package io.vertx.ext.web.api.contract.openapi3;

import io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI;
import io.swagger.v3.parser.OpenAPIV3Parser;
import io.swagger.v3.parser.ResolverCache;
import io.swagger.v3.parser.core.models.AuthorizationValue;
import io.swagger.v3.parser.core.models.SwaggerParseResult;
import io.vertx.codegen.annotations.Fluent;
import io.vertx.codegen.annotations.GenIgnore;
import io.vertx.codegen.annotations.VertxGen;
import io.vertx.core.*;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject;
import io.vertx.ext.web.RoutingContext;
import io.vertx.ext.web.api.contract.RouterFactory;
import io.vertx.ext.web.api.contract.RouterFactoryException;
import io.vertx.ext.web.api.contract.openapi3.impl.OpenAPI3RouterFactoryImpl;
import io.vertx.ext.web.api.contract.openapi3.impl.OpenApi3Utils;
import io.vertx.ext.web.handler.BodyHandler;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

Interface for OpenAPI3RouterFactory.
To add an handler, use addHandlerByOperationId(String, Handler<RoutingContext>)
Usage example:

OpenAPI3RouterFactory.create(vertx, "src/resources/spec.yaml", asyncResult -> {
 if (!asyncResult.succeeded()) {
    // IO failure or spec invalid
 } else {
    OpenAPI3RouterFactory routerFactory = asyncResult.result();
    routerFactory.addHandlerByOperationId("operation_id", routingContext -> {
       // Do something
    }, routingContext -> {
       // Do something with failure handler
    Router router = routerFactory.getRouter();

Handlers are loaded in this order:
  1. Body handler (Customizable with this#setBodyHandler(BodyHandler)
  2. Custom global handlers configurable with this#addGlobalHandler(Handler)
  3. Global security handlers defined in upper spec level
  4. Operation specific security handlers
  5. Generated validation handler
  6. User handlers or "Not implemented" handler
Author:Francesco Guardiani @slinkydeveloper
Deprecated:You should use the new module vertx-web-openapi
/** * Interface for OpenAPI3RouterFactory. <br/> * To add an handler, use {@link OpenAPI3RouterFactory#addHandlerByOperationId(String, Handler)}<br/> * Usage example: * <pre> * {@code * OpenAPI3RouterFactory.create(vertx, "src/resources/spec.yaml", asyncResult -> { * if (!asyncResult.succeeded()) { * // IO failure or spec invalid * } else { * OpenAPI3RouterFactory routerFactory = asyncResult.result(); * routerFactory.addHandlerByOperationId("operation_id", routingContext -> { * // Do something * }, routingContext -> { * // Do something with failure handler * }); * Router router = routerFactory.getRouter(); * } * }); * } * </pre> * <br/> * Handlers are loaded in this order:<br/> * <ol> * <li>Body handler (Customizable with {@link this#setBodyHandler(BodyHandler)}</li> * <li>Custom global handlers configurable with {@link this#addGlobalHandler(Handler)}</li> * <li>Global security handlers defined in upper spec level</li> * <li>Operation specific security handlers</li> * <li>Generated validation handler</li> * <li>User handlers or "Not implemented" handler</li> * </ol> * * @author Francesco Guardiani @slinkydeveloper * @deprecated You should use the new module vertx-web-openapi */
@VertxGen @Deprecated public interface OpenAPI3RouterFactory extends RouterFactory<OpenAPI> {
Add a particular scope validator. The main security schema will not be called if a specific scope validator is configured
  • securitySchemaName –
  • scopeName –
  • handler –
Returns:this factory
/** * Add a particular scope validator. The main security schema will not be called if a specific scope validator is * configured * * @param securitySchemaName * @param scopeName * @param handler * @return this factory */
@Fluent OpenAPI3RouterFactory addSecuritySchemaScopeValidator(String securitySchemaName, String scopeName, Handler<RoutingContext> handler);
Add an handler by operation_id field in Operation object
  • operationId –
  • handler –
Returns:this factory
/** * Add an handler by operation_id field in Operation object * * @param operationId * @param handler * @return this factory */
@Fluent OpenAPI3RouterFactory addHandlerByOperationId(String operationId, Handler<RoutingContext> handler);
Add a failure handler by operation_id field in Operation object
  • operationId –
  • failureHandler –
Returns:this factory
/** * Add a failure handler by operation_id field in Operation object * * @param operationId * @param failureHandler * @return this factory */
@Fluent OpenAPI3RouterFactory addFailureHandlerByOperationId(String operationId, Handler<RoutingContext> failureHandler);
Specify to route an incoming request for specified operation id to a Web Api Service mounted at the specified address on event bus. Please give a look at vertx-web-api-service documentation for more informations
  • operationId –
  • address –
Returns:this factory
/** * Specify to route an incoming request for specified operation id to a Web Api Service mounted at the specified address on event bus. Please give a look at <a href="">vertx-web-api-service documentation</a> for more informations * * @param operationId * @param address * @return this factory */
@Fluent OpenAPI3RouterFactory mountOperationToEventBus(String operationId, String address);
Specify to route an incoming request for all operations that contains the specified tag to a Web Api Service mounted at the specified address on event bus. The request is handled by the method that matches the operation id. Please give a look at vertx-web-api-service documentation for more informations
  • tag –
  • address –
Returns:this factory
/** * Specify to route an incoming request for all operations that contains the specified tag to a Web Api Service mounted at the specified address on event bus. * The request is handled by the method that matches the operation id. Please give a look at <a href="">vertx-web-api-service documentation</a> for more informations * * @param tag * @param address * @return this factory */
@Fluent OpenAPI3RouterFactory mountServiceFromTag(String tag, String address);
Introspect the OpenAPI spec to mount handlers for all operations that specifies a x-vertx-event-bus annotation. Please give a look at vertx-web-api-service documentation for more informations
Returns:this factory
/** * Introspect the OpenAPI spec to mount handlers for all operations that specifies a x-vertx-event-bus annotation. Please give a look at <a href="">vertx-web-api-service documentation</a> for more informations * * @return this factory */
@Fluent OpenAPI3RouterFactory mountServicesFromExtensions();
Introspect the Web Api Service interface to route to service all matching method names with operation ids. Please give a look at vertx-web-api-service documentation for more informations
Returns:this factory
/** * Introspect the Web Api Service interface to route to service all matching method names with operation ids. Please give a look at <a href="">vertx-web-api-service documentation</a> for more informations * * @return this factory */
@Fluent @GenIgnore OpenAPI3RouterFactory mountServiceInterface(Class interfaceClass, String address);
Create a new OpenAPI3RouterFactory
  • vertx –
  • url – location of your spec. It can be an absolute path, a local path or remote url (with HTTP protocol)
  • handler – When specification is loaded, this handler will be called with AsyncResult
/** * Create a new OpenAPI3RouterFactory * * @param vertx * @param url location of your spec. It can be an absolute path, a local path or remote url (with HTTP protocol) * @param handler When specification is loaded, this handler will be called with AsyncResult<OpenAPI3RouterFactory> */
static void create(Vertx vertx, String url, Handler<AsyncResult<OpenAPI3RouterFactory>> handler) { create(vertx, url, Collections.emptyList(), handler); }
  • vertx –
  • url – location of your spec. It can be an absolute path, a local path or remote url (with HTTP protocol)
See Also:
  • create.create(Vertx, String, Handler)
Returns:future When specification is loaded, this future will be called with AsyncResult
/** * @see OpenAPI3RouterFactory#create(Vertx, String, Handler) * @param vertx * @param url location of your spec. It can be an absolute path, a local path or remote url (with HTTP protocol) * @return future When specification is loaded, this future will be called with AsyncResult<OpenAPI3RouterFactory> */
static Future<OpenAPI3RouterFactory> create(Vertx vertx, String url) { Promise<OpenAPI3RouterFactory> promise = Promise.promise(); create(vertx, url, promise); return promise.future(); }
Create a new OpenAPI3RouterFactory
  • vertx –
  • url – location of your spec. It can be an absolute path, a local path or remote url (with HTTP protocol)
  • auth – list of authorization values needed to access the remote url. Each item should be json representation of an AuthorizationValue
  • handler – When specification is loaded, this handler will be called with AsyncResult
/** * Create a new OpenAPI3RouterFactory * * @param vertx * @param url location of your spec. It can be an absolute path, a local path or remote url (with HTTP protocol) * @param auth list of authorization values needed to access the remote url. Each item should be json representation * of an {@link AuthorizationValue} * @param handler When specification is loaded, this handler will be called with AsyncResult<OpenAPI3RouterFactory> */
static void create(Vertx vertx, String url, List<JsonObject> auth, Handler<AsyncResult<OpenAPI3RouterFactory>> handler) { List<AuthorizationValue> authorizationValues = .map(obj -> { AuthorizationValue authorizationValue = obj.mapTo(AuthorizationValue.class); authorizationValue.setUrlMatcher(u -> true); return authorizationValue; }) .collect(Collectors.toList()); vertx.executeBlocking((Promise<OpenAPI3RouterFactory> future) -> { SwaggerParseResult swaggerParseResult = new OpenAPIV3Parser() .readLocation(url, authorizationValues, OpenApi3Utils.getParseOptions()); if (swaggerParseResult.getMessages().isEmpty()) { future.complete(new OpenAPI3RouterFactoryImpl(vertx, swaggerParseResult.getOpenAPI(), new ResolverCache(swaggerParseResult.getOpenAPI(), null, url))); } else { if (swaggerParseResult.getMessages().size() == 1 && swaggerParseResult.getMessages().get(0).matches("Unable to read location `?\\Q" + url + "\\E`?")); else, ", "))); } }, handler); }
  • vertx –
  • url – location of your spec. It can be an absolute path, a local path or remote url (with HTTP protocol)
  • auth – list of authorization values needed to access the remote url. Each item should be json representation of an AuthorizationValue
See Also:
  • create.create(Vertx, String, Handler)
Returns:future When specification is loaded, this future will be called with AsyncResult
/** * @see OpenAPI3RouterFactory#create(Vertx, String, Handler) * @param vertx * @param url location of your spec. It can be an absolute path, a local path or remote url (with HTTP protocol) * @param auth list of authorization values needed to access the remote url. Each item should be json representation * of an {@link AuthorizationValue} * @return future When specification is loaded, this future will be called with AsyncResult<OpenAPI3RouterFactory> */
static Future<OpenAPI3RouterFactory> create(Vertx vertx, String url, List<JsonObject> auth) { Promise<OpenAPI3RouterFactory> promise = Promise.promise(); create(vertx, url, auth, promise); return promise.future(); } }