package io.vertx.ext.web.api.contract;

import io.vertx.codegen.annotations.Fluent;
import io.vertx.codegen.annotations.VertxGen;
import io.vertx.core.Handler;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject;
import io.vertx.ext.web.Router;
import io.vertx.ext.web.RoutingContext;
import io.vertx.ext.web.handler.BodyHandler;

import java.util.function.Function;

Main interface for Design Driven Router factory Author: Francesco Guardiani @slinkydeveloper
Deprecated:You should use the new module vertx-web-openapi
/** * Main interface for Design Driven Router factory * Author: Francesco Guardiani @slinkydeveloper * * @deprecated You should use the new module vertx-web-openapi */
@VertxGen(concrete = false) @Deprecated public interface RouterFactory<Specification> {
Mount to paths that have to follow a security schema a security handler
  • securitySchemaName –
  • handler –
/** * Mount to paths that have to follow a security schema a security handler * * @param securitySchemaName * @param handler * @return */
@Fluent RouterFactory addSecurityHandler(String securitySchemaName, Handler<RoutingContext> handler);
Set options of router factory. For more info RouterFactoryOptions
  • options –
/** * Set options of router factory. For more info {@link RouterFactoryOptions} * * @param options * @return */
@Fluent RouterFactory setOptions(RouterFactoryOptions options);
Get options of router factory. For more info RouterFactoryOptions
/** * Get options of router factory. For more info {@link RouterFactoryOptions} * * @return */
RouterFactoryOptions getOptions();
Construct a new router based on spec. It will fail if you are trying to mount a spec with security schemes without assigned handlers
Note: Router is constructed in this function, so it will be respected the path definition ordering.
/** * Construct a new router based on spec. It will fail if you are trying to mount a spec with security schemes * without assigned handlers<br/> * <b>Note:</b> Router is constructed in this function, so it will be respected the path definition ordering. * * @return */
Router getRouter();
Deprecated:Router Factory won't manage the validation errors anymore. You must use Router.errorHandler(int, Handler<RoutingContext>) with 400 error
/** * @deprecated Router Factory won't manage the validation errors anymore. You must use {@link io.vertx.ext.web.Router#errorHandler(int, Handler)} with 400 error */
@Deprecated Handler<RoutingContext> getValidationFailureHandler();
Set default validation failure handler. You can enable/disable this feature from RouterFactoryOptions.setMountValidationFailureHandler(boolean)
  • validationFailureHandler –
Returns:this object
Deprecated:Router Factory won't manage the validation errors anymore. You must use Router.errorHandler(int, Handler<RoutingContext>) with 400 error
/** * Set default validation failure handler. You can enable/disable this feature from * {@link RouterFactoryOptions#setMountValidationFailureHandler(boolean)} * * @param validationFailureHandler * @return this object * @deprecated Router Factory won't manage the validation errors anymore. You must use {@link io.vertx.ext.web.Router#errorHandler(int, Handler)} with 400 error */
@Fluent @Deprecated RouterFactory setValidationFailureHandler(Handler<RoutingContext> validationFailureHandler);
Set not implemented failure handler. It's called when you don't define an handler for a specific operation. You can enable/disable this feature from RouterFactoryOptions.setMountNotImplementedHandler(boolean)
  • notImplementedFailureHandler –
Returns:this object
Deprecated:You must use Router.errorHandler(int, Handler<RoutingContext>) with 501 error
/** * Set not implemented failure handler. It's called when you don't define an handler for a * specific operation. You can enable/disable this feature from * {@link RouterFactoryOptions#setMountNotImplementedHandler(boolean)} * * @param notImplementedFailureHandler * @return this object * @deprecated You must use {@link io.vertx.ext.web.Router#errorHandler(int, Handler)} with 501 error */
@Fluent @Deprecated RouterFactory setNotImplementedFailureHandler(Handler<RoutingContext> notImplementedFailureHandler);
Supply your own BodyHandler if you would like to control body limit, uploads directory and deletion of uploaded files
  • bodyHandler –
/** * Supply your own BodyHandler if you would like to control body limit, uploads directory and deletion of uploaded files * @param bodyHandler * @return self */
@Fluent RouterFactory setBodyHandler(BodyHandler bodyHandler);
Add global handler to be applied prior to Router being generated.
Please note that you should not add a body handler inside that list. If you want to modify the body handler, please use setBodyHandler(BodyHandler)
  • globalHandler –
Returns:this object
/** * Add global handler to be applied prior to {@link io.vertx.ext.web.Router} being generated. <br/> * Please note that you should not add a body handler inside that list. If you want to modify the body handler, please use {@link RouterFactory#setBodyHandler(BodyHandler)} * * @param globalHandler * @return this object */
@Fluent RouterFactory addGlobalHandler(Handler<RoutingContext> globalHandler);
When set, this function is called while creating the payload of OperationRequest
  • extraOperationContextPayloadMapper –
/** * When set, this function is called while creating the payload of {@link io.vertx.ext.web.api.OperationRequest} * @param extraOperationContextPayloadMapper * @return */
@Fluent RouterFactory setExtraOperationContextPayloadMapper(Function<RoutingContext, JsonObject> extraOperationContextPayloadMapper); }