DSA_oid) || algid.equals((Object)sha1WithDSA_oid)) { ; // no parameter part encoded } else { bytes.putNull(); }*/ if (algid.equals(RSASSA_PSS_oid) || algid.equals(ed448_oid) || algid.equals(ed25519_oid)) { // RFC 4055 3.3: when an RSASSA-PSS key does not require // parameter validation, field is absent. } else { bytes.putNull(); } } else { bytes.putDerValue(params); } tmp.write(DerValue.tag_Sequence, bytes); out.write(tmp.toByteArray()); }
Returns the DER-encoded X.509 AlgorithmId as a byte array.
/** * Returns the DER-encoded X.509 AlgorithmId as a byte array. */
public final byte[] encode() throws IOException { DerOutputStream out = new DerOutputStream(); derEncode(out); return out.toByteArray(); }
Returns the ISO OID for this algorithm. This is usually converted to a string and used as part of an algorithm name, for example "OID." style notation. Use the getName call when you do not need to ensure cross-system portability of algorithm names, or need a user friendly name.
/** * Returns the ISO OID for this algorithm. This is usually converted * to a string and used as part of an algorithm name, for example * "OID." style notation. Use the <code>getName</code> * call when you do not need to ensure cross-system portability * of algorithm names, or need a user friendly name. */
public final ObjectIdentifier getOID () { return algid; }
Returns a name for the algorithm which may be more intelligible to humans than the algorithm's OID, but which won't necessarily be comprehensible on other systems. For example, this might return a name such as "MD5withRSA" for a signature algorithm on some systems. It also returns names like "OID.", when no particular name for the algorithm is known. Note: for ecdsa-with-SHA2 plus hash algorithm (Ex: SHA-256), this method returns the "full" signature algorithm (Ex: SHA256withECDSA) directly.
/** * Returns a name for the algorithm which may be more intelligible * to humans than the algorithm's OID, but which won't necessarily * be comprehensible on other systems. For example, this might * return a name such as "MD5withRSA" for a signature algorithm on * some systems. It also returns names like "OID.", when * no particular name for the algorithm is known. * * Note: for ecdsa-with-SHA2 plus hash algorithm (Ex: SHA-256), this method * returns the "full" signature algorithm (Ex: SHA256withECDSA) directly. */
public String getName() { String oidStr = algid.toString(); // first check the list of support oids KnownOIDs o = KnownOIDs.findMatch(oidStr); if (o == KnownOIDs.SpecifiedSHA2withECDSA) { if (params != null) { try { AlgorithmId paramsId = AlgorithmId.parse(new DerValue(params.toByteArray())); String paramsName = paramsId.getName(); return makeSigAlg(paramsName, "EC"); } catch (IOException e) { // ignore } } } if (o != null) { return o.stdName(); } else { String n = aliasOidsTable().get(oidStr); if (n != null) { return n; } else { return algid.toString(); } } } public AlgorithmParameters getParameters() { return algParams; }
Returns the DER encoded parameter, which can then be used to initialize java.security.AlgorithmParameters. Note: for ecdsa-with-SHA2 plus hash algorithm (Ex: SHA-256), this method returns null because getName() has already returned the "full" signature algorithm (Ex: SHA256withECDSA).
Returns:DER encoded parameters, or null not present.
/** * Returns the DER encoded parameter, which can then be * used to initialize java.security.AlgorithmParameters. * * Note: for ecdsa-with-SHA2 plus hash algorithm (Ex: SHA-256), this method * returns null because {@link #getName()} has already returned the "full" * signature algorithm (Ex: SHA256withECDSA). * * @return DER encoded parameters, or null not present. */
public byte[] getEncodedParams() throws IOException { return (params == null || algid.toString().equals(KnownOIDs.SpecifiedSHA2withECDSA.value())) ? null : params.toByteArray(); }
Returns true iff the argument indicates the same algorithm with the same parameters.
/** * Returns true iff the argument indicates the same algorithm * with the same parameters. */
public boolean equals(AlgorithmId other) { boolean paramsEqual = Objects.equals(other.params, params); return (algid.equals((Object)other.algid) && paramsEqual); }
Compares this AlgorithmID to another. If algorithm parameters are available, they are compared. Otherwise, just the object IDs for the algorithm are compared.
  • other – preferably an AlgorithmId, else an ObjectIdentifier
/** * Compares this AlgorithmID to another. If algorithm parameters are * available, they are compared. Otherwise, just the object IDs * for the algorithm are compared. * * @param other preferably an AlgorithmId, else an ObjectIdentifier */
public boolean equals(Object other) { if (this == other) { return true; } if (other instanceof AlgorithmId) { return equals((AlgorithmId) other); } else if (other instanceof ObjectIdentifier) { return equals((ObjectIdentifier) other); } else { return false; } }
Compares two algorithm IDs for equality. Returns true iff they are the same algorithm, ignoring algorithm parameters.
/** * Compares two algorithm IDs for equality. Returns true iff * they are the same algorithm, ignoring algorithm parameters. */
public final boolean equals(ObjectIdentifier id) { return algid.equals((Object)id); }
Returns a hashcode for this AlgorithmId.
Returns:a hashcode for this AlgorithmId.
/** * Returns a hashcode for this AlgorithmId. * * @return a hashcode for this AlgorithmId. */
public int hashCode() { StringBuilder sbuf = new StringBuilder(); sbuf.append(algid.toString()); sbuf.append(paramsToString()); return sbuf.toString().hashCode(); }
Provides a human-readable description of the algorithm parameters. This may be redefined by subclasses which parse those parameters.
/** * Provides a human-readable description of the algorithm parameters. * This may be redefined by subclasses which parse those parameters. */
protected String paramsToString() { if (params == null) { return ""; } else if (algParams != null) { return algParams.toString(); } else { return ", params unparsed"; } }
Returns a string describing the algorithm and its parameters.
/** * Returns a string describing the algorithm and its parameters. */
public String toString() { return getName() + paramsToString(); }
Parse (unmarshal) an ID from a DER sequence input value. This form parsing might be used when expanding a value which has already been partially unmarshaled as a set or sequence member.
  • val – the input value, which contains the algid and, if there are any parameters, those parameters.
  • IOException – on error.
Returns:an ID for the algorithm. If the system is configured appropriately, this may be an instance of a class with some kind of special support for this algorithm. In that case, you may "narrow" the type of the ID.
/** * Parse (unmarshal) an ID from a DER sequence input value. This form * parsing might be used when expanding a value which has already been * partially unmarshaled as a set or sequence member. * * @exception IOException on error. * @param val the input value, which contains the algid and, if * there are any parameters, those parameters. * @return an ID for the algorithm. If the system is configured * appropriately, this may be an instance of a class * with some kind of special support for this algorithm. * In that case, you may "narrow" the type of the ID. */
public static AlgorithmId parse(DerValue val) throws IOException { if (val.tag != DerValue.tag_Sequence) { throw new IOException("algid parse error, not a sequence"); } /* * Get the algorithm ID and any parameters. */ ObjectIdentifier algid; DerValue params; DerInputStream in = val.toDerInputStream(); algid = in.getOID(); if (in.available() == 0) { params = null; } else { params = in.getDerValue(); if (params.tag == DerValue.tag_Null) { if (params.length() != 0) { throw new IOException("invalid NULL"); } params = null; } if (in.available() != 0) { throw new IOException("Invalid AlgorithmIdentifier: extra data"); } } return new AlgorithmId(algid, params); }
Returns one of the algorithm IDs most commonly associated with this algorithm name.
  • algname – the name being used
Deprecated:use the short get form of this method.
/** * Returns one of the algorithm IDs most commonly associated * with this algorithm name. * * @param algname the name being used * @deprecated use the short get form of this method. * @exception NoSuchAlgorithmException on error. */
@Deprecated public static AlgorithmId getAlgorithmId(String algname) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { return get(algname); }
Returns one of the algorithm IDs most commonly associated with this algorithm name.
  • algname – the name being used
/** * Returns one of the algorithm IDs most commonly associated * with this algorithm name. * * @param algname the name being used * @exception NoSuchAlgorithmException on error. */
public static AlgorithmId get(String algname) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { ObjectIdentifier oid; try { oid = algOID(algname); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new NoSuchAlgorithmException ("Invalid ObjectIdentifier " + algname); } if (oid == null) { throw new NoSuchAlgorithmException ("unrecognized algorithm name: " + algname); } return new AlgorithmId(oid); }
Returns one of the algorithm IDs most commonly associated with this algorithm parameters.
  • algparams – the associated algorithm parameters.
/** * Returns one of the algorithm IDs most commonly associated * with this algorithm parameters. * * @param algparams the associated algorithm parameters. * @exception NoSuchAlgorithmException on error. */
public static AlgorithmId get(AlgorithmParameters algparams) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { ObjectIdentifier oid; String algname = algparams.getAlgorithm(); try { oid = algOID(algname); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new NoSuchAlgorithmException ("Invalid ObjectIdentifier " + algname); } if (oid == null) { throw new NoSuchAlgorithmException ("unrecognized algorithm name: " + algname); } return new AlgorithmId(oid, algparams); } /* * Translates from some common algorithm names to the * OID with which they're usually associated ... this mapping * is the reverse of the one below, except in those cases * where synonyms are supported or where a given algorithm * is commonly associated with multiple OIDs. * * XXX This method needs to be enhanced so that we can also pass the * scope of the algorithm name to it, e.g., the algorithm name "DSA" * may have a different OID when used as a "Signature" algorithm than when * used as a "KeyPairGenerator" algorithm. */ private static ObjectIdentifier algOID(String name) throws IOException { if (name.startsWith("OID.")) { name = name.substring("OID.".length()); } KnownOIDs k = KnownOIDs.findMatch(name); if (k != null) { return ObjectIdentifier.of(k); } // unknown algorithm oids if (name.indexOf(".") == -1) { // see if there is a matching oid string alias mapping from // 3rd party providers name = name.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH); String oidStr = aliasOidsTable().get(name); if (oidStr != null) { return ObjectIdentifier.of(oidStr); } return null; } else { return ObjectIdentifier.of(name); } } // oid string cache index'ed by algorithm name and oid strings private static volatile Map<String,String> aliasOidsTable; // returns the aliasOidsTable, lazily initializing it on first access. private static Map<String,String> aliasOidsTable() { // Double checked locking; safe because aliasOidsTable is volatile Map<String,String> tab = aliasOidsTable; if (tab == null) { synchronized (AlgorithmId.class) { if ((tab = aliasOidsTable) == null) { aliasOidsTable = tab = collectOIDAliases(); } } } return tab; } private static boolean isKnownProvider(Provider p) { String pn = p.getName(); String mn = p.getClass().getModule().getName(); if (pn != null && mn != null) { return ((mn.equals("java.base") && (pn.equals("SUN") || pn.equals("SunRsaSign") || pn.equals("SunJCE") || pn.equals("SunJSSE"))) || (mn.equals("jdk.crypto.ec") && pn.equals("SunEC")) || (mn.equals("jdk.crypto.mscapi") && pn.equals("SunMSCAPI")) || (mn.equals("jdk.crypto.cryptoki") && pn.startsWith("SunPKCS11"))); } else { return false; } } private static ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> collectOIDAliases() { ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> t = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); for (Provider provider : Security.getProviders()) { // skip providers which are already using SecurityProviderConstants // and KnownOIDs if (isKnownProvider(provider)) { continue; } for (Object key : provider.keySet()) { String alias = (String)key; String upperCaseAlias = alias.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH); int index; if (upperCaseAlias.startsWith("ALG.ALIAS") && (index = upperCaseAlias.indexOf("OID.", 0)) != -1) { index += "OID.".length(); if (index == alias.length()) { // invalid alias entry break; } String ostr = alias.substring(index); String stdAlgName = provider.getProperty(alias); if (stdAlgName != null) { stdAlgName = stdAlgName.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH); } // add the name->oid and oid->name mappings if none exists if (KnownOIDs.findMatch(stdAlgName) == null) { // not override earlier entries if it exists t.putIfAbsent(stdAlgName, ostr); } if (KnownOIDs.findMatch(ostr) == null) { // not override earlier entries if it exists t.putIfAbsent(ostr, stdAlgName); } } } } return t; } public static final ObjectIdentifier MD2_oid = ObjectIdentifier.of(KnownOIDs.MD2); public static final ObjectIdentifier MD5_oid = ObjectIdentifier.of(KnownOIDs.MD5); public static final ObjectIdentifier SHA_oid = ObjectIdentifier.of(KnownOIDs.SHA_1); public static final ObjectIdentifier SHA224_oid = ObjectIdentifier.of(KnownOIDs.SHA_224); public static final ObjectIdentifier SHA256_oid = ObjectIdentifier.of(KnownOIDs.SHA_256); public static final ObjectIdentifier SHA384_oid = ObjectIdentifier.of(KnownOIDs.SHA_384); public static final ObjectIdentifier SHA512_oid = ObjectIdentifier.of(KnownOIDs.SHA_512); public static final ObjectIdentifier SHA512_224_oid = ObjectIdentifier.of(KnownOIDs.SHA_512$224); public static final ObjectIdentifier SHA512_256_oid = ObjectIdentifier.of(KnownOIDs.SHA_512$256); public static final ObjectIdentifier DSA_oid = ObjectIdentifier.of(KnownOIDs.DSA); public static final ObjectIdentifier EC_oid = ObjectIdentifier.of(KnownOIDs.EC); public static final ObjectIdentifier RSAEncryption_oid = ObjectIdentifier.of(KnownOIDs.RSA); public static final ObjectIdentifier RSASSA_PSS_oid = ObjectIdentifier.of(KnownOIDs.RSASSA_PSS); public static final ObjectIdentifier MGF1_oid = ObjectIdentifier.of(KnownOIDs.MGF1); public static final ObjectIdentifier ed25519_oid = ObjectIdentifier.of(KnownOIDs.Ed25519); public static final ObjectIdentifier ed448_oid = ObjectIdentifier.of(KnownOIDs.Ed448);
Creates a signature algorithm name from a digest algorithm name and a encryption algorithm name.
/** * Creates a signature algorithm name from a digest algorithm * name and a encryption algorithm name. */
public static String makeSigAlg(String digAlg, String encAlg) { digAlg = digAlg.replace("-", ""); if (encAlg.equalsIgnoreCase("EC")) encAlg = "ECDSA"; return digAlg + "with" + encAlg; }
Extracts the encryption algorithm name from a signature algorithm name.
/** * Extracts the encryption algorithm name from a signature * algorithm name. */
public static String getEncAlgFromSigAlg(String signatureAlgorithm) { signatureAlgorithm = signatureAlgorithm.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH); int with = signatureAlgorithm.indexOf("WITH"); String keyAlgorithm = null; if (with > 0) { int and = signatureAlgorithm.indexOf("AND", with + 4); if (and > 0) { keyAlgorithm = signatureAlgorithm.substring(with + 4, and); } else { keyAlgorithm = signatureAlgorithm.substring(with + 4); } if (keyAlgorithm.equalsIgnoreCase("ECDSA")) { keyAlgorithm = "EC"; } } return keyAlgorithm; }
Extracts the digest algorithm name from a signature algorithm name.
/** * Extracts the digest algorithm name from a signature * algorithm name. */
public static String getDigAlgFromSigAlg(String signatureAlgorithm) { signatureAlgorithm = signatureAlgorithm.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH); int with = signatureAlgorithm.indexOf("WITH"); if (with > 0) { return signatureAlgorithm.substring(0, with); } return null; }
Checks if a signature algorithm matches a key algorithm, i.e. a signature can be initialized with a key.
  • kAlg – must not be null
  • sAlg – must not be null
/** * Checks if a signature algorithm matches a key algorithm, i.e. a * signature can be initialized with a key. * * @param kAlg must not be null * @param sAlg must not be null * @throws IllegalArgumentException if they do not match */
public static void checkKeyAndSigAlgMatch(String kAlg, String sAlg) { String sAlgUp = sAlg.toUpperCase(Locale.US); if ((sAlgUp.endsWith("WITHRSA") && !kAlg.equalsIgnoreCase("RSA")) || (sAlgUp.endsWith("WITHECDSA") && !kAlg.equalsIgnoreCase("EC")) || (sAlgUp.endsWith("WITHDSA") && !kAlg.equalsIgnoreCase("DSA"))) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "key algorithm not compatible with signature algorithm"); } }
Returns the default signature algorithm for a private key. The digest part might evolve with time. Remember to update the spec of getDefaultSignatureAlgorithm.getDefaultSignatureAlgorithm(PrivateKey) if updated.
  • k – cannot be null
Returns:the default alg, might be null if unsupported
/** * Returns the default signature algorithm for a private key. The digest * part might evolve with time. Remember to update the spec of * {@link jdk.security.jarsigner.JarSigner.Builder#getDefaultSignatureAlgorithm(PrivateKey)} * if updated. * * @param k cannot be null * @return the default alg, might be null if unsupported */
public static String getDefaultSigAlgForKey(PrivateKey k) { switch (k.getAlgorithm().toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH)) { case "EC": return ecStrength(KeyUtil.getKeySize(k)) + "withECDSA"; case "DSA": return ifcFfcStrength(KeyUtil.getKeySize(k)) + "withDSA"; case "RSA": return ifcFfcStrength(KeyUtil.getKeySize(k)) + "withRSA"; case "RSASSA-PSS": return "RSASSA-PSS"; case "EDDSA": return edAlgFromKey(k); default: return null; } } // Most commonly used PSSParameterSpec and AlgorithmId private static class PSSParamsHolder { final static PSSParameterSpec PSS_256_SPEC = new PSSParameterSpec( "SHA-256", "MGF1", new MGF1ParameterSpec("SHA-256"), 32, PSSParameterSpec.TRAILER_FIELD_BC); final static PSSParameterSpec PSS_384_SPEC = new PSSParameterSpec( "SHA-384", "MGF1", new MGF1ParameterSpec("SHA-384"), 48, PSSParameterSpec.TRAILER_FIELD_BC); final static PSSParameterSpec PSS_512_SPEC = new PSSParameterSpec( "SHA-512", "MGF1", new MGF1ParameterSpec("SHA-512"), 64, PSSParameterSpec.TRAILER_FIELD_BC); final static AlgorithmId PSS_256_ID; final static AlgorithmId PSS_384_ID; final static AlgorithmId PSS_512_ID; static { try { PSS_256_ID = new AlgorithmId(RSASSA_PSS_oid, new DerValue(PSSParameters.getEncoded(PSS_256_SPEC))); PSS_384_ID = new AlgorithmId(RSASSA_PSS_oid, new DerValue(PSSParameters.getEncoded(PSS_384_SPEC))); PSS_512_ID = new AlgorithmId(RSASSA_PSS_oid, new DerValue(PSSParameters.getEncoded(PSS_512_SPEC))); } catch (IOException e) { throw new AssertionError("Should not happen", e); } } } public static AlgorithmId getWithParameterSpec(String algName, AlgorithmParameterSpec spec) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { if (spec == null) { return AlgorithmId.get(algName); } else if (spec == PSSParamsHolder.PSS_256_SPEC) { return PSSParamsHolder.PSS_256_ID; } else if (spec == PSSParamsHolder.PSS_384_SPEC) { return PSSParamsHolder.PSS_384_ID; } else if (spec == PSSParamsHolder.PSS_512_SPEC) { return PSSParamsHolder.PSS_512_ID; } else if (spec instanceof EdDSAParameterSpec) { return AlgorithmId.get(algName); } else { try { AlgorithmParameters result = AlgorithmParameters.getInstance(algName); result.init(spec); return get(result); } catch (InvalidParameterSpecException | NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new ProviderException(e); } } } public static AlgorithmParameterSpec getDefaultAlgorithmParameterSpec( String sigAlg, PrivateKey k) { if (sigAlg.equalsIgnoreCase("RSASSA-PSS")) { if (k instanceof RSAKey) { AlgorithmParameterSpec spec = ((RSAKey) k).getParams(); if (spec instanceof PSSParameterSpec) { return spec; } } switch (ifcFfcStrength(KeyUtil.getKeySize(k))) { case "SHA256": return PSSParamsHolder.PSS_256_SPEC; case "SHA384": return PSSParamsHolder.PSS_384_SPEC; case "SHA512": return PSSParamsHolder.PSS_512_SPEC; default: throw new AssertionError("Should not happen"); } } else { return null; } } private static String edAlgFromKey(PrivateKey k) { if (k instanceof EdECPrivateKey) { EdECPrivateKey edKey = (EdECPrivateKey) k; return edKey.getParams().getName(); } return "EdDSA"; } // Values from SP800-57 part 1 rev 4 tables 2 and 3 private static String ecStrength (int bitLength) { if (bitLength >= 512) { // 256 bits of strength return "SHA512"; } else if (bitLength >= 384) { // 192 bits of strength return "SHA384"; } else { // 128 bits of strength and less return "SHA256"; } } // Same values for RSA and DSA private static String ifcFfcStrength (int bitLength) { if (bitLength > 7680) { // 256 bits return "SHA512"; } else if (bitLength > 3072) { // 192 bits return "SHA384"; } else { // 128 bits and less return "SHA256"; } } }