 * Copyright (c) 1997, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
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 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
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 * questions.

package sun.rmi.server;

import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.ObjectInput;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.lang.Process;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.ServerSocket;
import java.net.Socket;
import java.net.SocketAddress;
import java.net.SocketException;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.channels.Channel;
import java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel;
import java.rmi.AccessException;
import java.rmi.AlreadyBoundException;
import java.rmi.ConnectException;
import java.rmi.ConnectIOException;
import java.rmi.MarshalledObject;
import java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException;
import java.rmi.NotBoundException;
import java.rmi.Remote;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.rmi.activation.ActivationDesc;
import java.rmi.activation.ActivationException;
import java.rmi.activation.ActivationGroupDesc;
import java.rmi.activation.ActivationGroup;
import java.rmi.activation.ActivationGroupID;
import java.rmi.activation.ActivationID;
import java.rmi.activation.ActivationInstantiator;
import java.rmi.activation.ActivationMonitor;
import java.rmi.activation.ActivationSystem;
import java.rmi.activation.Activator;
import java.rmi.activation.UnknownGroupException;
import java.rmi.activation.UnknownObjectException;
import java.rmi.registry.Registry;
import java.rmi.server.ObjID;
import java.rmi.server.RMIClassLoader;
import java.rmi.server.RMIClientSocketFactory;
import java.rmi.server.RMIServerSocketFactory;
import java.rmi.server.RemoteObject;
import java.rmi.server.RemoteServer;
import java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject;
import java.security.AccessControlException;
import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.AllPermission;
import java.security.CodeSource;
import java.security.Permission;
import java.security.PermissionCollection;
import java.security.Permissions;
import java.security.Policy;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
import java.security.PrivilegedExceptionAction;
import java.security.cert.Certificate;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.MissingResourceException;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import sun.rmi.log.LogHandler;
import sun.rmi.log.ReliableLog;
import sun.rmi.registry.RegistryImpl;
import sun.rmi.runtime.NewThreadAction;
import sun.rmi.transport.LiveRef;
import sun.security.provider.PolicyFile;
import com.sun.rmi.rmid.ExecPermission;
import com.sun.rmi.rmid.ExecOptionPermission;

The Activator facilitates remote object activation. A "faulting" remote reference calls the activator's activate method to obtain a "live" reference to a activatable remote object. Upon receiving a request for activation, the activator looks up the activation descriptor for the activation identifier, id, determines the group in which the object should be activated and invokes the activate method on the object's activation group (described by the remote interface ActivationInstantiator). The activator initiates the execution of activation groups as necessary. For example, if an activation group for a specific group identifier is not already executing, the activator will spawn a child process for the activation group.

The activator is responsible for monitoring and detecting when activation groups fail so that it can remove stale remote references from its internal tables.

Author: Ann Wollrath
Since: 1.2
/** * The Activator facilitates remote object activation. A "faulting" * remote reference calls the activator's <code>activate</code> method * to obtain a "live" reference to a activatable remote object. Upon * receiving a request for activation, the activator looks up the * activation descriptor for the activation identifier, id, determines * the group in which the object should be activated and invokes the * activate method on the object's activation group (described by the * remote interface <code>ActivationInstantiator</code>). The * activator initiates the execution of activation groups as * necessary. For example, if an activation group for a specific group * identifier is not already executing, the activator will spawn a * child process for the activation group. <p> * * The activator is responsible for monitoring and detecting when * activation groups fail so that it can remove stale remote references * from its internal tables. <p> * * @author Ann Wollrath * @since 1.2 */
public class Activation implements Serializable {
indicate compatibility with JDK 1.2 version of class
/** indicate compatibility with JDK 1.2 version of class */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2921265612698155191L; private static final byte MAJOR_VERSION = 1; private static final byte MINOR_VERSION = 0;
exec policy object
/** exec policy object */
private static Object execPolicy; private static Method execPolicyMethod; private static boolean debugExec;
maps activation id to its respective group id
/** maps activation id to its respective group id */
private Map<ActivationID,ActivationGroupID> idTable = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
maps group id to its GroupEntry groups
/** maps group id to its GroupEntry groups */
private Map<ActivationGroupID,GroupEntry> groupTable = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private byte majorVersion = MAJOR_VERSION; private byte minorVersion = MINOR_VERSION;
number of simultaneous group exec's
/** number of simultaneous group exec's */
private transient int groupSemaphore;
counter for numbering groups
/** counter for numbering groups */
private transient int groupCounter;
reliable log to hold descriptor table
/** reliable log to hold descriptor table */
private transient ReliableLog log;
number of updates since last snapshot
/** number of updates since last snapshot */
private transient int numUpdates;
the java command
/** the java command */
// accessed by GroupEntry private transient String[] command;
timeout on wait for child process to be created or destroyed
/** timeout on wait for child process to be created or destroyed */
private static final long groupTimeout = getInt("sun.rmi.activation.groupTimeout", 60000);
take snapshot after this many updates
/** take snapshot after this many updates */
private static final int snapshotInterval = getInt("sun.rmi.activation.snapshotInterval", 200);
timeout on wait for child process to be created
/** timeout on wait for child process to be created */
private static final long execTimeout = getInt("sun.rmi.activation.execTimeout", 30000); private static final Object initLock = new Object(); private static boolean initDone = false; // this should be a *private* method since it is privileged private static int getInt(String name, int def) { return AccessController.doPrivileged( (PrivilegedAction<Integer>) () -> Integer.getInteger(name, def)); } private transient Activator activator; private transient Activator activatorStub; private transient ActivationSystem system; private transient ActivationSystem systemStub; private transient ActivationMonitor monitor; private transient Registry registry; private transient volatile boolean shuttingDown = false; private transient volatile Object startupLock; private transient Thread shutdownHook; private static ResourceBundle resources = null;
Create an uninitialized instance of Activation that can be populated with log data. This is only called when the initial snapshot is taken during the first incarnation of rmid.
/** * Create an uninitialized instance of Activation that can be * populated with log data. This is only called when the initial * snapshot is taken during the first incarnation of rmid. */
private Activation() {}
Recover activation state from the reliable log and initialize activation services.
/** * Recover activation state from the reliable log and initialize * activation services. */
private static void startActivation(int port, RMIServerSocketFactory ssf, String logName, String[] childArgs) throws Exception { ReliableLog log = new ReliableLog(logName, new ActLogHandler()); Activation state = (Activation) log.recover(); state.init(port, ssf, log, childArgs); }
Initialize the Activation instantiation; start activation services.
/** * Initialize the Activation instantiation; start activation * services. */
private void init(int port, RMIServerSocketFactory ssf, ReliableLog log, String[] childArgs) throws Exception { // initialize this.log = log; numUpdates = 0; shutdownHook = new ShutdownHook(); groupSemaphore = getInt("sun.rmi.activation.groupThrottle", 3); groupCounter = 0; Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(shutdownHook); // Use array size of 0, since the value from calling size() // may be out of date by the time toArray() is called. ActivationGroupID[] gids = groupTable.keySet().toArray(new ActivationGroupID[0]); synchronized (startupLock = new Object()) { // all the remote methods briefly synchronize on startupLock // (via checkShutdown) to make sure they don't happen in the // middle of this block. This block must not cause any such // incoming remote calls to happen, or deadlock would result! activator = new ActivatorImpl(port, ssf); activatorStub = (Activator) RemoteObject.toStub(activator); system = new ActivationSystemImpl(port, ssf); systemStub = (ActivationSystem) RemoteObject.toStub(system); monitor = new ActivationMonitorImpl(port, ssf); initCommand(childArgs); registry = new SystemRegistryImpl(port, null, ssf, systemStub); if (ssf != null) { synchronized (initLock) { initDone = true; initLock.notifyAll(); } } } startupLock = null; // restart services for (int i = gids.length; --i >= 0; ) { try { getGroupEntry(gids[i]).restartServices(); } catch (UnknownGroupException e) { System.err.println( getTextResource("rmid.restart.group.warning")); e.printStackTrace(); } } }
Previous versions used HashMap instead of ConcurrentHashMap. Replace any HashMaps found during deserialization with ConcurrentHashMaps.
/** * Previous versions used HashMap instead of ConcurrentHashMap. * Replace any HashMaps found during deserialization with * ConcurrentHashMaps. */
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream ois) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { ois.defaultReadObject(); if (! (groupTable instanceof ConcurrentHashMap)) { groupTable = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(groupTable); } if (! (idTable instanceof ConcurrentHashMap)) { idTable = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(idTable); } } private static class SystemRegistryImpl extends RegistryImpl { private static final String NAME = ActivationSystem.class.getName(); private static final long serialVersionUID = 4877330021609408794L; private ActivationSystem systemStub = null; SystemRegistryImpl(int port, RMIClientSocketFactory csf, RMIServerSocketFactory ssf, ActivationSystem systemStub) throws RemoteException { super(port, csf, ssf); assert systemStub != null; synchronized (this) { this.systemStub = systemStub; notifyAll(); } }
Waits for systemStub to be initialized and returns its initialized value. Any remote call that uses systemStub must call this method to get it instead of using direct field access. This is necessary because the super() call in the constructor exports this object before systemStub is initialized (see JDK-8023541), allowing remote calls to come in during this time. We can't use checkShutdown() like other nested classes because this is a static class.
/** * Waits for systemStub to be initialized and returns its * initialized value. Any remote call that uses systemStub must * call this method to get it instead of using direct field * access. This is necessary because the super() call in the * constructor exports this object before systemStub is initialized * (see JDK-8023541), allowing remote calls to come in during this * time. We can't use checkShutdown() like other nested classes * because this is a static class. */
private synchronized ActivationSystem getSystemStub() { boolean interrupted = false; while (systemStub == null) { try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { interrupted = true; } } if (interrupted) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } return systemStub; }
Returns the activation system stub if the specified name matches the activation system's class name, otherwise returns the result of invoking super.lookup with the specified name.
/** * Returns the activation system stub if the specified name * matches the activation system's class name, otherwise * returns the result of invoking super.lookup with the specified * name. */
public Remote lookup(String name) throws RemoteException, NotBoundException { if (name.equals(NAME)) { return getSystemStub(); } else { return super.lookup(name); } } public String[] list() throws RemoteException { String[] list1 = super.list(); int length = list1.length; String[] list2 = new String[length + 1]; if (length > 0) { System.arraycopy(list1, 0, list2, 0, length); } list2[length] = NAME; return list2; } public void bind(String name, Remote obj) throws RemoteException, AlreadyBoundException, AccessException { if (name.equals(NAME)) { throw new AccessException( "binding ActivationSystem is disallowed"); } else { RegistryImpl.checkAccess("ActivationSystem.bind"); super.bind(name, obj); } } public void unbind(String name) throws RemoteException, NotBoundException, AccessException { if (name.equals(NAME)) { throw new AccessException( "unbinding ActivationSystem is disallowed"); } else { RegistryImpl.checkAccess("ActivationSystem.unbind"); super.unbind(name); } } public void rebind(String name, Remote obj) throws RemoteException, AccessException { if (name.equals(NAME)) { throw new AccessException( "binding ActivationSystem is disallowed"); } else { RegistryImpl.checkAccess("ActivationSystem.rebind"); super.rebind(name, obj); } } } class ActivatorImpl extends RemoteServer implements Activator { // Because ActivatorImpl has a fixed ObjID, it can be // called by clients holding stale remote references. Each of // its remote methods, then, must check startupLock (calling // checkShutdown() is easiest). private static final long serialVersionUID = -3654244726254566136L;
Construct a new Activator on a specified port.
/** * Construct a new Activator on a specified port. */
ActivatorImpl(int port, RMIServerSocketFactory ssf) throws RemoteException { /* Server ref must be created and assigned before remote object * 'this' can be exported. */ LiveRef lref = new LiveRef(new ObjID(ObjID.ACTIVATOR_ID), port, null, ssf); UnicastServerRef uref = new UnicastServerRef(lref); ref = uref; uref.exportObject(this, null, false); } public MarshalledObject<? extends Remote> activate(ActivationID id, boolean force) throws ActivationException, UnknownObjectException, RemoteException { checkShutdown(); return getGroupEntry(id).activate(id, force); } } class ActivationMonitorImpl extends UnicastRemoteObject implements ActivationMonitor { private static final long serialVersionUID = -6214940464757948867L; ActivationMonitorImpl(int port, RMIServerSocketFactory ssf) throws RemoteException { super(port, null, ssf); } public void inactiveObject(ActivationID id) throws UnknownObjectException, RemoteException { try { checkShutdown(); } catch (ActivationException e) { return; } RegistryImpl.checkAccess("Activator.inactiveObject"); getGroupEntry(id).inactiveObject(id); } public void activeObject(ActivationID id, MarshalledObject<? extends Remote> mobj) throws UnknownObjectException, RemoteException { try { checkShutdown(); } catch (ActivationException e) { return; } RegistryImpl.checkAccess("ActivationSystem.activeObject"); getGroupEntry(id).activeObject(id, mobj); } public void inactiveGroup(ActivationGroupID id, long incarnation) throws UnknownGroupException, RemoteException { try { checkShutdown(); } catch (ActivationException e) { return; } RegistryImpl.checkAccess("ActivationMonitor.inactiveGroup"); getGroupEntry(id).inactiveGroup(incarnation, false); } }
SameHostOnlyServerRef checks that access is from a local client before the parameters are deserialized. The unmarshalCustomCallData hook is used to check the network address of the caller with RegistryImpl.checkAccess(). The kind of access is retained for an exception if one is thrown.
/** * SameHostOnlyServerRef checks that access is from a local client * before the parameters are deserialized. The unmarshalCustomCallData * hook is used to check the network address of the caller * with RegistryImpl.checkAccess(). * The kind of access is retained for an exception if one is thrown. */
static class SameHostOnlyServerRef extends UnicastServerRef { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1234L; private String accessKind; // an exception message
Construct a new SameHostOnlyServerRef from a LiveRef.
  • lref – a LiveRef
/** * Construct a new SameHostOnlyServerRef from a LiveRef. * @param lref a LiveRef */
SameHostOnlyServerRef(LiveRef lref, String accessKind) { super(lref); this.accessKind = accessKind; } @Override protected void unmarshalCustomCallData(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { RegistryImpl.checkAccess(accessKind); super.unmarshalCustomCallData(in); } } class ActivationSystemImpl extends RemoteServer implements ActivationSystem { private static final long serialVersionUID = 9100152600327688967L; // Because ActivationSystemImpl has a fixed ObjID, it can be // called by clients holding stale remote references. Each of // its remote methods, then, must check startupLock (calling // checkShutdown() is easiest). ActivationSystemImpl(int port, RMIServerSocketFactory ssf) throws RemoteException { /* Server ref must be created and assigned before remote object * 'this' can be exported. */ LiveRef lref = new LiveRef(new ObjID(4), port, null, ssf); UnicastServerRef uref = new SameHostOnlyServerRef(lref, "ActivationSystem.nonLocalAccess"); ref = uref; uref.exportObject(this, null); } public ActivationID registerObject(ActivationDesc desc) throws ActivationException, UnknownGroupException, RemoteException { checkShutdown(); // RegistryImpl.checkAccess() is done in the SameHostOnlyServerRef // during unmarshallCustomData and is not applicable to local access. ActivationGroupID groupID = desc.getGroupID(); ActivationID id = new ActivationID(activatorStub); getGroupEntry(groupID).registerObject(id, desc, true); return id; } public void unregisterObject(ActivationID id) throws ActivationException, UnknownObjectException, RemoteException { checkShutdown(); // RegistryImpl.checkAccess() is done in the SameHostOnlyServerRef // during unmarshallCustomData and is not applicable to local access. getGroupEntry(id).unregisterObject(id, true); } public ActivationGroupID registerGroup(ActivationGroupDesc desc) throws ActivationException, RemoteException { checkShutdown(); // RegistryImpl.checkAccess() is done in the SameHostOnlyServerRef // during unmarshallCustomData and is not applicable to local access. checkArgs(desc, null); ActivationGroupID id = new ActivationGroupID(systemStub); GroupEntry entry = new GroupEntry(id, desc); // table insertion must take place before log update groupTable.put(id, entry); addLogRecord(new LogRegisterGroup(id, desc)); return id; } public ActivationMonitor activeGroup(ActivationGroupID id, ActivationInstantiator group, long incarnation) throws ActivationException, UnknownGroupException, RemoteException { checkShutdown(); // RegistryImpl.checkAccess() is done in the SameHostOnlyServerRef // during unmarshallCustomData and is not applicable to local access. getGroupEntry(id).activeGroup(group, incarnation); return monitor; } public void unregisterGroup(ActivationGroupID id) throws ActivationException, UnknownGroupException, RemoteException { checkShutdown(); // RegistryImpl.checkAccess() is done in the SameHostOnlyServerRef // during unmarshallCustomData and is not applicable to local access. // remove entry before unregister so state is updated before // logged removeGroupEntry(id).unregisterGroup(true); } public ActivationDesc setActivationDesc(ActivationID id, ActivationDesc desc) throws ActivationException, UnknownObjectException, RemoteException { checkShutdown(); // RegistryImpl.checkAccess() is done in the SameHostOnlyServerRef // during unmarshallCustomData and is not applicable to local access. if (!getGroupID(id).equals(desc.getGroupID())) { throw new ActivationException( "ActivationDesc contains wrong group"); } return getGroupEntry(id).setActivationDesc(id, desc, true); } public ActivationGroupDesc setActivationGroupDesc(ActivationGroupID id, ActivationGroupDesc desc) throws ActivationException, UnknownGroupException, RemoteException { checkShutdown(); // RegistryImpl.checkAccess() is done in the SameHostOnlyServerRef // during unmarshallCustomData and is not applicable to local access. checkArgs(desc, null); return getGroupEntry(id).setActivationGroupDesc(id, desc, true); } public ActivationDesc getActivationDesc(ActivationID id) throws ActivationException, UnknownObjectException, RemoteException { checkShutdown(); // RegistryImpl.checkAccess() is done in the SameHostOnlyServerRef // during unmarshallCustomData and is not applicable to local access. return getGroupEntry(id).getActivationDesc(id); } public ActivationGroupDesc getActivationGroupDesc(ActivationGroupID id) throws ActivationException, UnknownGroupException, RemoteException { checkShutdown(); // RegistryImpl.checkAccess() is done in the SameHostOnlyServerRef // during unmarshallCustomData and is not applicable to local access. return getGroupEntry(id).desc; }
Shutdown the activation system. Destroys all groups spawned by the activation daemon and exits the activation daemon.
/** * Shutdown the activation system. Destroys all groups spawned by * the activation daemon and exits the activation daemon. */
public void shutdown() throws AccessException { // RegistryImpl.checkAccess() is done in the SameHostOnlyServerRef // during unmarshallCustomData and is not applicable to local access. Object lock = startupLock; if (lock != null) { synchronized (lock) { // nothing } } synchronized (Activation.this) { if (!shuttingDown) { shuttingDown = true; (new Shutdown()).start(); } } } } private void checkShutdown() throws ActivationException { // if the startup critical section is running, wait until it // completes/fails before continuing with the remote call. Object lock = startupLock; if (lock != null) { synchronized (lock) { // nothing } } if (shuttingDown == true) { throw new ActivationException( "activation system shutting down"); } } private static void unexport(Remote obj) { for (;;) { try { if (UnicastRemoteObject.unexportObject(obj, false) == true) { break; } else { Thread.sleep(100); } } catch (Exception e) { continue; } } }
Thread to shutdown rmid.
/** * Thread to shutdown rmid. */
private class Shutdown extends Thread { Shutdown() { super("rmid Shutdown"); } public void run() { try { /* * Unexport activation system services */ unexport(activator); unexport(system); // destroy all child processes (groups) for (GroupEntry groupEntry : groupTable.values()) { groupEntry.shutdown(); } Runtime.getRuntime().removeShutdownHook(shutdownHook); /* * Unexport monitor safely since all processes are destroyed. */ unexport(monitor); /* * Close log file, fix for 4243264: rmid shutdown thread * interferes with remote calls in progress. Make sure * the log file is only closed when it is impossible for * its closure to interfere with any pending remote calls. * We close the log when all objects in the rmid VM are * unexported. */ try { synchronized (log) { log.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { } } finally { /* * Now exit... A System.exit should only be done if * the RMI activation system daemon was started up * by the main method below (in which should always * be the case since the Activation constructor is private). */ System.err.println(getTextResource("rmid.daemon.shutdown")); System.exit(0); } } }
Thread to destroy children in the event of abnormal termination.
/** Thread to destroy children in the event of abnormal termination. */
private class ShutdownHook extends Thread { ShutdownHook() { super("rmid ShutdownHook"); } public void run() { synchronized (Activation.this) { shuttingDown = true; } // destroy all child processes (groups) quickly for (GroupEntry groupEntry : groupTable.values()) { groupEntry.shutdownFast(); } } }
Returns the groupID for a given id of an object in the group. Throws UnknownObjectException if the object is not registered.
/** * Returns the groupID for a given id of an object in the group. * Throws UnknownObjectException if the object is not registered. */
private ActivationGroupID getGroupID(ActivationID id) throws UnknownObjectException { ActivationGroupID groupID = idTable.get(id); if (groupID != null) { return groupID; } throw new UnknownObjectException("unknown object: " + id); }
Returns the group entry for the group id, optionally removing it. Throws UnknownGroupException if the group is not registered.
/** * Returns the group entry for the group id, optionally removing it. * Throws UnknownGroupException if the group is not registered. */
private GroupEntry getGroupEntry(ActivationGroupID id, boolean rm) throws UnknownGroupException { if (id.getClass() == ActivationGroupID.class) { GroupEntry entry; if (rm) { entry = groupTable.remove(id); } else { entry = groupTable.get(id); } if (entry != null && !entry.removed) { return entry; } } throw new UnknownGroupException("group unknown"); }
Returns the group entry for the group id. Throws UnknownGroupException if the group is not registered.
/** * Returns the group entry for the group id. Throws * UnknownGroupException if the group is not registered. */
private GroupEntry getGroupEntry(ActivationGroupID id) throws UnknownGroupException { return getGroupEntry(id, false); }
Removes and returns the group entry for the group id. Throws UnknownGroupException if the group is not registered.
/** * Removes and returns the group entry for the group id. Throws * UnknownGroupException if the group is not registered. */
private GroupEntry removeGroupEntry(ActivationGroupID id) throws UnknownGroupException { return getGroupEntry(id, true); }
Returns the group entry for the object's id. Throws UnknownObjectException if the object is not registered or the object's group is not registered.
/** * Returns the group entry for the object's id. Throws * UnknownObjectException if the object is not registered or the * object's group is not registered. */
private GroupEntry getGroupEntry(ActivationID id) throws UnknownObjectException { ActivationGroupID gid = getGroupID(id); GroupEntry entry = groupTable.get(gid); if (entry != null && !entry.removed) { return entry; } throw new UnknownObjectException("object's group removed"); }
Container for group information: group's descriptor, group's instantiator, flag to indicate pending group creation, and table of the objects that are activated in the group. WARNING: GroupEntry objects should not be written into log file updates. GroupEntrys are inner classes of Activation and they can not be serialized independent of this class. If the complete Activation system is written out as a log update, the point of having updates is nullified.
/** * Container for group information: group's descriptor, group's * instantiator, flag to indicate pending group creation, and * table of the objects that are activated in the group. * * WARNING: GroupEntry objects should not be written into log file * updates. GroupEntrys are inner classes of Activation and they * can not be serialized independent of this class. If the * complete Activation system is written out as a log update, the * point of having updates is nullified. */
private class GroupEntry implements Serializable {
indicate compatibility with JDK 1.2 version of class
/** indicate compatibility with JDK 1.2 version of class */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 7222464070032993304L; private static final int MAX_TRIES = 2; private static final int NORMAL = 0; private static final int CREATING = 1; private static final int TERMINATE = 2; private static final int TERMINATING = 3; ActivationGroupDesc desc = null; ActivationGroupID groupID = null; long incarnation = 0; Map<ActivationID,ObjectEntry> objects = new HashMap<>(); Set<ActivationID> restartSet = new HashSet<>(); transient ActivationInstantiator group = null; transient int status = NORMAL; transient long waitTime = 0; transient String groupName = null; transient Process child = null; transient boolean removed = false; transient Watchdog watchdog = null; GroupEntry(ActivationGroupID groupID, ActivationGroupDesc desc) { this.groupID = groupID; this.desc = desc; } void restartServices() { Iterator<ActivationID> iter = null; synchronized (this) { if (restartSet.isEmpty()) { return; } /* * Clone the restartSet so the set does not have to be locked * during iteration. Locking the restartSet could cause * deadlock if an object we are restarting caused another * object in this group to be activated. */ iter = (new HashSet<ActivationID>(restartSet)).iterator(); } while (iter.hasNext()) { ActivationID id = iter.next(); try { activate(id, true); } catch (Exception e) { if (shuttingDown) { return; } System.err.println( getTextResource("rmid.restart.service.warning")); e.printStackTrace(); } } } synchronized void activeGroup(ActivationInstantiator inst, long instIncarnation) throws ActivationException, UnknownGroupException { if (incarnation != instIncarnation) { throw new ActivationException("invalid incarnation"); } if (group != null) { if (group.equals(inst)) { return; } else { throw new ActivationException("group already active"); } } if (child != null && status != CREATING) { throw new ActivationException("group not being created"); } group = inst; status = NORMAL; notifyAll(); } private void checkRemoved() throws UnknownGroupException { if (removed) { throw new UnknownGroupException("group removed"); } } private ObjectEntry getObjectEntry(ActivationID id) throws UnknownObjectException { if (removed) { throw new UnknownObjectException("object's group removed"); } ObjectEntry objEntry = objects.get(id); if (objEntry == null) { throw new UnknownObjectException("object unknown"); } return objEntry; } synchronized void registerObject(ActivationID id, ActivationDesc desc, boolean addRecord) throws UnknownGroupException, ActivationException { checkRemoved(); objects.put(id, new ObjectEntry(desc)); if (desc.getRestartMode() == true) { restartSet.add(id); } // table insertion must take place before log update idTable.put(id, groupID); if (addRecord) { addLogRecord(new LogRegisterObject(id, desc)); } } synchronized void unregisterObject(ActivationID id, boolean addRecord) throws UnknownGroupException, ActivationException { ObjectEntry objEntry = getObjectEntry(id); objEntry.removed = true; objects.remove(id); if (objEntry.desc.getRestartMode() == true) { restartSet.remove(id); } // table removal must take place before log update idTable.remove(id); if (addRecord) { addLogRecord(new LogUnregisterObject(id)); } } synchronized void unregisterGroup(boolean addRecord) throws UnknownGroupException, ActivationException { checkRemoved(); removed = true; for (Map.Entry<ActivationID,ObjectEntry> entry : objects.entrySet()) { ActivationID id = entry.getKey(); idTable.remove(id); ObjectEntry objEntry = entry.getValue(); objEntry.removed = true; } objects.clear(); restartSet.clear(); reset(); childGone(); // removal should be recorded before log update if (addRecord) { addLogRecord(new LogUnregisterGroup(groupID)); } } synchronized ActivationDesc setActivationDesc(ActivationID id, ActivationDesc desc, boolean addRecord) throws UnknownObjectException, UnknownGroupException, ActivationException { ObjectEntry objEntry = getObjectEntry(id); ActivationDesc oldDesc = objEntry.desc; objEntry.desc = desc; if (desc.getRestartMode() == true) { restartSet.add(id); } else { restartSet.remove(id); } // restart information should be recorded before log update if (addRecord) { addLogRecord(new LogUpdateDesc(id, desc)); } return oldDesc; } synchronized ActivationDesc getActivationDesc(ActivationID id) throws UnknownObjectException, UnknownGroupException { return getObjectEntry(id).desc; } synchronized ActivationGroupDesc setActivationGroupDesc( ActivationGroupID id, ActivationGroupDesc desc, boolean addRecord) throws UnknownGroupException, ActivationException { checkRemoved(); ActivationGroupDesc oldDesc = this.desc; this.desc = desc; // state update should occur before log update if (addRecord) { addLogRecord(new LogUpdateGroupDesc(id, desc)); } return oldDesc; } synchronized void inactiveGroup(long incarnation, boolean failure) throws UnknownGroupException { checkRemoved(); if (this.incarnation != incarnation) { throw new UnknownGroupException("invalid incarnation"); } reset(); if (failure) { terminate(); } else if (child != null && status == NORMAL) { status = TERMINATE; watchdog.noRestart(); } } synchronized void activeObject(ActivationID id, MarshalledObject<? extends Remote> mobj) throws UnknownObjectException { getObjectEntry(id).stub = mobj; } synchronized void inactiveObject(ActivationID id) throws UnknownObjectException { getObjectEntry(id).reset(); } private synchronized void reset() { group = null; for (ObjectEntry objectEntry : objects.values()) { objectEntry.reset(); } } private void childGone() { if (child != null) { child = null; watchdog.dispose(); watchdog = null; status = NORMAL; notifyAll(); } } private void terminate() { if (child != null && status != TERMINATING) { child.destroy(); status = TERMINATING; waitTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + groupTimeout; notifyAll(); } } /* * Fallthrough from TERMINATE to TERMINATING * is intentional */ @SuppressWarnings("fallthrough") private void await() { while (true) { switch (status) { case NORMAL: return; case TERMINATE: terminate(); case TERMINATING: try { child.exitValue(); } catch (IllegalThreadStateException e) { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (waitTime > now) { try { wait(waitTime - now); } catch (InterruptedException ee) { } continue; } // REMIND: print message that group did not terminate? } childGone(); return; case CREATING: try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } } } // no synchronization to avoid delay wrt getInstantiator void shutdownFast() { Process p = child; if (p != null) { p.destroy(); } } synchronized void shutdown() { reset(); terminate(); await(); } MarshalledObject<? extends Remote> activate(ActivationID id, boolean force) throws ActivationException { Exception detail = null; /* * Attempt to activate object and reattempt (several times) * if activation fails due to communication problems. */ for (int tries = MAX_TRIES; tries > 0; tries--) { ActivationInstantiator inst; long currentIncarnation; // look up object to activate ObjectEntry objEntry; synchronized (this) { objEntry = getObjectEntry(id); // if not forcing activation, return cached stub if (!force && objEntry.stub != null) { return objEntry.stub; } inst = getInstantiator(groupID); currentIncarnation = incarnation; } boolean groupInactive = false; boolean failure = false; // activate object try { return objEntry.activate(id, force, inst); } catch (NoSuchObjectException e) { groupInactive = true; detail = e; } catch (ConnectException e) { groupInactive = true; failure = true; detail = e; } catch (ConnectIOException e) { groupInactive = true; failure = true; detail = e; } catch (InactiveGroupException e) { groupInactive = true; detail = e; } catch (RemoteException e) { // REMIND: wait some here before continuing? if (detail == null) { detail = e; } } if (groupInactive) { // group has failed or is inactive; mark inactive try { System.err.println( MessageFormat.format( getTextResource("rmid.group.inactive"), detail.toString())); detail.printStackTrace(); getGroupEntry(groupID). inactiveGroup(currentIncarnation, failure); } catch (UnknownGroupException e) { // not a problem } } } /** * signal that group activation failed, nested exception * specifies what exception occurred when the group did not * activate */ throw new ActivationException("object activation failed after " + MAX_TRIES + " tries", detail); }
Returns the instantiator for the group specified by id and entry. If the group is currently inactive, exec some bootstrap code to create the group.
/** * Returns the instantiator for the group specified by id and * entry. If the group is currently inactive, exec some * bootstrap code to create the group. */
private ActivationInstantiator getInstantiator(ActivationGroupID id) throws ActivationException { assert Thread.holdsLock(this); await(); if (group != null) { return group; } checkRemoved(); boolean acquired = false; try { groupName = Pstartgroup(); acquired = true; String[] argv = activationArgs(desc); checkArgs(desc, argv); if (debugExec) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(argv[0]); int j; for (j = 1; j < argv.length; j++) { sb.append(' '); sb.append(argv[j]); } System.err.println( MessageFormat.format( getTextResource("rmid.exec.command"), sb.toString())); } try { child = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(argv); status = CREATING; ++incarnation; watchdog = new Watchdog(); watchdog.start(); addLogRecord(new LogGroupIncarnation(id, incarnation)); // handle child I/O streams before writing to child PipeWriter.plugTogetherPair (child.getInputStream(), System.out, child.getErrorStream(), System.err); try (MarshalOutputStream out = new MarshalOutputStream(child.getOutputStream())) { out.writeObject(id); out.writeObject(desc); out.writeLong(incarnation); out.flush(); } } catch (IOException e) { terminate(); throw new ActivationException( "unable to create activation group", e); } try { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); long stop = now + execTimeout; do { wait(stop - now); if (group != null) { return group; } now = System.currentTimeMillis(); } while (status == CREATING && now < stop); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } terminate(); throw new ActivationException( (removed ? "activation group unregistered" : "timeout creating child process")); } finally { if (acquired) { Vstartgroup(); } } }
Waits for process termination and then restarts services.
/** * Waits for process termination and then restarts services. */
private class Watchdog extends Thread { private final Process groupProcess = child; private final long groupIncarnation = incarnation; private boolean canInterrupt = true; private boolean shouldQuit = false; private boolean shouldRestart = true; Watchdog() { super("WatchDog-" + groupName + "-" + incarnation); setDaemon(true); } public void run() { if (shouldQuit) { return; } /* * Wait for the group to crash or exit. */ try { groupProcess.waitFor(); } catch (InterruptedException exit) { return; } boolean restart = false; synchronized (GroupEntry.this) { if (shouldQuit) { return; } canInterrupt = false; interrupted(); // clear interrupt bit /* * Since the group crashed, we should * reset the entry before activating objects */ if (groupIncarnation == incarnation) { restart = shouldRestart && !shuttingDown; reset(); childGone(); } } /* * Activate those objects that require restarting * after a crash. */ if (restart) { restartServices(); } }
Marks this thread as one that is no longer needed. If the thread is in a state in which it can be interrupted, then the thread is interrupted.
/** * Marks this thread as one that is no longer needed. * If the thread is in a state in which it can be interrupted, * then the thread is interrupted. */
void dispose() { shouldQuit = true; if (canInterrupt) { interrupt(); } }
Marks this thread as no longer needing to restart objects.
/** * Marks this thread as no longer needing to restart objects. */
void noRestart() { shouldRestart = false; } } } private String[] activationArgs(ActivationGroupDesc desc) { ActivationGroupDesc.CommandEnvironment cmdenv; cmdenv = desc.getCommandEnvironment(); // argv is the literal command to exec List<String> argv = new ArrayList<>(); // Command name/path argv.add((cmdenv != null && cmdenv.getCommandPath() != null) ? cmdenv.getCommandPath() : command[0]); // Group-specific command options if (cmdenv != null && cmdenv.getCommandOptions() != null) { argv.addAll(Arrays.asList(cmdenv.getCommandOptions())); } // Properties become -D parameters Properties props = desc.getPropertyOverrides(); if (props != null) { for (Enumeration<?> p = props.propertyNames(); p.hasMoreElements();) { String name = (String) p.nextElement(); /* Note on quoting: it would be wrong * here, since argv will be passed to * Runtime.exec, which should not parse * arguments or split on whitespace. */ argv.add("-D" + name + "=" + props.getProperty(name)); } } /* Finally, rmid-global command options (e.g. -C options) * and the classname */ for (int i = 1; i < command.length; i++) { argv.add(command[i]); } String[] realArgv = new String[argv.size()]; System.arraycopy(argv.toArray(), 0, realArgv, 0, realArgv.length); return realArgv; } private void checkArgs(ActivationGroupDesc desc, String[] cmd) throws SecurityException, ActivationException { /* * Check exec command using execPolicy object */ if (execPolicyMethod != null) { if (cmd == null) { cmd = activationArgs(desc); } try { execPolicyMethod.invoke(execPolicy, desc, cmd); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { Throwable targetException = e.getTargetException(); if (targetException instanceof SecurityException) { throw (SecurityException) targetException; } else { throw new ActivationException( execPolicyMethod.getName() + ": unexpected exception", e); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ActivationException( execPolicyMethod.getName() + ": unexpected exception", e); } } } private static class ObjectEntry implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -5500114225321357856L;
descriptor for object
/** descriptor for object */
ActivationDesc desc;
the stub (if active)
/** the stub (if active) */
volatile transient MarshalledObject<? extends Remote> stub = null; volatile transient boolean removed = false; ObjectEntry(ActivationDesc desc) { this.desc = desc; } synchronized MarshalledObject<? extends Remote> activate(ActivationID id, boolean force, ActivationInstantiator inst) throws RemoteException, ActivationException { MarshalledObject<? extends Remote> nstub = stub; if (removed) { throw new UnknownObjectException("object removed"); } else if (!force && nstub != null) { return nstub; } nstub = inst.newInstance(id, desc); stub = nstub; /* * stub could be set to null by a group reset, so return * the newstub here to prevent returning null. */ return nstub; } void reset() { stub = null; } }
Add a record to the activation log. If the number of updates passes a predetermined threshold, record a snapshot.
/** * Add a record to the activation log. If the number of updates * passes a predetermined threshold, record a snapshot. */
private void addLogRecord(LogRecord rec) throws ActivationException { synchronized (log) { checkShutdown(); try { log.update(rec, true); } catch (Exception e) { numUpdates = snapshotInterval; System.err.println(getTextResource("rmid.log.update.warning")); e.printStackTrace(); } if (++numUpdates < snapshotInterval) { return; } try { log.snapshot(this); numUpdates = 0; } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println( getTextResource("rmid.log.snapshot.warning")); e.printStackTrace(); try { // shutdown activation system because snapshot failed system.shutdown(); } catch (RemoteException ignore) { // can't happen } // warn the client of the original update problem throw new ActivationException("log snapshot failed", e); } } }
Handler for the log that knows how to take the initial snapshot and apply an update (a LogRecord) to the current state.
/** * Handler for the log that knows how to take the initial snapshot * and apply an update (a LogRecord) to the current state. */
private static class ActLogHandler extends LogHandler { ActLogHandler() { } public Object initialSnapshot() { /** * Return an empty Activation object. Log will update * this object with recovered state. */ return new Activation(); } public Object applyUpdate(Object update, Object state) throws Exception { return ((LogRecord) update).apply(state); } }
Abstract class for all log records. The subclass contains specific update information and implements the apply method that applys the update information contained in the record to the current state.
/** * Abstract class for all log records. The subclass contains * specific update information and implements the apply method * that applys the update information contained in the record * to the current state. */
private static abstract class LogRecord implements Serializable {
indicate compatibility with JDK 1.2 version of class
/** indicate compatibility with JDK 1.2 version of class */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 8395140512322687529L; abstract Object apply(Object state) throws Exception; }
Log record for registering an object.
/** * Log record for registering an object. */
private static class LogRegisterObject extends LogRecord {
indicate compatibility with JDK 1.2 version of class
/** indicate compatibility with JDK 1.2 version of class */
private static final long serialVersionUID = -6280336276146085143L; private ActivationID id; private ActivationDesc desc; LogRegisterObject(ActivationID id, ActivationDesc desc) { this.id = id; this.desc = desc; } Object apply(Object state) { try { ((Activation) state).getGroupEntry(desc.getGroupID()). registerObject(id, desc, false); } catch (Exception ignore) { System.err.println( MessageFormat.format( getTextResource("rmid.log.recover.warning"), "LogRegisterObject")); ignore.printStackTrace(); } return state; } }
Log record for unregistering an object.
/** * Log record for unregistering an object. */
private static class LogUnregisterObject extends LogRecord {
indicate compatibility with JDK 1.2 version of class
/** indicate compatibility with JDK 1.2 version of class */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 6269824097396935501L; private ActivationID id; LogUnregisterObject(ActivationID id) { this.id = id; } Object apply(Object state) { try { ((Activation) state).getGroupEntry(id). unregisterObject(id, false); } catch (Exception ignore) { System.err.println( MessageFormat.format( getTextResource("rmid.log.recover.warning"), "LogUnregisterObject")); ignore.printStackTrace(); } return state; } }
Log record for registering a group.
/** * Log record for registering a group. */
private static class LogRegisterGroup extends LogRecord {
indicate compatibility with JDK 1.2 version of class
/** indicate compatibility with JDK 1.2 version of class */
private static final long serialVersionUID = -1966827458515403625L; private ActivationGroupID id; private ActivationGroupDesc desc; LogRegisterGroup(ActivationGroupID id, ActivationGroupDesc desc) { this.id = id; this.desc = desc; } Object apply(Object state) { // modify state directly; cant ask a nonexistent GroupEntry // to register itself. ((Activation) state).groupTable.put(id, ((Activation) state).new GroupEntry(id, desc)); return state; } }
Log record for udpating an activation desc
/** * Log record for udpating an activation desc */
private static class LogUpdateDesc extends LogRecord {
indicate compatibility with JDK 1.2 version of class
/** indicate compatibility with JDK 1.2 version of class */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 545511539051179885L; private ActivationID id; private ActivationDesc desc; LogUpdateDesc(ActivationID id, ActivationDesc desc) { this.id = id; this.desc = desc; } Object apply(Object state) { try { ((Activation) state).getGroupEntry(id). setActivationDesc(id, desc, false); } catch (Exception ignore) { System.err.println( MessageFormat.format( getTextResource("rmid.log.recover.warning"), "LogUpdateDesc")); ignore.printStackTrace(); } return state; } }
Log record for unregistering a group.
/** * Log record for unregistering a group. */
private static class LogUpdateGroupDesc extends LogRecord {
indicate compatibility with JDK 1.2 version of class
/** indicate compatibility with JDK 1.2 version of class */
private static final long serialVersionUID = -1271300989218424337L; private ActivationGroupID id; private ActivationGroupDesc desc; LogUpdateGroupDesc(ActivationGroupID id, ActivationGroupDesc desc) { this.id = id; this.desc = desc; } Object apply(Object state) { try { ((Activation) state).getGroupEntry(id). setActivationGroupDesc(id, desc, false); } catch (Exception ignore) { System.err.println( MessageFormat.format( getTextResource("rmid.log.recover.warning"), "LogUpdateGroupDesc")); ignore.printStackTrace(); } return state; } }
Log record for unregistering a group.
/** * Log record for unregistering a group. */
private static class LogUnregisterGroup extends LogRecord {
indicate compatibility with JDK 1.2 version of class
/** indicate compatibility with JDK 1.2 version of class */
private static final long serialVersionUID = -3356306586522147344L; private ActivationGroupID id; LogUnregisterGroup(ActivationGroupID id) { this.id = id; } Object apply(Object state) { GroupEntry entry = ((Activation) state).groupTable.remove(id); try { entry.unregisterGroup(false); } catch (Exception ignore) { System.err.println( MessageFormat.format( getTextResource("rmid.log.recover.warning"), "LogUnregisterGroup")); ignore.printStackTrace(); } return state; } }
Log record for an active group incarnation
/** * Log record for an active group incarnation */
private static class LogGroupIncarnation extends LogRecord {
indicate compatibility with JDK 1.2 version of class
/** indicate compatibility with JDK 1.2 version of class */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 4146872747377631897L; private ActivationGroupID id; private long inc; LogGroupIncarnation(ActivationGroupID id, long inc) { this.id = id; this.inc = inc; } Object apply(Object state) { try { GroupEntry entry = ((Activation) state).getGroupEntry(id); entry.incarnation = inc; } catch (Exception ignore) { System.err.println( MessageFormat.format( getTextResource("rmid.log.recover.warning"), "LogGroupIncarnation")); ignore.printStackTrace(); } return state; } }
Initialize command to exec a default group.
/** * Initialize command to exec a default group. */
private void initCommand(String[] childArgs) { command = new String[childArgs.length + 2]; AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Void>() { public Void run() { try { command[0] = System.getProperty("java.home") + File.separator + "bin" + File.separator + "java"; } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println( getTextResource("rmid.unfound.java.home.property")); command[0] = "java"; } return null; } }); System.arraycopy(childArgs, 0, command, 1, childArgs.length); command[command.length-1] = "sun.rmi.server.ActivationGroupInit"; } private static void bomb(String error) { System.err.println("rmid: " + error); // $NON-NLS$ System.err.println(MessageFormat.format(getTextResource("rmid.usage"), "rmid")); System.exit(1); }
The default policy for checking a command before it is executed makes sure the appropriate com.sun.rmi.rmid.ExecPermission and set of com.sun.rmi.rmid.ExecOptionPermissions have been granted.
/** * The default policy for checking a command before it is executed * makes sure the appropriate com.sun.rmi.rmid.ExecPermission and * set of com.sun.rmi.rmid.ExecOptionPermissions have been granted. */
public static class DefaultExecPolicy { public void checkExecCommand(ActivationGroupDesc desc, String[] cmd) throws SecurityException { PermissionCollection perms = getExecPermissions(); /* * Check properties overrides. */ Properties props = desc.getPropertyOverrides(); if (props != null) { Enumeration<?> p = props.propertyNames(); while (p.hasMoreElements()) { String name = (String) p.nextElement(); String value = props.getProperty(name); String option = "-D" + name + "=" + value; try { checkPermission(perms, new ExecOptionPermission(option)); } catch (AccessControlException e) { if (value.isEmpty()) { checkPermission(perms, new ExecOptionPermission("-D" + name)); } else { throw e; } } } } /* * Check group class name (allow nothing but the default), * code location (must be null), and data (must be null). */ String groupClassName = desc.getClassName(); if ((groupClassName != null && !groupClassName.equals( ActivationGroupImpl.class.getName())) || (desc.getLocation() != null) || (desc.getData() != null)) { throw new AccessControlException( "access denied (custom group implementation not allowed)"); } /* * If group descriptor has a command environment, check * command and options. */ ActivationGroupDesc.CommandEnvironment cmdenv; cmdenv = desc.getCommandEnvironment(); if (cmdenv != null) { String path = cmdenv.getCommandPath(); if (path != null) { checkPermission(perms, new ExecPermission(path)); } String[] options = cmdenv.getCommandOptions(); if (options != null) { for (String option : options) { checkPermission(perms, new ExecOptionPermission(option)); } } } }
Prints warning message if installed Policy is the default Policy implementation and globally granted permissions do not include AllPermission or any ExecPermissions/ExecOptionPermissions.
/** * Prints warning message if installed Policy is the default Policy * implementation and globally granted permissions do not include * AllPermission or any ExecPermissions/ExecOptionPermissions. */
static void checkConfiguration() { Policy policy = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Policy>() { public Policy run() { return Policy.getPolicy(); } }); if (!(policy instanceof PolicyFile)) { return; } PermissionCollection perms = getExecPermissions(); for (Enumeration<Permission> e = perms.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) { Permission p = e.nextElement(); if (p instanceof AllPermission || p instanceof ExecPermission || p instanceof ExecOptionPermission) { return; } } System.err.println(getTextResource("rmid.exec.perms.inadequate")); } private static PermissionCollection getExecPermissions() { /* * The approach used here is taken from the similar method * getLoaderAccessControlContext() in the class * sun.rmi.server.LoaderHandler. */ // obtain permissions granted to all code in current policy PermissionCollection perms = AccessController.doPrivileged( new PrivilegedAction<PermissionCollection>() { public PermissionCollection run() { CodeSource codesource = new CodeSource(null, (Certificate[]) null); Policy p = Policy.getPolicy(); if (p != null) { return p.getPermissions(codesource); } else { return new Permissions(); } } }); return perms; } private static void checkPermission(PermissionCollection perms, Permission p) throws AccessControlException { if (!perms.implies(p)) { throw new AccessControlException( "access denied " + p.toString()); } } }
Main program to start the activation system.
The usage is as follows: rmid [-port num] [-log dir].
/** * Main program to start the activation system. <br> * The usage is as follows: rmid [-port num] [-log dir]. */
public static void main(String[] args) { boolean stop = false; // Create and install the security manager if one is not installed // already. if (System.getSecurityManager() == null) { System.setSecurityManager(new SecurityManager()); } try { int port = ActivationSystem.SYSTEM_PORT; RMIServerSocketFactory ssf = null; /* * If rmid has an inherited channel (meaning that it was * launched from inetd), set the server socket factory to * return the inherited server socket. **/ Channel inheritedChannel = AccessController.doPrivileged( new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Channel>() { public Channel run() throws IOException { return System.inheritedChannel(); } }); if (inheritedChannel != null && inheritedChannel instanceof ServerSocketChannel) { /* * Redirect System.err output to a file. */ AccessController.doPrivileged( new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() { public Void run() throws IOException { boolean disable = Boolean.getBoolean( "sun.rmi.server.activation.disableErrRedirect"); if (disable) return null; File file = Files.createTempFile("rmid-err", null).toFile(); PrintStream errStream = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(file)); System.setErr(errStream); return null; } }); ServerSocket serverSocket = ((ServerSocketChannel) inheritedChannel).socket(); port = serverSocket.getLocalPort(); ssf = new ActivationServerSocketFactory(serverSocket); System.err.println(new Date()); System.err.println(getTextResource( "rmid.inherited.channel.info") + ": " + inheritedChannel); } String log = null; List<String> childArgs = new ArrayList<>(); /* * Parse arguments */ for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { if (args[i].equals("-port")) { if (ssf != null) { bomb(getTextResource("rmid.syntax.port.badarg")); } if ((i + 1) < args.length) { try { port = Integer.parseInt(args[++i]); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { bomb(getTextResource("rmid.syntax.port.badnumber")); } } else { bomb(getTextResource("rmid.syntax.port.missing")); } } else if (args[i].equals("-log")) { if ((i + 1) < args.length) { log = args[++i]; } else { bomb(getTextResource("rmid.syntax.log.missing")); } } else if (args[i].equals("-stop")) { stop = true; } else if (args[i].startsWith("-C")) { childArgs.add(args[i].substring(2)); } else { bomb(MessageFormat.format( getTextResource("rmid.syntax.illegal.option"), args[i])); } } if (log == null) { if (ssf != null) { bomb(getTextResource("rmid.syntax.log.required")); } else { log = "log"; } } debugExec = AccessController.doPrivileged( (PrivilegedAction<Boolean>) () -> Boolean.getBoolean("sun.rmi.server.activation.debugExec")); /** * Determine class name for activation exec policy (if any). */ String execPolicyClassName = AccessController.doPrivileged( (PrivilegedAction<String>) () -> System.getProperty("sun.rmi.activation.execPolicy")); if (execPolicyClassName == null) { if (!stop) { DefaultExecPolicy.checkConfiguration(); } execPolicyClassName = "default"; } /** * Initialize method for activation exec policy. */ if (!execPolicyClassName.equals("none")) { if (execPolicyClassName.isEmpty() || execPolicyClassName.equals("default")) { execPolicyClassName = DefaultExecPolicy.class.getName(); } try { Class<?> execPolicyClass = getRMIClass(execPolicyClassName); @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") Object tmp = execPolicyClass.newInstance(); execPolicy = tmp; execPolicyMethod = execPolicyClass.getMethod("checkExecCommand", ActivationGroupDesc.class, String[].class); } catch (Exception e) { if (debugExec) { System.err.println( getTextResource("rmid.exec.policy.exception")); e.printStackTrace(); } bomb(getTextResource("rmid.exec.policy.invalid")); } } if (stop == true) { final int finalPort = port; AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Void>() { public Void run() { System.setProperty("java.rmi.activation.port", Integer.toString(finalPort)); return null; } }); ActivationSystem system = ActivationGroup.getSystem(); system.shutdown(); System.exit(0); } /* * Fix for 4173960: Create and initialize activation using * a static method, startActivation, which will build the * Activation state in two ways: if when rmid is run, no * log file is found, the ActLogHandler.recover(...) * method will create a new Activation instance. * Alternatively, if a logfile is available, a serialized * instance of activation will be read from the log's * snapshot file. Log updates will be applied to this * Activation object until rmid's state has been fully * recovered. In either case, only one instance of * Activation is created. */ startActivation(port, ssf, log, childArgs.toArray(new String[childArgs.size()])); // prevent activator from exiting while (true) { try { Thread.sleep(Long.MAX_VALUE); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println( MessageFormat.format( getTextResource("rmid.unexpected.exception"), e)); e.printStackTrace(); } System.exit(1); }
Retrieves text resources from the locale-specific properties file.
/** * Retrieves text resources from the locale-specific properties file. */
private static String getTextResource(String key) { if (Activation.resources == null) { try { Activation.resources = ResourceBundle.getBundle( "sun.rmi.server.resources.rmid"); } catch (MissingResourceException mre) { } if (Activation.resources == null) { // throwing an Error is a bit extreme, methinks return ("[missing resource file: " + key + "]"); } } String val = null; try { val = Activation.resources.getString (key); } catch (MissingResourceException mre) { } if (val == null) { return ("[missing resource: " + key + "]"); } else { return val; } } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private static Class<?> getRMIClass(String execPolicyClassName) throws Exception { return RMIClassLoader.loadClass(execPolicyClassName); } /* * Dijkstra semaphore operations to limit the number of subprocesses * rmid attempts to make at once. */
Acquire the group semaphore and return a group name. Each Pstartgroup must be followed by a Vstartgroup. The calling thread will wait until there are fewer than N other threads holding the group semaphore. The calling thread will then acquire the semaphore and return.
/** * Acquire the group semaphore and return a group name. Each * Pstartgroup must be followed by a Vstartgroup. The calling thread * will wait until there are fewer than <code>N</code> other threads * holding the group semaphore. The calling thread will then acquire * the semaphore and return. */
private synchronized String Pstartgroup() throws ActivationException { while (true) { checkShutdown(); // Wait until positive, then decrement. if (groupSemaphore > 0) { groupSemaphore--; return "Group-" + groupCounter++; } try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } }
Release the group semaphore. Every P operation must be followed by a V operation. This may cause another thread to wake up and return from its P operation.
/** * Release the group semaphore. Every P operation must be * followed by a V operation. This may cause another thread to * wake up and return from its P operation. */
private synchronized void Vstartgroup() { // Increment and notify a waiter (not necessarily FIFO). groupSemaphore++; notifyAll(); }
A server socket factory to use when rmid is launched via 'inetd' with 'wait' status. This socket factory's 'createServerSocket' method returns the server socket specified during construction that is specialized to delay accepting requests until the 'initDone' flag is 'true'. The server socket supplied to the constructor should be the server socket obtained from the ServerSocketChannel returned from the 'System.inheritedChannel' method.
/** * A server socket factory to use when rmid is launched via 'inetd' * with 'wait' status. This socket factory's 'createServerSocket' * method returns the server socket specified during construction that * is specialized to delay accepting requests until the * 'initDone' flag is 'true'. The server socket supplied to * the constructor should be the server socket obtained from the * ServerSocketChannel returned from the 'System.inheritedChannel' * method. **/
private static class ActivationServerSocketFactory implements RMIServerSocketFactory { private final ServerSocket serverSocket;
Constructs an 'ActivationServerSocketFactory' with the specified 'serverSocket'.
/** * Constructs an 'ActivationServerSocketFactory' with the specified * 'serverSocket'. **/
ActivationServerSocketFactory(ServerSocket serverSocket) { this.serverSocket = serverSocket; }
Returns the server socket specified during construction wrapped in a 'DelayedAcceptServerSocket'.
/** * Returns the server socket specified during construction wrapped * in a 'DelayedAcceptServerSocket'. **/
public ServerSocket createServerSocket(int port) throws IOException { return new DelayedAcceptServerSocket(serverSocket); } }
A server socket that delegates all public methods to the underlying server socket specified at construction. The accept method is overridden to delay calling accept on the underlying server socket until the 'initDone' flag is 'true'.
/** * A server socket that delegates all public methods to the underlying * server socket specified at construction. The accept method is * overridden to delay calling accept on the underlying server socket * until the 'initDone' flag is 'true'. **/
private static class DelayedAcceptServerSocket extends ServerSocket { private final ServerSocket serverSocket; DelayedAcceptServerSocket(ServerSocket serverSocket) throws IOException { this.serverSocket = serverSocket; } public void bind(SocketAddress endpoint) throws IOException { serverSocket.bind(endpoint); } public void bind(SocketAddress endpoint, int backlog) throws IOException { serverSocket.bind(endpoint, backlog); } public InetAddress getInetAddress() { return AccessController.doPrivileged( new PrivilegedAction<InetAddress>() { @Override public InetAddress run() { return serverSocket.getInetAddress(); } }); } public int getLocalPort() { return serverSocket.getLocalPort(); } public SocketAddress getLocalSocketAddress() { return AccessController.doPrivileged( new PrivilegedAction<SocketAddress>() { @Override public SocketAddress run() { return serverSocket.getLocalSocketAddress(); } }); }
Delays calling accept on the underlying server socket until the remote service is bound in the registry.
/** * Delays calling accept on the underlying server socket until the * remote service is bound in the registry. **/
public Socket accept() throws IOException { synchronized (initLock) { try { while (!initDone) { initLock.wait(); } } catch (InterruptedException ignore) { throw new AssertionError(ignore); } } return serverSocket.accept(); } public void close() throws IOException { serverSocket.close(); } public ServerSocketChannel getChannel() { return serverSocket.getChannel(); } public boolean isBound() { return serverSocket.isBound(); } public boolean isClosed() { return serverSocket.isClosed(); } public void setSoTimeout(int timeout) throws SocketException { serverSocket.setSoTimeout(timeout); } public int getSoTimeout() throws IOException { return serverSocket.getSoTimeout(); } public void setReuseAddress(boolean on) throws SocketException { serverSocket.setReuseAddress(on); } public boolean getReuseAddress() throws SocketException { return serverSocket.getReuseAddress(); } public String toString() { return serverSocket.toString(); } public void setReceiveBufferSize(int size) throws SocketException { serverSocket.setReceiveBufferSize(size); } public int getReceiveBufferSize() throws SocketException { return serverSocket.getReceiveBufferSize(); } } }
PipeWriter plugs together two pairs of input and output streams by providing readers for input streams and writing through to appropriate output streams. Both output streams are annotated on a per-line basis.
Author:Laird Dornin, much code borrowed from Peter Jones, Ken Arnold and Ann Wollrath.
/** * PipeWriter plugs together two pairs of input and output streams by * providing readers for input streams and writing through to * appropriate output streams. Both output streams are annotated on a * per-line basis. * * @author Laird Dornin, much code borrowed from Peter Jones, Ken * Arnold and Ann Wollrath. */
class PipeWriter implements Runnable {
stream used for buffering lines
/** stream used for buffering lines */
private ByteArrayOutputStream bufOut;
count since last separator
/** count since last separator */
private int cLast;
current chunk of input being compared to lineSeparator.
/** current chunk of input being compared to lineSeparator.*/
private byte[] currSep; private PrintWriter out; private InputStream in; private String pipeString; private String execString; private static String lineSeparator; private static int lineSeparatorLength; private static int numExecs = 0; static { lineSeparator = AccessController.doPrivileged( (PrivilegedAction<String>) () -> System.getProperty("line.separator")); lineSeparatorLength = lineSeparator.length(); }
Create a new PipeWriter object. All methods of PipeWriter, except plugTogetherPair, are only accesible to PipeWriter itself. Synchronization is unnecessary on functions that will only be used internally in PipeWriter.
  • in – input stream from which pipe input flows
  • out – output stream to which log messages will be sent
  • dest – String which tags output stream as 'out' or 'err'
  • nExecs – number of execed processes, Activation groups.
/** * Create a new PipeWriter object. All methods of PipeWriter, * except plugTogetherPair, are only accesible to PipeWriter * itself. Synchronization is unnecessary on functions that will * only be used internally in PipeWriter. * * @param in input stream from which pipe input flows * @param out output stream to which log messages will be sent * @param dest String which tags output stream as 'out' or 'err' * @param nExecs number of execed processes, Activation groups. */
private PipeWriter (InputStream in, OutputStream out, String tag, int nExecs) { this.in = in; this.out = new PrintWriter(out); bufOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); currSep = new byte[lineSeparatorLength]; /* set unique pipe/pair annotations */ execString = ":ExecGroup-" + Integer.toString(nExecs) + ':' + tag + ':'; }
Create a thread to listen and read from input stream, in. buffer the data that is read until a marker which equals lineSeparator is read. Once such a string has been discovered; write out an annotation string followed by the buffered data and a line separator.
/** * Create a thread to listen and read from input stream, in. buffer * the data that is read until a marker which equals lineSeparator * is read. Once such a string has been discovered; write out an * annotation string followed by the buffered data and a line * separator. */
public void run() { byte[] buf = new byte[256]; int count; try { /* read bytes till there are no more. */ while ((count = in.read(buf)) != -1) { write(buf, 0, count); } /* flush internal buffer... may not have ended on a line * separator, we also need a last annotation if * something was left. */ String lastInBuffer = bufOut.toString(); bufOut.reset(); if (lastInBuffer.length() > 0) { out.println (createAnnotation() + lastInBuffer); out.flush(); // add a line separator // to make output nicer } } catch (IOException e) { } }
Write a subarray of bytes. Pass each through write byte method.
/** * Write a subarray of bytes. Pass each through write byte method. */
private void write(byte b[], int off, int len) throws IOException { if (len < 0) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(len); } for (int i = 0; i < len; ++ i) { write(b[off + i]); } }
Write a byte of data to the stream. If we have not matched a line separator string, then the byte is appended to the internal buffer. If we have matched a line separator, then the currently buffered line is sent to the output writer with a prepended annotation string.
/** * Write a byte of data to the stream. If we have not matched a * line separator string, then the byte is appended to the internal * buffer. If we have matched a line separator, then the currently * buffered line is sent to the output writer with a prepended * annotation string. */
private void write(byte b) throws IOException { int i = 0; /* shift current to the left */ for (i = 1 ; i < (currSep.length); i ++) { currSep[i-1] = currSep[i]; } currSep[i-1] = b; bufOut.write(b); /* enough characters for a separator? */ if ( (cLast >= (lineSeparatorLength - 1)) && (lineSeparator.equals(new String(currSep))) ) { cLast = 0; /* write prefix through to underlying byte stream */ out.print(createAnnotation() + bufOut.toString()); out.flush(); bufOut.reset(); if (out.checkError()) { throw new IOException ("PipeWriter: IO Exception when"+ " writing to output stream."); } } else { cLast++; } }
Create an annotation string to be printed out after a new line and end of stream.
/** * Create an annotation string to be printed out after * a new line and end of stream. */
private String createAnnotation() { /* construct prefix for log messages: * date/time stamp... */ return ((new Date()).toString() + /* ... print pair # ... */ (execString)); }
Allow plugging together two pipes at a time, to associate output from an execed process. This is the only publicly accessible method of this object; this helps ensure that synchronization will not be an issue in the annotation process.
  • in – input stream from which pipe input comes
  • out – output stream to which log messages will be sent
  • in1 – input stream from which pipe input comes
  • out1 – output stream to which log messages will be sent
/** * Allow plugging together two pipes at a time, to associate * output from an execed process. This is the only publicly * accessible method of this object; this helps ensure that * synchronization will not be an issue in the annotation * process. * * @param in input stream from which pipe input comes * @param out output stream to which log messages will be sent * @param in1 input stream from which pipe input comes * @param out1 output stream to which log messages will be sent */
static void plugTogetherPair(InputStream in, OutputStream out, InputStream in1, OutputStream out1) { Thread inThread = null; Thread outThread = null; int nExecs = getNumExec(); /* start RMI threads to read output from child process */ inThread = AccessController.doPrivileged( new NewThreadAction(new PipeWriter(in, out, "out", nExecs), "out", true)); outThread = AccessController.doPrivileged( new NewThreadAction(new PipeWriter(in1, out1, "err", nExecs), "err", true)); inThread.start(); outThread.start(); } private static synchronized int getNumExec() { return numExecs++; } }