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 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
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 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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 * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
 * RMI-IIOP v1.0
 * Copyright IBM Corp. 1998 1999  All Rights Reserved

package com.sun.corba.se.impl.io;

import javax.rmi.CORBA.Util;

import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.io.IOException;

import com.sun.corba.se.impl.util.RepositoryId;
import com.sun.corba.se.impl.util.Utility;

import org.omg.CORBA.TCKind;

import org.omg.CORBA.portable.IndirectionException;
import com.sun.org.omg.SendingContext.CodeBase;
import com.sun.org.omg.SendingContext.CodeBaseHelper;

import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
import java.security.PrivilegedExceptionAction;

import com.sun.corba.se.spi.logging.CORBALogDomains;
import com.sun.corba.se.impl.logging.OMGSystemException;
import com.sun.corba.se.impl.logging.UtilSystemException;

public final class ValueHandlerImpl implements javax.rmi.CORBA.ValueHandlerMultiFormat {

    // Property to override our maximum stream format version
    public static final String FORMAT_VERSION_PROPERTY
        = "com.sun.CORBA.MaxStreamFormatVersion";

    private static final byte MAX_SUPPORTED_FORMAT_VERSION = (byte)2;
    private static final byte STREAM_FORMAT_VERSION_1 = (byte)1;

    // The ValueHandler's maximum stream format version to advertise,
    // set in a static initializer.
    private static final byte MAX_STREAM_FORMAT_VERSION;

    static {
        MAX_STREAM_FORMAT_VERSION = getMaxStreamFormatVersion();

    // Looks for the FORMAT_VERSION_PROPERTY system property
    // to allow the user to override our default stream format
    // version.  Note that this still only allows them to pick
    // a supported version (1 through MAX_STREAM_FORMAT_VERSION).
    private static byte getMaxStreamFormatVersion() {

        try {

            String propValue = (String) AccessController.doPrivileged(
                                        new PrivilegedAction() {
                public java.lang.Object run() {
                    return System.getProperty(ValueHandlerImpl.FORMAT_VERSION_PROPERTY);

            // The property wasn't set
            if (propValue == null)
                return MAX_SUPPORTED_FORMAT_VERSION;

            byte result = Byte.parseByte(propValue);

            // or really let the system shutdown with this Error?
            if (result < 1 || result > MAX_SUPPORTED_FORMAT_VERSION)
                // XXX I18N, logging needed.
                throw new ExceptionInInitializerError("Invalid stream format version: "
                                                      + result
                                                      + ".  Valid range is 1 through "
                                                      + MAX_SUPPORTED_FORMAT_VERSION);

            return result;

        } catch (Exception ex) {
            // REVISIT.  Swallow this or really let
            // the system shutdown with this Error?

            Error err = new ExceptionInInitializerError(ex);
            err.initCause( ex ) ;
            throw err ;

    public static final short kRemoteType = 0;
    public static final short kAbstractType = 1;
    public static final short kValueType = 2;

    private Hashtable inputStreamPairs = null;
    private Hashtable outputStreamPairs = null;
    private CodeBase codeBase = null;
    private boolean useHashtables = true;
    private boolean isInputStream = true;
    private IIOPOutputStream outputStreamBridge = null;
    private IIOPInputStream inputStreamBridge = null;
    private OMGSystemException omgWrapper = OMGSystemException.get(
        CORBALogDomains.RPC_ENCODING ) ;
    private UtilSystemException utilWrapper = UtilSystemException.get(
        CORBALogDomains.RPC_ENCODING ) ;

    // See javax.rmi.CORBA.ValueHandlerMultiFormat
    public byte getMaximumStreamFormatVersion() {

    // See javax.rmi.CORBA.ValueHandlerMultiFormat
    public void writeValue(org.omg.CORBA.portable.OutputStream out,
                           java.io.Serializable value,
                           byte streamFormatVersion) {

        if (streamFormatVersion == 2) {
            if (!(out instanceof org.omg.CORBA.portable.ValueOutputStream)) {
                throw omgWrapper.notAValueoutputstream() ;
        } else if (streamFormatVersion != 1) {
            throw omgWrapper.invalidStreamFormatVersion(
                new Integer(streamFormatVersion) ) ;

        writeValueWithVersion(out, value, streamFormatVersion);

    private ValueHandlerImpl(){}

    private ValueHandlerImpl(boolean isInputStream) {
        useHashtables = false;
        this.isInputStream = isInputStream;

    static ValueHandlerImpl getInstance() {
        return new ValueHandlerImpl();

    static ValueHandlerImpl getInstance(boolean isInputStream) {
        return new ValueHandlerImpl(isInputStream);

Writes the value to the stream using java semantics.
  • out – The stream to write the value to
  • value – The value to be written to the stream
/** * Writes the value to the stream using java semantics. * @param out The stream to write the value to * @param value The value to be written to the stream **/
public void writeValue(org.omg.CORBA.portable.OutputStream out, java.io.Serializable value) { writeValueWithVersion(out, value, STREAM_FORMAT_VERSION_1); } private void writeValueWithVersion(org.omg.CORBA.portable.OutputStream _out, java.io.Serializable value, byte streamFormatVersion) { org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable.OutputStream out = (org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable.OutputStream) _out; if (!useHashtables) { if (outputStreamBridge == null) { outputStreamBridge = createOutputStream(); outputStreamBridge.setOrbStream(out); } try { outputStreamBridge.increaseRecursionDepth(); writeValueInternal(outputStreamBridge, out, value, streamFormatVersion); } finally { outputStreamBridge.decreaseRecursionDepth(); } return; } IIOPOutputStream jdkToOrbOutputStreamBridge = null; if (outputStreamPairs == null) outputStreamPairs = new Hashtable(); jdkToOrbOutputStreamBridge = (IIOPOutputStream)outputStreamPairs.get(_out); if (jdkToOrbOutputStreamBridge == null) { jdkToOrbOutputStreamBridge = createOutputStream(); jdkToOrbOutputStreamBridge.setOrbStream(out); outputStreamPairs.put(_out, jdkToOrbOutputStreamBridge); } try { jdkToOrbOutputStreamBridge.increaseRecursionDepth(); writeValueInternal(jdkToOrbOutputStreamBridge, out, value, streamFormatVersion); } finally { if (jdkToOrbOutputStreamBridge.decreaseRecursionDepth() == 0) { outputStreamPairs.remove(_out); } } } private void writeValueInternal(IIOPOutputStream bridge, org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable.OutputStream out, java.io.Serializable value, byte streamFormatVersion) { Class clazz = value.getClass(); if (clazz.isArray()) write_Array(out, value, clazz.getComponentType()); else bridge.simpleWriteObject(value, streamFormatVersion); }
Reads a value from the stream using java semantics.
  • in – The stream to read the value from
  • clazz – The type of the value to be read in
  • rt – The sending context runtime
/** * Reads a value from the stream using java semantics. * @param in The stream to read the value from * @param clazz The type of the value to be read in * @param rt The sending context runtime **/
public java.io.Serializable readValue(org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream in, int offset, java.lang.Class clazz, String repositoryID, org.omg.SendingContext.RunTime rt) { // Must use narrow rather than a direct cast to a com.sun // class. Fix for bug 4379539. CodeBase sender = CodeBaseHelper.narrow(rt); org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable.InputStream inStream = (org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable.InputStream) in; if (!useHashtables) { if (inputStreamBridge == null) { inputStreamBridge = createInputStream(); inputStreamBridge.setOrbStream(inStream); inputStreamBridge.setSender(sender); //d11638 // backward compatability 4365188 inputStreamBridge.setValueHandler(this); } java.io.Serializable result = null; try { inputStreamBridge.increaseRecursionDepth(); result = (java.io.Serializable) readValueInternal(inputStreamBridge, inStream, offset, clazz, repositoryID, sender); } finally { if (inputStreamBridge.decreaseRecursionDepth() == 0) { // Indirections are resolved immediately since // the change to the active recursion manager, // so this will never happen. } } return result; } IIOPInputStream jdkToOrbInputStreamBridge = null; if (inputStreamPairs == null) inputStreamPairs = new Hashtable(); jdkToOrbInputStreamBridge = (IIOPInputStream)inputStreamPairs.get(in); if (jdkToOrbInputStreamBridge == null) { jdkToOrbInputStreamBridge = createInputStream(); jdkToOrbInputStreamBridge.setOrbStream(inStream); jdkToOrbInputStreamBridge.setSender(sender); //d11638 // backward compatability 4365188 jdkToOrbInputStreamBridge.setValueHandler(this); inputStreamPairs.put(in, jdkToOrbInputStreamBridge); } java.io.Serializable result = null; try { jdkToOrbInputStreamBridge.increaseRecursionDepth(); result = (java.io.Serializable) readValueInternal(jdkToOrbInputStreamBridge, inStream, offset, clazz, repositoryID, sender); } finally { if (jdkToOrbInputStreamBridge.decreaseRecursionDepth() == 0) { inputStreamPairs.remove(in); } } return result; } private java.io.Serializable readValueInternal(IIOPInputStream bridge, org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable.InputStream in, int offset, java.lang.Class clazz, String repositoryID, com.sun.org.omg.SendingContext.CodeBase sender) { java.io.Serializable result = null; if (clazz == null) { // clazz == null indicates an FVD situation for a nonexistant class if (isArray(repositoryID)){ read_Array(bridge, in, null, sender, offset); } else { bridge.simpleSkipObject(repositoryID, sender); } return result; } if (clazz.isArray()) { result = (java.io.Serializable)read_Array(bridge, in, clazz, sender, offset); } else { result = (java.io.Serializable)bridge.simpleReadObject(clazz, repositoryID, sender, offset); } return result; }
Returns the repository ID for the given RMI value Class.
  • clz – The class to return a repository ID for.
Returns:the repository ID of the Class.
/** * Returns the repository ID for the given RMI value Class. * @param clz The class to return a repository ID for. * @return the repository ID of the Class. **/
public java.lang.String getRMIRepositoryID(java.lang.Class clz) { return RepositoryId.createForJavaType(clz); }
Indicates whether the given Class performs custom or default marshaling.
  • clz – The class to test for custom marshaling.
Returns:True if the class performs custom marshaling, false if it does not.
/** * Indicates whether the given Class performs custom or * default marshaling. * @param clz The class to test for custom marshaling. * @return True if the class performs custom marshaling, false * if it does not. **/
public boolean isCustomMarshaled(java.lang.Class clz) { return ObjectStreamClass.lookup(clz).isCustomMarshaled(); }
Returns the CodeBase for this ValueHandler. This is used by the ORB runtime. The server sends the service context containing the IOR for this CodeBase on the first GIOP reply. The clients do the same on the first GIOP request.
Returns:the SendingContext.CodeBase of this ValueHandler.
/** * Returns the CodeBase for this ValueHandler. This is used by * the ORB runtime. The server sends the service context containing * the IOR for this CodeBase on the first GIOP reply. The clients * do the same on the first GIOP request. * @return the SendingContext.CodeBase of this ValueHandler. **/
public org.omg.SendingContext.RunTime getRunTimeCodeBase() { if (codeBase != null) return codeBase; else { codeBase = new FVDCodeBaseImpl(); // backward compatability 4365188 // set the valueHandler so that correct/incorrect RepositoryID // calculations can be done based on the ORB version FVDCodeBaseImpl fvdImpl = (FVDCodeBaseImpl) codeBase; fvdImpl.setValueHandler(this); return codeBase; } } // methods supported for backward compatability so that the appropriate // Rep-id calculations take place based on the ORB version
Returns a boolean of whether or not RepositoryId indicates FullValueDescriptor. used for backward compatability
/** * Returns a boolean of whether or not RepositoryId indicates * FullValueDescriptor. * used for backward compatability */
public boolean useFullValueDescription(Class clazz, String repositoryID) throws IOException { return RepositoryId.useFullValueDescription(clazz, repositoryID); } public String getClassName(String id) { RepositoryId repID = RepositoryId.cache.getId(id); return repID.getClassName(); } public Class getClassFromType(String id) throws ClassNotFoundException { RepositoryId repId = RepositoryId.cache.getId(id); return repId.getClassFromType(); } public Class getAnyClassFromType(String id) throws ClassNotFoundException { RepositoryId repId = RepositoryId.cache.getId(id); return repId.getAnyClassFromType(); } public String createForAnyType(Class cl) { return RepositoryId.createForAnyType(cl); } public String getDefinedInId(String id) { RepositoryId repId = RepositoryId.cache.getId(id); return repId.getDefinedInId(); } public String getUnqualifiedName(String id) { RepositoryId repId = RepositoryId.cache.getId(id); return repId.getUnqualifiedName(); } public String getSerialVersionUID(String id) { RepositoryId repId = RepositoryId.cache.getId(id); return repId.getSerialVersionUID(); } public boolean isAbstractBase(Class clazz) { return RepositoryId.isAbstractBase(clazz); } public boolean isSequence(String id) { RepositoryId repId = RepositoryId.cache.getId(id); return repId.isSequence(); }
If the value contains a writeReplace method then the result is returned. Otherwise, the value itself is returned.
Returns:the true value to marshal on the wire.
/** * If the value contains a writeReplace method then the result * is returned. Otherwise, the value itself is returned. * @return the true value to marshal on the wire. **/
public java.io.Serializable writeReplace(java.io.Serializable value) { return ObjectStreamClass.lookup(value.getClass()).writeReplace(value); } private void writeCharArray(org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable.OutputStream out, char[] array, int offset, int length) { out.write_wchar_array(array, offset, length); } private void write_Array(org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable.OutputStream out, java.io.Serializable obj, Class type) { int i, length; if (type.isPrimitive()) { if (type == Integer.TYPE) { int[] array = (int[])((Object)obj); length = array.length; out.write_ulong(length); out.write_long_array(array, 0, length); } else if (type == Byte.TYPE) { byte[] array = (byte[])((Object)obj); length = array.length; out.write_ulong(length); out.write_octet_array(array, 0, length); } else if (type == Long.TYPE) { long[] array = (long[])((Object)obj); length = array.length; out.write_ulong(length); out.write_longlong_array(array, 0, length); } else if (type == Float.TYPE) { float[] array = (float[])((Object)obj); length = array.length; out.write_ulong(length); out.write_float_array(array, 0, length); } else if (type == Double.TYPE) { double[] array = (double[])((Object)obj); length = array.length; out.write_ulong(length); out.write_double_array(array, 0, length); } else if (type == Short.TYPE) { short[] array = (short[])((Object)obj); length = array.length; out.write_ulong(length); out.write_short_array(array, 0, length); } else if (type == Character.TYPE) { char[] array = (char[])((Object)obj); length = array.length; out.write_ulong(length); writeCharArray(out, array, 0, length); } else if (type == Boolean.TYPE) { boolean[] array = (boolean[])((Object)obj); length = array.length; out.write_ulong(length); out.write_boolean_array(array, 0, length); } else { // XXX I18N, logging needed. throw new Error("Invalid primitive type : " + obj.getClass().getName()); } } else if (type == java.lang.Object.class) { Object[] array = (Object[])((Object)obj); length = array.length; out.write_ulong(length); for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { Util.writeAny(out, array[i]); } } else { Object[] array = (Object[])((Object)obj); length = array.length; out.write_ulong(length); int callType = kValueType; if (type.isInterface()) { String className = type.getName(); if (java.rmi.Remote.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { // RMI Object reference... callType = kRemoteType; } else if (org.omg.CORBA.Object.class.isAssignableFrom(type)){ // IDL Object reference... callType = kRemoteType; } else if (RepositoryId.isAbstractBase(type)) { // IDL Abstract Object reference... callType = kAbstractType; } else if (ObjectStreamClassCorbaExt.isAbstractInterface(type)) { callType = kAbstractType; } } for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { switch (callType) { case kRemoteType: Util.writeRemoteObject(out, array[i]); break; case kAbstractType: Util.writeAbstractObject(out,array[i]); break; case kValueType: try{ out.write_value((java.io.Serializable)array[i]); } catch(ClassCastException cce){ if (array[i] instanceof java.io.Serializable) throw cce; else { Utility.throwNotSerializableForCorba( array[i].getClass().getName()); } } break; } } } } private void readCharArray(org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable.InputStream in, char[] array, int offset, int length) { in.read_wchar_array(array, offset, length); } private java.lang.Object read_Array(IIOPInputStream bridge, org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable.InputStream in, Class sequence, com.sun.org.omg.SendingContext.CodeBase sender, int offset) { try { // Read length of coming array int length = in.read_ulong(); int i; if (sequence == null) { for (i = 0; i < length; i++) in.read_value(); return null; } Class componentType = sequence.getComponentType(); Class actualType = componentType; if (componentType.isPrimitive()) { if (componentType == Integer.TYPE) { int[] array = new int[length]; in.read_long_array(array, 0, length); return ((java.io.Serializable)((Object)array)); } else if (componentType == Byte.TYPE) { byte[] array = new byte[length]; in.read_octet_array(array, 0, length); return ((java.io.Serializable)((Object)array)); } else if (componentType == Long.TYPE) { long[] array = new long[length]; in.read_longlong_array(array, 0, length); return ((java.io.Serializable)((Object)array)); } else if (componentType == Float.TYPE) { float[] array = new float[length]; in.read_float_array(array, 0, length); return ((java.io.Serializable)((Object)array)); } else if (componentType == Double.TYPE) { double[] array = new double[length]; in.read_double_array(array, 0, length); return ((java.io.Serializable)((Object)array)); } else if (componentType == Short.TYPE) { short[] array = new short[length]; in.read_short_array(array, 0, length); return ((java.io.Serializable)((Object)array)); } else if (componentType == Character.TYPE) { char[] array = new char[length]; readCharArray(in, array, 0, length); return ((java.io.Serializable)((Object)array)); } else if (componentType == Boolean.TYPE) { boolean[] array = new boolean[length]; in.read_boolean_array(array, 0, length); return ((java.io.Serializable)((Object)array)); } else { // XXX I18N, logging needed. throw new Error("Invalid primitive componentType : " + sequence.getName()); } } else if (componentType == java.lang.Object.class) { Object[] array = (Object[])java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance( componentType, length); // Store this object and its beginning position // since there might be indirections to it while // it's been unmarshalled. bridge.activeRecursionMgr.addObject(offset, array); for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { Object objectValue = null; try { objectValue = Util.readAny(in); } catch(IndirectionException cdrie) { try { // The CDR stream had never seen the given offset // before, so check the recursion manager (it will // throw an IOException if it doesn't have a // reference, either). objectValue = bridge.activeRecursionMgr.getObject( cdrie.offset); } catch (IOException ie) { // Translate to a MARSHAL exception since // ValueHandlers aren't allowed to throw // IOExceptions throw utilWrapper.invalidIndirection( ie, new Integer( cdrie.offset ) ) ; } } array[i] = objectValue; } return ((java.io.Serializable)((Object)array)); } else { Object[] array = (Object[])java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance( componentType, length); // Store this object and its beginning position // since there might be indirections to it while // it's been unmarshalled. bridge.activeRecursionMgr.addObject(offset, array); // Decide what method call to make based on the componentType. // If it is a componentType for which we need to load a stub, // convert the componentType to the correct stub type. int callType = kValueType; boolean narrow = false; if (componentType.isInterface()) { boolean loadStubClass = false; // String className = componentType.getName(); if (java.rmi.Remote.class.isAssignableFrom(componentType)) { // RMI Object reference... callType = kRemoteType; // for better performance, load the stub class once // instead of for each element of the array loadStubClass = true; } else if (org.omg.CORBA.Object.class.isAssignableFrom(componentType)){ // IDL Object reference... callType = kRemoteType; loadStubClass = true; } else if (RepositoryId.isAbstractBase(componentType)) { // IDL Abstract Object reference... callType = kAbstractType; loadStubClass = true; } else if (ObjectStreamClassCorbaExt.isAbstractInterface(componentType)) { // RMI Abstract Object reference... // componentType = null; callType = kAbstractType; } if (loadStubClass) { try { String codebase = Util.getCodebase(componentType); String repID = RepositoryId.createForAnyType(componentType); Class stubType = Utility.loadStubClass(repID, codebase, componentType); actualType = stubType; } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { narrow = true; } } else { narrow = true; } } for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { try { switch (callType) { case kRemoteType: if (!narrow) array[i] = (Object)in.read_Object(actualType); else { array[i] = Utility.readObjectAndNarrow(in, actualType); } break; case kAbstractType: if (!narrow) array[i] = (Object)in.read_abstract_interface(actualType); else { array[i] = Utility.readAbstractAndNarrow(in, actualType); } break; case kValueType: array[i] = (Object)in.read_value(actualType); break; } } catch(IndirectionException cdrie) { // The CDR stream had never seen the given offset before, // so check the recursion manager (it will throw an // IOException if it doesn't have a reference, either). try { array[i] = bridge.activeRecursionMgr.getObject( cdrie.offset); } catch (IOException ioe) { // Translate to a MARSHAL exception since // ValueHandlers aren't allowed to throw // IOExceptions throw utilWrapper.invalidIndirection( ioe, new Integer( cdrie.offset ) ) ; } } } return ((java.io.Serializable)((Object)array)); } } finally { // We've completed deserializing this object. Any // future indirections will be handled correctly at the // CDR level. The ActiveRecursionManager only deals with // objects currently being deserialized. bridge.activeRecursionMgr.removeObject(offset); } } private boolean isArray(String repId){ return RepositoryId.cache.getId(repId).isSequence(); } private String getOutputStreamClassName() { return "com.sun.corba.se.impl.io.IIOPOutputStream"; } private IIOPOutputStream createOutputStream() { final String name = getOutputStreamClassName(); try { IIOPOutputStream stream = createOutputStreamBuiltIn(name); if (stream != null) { return stream; } return createCustom(IIOPOutputStream.class, name); } catch (Throwable t) { // Throw exception under the carpet. InternalError ie = new InternalError( "Error loading " + name ); ie.initCause(t); throw ie; } }
Construct a built in implementation with priveleges. Returning null indicates a non-built is specified.
/** * Construct a built in implementation with priveleges. * Returning null indicates a non-built is specified. */
private IIOPOutputStream createOutputStreamBuiltIn( final String name ) throws Throwable { try { return AccessController.doPrivileged( new PrivilegedExceptionAction<IIOPOutputStream>() { public IIOPOutputStream run() throws IOException { return createOutputStreamBuiltInNoPriv(name); } } ); } catch (java.security.PrivilegedActionException exc) { throw exc.getCause(); } }
Returning null indicates a non-built is specified.
/** * Returning null indicates a non-built is specified. */
private IIOPOutputStream createOutputStreamBuiltInNoPriv( final String name ) throws IOException { return name.equals(IIOPOutputStream.class.getName()) ? new IIOPOutputStream() : null; } private String getInputStreamClassName() { return "com.sun.corba.se.impl.io.IIOPInputStream"; } private IIOPInputStream createInputStream() { final String name = getInputStreamClassName(); try { IIOPInputStream stream = createInputStreamBuiltIn(name); if (stream != null) { return stream; } return createCustom(IIOPInputStream.class, name); } catch (Throwable t) { // Throw exception under the carpet. InternalError ie = new InternalError( "Error loading " + name ); ie.initCause(t); throw ie; } }
Construct a built in implementation with priveleges. Returning null indicates a non-built is specified.
/** * Construct a built in implementation with priveleges. * Returning null indicates a non-built is specified. */
private IIOPInputStream createInputStreamBuiltIn( final String name ) throws Throwable { try { return AccessController.doPrivileged( new PrivilegedExceptionAction<IIOPInputStream>() { public IIOPInputStream run() throws IOException { return createInputStreamBuiltInNoPriv(name); } } ); } catch (java.security.PrivilegedActionException exc) { throw exc.getCause(); } }
Returning null indicates a non-built is specified.
/** * Returning null indicates a non-built is specified. */
private IIOPInputStream createInputStreamBuiltInNoPriv( final String name ) throws IOException { return name.equals(IIOPInputStream.class.getName()) ? new IIOPInputStream() : null; }
Create a custom implementation without privileges.
/** * Create a custom implementation without privileges. */
private <T> T createCustom( final Class<T> type, final String className ) throws Throwable { // Note: We use the thread context or system ClassLoader here // since we want to load classes outside of the // core JDK when running J2EE Pure ORB and // talking to Kestrel. ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); if (cl == null) cl = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader(); Class<?> clazz = cl.loadClass(className); Class<? extends T> streamClass = clazz.asSubclass(type); // Since the ClassLoader should cache the class, this isn't // as expensive as it looks. return streamClass.newInstance(); } TCKind getJavaCharTCKind() { return TCKind.tk_wchar; } }