 * Copyright (c) 1997, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
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 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
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package sun.security.tools.keytool;

import java.io.*;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.security.AlgorithmParameters;
import java.security.CodeSigner;
import java.security.CryptoPrimitive;
import java.security.KeyStore;
import java.security.KeyStoreException;
import java.security.MessageDigest;
import java.security.Key;
import java.security.PublicKey;
import java.security.PrivateKey;
import java.security.SecureRandom;
import java.security.Signature;
import java.security.Timestamp;
import java.security.UnrecoverableEntryException;
import java.security.UnrecoverableKeyException;
import java.security.Principal;
import java.security.cert.Certificate;
import java.security.cert.CertificateFactory;
import java.security.cert.CertStoreException;
import java.security.cert.CRL;
import java.security.cert.X509Certificate;
import java.security.cert.CertificateException;
import java.security.cert.URICertStoreParameters;

import java.security.interfaces.ECKey;
import java.security.spec.AlgorithmParameterSpec;
import java.security.spec.ECParameterSpec;
import java.text.Collator;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.jar.JarEntry;
import java.util.jar.JarFile;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLClassLoader;
import java.security.cert.CertStore;

import java.security.cert.X509CRL;
import java.security.cert.X509CRLEntry;
import java.security.cert.X509CRLSelector;
import javax.security.auth.x500.X500Principal;
import java.util.Base64;

import sun.security.pkcs12.PKCS12KeyStore;
import sun.security.util.ECKeySizeParameterSpec;
import sun.security.util.KeyUtil;
import sun.security.util.NamedCurve;
import sun.security.util.ObjectIdentifier;
import sun.security.pkcs10.PKCS10;
import sun.security.pkcs10.PKCS10Attribute;
import sun.security.provider.X509Factory;
import sun.security.provider.certpath.ssl.SSLServerCertStore;
import sun.security.util.Password;
import sun.security.util.SecurityProperties;
import sun.security.util.SecurityProviderConstants;
import sun.security.util.SignatureUtil;
import javax.crypto.KeyGenerator;
import javax.crypto.SecretKey;
import javax.crypto.SecretKeyFactory;
import javax.crypto.spec.PBEKeySpec;

import sun.security.pkcs.PKCS9Attribute;
import sun.security.tools.KeyStoreUtil;
import sun.security.tools.PathList;
import sun.security.util.DerValue;
import sun.security.util.Pem;
import sun.security.x509.*;

import static java.security.KeyStore.*;
import java.security.Security;
import static sun.security.tools.keytool.Main.Command.*;
import static sun.security.tools.keytool.Main.Option.*;
import sun.security.util.DisabledAlgorithmConstraints;

This tool manages keystores.
Author:Jan Luehe
See Also:
/** * This tool manages keystores. * * @author Jan Luehe * * * @see java.security.KeyStore * @see sun.security.provider.KeyProtector * @see sun.security.provider.JavaKeyStore * * @since 1.2 */
public final class Main { private static final byte[] CRLF = new byte[] {'\r', '\n'}; private boolean debug = false; private Command command = null; private String sigAlgName = null; private String keyAlgName = null; private boolean verbose = false; private int keysize = -1; private String groupName = null; private boolean rfc = false; private long validity = (long)90; private String alias = null; private String dname = null; private String dest = null; private String filename = null; private String infilename = null; private String outfilename = null; private String srcksfname = null; // User-specified providers are added before any command is called. // However, they are not removed before the end of the main() method. // If you're calling KeyTool.main() directly in your own Java program, // please programtically add any providers you need and do not specify // them through the command line. private Set<Pair <String, String>> providers = null; private Set<Pair <String, String>> providerClasses = null; private String storetype = null; private String srcProviderName = null; private String providerName = null; private String pathlist = null; private char[] storePass = null; private char[] storePassNew = null; private char[] keyPass = null; private char[] keyPassNew = null; private char[] newPass = null; private char[] destKeyPass = null; private char[] srckeyPass = null; private String ksfname = null; private File ksfile = null; private InputStream ksStream = null; // keystore stream private String sslserver = null; private String jarfile = null; private KeyStore keyStore = null; private boolean token = false; private boolean nullStream = false; private boolean kssave = false; private boolean noprompt = false; private boolean trustcacerts = false; private boolean protectedPath = false; private boolean srcprotectedPath = false; private boolean cacerts = false; private boolean nowarn = false; private KeyStore caks = null; // "cacerts" keystore private char[] srcstorePass = null; private String srcstoretype = null; private Set<char[]> passwords = new HashSet<>(); private String startDate = null; private boolean tlsInfo = false; private List<String> ids = new ArrayList<>(); // used in GENCRL private List<String> v3ext = new ArrayList<>(); // In-place importkeystore is special. // A backup is needed, and no need to prompt for deststorepass. private boolean inplaceImport = false; private String inplaceBackupName = null; // Warnings on weak algorithms etc private List<String> weakWarnings = new ArrayList<>(); private static final DisabledAlgorithmConstraints DISABLED_CHECK = new DisabledAlgorithmConstraints( DisabledAlgorithmConstraints.PROPERTY_CERTPATH_DISABLED_ALGS); private static final Set<CryptoPrimitive> SIG_PRIMITIVE_SET = Collections .unmodifiableSet(EnumSet.of(CryptoPrimitive.SIGNATURE)); private boolean isPasswordlessKeyStore = false; enum Command { CERTREQ("Generates.a.certificate.request", ALIAS, SIGALG, FILEOUT, KEYPASS, KEYSTORE, DNAME, EXT, STOREPASS, STORETYPE, PROVIDERNAME, ADDPROVIDER, PROVIDERCLASS, PROVIDERPATH, V, PROTECTED), CHANGEALIAS("Changes.an.entry.s.alias", ALIAS, DESTALIAS, KEYPASS, KEYSTORE, CACERTS, STOREPASS, STORETYPE, PROVIDERNAME, ADDPROVIDER, PROVIDERCLASS, PROVIDERPATH, V, PROTECTED), DELETE("Deletes.an.entry", ALIAS, KEYSTORE, CACERTS, STOREPASS, STORETYPE, PROVIDERNAME, ADDPROVIDER, PROVIDERCLASS, PROVIDERPATH, V, PROTECTED), EXPORTCERT("Exports.certificate", RFC, ALIAS, FILEOUT, KEYSTORE, CACERTS, STOREPASS, STORETYPE, PROVIDERNAME, ADDPROVIDER, PROVIDERCLASS, PROVIDERPATH, V, PROTECTED), GENKEYPAIR("Generates.a.key.pair", ALIAS, KEYALG, KEYSIZE, CURVENAME, SIGALG, DNAME, STARTDATE, EXT, VALIDITY, KEYPASS, KEYSTORE, STOREPASS, STORETYPE, PROVIDERNAME, ADDPROVIDER, PROVIDERCLASS, PROVIDERPATH, V, PROTECTED), GENSECKEY("Generates.a.secret.key", ALIAS, KEYPASS, KEYALG, KEYSIZE, KEYSTORE, STOREPASS, STORETYPE, PROVIDERNAME, ADDPROVIDER, PROVIDERCLASS, PROVIDERPATH, V, PROTECTED), GENCERT("Generates.certificate.from.a.certificate.request", RFC, INFILE, OUTFILE, ALIAS, SIGALG, DNAME, STARTDATE, EXT, VALIDITY, KEYPASS, KEYSTORE, STOREPASS, STORETYPE, PROVIDERNAME, ADDPROVIDER, PROVIDERCLASS, PROVIDERPATH, V, PROTECTED), IMPORTCERT("Imports.a.certificate.or.a.certificate.chain", NOPROMPT, TRUSTCACERTS, PROTECTED, ALIAS, FILEIN, KEYPASS, KEYSTORE, CACERTS, STOREPASS, STORETYPE, PROVIDERNAME, ADDPROVIDER, PROVIDERCLASS, PROVIDERPATH, V), IMPORTPASS("Imports.a.password", ALIAS, KEYPASS, KEYALG, KEYSIZE, KEYSTORE, STOREPASS, STORETYPE, PROVIDERNAME, ADDPROVIDER, PROVIDERCLASS, PROVIDERPATH, V, PROTECTED), IMPORTKEYSTORE("Imports.one.or.all.entries.from.another.keystore", SRCKEYSTORE, DESTKEYSTORE, SRCSTORETYPE, DESTSTORETYPE, SRCSTOREPASS, DESTSTOREPASS, SRCPROTECTED, DESTPROTECTED, SRCPROVIDERNAME, DESTPROVIDERNAME, SRCALIAS, DESTALIAS, SRCKEYPASS, DESTKEYPASS, NOPROMPT, ADDPROVIDER, PROVIDERCLASS, PROVIDERPATH, V), KEYPASSWD("Changes.the.key.password.of.an.entry", ALIAS, KEYPASS, NEW, KEYSTORE, STOREPASS, STORETYPE, PROVIDERNAME, ADDPROVIDER, PROVIDERCLASS, PROVIDERPATH, V), LIST("Lists.entries.in.a.keystore", RFC, ALIAS, KEYSTORE, CACERTS, STOREPASS, STORETYPE, PROVIDERNAME, ADDPROVIDER, PROVIDERCLASS, PROVIDERPATH, V, PROTECTED), PRINTCERT("Prints.the.content.of.a.certificate", RFC, FILEIN, SSLSERVER, JARFILE, PROVIDERNAME, ADDPROVIDER, PROVIDERCLASS, PROVIDERPATH, V), PRINTCERTREQ("Prints.the.content.of.a.certificate.request", FILEIN, V), PRINTCRL("Prints.the.content.of.a.CRL.file", FILEIN, V), STOREPASSWD("Changes.the.store.password.of.a.keystore", NEW, KEYSTORE, CACERTS, STOREPASS, STORETYPE, PROVIDERNAME, ADDPROVIDER, PROVIDERCLASS, PROVIDERPATH, V), SHOWINFO("showinfo.command.help", TLS, V), // Undocumented start here, KEYCLONE is used a marker in -help; KEYCLONE("Clones.a.key.entry", ALIAS, DESTALIAS, KEYPASS, NEW, STORETYPE, KEYSTORE, STOREPASS, PROVIDERNAME, ADDPROVIDER, PROVIDERCLASS, PROVIDERPATH, V), SELFCERT("Generates.a.self.signed.certificate", ALIAS, SIGALG, DNAME, STARTDATE, EXT, VALIDITY, KEYPASS, STORETYPE, KEYSTORE, STOREPASS, PROVIDERNAME, ADDPROVIDER, PROVIDERCLASS, PROVIDERPATH, V), GENCRL("Generates.CRL", RFC, FILEOUT, ID, ALIAS, SIGALG, KEYPASS, KEYSTORE, STOREPASS, STORETYPE, PROVIDERNAME, ADDPROVIDER, PROVIDERCLASS, PROVIDERPATH, V, PROTECTED), IDENTITYDB("Imports.entries.from.a.JDK.1.1.x.style.identity.database", FILEIN, STORETYPE, KEYSTORE, STOREPASS, PROVIDERNAME, ADDPROVIDER, PROVIDERCLASS, PROVIDERPATH, V); final String description; final Option[] options; final String name; String altName; // "genkey" is altName for "genkeypair" Command(String d, Option... o) { description = d; options = o; name = "-" + name().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); } @Override public String toString() { return name; } public String getAltName() { return altName; } public void setAltName(String altName) { this.altName = altName; } public static Command getCommand(String cmd) { for (Command c: Command.values()) { if (collator.compare(cmd, c.name) == 0 || (c.altName != null && collator.compare(cmd, c.altName) == 0)) { return c; } } return null; } }; static { Command.GENKEYPAIR.setAltName("-genkey"); Command.IMPORTCERT.setAltName("-import"); Command.EXPORTCERT.setAltName("-export"); Command.IMPORTPASS.setAltName("-importpassword"); } // If an option is allowed multiple times, remember to record it // in the optionsSet.contains() block in parseArgs(). enum Option { ALIAS("alias", "<alias>", "alias.name.of.the.entry.to.process"), CURVENAME("groupname", "<name>", "groupname.option.help"), DESTALIAS("destalias", "<alias>", "destination.alias"), DESTKEYPASS("destkeypass", "<arg>", "destination.key.password"), DESTKEYSTORE("destkeystore", "<keystore>", "destination.keystore.name"), DESTPROTECTED("destprotected", null, "destination.keystore.password.protected"), DESTPROVIDERNAME("destprovidername", "<name>", "destination.keystore.provider.name"), DESTSTOREPASS("deststorepass", "<arg>", "destination.keystore.password"), DESTSTORETYPE("deststoretype", "<type>", "destination.keystore.type"), DNAME("dname", "<name>", "distinguished.name"), EXT("ext", "<value>", "X.509.extension"), FILEOUT("file", "<file>", "output.file.name"), FILEIN("file", "<file>", "input.file.name"), ID("id", "<id:reason>", "Serial.ID.of.cert.to.revoke"), INFILE("infile", "<file>", "input.file.name"), KEYALG("keyalg", "<alg>", "key.algorithm.name"), KEYPASS("keypass", "<arg>", "key.password"), KEYSIZE("keysize", "<size>", "key.bit.size"), KEYSTORE("keystore", "<keystore>", "keystore.name"), CACERTS("cacerts", null, "access.the.cacerts.keystore"), NEW("new", "<arg>", "new.password"), NOPROMPT("noprompt", null, "do.not.prompt"), OUTFILE("outfile", "<file>", "output.file.name"), PROTECTED("protected", null, "password.through.protected.mechanism"), PROVIDERCLASS("providerclass", "<class>\n[-providerarg <arg>]", "provider.class.option"), ADDPROVIDER("addprovider", "<name>\n[-providerarg <arg>]", "addprovider.option"), PROVIDERNAME("providername", "<name>", "provider.name"), PROVIDERPATH("providerpath", "<list>", "provider.classpath"), RFC("rfc", null, "output.in.RFC.style"), SIGALG("sigalg", "<alg>", "signature.algorithm.name"), SRCALIAS("srcalias", "<alias>", "source.alias"), SRCKEYPASS("srckeypass", "<arg>", "source.key.password"), SRCKEYSTORE("srckeystore", "<keystore>", "source.keystore.name"), SRCPROTECTED("srcprotected", null, "source.keystore.password.protected"), SRCPROVIDERNAME("srcprovidername", "<name>", "source.keystore.provider.name"), SRCSTOREPASS("srcstorepass", "<arg>", "source.keystore.password"), SRCSTORETYPE("srcstoretype", "<type>", "source.keystore.type"), SSLSERVER("sslserver", "<server[:port]>", "SSL.server.host.and.port"), JARFILE("jarfile", "<file>", "signed.jar.file"), STARTDATE("startdate", "<date>", "certificate.validity.start.date.time"), STOREPASS("storepass", "<arg>", "keystore.password"), STORETYPE("storetype", "<type>", "keystore.type"), TLS("tls", null, "tls.option.help"), TRUSTCACERTS("trustcacerts", null, "trust.certificates.from.cacerts"), V("v", null, "verbose.output"), VALIDITY("validity", "<days>", "validity.number.of.days"); final String name, arg, description; Option(String name, String arg, String description) { this.name = name; this.arg = arg; this.description = description; } @Override public String toString() { return "-" + name; } }; private static final String NONE = "NONE"; private static final String P11KEYSTORE = "PKCS11"; private static final String P12KEYSTORE = "PKCS12"; private static final String keyAlias = "mykey"; // for i18n private static final java.util.ResourceBundle rb = java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle( "sun.security.tools.keytool.Resources"); private static final Collator collator = Collator.getInstance(); static { // this is for case insensitive string comparisons collator.setStrength(Collator.PRIMARY); }; private Main() { } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Main kt = new Main(); kt.run(args, System.out); } private void run(String[] args, PrintStream out) throws Exception { try { args = parseArgs(args); if (command != null) { doCommands(out); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(rb.getString("keytool.error.") + e); if (verbose) { e.printStackTrace(System.out); } if (!debug) { System.exit(1); } else { throw e; } } finally { printWeakWarnings(false); for (char[] pass : passwords) { if (pass != null) { Arrays.fill(pass, ' '); pass = null; } } if (ksStream != null) { ksStream.close(); } } }
Parse command line arguments.
/** * Parse command line arguments. */
String[] parseArgs(String[] args) throws Exception { int i=0; boolean help = args.length == 0; String confFile = null; // Records all commands and options set. Used to check dups. Set<String> optionsSet = new HashSet<>(); for (i=0; i < args.length; i++) { String flags = args[i]; if (flags.startsWith("-")) { String lowerFlags = flags.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); if (optionsSet.contains(lowerFlags)) { switch (lowerFlags) { case "-ext": case "-id": case "-provider": case "-addprovider": case "-providerclass": case "-providerarg": // These options are allowed multiple times break; default: weakWarnings.add(String.format( rb.getString("option.1.set.twice"), lowerFlags)); } } else { optionsSet.add(lowerFlags); } if (collator.compare(flags, "-conf") == 0) { if (i == args.length - 1) { errorNeedArgument(flags); } confFile = args[++i]; } else { Command c = Command.getCommand(flags); if (c != null) { if (command == null) { command = c; } else { throw new Exception(String.format( rb.getString("multiple.commands.1.2"), command.name, c.name)); } } } } } if (confFile != null && command != null) { args = KeyStoreUtil.expandArgs("keytool", confFile, command.toString(), command.getAltName(), args); } debug = Arrays.stream(args).anyMatch( x -> collator.compare(x, "-debug") == 0); if (debug) { // No need to localize debug output System.out.println("Command line args: " + Arrays.toString(args)); } for (i=0; (i < args.length) && args[i].startsWith("-"); i++) { String flags = args[i]; // Check if the last option needs an arg if (i == args.length - 1) { for (Option option: Option.values()) { // Only options with an arg need to be checked if (collator.compare(flags, option.toString()) == 0) { if (option.arg != null) errorNeedArgument(flags); break; } } } /* * Check modifiers */ String modifier = null; int pos = flags.indexOf(':'); if (pos > 0) { modifier = flags.substring(pos+1); flags = flags.substring(0, pos); } /* * command modes */ Command c = Command.getCommand(flags); if (c != null) { command = c; } else if (collator.compare(flags, "--help") == 0 || collator.compare(flags, "-h") == 0 || collator.compare(flags, "-?") == 0 || // -help: legacy. collator.compare(flags, "-help") == 0) { help = true; } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-conf") == 0) { i++; } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-nowarn") == 0) { nowarn = true; } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-keystore") == 0) { ksfname = args[++i]; if (new File(ksfname).getCanonicalPath().equals( new File(KeyStoreUtil.getCacerts()).getCanonicalPath())) { System.err.println(rb.getString("warning.cacerts.option")); } } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-destkeystore") == 0) { ksfname = args[++i]; } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-cacerts") == 0) { cacerts = true; } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-storepass") == 0 || collator.compare(flags, "-deststorepass") == 0) { storePass = getPass(modifier, args[++i]); passwords.add(storePass); } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-storetype") == 0 || collator.compare(flags, "-deststoretype") == 0) { storetype = KeyStoreUtil.niceStoreTypeName(args[++i]); } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-srcstorepass") == 0) { srcstorePass = getPass(modifier, args[++i]); passwords.add(srcstorePass); } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-srcstoretype") == 0) { srcstoretype = KeyStoreUtil.niceStoreTypeName(args[++i]); } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-srckeypass") == 0) { srckeyPass = getPass(modifier, args[++i]); passwords.add(srckeyPass); } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-srcprovidername") == 0) { srcProviderName = args[++i]; } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-providername") == 0 || collator.compare(flags, "-destprovidername") == 0) { providerName = args[++i]; } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-providerpath") == 0) { pathlist = args[++i]; } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-keypass") == 0) { keyPass = getPass(modifier, args[++i]); passwords.add(keyPass); } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-new") == 0) { newPass = getPass(modifier, args[++i]); passwords.add(newPass); } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-destkeypass") == 0) { destKeyPass = getPass(modifier, args[++i]); passwords.add(destKeyPass); } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-alias") == 0 || collator.compare(flags, "-srcalias") == 0) { alias = args[++i]; } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-dest") == 0 || collator.compare(flags, "-destalias") == 0) { dest = args[++i]; } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-dname") == 0) { dname = args[++i]; } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-keysize") == 0) { keysize = Integer.parseInt(args[++i]); } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-groupname") == 0) { groupName = args[++i]; } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-keyalg") == 0) { keyAlgName = args[++i]; } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-sigalg") == 0) { sigAlgName = args[++i]; } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-startdate") == 0) { startDate = args[++i]; } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-validity") == 0) { validity = Long.parseLong(args[++i]); } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-ext") == 0) { v3ext.add(args[++i]); } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-id") == 0) { ids.add(args[++i]); } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-file") == 0) { filename = args[++i]; } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-infile") == 0) { infilename = args[++i]; } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-outfile") == 0) { outfilename = args[++i]; } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-sslserver") == 0) { sslserver = args[++i]; } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-jarfile") == 0) { jarfile = args[++i]; } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-srckeystore") == 0) { srcksfname = args[++i]; } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-provider") == 0 || collator.compare(flags, "-providerclass") == 0) { if (providerClasses == null) { providerClasses = new HashSet<Pair <String, String>> (3); } String providerClass = args[++i]; String providerArg = null; if (args.length > (i+1)) { flags = args[i+1]; if (collator.compare(flags, "-providerarg") == 0) { if (args.length == (i+2)) errorNeedArgument(flags); providerArg = args[i+2]; i += 2; } } providerClasses.add( Pair.of(providerClass, providerArg)); } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-addprovider") == 0) { if (providers == null) { providers = new HashSet<Pair <String, String>> (3); } String provider = args[++i]; String providerArg = null; if (args.length > (i+1)) { flags = args[i+1]; if (collator.compare(flags, "-providerarg") == 0) { if (args.length == (i+2)) errorNeedArgument(flags); providerArg = args[i+2]; i += 2; } } providers.add( Pair.of(provider, providerArg)); } /* * options */ else if (collator.compare(flags, "-v") == 0) { verbose = true; } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-debug") == 0) { // Already processed } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-rfc") == 0) { rfc = true; } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-noprompt") == 0) { noprompt = true; } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-trustcacerts") == 0) { trustcacerts = true; } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-protected") == 0 || collator.compare(flags, "-destprotected") == 0) { protectedPath = true; } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-srcprotected") == 0) { srcprotectedPath = true; } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-tls") == 0) { tlsInfo = true; } else { System.err.println(rb.getString("Illegal.option.") + flags); tinyHelp(); } } if (i<args.length) { System.err.println(rb.getString("Illegal.option.") + args[i]); tinyHelp(); } if (command == null) { if (help) { usage(); } else { System.err.println(rb.getString("Usage.error.no.command.provided")); tinyHelp(); } } else if (help) { usage(); command = null; } return args; } boolean isKeyStoreRelated(Command cmd) { return cmd != PRINTCERT && cmd != PRINTCERTREQ && cmd != SHOWINFO; }
Execute the commands.
/** * Execute the commands. */
void doCommands(PrintStream out) throws Exception { if (cacerts) { if (ksfname != null || storetype != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(rb.getString ("the.keystore.or.storetype.option.cannot.be.used.with.the.cacerts.option")); } ksfname = KeyStoreUtil.getCacerts(); } if (P11KEYSTORE.equalsIgnoreCase(storetype) || KeyStoreUtil.isWindowsKeyStore(storetype)) { token = true; if (ksfname == null) { ksfname = NONE; } } if (NONE.equals(ksfname)) { nullStream = true; } if (token && !nullStream) { System.err.println(MessageFormat.format(rb.getString (".keystore.must.be.NONE.if.storetype.is.{0}"), storetype)); System.err.println(); tinyHelp(); } if (token && (command == KEYPASSWD || command == STOREPASSWD)) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(MessageFormat.format(rb.getString (".storepasswd.and.keypasswd.commands.not.supported.if.storetype.is.{0}"), storetype)); } if (token && (keyPass != null || newPass != null || destKeyPass != null)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(MessageFormat.format(rb.getString (".keypass.and.new.can.not.be.specified.if.storetype.is.{0}"), storetype)); } if (protectedPath) { if (storePass != null || keyPass != null || newPass != null || destKeyPass != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(rb.getString ("if.protected.is.specified.then.storepass.keypass.and.new.must.not.be.specified")); } } if (srcprotectedPath) { if (srcstorePass != null || srckeyPass != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(rb.getString ("if.srcprotected.is.specified.then.srcstorepass.and.srckeypass.must.not.be.specified")); } } if (KeyStoreUtil.isWindowsKeyStore(storetype)) { if (storePass != null || keyPass != null || newPass != null || destKeyPass != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(rb.getString ("if.keystore.is.not.password.protected.then.storepass.keypass.and.new.must.not.be.specified")); } } if (KeyStoreUtil.isWindowsKeyStore(srcstoretype)) { if (srcstorePass != null || srckeyPass != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(rb.getString ("if.source.keystore.is.not.password.protected.then.srcstorepass.and.srckeypass.must.not.be.specified")); } } if (validity <= (long)0) { throw new Exception (rb.getString("Validity.must.be.greater.than.zero")); } // Try to load and install specified provider if (providers != null) { for (Pair<String, String> provider : providers) { try { KeyStoreUtil.loadProviderByName( provider.fst, provider.snd); if (debug) { System.out.println("loadProviderByName: " + provider.fst); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new Exception(String.format(rb.getString( "provider.name.not.found"), provider.fst)); } } } if (providerClasses != null) { ClassLoader cl = null; if (pathlist != null) { String path = null; path = PathList.appendPath( path, System.getProperty("java.class.path")); path = PathList.appendPath( path, System.getProperty("env.class.path")); path = PathList.appendPath(path, pathlist); URL[] urls = PathList.pathToURLs(path); cl = new URLClassLoader(urls); } else { cl = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader(); } for (Pair<String, String> provider : providerClasses) { try { KeyStoreUtil.loadProviderByClass( provider.fst, provider.snd, cl); if (debug) { System.out.println("loadProviderByClass: " + provider.fst); } } catch (ClassCastException cce) { throw new Exception(String.format(rb.getString( "provclass.not.a.provider"), provider.fst)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new Exception(String.format(rb.getString( "provider.class.not.found"), provider.fst), e.getCause()); } } } if (command == LIST && verbose && rfc) { System.err.println(rb.getString ("Must.not.specify.both.v.and.rfc.with.list.command")); tinyHelp(); } // Make sure provided passwords are at least 6 characters long if (command == GENKEYPAIR && keyPass!=null && keyPass.length < 6) { throw new Exception(rb.getString ("Key.password.must.be.at.least.6.characters")); } if (newPass != null && newPass.length < 6) { throw new Exception(rb.getString ("New.password.must.be.at.least.6.characters")); } if (destKeyPass != null && destKeyPass.length < 6) { throw new Exception(rb.getString ("New.password.must.be.at.least.6.characters")); } // Set this before inplaceImport check so we can compare name. if (ksfname == null) { ksfname = System.getProperty("user.home") + File.separator + ".keystore"; } KeyStore srcKeyStore = null; if (command == IMPORTKEYSTORE) { inplaceImport = inplaceImportCheck(); if (inplaceImport) { // We load srckeystore first so we have srcstorePass that // can be assigned to storePass srcKeyStore = loadSourceKeyStore(); if (storePass == null) { storePass = srcstorePass; } } } // Check if keystore exists. // If no keystore has been specified at the command line, try to use // the default, which is located in $HOME/.keystore. // No need to check if isKeyStoreRelated(command) is false. // DO NOT open the existing keystore if this is an in-place import. // The keystore should be created as brand new. if (isKeyStoreRelated(command) && !nullStream && !inplaceImport) { try { ksfile = new File(ksfname); // Check if keystore file is empty if (ksfile.exists() && ksfile.length() == 0) { throw new Exception(rb.getString ("Keystore.file.exists.but.is.empty.") + ksfname); } ksStream = new FileInputStream(ksfile); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // These commands do not need the keystore to be existing. // Either it will create a new one or the keystore is // optional (i.e. PRINTCRL). if (command != GENKEYPAIR && command != GENSECKEY && command != IDENTITYDB && command != IMPORTCERT && command != IMPORTPASS && command != IMPORTKEYSTORE && command != PRINTCRL) { throw new Exception(rb.getString ("Keystore.file.does.not.exist.") + ksfname); } } } if ((command == KEYCLONE || command == CHANGEALIAS) && dest == null) { dest = getAlias("destination"); if ("".equals(dest)) { throw new Exception(rb.getString ("Must.specify.destination.alias")); } } if (command == DELETE && alias == null) { alias = getAlias(null); if ("".equals(alias)) { throw new Exception(rb.getString("Must.specify.alias")); } } // Create new keystore // Probe for keystore type when filename is available if (ksfile != null && ksStream != null && providerName == null && storetype == null && !inplaceImport) { keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(ksfile, storePass); storetype = keyStore.getType(); if (storetype.equalsIgnoreCase("pkcs12")) { isPasswordlessKeyStore = PKCS12KeyStore.isPasswordless(ksfile); } } else { if (storetype == null) { storetype = KeyStore.getDefaultType(); } if (providerName == null) { keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(storetype); } else { keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(storetype, providerName); } // When creating a new pkcs12 file, Do not prompt for storepass // if certProtectionAlgorithm and macAlgorithm are both NONE. if (storetype.equalsIgnoreCase("pkcs12")) { isPasswordlessKeyStore = "NONE".equals(SecurityProperties.privilegedGetOverridable( "keystore.pkcs12.certProtectionAlgorithm")) && "NONE".equals(SecurityProperties.privilegedGetOverridable( "keystore.pkcs12.macAlgorithm")); } /* * Load the keystore data. * * At this point, it's OK if no keystore password has been provided. * We want to make sure that we can load the keystore data, i.e., * the keystore data has the right format. If we cannot load the * keystore, why bother asking the user for his or her password? * Only if we were able to load the keystore, and no keystore * password has been provided, will we prompt the user for the * keystore password to verify the keystore integrity. * This means that the keystore is loaded twice: first load operation * checks the keystore format, second load operation verifies the * keystore integrity. * * If the keystore password has already been provided (at the * command line), however, the keystore is loaded only once, and the * keystore format and integrity are checked "at the same time". * * Null stream keystores are loaded later. */ if (!nullStream) { if (inplaceImport) { keyStore.load(null, storePass); } else { keyStore.load(ksStream, storePass); } if (ksStream != null) { ksStream.close(); } } } if (P12KEYSTORE.equalsIgnoreCase(storetype) && command == KEYPASSWD) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(rb.getString (".keypasswd.commands.not.supported.if.storetype.is.PKCS12")); } // All commands that create or modify the keystore require a keystore // password. if (nullStream && storePass != null) { keyStore.load(null, storePass); } else if (!nullStream && storePass != null) { // If we are creating a new non nullStream-based keystore, // insist that the password be at least 6 characters if (ksStream == null && storePass.length < 6) { throw new Exception(rb.getString ("Keystore.password.must.be.at.least.6.characters")); } } else if (storePass == null) { if (!protectedPath && !KeyStoreUtil.isWindowsKeyStore(storetype) && isKeyStoreRelated(command) && !isPasswordlessKeyStore) { if (command == CERTREQ || command == DELETE || command == GENKEYPAIR || command == GENSECKEY || command == IMPORTCERT || command == IMPORTPASS || command == IMPORTKEYSTORE || command == KEYCLONE || command == CHANGEALIAS || command == SELFCERT || command == STOREPASSWD || command == KEYPASSWD || command == IDENTITYDB) { int count = 0; do { if (command == IMPORTKEYSTORE) { System.err.print (rb.getString("Enter.destination.keystore.password.")); } else { System.err.print (rb.getString("Enter.keystore.password.")); } System.err.flush(); storePass = Password.readPassword(System.in); passwords.add(storePass); // If we are creating a new non nullStream-based keystore, // insist that the password be at least 6 characters if (!nullStream && (storePass == null || storePass.length < 6)) { System.err.println(rb.getString ("Keystore.password.is.too.short.must.be.at.least.6.characters")); storePass = null; } // If the keystore file does not exist and needs to be // created, the storepass should be prompted twice. if (storePass != null && !nullStream && ksStream == null) { System.err.print(rb.getString("Re.enter.new.password.")); char[] storePassAgain = Password.readPassword(System.in); passwords.add(storePassAgain); if (!Arrays.equals(storePass, storePassAgain)) { System.err.println (rb.getString("They.don.t.match.Try.again")); storePass = null; } } count++; } while ((storePass == null) && count < 3); if (storePass == null) { System.err.println (rb.getString("Too.many.failures.try.later")); return; } } else { // here we have EXPORTCERT and LIST (info valid until STOREPASSWD) if (command != PRINTCRL) { System.err.print(rb.getString("Enter.keystore.password.")); System.err.flush(); storePass = Password.readPassword(System.in); passwords.add(storePass); } } } // Now load a nullStream-based keystore, // or verify the integrity of an input stream-based keystore if (nullStream) { keyStore.load(null, storePass); } else if (ksStream != null) { ksStream = new FileInputStream(ksfile); keyStore.load(ksStream, storePass); ksStream.close(); } } if (storePass != null && P12KEYSTORE.equalsIgnoreCase(storetype)) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(rb.getString( "Warning.Different.store.and.key.passwords.not.supported.for.PKCS12.KeyStores.Ignoring.user.specified.command.value.")); if (keyPass != null && !Arrays.equals(storePass, keyPass)) { Object[] source = {"-keypass"}; System.err.println(form.format(source)); keyPass = storePass; } if (destKeyPass != null && !Arrays.equals(storePass, destKeyPass)) { Object[] source = {"-destkeypass"}; System.err.println(form.format(source)); destKeyPass = storePass; } } // -trustcacerts can only be specified on -importcert. // Reset it so that warnings on CA cert will remain for // -printcert, etc. if (command != IMPORTCERT) { trustcacerts = false; } if (trustcacerts) { caks = KeyStoreUtil.getCacertsKeyStore(); } // Perform the specified command if (command == CERTREQ) { if (filename != null) { try (PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream (filename))) { doCertReq(alias, sigAlgName, ps); } } else { doCertReq(alias, sigAlgName, out); } if (verbose && filename != null) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(rb.getString ("Certification.request.stored.in.file.filename.")); Object[] source = {filename}; System.err.println(form.format(source)); System.err.println(rb.getString("Submit.this.to.your.CA")); } } else if (command == DELETE) { doDeleteEntry(alias); kssave = true; } else if (command == EXPORTCERT) { if (filename != null) { try (PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream (filename))) { doExportCert(alias, ps); } } else { doExportCert(alias, out); } if (filename != null) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(rb.getString ("Certificate.stored.in.file.filename.")); Object[] source = {filename}; System.err.println(form.format(source)); } } else if (command == GENKEYPAIR) { if (keyAlgName == null) { throw new Exception(rb.getString( "keyalg.option.missing.error")); } doGenKeyPair(alias, dname, keyAlgName, keysize, groupName, sigAlgName); kssave = true; } else if (command == GENSECKEY) { if (keyAlgName == null) { throw new Exception(rb.getString( "keyalg.option.missing.error")); } doGenSecretKey(alias, keyAlgName, keysize); kssave = true; } else if (command == IMPORTPASS) { if (keyAlgName == null) { keyAlgName = "PBE"; } // password is stored as a secret key doGenSecretKey(alias, keyAlgName, keysize); kssave = true; } else if (command == IDENTITYDB) { if (filename != null) { try (InputStream inStream = new FileInputStream(filename)) { doImportIdentityDatabase(inStream); } } else { doImportIdentityDatabase(System.in); } } else if (command == IMPORTCERT) { InputStream inStream = System.in; if (filename != null) { inStream = new FileInputStream(filename); } String importAlias = (alias!=null)?alias:keyAlias; try { if (keyStore.entryInstanceOf( importAlias, KeyStore.PrivateKeyEntry.class)) { kssave = installReply(importAlias, inStream); if (kssave) { System.err.println(rb.getString ("Certificate.reply.was.installed.in.keystore")); } else { System.err.println(rb.getString ("Certificate.reply.was.not.installed.in.keystore")); } } else if (!keyStore.containsAlias(importAlias) || keyStore.entryInstanceOf(importAlias, KeyStore.TrustedCertificateEntry.class)) { kssave = addTrustedCert(importAlias, inStream); if (kssave) { System.err.println(rb.getString ("Certificate.was.added.to.keystore")); } else { System.err.println(rb.getString ("Certificate.was.not.added.to.keystore")); } } } finally { if (inStream != System.in) { inStream.close(); } } } else if (command == IMPORTKEYSTORE) { // When not in-place import, srcKeyStore is not loaded yet. if (srcKeyStore == null) { srcKeyStore = loadSourceKeyStore(); } doImportKeyStore(srcKeyStore); kssave = true; } else if (command == KEYCLONE) { keyPassNew = newPass; // added to make sure only key can go thru if (alias == null) { alias = keyAlias; } if (keyStore.containsAlias(alias) == false) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat (rb.getString("Alias.alias.does.not.exist")); Object[] source = {alias}; throw new Exception(form.format(source)); } if (!keyStore.entryInstanceOf(alias, KeyStore.PrivateKeyEntry.class)) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(rb.getString( "Alias.alias.references.an.entry.type.that.is.not.a.private.key.entry.The.keyclone.command.only.supports.cloning.of.private.key")); Object[] source = {alias}; throw new Exception(form.format(source)); } doCloneEntry(alias, dest, true); // Now everything can be cloned kssave = true; } else if (command == CHANGEALIAS) { if (alias == null) { alias = keyAlias; } doCloneEntry(alias, dest, false); // in PKCS11, clone a PrivateKeyEntry will delete the old one if (keyStore.containsAlias(alias)) { doDeleteEntry(alias); } kssave = true; } else if (command == KEYPASSWD) { keyPassNew = newPass; doChangeKeyPasswd(alias); kssave = true; } else if (command == LIST) { if (storePass == null && !KeyStoreUtil.isWindowsKeyStore(storetype) && !isPasswordlessKeyStore) { printNoIntegrityWarning(); } if (alias != null) { doPrintEntry(rb.getString("the.certificate"), alias, out); } else { doPrintEntries(out); } } else if (command == PRINTCERT) { doPrintCert(out); } else if (command == SELFCERT) { doSelfCert(alias, dname, sigAlgName); kssave = true; } else if (command == STOREPASSWD) { doChangeStorePasswd(); kssave = true; } else if (command == GENCERT) { if (alias == null) { alias = keyAlias; } InputStream inStream = System.in; if (infilename != null) { inStream = new FileInputStream(infilename); } PrintStream ps = null; if (outfilename != null) { ps = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(outfilename)); out = ps; } try { doGenCert(alias, sigAlgName, inStream, out); } finally { if (inStream != System.in) { inStream.close(); } if (ps != null) { ps.close(); } } } else if (command == GENCRL) { if (alias == null) { alias = keyAlias; } if (filename != null) { try (PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(filename))) { doGenCRL(ps); } } else { doGenCRL(out); } } else if (command == PRINTCERTREQ) { if (filename != null) { try (InputStream inStream = new FileInputStream(filename)) { doPrintCertReq(inStream, out); } } else { doPrintCertReq(System.in, out); } } else if (command == PRINTCRL) { doPrintCRL(filename, out); } else if (command == SHOWINFO) { doShowInfo(); } // If we need to save the keystore, do so. if (kssave) { if (verbose) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat (rb.getString(".Storing.ksfname.")); Object[] source = {nullStream ? "keystore" : ksfname}; System.err.println(form.format(source)); } if (token) { keyStore.store(null, null); } else { char[] pass = (storePassNew!=null) ? storePassNew : storePass; if (nullStream) { keyStore.store(null, pass); } else { ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); keyStore.store(bout, pass); try (FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream(ksfname)) { fout.write(bout.toByteArray()); } } } } if (isKeyStoreRelated(command) && !token && !nullStream && ksfname != null) { // JKS storetype warning on the final result keystore File f = new File(ksfname); char[] pass = (storePassNew!=null) ? storePassNew : storePass; if (f.exists()) { // Probe for real type. A JKS can be loaded as PKCS12 because // DualFormat support, vice versa. String realType = storetype; try { keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(f, pass); realType = keyStore.getType(); if (realType.equalsIgnoreCase("JKS") || realType.equalsIgnoreCase("JCEKS")) { boolean allCerts = true; for (String a : Collections.list(keyStore.aliases())) { if (!keyStore.entryInstanceOf( a, TrustedCertificateEntry.class)) { allCerts = false; break; } } // Don't warn for "cacerts" style keystore. if (!allCerts) { weakWarnings.add(String.format( rb.getString("jks.storetype.warning"), realType, ksfname)); } } } catch (KeyStoreException e) { // Probing not supported, therefore cannot be JKS or JCEKS. // Skip the legacy type warning at all. } if (inplaceImport) { String realSourceStoreType = srcstoretype; try { realSourceStoreType = KeyStore.getInstance( new File(inplaceBackupName), srcstorePass).getType(); } catch (KeyStoreException e) { // Probing not supported. Assuming srcstoretype. } String format = realType.equalsIgnoreCase(realSourceStoreType) ? rb.getString("backup.keystore.warning") : rb.getString("migrate.keystore.warning"); weakWarnings.add( String.format(format, srcksfname, realSourceStoreType, inplaceBackupName, realType)); } } } }
Generate a certificate: Read PKCS10 request from in, and print certificate to out. Use alias as CA, sigAlgName as the signature type.
/** * Generate a certificate: Read PKCS10 request from in, and print * certificate to out. Use alias as CA, sigAlgName as the signature * type. */
private void doGenCert(String alias, String sigAlgName, InputStream in, PrintStream out) throws Exception { if (keyStore.containsAlias(alias) == false) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat (rb.getString("Alias.alias.does.not.exist")); Object[] source = {alias}; throw new Exception(form.format(source)); } Certificate signerCert = keyStore.getCertificate(alias); byte[] encoded = signerCert.getEncoded(); X509CertImpl signerCertImpl = new X509CertImpl(encoded); X509CertInfo signerCertInfo = (X509CertInfo)signerCertImpl.get( X509CertImpl.NAME + "." + X509CertImpl.INFO); X500Name issuer = (X500Name)signerCertInfo.get(X509CertInfo.SUBJECT + "." + X509CertInfo.DN_NAME); Date firstDate = getStartDate(startDate); Date lastDate = new Date(); lastDate.setTime(firstDate.getTime() + validity*1000L*24L*60L*60L); CertificateValidity interval = new CertificateValidity(firstDate, lastDate); PrivateKey privateKey = (PrivateKey)recoverKey(alias, storePass, keyPass).fst; if (sigAlgName == null) { sigAlgName = getCompatibleSigAlgName(privateKey); } Signature signature = Signature.getInstance(sigAlgName); AlgorithmParameterSpec params = AlgorithmId .getDefaultAlgorithmParameterSpec(sigAlgName, privateKey); SignatureUtil.initSignWithParam(signature, privateKey, params, null); X509CertInfo info = new X509CertInfo(); AlgorithmId algID = AlgorithmId.getWithParameterSpec(sigAlgName, params); info.set(X509CertInfo.VALIDITY, interval); info.set(X509CertInfo.SERIAL_NUMBER, CertificateSerialNumber.newRandom64bit(new SecureRandom())); info.set(X509CertInfo.VERSION, new CertificateVersion(CertificateVersion.V3)); info.set(X509CertInfo.ALGORITHM_ID, new CertificateAlgorithmId(algID)); info.set(X509CertInfo.ISSUER, issuer); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); boolean canRead = false; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); while (true) { String s = reader.readLine(); if (s == null) break; // OpenSSL does not use NEW //if (s.startsWith("-----BEGIN NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----")) { if (s.startsWith("-----BEGIN") && s.indexOf("REQUEST") >= 0) { canRead = true; //} else if (s.startsWith("-----END NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----")) { } else if (s.startsWith("-----END") && s.indexOf("REQUEST") >= 0) { break; } else if (canRead) { sb.append(s); } } byte[] rawReq = Pem.decode(new String(sb)); PKCS10 req = new PKCS10(rawReq); checkWeak(rb.getString("the.certificate.request"), req); info.set(X509CertInfo.KEY, new CertificateX509Key(req.getSubjectPublicKeyInfo())); info.set(X509CertInfo.SUBJECT, dname==null?req.getSubjectName():new X500Name(dname)); CertificateExtensions reqex = null; Iterator<PKCS10Attribute> attrs = req.getAttributes().getAttributes().iterator(); while (attrs.hasNext()) { PKCS10Attribute attr = attrs.next(); if (attr.getAttributeId().equals(PKCS9Attribute.EXTENSION_REQUEST_OID)) { reqex = (CertificateExtensions)attr.getAttributeValue(); } } CertificateExtensions ext = createV3Extensions( reqex, null, v3ext, req.getSubjectPublicKeyInfo(), signerCert.getPublicKey()); info.set(X509CertInfo.EXTENSIONS, ext); X509CertImpl cert = new X509CertImpl(info); cert.sign(privateKey, params, sigAlgName, null); dumpCert(cert, out); for (Certificate ca: keyStore.getCertificateChain(alias)) { if (ca instanceof X509Certificate) { X509Certificate xca = (X509Certificate)ca; if (!KeyStoreUtil.isSelfSigned(xca)) { dumpCert(xca, out); } } } checkWeak(rb.getString("the.issuer"), keyStore.getCertificateChain(alias)); checkWeak(rb.getString("the.generated.certificate"), cert); } private void doGenCRL(PrintStream out) throws Exception { if (ids == null) { throw new Exception("Must provide -id when -gencrl"); } Certificate signerCert = keyStore.getCertificate(alias); byte[] encoded = signerCert.getEncoded(); X509CertImpl signerCertImpl = new X509CertImpl(encoded); X509CertInfo signerCertInfo = (X509CertInfo)signerCertImpl.get( X509CertImpl.NAME + "." + X509CertImpl.INFO); X500Name owner = (X500Name)signerCertInfo.get(X509CertInfo.SUBJECT + "." + X509CertInfo.DN_NAME); Date firstDate = getStartDate(startDate); Date lastDate = (Date) firstDate.clone(); lastDate.setTime(lastDate.getTime() + validity*1000*24*60*60); CertificateValidity interval = new CertificateValidity(firstDate, lastDate); PrivateKey privateKey = (PrivateKey)recoverKey(alias, storePass, keyPass).fst; if (sigAlgName == null) { sigAlgName = getCompatibleSigAlgName(privateKey); } X509CRLEntry[] badCerts = new X509CRLEntry[ids.size()]; for (int i=0; i<ids.size(); i++) { String id = ids.get(i); int d = id.indexOf(':'); if (d >= 0) { CRLExtensions ext = new CRLExtensions(); ext.set("Reason", new CRLReasonCodeExtension(Integer.parseInt(id.substring(d+1)))); badCerts[i] = new X509CRLEntryImpl(new BigInteger(id.substring(0, d)), firstDate, ext); } else { badCerts[i] = new X509CRLEntryImpl(new BigInteger(ids.get(i)), firstDate); } } X509CRLImpl crl = new X509CRLImpl(owner, firstDate, lastDate, badCerts); crl.sign(privateKey, sigAlgName); if (rfc) { out.println("-----BEGIN X509 CRL-----"); out.println(Base64.getMimeEncoder(64, CRLF).encodeToString(crl.getEncodedInternal())); out.println("-----END X509 CRL-----"); } else { out.write(crl.getEncodedInternal()); } checkWeak(rb.getString("the.generated.crl"), crl, privateKey); }
Creates a PKCS#10 cert signing request, corresponding to the keys (and name) associated with a given alias.
/** * Creates a PKCS#10 cert signing request, corresponding to the * keys (and name) associated with a given alias. */
private void doCertReq(String alias, String sigAlgName, PrintStream out) throws Exception { if (alias == null) { alias = keyAlias; } Pair<Key,char[]> objs = recoverKey(alias, storePass, keyPass); PrivateKey privKey = (PrivateKey)objs.fst; if (keyPass == null) { keyPass = objs.snd; } Certificate cert = keyStore.getCertificate(alias); if (cert == null) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat (rb.getString("alias.has.no.public.key.certificate.")); Object[] source = {alias}; throw new Exception(form.format(source)); } PKCS10 request = new PKCS10(cert.getPublicKey()); CertificateExtensions ext = createV3Extensions(null, null, v3ext, cert.getPublicKey(), null); // Attribute name is not significant request.getAttributes().setAttribute(X509CertInfo.EXTENSIONS, new PKCS10Attribute(PKCS9Attribute.EXTENSION_REQUEST_OID, ext)); // Construct a Signature object, so that we can sign the request if (sigAlgName == null) { sigAlgName = getCompatibleSigAlgName(privKey); } Signature signature = Signature.getInstance(sigAlgName); AlgorithmParameterSpec params = AlgorithmId .getDefaultAlgorithmParameterSpec(sigAlgName, privKey); SignatureUtil.initSignWithParam(signature, privKey, params, null); X500Name subject = dname == null? new X500Name(((X509Certificate)cert).getSubjectDN().toString()): new X500Name(dname); // Sign the request and base-64 encode it request.encodeAndSign(subject, signature); request.print(out); checkWeak(rb.getString("the.generated.certificate.request"), request); }
Deletes an entry from the keystore.
/** * Deletes an entry from the keystore. */
private void doDeleteEntry(String alias) throws Exception { if (keyStore.containsAlias(alias) == false) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat (rb.getString("Alias.alias.does.not.exist")); Object[] source = {alias}; throw new Exception(form.format(source)); } keyStore.deleteEntry(alias); }
Exports a certificate from the keystore.
/** * Exports a certificate from the keystore. */
private void doExportCert(String alias, PrintStream out) throws Exception { if (storePass == null && !KeyStoreUtil.isWindowsKeyStore(storetype) && !isPasswordlessKeyStore) { printNoIntegrityWarning(); } if (alias == null) { alias = keyAlias; } if (keyStore.containsAlias(alias) == false) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat (rb.getString("Alias.alias.does.not.exist")); Object[] source = {alias}; throw new Exception(form.format(source)); } X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate)keyStore.getCertificate(alias); if (cert == null) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat (rb.getString("Alias.alias.has.no.certificate")); Object[] source = {alias}; throw new Exception(form.format(source)); } dumpCert(cert, out); checkWeak(rb.getString("the.certificate"), cert); }
Prompt the user for a keypass when generating a key entry.
  • alias – the entry we will set password for
  • orig – the original entry of doing a dup, null if generate new
  • origPass – the password to copy from if user press ENTER
/** * Prompt the user for a keypass when generating a key entry. * @param alias the entry we will set password for * @param orig the original entry of doing a dup, null if generate new * @param origPass the password to copy from if user press ENTER */
private char[] promptForKeyPass(String alias, String orig, char[] origPass) throws Exception{ if (origPass != null && P12KEYSTORE.equalsIgnoreCase(storetype)) { return origPass; } else if (!token && !protectedPath) { // Prompt for key password int count; for (count = 0; count < 3; count++) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(rb.getString ("Enter.key.password.for.alias.")); Object[] source = {alias}; System.err.print(form.format(source)); if (origPass != null) { System.err.println(); if (orig == null) { System.err.print(rb.getString (".RETURN.if.same.as.keystore.password.")); } else { form = new MessageFormat(rb.getString (".RETURN.if.same.as.for.otherAlias.")); Object[] src = {orig}; System.err.print(form.format(src)); } } System.err.flush(); char[] entered = Password.readPassword(System.in); passwords.add(entered); if (entered == null && origPass != null) { return origPass; } else if (entered != null && entered.length >= 6) { System.err.print(rb.getString("Re.enter.new.password.")); char[] passAgain = Password.readPassword(System.in); passwords.add(passAgain); if (!Arrays.equals(entered, passAgain)) { System.err.println (rb.getString("They.don.t.match.Try.again")); continue; } return entered; } else { System.err.println(rb.getString ("Key.password.is.too.short.must.be.at.least.6.characters")); } } if (count == 3) { if (command == KEYCLONE) { throw new Exception(rb.getString ("Too.many.failures.Key.entry.not.cloned")); } else { throw new Exception(rb.getString ("Too.many.failures.key.not.added.to.keystore")); } } } return null; // PKCS11, MSCAPI, or -protected } /* * Prompt the user for the password credential to be stored. */ private char[] promptForCredential() throws Exception { // Handle password supplied via stdin if (System.console() == null) { char[] importPass = Password.readPassword(System.in); passwords.add(importPass); return importPass; } int count; for (count = 0; count < 3; count++) { System.err.print( rb.getString("Enter.the.password.to.be.stored.")); System.err.flush(); char[] entered = Password.readPassword(System.in); passwords.add(entered); System.err.print(rb.getString("Re.enter.password.")); char[] passAgain = Password.readPassword(System.in); passwords.add(passAgain); if (!Arrays.equals(entered, passAgain)) { System.err.println(rb.getString("They.don.t.match.Try.again")); continue; } return entered; } if (count == 3) { throw new Exception(rb.getString ("Too.many.failures.key.not.added.to.keystore")); } return null; }
Creates a new secret key.
/** * Creates a new secret key. */
private void doGenSecretKey(String alias, String keyAlgName, int keysize) throws Exception { if (alias == null) { alias = keyAlias; } if (keyStore.containsAlias(alias)) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(rb.getString ("Secret.key.not.generated.alias.alias.already.exists")); Object[] source = {alias}; throw new Exception(form.format(source)); } // Use the keystore's default PBE algorithm for entry protection boolean useDefaultPBEAlgorithm = true; SecretKey secKey = null; if (keyAlgName.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).startsWith("PBE")) { SecretKeyFactory factory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("PBE"); // User is prompted for PBE credential secKey = factory.generateSecret(new PBEKeySpec(promptForCredential())); // Check whether a specific PBE algorithm was specified if (!"PBE".equalsIgnoreCase(keyAlgName)) { useDefaultPBEAlgorithm = false; } if (verbose) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(rb.getString( "Generated.keyAlgName.secret.key")); Object[] source = {useDefaultPBEAlgorithm ? "PBE" : secKey.getAlgorithm()}; System.err.println(form.format(source)); } } else { KeyGenerator keygen = KeyGenerator.getInstance(keyAlgName); if (keysize == -1) { if ("DES".equalsIgnoreCase(keyAlgName)) { keysize = 56; } else if ("DESede".equalsIgnoreCase(keyAlgName)) { keysize = 168; } else { throw new Exception(rb.getString ("Please.provide.keysize.for.secret.key.generation")); } } keygen.init(keysize); secKey = keygen.generateKey(); MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(rb.getString ("Generated.keysize.bit.keyAlgName.secret.key")); Object[] source = {keysize, secKey.getAlgorithm()}; System.err.println(form.format(source)); } if (keyPass == null) { keyPass = promptForKeyPass(alias, null, storePass); } if (useDefaultPBEAlgorithm) { keyStore.setKeyEntry(alias, secKey, keyPass, null); } else { keyStore.setEntry(alias, new KeyStore.SecretKeyEntry(secKey), new KeyStore.PasswordProtection(keyPass, keyAlgName, null)); } }
If no signature algorithm was specified at the command line, we choose one that is compatible with the selected private key
/** * If no signature algorithm was specified at the command line, * we choose one that is compatible with the selected private key */
private static String getCompatibleSigAlgName(PrivateKey key) throws Exception { String result = AlgorithmId.getDefaultSigAlgForKey(key); if (result != null) { return result; } else { throw new Exception(rb.getString ("Cannot.derive.signature.algorithm")); } }
Creates a new key pair and self-signed certificate.
/** * Creates a new key pair and self-signed certificate. */
private void doGenKeyPair(String alias, String dname, String keyAlgName, int keysize, String groupName, String sigAlgName) throws Exception { if (groupName != null) { if (keysize != -1) { throw new Exception(rb.getString("groupname.keysize.coexist")); } } else { if (keysize == -1) { if ("EC".equalsIgnoreCase(keyAlgName)) { keysize = SecurityProviderConstants.DEF_EC_KEY_SIZE; } else if ("RSA".equalsIgnoreCase(keyAlgName)) { keysize = SecurityProviderConstants.DEF_RSA_KEY_SIZE; } else if ("DSA".equalsIgnoreCase(keyAlgName)) { keysize = SecurityProviderConstants.DEF_DSA_KEY_SIZE; } } else { if ("EC".equalsIgnoreCase(keyAlgName)) { weakWarnings.add(String.format( rb.getString("deprecate.keysize.for.ec"), ecGroupNameForSize(keysize))); } } } if (alias == null) { alias = keyAlias; } if (keyStore.containsAlias(alias)) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(rb.getString ("Key.pair.not.generated.alias.alias.already.exists")); Object[] source = {alias}; throw new Exception(form.format(source)); } CertAndKeyGen keypair = new CertAndKeyGen(keyAlgName, sigAlgName, providerName); // If DN is provided, parse it. Otherwise, prompt the user for it. X500Name x500Name; if (dname == null) { printWeakWarnings(true); x500Name = getX500Name(); } else { x500Name = new X500Name(dname); } if (groupName != null) { keypair.generate(groupName); } else { // This covers keysize both specified and unspecified keypair.generate(keysize); } PrivateKey privKey = keypair.getPrivateKey(); CertificateExtensions ext = createV3Extensions( null, null, v3ext, keypair.getPublicKeyAnyway(), null); X509Certificate[] chain = new X509Certificate[1]; chain[0] = keypair.getSelfCertificate( x500Name, getStartDate(startDate), validity*24L*60L*60L, ext); MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(rb.getString ("Generating.keysize.bit.keyAlgName.key.pair.and.self.signed.certificate.sigAlgName.with.a.validity.of.validality.days.for")); Object[] source = { groupName == null ? keysize : KeyUtil.getKeySize(privKey), fullDisplayAlgName(privKey), chain[0].getSigAlgName(), validity, x500Name}; System.err.println(form.format(source)); if (keyPass == null) { keyPass = promptForKeyPass(alias, null, storePass); } checkWeak(rb.getString("the.generated.certificate"), chain[0]); keyStore.setKeyEntry(alias, privKey, keyPass, chain); } private String ecGroupNameForSize(int size) throws Exception { AlgorithmParameters ap = AlgorithmParameters.getInstance("EC"); ap.init(new ECKeySizeParameterSpec(size)); // The following line assumes the toString value is "name (oid)" return ap.toString().split(" ")[0]; }
Clones an entry
  • orig – original alias
  • dest – destination alias
@changePasswordif the password can be changed
/** * Clones an entry * @param orig original alias * @param dest destination alias * @changePassword if the password can be changed */
private void doCloneEntry(String orig, String dest, boolean changePassword) throws Exception { if (orig == null) { orig = keyAlias; } if (keyStore.containsAlias(dest)) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat (rb.getString("Destination.alias.dest.already.exists")); Object[] source = {dest}; throw new Exception(form.format(source)); } Pair<Entry,char[]> objs = recoverEntry(keyStore, orig, storePass, keyPass); Entry entry = objs.fst; keyPass = objs.snd; PasswordProtection pp = null; if (keyPass != null) { // protected if (!changePassword || P12KEYSTORE.equalsIgnoreCase(storetype)) { keyPassNew = keyPass; } else { if (keyPassNew == null) { keyPassNew = promptForKeyPass(dest, orig, keyPass); } } pp = new PasswordProtection(keyPassNew); } keyStore.setEntry(dest, entry, pp); }
Changes a key password.
/** * Changes a key password. */
private void doChangeKeyPasswd(String alias) throws Exception { if (alias == null) { alias = keyAlias; } Pair<Key,char[]> objs = recoverKey(alias, storePass, keyPass); Key privKey = objs.fst; if (keyPass == null) { keyPass = objs.snd; } if (keyPassNew == null) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat (rb.getString("key.password.for.alias.")); Object[] source = {alias}; keyPassNew = getNewPasswd(form.format(source), keyPass); } keyStore.setKeyEntry(alias, privKey, keyPassNew, keyStore.getCertificateChain(alias)); }
Imports a JDK 1.1-style identity database. We can only store one certificate per identity, because we use the identity's name as the alias (which references a keystore entry), and aliases must be unique.
/** * Imports a JDK 1.1-style identity database. We can only store one * certificate per identity, because we use the identity's name as the * alias (which references a keystore entry), and aliases must be unique. */
private void doImportIdentityDatabase(InputStream in) throws Exception { System.err.println(rb.getString ("No.entries.from.identity.database.added")); }
Prints a single keystore entry.
/** * Prints a single keystore entry. */
private void doPrintEntry(String label, String alias, PrintStream out) throws Exception { if (keyStore.containsAlias(alias) == false) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat (rb.getString("Alias.alias.does.not.exist")); Object[] source = {alias}; throw new Exception(form.format(source)); } if (verbose || rfc || debug) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat (rb.getString("Alias.name.alias")); Object[] source = {alias}; out.println(form.format(source)); if (!token) { form = new MessageFormat(rb.getString ("Creation.date.keyStore.getCreationDate.alias.")); Object[] src = {keyStore.getCreationDate(alias)}; out.println(form.format(src)); } } else { if (!token) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat (rb.getString("alias.keyStore.getCreationDate.alias.")); Object[] source = {alias, keyStore.getCreationDate(alias)}; out.print(form.format(source)); } else { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat (rb.getString("alias.")); Object[] source = {alias}; out.print(form.format(source)); } } if (keyStore.entryInstanceOf(alias, KeyStore.SecretKeyEntry.class)) { if (verbose || rfc || debug) { Object[] source = {"SecretKeyEntry"}; out.println(new MessageFormat( rb.getString("Entry.type.type.")).format(source)); } else { out.println("SecretKeyEntry, "); } } else if (keyStore.entryInstanceOf(alias, KeyStore.PrivateKeyEntry.class)) { if (verbose || rfc || debug) { Object[] source = {"PrivateKeyEntry"}; out.println(new MessageFormat( rb.getString("Entry.type.type.")).format(source)); } else { out.println("PrivateKeyEntry, "); } // Get the chain Certificate[] chain = keyStore.getCertificateChain(alias); if (chain != null) { if (verbose || rfc || debug) { out.println(rb.getString ("Certificate.chain.length.") + chain.length); for (int i = 0; i < chain.length; i ++) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat (rb.getString("Certificate.i.1.")); Object[] source = {(i + 1)}; out.println(form.format(source)); if (verbose && (chain[i] instanceof X509Certificate)) { printX509Cert((X509Certificate)(chain[i]), out); } else if (debug) { out.println(chain[i].toString()); } else { dumpCert(chain[i], out); } checkWeak(label, chain[i]); } } else { // Print the digest of the user cert only out.println (rb.getString("Certificate.fingerprint.SHA.256.") + getCertFingerPrint("SHA-256", chain[0])); checkWeak(label, chain); } } else { out.println(rb.getString ("Certificate.chain.length.") + 0); } } else if (keyStore.entryInstanceOf(alias, KeyStore.TrustedCertificateEntry.class)) { // We have a trusted certificate entry Certificate cert = keyStore.getCertificate(alias); Object[] source = {"trustedCertEntry"}; String mf = new MessageFormat( rb.getString("Entry.type.type.")).format(source) + "\n"; if (verbose && (cert instanceof X509Certificate)) { out.println(mf); printX509Cert((X509Certificate)cert, out); } else if (rfc) { out.println(mf); dumpCert(cert, out); } else if (debug) { out.println(cert.toString()); } else { out.println("trustedCertEntry, "); out.println(rb.getString("Certificate.fingerprint.SHA.256.") + getCertFingerPrint("SHA-256", cert)); } checkWeak(label, cert); } else { out.println(rb.getString("Unknown.Entry.Type")); } } boolean inplaceImportCheck() throws Exception { if (P11KEYSTORE.equalsIgnoreCase(srcstoretype) || KeyStoreUtil.isWindowsKeyStore(srcstoretype)) { return false; } if (srcksfname != null) { File srcksfile = new File(srcksfname); if (srcksfile.exists() && srcksfile.length() == 0) { throw new Exception(rb.getString ("Source.keystore.file.exists.but.is.empty.") + srcksfname); } if (srcksfile.getCanonicalFile() .equals(new File(ksfname).getCanonicalFile())) { return true; } else { // Informational, especially if destkeystore is not // provided, which default to ~/.keystore. System.err.println(String.format(rb.getString( "importing.keystore.status"), srcksfname, ksfname)); return false; } } else { throw new Exception(rb.getString ("Please.specify.srckeystore")); } }
Load the srckeystore from a stream, used in -importkeystore
Returns:the src KeyStore
/** * Load the srckeystore from a stream, used in -importkeystore * @return the src KeyStore */
KeyStore loadSourceKeyStore() throws Exception { InputStream is = null; File srcksfile = null; boolean srcIsPasswordless = false; if (P11KEYSTORE.equalsIgnoreCase(srcstoretype) || KeyStoreUtil.isWindowsKeyStore(srcstoretype)) { if (!NONE.equals(srcksfname)) { System.err.println(MessageFormat.format(rb.getString (".keystore.must.be.NONE.if.storetype.is.{0}"), srcstoretype)); System.err.println(); tinyHelp(); } } else { srcksfile = new File(srcksfname); is = new FileInputStream(srcksfile); } KeyStore store; try { // Probe for keystore type when filename is available if (srcksfile != null && is != null && srcProviderName == null && srcstoretype == null) { store = KeyStore.getInstance(srcksfile, srcstorePass); srcstoretype = store.getType(); if (srcstoretype.equalsIgnoreCase("pkcs12")) { srcIsPasswordless = PKCS12KeyStore.isPasswordless(srcksfile); } } else { if (srcstoretype == null) { srcstoretype = KeyStore.getDefaultType(); } if (srcProviderName == null) { store = KeyStore.getInstance(srcstoretype); } else { store = KeyStore.getInstance(srcstoretype, srcProviderName); } } if (srcstorePass == null && !srcprotectedPath && !KeyStoreUtil.isWindowsKeyStore(srcstoretype) && !srcIsPasswordless) { System.err.print(rb.getString("Enter.source.keystore.password.")); System.err.flush(); srcstorePass = Password.readPassword(System.in); passwords.add(srcstorePass); } // always let keypass be storepass when using pkcs12 if (P12KEYSTORE.equalsIgnoreCase(srcstoretype)) { if (srckeyPass != null && srcstorePass != null && !Arrays.equals(srcstorePass, srckeyPass)) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(rb.getString( "Warning.Different.store.and.key.passwords.not.supported.for.PKCS12.KeyStores.Ignoring.user.specified.command.value.")); Object[] source = {"-srckeypass"}; System.err.println(form.format(source)); srckeyPass = srcstorePass; } } store.load(is, srcstorePass); // "is" already null in PKCS11 } finally { if (is != null) { is.close(); } } if (srcstorePass == null && !srcIsPasswordless && !KeyStoreUtil.isWindowsKeyStore(srcstoretype)) { // anti refactoring, copied from printNoIntegrityWarning(), // but change 2 lines System.err.println(); System.err.println(rb.getString (".WARNING.WARNING.WARNING.")); System.err.println(rb.getString (".The.integrity.of.the.information.stored.in.the.srckeystore.")); System.err.println(rb.getString (".WARNING.WARNING.WARNING.")); System.err.println(); } return store; }
import all keys and certs from importkeystore. keep alias unchanged if no name conflict, otherwise, prompt. keep keypass unchanged for keys
/** * import all keys and certs from importkeystore. * keep alias unchanged if no name conflict, otherwise, prompt. * keep keypass unchanged for keys */
private void doImportKeyStore(KeyStore srcKS) throws Exception { if (alias != null) { doImportKeyStoreSingle(srcKS, alias); } else { if (dest != null || srckeyPass != null) { throw new Exception(rb.getString( "if.alias.not.specified.destalias.and.srckeypass.must.not.be.specified")); } doImportKeyStoreAll(srcKS); } if (inplaceImport) { // Backup to file.old or file.old2... // The keystore is not rewritten yet now. for (int n = 1; /* forever */; n++) { inplaceBackupName = srcksfname + ".old" + (n == 1 ? "" : n); File bkFile = new File(inplaceBackupName); if (!bkFile.exists()) { Files.copy(Path.of(srcksfname), bkFile.toPath()); break; } } } /* * Information display rule of -importkeystore * 1. inside single, shows failure * 2. inside all, shows sucess * 3. inside all where there is a failure, prompt for continue * 4. at the final of all, shows summary */ }
Import a single entry named alias from srckeystore
Returns: 1 if the import action succeed 0 if user choose to ignore an alias-dumplicated entry 2 if setEntry throws Exception
/** * Import a single entry named alias from srckeystore * @return 1 if the import action succeed * 0 if user choose to ignore an alias-dumplicated entry * 2 if setEntry throws Exception */
private int doImportKeyStoreSingle(KeyStore srckeystore, String alias) throws Exception { String newAlias = (dest==null) ? alias : dest; if (keyStore.containsAlias(newAlias)) { Object[] source = {alias}; if (noprompt) { System.err.println(new MessageFormat(rb.getString( "Warning.Overwriting.existing.alias.alias.in.destination.keystore")).format(source)); } else { String reply = getYesNoReply(new MessageFormat(rb.getString( "Existing.entry.alias.alias.exists.overwrite.no.")).format(source)); if ("NO".equals(reply)) { newAlias = inputStringFromStdin(rb.getString ("Enter.new.alias.name.RETURN.to.cancel.import.for.this.entry.")); if ("".equals(newAlias)) { System.err.println(new MessageFormat(rb.getString( "Entry.for.alias.alias.not.imported.")).format( source)); return 0; } } } } Pair<Entry,char[]> objs = recoverEntry(srckeystore, alias, srcstorePass, srckeyPass); Entry entry = objs.fst; PasswordProtection pp = null; // According to keytool.html, "The destination entry will be protected // using destkeypass. If destkeypass is not provided, the destination // entry will be protected with the source entry password." // so always try to protect with destKeyPass. char[] newPass = null; if (destKeyPass != null) { newPass = destKeyPass; pp = new PasswordProtection(destKeyPass); } else if (objs.snd != null) { newPass = P12KEYSTORE.equalsIgnoreCase(storetype) ? storePass : objs.snd; pp = new PasswordProtection(newPass); } try { Certificate c = srckeystore.getCertificate(alias); if (c != null) { checkWeak("<" + newAlias + ">", c); } keyStore.setEntry(newAlias, entry, pp); // Place the check so that only successful imports are blocked. // For example, we don't block a failed SecretEntry import. if (P12KEYSTORE.equalsIgnoreCase(storetype)) { if (newPass != null && !Arrays.equals(newPass, storePass)) { throw new Exception(rb.getString( "The.destination.pkcs12.keystore.has.different.storepass.and.keypass.Please.retry.with.destkeypass.specified.")); } } return 1; } catch (KeyStoreException kse) { Object[] source2 = {alias, kse.toString()}; MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(rb.getString( "Problem.importing.entry.for.alias.alias.exception.Entry.for.alias.alias.not.imported.")); System.err.println(form.format(source2)); return 2; } } private void doImportKeyStoreAll(KeyStore srckeystore) throws Exception { int ok = 0; int count = srckeystore.size(); for (Enumeration<String> e = srckeystore.aliases(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { String alias = e.nextElement(); int result = doImportKeyStoreSingle(srckeystore, alias); if (result == 1) { ok++; Object[] source = {alias}; MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(rb.getString("Entry.for.alias.alias.successfully.imported.")); System.err.println(form.format(source)); } else if (result == 2) { if (!noprompt) { String reply = getYesNoReply("Do you want to quit the import process? [no]: "); if ("YES".equals(reply)) { break; } } } } Object[] source = {ok, count-ok}; MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(rb.getString( "Import.command.completed.ok.entries.successfully.imported.fail.entries.failed.or.cancelled")); System.err.println(form.format(source)); }
Prints all keystore entries.
/** * Prints all keystore entries. */
private void doPrintEntries(PrintStream out) throws Exception { out.println(rb.getString("Keystore.type.") + keyStore.getType()); out.println(rb.getString("Keystore.provider.") + keyStore.getProvider().getName()); out.println(); MessageFormat form; form = (keyStore.size() == 1) ? new MessageFormat(rb.getString ("Your.keystore.contains.keyStore.size.entry")) : new MessageFormat(rb.getString ("Your.keystore.contains.keyStore.size.entries")); Object[] source = {keyStore.size()}; out.println(form.format(source)); out.println(); List<String> aliases = Collections.list(keyStore.aliases()); aliases.sort(String::compareTo); for (String alias : aliases) { doPrintEntry("<" + alias + ">", alias, out); if (verbose || rfc) { out.println(rb.getString("NEWLINE")); out.println(rb.getString ("STAR")); out.println(rb.getString ("STARNN")); } } } private static <T> Iterable<T> e2i(final Enumeration<T> e) { return new Iterable<T>() { @Override public Iterator<T> iterator() { return new Iterator<T>() { @Override public boolean hasNext() { return e.hasMoreElements(); } @Override public T next() { return e.nextElement(); } public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); } }; } }; }
Loads CRLs from a source. This method is also called in JarSigner.
  • src – the source, which means System.in if null, or a URI, or a bare file path name
/** * Loads CRLs from a source. This method is also called in JarSigner. * @param src the source, which means System.in if null, or a URI, * or a bare file path name */
public static Collection<? extends CRL> loadCRLs(String src) throws Exception { InputStream in = null; URI uri = null; if (src == null) { in = System.in; } else { try { uri = new URI(src); if (uri.getScheme().equals("ldap")) { // No input stream for LDAP } else { in = uri.toURL().openStream(); } } catch (Exception e) { try { in = new FileInputStream(src); } catch (Exception e2) { if (uri == null || uri.getScheme() == null) { throw e2; // More likely a bare file path } else { throw e; // More likely a protocol or network problem } } } } if (in != null) { try { // Read the full stream before feeding to X509Factory, // otherwise, keytool -gencrl | keytool -printcrl // might not work properly, since -gencrl is slow // and there's no data in the pipe at the beginning. ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); byte[] b = new byte[4096]; while (true) { int len = in.read(b); if (len < 0) break; bout.write(b, 0, len); } return CertificateFactory.getInstance("X509").generateCRLs( new ByteArrayInputStream(bout.toByteArray())); } finally { if (in != System.in) { in.close(); } } } else { // must be LDAP, and uri is not null URICertStoreParameters params = new URICertStoreParameters(uri); CertStore s = CertStore.getInstance("LDAP", params); return s.getCRLs(new X509CRLSelector()); } }
Returns CRLs described in a X509Certificate's CRLDistributionPoints Extension. Only those containing a general name of type URI are read.
/** * Returns CRLs described in a X509Certificate's CRLDistributionPoints * Extension. Only those containing a general name of type URI are read. */
public static List<CRL> readCRLsFromCert(X509Certificate cert) throws Exception { List<CRL> crls = new ArrayList<>(); CRLDistributionPointsExtension ext = X509CertImpl.toImpl(cert).getCRLDistributionPointsExtension(); if (ext == null) return crls; List<DistributionPoint> distPoints = ext.get(CRLDistributionPointsExtension.POINTS); for (DistributionPoint o: distPoints) { GeneralNames names = o.getFullName(); if (names != null) { for (GeneralName name: names.names()) { if (name.getType() == GeneralNameInterface.NAME_URI) { URIName uriName = (URIName)name.getName(); for (CRL crl: loadCRLs(uriName.getName())) { if (crl instanceof X509CRL) { crls.add((X509CRL)crl); } } break; // Different name should point to same CRL } } } } return crls; } private static String verifyCRL(KeyStore ks, CRL crl) throws Exception { X509CRLImpl xcrl = (X509CRLImpl)crl; X500Principal issuer = xcrl.getIssuerX500Principal(); for (String s: e2i(ks.aliases())) { Certificate cert = ks.getCertificate(s); if (cert instanceof X509Certificate) { X509Certificate xcert = (X509Certificate)cert; if (xcert.getSubjectX500Principal().equals(issuer)) { try { ((X509CRLImpl)crl).verify(cert.getPublicKey()); return s; } catch (Exception e) { } } } } return null; } private void doPrintCRL(String src, PrintStream out) throws Exception { for (CRL crl: loadCRLs(src)) { printCRL(crl, out); String issuer = null; Certificate signer = null; if (caks != null) { issuer = verifyCRL(caks, crl); if (issuer != null) { signer = caks.getCertificate(issuer); out.printf(rb.getString( "verified.by.s.in.s.weak"), issuer, "cacerts", withWeak(signer.getPublicKey())); out.println(); } } if (issuer == null && keyStore != null) { issuer = verifyCRL(keyStore, crl); if (issuer != null) { signer = keyStore.getCertificate(issuer); out.printf(rb.getString( "verified.by.s.in.s.weak"), issuer, "keystore", withWeak(signer.getPublicKey())); out.println(); } } if (issuer == null) { out.println(rb.getString ("STAR")); out.println(rb.getString ("warning.not.verified.make.sure.keystore.is.correct")); out.println(rb.getString ("STARNN")); } checkWeak(rb.getString("the.crl"), crl, signer == null ? null : signer.getPublicKey()); } } private void printCRL(CRL crl, PrintStream out) throws Exception { X509CRL xcrl = (X509CRL)crl; if (rfc) { out.println("-----BEGIN X509 CRL-----"); out.println(Base64.getMimeEncoder(64, CRLF).encodeToString(xcrl.getEncoded())); out.println("-----END X509 CRL-----"); } else { String s; if (crl instanceof X509CRLImpl) { X509CRLImpl x509crl = (X509CRLImpl) crl; s = x509crl.toStringWithAlgName(withWeak("" + x509crl.getSigAlgId())); } else { s = crl.toString(); } out.println(s); } } private void doPrintCertReq(InputStream in, PrintStream out) throws Exception { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); boolean started = false; while (true) { String s = reader.readLine(); if (s == null) break; if (!started) { if (s.startsWith("-----")) { started = true; } } else { if (s.startsWith("-----")) { break; } sb.append(s); } } PKCS10 req = new PKCS10(Pem.decode(new String(sb))); PublicKey pkey = req.getSubjectPublicKeyInfo(); out.printf(rb.getString("PKCS.10.with.weak"), req.getSubjectName(), pkey.getFormat(), withWeak(pkey), withWeak(req.getSigAlg())); for (PKCS10Attribute attr: req.getAttributes().getAttributes()) { ObjectIdentifier oid = attr.getAttributeId(); if (oid.equals(PKCS9Attribute.EXTENSION_REQUEST_OID)) { CertificateExtensions exts = (CertificateExtensions)attr.getAttributeValue(); if (exts != null) { printExtensions(rb.getString("Extension.Request."), exts, out); } } else { out.println("Attribute: " + attr.getAttributeId()); PKCS9Attribute pkcs9Attr = new PKCS9Attribute(attr.getAttributeId(), attr.getAttributeValue()); out.print(pkcs9Attr.getName() + ": "); Object attrVal = attr.getAttributeValue(); out.println(attrVal instanceof String[] ? Arrays.toString((String[]) attrVal) : attrVal); } } if (debug) { out.println(req); // Just to see more, say, public key length... } checkWeak(rb.getString("the.certificate.request"), req); }
Reads a certificate (or certificate chain) and prints its contents in a human readable format.
/** * Reads a certificate (or certificate chain) and prints its contents in * a human readable format. */
private void printCertFromStream(InputStream in, PrintStream out) throws Exception { Collection<? extends Certificate> c = null; try { c = generateCertificates(in); } catch (CertificateException ce) { throw new Exception(rb.getString("Failed.to.parse.input"), ce); } if (c.isEmpty()) { throw new Exception(rb.getString("Empty.input")); } Certificate[] certs = c.toArray(new Certificate[c.size()]); for (int i=0; i<certs.length; i++) { X509Certificate x509Cert = null; try { x509Cert = (X509Certificate)certs[i]; } catch (ClassCastException cce) { throw new Exception(rb.getString("Not.X.509.certificate")); } if (certs.length > 1) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat (rb.getString("Certificate.i.1.")); Object[] source = {i + 1}; out.println(form.format(source)); } if (rfc) dumpCert(x509Cert, out); else printX509Cert(x509Cert, out); if (i < (certs.length-1)) { out.println(); } checkWeak(oneInMany(rb.getString("the.certificate"), i, certs.length), x509Cert); } } private void doShowInfo() throws Exception { if (tlsInfo) { ShowInfo.tls(verbose); } else { System.out.println(rb.getString("showinfo.no.option")); } } private Collection<? extends Certificate> generateCertificates(InputStream in) throws CertificateException, IOException { byte[] data = in.readAllBytes(); try { return CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509") .generateCertificates(new ByteArrayInputStream(data)); } catch (CertificateException e) { if (providerName != null) { try { return CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509", providerName) .generateCertificates(new ByteArrayInputStream(data)); } catch (Exception e2) { e.addSuppressed(e2); } } throw e; } } private Certificate generateCertificate(InputStream in) throws CertificateException, IOException { byte[] data = in.readAllBytes(); try { return CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509") .generateCertificate(new ByteArrayInputStream(data)); } catch (CertificateException e) { if (providerName != null) { try { return CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509", providerName) .generateCertificate(new ByteArrayInputStream(data)); } catch (Exception e2) { e.addSuppressed(e2); } } throw e; } } private static String oneInMany(String label, int i, int num) { if (num == 1) { return label; } else { return String.format(rb.getString("one.in.many"), label, i+1, num); } } private void doPrintCert(final PrintStream out) throws Exception { if (jarfile != null) { // reset "jdk.certpath.disabledAlgorithms" security property // to be able to read jars which were signed with weak algorithms Security.setProperty(DisabledAlgorithmConstraints.PROPERTY_JAR_DISABLED_ALGS, ""); JarFile jf = new JarFile(jarfile, true); Enumeration<JarEntry> entries = jf.entries(); Set<CodeSigner> ss = new HashSet<>(); byte[] buffer = new byte[8192]; int pos = 0; while (entries.hasMoreElements()) { JarEntry je = entries.nextElement(); try (InputStream is = jf.getInputStream(je)) { while (is.read(buffer) != -1) { // we just read. this will throw a SecurityException // if a signature/digest check fails. This also // populate the signers } } CodeSigner[] signers = je.getCodeSigners(); if (signers != null) { for (CodeSigner signer: signers) { if (!ss.contains(signer)) { ss.add(signer); out.printf(rb.getString("Signer.d."), ++pos); out.println(); out.println(); out.println(rb.getString("Signature.")); out.println(); List<? extends Certificate> certs = signer.getSignerCertPath().getCertificates(); int cc = 0; for (Certificate cert: certs) { X509Certificate x = (X509Certificate)cert; if (rfc) { out.println(rb.getString("Certificate.owner.") + x.getSubjectDN() + "\n"); dumpCert(x, out); } else { printX509Cert(x, out); } out.println(); checkWeak(oneInMany(rb.getString("the.certificate"), cc++, certs.size()), x); } Timestamp ts = signer.getTimestamp(); if (ts != null) { out.println(rb.getString("Timestamp.")); out.println(); certs = ts.getSignerCertPath().getCertificates(); cc = 0; for (Certificate cert: certs) { X509Certificate x = (X509Certificate)cert; if (rfc) { out.println(rb.getString("Certificate.owner.") + x.getSubjectDN() + "\n"); dumpCert(x, out); } else { printX509Cert(x, out); } out.println(); checkWeak(oneInMany(rb.getString("the.tsa.certificate"), cc++, certs.size()), x); } } } } } } jf.close(); if (ss.isEmpty()) { out.println(rb.getString("Not.a.signed.jar.file")); } } else if (sslserver != null) { CertStore cs = SSLServerCertStore.getInstance(new URI("https://" + sslserver)); Collection<? extends Certificate> chain; try { chain = cs.getCertificates(null); if (chain.isEmpty()) { // If the certs are not retrieved, we consider it an error // even if the URL connection is successful. throw new Exception(rb.getString( "No.certificate.from.the.SSL.server")); } } catch (CertStoreException cse) { if (cse.getCause() instanceof IOException) { throw new Exception(rb.getString( "No.certificate.from.the.SSL.server"), cse.getCause()); } else { throw cse; } } int i = 0; for (Certificate cert : chain) { try { if (rfc) { dumpCert(cert, out); } else { out.println("Certificate #" + i); out.println("===================================="); printX509Cert((X509Certificate)cert, out); out.println(); } checkWeak(oneInMany(rb.getString("the.certificate"), i++, chain.size()), cert); } catch (Exception e) { if (debug) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } else { if (filename != null) { try (FileInputStream inStream = new FileInputStream(filename)) { printCertFromStream(inStream, out); } } else { printCertFromStream(System.in, out); } } } private void doChangeStorePasswd() throws Exception { storePassNew = newPass; if (storePassNew == null) { storePassNew = getNewPasswd("keystore password", storePass); } if (P12KEYSTORE.equalsIgnoreCase(storetype)) { // When storetype is PKCS12, we need to change all keypass as well for (String alias : Collections.list(keyStore.aliases())) { if (!keyStore.isCertificateEntry(alias)) { // keyPass should be either null or same with storePass, // but keep it in case one day we want to "normalize" // a PKCS12 keystore having different passwords. Pair<Entry, char[]> objs = recoverEntry(keyStore, alias, storePass, keyPass); keyStore.setEntry(alias, objs.fst, new PasswordProtection(storePassNew)); } } } }
Creates a self-signed certificate, and stores it as a single-element certificate chain.
/** * Creates a self-signed certificate, and stores it as a single-element * certificate chain. */
private void doSelfCert(String alias, String dname, String sigAlgName) throws Exception { if (alias == null) { alias = keyAlias; } Pair<Key,char[]> objs = recoverKey(alias, storePass, keyPass); PrivateKey privKey = (PrivateKey)objs.fst; if (keyPass == null) keyPass = objs.snd; // Determine the signature algorithm if (sigAlgName == null) { sigAlgName = getCompatibleSigAlgName(privKey); } // Get the old certificate Certificate oldCert = keyStore.getCertificate(alias); if (oldCert == null) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat (rb.getString("alias.has.no.public.key")); Object[] source = {alias}; throw new Exception(form.format(source)); } if (!(oldCert instanceof X509Certificate)) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat (rb.getString("alias.has.no.X.509.certificate")); Object[] source = {alias}; throw new Exception(form.format(source)); } // convert to X509CertImpl, so that we can modify selected fields // (no public APIs available yet) byte[] encoded = oldCert.getEncoded(); X509CertImpl certImpl = new X509CertImpl(encoded); X509CertInfo certInfo = (X509CertInfo)certImpl.get(X509CertImpl.NAME + "." + X509CertImpl.INFO); // Extend its validity Date firstDate = getStartDate(startDate); Date lastDate = new Date(); lastDate.setTime(firstDate.getTime() + validity*1000L*24L*60L*60L); CertificateValidity interval = new CertificateValidity(firstDate, lastDate); certInfo.set(X509CertInfo.VALIDITY, interval); // Make new serial number certInfo.set(X509CertInfo.SERIAL_NUMBER, CertificateSerialNumber.newRandom64bit(new SecureRandom())); // Set owner and issuer fields X500Name owner; if (dname == null) { // Get the owner name from the certificate owner = (X500Name)certInfo.get(X509CertInfo.SUBJECT + "." + X509CertInfo.DN_NAME); } else { // Use the owner name specified at the command line owner = new X500Name(dname); certInfo.set(X509CertInfo.SUBJECT + "." + X509CertInfo.DN_NAME, owner); } // Make issuer same as owner (self-signed!) certInfo.set(X509CertInfo.ISSUER + "." + X509CertInfo.DN_NAME, owner); // The inner and outer signature algorithms have to match. // The way we achieve that is really ugly, but there seems to be no // other solution: We first sign the cert, then retrieve the // outer sigalg and use it to set the inner sigalg X509CertImpl newCert = new X509CertImpl(certInfo); AlgorithmParameterSpec params = AlgorithmId .getDefaultAlgorithmParameterSpec(sigAlgName, privKey); newCert.sign(privKey, params, sigAlgName, null); AlgorithmId sigAlgid = (AlgorithmId)newCert.get(X509CertImpl.SIG_ALG); certInfo.set(CertificateAlgorithmId.NAME + "." + CertificateAlgorithmId.ALGORITHM, sigAlgid); certInfo.set(X509CertInfo.VERSION, new CertificateVersion(CertificateVersion.V3)); CertificateExtensions ext = createV3Extensions( null, (CertificateExtensions)certInfo.get(X509CertInfo.EXTENSIONS), v3ext, oldCert.getPublicKey(), null); certInfo.set(X509CertInfo.EXTENSIONS, ext); // Sign the new certificate newCert = new X509CertImpl(certInfo); newCert.sign(privKey, params, sigAlgName, null); // Store the new certificate as a single-element certificate chain keyStore.setKeyEntry(alias, privKey, (keyPass != null) ? keyPass : storePass, new Certificate[] { newCert } ); if (verbose) { System.err.println(rb.getString("New.certificate.self.signed.")); System.err.print(newCert.toString()); System.err.println(); } }
Processes a certificate reply from a certificate authority.

Builds a certificate chain on top of the certificate reply, using trusted certificates from the keystore. The chain is complete after a self-signed certificate has been encountered. The self-signed certificate is considered a root certificate authority, and is stored at the end of the chain.

The newly generated chain replaces the old chain associated with the key entry.

Returns:true if the certificate reply was installed, otherwise false.
/** * Processes a certificate reply from a certificate authority. * * <p>Builds a certificate chain on top of the certificate reply, * using trusted certificates from the keystore. The chain is complete * after a self-signed certificate has been encountered. The self-signed * certificate is considered a root certificate authority, and is stored * at the end of the chain. * * <p>The newly generated chain replaces the old chain associated with the * key entry. * * @return true if the certificate reply was installed, otherwise false. */
private boolean installReply(String alias, InputStream in) throws Exception { if (alias == null) { alias = keyAlias; } Pair<Key,char[]> objs = recoverKey(alias, storePass, keyPass); PrivateKey privKey = (PrivateKey)objs.fst; if (keyPass == null) { keyPass = objs.snd; } Certificate userCert = keyStore.getCertificate(alias); if (userCert == null) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat (rb.getString("alias.has.no.public.key.certificate.")); Object[] source = {alias}; throw new Exception(form.format(source)); } // Read the certificates in the reply Collection<? extends Certificate> c = generateCertificates(in); if (c.isEmpty()) { throw new Exception(rb.getString("Reply.has.no.certificates")); } Certificate[] replyCerts = c.toArray(new Certificate[c.size()]); Certificate[] newChain; if (replyCerts.length == 1) { // single-cert reply newChain = establishCertChain(userCert, replyCerts[0]); } else { // cert-chain reply (e.g., PKCS#7) newChain = validateReply(alias, userCert, replyCerts); } // Now store the newly established chain in the keystore. The new // chain replaces the old one. The chain can be null if user chooses no. if (newChain != null) { keyStore.setKeyEntry(alias, privKey, (keyPass != null) ? keyPass : storePass, newChain); return true; } else { return false; } }
Imports a certificate and adds it to the list of trusted certificates.
Returns:true if the certificate was added, otherwise false.
/** * Imports a certificate and adds it to the list of trusted certificates. * * @return true if the certificate was added, otherwise false. */
private boolean addTrustedCert(String alias, InputStream in) throws Exception { if (alias == null) { throw new Exception(rb.getString("Must.specify.alias")); } if (keyStore.containsAlias(alias)) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(rb.getString ("Certificate.not.imported.alias.alias.already.exists")); Object[] source = {alias}; throw new Exception(form.format(source)); } // Read the certificate X509Certificate cert = null; try { cert = (X509Certificate)generateCertificate(in); } catch (ClassCastException | CertificateException ce) { throw new Exception(rb.getString("Input.not.an.X.509.certificate")); } if (noprompt) { checkWeak(rb.getString("the.input"), cert); keyStore.setCertificateEntry(alias, cert); return true; } // if certificate is self-signed, make sure it verifies boolean selfSigned = false; if (KeyStoreUtil.isSelfSigned(cert)) { cert.verify(cert.getPublicKey()); selfSigned = true; } // check if cert already exists in keystore String reply = null; String trustalias = keyStore.getCertificateAlias(cert); if (trustalias != null) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(rb.getString ("Certificate.already.exists.in.keystore.under.alias.trustalias.")); Object[] source = {trustalias}; System.err.println(form.format(source)); checkWeak(rb.getString("the.input"), cert); printWeakWarnings(true); reply = getYesNoReply (rb.getString("Do.you.still.want.to.add.it.no.")); } else if (selfSigned) { if (trustcacerts && (caks != null) && ((trustalias=caks.getCertificateAlias(cert)) != null)) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(rb.getString ("Certificate.already.exists.in.system.wide.CA.keystore.under.alias.trustalias.")); Object[] source = {trustalias}; System.err.println(form.format(source)); checkWeak(rb.getString("the.input"), cert); printWeakWarnings(true); reply = getYesNoReply (rb.getString("Do.you.still.want.to.add.it.to.your.own.keystore.no.")); } if (trustalias == null) { // Print the cert and ask user if they really want to add // it to their keystore printX509Cert(cert, System.out); checkWeak(rb.getString("the.input"), cert); printWeakWarnings(true); reply = getYesNoReply (rb.getString("Trust.this.certificate.no.")); } } if (reply != null) { if ("YES".equals(reply)) { keyStore.setCertificateEntry(alias, cert); return true; } else { return false; } } // Not found in this keystore and not self-signed // Try to establish trust chain try { Certificate[] chain = establishCertChain(null, cert); if (chain != null) { keyStore.setCertificateEntry(alias, cert); return true; } } catch (Exception e) { // Print the cert and ask user if they really want to add it to // their keystore printX509Cert(cert, System.out); checkWeak(rb.getString("the.input"), cert); printWeakWarnings(true); reply = getYesNoReply (rb.getString("Trust.this.certificate.no.")); if ("YES".equals(reply)) { keyStore.setCertificateEntry(alias, cert); return true; } else { return false; } } return false; }
Prompts user for new password. New password must be different from old one.
  • prompt – the message that gets prompted on the screen
  • oldPasswd – the current (i.e., old) password
/** * Prompts user for new password. New password must be different from * old one. * * @param prompt the message that gets prompted on the screen * @param oldPasswd the current (i.e., old) password */
private char[] getNewPasswd(String prompt, char[] oldPasswd) throws Exception { char[] entered = null; char[] reentered = null; for (int count = 0; count < 3; count++) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat (rb.getString("New.prompt.")); Object[] source = {prompt}; System.err.print(form.format(source)); entered = Password.readPassword(System.in); passwords.add(entered); if (entered == null || entered.length < 6) { System.err.println(rb.getString ("Password.is.too.short.must.be.at.least.6.characters")); } else if (Arrays.equals(entered, oldPasswd)) { System.err.println(rb.getString("Passwords.must.differ")); } else { form = new MessageFormat (rb.getString("Re.enter.new.prompt.")); Object[] src = {prompt}; System.err.print(form.format(src)); reentered = Password.readPassword(System.in); passwords.add(reentered); if (!Arrays.equals(entered, reentered)) { System.err.println (rb.getString("They.don.t.match.Try.again")); } else { Arrays.fill(reentered, ' '); return entered; } } if (entered != null) { Arrays.fill(entered, ' '); entered = null; } if (reentered != null) { Arrays.fill(reentered, ' '); reentered = null; } } throw new Exception(rb.getString("Too.many.failures.try.later")); }
Prompts user for alias name.
  • prompt – the {0} of "Enter {0} alias name: " in prompt line
Returns:the string entered by the user, without the \n at the end
/** * Prompts user for alias name. * @param prompt the {0} of "Enter {0} alias name: " in prompt line * @return the string entered by the user, without the \n at the end */
private String getAlias(String prompt) throws Exception { if (prompt != null) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat (rb.getString("Enter.prompt.alias.name.")); Object[] source = {prompt}; System.err.print(form.format(source)); } else { System.err.print(rb.getString("Enter.alias.name.")); } return (new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( System.in))).readLine(); }
Prompts user for an input string from the command line (System.in)
@promptthe prompt string printed
Returns:the string entered by the user, without the \n at the end
/** * Prompts user for an input string from the command line (System.in) * @prompt the prompt string printed * @return the string entered by the user, without the \n at the end */
private String inputStringFromStdin(String prompt) throws Exception { System.err.print(prompt); return (new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( System.in))).readLine(); }
Prompts user for key password. User may select to choose the same password (otherKeyPass) as for otherAlias.
/** * Prompts user for key password. User may select to choose the same * password (<code>otherKeyPass</code>) as for <code>otherAlias</code>. */
private char[] getKeyPasswd(String alias, String otherAlias, char[] otherKeyPass) throws Exception { int count = 0; char[] keyPass = null; do { if (otherKeyPass != null) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(rb.getString ("Enter.key.password.for.alias.")); Object[] source = {alias}; System.err.println(form.format(source)); form = new MessageFormat(rb.getString (".RETURN.if.same.as.for.otherAlias.")); Object[] src = {otherAlias}; System.err.print(form.format(src)); } else { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(rb.getString ("Enter.key.password.for.alias.")); Object[] source = {alias}; System.err.print(form.format(source)); } System.err.flush(); keyPass = Password.readPassword(System.in); passwords.add(keyPass); if (keyPass == null) { keyPass = otherKeyPass; } count++; } while ((keyPass == null) && count < 3); if (keyPass == null) { throw new Exception(rb.getString("Too.many.failures.try.later")); } return keyPass; } private String withWeak(String alg) { if (DISABLED_CHECK.permits(SIG_PRIMITIVE_SET, alg, null)) { return alg; } else { return String.format(rb.getString("with.weak"), alg); } } private String fullDisplayAlgName(Key key) { String result = key.getAlgorithm(); if (key instanceof ECKey) { ECParameterSpec paramSpec = ((ECKey) key).getParams(); if (paramSpec instanceof NamedCurve) { result += " (" + paramSpec.toString().split(" ")[0] + ")"; } } return result; } private String withWeak(Key key) { int kLen = KeyUtil.getKeySize(key); String displayAlg = fullDisplayAlgName(key); if (DISABLED_CHECK.permits(SIG_PRIMITIVE_SET, key)) { if (kLen >= 0) { return String.format(rb.getString("key.bit"), kLen, displayAlg); } else { return String.format(rb.getString("unknown.size.1"), displayAlg); } } else { return String.format(rb.getString("key.bit.weak"), kLen, displayAlg); } }
Prints a certificate in a human readable format.
/** * Prints a certificate in a human readable format. */
private void printX509Cert(X509Certificate cert, PrintStream out) throws Exception { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat (rb.getString(".PATTERN.printX509Cert.with.weak")); PublicKey pkey = cert.getPublicKey(); String sigName = cert.getSigAlgName(); // No need to warn about sigalg of a trust anchor if (!isTrustedCert(cert)) { sigName = withWeak(sigName); } Object[] source = {cert.getSubjectDN().toString(), cert.getIssuerDN().toString(), cert.getSerialNumber().toString(16), cert.getNotBefore().toString(), cert.getNotAfter().toString(), getCertFingerPrint("SHA-1", cert), getCertFingerPrint("SHA-256", cert), sigName, withWeak(pkey), cert.getVersion() }; out.println(form.format(source)); if (cert instanceof X509CertImpl) { X509CertImpl impl = (X509CertImpl)cert; X509CertInfo certInfo = (X509CertInfo)impl.get(X509CertImpl.NAME + "." + X509CertImpl.INFO); CertificateExtensions exts = (CertificateExtensions) certInfo.get(X509CertInfo.EXTENSIONS); if (exts != null) { printExtensions(rb.getString("Extensions."), exts, out); } } } private static void printExtensions(String title, CertificateExtensions exts, PrintStream out) throws Exception { int extnum = 0; Iterator<Extension> i1 = exts.getAllExtensions().iterator(); Iterator<Extension> i2 = exts.getUnparseableExtensions().values().iterator(); while (i1.hasNext() || i2.hasNext()) { Extension ext = i1.hasNext()?i1.next():i2.next(); if (extnum == 0) { out.println(); out.println(title); out.println(); } out.print("#"+(++extnum)+": "+ ext); if (ext.getClass() == Extension.class) { byte[] v = ext.getExtensionValue(); if (v.length == 0) { out.println(rb.getString(".Empty.value.")); } else { new sun.security.util.HexDumpEncoder().encodeBuffer(ext.getExtensionValue(), out); out.println(); } } out.println(); } }
Locates a signer for a given certificate from a given keystore and returns the signer's certificate.
  • cert – the certificate whose signer is searched, not null
  • ks – the keystore to search with, not null
Returns:cert itself if it's already inside ks, or a certificate inside ks who signs cert, or null otherwise. A label is added.
/** * Locates a signer for a given certificate from a given keystore and * returns the signer's certificate. * @param cert the certificate whose signer is searched, not null * @param ks the keystore to search with, not null * @return <code>cert</code> itself if it's already inside <code>ks</code>, * or a certificate inside <code>ks</code> who signs <code>cert</code>, * or null otherwise. A label is added. */
private static Pair<String,Certificate> getSigner(Certificate cert, KeyStore ks) throws Exception { if (ks.getCertificateAlias(cert) != null) { return new Pair<>("", cert); } for (Enumeration<String> aliases = ks.aliases(); aliases.hasMoreElements(); ) { String name = aliases.nextElement(); Certificate trustedCert = ks.getCertificate(name); if (trustedCert != null) { try { cert.verify(trustedCert.getPublicKey()); return new Pair<>(name, trustedCert); } catch (Exception e) { // Not verified, skip to the next one } } } return null; }
Gets an X.500 name suitable for inclusion in a certification request.
/** * Gets an X.500 name suitable for inclusion in a certification request. */
private X500Name getX500Name() throws IOException { BufferedReader in; in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); String commonName = "Unknown"; String organizationalUnit = "Unknown"; String organization = "Unknown"; String city = "Unknown"; String state = "Unknown"; String country = "Unknown"; X500Name name; String userInput = null; int maxRetry = 20; do { if (maxRetry-- < 0) { throw new RuntimeException(rb.getString( "Too.many.retries.program.terminated")); } commonName = inputString(in, rb.getString("What.is.your.first.and.last.name."), commonName); organizationalUnit = inputString(in, rb.getString ("What.is.the.name.of.your.organizational.unit."), organizationalUnit); organization = inputString(in, rb.getString("What.is.the.name.of.your.organization."), organization); city = inputString(in, rb.getString("What.is.the.name.of.your.City.or.Locality."), city); state = inputString(in, rb.getString("What.is.the.name.of.your.State.or.Province."), state); country = inputString(in, rb.getString ("What.is.the.two.letter.country.code.for.this.unit."), country); name = new X500Name(commonName, organizationalUnit, organization, city, state, country); MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat (rb.getString("Is.name.correct.")); Object[] source = {name}; userInput = inputString (in, form.format(source), rb.getString("no")); } while (collator.compare(userInput, rb.getString("yes")) != 0 && collator.compare(userInput, rb.getString("y")) != 0); System.err.println(); return name; } private String inputString(BufferedReader in, String prompt, String defaultValue) throws IOException { System.err.println(prompt); MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat (rb.getString(".defaultValue.")); Object[] source = {defaultValue}; System.err.print(form.format(source)); System.err.flush(); String value = in.readLine(); if (value == null || collator.compare(value, "") == 0) { value = defaultValue; } return value; }
Writes an X.509 certificate in base64 or binary encoding to an output stream.
/** * Writes an X.509 certificate in base64 or binary encoding to an output * stream. */
private void dumpCert(Certificate cert, PrintStream out) throws IOException, CertificateException { if (rfc) { out.println(X509Factory.BEGIN_CERT); out.println(Base64.getMimeEncoder(64, CRLF).encodeToString(cert.getEncoded())); out.println(X509Factory.END_CERT); } else { out.write(cert.getEncoded()); // binary } }
Converts a byte to hex digit and writes to the supplied buffer
/** * Converts a byte to hex digit and writes to the supplied buffer */
private void byte2hex(byte b, StringBuffer buf) { char[] hexChars = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F' }; int high = ((b & 0xf0) >> 4); int low = (b & 0x0f); buf.append(hexChars[high]); buf.append(hexChars[low]); }
Converts a byte array to hex string
/** * Converts a byte array to hex string */
private String toHexString(byte[] block) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); int len = block.length; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { byte2hex(block[i], buf); if (i < len-1) { buf.append(":"); } } return buf.toString(); }
Recovers (private) key associated with given alias.
Returns:an array of objects, where the 1st element in the array is the recovered private key, and the 2nd element is the password used to recover it.
/** * Recovers (private) key associated with given alias. * * @return an array of objects, where the 1st element in the array is the * recovered private key, and the 2nd element is the password used to * recover it. */
private Pair<Key,char[]> recoverKey(String alias, char[] storePass, char[] keyPass) throws Exception { Key key = null; if (KeyStoreUtil.isWindowsKeyStore(storetype)) { key = keyStore.getKey(alias, null); return Pair.of(key, null); } if (keyStore.containsAlias(alias) == false) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat (rb.getString("Alias.alias.does.not.exist")); Object[] source = {alias}; throw new Exception(form.format(source)); } if (!keyStore.entryInstanceOf(alias, KeyStore.PrivateKeyEntry.class) && !keyStore.entryInstanceOf(alias, KeyStore.SecretKeyEntry.class)) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat (rb.getString("Alias.alias.has.no.key")); Object[] source = {alias}; throw new Exception(form.format(source)); } if (keyPass == null) { // Try to recover the key using the keystore password if (storePass != null) { try { key = keyStore.getKey(alias, storePass); passwords.add(storePass); return Pair.of(key, storePass); } catch (UnrecoverableKeyException e) { if (token) { throw e; } } } // prompt user for key password keyPass = getKeyPasswd(alias, null, null); key = keyStore.getKey(alias, keyPass); return Pair.of(key, keyPass); } else { key = keyStore.getKey(alias, keyPass); return Pair.of(key, keyPass); } }
Recovers entry associated with given alias.
Returns:an array of objects, where the 1st element in the array is the recovered entry, and the 2nd element is the password used to recover it (null if no password).
/** * Recovers entry associated with given alias. * * @return an array of objects, where the 1st element in the array is the * recovered entry, and the 2nd element is the password used to * recover it (null if no password). */
private Pair<Entry,char[]> recoverEntry(KeyStore ks, String alias, char[] pstore, char[] pkey) throws Exception { if (!ks.containsAlias(alias)) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat( rb.getString("Alias.alias.does.not.exist")); Object[] source = {alias}; throw new Exception(form.format(source)); } // Step 1: First attempt to access entry without key password // (PKCS11 entry or trusted certificate entry, for example). // If fail, go next. try { Entry entry = ks.getEntry(alias, null); return Pair.of(entry, null); } catch (UnrecoverableEntryException une) { if(P11KEYSTORE.equalsIgnoreCase(ks.getType()) || KeyStoreUtil.isWindowsKeyStore(ks.getType())) { // should not happen, but a possibility throw une; } } // entry is protected // Step 2: try pkey if not null. If fail, fail. if (pkey != null) { PasswordProtection pp = new PasswordProtection(pkey); Entry entry = ks.getEntry(alias, pp); return Pair.of(entry, pkey); } // Step 3: try pstore if not null. If fail, go next. if (pstore != null) { try { PasswordProtection pp = new PasswordProtection(pstore); Entry entry = ks.getEntry(alias, pp); return Pair.of(entry, pstore); } catch (UnrecoverableEntryException une) { if (P12KEYSTORE.equalsIgnoreCase(ks.getType())) { // P12 keystore currently does not support separate // store and entry passwords. We will not prompt for // entry password. throw une; } } } // Step 4: prompt for entry password pkey = getKeyPasswd(alias, null, null); PasswordProtection pp = new PasswordProtection(pkey); Entry entry = ks.getEntry(alias, pp); return Pair.of(entry, pkey); }
Gets the requested finger print of the certificate.
/** * Gets the requested finger print of the certificate. */
private String getCertFingerPrint(String mdAlg, Certificate cert) throws Exception { byte[] encCertInfo = cert.getEncoded(); MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance(mdAlg); byte[] digest = md.digest(encCertInfo); return toHexString(digest); }
Prints warning about missing integrity check.
/** * Prints warning about missing integrity check. */
private void printNoIntegrityWarning() { System.err.println(); System.err.println(rb.getString (".WARNING.WARNING.WARNING.")); System.err.println(rb.getString (".The.integrity.of.the.information.stored.in.your.keystore.")); System.err.println(rb.getString (".WARNING.WARNING.WARNING.")); System.err.println(); }
Validates chain in certification reply, and returns the ordered elements of the chain (with user certificate first, and root certificate last in the array).
  • alias – the alias name
  • userCert – the user certificate of the alias
  • replyCerts – the chain provided in the reply
/** * Validates chain in certification reply, and returns the ordered * elements of the chain (with user certificate first, and root * certificate last in the array). * * @param alias the alias name * @param userCert the user certificate of the alias * @param replyCerts the chain provided in the reply */
private Certificate[] validateReply(String alias, Certificate userCert, Certificate[] replyCerts) throws Exception { checkWeak(rb.getString("reply"), replyCerts); // order the certs in the reply (bottom-up). // we know that all certs in the reply are of type X.509, because // we parsed them using an X.509 certificate factory int i; PublicKey userPubKey = userCert.getPublicKey(); // Remove duplicated certificates. HashSet<Certificate> nodup = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(replyCerts)); replyCerts = nodup.toArray(new Certificate[nodup.size()]); for (i=0; i<replyCerts.length; i++) { if (userPubKey.equals(replyCerts[i].getPublicKey())) { break; } } if (i == replyCerts.length) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(rb.getString ("Certificate.reply.does.not.contain.public.key.for.alias.")); Object[] source = {alias}; throw new Exception(form.format(source)); } Certificate tmpCert = replyCerts[0]; replyCerts[0] = replyCerts[i]; replyCerts[i] = tmpCert; X509Certificate thisCert = (X509Certificate)replyCerts[0]; for (i=1; i < replyCerts.length-1; i++) { // find a cert in the reply who signs thisCert int j; for (j=i; j<replyCerts.length; j++) { if (KeyStoreUtil.signedBy(thisCert, (X509Certificate)replyCerts[j])) { tmpCert = replyCerts[i]; replyCerts[i] = replyCerts[j]; replyCerts[j] = tmpCert; thisCert = (X509Certificate)replyCerts[i]; break; } } if (j == replyCerts.length) { throw new Exception (rb.getString("Incomplete.certificate.chain.in.reply")); } } if (noprompt) { return replyCerts; } // do we trust the cert at the top? Certificate topCert = replyCerts[replyCerts.length-1]; boolean fromKeyStore = true; Pair<String,Certificate> root = getSigner(topCert, keyStore); if (root == null && trustcacerts && caks != null) { root = getSigner(topCert, caks); fromKeyStore = false; } if (root == null) { System.err.println(); System.err.println (rb.getString("Top.level.certificate.in.reply.")); printX509Cert((X509Certificate)topCert, System.out); System.err.println(); System.err.print(rb.getString(".is.not.trusted.")); printWeakWarnings(true); String reply = getYesNoReply (rb.getString("Install.reply.anyway.no.")); if ("NO".equals(reply)) { return null; } } else { if (root.snd != topCert) { // append the root CA cert to the chain Certificate[] tmpCerts = new Certificate[replyCerts.length+1]; System.arraycopy(replyCerts, 0, tmpCerts, 0, replyCerts.length); tmpCerts[tmpCerts.length-1] = root.snd; replyCerts = tmpCerts; checkWeak(String.format(fromKeyStore ? rb.getString("alias.in.keystore") : rb.getString("alias.in.cacerts"), root.fst), root.snd); } } return replyCerts; }
Establishes a certificate chain (using trusted certificates in the keystore and cacerts), starting with the reply (certToVerify) and ending at a self-signed certificate found in the keystore.
  • userCert – optional existing certificate, mostly likely be the original self-signed cert created by -genkeypair. It must have the same public key as certToVerify but cannot be the same cert.
  • certToVerify – the starting certificate to build the chain
@returnsthe established chain, might be null if user decides not
/** * Establishes a certificate chain (using trusted certificates in the * keystore and cacerts), starting with the reply (certToVerify) * and ending at a self-signed certificate found in the keystore. * * @param userCert optional existing certificate, mostly likely be the * original self-signed cert created by -genkeypair. * It must have the same public key as certToVerify * but cannot be the same cert. * @param certToVerify the starting certificate to build the chain * @returns the established chain, might be null if user decides not */
private Certificate[] establishCertChain(Certificate userCert, Certificate certToVerify) throws Exception { if (userCert != null) { // Make sure that the public key of the certificate reply matches // the original public key in the keystore PublicKey origPubKey = userCert.getPublicKey(); PublicKey replyPubKey = certToVerify.getPublicKey(); if (!origPubKey.equals(replyPubKey)) { throw new Exception(rb.getString ("Public.keys.in.reply.and.keystore.don.t.match")); } // If the two certs are identical, we're done: no need to import // anything if (certToVerify.equals(userCert)) { throw new Exception(rb.getString ("Certificate.reply.and.certificate.in.keystore.are.identical")); } } // Build a hash table of all certificates in the keystore. // Use the subject distinguished name as the key into the hash table. // All certificates associated with the same subject distinguished // name are stored in the same hash table entry as a vector. Hashtable<Principal, Vector<Pair<String,X509Certificate>>> certs = null; if (keyStore.size() > 0) { certs = new Hashtable<>(11); keystorecerts2Hashtable(keyStore, certs); } if (trustcacerts) { if (caks!=null && caks.size()>0) { if (certs == null) { certs = new Hashtable<>(11); } keystorecerts2Hashtable(caks, certs); } } // start building chain Vector<Pair<String,X509Certificate>> chain = new Vector<>(2); if (buildChain( new Pair<>(rb.getString("the.input"), (X509Certificate) certToVerify), chain, certs)) { for (Pair<String,X509Certificate> p : chain) { checkWeak(p.fst, p.snd); } Certificate[] newChain = new Certificate[chain.size()]; // buildChain() returns chain with self-signed root-cert first and // user-cert last, so we need to invert the chain before we store // it int j=0; for (int i=chain.size()-1; i>=0; i--) { newChain[j] = chain.elementAt(i).snd; j++; } return newChain; } else { throw new Exception (rb.getString("Failed.to.establish.chain.from.reply")); } }
Recursively tries to establish chain from pool of certs starting from certToVerify until a self-signed cert is found, and fill the certs found into chain. Each cert in the chain signs the next one. This method is able to recover from an error, say, if certToVerify is signed by certA but certA has no issuer in certs and itself is not self-signed, the method can try another certB that also signs certToVerify and look for signer of certB, etc, etc. Each cert in chain comes with a label showing its origin. The label is used in the warning message when the cert is considered a risk.
  • certToVerify – the cert that needs to be verified.
  • chain – the chain that's being built.
  • certs – the pool of trusted certs
Returns:true if successful, false otherwise.
/** * Recursively tries to establish chain from pool of certs starting from * certToVerify until a self-signed cert is found, and fill the certs found * into chain. Each cert in the chain signs the next one. * * This method is able to recover from an error, say, if certToVerify * is signed by certA but certA has no issuer in certs and itself is not * self-signed, the method can try another certB that also signs * certToVerify and look for signer of certB, etc, etc. * * Each cert in chain comes with a label showing its origin. The label is * used in the warning message when the cert is considered a risk. * * @param certToVerify the cert that needs to be verified. * @param chain the chain that's being built. * @param certs the pool of trusted certs * * @return true if successful, false otherwise. */
private boolean buildChain(Pair<String,X509Certificate> certToVerify, Vector<Pair<String,X509Certificate>> chain, Hashtable<Principal, Vector<Pair<String,X509Certificate>>> certs) { if (KeyStoreUtil.isSelfSigned(certToVerify.snd)) { // reached self-signed root cert; // no verification needed because it's trusted. chain.addElement(certToVerify); return true; } Principal issuer = certToVerify.snd.getIssuerDN(); // Get the issuer's certificate(s) Vector<Pair<String,X509Certificate>> vec = certs.get(issuer); if (vec == null) { return false; } // Try out each certificate in the vector, until we find one // whose public key verifies the signature of the certificate // in question. for (Enumeration<Pair<String,X509Certificate>> issuerCerts = vec.elements(); issuerCerts.hasMoreElements(); ) { Pair<String,X509Certificate> issuerCert = issuerCerts.nextElement(); PublicKey issuerPubKey = issuerCert.snd.getPublicKey(); try { certToVerify.snd.verify(issuerPubKey); } catch (Exception e) { continue; } if (buildChain(issuerCert, chain, certs)) { chain.addElement(certToVerify); return true; } } return false; }
Prompts user for yes/no decision.
Returns:the user's decision, can only be "YES" or "NO"
/** * Prompts user for yes/no decision. * * @return the user's decision, can only be "YES" or "NO" */
private String getYesNoReply(String prompt) throws IOException { String reply = null; int maxRetry = 20; do { if (maxRetry-- < 0) { throw new RuntimeException(rb.getString( "Too.many.retries.program.terminated")); } System.err.print(prompt); System.err.flush(); reply = (new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader (System.in))).readLine(); if (reply == null || collator.compare(reply, "") == 0 || collator.compare(reply, rb.getString("n")) == 0 || collator.compare(reply, rb.getString("no")) == 0) { reply = "NO"; } else if (collator.compare(reply, rb.getString("y")) == 0 || collator.compare(reply, rb.getString("yes")) == 0) { reply = "YES"; } else { System.err.println(rb.getString("Wrong.answer.try.again")); reply = null; } } while (reply == null); return reply; }
Stores the (leaf) certificates of a keystore in a hashtable. All certs belonging to the same CA are stored in a vector that in turn is stored in the hashtable, keyed by the CA's subject DN. Each cert comes with a string label that shows its origin and alias.
/** * Stores the (leaf) certificates of a keystore in a hashtable. * All certs belonging to the same CA are stored in a vector that * in turn is stored in the hashtable, keyed by the CA's subject DN. * Each cert comes with a string label that shows its origin and alias. */
private void keystorecerts2Hashtable(KeyStore ks, Hashtable<Principal, Vector<Pair<String,X509Certificate>>> hash) throws Exception { for (Enumeration<String> aliases = ks.aliases(); aliases.hasMoreElements(); ) { String alias = aliases.nextElement(); Certificate cert = ks.getCertificate(alias); if (cert != null) { Principal subjectDN = ((X509Certificate)cert).getSubjectDN(); Pair<String,X509Certificate> pair = new Pair<>( String.format( rb.getString(ks == caks ? "alias.in.cacerts" : "alias.in.keystore"), alias), (X509Certificate)cert); Vector<Pair<String,X509Certificate>> vec = hash.get(subjectDN); if (vec == null) { vec = new Vector<>(); vec.addElement(pair); } else { if (!vec.contains(pair)) { vec.addElement(pair); } } hash.put(subjectDN, vec); } } }
Returns the issue time that's specified the -startdate option
  • s – the value of -startdate option
/** * Returns the issue time that's specified the -startdate option * @param s the value of -startdate option */
private static Date getStartDate(String s) throws IOException { Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar(); if (s != null) { IOException ioe = new IOException( rb.getString("Illegal.startdate.value")); int len = s.length(); if (len == 0) { throw ioe; } if (s.charAt(0) == '-' || s.charAt(0) == '+') { // Form 1: ([+-]nnn[ymdHMS])+ int start = 0; while (start < len) { int sign = 0; switch (s.charAt(start)) { case '+': sign = 1; break; case '-': sign = -1; break; default: throw ioe; } int i = start+1; for (; i<len; i++) { char ch = s.charAt(i); if (ch < '0' || ch > '9') break; } if (i == start+1) throw ioe; int number = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(start+1, i)); if (i >= len) throw ioe; int unit = 0; switch (s.charAt(i)) { case 'y': unit = Calendar.YEAR; break; case 'm': unit = Calendar.MONTH; break; case 'd': unit = Calendar.DATE; break; case 'H': unit = Calendar.HOUR; break; case 'M': unit = Calendar.MINUTE; break; case 'S': unit = Calendar.SECOND; break; default: throw ioe; } c.add(unit, sign * number); start = i + 1; } } else { // Form 2: [yyyy/mm/dd] [HH:MM:SS] String date = null, time = null; if (len == 19) { date = s.substring(0, 10); time = s.substring(11); if (s.charAt(10) != ' ') throw ioe; } else if (len == 10) { date = s; } else if (len == 8) { time = s; } else { throw ioe; } if (date != null) { if (date.matches("\\d\\d\\d\\d\\/\\d\\d\\/\\d\\d")) { c.set(Integer.valueOf(date.substring(0, 4)), Integer.valueOf(date.substring(5, 7))-1, Integer.valueOf(date.substring(8, 10))); } else { throw ioe; } } if (time != null) { if (time.matches("\\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d")) { c.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, Integer.valueOf(time.substring(0, 2))); c.set(Calendar.MINUTE, Integer.valueOf(time.substring(3, 5))); c.set(Calendar.SECOND, Integer.valueOf(time.substring(6, 8))); c.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); } else { throw ioe; } } } } return c.getTime(); }
Match a command with a command set. The match can be exact, or partial, or case-insensitive.
  • s – the command provided by user
  • list – the legal command set. If there is a null, commands after it are regarded experimental, which means they are supported but their existence should not be revealed to user.
Returns:the position of a single match, or -1 if none matched
/** * Match a command with a command set. The match can be exact, or * partial, or case-insensitive. * * @param s the command provided by user * @param list the legal command set. If there is a null, commands after it * are regarded experimental, which means they are supported but their * existence should not be revealed to user. * @return the position of a single match, or -1 if none matched * @throws Exception if s is ambiguous */
private static int oneOf(String s, String... list) throws Exception { // First, if there is an exact match, returns it. int res = oneOfMatch((a,b) -> a.equals(b), s, list); if (res >= 0) { return res; } // Second, if there is one single camelCase or prefix match, returns it. // This regex substitution removes all lowercase letters not at the // beginning, so "keyCertSign" becomes "kCS". res = oneOfMatch((a,b) -> a.equals(b.replaceAll("(?<!^)[a-z]", "")) || b.startsWith(a), s, list); if (res >= 0) { return res; } // Finally, retry the 2nd step ignoring case return oneOfMatch((a,b) -> a.equalsIgnoreCase(b.replaceAll("(?<!^)[a-z]", "")) || b.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT).startsWith(a.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT)), s, list); }
Match a command with a command set.
  • matcher – a BiFunction which returns true if the 1st argument (user input) matches the 2nd one (full command)
  • s – the command provided by user
  • list – the legal command set
Returns:the position of a single match, or -1 if none matched
/** * Match a command with a command set. * * @param matcher a BiFunction which returns {@code true} if the 1st * argument (user input) matches the 2nd one (full command) * @param s the command provided by user * @param list the legal command set * @return the position of a single match, or -1 if none matched * @throws Exception if s is ambiguous */
private static int oneOfMatch(BiFunction<String,String,Boolean> matcher, String s, String... list) throws Exception { int[] match = new int[list.length]; int nmatch = 0; int experiment = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (int i = 0; i<list.length; i++) { String one = list[i]; if (one == null) { experiment = i; continue; } if (matcher.apply(s, one)) { match[nmatch++] = i; } } if (nmatch == 0) { return -1; } else if (nmatch == 1) { return match[0]; } else { // If multiple matches is in experimental commands, ignore them if (match[1] > experiment) { return match[0]; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(rb.getString ("command.{0}.is.ambiguous.")); Object[] source = {s}; sb.append(form.format(source)); sb.append("\n "); for (int i=0; i<nmatch && match[i]<experiment; i++) { sb.append(' '); sb.append(list[match[i]]); } throw new Exception(sb.toString()); } }
Create a GeneralName object from known types
  • t – one of 5 known types
  • v – value
Returns:which one
/** * Create a GeneralName object from known types * @param t one of 5 known types * @param v value * @return which one */
private GeneralName createGeneralName(String t, String v) throws Exception { GeneralNameInterface gn; int p = oneOf(t, "EMAIL", "URI", "DNS", "IP", "OID"); if (p < 0) { throw new Exception(rb.getString( "Unrecognized.GeneralName.type.") + t); } switch (p) { case 0: gn = new RFC822Name(v); break; case 1: gn = new URIName(v); break; case 2: gn = new DNSName(v); break; case 3: gn = new IPAddressName(v); break; default: gn = new OIDName(v); break; //4 } return new GeneralName(gn); } private static final String[] extSupported = { "BasicConstraints", "KeyUsage", "ExtendedKeyUsage", "SubjectAlternativeName", "IssuerAlternativeName", "SubjectInfoAccess", "AuthorityInfoAccess", null, "CRLDistributionPoints", }; private ObjectIdentifier findOidForExtName(String type) throws Exception { switch (oneOf(type, extSupported)) { case 0: return PKIXExtensions.BasicConstraints_Id; case 1: return PKIXExtensions.KeyUsage_Id; case 2: return PKIXExtensions.ExtendedKeyUsage_Id; case 3: return PKIXExtensions.SubjectAlternativeName_Id; case 4: return PKIXExtensions.IssuerAlternativeName_Id; case 5: return PKIXExtensions.SubjectInfoAccess_Id; case 6: return PKIXExtensions.AuthInfoAccess_Id; case 8: return PKIXExtensions.CRLDistributionPoints_Id; default: return new ObjectIdentifier(type); } } // Add an extension into a CertificateExtensions, always using OID as key private static void setExt(CertificateExtensions result, Extension ex) throws IOException { result.set(ex.getId(), ex); }
Create X509v3 extensions from a string representation. Note that the SubjectKeyIdentifierExtension will always be created non-critical besides the extension requested in the extstr argument.
  • requestedEx – the requested extensions, can be null, used for -gencert
  • existingEx – the original extensions, can be null, used for -selfcert
  • extstrs – -ext values, Read keytool doc
  • pkey – the public key for the certificate
  • akey – the public key for the authority (issuer)
Returns:the created CertificateExtensions
/** * Create X509v3 extensions from a string representation. Note that the * SubjectKeyIdentifierExtension will always be created non-critical besides * the extension requested in the <code>extstr</code> argument. * * @param requestedEx the requested extensions, can be null, used for -gencert * @param existingEx the original extensions, can be null, used for -selfcert * @param extstrs -ext values, Read keytool doc * @param pkey the public key for the certificate * @param akey the public key for the authority (issuer) * @return the created CertificateExtensions */
private CertificateExtensions createV3Extensions( CertificateExtensions requestedEx, CertificateExtensions existingEx, List <String> extstrs, PublicKey pkey, PublicKey akey) throws Exception { // By design, inside a CertificateExtensions object, all known // extensions uses name (say, "BasicConstraints") as key and // a child Extension type (say, "BasicConstraintsExtension") // as value, unknown extensions uses OID as key and bare // Extension object as value. This works fine inside JDK. // // However, in keytool, there is no way to prevent people // using OID in -ext, either as a new extension, or in a // honored value. Thus here we (ab)use CertificateExtensions // by always using OID as key and value can be of any type. if (existingEx != null && requestedEx != null) { // This should not happen throw new Exception("One of request and original should be null."); } // A new extensions always using OID as key CertificateExtensions result = new CertificateExtensions(); if (existingEx != null) { for (Extension ex: existingEx.getAllExtensions()) { setExt(result, ex); } } try { // name{:critical}{=value} // Honoring requested extensions if (requestedEx != null) { // The existing requestedEx might use names as keys, // translate to all-OID first. CertificateExtensions request2 = new CertificateExtensions(); for (sun.security.x509.Extension ex: requestedEx.getAllExtensions()) { request2.set(ex.getId(), ex); } for(String extstr: extstrs) { if (extstr.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).startsWith("honored=")) { List<String> list = Arrays.asList( extstr.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).substring(8).split(",")); // First check existence of "all" if (list.contains("all")) { for (Extension ex: request2.getAllExtensions()) { setExt(result, ex); } } // one by one for others for (String item: list) { if (item.equals("all")) continue; // add or remove boolean add; // -1, unchanged, 0 critical, 1 non-critical int action = -1; String type = null; if (item.startsWith("-")) { add = false; type = item.substring(1); } else { add = true; int colonpos = item.indexOf(':'); if (colonpos >= 0) { type = item.substring(0, colonpos); action = oneOf(item.substring(colonpos+1), "critical", "non-critical"); if (action == -1) { throw new Exception(rb.getString ("Illegal.value.") + item); } } else { type = item; } } String n = findOidForExtName(type).toString(); if (add) { Extension e = request2.get(n); if (!e.isCritical() && action == 0 || e.isCritical() && action == 1) { e = Extension.newExtension( e.getExtensionId(), !e.isCritical(), e.getExtensionValue()); } setExt(result, e); } else { result.delete(n); } } break; } } } for(String extstr: extstrs) { String name, value; boolean isCritical = false; int eqpos = extstr.indexOf('='); if (eqpos >= 0) { name = extstr.substring(0, eqpos); value = extstr.substring(eqpos+1); } else { name = extstr; value = null; } int colonpos = name.indexOf(':'); if (colonpos >= 0) { if (oneOf(name.substring(colonpos+1), "critical") == 0) { isCritical = true; } name = name.substring(0, colonpos); } if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("honored")) { continue; } int exttype = oneOf(name, extSupported); switch (exttype) { case 0: // BC int pathLen = -1; boolean isCA = false; if (value == null) { isCA = true; } else { try { // the abbr format pathLen = Integer.parseInt(value); isCA = true; } catch (NumberFormatException ufe) { // ca:true,pathlen:1 for (String part: value.split(",")) { String[] nv = part.split(":"); if (nv.length != 2) { throw new Exception(rb.getString ("Illegal.value.") + extstr); } else { if (nv[0].equalsIgnoreCase("ca")) { isCA = Boolean.parseBoolean(nv[1]); } else if (nv[0].equalsIgnoreCase("pathlen")) { pathLen = Integer.parseInt(nv[1]); } else { throw new Exception(rb.getString ("Illegal.value.") + extstr); } } } } } setExt(result, new BasicConstraintsExtension(isCritical, isCA, pathLen)); break; case 1: // KU if(value != null) { boolean[] ok = new boolean[9]; for (String s: value.split(",")) { int p = oneOf(s, "digitalSignature", // (0), "nonRepudiation", // (1) "keyEncipherment", // (2), "dataEncipherment", // (3), "keyAgreement", // (4), "keyCertSign", // (5), "cRLSign", // (6), "encipherOnly", // (7), "decipherOnly", // (8) "contentCommitment" // also (1) ); if (p < 0) { throw new Exception(rb.getString("Unknown.keyUsage.type.") + s); } if (p == 9) p = 1; ok[p] = true; } KeyUsageExtension kue = new KeyUsageExtension(ok); // The above KeyUsageExtension constructor does not // allow isCritical value, so... setExt(result, Extension.newExtension( kue.getExtensionId(), isCritical, kue.getExtensionValue())); } else { throw new Exception(rb.getString ("Illegal.value.") + extstr); } break; case 2: // EKU if(value != null) { Vector<ObjectIdentifier> v = new Vector<>(); for (String s: value.split(",")) { int p = oneOf(s, "anyExtendedKeyUsage", "serverAuth", //1 "clientAuth", //2 "codeSigning", //3 "emailProtection", //4 "", //5 "", //6 "", //7 "timeStamping", //8 "OCSPSigning" //9 ); if (p < 0) { try { v.add(new ObjectIdentifier(s)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception(rb.getString( "Unknown.extendedkeyUsage.type.") + s); } } else if (p == 0) { v.add(new ObjectIdentifier("")); } else { v.add(new ObjectIdentifier("" + p)); } } setExt(result, new ExtendedKeyUsageExtension(isCritical, v)); } else { throw new Exception(rb.getString ("Illegal.value.") + extstr); } break; case 3: // SAN case 4: // IAN if(value != null) { String[] ps = value.split(","); GeneralNames gnames = new GeneralNames(); for(String item: ps) { colonpos = item.indexOf(':'); if (colonpos < 0) { throw new Exception("Illegal item " + item + " in " + extstr); } String t = item.substring(0, colonpos); String v = item.substring(colonpos+1); gnames.add(createGeneralName(t, v)); } if (exttype == 3) { setExt(result, new SubjectAlternativeNameExtension( isCritical, gnames)); } else { setExt(result, new IssuerAlternativeNameExtension( isCritical, gnames)); } } else { throw new Exception(rb.getString ("Illegal.value.") + extstr); } break; case 5: // SIA, always non-critical case 6: // AIA, always non-critical if (isCritical) { throw new Exception(rb.getString( "This.extension.cannot.be.marked.as.critical.") + extstr); } if(value != null) { List<AccessDescription> accessDescriptions = new ArrayList<>(); String[] ps = value.split(","); for(String item: ps) { colonpos = item.indexOf(':'); int colonpos2 = item.indexOf(':', colonpos+1); if (colonpos < 0 || colonpos2 < 0) { throw new Exception(rb.getString ("Illegal.value.") + extstr); } String m = item.substring(0, colonpos); String t = item.substring(colonpos+1, colonpos2); String v = item.substring(colonpos2+1); int p = oneOf(m, "", "ocsp", //1 "caIssuers", //2 "timeStamping", //3 "", "caRepository" //5 ); ObjectIdentifier oid; if (p < 0) { try { oid = new ObjectIdentifier(m); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception(rb.getString( "Unknown.AccessDescription.type.") + m); } } else { oid = new ObjectIdentifier("" + p); } accessDescriptions.add(new AccessDescription( oid, createGeneralName(t, v))); } if (exttype == 5) { setExt(result, new SubjectInfoAccessExtension(accessDescriptions)); } else { setExt(result, new AuthorityInfoAccessExtension(accessDescriptions)); } } else { throw new Exception(rb.getString ("Illegal.value.") + extstr); } break; case 8: // CRL, experimental, only support 1 distributionpoint if(value != null) { String[] ps = value.split(","); GeneralNames gnames = new GeneralNames(); for(String item: ps) { colonpos = item.indexOf(':'); if (colonpos < 0) { throw new Exception("Illegal item " + item + " in " + extstr); } String t = item.substring(0, colonpos); String v = item.substring(colonpos+1); gnames.add(createGeneralName(t, v)); } setExt(result, new CRLDistributionPointsExtension( isCritical, Collections.singletonList( new DistributionPoint(gnames, null, null)))); } else { throw new Exception(rb.getString ("Illegal.value.") + extstr); } break; case -1: ObjectIdentifier oid = new ObjectIdentifier(name); byte[] data = null; if (value != null) { data = new byte[value.length() / 2 + 1]; int pos = 0; for (char c: value.toCharArray()) { int hex; if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { hex = c - '0' ; } else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') { hex = c - 'A' + 10; } else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') { hex = c - 'a' + 10; } else { continue; } if (pos % 2 == 0) { data[pos/2] = (byte)(hex << 4); } else { data[pos/2] += hex; } pos++; } if (pos % 2 != 0) { throw new Exception(rb.getString( "Odd.number.of.hex.digits.found.") + extstr); } data = Arrays.copyOf(data, pos/2); } else { data = new byte[0]; } setExt(result, new Extension(oid, isCritical, new DerValue(DerValue.tag_OctetString, data) .toByteArray())); break; default: throw new Exception(rb.getString( "Unknown.extension.type.") + extstr); } } // always non-critical setExt(result, new SubjectKeyIdentifierExtension( new KeyIdentifier(pkey).getIdentifier())); if (akey != null && !pkey.equals(akey)) { setExt(result, new AuthorityKeyIdentifierExtension( new KeyIdentifier(akey), null, null)); } } catch(IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return result; } private boolean isTrustedCert(Certificate cert) throws KeyStoreException { if (caks != null && caks.getCertificateAlias(cert) != null) { return true; } else { String inKS = keyStore.getCertificateAlias(cert); return inKS != null && keyStore.isCertificateEntry(inKS); } } private void checkWeak(String label, String sigAlg, Key key) { if (sigAlg != null && !DISABLED_CHECK.permits( SIG_PRIMITIVE_SET, sigAlg, null)) { weakWarnings.add(String.format( rb.getString("whose.sigalg.risk"), label, sigAlg)); } if (key != null && !DISABLED_CHECK.permits(SIG_PRIMITIVE_SET, key)) { weakWarnings.add(String.format( rb.getString("whose.key.risk"), label, String.format(rb.getString("key.bit"), KeyUtil.getKeySize(key), fullDisplayAlgName(key)))); } } private void checkWeak(String label, Certificate[] certs) throws KeyStoreException { for (int i = 0; i < certs.length; i++) { Certificate cert = certs[i]; if (cert instanceof X509Certificate) { X509Certificate xc = (X509Certificate)cert; String fullLabel = label; if (certs.length > 1) { fullLabel = oneInMany(label, i, certs.length); } checkWeak(fullLabel, xc); } } } private void checkWeak(String label, Certificate cert) throws KeyStoreException { if (cert instanceof X509Certificate) { X509Certificate xc = (X509Certificate)cert; // No need to check the sigalg of a trust anchor String sigAlg = isTrustedCert(cert) ? null : xc.getSigAlgName(); checkWeak(label, sigAlg, xc.getPublicKey()); } } private void checkWeak(String label, PKCS10 p10) { checkWeak(label, p10.getSigAlg(), p10.getSubjectPublicKeyInfo()); } private void checkWeak(String label, CRL crl, Key key) { if (crl instanceof X509CRLImpl) { X509CRLImpl impl = (X509CRLImpl)crl; checkWeak(label, impl.getSigAlgName(), key); } } private void printWeakWarnings(boolean newLine) { if (!weakWarnings.isEmpty() && !nowarn) { System.err.println("\nWarning:"); for (String warning : weakWarnings) { System.err.println(warning); } if (newLine) { // When calling before a yes/no prompt, add a new line System.err.println(); } } weakWarnings.clear(); }
Prints the usage of this tool.
/** * Prints the usage of this tool. */
private void usage() { if (command != null) { System.err.println("keytool " + command + rb.getString(".OPTION.")); System.err.println(); System.err.println(rb.getString(command.description)); System.err.println(); System.err.println(rb.getString("Options.")); System.err.println(); // Left and right sides of the options list. Both might // contain "\n" and span multiple lines String[] left = new String[command.options.length]; String[] right = new String[command.options.length]; // Length of left side of options list int lenLeft = 0; for (int j = 0; j < command.options.length; j++) { Option opt = command.options[j]; left[j] = opt.toString(); if (opt.arg != null) { left[j] += " " + opt.arg; } String[] lefts = left[j].split("\n"); for (String s : lefts) { if (s.length() > lenLeft) { lenLeft = s.length(); } } right[j] = rb.getString(opt.description); } for (int j = 0; j < left.length; j++) { String[] lefts = left[j].split("\n"); String[] rights = right[j].split("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < lefts.length && i < rights.length; i++) { String s1 = i < lefts.length ? lefts[i] : ""; String s2 = i < rights.length ? rights[i] : ""; if (i == 0) { System.err.printf(" %-" + lenLeft + "s %s\n", s1, s2); } else { System.err.printf(" %-" + lenLeft + "s %s\n", s1, s2); } } } System.err.println(); System.err.println(rb.getString( "Use.keytool.help.for.all.available.commands")); } else { System.err.println(rb.getString( "Key.and.Certificate.Management.Tool")); System.err.println(); System.err.println(rb.getString("Commands.")); System.err.println(); for (Command c: Command.values()) { if (c == KEYCLONE) break; System.err.printf(" %-20s%s\n", c, rb.getString(c.description)); } System.err.println(); System.err.println(rb.getString( "Use.keytool.help.for.all.available.commands")); System.err.println(rb.getString( "Use.keytool.command.name.help.for.usage.of.command.name")); } } private void tinyHelp() { usage(); if (debug) { throw new RuntimeException("NO BIG ERROR, SORRY"); } else { System.exit(1); } } private void errorNeedArgument(String flag) { Object[] source = {flag}; System.err.println(new MessageFormat( rb.getString("Command.option.flag.needs.an.argument.")).format(source)); tinyHelp(); } private char[] getPass(String modifier, String arg) { char[] output = KeyStoreUtil.getPassWithModifier(modifier, arg, rb); if (output != null) return output; tinyHelp(); return null; // Useless, tinyHelp() already exits. } } // This class is exactly the same as com.sun.tools.javac.util.Pair, // it's copied here since the original one is not included in JRE. class Pair<A, B> { public final A fst; public final B snd; public Pair(A fst, B snd) { this.fst = fst; this.snd = snd; } public String toString() { return "Pair[" + fst + "," + snd + "]"; } public boolean equals(Object other) { return other instanceof Pair && Objects.equals(fst, ((Pair)other).fst) && Objects.equals(snd, ((Pair)other).snd); } public int hashCode() { if (fst == null) return (snd == null) ? 0 : snd.hashCode() + 1; else if (snd == null) return fst.hashCode() + 2; else return fst.hashCode() * 17 + snd.hashCode(); } public static <A,B> Pair<A,B> of(A a, B b) { return new Pair<>(a,b); } }