package examples;

import io.vertx.core.*;
import io.vertx.redis.client.*;

These are the examples used in the documentation.
Author:Paulo Lopes
/** * These are the examples used in the documentation. * * @author <a href="">Paulo Lopes</a> */
public class RedisExamples { public void example1(Vertx vertx) { Redis.createClient(vertx) .connect() .onSuccess(conn -> { // use the connection }); } public void example2(Vertx vertx) { Redis.createClient( vertx, // The client handles REDIS URLs. The select database as per spec is the // numerical path of the URL and the password is the password field of // the URL authority "redis://:abracadabra@localhost:6379/1") .connect() .onSuccess(conn -> { // use the connection }); } public void example3(RedisConnection client) { // wrap the client in a API object that is aware // of the redis commands and it's arity RedisAPI redis = RedisAPI.api(client); redis .get("mykey") .onSuccess(value -> { // do something... }); } public void example4(Response response) { // this is a multi redis response (think of it as an array) if (response.type() == ResponseType.MULTI) { for (Response item : response) { // do something with item... } } } public void example5(Vertx vertx) { Redis.createClient( vertx, new RedisOptions() .setType(RedisClientType.SENTINEL) .addConnectionString("redis://") .addConnectionString("redis://") .addConnectionString("redis://") .setMasterName("sentinel7000") .setRole(RedisRole.MASTER)) .connect() .onSuccess(conn -> { conn.send(Request.cmd(Command.INFO)) .onSuccess(info -> { // do something... }); }); } public void example6() { final RedisOptions options = new RedisOptions() .addConnectionString("redis://") .addConnectionString("redis://") .addConnectionString("redis://") .addConnectionString("redis://") .addConnectionString("redis://") .addConnectionString("redis://"); } public void example7(Vertx vertx) { Redis.createClient(vertx, new RedisOptions()) .connect() .onSuccess(conn -> { conn.handler(message -> { // do whatever you need to do with your message }); }); } public void example8(RedisConnection redis) { redis.send(Request.cmd(Command.PUBLISH).arg("channel1").arg("Hello World!")) .onSuccess(res -> { // published! }); } public void example9(Vertx vertx) { Redis.createClient(vertx, "unix:///tmp/redis.sock") .connect() .onSuccess(conn -> { // so something... }); } public void example10() { class RedisVerticle extends AbstractVerticle { private static final int MAX_RECONNECT_RETRIES = 16; private final RedisOptions options = new RedisOptions(); private RedisConnection client; @Override public void start() { createRedisClient() .onSuccess(conn -> { // connected to redis! }); }
Will create a redis client and setup a reconnect handler when there is an exception in the connection.
/** * Will create a redis client and setup a reconnect handler when there is * an exception in the connection. */
private Future<RedisConnection> createRedisClient() { Promise<RedisConnection> promise = Promise.promise(); Redis.createClient(vertx, options) .connect() .onSuccess(conn -> { // make sure the client is reconnected on error conn.exceptionHandler(e -> { // attempt to reconnect, // if there is an unrecoverable error attemptReconnect(0); }); // allow further processing promise.complete(conn); }); return promise.future(); }
Attempt to reconnect up to MAX_RECONNECT_RETRIES
/** * Attempt to reconnect up to MAX_RECONNECT_RETRIES */
private void attemptReconnect(int retry) { if (retry > MAX_RECONNECT_RETRIES) { // we should stop now, as there's nothing we can do. } else { // retry with backoff up to 10240 ms long backoff = (long) (Math.pow(2, Math.min(retry, 10)) * 10); vertx.setTimer(backoff, timer -> { createRedisClient() .onFailure(t -> attemptReconnect(retry + 1)); }); } } } } public void example11(Vertx vertx) { Redis.createClient(vertx, "redis://localhost:7006") .send(Request.cmd(Command.PING)) .onSuccess(res -> { // Should have received a pong... }); } public void example12(Vertx vertx) { Redis.createClient( vertx, new RedisOptions() .setConnectionString("redis://localhost:7006") // allow at max 8 connections to redis .setMaxPoolSize(8) // allow 32 connection requests to queue waiting // for a connection to be available. .setMaxWaitingHandlers(32)) .send(Request.cmd(Command.PING)) .onSuccess(res -> { // Should have received a pong... }); } }