 * Copyright 2019 Red Hat, Inc.
 * <p>
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * and Apache License v2.0 which accompanies this distribution.
 * <p>
 * The Eclipse Public License is available at
 * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
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 * The Apache License v2.0 is available at
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package io.vertx.redis.client;

import io.vertx.codegen.annotations.GenIgnore;
import io.vertx.codegen.annotations.VertxGen;
import io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer;

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
import java.util.stream.StreamSupport;

The response received from the REDIS server. Redis responses can have several representations:
  • simple string - C string
  • integer - 64bit integer value
  • bulk - byte array
  • multi - list
Due to the dynamic nature the response object will try to cast the received response to the desired type. A special case should be noted that multi responses are also handled by the response object as it implements the iterable interface. So in this case constructs like for loops on the response will give you access to the underlying elements.
Author:Paulo Lopes
/** * The response received from the REDIS server. Redis responses can have several representations: * * <ul> * <li>simple string - C string</li> * <li>integer - 64bit integer value</li> * <li>bulk - byte array</li> * <li>multi - list</li> * </ul> * * Due to the dynamic nature the response object will try to cast the received response to the desired type. A special * case should be noted that multi responses are also handled by the response object as it implements the iterable * interface. So in this case constructs like for loops on the response will give you access to the underlying elements. * * @author Paulo Lopes */
@VertxGen public interface Response extends Iterable<Response> {
The response return type.
Returns:the type.
/** * The response return type. * @return the type. */
ResponseType type();
RESP3 responses may include attributes
Returns:the a key value map of attributes to this response.
/** * RESP3 responses may include attributes * @return the a key value map of attributes to this response. */
default Map<String, Response> attributes() { return Collections.emptyMap(); }
Get this response as a String.
Returns:string value
/** * Get this response as a String. * @return string value */
@Override String toString();
Get this response as a Number. In contrast to other numeric getters, this will not perform any conversion if the underlying type is not numeric.
Returns:number value
/** * Get this response as a Number. In contrast to other numeric getters, this will not * perform any conversion if the underlying type is not numeric. * @return number value */
@GenIgnore(GenIgnore.PERMITTED_TYPE) default Number toNumber() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This type doesn't hold a Numeric type"); }
Get this response as a Double.
Returns:double value.
/** * Get this response as a Double. * @return double value. */
default Double toDouble() { final String msg = toString(); if (msg != null) { return Double.parseDouble(msg); } return null; }
Get this response as a Float.
Returns:double value.
/** * Get this response as a Float. * @return double value. */
default Float toFloat() { final String msg = toString(); if (msg != null) { return Float.parseFloat(msg); } return null; }
Get this response as a BigInteger.
Returns:long value.
/** * Get this response as a BigInteger. * @return long value. */
@GenIgnore(GenIgnore.PERMITTED_TYPE) default BigInteger toBigInteger() { final String msg = toString(); if (msg != null) { return new BigInteger(msg); } return null; }
Get this response as a Long.
Returns:long value.
/** * Get this response as a Long. * @return long value. */
default Long toLong() { final String msg = toString(); if (msg != null) { return Long.parseLong(msg); } return null; }
Get this response as a Integer.
Returns:int value.
/** * Get this response as a Integer. * @return int value. */
default Integer toInteger() { final String msg = toString(); if (msg != null) { return Integer.parseInt(msg); } return null; }
Get this response as a Short.
Returns:short value.
/** * Get this response as a Short. * @return short value. */
default Short toShort() { final String msg = toString(); if (msg != null) { return Short.parseShort(msg); } return null; }
Get this response as a Byte.
Returns:byte value.
/** * Get this response as a Byte. * @return byte value. */
default Byte toByte() { final String msg = toString(); if (msg != null) { return Byte.parseByte(msg); } return null; }
Get this response as a Boolean.
Returns:boolean value.
/** * Get this response as a Boolean. * @return boolean value. */
default Boolean toBoolean() { final String msg = toString(); if (msg != null) { // the format used by redis RESP3 is 't' for true, 'f' for false. return msg.length() == 1 && msg.charAt(0) == 't'; } return null; }
Get this response as a String encoded with the given charset.
Returns:String value.
/** * Get this response as a String encoded with the given charset. * @return String value. */
@GenIgnore(GenIgnore.PERMITTED_TYPE) default String toString(Charset encoding) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This type doesn't hold a Bulk type"); }
Get this response as Buffer.
Returns:buffer value.
/** * Get this response as Buffer. * @return buffer value. */
default Buffer toBuffer() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This type doesn't hold a Bulk type"); }
Get this response as a byte[].
Returns:byte[] value.
/** * Get this response as a byte[]. * @return byte[] value. */
@GenIgnore(GenIgnore.PERMITTED_TYPE) default byte[] toBytes() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This type doesn't hold a Bulk type"); }
Get this multi response value at a numerical index.
  • index – the required index.
Returns:Response value.
/** * Get this multi response value at a numerical index. * @param index the required index. * @return Response value. */
default Response get(int index) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This type doesn't hold an Array type"); }
Get this multi response value at a string key. Note that REDIS does not support strings as keys but by convention it encodes hashes in lists where index i is the key, and index i+1 is the value.
  • key – the required key.
Returns:Response value.
/** * Get this multi response value at a string key. Note that REDIS does not support strings as keys but by convention * it encodes hashes in lists where index i is the key, and index i+1 is the value. * @param key the required key. * @return Response value. */
default Response get(String key) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This type doesn't hold a Map type"); }
Does this multi response contains a string key. Note that REDIS does not support strings as keys but by convention it encodes hashes in lists where index i is the key, and index i+1 is the value.
  • key – the required key.
Returns:Response value.
/** * Does this multi response contains a string key. Note that REDIS does not support strings as keys but by convention * it encodes hashes in lists where index i is the key, and index i+1 is the value. * @param key the required key. * @return Response value. */
default boolean containsKey(String key) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This type doesn't hold a Map type"); }
Get this multi response keys from a hash. Note that REDIS does not support strings as keys but by convention it encodes hashes in lists where index i is the key, and index i+1 is the value.
Returns:the set of keys.
/** * Get this multi response keys from a hash. Note that REDIS does not support strings as keys but by convention * it encodes hashes in lists where index i is the key, and index i+1 is the value. * @return the set of keys. */
default Set<String> getKeys() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This type doesn't hold a Map type"); }
Get this size of this multi response.
Returns:the size of the multi.
/** * Get this size of this multi response. * @return the size of the multi. */
default int size() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This type doesn't hold an Array/Map type"); }
Return an iterator so it can be iterated using the foreach construct.
Returns:response iterator.
/** * Return an iterator so it can be iterated using the foreach construct. * @return response iterator. */
@Override @GenIgnore default Iterator<Response> iterator() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This type doesn't hold a Array type"); }
Return a stream of responses based on the iterable of this object.
Returns:a stream of response
/** * Return a stream of responses based on the iterable of this object. * @return a stream of response */
@GenIgnore default Stream<Response> stream() { return StreamSupport.stream(spliterator(), false); } }