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package com.sun.tools.internal.xjc.reader.internalizer;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException;
import javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller;
import javax.xml.bind.UnmarshallerHandler;
import javax.xml.validation.ValidatorHandler;

import com.sun.istack.internal.NotNull;
import com.sun.istack.internal.SAXParseException2;
import com.sun.tools.internal.xjc.ErrorReceiver;
import com.sun.tools.internal.xjc.reader.xmlschema.bindinfo.BIDeclaration;
import com.sun.tools.internal.xjc.reader.xmlschema.bindinfo.BindInfo;
import com.sun.tools.internal.xjc.util.ForkContentHandler;
import com.sun.tools.internal.xjc.util.DOMUtils;
import com.sun.xml.internal.xsom.SCD;
import com.sun.xml.internal.xsom.XSAnnotation;
import com.sun.xml.internal.xsom.XSComponent;
import com.sun.xml.internal.xsom.XSSchemaSet;

import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException;

Set of binding nodes that have target nodes specified via SCD. This is parsed during Internalizer works on the tree, but applying this has to wait for XSSchemaSet to be parsed.
Author:Kohsuke Kawaguchi
See Also:
/** * Set of binding nodes that have target nodes specified via SCD. * * This is parsed during {@link Internalizer} works on the tree, * but applying this has to wait for {@link XSSchemaSet} to be parsed. * * @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi * @see SCD */
public final class SCDBasedBindingSet {
Represents the target schema component of the customization identified by SCD.
Author:Kohsuke Kawaguchi
/** * Represents the target schema component of the * customization identified by SCD. * * @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi */
final class Target {
SCDs can be specified via multiple steps, like:

<bindings scd="foo/bar">
  <bindings scd="zot/xyz">
This field and nextSibling form a single-linked list that represent the children that shall be evaluated within this target. Think of it as List<Target>.
/** * SCDs can be specified via multiple steps, like: * * <pre>{@code * <bindings scd="foo/bar"> * <bindings scd="zot/xyz"> * }</pre> * * This field and {@link #nextSibling} form a single-linked list that * represent the children that shall be evaluated within this target. * Think of it as {@code List<Target>}. */
private Target firstChild; private final Target nextSibling;
Compiled SCD.
/** * Compiled SCD. */
private final @NotNull SCD scd;
The element on which SCD was found.
/** * The element on which SCD was found. */
private final @NotNull Element src;
Bindings that apply to this SCD.
/** * Bindings that apply to this SCD. */
private final List<Element> bindings = new ArrayList<Element>(); private Target(Target parent, Element src, SCD scd) { if(parent==null) { this.nextSibling = topLevel; topLevel = this; } else { this.nextSibling = parent.firstChild; parent.firstChild = this; } this.src = src; this.scd = scd; }
Adds a new binding declaration to be associated to the schema component identified by scd.
/** * Adds a new binding declaration to be associated to the schema component * identified by {@link #scd}. */
void addBinidng(Element binding) { bindings.add(binding); }
Applies bindings to the schema component for this and its siblings.
/** * Applies bindings to the schema component for this and its siblings. */
private void applyAll(Collection<? extends XSComponent> contextNode) { for( Target self=this; self!=null; self=self.nextSibling ) self.apply(contextNode); }
Applies bindings to the schema component for just this node.
/** * Applies bindings to the schema component for just this node. */
private void apply(Collection<? extends XSComponent> contextNode) { // apply the SCD... Collection<XSComponent> childNodes = scd.select(contextNode); if(childNodes.isEmpty()) { // no node matched if(src.getAttributeNode("if-exists")!=null) { // if this attribute exists, it's not an error if SCD didn't match. return; } reportError( src, Messages.format(Messages.ERR_SCD_EVALUATED_EMPTY,scd) ); return; } if(firstChild!=null) firstChild.applyAll(childNodes); if(!bindings.isEmpty()) { // error to match more than one components Iterator<XSComponent> itr = childNodes.iterator(); XSComponent target = itr.next(); if(itr.hasNext()) { reportError( src, Messages.format(Messages.ERR_SCD_MATCHED_MULTIPLE_NODES,scd,childNodes.size()) ); errorReceiver.error( target.getLocator(), Messages.format(Messages.ERR_SCD_MATCHED_MULTIPLE_NODES_FIRST) ); errorReceiver.error( itr.next().getLocator(), Messages.format(Messages.ERR_SCD_MATCHED_MULTIPLE_NODES_SECOND) ); } // apply bindings to the target for (Element binding : bindings) { for (Element item : DOMUtils.getChildElements(binding)) { String localName = item.getLocalName(); if ("bindings".equals(localName)) continue; // this should be already in Target.bindings of some SpecVersion. try { new DOMForestScanner(forest).scan(item,loader); BIDeclaration decl = (BIDeclaration)unmarshaller.getResult(); // add this binding to the target XSAnnotation ann = target.getAnnotation(true); BindInfo bi = (BindInfo)ann.getAnnotation(); if(bi==null) { bi = new BindInfo(); ann.setAnnotation(bi); } bi.addDecl(decl); } catch (SAXException e) { // the error should have already been reported. } catch (JAXBException e) { // if validation didn't fail, then unmarshalling can't go wrong throw new AssertionError(e); } } } } } } private Target topLevel;
The forest where binding elements came from. Needed to report line numbers for errors.
/** * The forest where binding elements came from. Needed to report line numbers for errors. */
private final DOMForest forest; // variables used only during the apply method // private ErrorReceiver errorReceiver; private UnmarshallerHandler unmarshaller; private ForkContentHandler loader; // unmarshaller+validator SCDBasedBindingSet(DOMForest forest) { this.forest = forest; } Target createNewTarget(Target parent, Element src, SCD scd) { return new Target(parent,src,scd); }
Applies the additional binding customizations.
/** * Applies the additional binding customizations. */
public void apply(XSSchemaSet schema, ErrorReceiver errorReceiver) { if(topLevel!=null) { this.errorReceiver = errorReceiver; Unmarshaller u = BindInfo.getCustomizationUnmarshaller(); this.unmarshaller = u.getUnmarshallerHandler(); ValidatorHandler v = BindInfo.bindingFileSchema.newValidator(); v.setErrorHandler(errorReceiver); loader = new ForkContentHandler(v,unmarshaller); topLevel.applyAll(schema.getSchemas()); this.loader = null; this.unmarshaller = null; this.errorReceiver = null; } } private void reportError( Element errorSource, String formattedMsg ) { reportError( errorSource, formattedMsg, null ); } private void reportError( Element errorSource, String formattedMsg, Exception nestedException ) { SAXParseException e = new SAXParseException2( formattedMsg, forest.locatorTable.getStartLocation(errorSource), nestedException ); errorReceiver.error(e); } }