 * Copyright (c) 2011-2017 The original author or authors
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 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
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 *     The Eclipse Public License is available at
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package io.vertx.micrometer;

import io.micrometer.core.instrument.MeterRegistry;
import io.vertx.codegen.annotations.DataObject;
import io.vertx.codegen.annotations.GenIgnore;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject;
import io.vertx.core.metrics.MetricsOptions;

import java.util.*;

Vert.x micrometer configuration.

It is required to set either influxDbOptions, prometheusOptions or jmxMetricsOptions (or, programmatically, micrometerRegistry) in order to actually report metrics.

Author:Joel Takvorian
/** * Vert.x micrometer configuration. * <p> * It is required to set either {@code influxDbOptions}, {@code prometheusOptions} or {@code jmxMetricsOptions} * (or, programmatically, {@code micrometerRegistry}) in order to actually report metrics. * * @author Joel Takvorian */
@DataObject(generateConverter = true, inheritConverter = true) public class MicrometerMetricsOptions extends MetricsOptions {
Default registry name is 'default'
/** * Default registry name is 'default' */
public static final String DEFAULT_REGISTRY_NAME = "default";
Default label match for public http server: exclude remote label
/** * Default label match for public http server: exclude remote label */
public static final List<Label> DEFAULT_LABELS = Arrays.asList(Label.HTTP_METHOD, Label.HTTP_CODE, Label.POOL_TYPE, Label.EB_SIDE);
Whether JVM metrics should be collected by default = false.
/** * Whether JVM metrics should be collected by default = false. */
public static final boolean DEFAULT_JVM_METRICS_ENABLED = false; private Set<MetricsDomain> disabledMetricsCategories; private String registryName; private Set<Label> labels; private List<Match> labelMatches; private MeterRegistry micrometerRegistry; private VertxInfluxDbOptions influxDbOptions; private VertxPrometheusOptions prometheusOptions; private VertxJmxMetricsOptions jmxMetricsOptions; private boolean jvmMetricsEnabled;
Creates default options for Micrometer metrics.
/** * Creates default options for Micrometer metrics. */
public MicrometerMetricsOptions() { disabledMetricsCategories = EnumSet.noneOf(MetricsDomain.class); registryName = DEFAULT_REGISTRY_NAME; labels = EnumSet.copyOf(DEFAULT_LABELS); labelMatches = new ArrayList<>(); jvmMetricsEnabled = DEFAULT_JVM_METRICS_ENABLED; }
Creates new options object for Micrometer metrics, which is a copy of other.
/** * Creates new options object for Micrometer metrics, which is a copy of {@code other}. */
public MicrometerMetricsOptions(MicrometerMetricsOptions other) { super(other); disabledMetricsCategories = other.disabledMetricsCategories != null ? EnumSet.copyOf(other.disabledMetricsCategories) : EnumSet.noneOf(MetricsDomain.class); registryName = other.registryName; labels = other.labels != null ? EnumSet.copyOf(other.labels) : EnumSet.noneOf(Label.class); labelMatches = new ArrayList<>(other.labelMatches); micrometerRegistry = other.micrometerRegistry; if (other.influxDbOptions != null) { influxDbOptions = new VertxInfluxDbOptions(other.influxDbOptions); } if (other.prometheusOptions != null) { prometheusOptions = new VertxPrometheusOptions(other.prometheusOptions); } if (other.jmxMetricsOptions != null) { jmxMetricsOptions = new VertxJmxMetricsOptions(other.jmxMetricsOptions); } jvmMetricsEnabled = other.jvmMetricsEnabled; }
Creates new options object for Micrometer metrics from json input.
/** * Creates new options object for Micrometer metrics from {@code json} input. */
public MicrometerMetricsOptions(JsonObject json) { this(); MicrometerMetricsOptionsConverter.fromJson(json, this); labelMatches = loadLabelMatches(json); }
Returns:a JSON representation of these options
/** * @return a JSON representation of these options */
@Override public JsonObject toJson() { JsonObject json = new JsonObject(); MicrometerMetricsOptionsConverter.toJson(this, json); return json; } private List<Match> loadLabelMatches(JsonObject json) { List<Match> list = new ArrayList<>(); JsonArray monitored = json.getJsonArray("labelMatches", new JsonArray()); monitored.forEach(object -> { if (object instanceof JsonObject) list.add(new Match((JsonObject) object)); }); return list; }
Set whether metrics will be enabled on the Vert.x instance. Metrics are not enabled by default.
/** * Set whether metrics will be enabled on the Vert.x instance. Metrics are not enabled by default. */
@Override public MicrometerMetricsOptions setEnabled(boolean enable) { super.setEnabled(enable); return this; }
Returns:the disabled metrics types.
/** * @return the disabled metrics types. */
public Set<MetricsDomain> getDisabledMetricsCategories() { return disabledMetricsCategories; }
Sets metrics types that are disabled.
  • disabledMetricsCategories – to specify the set of metrics types to be disabled.
Returns:a reference to this, so that the API can be used fluently
/** * Sets metrics types that are disabled. * * @param disabledMetricsCategories to specify the set of metrics types to be disabled. * @return a reference to this, so that the API can be used fluently */
public MicrometerMetricsOptions setDisabledMetricsCategories(Set<MetricsDomain> disabledMetricsCategories) { this.disabledMetricsCategories = disabledMetricsCategories; return this; }
Set metric that will not be registered. Schedulers will check the set disabledMetricsCategories when registering metrics suppliers
  • metricsDomain – the type of metrics
Returns:a reference to this, so that the API can be used fluently
/** * Set metric that will not be registered. Schedulers will check the set {@code disabledMetricsCategories} when * registering metrics suppliers * * @param metricsDomain the type of metrics * @return a reference to this, so that the API can be used fluently */
@GenIgnore public MicrometerMetricsOptions addDisabledMetricsCategory(MetricsDomain metricsDomain) { if (disabledMetricsCategories == null) { disabledMetricsCategories = EnumSet.noneOf(MetricsDomain.class); } this.disabledMetricsCategories.add(metricsDomain); return this; }
Is the given metrics category disabled?
Returns:true if it is disabled
/** * Is the given metrics category disabled? * @return true if it is disabled */
@GenIgnore public boolean isMetricsCategoryDisabled(MetricsDomain metricsDomain) { return disabledMetricsCategories != null && disabledMetricsCategories.contains(metricsDomain); }
Get the metrics registry name set in these options
/** * Get the metrics registry name set in these options */
public String getRegistryName() { return registryName; }
Set a name for the metrics registry, so that a new registry will be created and associated with this name. If registryName is not provided (or null), a default registry will be used. If the same name is given to several Vert.x instances (within the same JVM), they will share the same registry.
  • registryName – a name to uniquely identify this registry
/** * Set a name for the metrics registry, so that a new registry will be created and associated with this name. * If {@code registryName} is not provided (or null), a default registry will be used. * If the same name is given to several Vert.x instances (within the same JVM), they will share the same registry. * @param registryName a name to uniquely identify this registry */
public MicrometerMetricsOptions setRegistryName(String registryName) { this.registryName = registryName; return this; }
Returns:the enabled labels.
/** * @return the enabled labels. */
public Set<Label> getLabels() { return labels; }
Sets enabled labels. These labels can be fine-tuned later on using Micrometer's Meter filters (see http://micrometer.io/docs/concepts#_meter_filters)
  • labels – the set of enabled labels - this set will replace any previously enabled labels, including the default ones
Returns:a reference to this, so that the API can be used fluently
/** * Sets enabled labels. These labels can be fine-tuned later on using Micrometer's Meter filters (see http://micrometer.io/docs/concepts#_meter_filters) * * @param labels the set of enabled labels - this set will replace any previously enabled labels, including the default ones * @return a reference to this, so that the API can be used fluently */
public MicrometerMetricsOptions setLabels(Set<Label> labels) { this.labels = labels; return this; }
Add a labels to enable. These labels can be fine-tuned later on using Micrometer's Meter filters (see http://micrometer.io/docs/concepts#_meter_filters)
  • labels – the labels to enable
Returns:a reference to this, so that the API can be used fluently
/** * Add a labels to enable. These labels can be fine-tuned later on using Micrometer's Meter filters (see http://micrometer.io/docs/concepts#_meter_filters) * * @param labels the labels to enable * @return a reference to this, so that the API can be used fluently */
@GenIgnore public MicrometerMetricsOptions addLabels(Label... labels) { if (this.labels == null) { this.labels = EnumSet.noneOf(Label.class); } this.labels.addAll(Arrays.asList(labels)); return this; }
Returns:the list of label matching rules
/** * @return the list of label matching rules */
public List<Match> getLabelMatches() { return labelMatches; }
Set a list of rules for label matching.
  • matches – the new list of rules
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Set a list of rules for label matching. * * @param matches the new list of rules * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
public MicrometerMetricsOptions setLabelMatches(List<Match> matches) { labelMatches = new ArrayList<>(matches); return this; }
Add a rule for label matching.
  • match – the label match
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Add a rule for label matching. * * @param match the label match * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
public MicrometerMetricsOptions addLabelMatch(Match match) { labelMatches.add(match); return this; }
Get the Micrometer MeterRegistry to be used by Vert.x, that has been previously set programmatically
Returns:the micrometer registry.
/** * Get the Micrometer MeterRegistry to be used by Vert.x, that has been previously set programmatically * * @return the micrometer registry. */
public MeterRegistry getMicrometerRegistry() { return micrometerRegistry; }
Programmatically set the Micrometer MeterRegistry to be used by Vert.x. This is useful in several scenarios, such as:
  • if there is already a MeterRegistry used in the application that should be used by Vert.x as well.
  • to define some backend configuration that is not covered in this module (example: reporting to non-covered backends such as New Relic)
  • to use Micrometer's CompositeRegistry
This setter is mutually exclusive with setInfluxDbOptions/setPrometheusOptions/setJmxMetricsOptions and takes precedence over them.
  • micrometerRegistry – the registry to use
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Programmatically set the Micrometer MeterRegistry to be used by Vert.x. * * This is useful in several scenarios, such as: * <ul> * <li>if there is already a MeterRegistry used in the application * that should be used by Vert.x as well.</li> * <li>to define some backend configuration that is not covered in this module * (example: reporting to non-covered backends such as New Relic)</li> * <li>to use Micrometer's CompositeRegistry</li> * </ul> * * This setter is mutually exclusive with setInfluxDbOptions/setPrometheusOptions/setJmxMetricsOptions * and takes precedence over them. * * @param micrometerRegistry the registry to use * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
public MicrometerMetricsOptions setMicrometerRegistry(MeterRegistry micrometerRegistry) { this.micrometerRegistry = micrometerRegistry; return this; }
Get the specific options for InfluxDB reporting.
/** * Get the specific options for InfluxDB reporting. */
public VertxInfluxDbOptions getInfluxDbOptions() { return influxDbOptions; }
Set InfluxDB options. Setting a registry backend option is mandatory in order to effectively report metrics.
  • influxDbOptions – backend options for InfluxDB
/** * Set InfluxDB options. * Setting a registry backend option is mandatory in order to effectively report metrics. * @param influxDbOptions backend options for InfluxDB */
public MicrometerMetricsOptions setInfluxDbOptions(VertxInfluxDbOptions influxDbOptions) { this.influxDbOptions = influxDbOptions; return this; }
Get the specific options for Prometheus reporting.
/** * Get the specific options for Prometheus reporting. */
public VertxPrometheusOptions getPrometheusOptions() { return prometheusOptions; }
Set Prometheus options. Setting a registry backend option is mandatory in order to effectively report metrics.
  • prometheusOptions – backend options for Prometheus
/** * Set Prometheus options. * Setting a registry backend option is mandatory in order to effectively report metrics. * @param prometheusOptions backend options for Prometheus */
public MicrometerMetricsOptions setPrometheusOptions(VertxPrometheusOptions prometheusOptions) { this.prometheusOptions = prometheusOptions; return this; }
Get the specific options for JMX reporting.
/** * Get the specific options for JMX reporting. */
public VertxJmxMetricsOptions getJmxMetricsOptions() { return jmxMetricsOptions; }
Set JMX metrics options. Setting a registry backend option is mandatory in order to effectively report metrics.
  • jmxMetricsOptions – backend options for JMX reporting
/** * Set JMX metrics options. * Setting a registry backend option is mandatory in order to effectively report metrics. * @param jmxMetricsOptions backend options for JMX reporting */
public MicrometerMetricsOptions setJmxMetricsOptions(VertxJmxMetricsOptions jmxMetricsOptions) { this.jmxMetricsOptions = jmxMetricsOptions; return this; }
Returns:true if JVM metrics should be collected, false otherwise
/** * @return true if JVM metrics should be collected, false otherwise */
public boolean isJvmMetricsEnabled() { return jvmMetricsEnabled; }
Whether JVM metrics should be collected. Defaults to false.
  • jvmMetricsEnabled – true to collect JVM metrics, false otherwise. Defaults to false.
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Whether JVM metrics should be collected. Defaults to {@code false}. * * @param jvmMetricsEnabled true to collect JVM metrics, false otherwise. Defaults to {@code false}. * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
public MicrometerMetricsOptions setJvmMetricsEnabled(boolean jvmMetricsEnabled) { this.jvmMetricsEnabled = jvmMetricsEnabled; return this; } }