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package sun.security.util;

import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;

import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1;

This class encodes a buffer into the classic: "Hexadecimal Dump" format of the past. It is useful for analyzing the contents of binary buffers. The format produced is as follows:
xxxx: 00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77   88 99 aa bb cc dd ee ff ................
Where xxxx is the offset into the buffer in 16 byte chunks, followed by ascii coded hexadecimal bytes followed by the ASCII representation of the bytes or '.' if they are not valid bytes.
Author: Chuck McManis
/** * This class encodes a buffer into the classic: "Hexadecimal Dump" format of * the past. It is useful for analyzing the contents of binary buffers. * The format produced is as follows: * <pre> * xxxx: 00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 aa bb cc dd ee ff ................ * </pre> * Where xxxx is the offset into the buffer in 16 byte chunks, followed * by ascii coded hexadecimal bytes followed by the ASCII representation of * the bytes or '.' if they are not valid bytes. * * @author Chuck McManis */
public class HexDumpEncoder { private int offset; private int thisLineLength; private int currentByte; private byte thisLine[] = new byte[16]; static void hexDigit(PrintStream p, byte x) { char c; c = (char) ((x >> 4) & 0xf); if (c > 9) c = (char) ((c-10) + 'A'); else c = (char)(c + '0'); p.write(c); c = (char) (x & 0xf); if (c > 9) c = (char)((c-10) + 'A'); else c = (char)(c + '0'); p.write(c); } protected int bytesPerAtom() { return (1); } protected int bytesPerLine() { return (16); } protected void encodeBufferPrefix(OutputStream o) throws IOException { offset = 0; pStream = new PrintStream(o); } protected void encodeLinePrefix(OutputStream o, int len) throws IOException { hexDigit(pStream, (byte)((offset >>> 8) & 0xff)); hexDigit(pStream, (byte)(offset & 0xff)); pStream.print(": "); currentByte = 0; thisLineLength = len; } protected void encodeAtom(OutputStream o, byte buf[], int off, int len) throws IOException { thisLine[currentByte] = buf[off]; hexDigit(pStream, buf[off]); pStream.print(" "); currentByte++; if (currentByte == 8) pStream.print(" "); } protected void encodeLineSuffix(OutputStream o) throws IOException { if (thisLineLength < 16) { for (int i = thisLineLength; i < 16; i++) { pStream.print(" "); if (i == 7) pStream.print(" "); } } pStream.print(" "); for (int i = 0; i < thisLineLength; i++) { if ((thisLine[i] < ' ') || (thisLine[i] > 'z')) { pStream.print("."); } else { pStream.write(thisLine[i]); } } pStream.println(); offset += thisLineLength; }
Stream that understands "printing"
/** Stream that understands "printing" */
protected PrintStream pStream;
This method works around the bizarre semantics of BufferedInputStream's read method.
/** * This method works around the bizarre semantics of BufferedInputStream's * read method. */
protected int readFully(InputStream in, byte buffer[]) throws java.io.IOException { for (int i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++) { int q = in.read(); if (q == -1) return i; buffer[i] = (byte)q; } return buffer.length; }
Encode bytes from the input stream, and write them as text characters to the output stream. This method will run until it exhausts the input stream, but does not print the line suffix for a final line that is shorter than bytesPerLine().
/** * Encode bytes from the input stream, and write them as text characters * to the output stream. This method will run until it exhausts the * input stream, but does not print the line suffix for a final * line that is shorter than bytesPerLine(). */
public void encode(InputStream inStream, OutputStream outStream) throws IOException { int j; int numBytes; byte tmpbuffer[] = new byte[bytesPerLine()]; encodeBufferPrefix(outStream); while (true) { numBytes = readFully(inStream, tmpbuffer); if (numBytes == 0) { break; } encodeLinePrefix(outStream, numBytes); for (j = 0; j < numBytes; j += bytesPerAtom()) { if ((j + bytesPerAtom()) <= numBytes) { encodeAtom(outStream, tmpbuffer, j, bytesPerAtom()); } else { encodeAtom(outStream, tmpbuffer, j, (numBytes)- j); } } if (numBytes < bytesPerLine()) { break; } else { encodeLineSuffix(outStream); } } }
A 'streamless' version of encode that simply takes a buffer of bytes and returns a string containing the encoded buffer.
/** * A 'streamless' version of encode that simply takes a buffer of * bytes and returns a string containing the encoded buffer. */
public String encode(byte aBuffer[]) { ByteArrayOutputStream outStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ByteArrayInputStream inStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(aBuffer); try { encode(inStream, outStream); // explicit ascii->unicode conversion return outStream.toString(ISO_8859_1); } catch (IOException ignore) { // This should never happen. throw new Error("CharacterEncoder.encode internal error"); } }
Return a byte array from the remaining bytes in this ByteBuffer.

The ByteBuffer's position will be advanced to ByteBuffer's limit.

To avoid an extra copy, the implementation will attempt to return the byte array backing the ByteBuffer. If this is not possible, a new byte array will be created.

/** * Return a byte array from the remaining bytes in this ByteBuffer. * <P> * The ByteBuffer's position will be advanced to ByteBuffer's limit. * <P> * To avoid an extra copy, the implementation will attempt to return the * byte array backing the ByteBuffer. If this is not possible, a * new byte array will be created. */
private byte [] getBytes(ByteBuffer bb) { /* * This should never return a BufferOverflowException, as we're * careful to allocate just the right amount. */ byte [] buf = null; /* * If it has a usable backing byte buffer, use it. Use only * if the array exactly represents the current ByteBuffer. */ if (bb.hasArray()) { byte [] tmp = bb.array(); if ((tmp.length == bb.capacity()) && (tmp.length == bb.remaining())) { buf = tmp; bb.position(bb.limit()); } } if (buf == null) { /* * This class doesn't have a concept of encode(buf, len, off), * so if we have a partial buffer, we must reallocate * space. */ buf = new byte[bb.remaining()]; /* * position() automatically updated */ bb.get(buf); } return buf; }
A 'streamless' version of encode that simply takes a ByteBuffer and returns a string containing the encoded buffer.

The ByteBuffer's position will be advanced to ByteBuffer's limit.

/** * A 'streamless' version of encode that simply takes a ByteBuffer * and returns a string containing the encoded buffer. * <P> * The ByteBuffer's position will be advanced to ByteBuffer's limit. */
public String encode(ByteBuffer aBuffer) { byte [] buf = getBytes(aBuffer); return encode(buf); }
Encode bytes from the input stream, and write them as text characters to the output stream. This method will run until it exhausts the input stream. It differs from encode in that it will add the line at the end of a final line that is shorter than bytesPerLine().
/** * Encode bytes from the input stream, and write them as text characters * to the output stream. This method will run until it exhausts the * input stream. It differs from encode in that it will add the * line at the end of a final line that is shorter than bytesPerLine(). */
public void encodeBuffer(InputStream inStream, OutputStream outStream) throws IOException { int j; int numBytes; byte tmpbuffer[] = new byte[bytesPerLine()]; encodeBufferPrefix(outStream); while (true) { numBytes = readFully(inStream, tmpbuffer); if (numBytes == 0) { break; } encodeLinePrefix(outStream, numBytes); for (j = 0; j < numBytes; j += bytesPerAtom()) { if ((j + bytesPerAtom()) <= numBytes) { encodeAtom(outStream, tmpbuffer, j, bytesPerAtom()); } else { encodeAtom(outStream, tmpbuffer, j, (numBytes)- j); } } encodeLineSuffix(outStream); if (numBytes < bytesPerLine()) { break; } } }
Encode the buffer in aBuffer and write the encoded result to the OutputStream aStream.
/** * Encode the buffer in <i>aBuffer</i> and write the encoded * result to the OutputStream <i>aStream</i>. */
public void encodeBuffer(byte aBuffer[], OutputStream aStream) throws IOException { ByteArrayInputStream inStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(aBuffer); encodeBuffer(inStream, aStream); }
A 'streamless' version of encode that simply takes a buffer of bytes and returns a string containing the encoded buffer.
/** * A 'streamless' version of encode that simply takes a buffer of * bytes and returns a string containing the encoded buffer. */
public String encodeBuffer(byte aBuffer[]) { ByteArrayOutputStream outStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ByteArrayInputStream inStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(aBuffer); try { encodeBuffer(inStream, outStream); } catch (Exception IOException) { // This should never happen. throw new Error("CharacterEncoder.encodeBuffer internal error"); } return (outStream.toString()); }
Encode the aBuffer ByteBuffer and write the encoded result to the OutputStream aStream.

The ByteBuffer's position will be advanced to ByteBuffer's limit.

/** * Encode the <i>aBuffer</i> ByteBuffer and write the encoded * result to the OutputStream <i>aStream</i>. * <P> * The ByteBuffer's position will be advanced to ByteBuffer's limit. */
public void encodeBuffer(ByteBuffer aBuffer, OutputStream aStream) throws IOException { byte [] buf = getBytes(aBuffer); encodeBuffer(buf, aStream); } }