package io.vertx.ext.web.api;

import io.vertx.codegen.annotations.DataObject;
import io.vertx.codegen.annotations.Fluent;
import io.vertx.core.MultiMap;
import io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject;

import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Function;

Deprecated:You should use the new module vertx-web-openapi
/** * @deprecated You should use the new module vertx-web-openapi */
@DataObject(generateConverter = true, publicConverter = false) @Deprecated public class OperationRequest {
Request parsedParameters as JSON
/** * Request parsedParameters as JSON */
private JsonObject params;
Request headers
/** * Request headers */
private MultiMap headers;
Contains routingContext.user().principal() if an user is authenticated
/** * Contains routingContext.user().principal() if an user is authenticated */
private JsonObject user;
Extra payload provided by RouterFactoryOptions.setExtraOperationContextPayloadMapper(Function)
/** * Extra payload provided by {@link io.vertx.ext.web.api.contract.RouterFactoryOptions#setExtraOperationContextPayloadMapper(Function)} */
private JsonObject extra; public OperationRequest() { init(); } public OperationRequest(JsonObject json) { init(); OperationRequestConverter.fromJson(json, this); JsonObject hdrs = json.getJsonObject("headers", null); if (hdrs != null) { headers = HttpHeaders.headers(); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry: hdrs) { if (!(entry.getValue() instanceof String)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid type for message header value " + entry.getValue().getClass()); } headers.set(entry.getKey(), (String)entry.getValue()); } } } public OperationRequest(JsonObject params, MultiMap headers, JsonObject user, JsonObject extra) { this.params = params; this.headers = headers; this.user = user; this.extra = extra; } public OperationRequest(OperationRequest other) { this.params = other.getParams(); this.headers = other.getHeaders(); this.user = other.getUser(); this.extra = other.getExtra(); } public JsonObject toJson() { JsonObject json = new JsonObject(); OperationRequestConverter.toJson(this, json); if (headers != null) { JsonObject hJson = new JsonObject(); headers.entries().forEach(entry -> hJson.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue())); json.put("headers", hJson); } return json; } private void init() { this.params = new JsonObject(); this.headers = MultiMap.caseInsensitiveMultiMap(); this.user = null; this.extra = null; }
Get request parsedParameters as JSON
/** * Get request parsedParameters as JSON */
public JsonObject getParams() { return params; }
Get request headers
/** * Get request headers */
public MultiMap getHeaders() { return headers; }
Get request principal user as routingContext.user().principal(), null if no user is authenticated
/** * Get request principal user as routingContext.user().principal(), null if no user is authenticated */
public JsonObject getUser() { return user; }
Get extra payload
/** * Get extra payload * @return */
public JsonObject getExtra() { return extra; } @Fluent public OperationRequest setParams(JsonObject params) { this.params = params; return this; } @Fluent public OperationRequest setHeaders(MultiMap headers) { this.headers = headers; return this; } @Fluent public OperationRequest setUser(JsonObject user) { this.user = user; return this; } @Fluent public OperationRequest setExtra(JsonObject extra) { this.extra = extra; return this; } }