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 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
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package io.vertx.micrometer;

import io.micrometer.influx.InfluxConfig;
import io.vertx.codegen.annotations.DataObject;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject;

import java.time.Duration;

Vert.x InfluxDb micrometer configuration.
Author:Dan Kristensen, Joel Takvorian
/** * Vert.x InfluxDb micrometer configuration. * * @author Dan Kristensen * @author Joel Takvorian */
@DataObject(generateConverter = true, inheritConverter = true) public class VertxInfluxDbOptions {
Default value for enabled = false.
/** * Default value for enabled = false. */
public static final boolean DEFAULT_ENABLED = false;
Default value for metric collection interval (in seconds) = 10.
/** * Default value for metric collection interval (in seconds) = 10. */
public static final int DEFAULT_STEP = 10;
Default value for the maximum number of metrics in a batch = 10000.
/** * Default value for the maximum number of metrics in a batch = 10000. */
public static final int DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE = 10000;
The default InfluxDb server URI = http://localhost:8086.
/** * The default InfluxDb server URI = http://localhost:8086. */
public static final String DEFAULT_URI = "http://localhost:8086";
The default InfluxDb database = default.
/** * The default InfluxDb database = default. */
public static final String DEFAULT_DATABASE = "default";
The default gzip enabled on InfluxDb = true.
/** * The default gzip enabled on InfluxDb = true. */
public static final boolean DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_ENABLED = true;
The default number of threads used = 2.
/** * The default number of threads used = 2. */
public static final int DEFAULT_NUM_THREADS = 2;
The default connection timeout (seconds) = 1.
/** * The default connection timeout (seconds) = 1. */
public static final int DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 1;
The default read timeout (seconds) = 10.
/** * The default read timeout (seconds) = 10. */
public static final int DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT = 10; private boolean enabled; private String uri; private String db; private String userName; private String password; private String retentionPolicy; private boolean compressed; private int step; private int numThreads; private int connectTimeout; private int readTimeout; private int batchSize;
Create default options for InfluxDB reporting. Note that they are disabled by default.
/** * Create default options for InfluxDB reporting. Note that they are disabled by default. */
Creates new options object for InfluxDB reporting, which is a copy of other.
/** * Creates new options object for InfluxDB reporting, which is a copy of {@code other}. */
public VertxInfluxDbOptions(VertxInfluxDbOptions other) { enabled = other.enabled; uri = other.uri; db = other.db; userName = other.userName; password = other.password; retentionPolicy = other.retentionPolicy; compressed = other.compressed; step = other.step; numThreads = other.numThreads; connectTimeout = other.connectTimeout; readTimeout = other.readTimeout; batchSize = other.batchSize; }
Creates new options object for InfluxDB reporting from json input.
/** * Creates new options object for InfluxDB reporting from {@code json} input. */
public VertxInfluxDbOptions(JsonObject json) { this(); VertxInfluxDbOptionsConverter.fromJson(json, this); }
Returns:a JSON representation of these options
/** * @return a JSON representation of these options */
public JsonObject toJson() { JsonObject json = new JsonObject(); VertxInfluxDbOptionsConverter.toJson(this, json); return json; }
Will InfluxDB reporting be enabled?
Returns:true if enabled, false if not.
/** * Will InfluxDB reporting be enabled? * * @return true if enabled, false if not. */
public boolean isEnabled() { return enabled; }
Set true to enable InfluxDB reporting
/** * Set true to enable InfluxDB reporting */
public VertxInfluxDbOptions setEnabled(boolean enabled) { this.enabled = enabled; return this; }
Get the InfluxDB server URI
/** * Get the InfluxDB server URI */
public String getUri() { return uri; }
URI of the InfluxDB server. Example: http://influx:8086.
/** * URI of the InfluxDB server. <i>Example: http://influx:8086</i>. */
public VertxInfluxDbOptions setUri(String uri) { this.uri = uri; return this; }
Get the InfluxDB database name used to store metrics
/** * Get the InfluxDB database name used to store metrics */
public String getDb() { return db; }
Database name used to store metrics. Default is "default".
/** * Database name used to store metrics. Default is "default". */
public VertxInfluxDbOptions setDb(String db) { this.db = db; return this; }
Get the username used for authenticated connections
/** * Get the username used for authenticated connections */
public String getUserName() { return userName; }
Username used for authenticated connections
/** * Username used for authenticated connections */
public VertxInfluxDbOptions setUserName(String userName) { this.userName = userName; return this; }
Get the password used for authenticated connections
/** * Get the password used for authenticated connections */
public String getPassword() { return password; }
Password used for authenticated connections
/** * Password used for authenticated connections */
public VertxInfluxDbOptions setPassword(String password) { this.password = password; return this; }
Get the InfluxDB retention policy
/** * Get the InfluxDB retention policy */
public String getRetentionPolicy() { return retentionPolicy; }
InfluxDB retention policy
/** * InfluxDB retention policy */
public VertxInfluxDbOptions setRetentionPolicy(String retentionPolicy) { this.retentionPolicy = retentionPolicy; return this; }
Get the GZIP compression flag for requests
/** * Get the GZIP compression flag for requests */
public boolean isCompressed() { return compressed; }
Activate or deactivate GZIP compression. It is activated by default.
/** * Activate or deactivate GZIP compression. It is activated by default. */
public VertxInfluxDbOptions setCompressed(boolean compressed) { this.compressed = compressed; return this; }
Get the step of push intervals, in seconds
/** * Get the step of push intervals, in seconds */
public int getStep() { return step; }
Push interval steps, in seconds. Default is 10 seconds.
/** * Push interval steps, in seconds. Default is 10 seconds. */
public VertxInfluxDbOptions setStep(int step) { this.step = step; return this; }
Get the number of threads used by the push scheduler
/** * Get the number of threads used by the push scheduler */
public int getNumThreads() { return numThreads; }
Number of threads to use by the push scheduler. Default is 2.
/** * Number of threads to use by the push scheduler. Default is 2. */
public VertxInfluxDbOptions setNumThreads(int numThreads) { this.numThreads = numThreads; return this; }
Get the connection timeout for InfluxDB server connections, in seconds.
/** * Get the connection timeout for InfluxDB server connections, in seconds. */
public int getConnectTimeout() { return connectTimeout; }
Connection timeout for InfluxDB server connections, in seconds. Default is 1 second.
/** * Connection timeout for InfluxDB server connections, in seconds. Default is 1 second. */
public VertxInfluxDbOptions setConnectTimeout(int connectTimeout) { this.connectTimeout = connectTimeout; return this; }
Get the read timeout for InfluxDB server connections, in seconds.
/** * Get the read timeout for InfluxDB server connections, in seconds. */
public int getReadTimeout() { return readTimeout; }
Read timeout for InfluxDB server connections, in seconds. Default is 10 seconds.
/** * Read timeout for InfluxDB server connections, in seconds. Default is 10 seconds. */
public VertxInfluxDbOptions setReadTimeout(int readTimeout) { this.readTimeout = readTimeout; return this; }
Get batch size, which is the maximum number of measurements sent per request to the InfluxDB server.
/** * Get batch size, which is the maximum number of measurements sent per request to the InfluxDB server. */
public int getBatchSize() { return batchSize; }
Maximum number of measurements sent per request to the InfluxDB server. When the maximum is reached, several requests are made. Default is 10000.
/** * Maximum number of measurements sent per request to the InfluxDB server. When the maximum is reached, several requests are made. * Default is 10000. */
public VertxInfluxDbOptions setBatchSize(int batchSize) { this.batchSize = batchSize; return this; }
Convert these options to a Micrometer's InfluxConfig object
/** * Convert these options to a Micrometer's {@code InfluxConfig} object */
public InfluxConfig toMicrometerConfig() { return new InfluxConfig() { @Override public String get(String k) { return null; } @Override public String db() { return db; } @Override public String userName() { return userName; } @Override public String password() { return password; } @Override public String retentionPolicy() { return retentionPolicy; } @Override public String uri() { return uri; } @Override public boolean compressed() { return compressed; } @Override public Duration step() { return Duration.ofSeconds(step); } @Override public int numThreads() { return numThreads; } @Override public Duration connectTimeout() { return Duration.ofSeconds(connectTimeout); } @Override public Duration readTimeout() { return Duration.ofSeconds(readTimeout); } @Override public int batchSize() { return batchSize; } }; } }